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fehu alternate names: faihu, foeh, fe ancient meaning: cattle, which meant mobile wealth and power keywords: wealth, mobility, fulfillment description: fehu is the rune of prosperity, good luck and unbridled creative energies. being associated with frey, this rune is also a powerful omen of fertility. fehu is one of the three mother stones and should never be taken lightly. reversed description: fehu reversed represents material stagnation, possibly poverty as well as infertility. astrological correspondence: aries tarot correspondence: the tower gods/goddesses: aesir color: light red tree: eider herb: nettle stones: carnelian, green tourmaline, amber animals: falcon, boar, cat, bear, cow, tiger, horse, sow, ant, deer, hare, bee, bull, hedgehog, ewe, snake, sparrow, mouse, goat, ram, lion, monkey. element: fire magic: intuitive abilities are strengthened creates channel for projecting, sending, and transferring runic energy draws the energies of the sun, moon, and stars increases monetary wealth increases your wealth of knowledge increases the richness of your plans and life goals uruz alternate names: uraz, uros, ur ancient meaning: the primal force behind creation

keywords: beginnings, spirituality, opportunity description: uruz is the rune of harmony, order and inner strength. often it marks endings and beginnings of periods in our lives. uruz also symbolizes your ability to tackle new challenges by confronting them with the powers that lie within you. opportunities probably abound for you right now. reversed description: uruz reversed may represent a time of discord in your life and a disassociation from your inner strengths. you may be in a rut—absent of goals or challenges. the power to change this lies within you. while opportunities may seem to be nonexistent, they are there and waiting for you to find them. astrological correspondence: taurus tarot correspondence: high priestess gods/goddesses: vanir color: dark green tree: birch herb: sphagnum stones: tiger's eye animals: ox, bison, bull, cow, horse, whale, dolphin, manatee, boar, sow, goat, ram, buffalo, bear, alligator, anaconda, baboon, sea eagle, gorilla, lion, hippopotamus, dinosaur element: water magic: pulls energies together to form a magical pattern heals mental and physical ailments knowledge and perception of the self magical strength and power increases business opportunities accesses the power and energy that lies within the earth combines energies to assist realization of your goals

thurisaz alternate names: thuith, thorn, thurs ancient meaning: protection keywords: protection, destruction, defense, polarity, action, regeneration

description: thurisaz embodies the polarity of life and death and the struggle to keep them in balance. expect conflict, hardship and obstacles, but be assured that remaining focused and in touch with your inner strengths will see you through whatever comes your way. this rune may also represent protection from your enemies, which is never a bad thing. reversed description: thurisaz reversed often represents your inability to come to terms with repressed issues. it is a warning that if you do not purge past demons they may return to harm you. this rune is also indicative of a time when you should not act on impulse. astrological correspondence: libra tarot correspondence: emperor gods/goddesses: thor color: bright red tree: oak herb: house leek stones: agate animals: goat, ram, dragon, hound, cat, tiger, lion, leopard, porcupine, mosquito, tasmanian devil, wasp, bear, elephant, mongoose, rhinoceros element: fire magic: protection from enemies and harm overcomes hostile situations love magic increases your will and helps you take action increases your awareness of both the uniqueness and commonality of all things projects energy and focuses power ansuz alternate names: os, ass, ansur ancient meaning: name of odin keywords: order, rebirth, consciousness, knowledge, wisdom, mental agility, communication, creative expression, and reason description:

ansuz represents mankind's spiritual connection to god and the universe. it is often referred to as the "god rune." this rune embodies reason, truth and justice. it denotes the coming of knowledge and true counsel from a higher authority. reversed description: ansuz reversed denotes failed communications and missed opportunities to become more in harmony with the universe. your path may be unclear at this time. false advice and malicious rumors may be afoot. astrological correspondence: gemini tarot correspondence: death gods/goddesses: odin color: dark blue tree: ash herb: fly agaric stones: lapis animals: wolf, raven, horse, vulture, eagle, hawk, falcon, bear, tiger, cheetah, cat, hound, fox, butterfly, parrot, mockingbird, cockatoo, emu, snake, turkey, bat, scorpion element: air magic: increases magical powers and instinctive abilities gets in touch with divine power and knowledge communication with the divine within creative inspiration assistance in times of change ability to change form and work closely with power animals

raidho alternate names: raidha, rad, raid ancient meaning: the chariot of thor carrying the sun across the sky keywords: rhythm, movement, travel, riding, journey description: raidho may mark the coming of a physical or spiritual journey. whichever the case, changes in your life are soon to come. spiritual or material goals may be attained.

