K's Firs Case

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,317
  • Pages: 6





What happened to Sir Michael Gray? How many people were there in the house at the time of the murder? When didi the murder happen? What time didi it happen? In what part of the house did it happen?



to murder /ed

“Someone ................................Sir Michael in his study. The ............................was in the house at the time of the ................................” To stab/ed


sharp weapon

“Sir Michael didn’t die of .................................. The murderer ...........................him with a .............................. ................................. C) COMPLETE THIS CONVERSATION WITH LADY ELIZABETH GRAY 1. --------------------------------------------------------? His name was Sir Michael Gray. 2. ----------------------------------------------------------? He was 55 years old. 3- -------------------------------------------------------------? He was the director of Cavell Industries. 4- ------------------------------------------------------------? No, he wasn’t a very good husband. 5- -------------------------------------------------------------? AT 9,30 I was in the living room talking to my brother Andrew. 6- .-------------------------------------------------------------? When I heard Mrs. Flack I ran to the study but the door was locked.. Andrew and Colonel Fawcett broke down the study door and then I Saw my husband’s body on the floor.

Page 2








not answer


“All the people in the house 1)...........................dinner at 8 oclock. Then Sir Michael 2) ................................to his study. He 3...............................................the windows and the door. At 9 o`clock Mrs. Flack 4)......................................coffee to his study. She 5)........................................at the door but he 6) ............................................. So, the other people 7).-..................................and 8)....................................down the study door. They 9)...............................him dead on the floor. E ) THE CLUES Complete the questions and answer them. Use did - was - were 1. ...............did...........Sir Michael die of poison? ....No, he didn.’t.................... 2. .............................the murderer use a gun? ............................................... 3. ....................... ...the murderer inside the room at the time of the murder? ............................ 4. .............................the windows and the door open? ........................................ 5. ......................... .there any weapons inside the room? ..................................... 6. ...........................Sir Michael drink some whisky before he died?.......................... F)SIR MICHAEL’S HABITS You are K. Make questions about Sir Michael’s hapits and the night of the murder. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------------? He arrived home at 7 o`clock in the evening 2.-----------------------------------------------------------------------? No, he didin’t arrive alone. His secretary Angela arrived with him. 3------------------------------------------------------------------------? Colonel Fawcett and Andrew Cavell arrived at 5.00 in the afternoon. 4----------------------------------------------------------------------------? They had tea with Lady Elizabeth 5-----------------------------------------------------------------------------? He had dinner at 8.00 o`clock 6-------------------------------------------------------------------------------? No, he didn’t go to the study with Angela.

Page 3 G) MRS FLACK ANSWERS SOME QUESTIONS 1. Did Sir Michael and Lady Elizabeth quarrel the night of the murder? 2. Did angela Everett sometimes go to Sir Michael’s study to work with him 3. Where was Angela Everett at the time of the murder? H) LADY ELIZABETH ‘S STORY 1. Did Lady Elizabeth love her husband? 2. Why did they quarrel the night of the murder? H) QUESTIONS WITH “WHO” DO NOT TAKE AUXILIARIES WHEN THE ANSWER IS THE SUBJECT. LET’S PRACTISE THEM. 1.—Who gambled and lost? Colonel Fawcett gambled and lost all his money. 2------------------------------------------------------------------? Angela Everett wanted the money from the will 3- ----------------------------------------------------------------? Andrew and colonel Fawcett broke down the study door 4-.-----------------------------------------------------------------? K investigated the case -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K’S FIRST CASE


Fill in the missing words of this summary of the story

Sir Michael Gray died at Flanders on November 17th at 9.25. There were five people in the house at that moment. Lady Elizabeth Gray, his .................................; Colonel William Fawcett, his friend; Miss Angela Everett, hs secretary; Mr Andrew Cavell, his brother-in-law and Mrs. Nancy Flack, the ......................................... All these people had reasons to ..............................him. The night of the murder Sir Michael quarrelled with his wife because she was ........................................of his beautiful ................................. seretary, Angela Everett He also quarrelled with Angela because she was interested in his money and wanted to receive money from his................................

