Kichesipirini And Kinouchepirini Confusion

  • November 2019
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Kichesipirini and Kinouchepirini Confusion Recently the Algonquin people and people of the Pembroke area have been exposed to all kinds of information concerning a possible new Algonquin group that has appeared on the scene. This group claims, with research completed by Mervin Sarazin of Pikwakanagan, that they are a traditional group with attachments to the Pembroke area and immediate Ottawa River shoreline, challenging Kichesipirini territory and jurisdiction. The group is led by two former Kichesipirini Metis members, Grant Tysick and Denis Vaillancourt, both also closely involved with Mervin Sarazin in the Micheal Swinwood Sovereignty Circle and associated court cases and constitutional challenges. Kichesipirini had refused any enticements to participate in the activities for a variety of reasons. Grant Tysick, Denis Vaillancourt and Merv Sarazin presented information using some of the research methodology used by myself for the Kichesipirini, thusly applying geographical location and detailed genealogy records to establish community history. Unfortunately they did not do a thorough critical analysis of the research and compare a variety of sources, or they would have found that their claims were in error. Aboriginal identity is many faceted and complex. Professor Darlene Johnston has dedicated much of her academic work establishing that fact. Aboriginal persons and groups were known by many names, representing the many aspects of their lives and social attachments and responsibilities. Added to that and compounding the facts was the reality that they were also known by different names by other Aboriginal groups, and then even again by different names by the British and the French. One group may be known by ten different names, and recorded as such throughout the historical documents. Sorting through the confusion requires great patience and the application of advanced research skills. Sometimes the application of one name is incorrectly applied to thirty different Aboriginal groups. There needs to be great care taken before acting with certainty regarding specific Aboriginal identity, community, territory and associated right. Kichi (Kiche)--Sipi (Sibi)-Rini Great (Grande)-River------People People of the Great River Also known as Island Algonquins Fortunately the Kichesipirini are most definitely the best documented of all historic Algonquin groups, meaning that their constitutional rights are clearly and definitely protected. We are also fortunate that the political and economic activities of the Kichesipirini are also clearly documented, as well their expanded political jurisdiction after 1650, and the formal absorption of many of the smaller groups into the Kichesipirini. We are also fortunate that because of our close alliance to the French and the early Church that we have some of the best genealogical records available tracing back to early contact. Not so fortunate for the Kinounchepirini group. There has been a great deal of confusion regarding the group and it’s location, probably because of confusion regarding totemic identity and probably failure to understand changes in alliances that occurred after 1650.

Although I have extensive documentation regarding the group I am reluctant to share all of that here in case it should be necessary that the Kichesipirini become involvd in court actions to assert rights. I will here share information that should clear up most of the confusion. Kinounch-epi-Rini Pike (Pikeral)-People People of the Pikeral Also known as Quenongebin The Kinounchepirini take their name from the Kinonge River, just west of Montebella, Quebec. The Handbook of Indians of Canada (Hodge, 1913) correctly associates the band with the river but mistakenly places them near Lake Huron. They were correctly identified by Champlain as Quenongebin during his 1613 expedition to visit the Kichesipirini. He encountered the Quenongebin at a river prior to passing the Weskarini. The Quenongebin, or Kinounchepirini were mistakenly located below “the Island of the Algonquins”, (Kichesipirini), in the Jesuits Relations (vol.18, p.229). It is assumed that all Algonquin bands below the Kichesipirini territory were referred to as being “south of the Island”, or Ountchatarounounga, by the Huron. Many historians continued these mistakes. Bruce Trigger mistakenly identified the Kinounchepirini with the band Champlain met near present day Cobden, referred to as the Nibachis band after their Chief. It would seem that the current group is basing their assertions on this faulty research. It should be noted though that even Nabachis, after a nice visit, had to lead Champlain to the Island Algonquins to discuss any business, as bands did not have that authority or jurisdiction to be involved in such activities. Typical of Algonquin communities was tendency to identify with the river that they were attached to, or used as a part of their family band hunting territory. That is the same with the band historically referred to as Bonnechere or Golden Lake Algonquins, or Greater Golden Lake Algonquins. All names refer to the same band currently known as the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan. Peter Hessel explains these mistakes in his book the Algonquin Nation on pages 18 and 19. He verifies that editor of Champlain’s journals, Laverdiere, in 1870, had the facts straight. An examination of the facts shows the Kinounchepirini as being a band located in Quebec, with no attachment to the Muskrat River or any area at all within the vicinity of Pembroke Ontario. Even if their assertions to the region were accurate Kichesipirini jurisdiction supersedes that of bands, and that jurisdiction is constitutionally protected. The band attached to the Muskrat River that Champlain met near Cobden demonstrated their respect of that protocol. All persons living along the Ottawa River fall within the jurisdiction of the Kichesipirini. It is unfortunate that there has been so much confusion concerning the two groups amongst the local public as we differ drastically in governance and leadership. Sincerely, Paula LaPierre Principal Sachem Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation [email protected]

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