reversed description: there may be delays in reaching your goals. you may become disassociated from those around you. try to keep your lines of communication open. astrological correspondence: sagittarius tarot correspondence: hierophant gods/goddesses: forseti color: bright red tree: oak herb: mugwort stones: carnelian, golden topaz animals: horse, goat, cat, boar, sow, ox, cow, starfish, antelope, falcon, eagle, cheetah, hawk, kestrel, sow bug element: air magic: utilized in rituals, especially with the great days and full moons directs runic energy toward a specific goal increased link with the cyclic flow of life personal empowerment in magic works with runic energy connection with the powers of transformation expanded consciousness

kenaz alternate names: kusma, cen, kaun, kaunaz ancient meaning: controlled fire, internal fire keywords: knowledge, fire, guiding light description: kenaz foretells the coming of clarity and knowledge. it is time for you to grow by exchanging knowledge with others. opportunities are upon you. reversed description: kenaz reversed represents a lack of needed knowledge and possible isolation. information you may need is being withheld from you, or you may not be open to receiving it. although others

may seem distant, if you seek their friendship you may be pleasantly surprised. astrological correspondence: scorpio tarot correspondence: chariot gods/goddesses: freyja color: light red tree: pine herb: cowslip stones: citrin, fire opal, golden topaz animals: cat, salamander, lion, falcon, hawk, eagle, owl, tiger, chimpanzee, bobcat, cuckoo, peacock element: fire magic: artistic inspiration all realms are strengthened healing and regeneration aids in personal transformation aids in love and sexual relationships increased fertility

gebo alternate names: geuua, gipt, giof, geofu, gjof ancient meaning: the results of interaction between humans and the divine keywords: connection, gift, exchange, interaction, balance description: gebo represents the coming of gifts and favors. while each are usually positive events, they often carry obligations with them. gebo often represents strong bonds such as deep friendships and marriage. reversed description: none

astrological correspondence: pisces tarot correspondence: lovers gods/goddesses: odin, gefn color: deep blue tree: ash herb: heartsease stones: sapphire, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, rose quartz animals: raven, wolf, hound, eagle, bear, cat, falcon, lobster, oyster, chimpanzee, firefly, eel, bull, cock, iguana, stag element: air magic: magical commencement love magic increased relationship harmony reconciliation of polarities evaluation of divine wisdom

wunjo alternate names: uuinne, vend, wynn, vin ancient meaning: interaction of those with the same heritage keywords: joy, pleasure, hope, delight, kinship, fellowship, wonderment. description: wunjo denotes joy and shared bliss. it may also represent a job well done and the satisfaction one feels from completing such a task. wunjo brings good fortune and harmony. reversed description: wunjo reversed may represent a basic discord and failure in your life. possibly good fortune is not looking down on you at this time. if so it must be remembered that wunjo also represents change, which could mean your bad luck is soon to change. astrological correspondence: leo tarot correspondence: the sun gods/goddesses: frey, wodan, uller

color: gold tree: ash herb: flax stones: diamond, golden topaz, amber animals: boar, wolf, raven, horse, stag, hound, lion, bluebird, dolphin, dove, hummingbird, elephant, kingfisher, cat, bee, spider element: earth magic: strengthens friendships increased sense of joy and contentment increased sense of purpose increases family bonds binds energy fields together

hagalaz alternate names: haal, hagall, hagl ancient meaning: the egg of life keywords: transformation, change, evolution, harmony, protection description: hagalaz is the hail rune. it denotes chaos, destruction and disruption on a primal level. you may experience delays in moving toward your goals. reversed description: none astrological correspondence: aquarius tarot correspondence: the world gods/goddesses: ymir, urd, gullveig, hella color: gray, white tree: yew/ash herb: lily of the valley stones: clear quartz, diamond, moonstone, opal, geode

animals: serpent, dragon, falcon, eagle, hawk, owl, vulture, whale, dolphin, wolf, spider, bat, blackbird, chameleon dragonfly, praying mantis element: water magic: combines runic energies aids in personal transformation guards against harm shapeshifting heals physically, mentally, and spiritually

