Kolitha-marine Food Fish

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Marine food fish In Sri Lanka.

Amblygaster clupeoides (Bleeker,1845) (Bleeker smooth belly sardinella )

•Family: Clupeidae. •Common names: Mapolamassa, Gal hurulla, Mapolama. •Max. size: 17.0 cm SL. •Environment: Reef-associated; marine. •Importance: Fisheries: commercial; Bait: usually.

Department of Fisheries Biology, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-21; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 12-23. •Body moderately deep, belly rather rounded, scutes not prominent. •Distinguished from A. sirm by the absence of spots along the flank (gold in life, black on preservation) and fewer lower gill rakers. •Closely resembles A. leiogaster, which has more lower gill rakers. •Round-bodied Sardinella species have i 8 pelvic fin rays and more than 100 lower gill rakers.

Amblygaster sirm (Walbaum,1792) (Spotted sardinella)

•Family: Clupeidae. •Common names: Hurulla, Keerimeen. •Max. size: 23.0 cm SL. •Environment: Reef-associated; marine. •Importance: Fisheries: commercial; Bait: usually.

Amblygaster clupeoides.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-21; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 12-23. •Scutes not prominent. •Distinguished from A. clupeoides and A. leiogaster by the presence of a series of 10 to 20 gold (in life) or black (on preservation) spots down the flank (but sometimes missing) and more lower gill rakers; from Sardinops species by the absence of a bony radiating striae on its operculum; from Sardinella species by its fewer pelvic fin rays and lower gill rakers.


Auxis rochei rochei

(Bullet tuna )


Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). Max. size: 50.0 cm. Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; brackish; marine. Importance: Fisheries: highly commercial.

Amblygaster sirm.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 9-12;

Auxis rochei rochei .

•Dorsal soft rays (total): 10-13; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 12-14

Auxis thazard thazard

(Frigate tuna)


•Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). •Max. size: 65.0 cm FL Max. published weight: 1,720 g. •Environment: Pelagic; oceanodromous; marine •Importance: Fisheries: highly commercial

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 10-12; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 10-13; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 10-14 •Second dorsal very low. •Anal similar to second dorsal. •Bluish brown above with irregular marking of blue or green back. •Silvery bellow. •Fins brownish.


Auxis thazard thazard

Auxis thazard thazard

Aetobatus narinari. (Euphrasen,1790). (Spotted eagle ray)

•Family: Myliobatidae (Eagle and manta rays). Common names: Vavoul maduva. •Max. size: 300 cm WD. Max. published weight: 230.0 kg. •Environment: Reef-associated; brackish; marine ; depth range 1 - 80 m. •Importance: Fisheries: minor commercial.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Anal spines: 0-0. •An eagle ray with a long snout, flat and rounded like a duck's bill, a thick head, and a pectoral disc with sharply curved, angular corners, and no caudal fin; jaws usually with single row of flat, chevron-shaped teeth. •Each tooth a crescent-shaped plate joined into a band. •Numerous white spots on black or bluish disc; white below . •Long whip like tail, with a long spine near the base, behind small dorsal fin. No spines on disk

Aetobatus narinari.

Aetobatus narinari.


Alepes vari (Cuvier,1833). (Herring scad)

Family: Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos). Max. size: 56.0 cm TL. Environment: Pelagic; brackish; marine Importance: Fisheries: minor commercial.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 9-9; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 23-25; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 20-23. •This species resembles A. para, but has a body profile which is equally convex above and below. •Its lateral line becomes straight below the third ray of the soft dorsal fin. •The opercular blotch is either absent or indistinct.

Arius coelatus (Valenciennes,1840) (Engraved catfish)

Family: Ariidae (Sea catfishes). Common names: Anguluva. Max. size: 45.0 cm TL. Environment: Demersal; brackish; marine. Importance: Fisheries: commercial.

Alepes vari.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 1-1; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 7-7; •Anal soft rays: 16-30. •Head profile concave at nape. •Head shield strongly rugose and granulated; supraoccipital process short, about as long as broad, with median keel, hind end concave. •Dorsal and pectoral fins with very strong, thick, and coarsely granulated spine; tip of dorsal spine produced into a long filament; adipose fin rather large. •Body with metallic blue luster. •Tip of dorsal fin blackish, its filament black; pectoral, pelvic and anal fins dusky; caudal fin paler; adipose fin either entirely black or bearing a large black blotch on upper half.

