
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 954
  • Pages: 41
Expl or ehowar t ,mat h,sci ence, andt echnol ogycomet oget heri n t heexci t i ngwor l dofani mat i on.I n Ani mat i on' sst i mul at i ngandf un envi r onment ,youwi l lexpl or et he pr ocessofani mat i onf r om concept t of i ni shedpr oduct-f r om st or yboar di ng,char act erdesi gn,and dr awi ngt echni quest omovement , t i mi ng,f i l mi ng,andsound.

Chr i sJ or dan:Runni ngTheNumber s I tChangesTheWayYouVi ewTheWor l d

Twomi l l i onpl as t i cbev er agebot t l esar e us edi nt heUni t edSt at esev er yf i v e mi nut es .106, 000al umi num c ansar e us edi nt heU. S.ev er yt hi r t ys ec onds . 1. 4mi l l i onbr ownpaperbagsar eus ed i nt heU. S.ev er yhour .

Woul dyoul eavebehi ndyour f ami l y ,f r i ends,andf ami l i ar sur r oundi ngst or i skyourl i f eona t hr eeyear ,r oundt r i pvoyaget o Mar s?I nFaci ngMar s,youhave t hechancet oanswert hi s quest i ont wi ce:asyouent ert he exhi bi t i onandagai nasyouexi t . Whi l eexpl or i ngeachoft he28, t hought pr ovoki ngexhi bi t s,t ake t heoppor t uni t yt or ef l ectonyour i ni t i alanswerandsomeoft he et hi calquest i onsabouthuman expl or at i onofMar s.

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Tr opi calBut t er f l yHouse!

s t bi doorExhi tourOut si Vi

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Engl i sh Español Fr ançai s 日本語の 中国的

Wel c omet ot he Pac i f i cSc i enc eCent er Iam amember Iam notamember

Ret ur nt oex hi bi ts l i des how

* Fori nf or mat i ononhowt obecomeamember ,pl easeseef r ontdesk.

Pl eas et ak ey ourmember ’ sc ar dt o t hef r ontdes k

Wel c omet ot he Pac i f i cSc i enc eCent er Iam amember Iam notamember

Ret ur nt oex hi bi ts l i des how

* Fori nf or mat i ononhowt obecomeamember ,pl easeseef r ontdesk.

pur chaset i cket ( s)f ort oday pur chaset i cket ( s)f orf ut ur edat e

* Foral lot herpur chasesorf orquest i ons,pl easeseef r ontdesk

Comi ngSoon. . .

pur chaset i cket ( s)f ort oday pur chaset i cket ( s)f orf ut ur edat e

* Foral lot herpur chasesorf orquest i ons,pl easeseef r ontdesk

Publ i cpr i ci ngf orgener aladmi ssi on exhi bi t sonl y(excludesplanetarium,IMAX,andlasershows)

Pur chase

Mustchooseatl eastone t i ckett opur chase!

* Usegr eenar r owt ogobackandchooset i cket sorhomebut t ont or et ur nt of i r stpage.

Publ i cpr i ci ngf orgener aladmi ssi on exhi bi t sonl y(excludesplanetarium,IMAX,andlasershows)

Pur chase

Publ i cpr i ci ngf orgener aladmi ssi on exhi bi t sonl y(excludesplanetarium,IMAX,andlasershows)


Pur chase

Publ i cpr i ci ngf orgener aladmi ssi on exhi bi t sonl y(excludesplanetarium,IMAX,andlasershows)


Pur chase

Publ i cpr i ci ngf orgener aladmi ssi on exhi bi t sonl y(excludesplanetarium,IMAX,andlasershows)

2 1 Pur chase

$ 3 2 . 0 0 Tot alSal e:_ _ _ _ _ _ ( t axi ncl uded)

Toc ompl et epur c has e, i ns er tanac c ept edc r edi t c ar di nt hes l otbel ow

Pl easeent erpi n onpadt or i ght , t hent ouch or angear r owt o pr oceed

* I fnotsat i sf i ed,hi thomebut t ont ocancelsal eandej ectcar d

Pl easeent erpi n onpadt or i ght , t hent ouch or angear r owt o pr oceed

* I fnotsat i sf i ed,hi thomebut t ont ocancelsal eandej ectcar d

Pl easeent erpi n onpadt or i ght , t hent ouch or angear r owt o pr oceed

* I fnotsat i sf i ed,hi thomebut t ont ocancelsal eandej ectcar d

Pl easeent erpi n onpadt or i ght , t hent ouch or angear r owt o pr oceed

* I fnotsat i sf i ed,hi thomebut t ont ocancelsal eandej ectcar d

Pl easeent erpi n onpadt or i ght , t hent ouch or angear r owt o pr oceed

* I fnotsat i sf i ed,hi thomebut t ont ocancelsal eandej ectcar d

Ar eyousur eyou wantt opur chase: 2Yout ht i c k et sat$9. 00eac h 1Adul tt i c k etat$14. 00 $ 3 2 . 0 0 Tot alSal e:_ _ _ _ _ _ ( t axi ncl uded)

YES * I fnotsat i sf i ed,hi thomebut t ont ocancelsal eandej ectcar d

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Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Cont act i ngbankf orappr oval

Thankyouf oryourpur chase. . . Pl eas et ak ey ourc ar dandt i c k et sast hey ar edi s pens edbel ow

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