Page 4 He quarrelled with his friend Colonel Fawcett because he had lent him some money, but his friend gambled on horses and ...................................... He quarrelled with his brother-in-law, Andrew Cavell. Andrew was angry with him because he ..................................money like water on women.and quarrelled with his sister all the time Mrs Flack, the housekeeper, was also .......................with Sir Michael because the previous week she had found a letter from Angela. In the letter Angela asked Sir Michael to .................................lady Elizabeth and to .................................away with her. This is what really happened: The night of the murder Sir Michael arrived with his secretary at 7.00 pm. He ..................................a bath and changed for dinner. Then he went to the library and had a drink with Andrew Cabel, Colonel Fawcett and Lady Elizabeth. At 8.oo all the people. Had..........................................in the dining room. At 9.oo he went to his study and ...................................the door and windows from the inside. Then he wrote and used the dictaphone because he wanted to leave a message for Angela. The messsage said that he was not going to leave her any ..............................in his will. Then he wanted some whisky with ice. He went to the freezer, opened it and ...............................the icetray. When he did this, he ....................................a mechanism in line with his heart. The mechanism ........................................an icicle into Sr Michael’s heart. Sir Michael .......................................to the floor. He was .............................. The icicle turned into ................................and dissappeared The mechanism is still in the wall. A part went into the wall and a part went into the freezer. It had a string and a bow. When Sir Michael pulled the icetray, he pulled the string and this shot an icicle into his heart. But , who prepared this mechanism? K solves the case: That night K waited in the study. At 4,30 in the morning she ....................a figure in the dark. It was a man. K gave him a karate..................................and the man fell to the floor. It was Colonel Fawcett! He had come to see the mechanism in the freezer. He explained that he and Sir Michael were engineers and that Sir Michael had prepared the mechanism himself as a hobby when he was in the ............................ But, who put the mechanism in the freezer? Then there was another noise. Somebody was listening behind the door. Who was it? K opened the door. It was.............................................! She looked very nervous. She started to cry and confessed everything! She had put the mechanism in the freezer because she wanted to kill Angela!!! Angela always came to the study with Sir Michael, but tonight she stayed in the garden and accidentally, she killed Sir Michael. She had planned everything a month ago, but in the end her plan was not perfect! THE END

Page 5 POST READING ACTIVITIES CHOOSE ONE OF THESE ACTIVITIES (A , B or C) AND DO IT! a) LETTER WRITING Mrs. Flack is now in prison. She writes a letter to Lady Elizabeth apologizing for her crime. Complete the letter. Dear Lady Elizabeth, I am writing to apologize for my crime. I didn’t want to ............................................................................................ I’ so sorry for ........................................................................ I only wanted to ................................................................. (etc.)

. b) DIALOGUE WRITING A dialogue between Mrs Flack and Lady Elizabeth some weeks after the murder. Example : “Why did you .........................?” “Because I wanted to .......................” (etc) Or a dialogue between Lady Elizabeth and Angela Everett. c) GRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS: a VEN N DIAGRAM OF TWO CHARACTERS IN THE STORY: - LADY ELIZABETH / ANGELA EVERETT - ANDREW CAVELL / SIR MICHAEL GRAY - K 7 ANGELA EVERETT Example: L. ELIZABETH



OLD, RICH, ……………. ………………. ……………….. ……………….

LOVED Sr Michael ……………………….. ……………………….. ……………………….

YOUNG, NOT RICH, ……………… ………………. ………………. ……………….

HELLO , IT’S ME, GRACE! Chicos recuerden que estas actividades solo pueden hacerse una vez que leyeron todo el libro. Envienme las respuestas entre el 17 y el 21 de julio a la direccion de correo electronico [email protected] El Round up y los examenes de Londres deberan ser entregados la primera semana de clases.

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