Arius caelatus.


Arius bilineatus (Valenciennes,1840) (Bronze catfish)

Family: Ariidae (Sea catfishes). Common names: Thora anguluva, Mudhu anguluva. Max. size: 62.0 cm SL. Environment: Demersal; freshwater; brackish; marine.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 1-1; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 17-21; •Vertebrae: 53-58. •Dorsomedian head groove bordered posteriorly by slightly raised frontals and forming a "V". •Gill rakers usually absent on hind aspect of first 2 gill arches. •Caudal fin lobes slender and tapered. •Adipose fin short-based and located posteriorly.

Caesio caerulaurea (Blue and gold fusilier)


•Family: Caesionidae (Fusiliers). •Max. size: 35.0 cm TL. •Environment: Reef-associated; non-migratory; marine ; depth range 5 - 50 m. •Importance: Fisheries: commercial.

Arius bilineatus.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 10-10; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 14-16; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 12-13. •Supra-temporal band of scales often interrupted by a •V-shaped scaleless zone anteriorly at midline. •Upper peduncular scale rows usually 11 (10-12); lower peduncular scale rows usually 15 (14-15). •Post maxillary process single; posterior end of maxilla blunt. •Color: Upper body bluish, lower body white to pale bluish. •Golden band from above the eye, running straight along the body to upper caudal peduncle and continuing on the caudal fin to the tip of the upper lobe, becoming near black on the fin. •A second similar streak in lower lobe.

Caesio caerulaurea


Caesio caerulaurea

Carangoides armatus (Ruppell,1830)

(Long fin trevally)

•Family: Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos). •Common names: Armed trevally, Tangah-parah. •Max. size: 57.0 cm TL (male/unsexed. Max. published weight: 3,500 g. •Environment: Reef-associated; brackish; marine •Importance: Fisheries: commercial

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 9-9; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 21-22; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 17-17. •Deep body . •Breast without scales. •The snout is sub equal in length to the eye. •The first dorsal and anal fins become prolonged with growth. •Males have prolonged middle rays of the soft dorsal fin.

Carangoides armatus

Caranx heberi (Bennett,1830).

Carangoides armatus

Black tip trevally

•Family: Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos) Common names: Atanagul parava. •Max. size: 85.0 cm TL. Max. published weight: 12.5 kg •Environment: Reef-associated; non-migratory; brackish; marine •Importance: fisheries: minor commercial; Game fish: yes


Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 9-9; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 19-21; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 15-17. •Dark bronze to yellow-green above, silvery bronze to yellowish below. •LL with 30-40 scutes. •Identified by black-tipped caudal fin

Caranx heberi.

Caranx heberi.

Caranx sexfasciatus (Quoy & Gaimard,1825 ) Bigeye trevally

•Family: Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos). Common names: Inguru parava. •Max. size: 120 cm TL. Max. Published weight: 18.0 kg. •Environment: reef-associated; freshwater; brackish; marine. •Importance: fisheries: commercial; Game fish: yes

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 9-9; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 19-22; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 14-17. •Body color iridescent blue-green dorsally, silvery white below. •Soft dorsal lobe and anal fin with white-tipped lobes. •Caudal yellowish to black. •Pectoral fins falcate; anal fin with 2 detached spines. •Upper edge of opercle with a small blackish spot. •27-36 strong, dark scutes. •Breast fully scaled.

Caranx sexfasciatus


Caranx sexfasciatus

Chirocentrus dorab (Forsskal,1775).

Dorab wolf-herring.

•Family: Chirocentridae (Wolf herring). •Common names: Pat katuvalla, Panu katuvalla, Podi katuvalla. •Max. size: 100.0 cm SL (male) 36.6 cm SL (female) •Environment: reef-associated; brackish; marine ; depth range - 120 m. •Importance: fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes. Bait: usually

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Anal spines: 0-0. •Scales numerous, small, usually lost. •Silvery; back bright blue (fading to grey); flanks bright silver. •The slightly shorter pectoral fin and the black marking of the upper part of the dorsal fin are the only satisfactory characters separating this species from C. nudus. •Fins spineless; with numerous dagger-like teeth

