Keyholetv Tip

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Sunday, January 27, 2008 :::Event..:::

Played dotHack Quarantine and get myself crapped out... My advice is that it would be best if you start from the first chapter rather than playing the last chapter or even dotHack//Volume 1: Rebirth... It make you sick if you play that first... Got myself 2 hours sleep today and headed for event... In the end, there's another last minute event... Because lion says 6 pm then meet, so i just tell him next week we meet.. And he says okay.. When i have gone for the last minute event which is joint with lion dance troupes and others as well in Clark Quay.. I actually saw Arron as well as his two friends that i've known.. They didn't know that i've already stop workiing for her because of the school matter.... But ultimately, everything has

cleared... Supposedly to be a full day event has suddenly change the approximate ended time at 8 pm... Happily, done my stuff, i run all the way from MOM (Ministry Of Manpower) to Clark Quay Control Station non-stop as i told both Lion and Taku to meet in her shop... Slack there for awhile... Then headed off to dhoby ghaut to eat beancurd.. The place of seperation is at PS at about 11.30 pm... Going to dance as a big head on tuesday this time... Not too sure whether i can make it again... Nevermind, for the sake of clearing my deposit, i gonna give it a try again... Tomorrow have to go for another event... