Kkk Immigration

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Immigration Objective: compare the KKK, and immigration quotas to the Americanization movement

Social Tensions Review (ch.26) • Rise in immigration after World War I • Increase of Immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe (Poland, USSR, Italy, Greece)

Immigratio After the war, “new” n immigration pattern

resumed, but based more on isolationist ideas. Emergency Quota Act of 1921: restricted immigration to 3% of nationality living in U.S. as of 1910 – relatively favorable to new immigrant groups such as Mexicans and Whoa Germans. How does this Elmer! Act reflect What did isolationist you eat? views? Would the KKK support this Act? Why or why not? Is this Act morally acceptable to you? Why or why not?

Immigratio n

In 1921, the Act was replaced by Immigration Act of 1924: cut quota to 2%, and based it on 1890 population. Why would this change be made?

Keep the number of immigrants low but maintain a U.S. culture dominated by Western/Northern Europeans. The Act also barred any Japanese immigration, but exempted Canadians & Latin Americans for work purposes. Why bar Japanese from entering the country?

By 1931, more foreigners left U.S. than arrived. What other factors besides the Immigration Acts may account for this reversal in immigration/emigration.

Immigrati on The immigrant tide was now cut off, but those that were in America Immigrants struggled to adapt.

continued to make up a large portion of the work What force. impact

Italian section

German section

would you expect this to have on labor unions? in Differences

race, culture, and nationality made it difficult for unions to organize, hurting


There’s Locke’s great-grandfather. (You can see the family resemblance In the forehead region.)

•The U.S. Government began to restrict certain “undesirable” immigrants from entering the U.S. •Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and Immigration Act of 1924 • Kept out immigrants from southeastern Europe.

•The U.S. Government began to restrict certain “undesirable” immigrants from entering the U.S. •Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 , in which newcomers from Europe were restricted at any year to a quota, which was set at 3% of the people of their nationality who lived in the U.S. in 1910. •Immigration Act of 1924 , the quota down to 2% and the origins base was shifted to that of 1890, when few southeastern Europeans

Cartoon from 1919: “Put them out and keep them out”

Anti-immigrant Culture • Despite national culture and rising consumption rates, social and ethnic tensions remained • Post-World War I fears and hatred continued • Red Scare, Alien & Sedition • Advertisements and mass communication distributed fears across the country

Anti-Immigrant Fears • Sons of the Golden West • Japanese Exclusion League • KKK • Border Patrol • Texas and Arizona Rangers

Construction of Racial Difference > Supreme Court Decisions

In re Balsara, 1909 Asian Indians are probably not White Congressional intent U.S. v. Dolla, 1910 Asian Indians are White Inspection of skin U.S. v. Balsara 1910 Asian Indians are White Scientific evidence  In re Sadar Bhagwab Singh, 1917 Asian Indians are not White Common knowledge  Congressional intent In re Mohan Singh, 1919 In re Thind, 1920 U.S. v. Thind, 1923 In re Najour, 1909 In re Mudarri, 1910 In re Ellis, 1910 Ex parte Shahid, 1913 Ex parte Dow, 1914 In re Dow, 1914 Dow v. U.S., 1915

Asian Indians are White Asian Indians are White Asian Indians are not White Congressional intent Syrians are White Syrians are White Legal precedent Syrians are White Congressional intent Syrians are not White Syrians are not White Syrians are not White Congressional intent Syrians are White Congressional intent  Legal precedent

Scientific evidence  Legal precedent Common knowledge  Scientific evidence Scientific evidence  Common knowledge  Common knowledge Common knowledge Common knowledge  Scientific evidence 

Construction of Racial Difference > Supreme Court Decisions

re Mallari, 1916 re Rallos, 1917 S. v. Javier, 1927 e La Ysla v. U.S., 1935 e Cano v. State, 1941

re Halladjian, 1909

Filipinos Filipinos Filipinos Filipinos Filipinos

are are are are are

not White not White not White not White not White

No explanation Legal precedent Legal precedent Legal precedent Legal precedent Scientific evidence 

S. v. Cartozian, 1925

Armenians are White Legal precedent Armenians are White Common knowledge   Legal precedent

re Feroz Din, 1928

Afghanis are not White

Common knowledge

re Ahmed Hassan, 1942 Arabians are not White parte Mohriez, 1944 Arabians are not White

Scientific evidence 

Common knowledge  Legal precedent

Construction of Racial Difference > U.S. v Bhagat Singh Thind, 1923

Immigration Restriction > Annual Immigration Quotas, 1924 • Germany - 51,227 • Great Britain - 34,007 • Ireland - 28,567 • Italy - 3,845 • Hungary - 473 • Greece - 100 • Egypt - 100

Texas Rangers, 19151919

Stemming the Foreign Flood A. After the World War, South Eastern European immigration rose 600% B. “100% Americans” Did not like this C. The first political party against immigration was the Know Nothing Party

Stemming the Foreign Flood D. Emergency Quota Act of 1921 limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 3% of the number of persons from that country living in the United States in 1910 E. Johnson Reid Act, or Immigration Act of 1924, changed the 1921 act to 1890 census and changed the limit from 3% to 2%.