Coryphaena hippurus (Linnaeus,1758) Common dolphin fish

•Family: Coryphaenidae(Dolphin fishes) •Common names: Galvannava, Dhiya vannava, Vannava. •Max. size: 210 cm TL. Max. published weight: 40.0 kg. •Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; brackish; marine depth range 0 - 85 m. •Importance: fisheries: highly commercial. Aquaculture: commercial. Game fish: yes

Chirocentrus dorab

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 58-66; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 25-31; •Vertebrae: 31-31. •Greatest body depth in adults less than 25% of standard length. •Pectoral fin more than half of head length. •Mature males posses a prominent bony crest in front of the head. •The color is striking with golden hues on the sides, metallic blues and greens on the back and sides, with white and yellow on the under parts. •Small specimens have pronounced vertical bars on the sides of the body.


Coryphaena hippurus

Cynoglossus arel

(Bloch & Schneider,1801). Large-scale tongue sole

Coryphaena hippurus

Cynoglossus arel

•Family: Cynoglossidae (Tongue fishes). Common names: Adalla, Handhalla. •Max. size: 40.0 cm TL •Environment: demersal; freshwater; brackish; marine ; depth range 9 - 125 m. •Importance: fisheries: commercial

Decapterus russelli (Ruppell, 1830).

Indian scad .

Family: Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos). Common names: Kade mariya, Amparatiya, Koralava. Max. size: 45.0 cm TL. Max. published weight: 110 g . Environment: Benthopelagic; marine ; depth range 40 - 275 m. Global Importance: Fisheries: highly commercial; bait: occasionally.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 9-9; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 28-31; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 25-28; •Lateral line curved below soft dorsal and with 30-44 strong scutes. •Color bluish green above, silvery below. •Caudal fin hyaline to yellowish. •Dorsal fins hyaline basally, light dusky distally. •Opercle with small, black spot; opercular membrane with smooth margin. •Snout longer than eye diameter.


Decapterus russelli Decapterus russelli.

Euthynnus affinis (Cantor,1849). Kawakawa

•Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). •Common names: Ragoduva,Atavalla, Sureya. • Max. size: 100.0 cm FL. Max. published weight: 14.0 kg. •Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range - 50 m. •Importance: fisheries: highly commercial. Game fish: yes

Euthynnus affinis

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 11-14; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 13-14; •Vertebrae: 39-39. •Swim bladder absent. •No trace of vertebral protuberances. •Anterior spines of first dorsal fin much higher than those mid-way. •Interpelvic process small and bifid. •Body naked except for corselet and lateral line. •Posterior portion of the back with a pattern of broken oblique stripes.

Euthynnus affinis


Epinephelus merra

Honeycomb grouper.


Family: Serranidae (Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets). Common names: Pulli kossa. Max. size: 31.0 cm TL. Environment: reef-associated; marine ; depth range 0 - 50 m. Global Importance: fisheries: commercial. Aquaculture: commercial. Game fish: yes. Aquarium: public aquariums.

Epinephelus merra.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 11-11; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 15-17; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 8-8. •A series of about five darker diagonal bands, each two to five hexagons wide, superimposed on sides and radiating from eye; hexagons on sides may coalesce into short rows.

Istiophorus platypterus (Shaw,1792). Indo-Pacific sailfish

•Family: Istiophoridae(Billfishes). Common names: Thalapatha •Max. size: 348 cm FL. Max. published weight: 100.2 kg. •Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range - 30 m •Importance: fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes

Diagnosis: Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 6-7; Anal spines: 2-2; Anal soft rays: 12-15. A slender billfish with a high, sail-like first dorsal fin.

Istiophorus platypterus


Istiophorus platypterus

Katsuwonus pelamis

Skipjack tuna


Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). Common names: Balaya, Bonito. Max. size: 108 cm FL. Max. published weight: 34.5 kg. Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range 0 - 260 m. Global Importance: fisheries: highly commercial. Game fish: yes.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 14-16; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 14-15; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 14-15; •Inter pelvic process small and bifid. •Body without scales except for the corselet and the lateral line. •Swim bladder absent. •The back is dark purplish blue, lower sides and belly silvery, with 4 to six very conspicuous longitudinal dark bands which in live specimens may appear as continuous lines of dark blotches.

Leiognathus equulus (Forsskal,1775).

