Klinik Mqa Modul 3-a

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  • Pages: 51
Module 3

OUTLINE o What Is COPPA o The Standards o Area 1: Vision, Mission, Educational Goals And Learning Outcomes o Area 2: Curriculum Design And Delivery o Area 3: Assessment Of Students o Area 4: Student Selection And Support Services o Area 5: Academic Staff o Area 6: Educational Resources o Area 7: Programme Monitoring And Review o Area 8: Leadership, Governance And Administration o Area 9: Continual Quality Improvement 2

PROPOSE OF COPPA The purpose of the Code of Practice for Programme Accreditation (COPPA) is in relation to provisional accreditation and full accreditation, to provide the Higher Education Provider (HEP) and understanding of what is required for the design and implementation of a programme or curriculum.


QUALITY STANDARD – 9 AREAS OF EVALUATION It is a Code of Practice dedicated to quality assurance of programmes using the nine areas of evaluation to assist HEPs attain at least benchmarked standards for obtaining: o Provisional Accreditation and Full Accreditation o and continuously improve the quality of the programme



AREA 1- VISION, MISSION, EDUCATIONAL GOALS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES  Guides the Higher Education Provider (HEP) in its academic planning and implementation  Produce graduates through : o the provision of knowledge, skills, a quest for life long learning, and inculcation of values, and o nurturing of the ability to analyse and solve problems and consideration of other relevant issues Area 1 is divided into 2 sub areas: 6 1.1 Statement of Programme Aims and

Area 1 Continuation: Area 1.1: Statement of Programme Aims and Objectives  Must be defined and made known  Reflect the learning outcomes and be developed in consultation with principal stakeholders.

Area 1.2: Learning Outcomes  Must define what students can demonstrate at the end of the programme.  The curriculum must show how it contributes to Learning Outcomes.  The programme should show the link between competencies expected and 7 required after completion of studies.

Summary of Area 1 • Well defined vision and mission of the HEP and well documented and communicated. • The programme aims and objectives must reflex vision and mission. • The learning outcomes must be in line with the aims and objectives. • Learning outcomes must be specific and measureable.


AREA 2 : CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DELIVERY  Area 2 is on curriculum design and delivery (used interchangeably with programme design and delivery) and covers 5 sub areas: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Academic Autonomy; Programme Design & Teaching And Learning Methods; Curriculum Content And Structure; Management Of The Programme; And Linkages With External Stakeholders . 9

Area 2 Continuation :  Area 2.1:

Academic Autonomy

 Sufficient to design curriculum and allocate resources (where applicable cover franchise programme)  Academic staff must focus on area of his expertise  Clear policy on conflict of interest and continually expand its boundaries of academic autonomy.  Area 2.2:

Programme Design & Teaching – Learning (T-L) Methods

 Defined process for development, review and evaluation that involve academic and administrative staff.  Only considered after a needs assessment and identification of resources  Co-curricular activities to enrich student experience

Cont..  Area 2.3 : Curriculum Content & Structure  Incorporate the core subject matters essential to support programme outcomes  Fulfill the discipline requirements by recognizing appropriate standards and international best practice  Department should establish mechanisms to access to real time information and  identify up-to-date topics of importance  Curriculum should encourage multidisciplinary approaches  Need analysis should involve feedback from external sources 11

Cont…  Area 2.4 : Management of the Programme  Student provided with the most current information of programme  Have coordinator and a team of appropriate staff with sufficient authority and established procedures  Content and delivery must be regularly reviewed  Result utilised to assure quality (level 6 – involve external examiners  Student must be provided with condusive learning environment  Innovations to teaching and learning should be developed and evaluated in consultation with principal stakeholders and external expertise


Cont… • Area 2.5 : Linkages with External Stakeholders  Department must have linkages with all levels of stakeholders for curriculum development  Employee’s feedback for curriculum improvement, student placement, training and workplace exposure  Student given opportunity to develop linkages with external stakeholders


Summary of Area 2 The curriculum must be current and in line with the market demand and its design must involve principle stakeholder and where possible external stakeholders and it must be manage by qualified coordinator and appropriate staff.


AREA 3 – ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS • Area 3 is on assessment of students which is a crucial aspect of quality assurance and one of the most important measures to show the achievement of learning outcomes. • Area 3 covers 3 sub sections: 3.1 Relationship between assessment learning 3.2 Management of student assessment 3.3 Assessment method



Area 3 Continuation:  Area 3.1: Relationship between Assessment and Learning  Assessment principles, methods and practices must be aligned with learning outcomes and programme content  Assessment must be consistent with the levels defined in the MQF  The link between assessment and learning outcomes should be reviewed periodically  Area 3.2 : Assessment Methods  Must be documented and communicated  Must be summative and formative  Use of variety of tools, method and mechanisms  There must be mechanisms to ensure


Cont.. Area 3.3 : Management of Student Assessment  Result must be communicated within reasonable time.  Change to assessment method must follow established procedures and regulations.  Mechanisms must be there to ensure security of assessment documents and records.  Grading, assessment and appeals systems – practices must be publicised.  Sufficient autonomy in management of student assessment should exist at department and academic staff level. 17  External scrutiny should be independent

Summary of Area 3 There must be a variety of assessment method and assessment must be summative and formative and the result must be communicated within the reasonable time to student and analysis must be further and the record of student assessment must be protected.



