Kingsway: A Praying People

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KingsWay A Praying People Part 2 Pastor John Isaacs KingsWay Community Church May 4, 2008

Our Core Values Keeping Prayer a Priority: Praying for God’s Kingdom to Come and for His Will to Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven.

Being A Praying Community

God Commands Us To Pray Luke 21:36 watch therefore, and pray always.

Romans 12:12 continuing steadfastly in prayer.

Ephesians 6:18 praying always with all prayers.

Colossians 4:2 continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.

God Says, “Prayer Works.” Jeremiah 29:12-13

You will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

Psalms 66:19

But certainly God has heard me, He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Isaiah 30:19 He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of your cry.

James 5:16

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

God Always Answers Prayer 1 John 5:14

If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

God’s Answer 1. YES 2. NO 3. NOT YET

Something Always Changes James 5:16

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

What Changes? 1. Situations and Conditions 2. Outcome of Events 3. Us

What is Prayer? Interaction With God

3 Types of Interaction 1. Petition The humble request of God for something I need. An entreaty.

3 Types of Interaction 2. Intercession The reaching out toward God on behalf of someone else. Standing in as a go-between.

3 Types of Interaction 3. Communion Having intimate fellowship with God. Enjoying His presence and basking in His love.

10 Expressions of Prayer 1. Adoration Declaring the Glory of God – His greatness, goodness, beauty, and wisdom.

10 Expressions of Prayer 2. Thanksgiving Expressions of gratitude for what God has done, is currently doing, and will someday do.

10 Expressions of Prayer 3. Confession The acknowledgement of our sin as offensive to God and asking Him to forgive us.

10 Expressions of Prayer 4. Forgiveness Expressing our willful decision to extend forgiveness toward another person for wrongs done to us.

10 Expressions of Prayer 5. Blessing Asking God to pour out His favor upon another person.

10 Expressions of Prayer 6. Healing Asking God to work supernaturally in bringing a miraculous healing.

10 Expressions of Prayer 7. Impartation Asking God to impart a specific supernatural gift or anointing through you to another person.

10 Expressions of Prayer 8. Missional

Asking God to supernaturally equip, protect, and provide for those going out to extend His kingdom.

10 Expressions of Prayer 9. Prophetic Crying out to God to accomplish His divine purposes in an individual or a group of people.

10 Expressions of Prayer 10. Warfare Combative declarations against the unseen forces of Satan.

James 5:16 … The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Praying God’s Will … Is a Spiritual Detonator

Detonator A device used to detonate an explosion.

James 5:16 … The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 5:16 Reversed … The flat, unemotional, uninspired, and lazy prayers of a person whose heart is not right toward God are absolutely useless and do not accomplish anything.

Quote The church is potentially a powerful body with a necessary arsenal at its disposal to change the moral character of this world. The fact that it is not doing so causes us to be painfully aware that its potential is not being realized. That which is possible is not being produced, for while

Quote possessing the dynamite of the Gospel, the church has lost its detonator (explosiveness). As a result of this inaction, the church that the world sees is weak, timid, divided, and crawling instead of flying. - Dr. Paul Tillich

A Prayer Structure


Adoration & Praise


Forgive All Others Offer Up Your Petitions Request God’s Will Be Done


Intimidate The Enemy Thanksgiving & Praise

Sins Confessed Know You Are Forgiven

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