Stemming the Foreign Food F. The Immigration Act of 1929 further changed the law because it limited the total immigration to 152,574.

Stemming the Foreign Flood G. In 1965, the nationalorigins system was abolished by Congress. H. The Emergency Quota Act of 1921, Johnson Reid Act of 1924, and the Immigration Act of 1929 were known as the National Origins system.

Stemming the Foreign Flood I. The system favored Western European over Eastern European. Japanese Immigration was completely shut off while the law allowed unlimited immigration from Canada and Central America.

Nativism and Racism • Eugenics movement – false scientific movement that deals with the ability to improve hereditary traits. • Social Darwinism in its scientific form. Human inequalities are inherited and the ending of the procreation of the “unfit” and “inferior.” –Forced sterilization of African American women

Political Cartoons – On Immigration 1921




Rise of KKK Objective: compare the KKK, and immigration quotas to the Americanization movement

KKK and the Immigration Restriction

• The name was constructed by combining the Greek "kuklos" (circle) with "clan." It was at first a humorous social club centering on practical jokes and hazing rituals but soon spread into nearly every Southern state, launching a "reign of terror" against Republican leaders both black and white.

Conflicts over Values • Americans lived in larger communities, which produced a shift in values, or a person’s key beliefs and ideas. • In the 1920s, many people in urban areas had values that differed from those in rural areas. – Rural America represented the traditional spirit of hard work, self-reliance, religion, and independence. – Cities represented changes that threatened those values. • The Ku Klux Klan grew dramatically in the 1920s, and many of its members were people from rural America who saw their status declining. – Members of the Klan continued to use violence, targeting African Americans, Catholics, Jews, and all immigrants. – In the 1920s, the Klan focused on influencing politics. – The Klan’s membership was mostly in the South but spread nationwide. – The Klan’s peak membership was in the millions, many from Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. – Membership declined in the late 1920s because of a series of scandals affecting Klan leaders.

KKK • The KKK was a big problem during the 1920’s because they would terrorize people. • The Klan boycotted Jewish merchants, destroyed their stores and burned crosses in front of their Synagogues.

Media ,Propaganda & Gov • There were numerous attacks on Jews during these times through the media. • Henry Ford’s news paper article, “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. • There was propaganda made, making fun of the way Jews looked.

Immigration Restriction > Ku Klux Klan Marching in DC

Virginia, 1928

The KKK • Targeted and terrorized the ‘unAmerican’ • Gained strong political influence during the 1920s

Violence • The KKK started ~1867. • In the 1920s they expand their targets to include: – – – –

Blacks Immigrants Catholics Jews

• The leader (Imperial wizard) in the 1920’s was Hiram Wesley Evans. • The KKK was most violent during this period of time; 70 lynched in 1919 • KKK marched in Washington DC • Race riots occurred in the North as well (Chicago 38 killed, 500 injured)

Background Information • Lynching– Definition: To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob.

THE KLAN RISES AGAIN • As the Red Scare and anti-immigrant attitudes reached a peak, the KKK was more popular than ever • By 1924, the Klan had 4.5 million members

The Rebirth of the KKK • Anti – – – – – – – – – – – –

Foreign Catholic Black Jewish Pacifist Communist Internationist AntiEvolutionalist Bootlegger Gambling Adultery Birth Control

• Pro – AngloSaxon – ”Native” – Protestan t

During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan, which had been all but wiped out during Reconstruction, underwent a largerevival was more “nativist” than scale revivial. • KKK

just antiblack. What does that mean? • At peak in mid-20s it had 5 Million members with large political influence, especially in the Midwest and South. • KKK used secrecy, parades, lynchings, burning of crosses, rally songs, and other events to advance their agenda.

KKK collapsed suddenly in late 20s Terror tactics eventually turned off most Americans. •

• Embezzlement became widespread throughout the organization. • A Congressional Most historians investigation showed credit the fraud that the organization within the organization for the was basically a downfall, not the membership fee racket. reaction to the (Similar to a Pyramid Why would it take corruption to decrease violence.


Imperia l Klans of Americ a

The Re-emergence of the Ku Klux Klan • Original KKK response to emancipation of the slaves • Re-emergence included hatred towards Catholics, Jews, and Immigrants. • Public Relations campaign claiming that the Klan was fighting for “Americanism” solicited 4 million members nationwide –See Political cartoon

Klan in the 1920s > Social Movements Supported by the Klan

• prohibition • anti-immigrant sentiments • anti-radicalism • religious fundamentalism • morality and family values

Klan in the 1920s > Different Historical Explanations of the Klan

• racist and nativist movement • populist movement • reform movement • reactionary movement

The Ku Klux Klan

Great increase In power

Anti-black Anti-immigrant Anti-Semitic Anti-Catholic

Anti-women’s suffrage Anti-bootleggers

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