Common pony fish

•Family: Leiognathidae (Slimys, slipmouths, or ponyfishes •Common names: Hotu panna, Mas karalla. •Max. size: 28.0 cm TL. •Environment: reef-associated; freshwater; brackish; marine ; depth range 10 - 110 m. •Importance: fisheries: minor commercial. Aquaculture: commercial.

Katsuwonus pelamis.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 8-8; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 15-16; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 14-15. •Deep-bodied with short rounded snout and large eyes. •Body silvery; caudal peduncle with a small brown saddle. •Anal fins yellowish. •Dorsal fin transparent. •Strongly arched back. •Naked head; with nuchal spine. •Protracted mouth pointing downward.


Leiognathus equulus

Hyporhamphus limbatus (Valenciennes,1847).

Congaturi halfbeak

Family: Hemiramphidae (Halfbeaks). Common names: Marandha, Moralla. Max. size: 25.0 cm SL Environment: pelagic; freshwater; brackish; marine. Importance: fisheries: minor commercial.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-16; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 13-16. •Greatly prolonged, beak-like lower jaw, equal to, or longer than head length; upper jaw short, triangular and scaly, its width 0.6-0.8 times in its length. •Preorbital distance 1.3-2.1 times in diameter of orbit and 0.75-1.2 times in length of upper jaw. •Total number of gill rakers on first gill arch 23-37. •Anal fin rays 13-16; caudal fin emarginate, not strongly forked.

Myripristis botche (Cuvier,1829). Black tip soldier fish

Family: Holocentridae (Squirrel fishes, soldierfishes) Common names: Balal maruva, Lota. Max. size: 24.7 cm SL. Environment: reef-associated; marine ; depth range 25 - 71 m. Importance: fisheries: minor commercial.

Hyporhamphus limbatus

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 11-11; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-15; •Anal spines: 4-4; •Anal soft rays: 11-12. •Front of head red; postorbital head and body silvery •White. •Edges of scales red. •Spinous dorsal whitish on basal half, red on outer half; •median fins red with white leading edges, the lobe tips •with a large black spot. •Paired fins whitish. •Soft dorsal, anal and caudal fin with bright white •margins and black areas at the tips.


Myripristis botche

Myripristis botche

Opisthopterus tardoore (Cuvier,1829).


Family: Clupeidae (Herrings, shads, sardines, menhadens) Common names: Maisthre lagga,Panniki lagga, Poruwava, Thottawa. Max. size: 20.0 cm SL Environment: pelagic; brackish; marine Importance: fisheries: minor commercial

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 51-63. •Belly convex in front, with 29 to 35 scutes. •Mouth pointing obliquely upward; lower gill rakers 22 to 28, increasing with size of fish. •Pectoral fin usually about equal to head length or greater; dorsal fin small, well behind midpoint of body; anal fin long, its origin well before dorsal fin origin.

Pellona ditchela (Valenciennes, 1847). Indian pellona

Family: Pristigasteridae (Pristigasterids). Common names: Udassa. Max. size: 16.0 cm SL. Environment: pelagic; anadromous; freshwater; brackish; marine ; depth range 10 - 55 m. Global Importance: fisheries: commercial. Bait: usually.

Opisthopterus tardoore


Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 0; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 34-42. •Belly with usually 18 or 19 + 8 or 9, total 26 to 28 scutes, strongly keeled. •Eye large. •Dorsal fin origin near midpoint of body. •Scales with upper and lower vertical striae slightly overlapping each other at center of scales.

Pennahia anea (Bloch,1793). Greyfin croaker.

Family: Sciaenidae (Drums or croakers). Common names: Pennah. Max. size: 30.0 cm SL. Environment: demersal; marine ; depth range - 60 m. Global Importance: fisheries: commercial.

Pellona ditchela.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 10-11; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 22-24; •Anal spines: 2-2; •Anal soft rays: 7-7. •Mental pores in 2 pairs, both small, the first pair at front of chin, separated by symphysis. •Gill rakers slender, as long as gill filaments at angle of arch, 9-12 on lower limb. •Dorsal fin with 22-24 soft rays. •Second anal spine short, slender, 22-36 % of head length. •Caudal fin truncate. •Scales cycloid (smooth) on head and flanks. •Nape with a diffused dusky blotch.

Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus,1758).