naudhiz alternate names: noicz, naud, naudr, nied ancient meaning: need, help keywords: need, help, resistance, deliverance from distress, love, passion, shadow self description: naudhiz may foretell needs unmet and friction in relationships. you may be in a time where you should be very careful in whatever endeavor you take on. also it may be that you are about to learn some of life's hard lessons and come out the other side of this period a stronger being. reversed description: naudhiz reversed may tell of needs met and harmonious relationships. your passions for someone or something may be at their pinnacle. astrological correspondence: capricorn tarot correspondence: the fool gods/goddesses: skuld color: black tree: beech herb: bistort stones: hematite, obsidian, onyx, smoky quartz animals: wolf, dragon, hound, fox, squirrel, spider, cuckoo, serpent, crow, donkey, firefly, flea, meerkat, moth element: fire

magic: protects aids in decisions increases clairvoyant ability works with your spirit guides aids in overcoming mental obstacles

isa alternate names: icz, iss, is ancient meaning: cosmic cohesion keywords: statis-quo, constraint, massive force, gradual integration, delay description: the ice rune, represents stagnation and a passionless existence. your life's course may seem blurry at the moment, but if you persevere you will move onto better days. reversed description: none astrological correspondence: moon tarot correspondence: the hermit gods/goddesses: rime, verdandi, skadi color: white tree: alder herb: henbane stones: milky quartz, clear quartz, opal, moonstone animals: polar bear, whale, walrus, elephant (mammoth), manatee, bald eagle, sea gull, turtle, anaconda, water buffalo, reindeer, clam, moose, penguin element: water magic: concentration and purpose ability to recognize patterns slows down energy without stopping it balances the ego increased awareness of how things work in harmony increased awareness of possible dangers

jera alternate names: gaar, ar, ger, jara ancient meaning: sun cycle, life cycle keywords: cycles, right action, completion, fertility, natural law description: jera denotes positive, recurring cycles, fertility and a time to harvest rewards from your hard work. reversed description: none astrological correspondence: the sun tarot correspondence: the emperor gods/goddesses: frey color: green tree: oak herb: rosemary stones: emerald, malachite, aventurine, green tourmaline animals: eagle, boar, horse, hound, bear, squirrel, grasshopper, chipmunk, cow deer, duck, hare, ladybug, peacock, swallow element: earth magic: understanding of oneness works with cyclical patterns increased creativity and fertility increased harmony

eihwaz alternate names: ezck, yr, eo ancient meaning: yew, the world's tree, life and death

keywords: communication, death, regeneration, knowledge, dreaming, magic description: eihwaz represents the yew tree and its everlasting nature. the yew may bend, but it does not break. you are on the right course and have the strength and ability to meet your goals. congratulations! reversed description: this may be a time of confusion for you. that which you have built may be in jeopardy of crumbling. do not allow yourself to give in to your weaknesses. astrological correspondence: scorpio tarot correspondence: the hanged man gods/goddesses: odin color: dark blue tree: yew herb: mandrake stones: lapis lazuli, sapphire, blue topaz animals: eagle, spider, horse, wolf, raven, serpent, dragon, jaguar, dolphin, eel, salmon, butterfly, dragonfly, lizard, kingfisher, hound, moth element: all elements magic: perception of the cosmic release from fear of death expands your artistic and magical abilities increased foresight communicates with your ancestors

perthro alternate names: pertra, peordh ancient meaning: divination, primal law keywords: birth, wisdom, kinship, manifestation, chance, luck description: mysteries will become known to you. you should be able to see your life's path clearly at this time. pethro is often thought of as "gambler's rune." you are in a lucky period right now.

chance is your ally. take advantage of it. reversed description: this may be a period of loneliness and stagnation you must fight through. this may not be a good time for you to take chances or indulge in any form of gambling. astrological correspondence: saturn tarot correspondence: the wheel of fortune gods/goddesses: nornir, frigga, mimir color: black, silver tree: beech herb: aconite stones: moonstone, obsidian, clear quartz animals: falcon, hawk, wolf, hound, water snake like the anaconda, spider, chameleon, clam, oyster, cricket, dinosaur, frog, tortoise, kangaroo element: water magic: perceives your fate—past, present, and future understands cause and effect perceives your future through your patterns understands the importance of foresight uses ancestral wisdom to make things work for you

elhaz alternate names: algis, algiz, eolh, elgr ancient meaning: sheltering force, protection keywords: spirit, protection, sanctuary, refuge, power, divinity description: elhaz represents your power to protect yourself and those around you. it also connotes the thrill and joy of a successful hunt. you are in a very enviable position right now, because you are able to maintain what you have built and reach your current goals. enjoy. reversed description: watch for hidden traps. look for holes in your defenses and fill them.