• •

Admission policies of the programme need to comply with revealing policies of the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) There are various methods of student selection and the HEP must be able to defend its consistency If the HEP operates in separate campuses or if the programme is a collaborative one, the selection must be consistent with national policies.


Cont.. It has 6 sub sections: 4.1 Student admission and selection (comply with policies of MOHE) 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption 4.3 Transfer of Students 4.4 Student support services and Co-Curricular Activities 4.5 Student Representation and Participation 4.6 Alumni


Area 4 Continuation: 4.1

Student admission and selection (comply with policies of MOHE) • Must have a clear statement on criteria and processes • It must be publish and disseminated to the public especially student • Pre requisite knowledge and skills must be clearly stated • Must be free from all forms of discrimination and bias • Clear policy on, and appropriate mechanism for appeal • Minimum qualification, knowledge and capacity to pursue a programme • Admission policy must be monitored and reviewed periodically. • Review admission policy and process should include relevant stakeholders 21

Cont.. 4.2 Articulation Regulations, Credit Transfer and Credit Exemption  Policies, regulations and processes must be well defined and effectively disseminated  Always be in touch with development and thinking about the processes including cross border provisions 4.3 Transfer of students  Must have clear, well-defined and widely disseminated policies, regulations and processes  Incoming transfer student must have comparable achievement in their previous institution of study


Cont.. 4.4 Student support services and co-curricular activities • Facilitate learning and personal development • Many components apply at HEP level but department has access to them • Student must have access appropriate and adequate support services • Must be evaluated regularly to ensure adequacy and effectiveness and safety • Must have mechanism for student grievances and to make appeal • Designated administrative unit for planning and implementation • Academic and career counseling must be provided by adequate by qualified staff 23

Cont.. 4.5 Student representation and participation • Inculcate self-confidence and wholesome development • Department must adhere to HEP policy as and when they apply to department level • There must be a policy and programme in area that affect the student welfare (peer counseling, co curriculum activities and community engagement) • HEP should provide a clear formal and well publisiced on student publication


Cont... 4.6 Alumni • Provide feedback on program, linkages with industry • Should foster active linkages with alumni and • Encourage alumni to play a role for the student professional future and linkages with industry


Summary of Area 4 •

Student admission selection and articulation (credit transfer and credit exemption) must clearly guided by clear policy and regulation and effectively disseminated.

There must adequate support services and avenue for student representation participation and feedback must be obtain via alumni.


AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF o Academic Staff Important Contribution to Quality of the Programme:  Clear and documented policy on recruitment, service, development and appraisal  Qualified and sufficient staff  Conducive environment that encourages recruitment and retention – training, equitable work distribution, recognition and reward system o Area 5 covers 2 sub areas: 5.1 Recruitment and Management 5.2 Service and Development


Area 5 Continuation: Area 5.1 : Recruitment and Management  Clear documented policy  Student staff ratio must be appropriate  Have adequate full time and core academic staff  Department must clarify roles of academic staff  Recognition based on equitable work distribution and meritorious academic roles  Should have balance between senior/junior, academic/non academic, local/international staff  Appointment and promotion must be guided by and in line with national policies and international best practices.  National and international linkages for faculty

Cont.. Area 5.2 : Service and Development  Institutional and department policy must complement each other  Department must provide mentoring and formative guidance for new staff.  Must provide necessary training, tools and technology  There should be opportunities for academic staff participation in professional, academic and other relevant activities  Should have provision for advanced staff enhancement via research leave, sabbatical, participation in, and organization of, conference 29

Summary of Area 5 There must be an effective policy on recruitment, service, development and appraisal. Academic staff must be qualified and sufficient and Higher Education Provider must provide conducive environment that encourage recruitment and retention – training, equitable work distribution, recognition and reward system.



Adequate resources important to support teaching and learning – include finance, expertise, physical infrastructure, ICT and research facilities

• Area 6 covers 5 sub areas: 6.1: Physical Facilities - Guided by Field Of Study 6.2: Research and Development 6.3: Educational Expertise 6.4: Educational Exchanges – Students, Staff, Educational Materials 6.5: Financial Allocations 31

Area 6 Continuation 6.1: Physical facilities - guided by field of study • Sufficient, appropriate to ensure effective delivery • Must comply with relevant laws • Library or resource centre must have adequate and up to date reference material • Qualified staff • Provide adequate and suitable research facilities and environment where applicable • Must have policy regarding selection and effective use of ICT facilities