Bar tail flathead.

Family: Platycephalidae (Flatheads). Common names: Mudhu valigouva. Max. size: 100.0 cm TL . Max. published weight: 3,500 g. Environment: Reef-associated; non-migratory; brackish; marine ; depth range 20 - 200 m. Importance: fisheries: commercial. Aquaculture: commercial. Game fish: yes.

Pennahia anea


Diagnosis: Dorsal spines (total): 9-10; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-13; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 13-13. Brownish or grayish above, whitish below. Caudal fin 2-3 horizontal black stripes. Head strongly depressed. Preopercular spines 2, lower usually longest. Anterior most lateral line scale usually with a small spine or ridge. Diagonal scale rows slanting backward above lateral line 83-107. Iris lappet a single elongated lobe. Identified by the distinctive color pattern on the caudal Fin. Centrally yellow and black stripes on upper and lower mar

Platycephalus indicus.

Plectorhinchus schotaf Minstrel sweetlip.


Family: Haemulidae (Grunts). Common names: Boraluva, Gal modha, Gobeya. Max. size: 80.0 cm TL. Environment: reef-associated; brackish; marine ; depth range - 80 m. Importance: fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes

Platycephalus indicus.

Plectorhinchus schotaf .

Plectorhinchus schotaf


Plotosus canius (Hamilton,1822).

Gray eel-catfish.

Family: Plotosidae (Eel tail catfishes). Common names: Kana magura, Kakapos magura. Max. size: 150 cm TL Environment: Demersal; freshwater; brackish; marine Importance: Fisheries: commercial.

Diagnosis: •A plain dusky-brown species with a black dorsal fin tip. •Shows banded pattern at night. •Distinguished from adult Plotosus lineatus by its long •barbels on the nostrils that can reach pass the eyes.

Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier,1816). Plotosus canius

Indian mackerel.

Family: Scombridae(Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). Max. size: 35.0 cm FL. Common names: Kumbalava, Maha kara bolla. Environment: reef-associated; marine ; depth range 20 - 90 m. Importance: fisheries: highly commercial. Game fish: yes; bait: occasionally

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 8-11; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-12; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 12-12. •Head longer than body depth. •Maxilla partly concealed, covered by lachrymal bone but extending to about hind margin of eye. •A black spot on body near lower margin of pectoral fin. •Interpelvic process small and single. •Swim bladder present. Anal spine rudimentary.

Rastrelliger kanagurta


Rastrelliger kanagurta

Rhizoprionodon acutus (Ruppell,1837). Milk shark .

Family: Carcharhinidae (Requiem sharks). Common names: Kiri mora. Max. size: 175 cm TL. Max. published weight: 5,000 g. Environment: Benthopelagic; freshwater; brackish; marine ; depth range 1 - 200 m. Importance: fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes

Diagnosis: •A small shark with a long, narrow, snout, big eyes without notches. •Long labial furrows, and oblique-cusped. •Teeth which may be smooth-edged or weakly serrated; •2nd dorsal fin small. •Low and behind larger anal fin; no interdorsal ridge. •Grey or grey-brown above, white below. •Dorsal and anal fins with dusky or blackish edges, fins slightly darker than back.

Sarda orientalis (Temminck & Schlegel,1844).

Striped bonito

Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). Max. size: 102 cm FL. Max. published weight: 10.7 kg. Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range 1 - 30 m. Global Importance: fisheries: minor commercial. Game fish: yes.

Rhizoprionodon acutus

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 17-19; •Anal spines: 0-0; •Anal soft rays: 14-16; •Mouth moderately large. •Laminae of olfactory rosette 21 to 39. •Interpelvic process small and bifid. Body completely •covered with very small scales posterior to the corselet •Swim bladder absent. •Spleen large and prominent in ventral view. •Liver with elongate left and right lobes and a short middle lobe. •Back with narrow oblique stripes.


Sarda orientalis

Sardinella fimbriata Fringescale sardinella


Family: Clupeidae(Herrings, shads, sardines, menhadens) Common names: Gal salaya. Max. size: 13.0 cm SL. Environment: Pelagic; marine ; depth range - 5 m. Importance: Fisheries: commercial.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 13-21. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 12-23. •Body somewhat compressed but variable. •Total number of scutes 29 to 33. •Vertical striae on scales not meeting at center, hind part of scales with a few perforations and (in Indian Ocean specimens) somewhat produced posteriorly. •A dark spot at dorsal fin origin.