astrological correspondence: cancer tarot correspondence: the moon gods/goddesses: heimdall, valkyries. color: rainbow tree: yew herb: angelica stones: rainbow tourmaline, fluorite, agate, jasper, diamond animals: elk, reindeer, swan, goose, stag (hart), ram, wolf, raven, horse, cat, bat, owl, crab, lobster, wasp, goat, boar, crane, blackbird, hound, bear, porcupine, wolverine, cock, cougar, starfish, eagle, hawk, magpie, mongoose element: air magic: protects from harm movement toward the completion of your patterns understands celestial correlation increases healing powers sowilo alternate names: sugil, sol, sigel, sulu, sil, sulhil, sigo ancient meaning: the solar wheel, thunderbolt keywords: partnership, journey, power, transformation, understanding description: the sun rune, denotes power and strength. that which you want may be attained. sowilo also denotes mental clarity and added warmth to your relationships. reversed description: none astrological correspondence: the sun tarot correspondence: the sun gods/goddesses: sol color: gold tree: juniper

herb: mistletoe stones: ruby, carnelian, citrine, golden topaz, cat's-eye animals: cat, wolf, boar, horse, bear, groundhog, blue jay, camel, cock, salamander, bee, cheetah, lizard, peacock, robin, snake element: fire magic: increases your magical patterns develops your extrasensory talents moves toward enlightenment aids your patterns to come to realization

tiwaz alternate names: tys, tyr, tir, tiw, ty ancient meaning: the original gods keywords: justice, order, victory, support, self-sacrifice, faith, loyalty description: tiwaz is the warrior rune. it represents pure, masculine power and the ability to successfully fight to meet your goals. however, you must be careful that costs of attaining your goals overshadow their values. reversed description: you may be in a period of stagnation. your goals may be unattainable or unrealistic at this time. fortunately these times pass. take stock of yourself and your goals. do not fight battles you know you cannot win. be patient. astrological correspondence: libra tarot correspondence: justice gods/goddesses: tyr color: bright red tree: oak herb: sage stones: ruby, garnet, jasper, bloodstone, golden topaz, citrine animals: wolf, falcon, hawk, hound, owl, bear

element: air magic: increases trust in the universe interpretation of what needs to be done successful completion of patterns increases spiritual energy teaches positive use of order

berkano alternate names: berkana, bercna, bjarkan, beroc ancient meaning: the divine energy of the earth mother keywords: nurturing, rebirth, growth, transition, spirit, concealment, protection, ancestry description: berkano is the rune of birth and rebirth. this may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. love may be in the air as well. reversed description: berkano reversed may foretell family problems and dissatisfaction. your life path my not be clear to you at this time. be careful to protect that which is yours. astrological correspondence: virgo tarot correspondence: the empress gods/goddesses: frigga, holde color: dark green tree: birch herb: lady's mantle stones: all gems animals: all animals element: earth magic: understanding transition protects and masks energy revitalization and empowerment draws and directs the powers of nature

increases insight

ehwaz alternate names: eys, ehol, ior, eoh, eykur, eh, eol ancient meaning: the equine form of the twin gods or heroes keywords: duality, movement, partnership, interaction, harmony description: ehwaz represents movement. you may be closing in on reaching your current goals. your life may be changing for the better. harmony with others should come easy for you at this time. reversed description: ehwaz reversed indicates a restless soul in need of change. although you may hunger for something different, do not act in haste. astrological correspondence: gemini tarot correspondence: the lovers gods/goddesses: freyja, frey color: white tree: oak/ash herb: ragwort stones: milky quartz, diamond, clear quartz, pearl, amber animals: horse, hound, boar, cat, goat, falcon, hawk, eagle, bear element: earth magic: increases wisdom increases magical power speeds personal patterns enhances harmony in relationships

