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  • June 2020
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Key Teaching Points Sprinting

Front Support

Rear Support

Drive elbows back hard

Shoulders low and relaxed. Keep body straight and head still

Drive the knee back excessively

Run tall with high knees and hips

Cycle the foot quickly under the body

Drive the foot down into the ground and pick it up fast

Crouch Start

On your marks



Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, behind the line

Shoulders should be above or slightly ahead of the hands

Drive the rear knee forward, keeping low

Elbows straight, but not locked

Raise hips slightly higher than Drive arms hard in opposition the shoulders to the legs

Form a bridge with the hands

Bend the legs: front leg about 90˚, rear leg about 120˚

Bring foot quickly down to commence second stride

Place knee of back foot level or just in front of the toe of front foot

Keep still

Fully extend driving leg at hip, knee and ankle

Place toe of the front foot 30-50cm back from the line (forearms length)


Relay Technique

Push Pass

The first runner carries the baton in the right hand and runs tight to the line around the bend.

Stretch your arm back straight with hand firm

The second runner stands on the outside of the lane and receives the baton in the left hand

Palm facing back, thumb pointing down

The third runner stands on the inside of the lane and receives the baton in the right hand.

Push the baton firmly into partner’s hand

The fourth runner stands on the outside of the lane and receives the baton in the left hand

Ensure changes are always to opposite hand (right to left, or left to right)

The incoming runner gives a command (such as ‘hand’) for the outgoing runner to receive the baton. The outgoing runner extends the arm backwards to receive the baton.





Use a linear lead leg, with knee driving straight at hurdle

Keep the head level throughout the race

Lean body forward keeping shoulders ahead of hips

Take-off well in front of the hurdle

Use dynamic, vigorous arm action in sprinting over the hurdle

Pull the trail leg knee through fast with heel close to buttock

Drive forward more than upwards

Drive the lead leg heel towards the hurdle

Fully extend hip, knee and ankle joints at take-off

Keep eyes and chest facing forwards

High Jump




Keep the head and upper body upright

Drive the take-off foot down and back

Drive the leg closest to the bar (in this case, the left) up and over the bar. Keep it bent

Take-off leg follows to complete the jump

Fully extend the take-off leg at hip, knee and ankle

Land on the feet

(Flosbury Flop)



Drive vertically at take-off

Push hips upwards to ‘arch’ over the bar

Stay tall and upright during and after take-off

Lift the legs clear of the bar and land safely with the mid – upper back touching down first

At take-off, extend fully at hip, knee and ankle

Clearance should occur over the middle of the bar

• Drive the inside knee upwards – keep it high after take-off

Long Jump




Achieve optimum speed after a controlled run-up

Bring arms above head

Arms reach for toes just before landing

Keep body upright

Keep body upright

Land with heels first, bend knees to absorb momentum

Keep hips high at take-off

Hold the thigh parallel to the ground during flight

Reach legs out in front at landing

Drive the free knee up and forwards

Bring legs forwards together

Fully extend hips, knee and ankle

Collapse body forwards or sideways

Drive the take-off foot down and back

Shot Put

(Standing Throw)



Keep the throwing elbow high throughout the movement

Drive the right hip up and forward over a straightening left leg

Turn shoulders away from the direction of throw

Keep left arm high

Both legs bent with weight on the ball of the right foot

Keep shoulders back until hips have driven forwards

Left foot toes in line with the heel of the right foot

Drive hips forwards and upwards before release Body weight transfers from the right leg to the left leg Left leg, shoulder and hip block Right arm pushes long and high, after a full extension of the legs and trunk

(Linear Glide)



Start at rear of the circle with back to direction of throw

Start by shifting body weight backwards over the right heel

Keep hips and shoulders square to the back of the circle

Push through the ball of the right foot, heel leaves ground last

Draw left leg into a crouch position

Pull right foot quickly underneath body Land in the ‘power’ position with shoulders well back Keep the elbow high throughout the throw Right arm punches long and high, after a full extension of the legs and trunk Drive the hips forward before the shoulders

Discus Throw




Spread fingers comfortably across the discus

Swing discus back behind the right hip and bend right leg

Keep the hand on top of the discus

Rest the discus across finger pads

Stand side-on to direction of throw, with feet just over shoulder width apart

After hip drive, pull arm through fast and last

Toe of left foot is in line with the heel of the right

Lead with the thumb

Keep the weight over the rear leg as long as possible

Drive the hips forwards from the power position Keep the arm ‘long and relaxed’ throughout the throw

Javelin Throw





Hold javelin horizontally with throwing hand just higher than the right ear

Extend the right throwing arm back as far as possible

Turn throwing elbow inwards and keep the palm facing up

Lower the centre of gravity

Pull the javelin ‘through the point’, with elbow high

Reverse leg position after the javelin has left the hand

Withdraw javelin as the left foot lands

Drive the hips forward before the shoulders

Bend right leg to absorb the forward momentum

Keep throwing hand at or slightly higher than shoulder height

Plant left foot firmly on the ground, driving the hips ‘against’ a braced left leg (right hand throw

Accelerate towards the Non-throwing shoulder throwing area with faces direction of throw relaxed and rhythmical strides

Keep looking forward Tip of the javelin stays close to the head, level with the eye

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