Kraton Jogja Kraton (palace) Kasultanan Yogyakarta City To Be

  • May 2020
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Kraton Jogja

Kraton (palace) Kasultanan Yogyakarta city to be located. More than 200 years ago, this place is a swamp with the name Umbul Pacetokan, which was built by Prince Mangkubumi Pesanggrahan with a name Ayodya.Pada 1955 there were Giyanti agreement that divides the content into two kingdoms of Mataram Kasunanan Surakarta under government Sunan Pakubuwono III and Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta under the government of then Prince Mangkubumi title Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. Pesanggrahan Ayodya Palace to be built next Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Sultan's Palace stands majestic overlooking the north with the front page form field (the field) is used in the ago as a place to gather people, war for the soldiers, and the solemnization custom. On the southern edge Alun-alun Utara, there is a front porch of the palace, commonly called Pagelaran. At this Sultan, relatives of the palace and government officials see the Palace of the soldiers training or some of the traditional ceremony held at the alun - alun north. Posted on more land in a deliberately created high (so-called Siti Hinggil), there is a royal audience hall of the palace called the ward Manguntur Tangkil. This places the tourists can witness the situation of the Palace first time, by the diperagakan dolls - dolls complete with clothes greatness. Palace as a center of government and the Palace as a residence of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono palace and its relatives, separated by a page in front of the north called Kemandungan or Keben page, because the trees that grow here in 1986 declared the Government of Indonesia as lambing peace, in warning the Environment Day international. Palace in the environment there is a page in the Sri Manganti with regol (gapuro) Danapratopo who kept a pair Dwarapala: Cingkarabala and Bala Upata, Bangsal Traju Mas, Bangsal Sri Manganti is now used to store some device gamelan and antiques from the past, the district has a tunable when diperdengarkan voice. Page in the nucleus, which is more into, the tourists can see the yellow building is a building where the Sultan collide, Prabayekso ward. Bangsal sweet, the Sultan entertain guests - guests, the environment as a place to stay Kasatriyan son, the son of the Sultan has not been married. Place this last visit to the forbidden city. Kraton is a source of emission of art and culture that it can be witnessed through the beauty of architecture, with ornaments that dazzle ornamennya. Every day Karaton open to tourist visits start at 08.30 o'clock to 13:00, except Fri day; at Palace only open up to the strike; 11:00.

melaunching a package about this in March 2003, which officially became a tour package in the Park this Ratu Boko, "said Sriyanto. According Wihrjanto, Park Operations staff Ratu Boko, in addition to enjoying the sunrise, and when submerged, in fact Package Tracking has more value. When the road-paths, often found rare animals that rarely found in urban areas. Then the sounds birds and animals, wild animals of the forest around, as if to bring tourists to the natural life of the village relic. "In tracking do not pass the road asphalt, but the paths are still dirimbuni bush on the right-left. Then we get tourists to see the day-to-day activities selitar population that is still traditional and typical rural areas, homes are still traditional, "more Wiharjanto. Evening hours are 17:30 wib. Appear to some foreign tourists eager to enjoy a cup of hot coffee in Plaza Andrawina. Color reddish tinge jump start. A point their index finger to the west, with the lineament admiration. When the sun began to go to the contest the night. Saying time as it passed just right. Only in a matter of seconds. However, kesannya so deeply involved in the dream time embrace terlelap night .*

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