KING LEAR----------------------MODEL QUESTIONS: Go through the Drama King Lear and attempt the following Questions very briefly: Q.1: Study King Lear’s first Speech and tell what sort of man he is? Q 2 Quote two famous sentences of King Lear which he utters while talking to Kent Q3
“Thou Nature are my goddess to thy law My services are bound.”
With reference to these lines elaborate Edmond’s concept of Nature. Q4
“O reason not the need Our basest beggars are in the poorest things superfluous Allow not nature more than nature needs Man’s life is cheap as beasts.
With reference to these lines, analyze the concept of need and nature. Q 5 Write a few lines in favour of Edmond. Q 6 Give at least four reasons for the death of Cordelia. Q 7 What is the function of the Fool in the play? Q 8 What is the significance of the storm scene in the play?
Written&Composed By: Prof. A.R.Somroo M.A.English&Education. 0661-610063 Khangarh.