Saurida tumbil

Greater lizardfish.


Family: Synodontidae (Lizardfishes). Common names: Mudhu balla. Max. size: 60.0 cm FL. Environment: Reef-associated; marine ; depth range 10 - 60 m. Importance: Fisheries: commercial.

Sardinella albella.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 11-13. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 10-11. •Body is cigar-shaped, rounded or slightly compressed. •The head pointed and depressed. •The snout broader than long. •Color is generally brown above and silver below; the back with faint cross bands. •The tips of the dorsal and pectorals and the lower caudal lobe blackish.


Saurida tumbil

Scomberoides commersonnianus .

(Lacepede,1801). Talang queen fish.

Family: Carangidae (Jacks and pompanos). Common names: Kattawa. Max. size: 120 cm TL. Max. published weight: 16.0 kg. Environment: Reef-associated; brackish; marine. Importance: fisheries: minor commercial. Game fish: yes.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 7-8; •Dorsal soft rays (total): 19-21; •Anal spines: 3-3; •Anal soft rays: 16-19. •Color dusky green dorsally, silvery below; dorsal lobe dusky to dark & evenly pigmented. •Upper jaw extending well beyond eye. •Midbody scales oval-shaped. •Soft dorsal & anal fins with semi-detached finlets. •Scales small & lanceolate, partly embedded.

Scomberoides commersonnianus

Scomberoides commersonnianus

Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider,1801). Indo-Pacific king mackerel.

Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). Common names: Anjilava, Alu thora, Genu thora. Max. size: 76.0 cm FL. Environment: Pelagic; oceanodromous; brackish; marine depth range 20 - 90 m. Importance: Fisheries: highly commercial. Game fish: yes.


Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 15-18. •Dorsal soft rays (total):18-24. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 19-23. •Interpelvic process small and bifid. •Swim bladder absent. •Body entirely covered with small scales. •Lateral line with many auxiliary branches extending dorsally and ventrally in anterior third, curving down toward caudal peduncle. •Intestine with 2 folds and 3 limbs. •Sides silvery white with several rows of round dark brownish spots scattered in about three irregular rows along the lateral line. •First dorsal fin membrane black.

Scomberomorus guttatus

Sillago sihama (Forsskal,1775). Silver sillago.

Family: Sillaginidae (Smelt-whitings). Common names: Kalanda. Max. size: 30.0 cm SL. Environment: Reef-associated; non-migratory; brackish; marine ; depth range 0 - 60 m. Importance: Fisheries: commercial. Aquaculture: commercial.

Scomberomorus guttatus

Scomberomorus guttatus

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 12-13. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 20-23. •Anal spines: 2-2. •Anal soft rays: 21-23. •Swim bladder with two anterior and two posterior extensions. •Two posterior tapering extensions of the swim bladder project into the caudal region, one usually longer than the other. •The species has a low lateral line with about 70 scales


Sillago sihama

Thunnus albacares (Bonnaterre,1788).

Yellow fin tuna.

Family: Scombridae (Mackerels, tunas, bonitos). Common names: Howalla, As geddi kelawalla, Kelawalla, Pihatu kelawalla. Max. size: 239 cm FL. Max. published weight: 200.0 kg. Environment: Reef-associated; oceanodromous; brackish; marine ; depth range 1 - 250 m. Importance: Fisheries: highly commercial. Game fish: yes.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 11-14. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-16. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 11-16. •Fish with very long second dorsal fin and anal fin, which in some may reach well over 20% of the FL. •The pectoral fin is moderately long, usually reaching beyond the second dorsal fin origin but not beyond the end of its base. •Color is black metallic dark blue changing through yellow to silver on the belly. •The belly frequently has about 20 broken, nearly vertical lines. •The dorsal and anal fins and finlets are bright yellow.

Thunnus albacares

Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus,1758).


Family: Xiphiidae (Swordfish). Common names: Kadu koppara. Max. size: 455 cm FL. Max. published weight: 650.0 kg. Environment: pelagic; oceanodromous; marine ; depth range 0 - 800 m. Global Importance: Fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes.