mannaz alternate names: manna, madr, mann, madur

ancient meaning: the divine ancestor or sky god keywords: godhood and goddesshood, memory, humanity, order, intelligence, ancestors, sacred union description: now is the time for you to explore your inner self and those of others. your intelligence and creativity are very well honed at the moment. cooperation from and with others should be very easy to attain. reversed description: mannaz reversed may indicate you are in a period of depression. be careful when making serious decisions at this time. trust only those whom time has proven trustworthy. astrological correspondence: jupiter tarot correspondence: the magician gods/goddesses: heimdall, odin color: rainbow tree: holly herb: madder stones: bloodstone, ruby, garnet, amber, rainbow tourmaline, smithsonite, amethyst animals: wolf, raven, eagle, hound, cow, horse, fly, bear, salmon element: air magic: amplifies knowledge, memory, and wisdom comprehends the polarities of personality increases understanding of social order enhances achievement of your full potential

laguz alternate names: laaz, logr, lagu, logur, laukr ancient meaning: life energy, growth keywords: fluidity, life force, birth description: laguz is the feminine rune. it denotes a deep sexuality and fertility. laguz also represents that

which is ever changing and renewal. you may be in a tremendous spiritual growth period. reversed description: laguz reversed foretells a period of stagnation, sensual numbness and lack of creativity. astrological correspondence: moon tarot correspondence: the star gods/goddesses: njord, ran color: dark blue-green tree: willow herb: leek stones: aquamarine, azurite, calcite, chrysocolla animals: swan, seal, sea gull, duck, whale, dolphin, otter, beaver element: water magic: expansion of physical and spiritual life comprehends and assimilates your emotions and desires negative energy is discarded unwanted patterns are washed away increased awareness

ingwaz alternate names: enguz, ing, ingvarr ancient meaning: the earth god keywords: energy, gestation, integration, male fertility, protection description: ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. your present ambitions are about to be met. you are fecund in both mind and body. reversed description: none astrological correspondence: moon tarot correspondence: judgement

gods/goddesses: ing, nerthus color: yellow tree: apple herb: self-heal stones: malachite, rose, quartz, citrine, golden topaz, aventurine, amber animals: cow, goat, horse, ox, dove, bee element: earth magic: increases and channels energy completes or redirects patterns symbol of rebirth and awareness protection focuses energies love and sex magic

dagaz alternate names: daaz, dagr, daeg, dagur ancient meaning: light of day keywords: light, enlightenment, polarity, awakening, intuition, well-being description: dagaz represents the fresh light of a new day. you are close to making a breakthrough. you have the will to change whatever you deem necessary. you may see the world with absolute clarity at this time. reversed description: none astrological correspondence: the moon tarot correspondence: temperance gods/goddesses: odin color: blue tree: spruce herb: clary sage

stones: lapis lazuli, amazonite, azurite, sapphire animals: wolf, raven, horse, eagle, bear element: fire magic: awakens the light within you embodies the powers of light and darkness increases magical patterns spiritual enlightenment protects from harm energizes

othala alternate names: utal, odal, otael ancient meaning: property acquired by heredity keywords: ancestry, prosperity, inheritance, family description: othala represents a solid, immovable home, prosperity and safety. good fortune based on your heritage and character is yours to enjoy. reversed description: othala reversed represents chaos and homelessness—a general lack of roots. now is a time for you to take care of that which you have, so as not to lose it. astrological correspondence: the moon tarot correspondence: the moon gods/goddesses: odin color: deep yellow tree: hawthorn herb: gold thread stones: diamond, emerald, ruby, clear quartz, amber animals: eagle, wolf, raven, bear, hound, sheep, cow, swine, cock, hen, horse, bee, salmon, peacock, ibis, octopus, owl

element: all elements magic: regeneration balance of the elements actualization of dreams comprehends the oneness of the universe increased wisdom

http://www.arild-hauge.com/eindex.htm http://www.tarahill.com/runes/runemean.html !!! http://forums.vsociety.net/index.php?topic=4849.0 http://www.santosha.com/asanas/naga.html http://www.yogasite.com/postures.html http://www.yogacards.com/yoga-postures.html http://www.holistic-online.com/yoga/hol_yoga_pos_home.htm http://www.hathayogalesson.com/ http://www.yogabasics.com/asana/

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