Cont.. 6.2: Research and Development • Largely directed to universities offering degree level programmes and above • Must have policy and programme and adequate facilities to sustain them (programme) • Interaction between research and education must be reflected in the curriculum, teaching, research, scholarship and development 6.3: Educational expertise • specialised staff trained and have considerable experience in teaching-learning methodologies • Must have a policy on use of educational expertise in planning and development of programmes, teaching and assessment method • Should be access to educational expert and department should utilise them for R&D 33

Cont.. 6.4: Educational exchanges – students, staff, educational materials • Policy and future planning on educational exchanges (collaboration with other institutions, nationally and internationally) • The department must comply with HEP policy and disseminate it to student and faculty • Should have collaboration with other institutions and clear policy and planning on collaborative activities


Cont.. 6.5: Financial allocations o Clear line of responsibility and authority for budgeting and resource allocation o Department must have budgetary and procurement procedures to ensure sufficient and efficient utilisation of resources • Include planning, monitoring and control of resources o Should have sufficient financial autonomy in allocating resources


Summary of Area 6 Physical facilities must be adequate and support the implementation of the programme and have appropriate infrastructure to support research and development (R&D) to engage educational expertise. Foster educational exchanges and sufficient financial allocation to manage the programme.


AREA 7: PROGRAMME MONITORING AND REVIEW uality enhancement calls for programmes to be regularly monitored, reviewed, evaluated  includes reviewing institutional structures and processes, curriculum components (current, industry relevant)  monitoring student progress, employability and performance eedback from multiple sources-students, faculty, employers, alumni, professional bodies, analysis of student performance easures of student performance can reveal useful information for reviewing curriculum content teaching and learning activities or assessment system if the rate is too high or low. 37

Cont.. • Area 7 covers 2 sub areas: 7.1 7.2

Mechanisms for Programme Monitoring Involvement of Stakeholders


Area 7 Continuation

7.1: Mechanisms For Programme Monitoring And Review      

Student performance of progression must be analysed in relation to the objective and LO There must be a programme review committee and periodic program evaluation Partners in collaborative arrangements must share responsibility Programme review committee headed by designated coordinator Must involve relevant stakeholders Self review process should identify areas of concern and demonstrate ways to improve programme

Cont.. 7.2: Involvement of Stakeholders:   

Must involve relevant stakeholders Stakeholders should have access to the review report and their views considered Programme review should incorporate stakeholder feedback especially from alumni and employers Involve professional bodies in programme evaluation exercise

Summary of Area 7 All programmes must be reviewed and monitored periodically and involve feedback from internal and external stakeholders


AREA 8 – LEADERSHIP, GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION o Area 8 is on leadership, governance and administration. o There are many ways of administration and it may differ from one HEP to another but governance that reflects an academic organisation must emphasise excellence and scholarship. o At the departmental level it is crucial that leadership provides clear guidelines and direction,  builds relationship, forges partnerships and dedicates itself to academic and scholarly activities

Cont.. •

Area 8 covers 4 sub areas: o



Academic Leadership of the Programme


Administrative and Management


Academic Records


Area 8 Continuation: 8.1 : Governance •The policies and practices must be consistent with mission and vision •The department must clarify its governance structures and functions •Communicate strategies and functions to all parties involved •Department must be an active policy making body with adequate autonomy •Department should have a committee system that consider consultation and feedback •Governance principles should reflect representation and participation of external and other stakeholders.


Cont.. 8.2 : Academic Leadership of the Programme •Criteria for appointment and responsibilities must be clearly defined/stated •Held by staff with appropriate qualifications and experience in curriculum development •Mechanism and processes in place to allow communication between program HEP heads. •Academic leadership should be evaluated at defined intervals •Academic leadership should be responsible for creating a conducive environment to generate innovation and creativity

Cont.. 8.3 : Administrative and Management Staff • Must be appropriate and sufficient to support programme implementation • Must be regularly reviewed and department must have an advanced training scheme. 8.4 : Academic Records • The department policies and practice must be consistent with that HEP concerning student and academic staff records. • Protect rights of individual privacy and confidentiality • The department should continuously review policy on security of record and safety system.

Summary of Area 8 HEP must have appropriate and sufficient staff to support the programme and policy and practices and academic and academic record must be protected and continuously reviewed.



Society demands greater accountability and the needs are constantly changing due to advances in science and technology HEP has little choice but to become dynamic learning organisation that need to continually and systematically review various issues. Area 9 has 1 sub area on Quality Improvement.


Area 9: Continuation o Department must support and complement HEPs:  policies, procedures and mechanisms for review and update of its structures, function, strategies and core activities o Must develop a system to review its programme from time to time o Must initiate a review of its programme implement its recommendation and record the achievements. o Person or unit responsible for internal quality audit should be given a prominent role in the policy processes of the department


Cont.. •

Department should embrace the spirit of continual quality improvement – based on prospective studies and analyses. Current policies and practices should be revised based on past experience, present conditions and future possibilities




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