Thunnus albacares


Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 38-56. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 16-18. •Blackish-brown fading to light-brown below. •1st dorsal fin with blackish-brown membrane, other fins brown or blackish-brown . •A long, flat, sword-like bill and no pelvic fins.

Xiphias gladius

Sphyraena jello

Pickhandle barracuda.


Family: Sphyraenidae (Barracudas). Common names: Silava, Jeela. Max. size: 150 cm TL. Max. published weight: 11.5 kg. Environment: reef-associated; brackish; marine ; depth range 20 - 200 m. Global Importance: Fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 6-6. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 9-9. •Anal spines: 2-2. •Anal soft rays: 7-9. •Body with dark bars crossing lateral line, each bar oblique in upper half, but nearly vertical in lower half; caudal fin largely yellowish.

Sphyraena jello

Sphyraena jello


Strongylura strongylura . (Van Hasselt,1823). Spottail needlefish.

Family: Belonidae (Needlefishes). Common names: Dhiya moralla. Max. size: 40.0 cm SL. Environment: pelagic; brackish; marine ; depth range 10 - 13 m. Global Importance: Fisheries: commercial.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 12-15. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 15-18. •Round in cross section. •Dorsal fin rays 12-15. •Anal fin rays 15-18. •Caudal peduncle without lateral keels. •Caudal fin rounded or truncate. •Pre dorsal scales few and relatively large, 100-130. •Caudal fin light with a prominent round black spot near its base. •Dorsal fin lobe and distal margin of caudal fin yellow in live adults, anterior margin of anal fin orange.

Strongylura leiura (Bleeker,1850).

Strongylura strongylura

Banded needlefish.

Family: Belonidae (Needlefishes). Common names: Habareliya. Max. size: 100.0 cm TL. Environment: Reef-associated; oceanodromous; brackish; marine ; depth range - 0 m. Global Importance: Fisheries: commercial. Game fish: yes.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 17-21. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 23-25. •Laterally compressed; origin of dorsal fin over 7th-10th ray of anal fin. •Dorsal fin rays 17-21. •Anal fin rays 23-25. •Caudal peduncle without lateral keels. •Caudal fin emarginate. •Pre dorsal scales moderately small, 130-180. •Caudal fin sub truncate. •A black bar on cheek between opercle and preopercle. •Greenish dorsally, grading to silvery white ventrally.

Strongylura leiura


Stolephorus commersonnii (Lacepede,1803) Commerson's anchovy.

Family: Engraulidae (Anchovies). Common names: Halmassa. Max. size: 10.0 cm SL. Environment: pelagic; brackish; marine Global Importance: fisheries: commercial.

Stolephorus commersonnii

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 18-19. •Belly slightly rounded with 0-5 small needle-like prepelvic scutes. •Maxilla tip pointed, reaching to or a little beyond hind border of pre-operculum, the latter convex, rounded. •Small teeth on hyoid bones. •Isthmus muscle tapering evenly forward. •Body light transparent fleshy brown with a pair of dar patches behind occiput, followed by a pair of lines to dorsal fin origin. •Bears a silver stripe on flanks.

Stolephorus indicus (Van Hasselt,1823).

Indian anchovy.

Family: Engraulidae (Anchovies). Common names: Halmassa, Handalla. Max. size: 15.5 cm SL. Environment: Reef-associated; oceanodromous. freshwater; brackish; marine ; depth range 20 - 50 m. Global Importance: fisheries: minor commercial; bait: occasionally.

Diagnosis: •Dorsal spines (total): 0-0. •Dorsal soft rays (total): 15-17. •Anal spines: 0-0. •Anal soft rays: 18-21. •Belly with 2 to 6 small needle-like pre-pelvic scutes. •Maxilla tip pointed, reaching to or only just beyond front border of pre-operculum; hind border of preoperculum convex, rounded. •Isthmus muscle tapering evenly forward to hind border of branchial membrane. •Body light transparent fleshy brown, with silver stripe down flank; no dark pigment lines on back between head and dorsal fin.

Stolephorus indicus .


Reference: Ian s. R. Munro(1951)-The marine and freshwater Fishes of Ceylon. www.fishbase.com

Prepared by; B.K.Kolitha Kamal(B.Sc-Sp-Fisheries Biology) Department of Fisheries Biology, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. 2004/06/20.


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