Kks Lecture - Surrendering To Guru

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 420
  • Pages: 3
KKS Lecture Surrendering to Guru Lenasia Ratha yatra 2005

It is possible to surrender in one moment, it’s possible.

But for many of us it’s a gradual process because we are not so determined. So gradually step by step we try to become more serious with our relationship with our spiritual master. The scriptures tell us again and again, this is the essence, that one must surrender in this relationship. One must somehow or other make it in the relationship with our spiritual master.

And like every year we’re having his Vyasa puja celebration and every year we’re making an offering and then every year besides glorifying the spiritual master, we also focus on our own lack of surrender.

So therefore, one must dedicate one’s life to serving a spiritual master as good as possible.

And then: “Again I totally failed. I tried to be a descent disciple although I tried again for another year but it didn’t work because…”

So every year we sort of try to be conscious of our shortcomings and try to improve. So we have a system of gradually purifying ourselves in that way and that is the…we should try and turn on the light of surrender and not tell ourselves, “Well, it’s a gradual process. I don’t have to…”. No we have to surrender as soon as possible. There’s an urgency!

We might die and the process maybe incompleted. What if we have not fully surrendered? Imagine we die? It can always happen. Some people die at young age. What if we die at young age and then we sit

outside the body and think, “what a fool I am! I didn’t surrender!”

Actually there were many of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples who somehow or other were lamenting like this, “If only I had been a more serious disciple...” So we must me good disciples and must be serious now and not bad disciples. And not go like, “I’m the worst of the worst. What can I do? I’m the bottom of the bell.” No, no one should stay the bottom of the bell but we have to come up and become… we can change. So we must do something about that relationship. Not hesitate. We must go forward and give ourselves in the relationship with our spiritual master and the more we do so, the more we rise above the modes of material nature and the more we actually become close to Krsna. By surrendering to the spiritual master we become closer to Krsna.

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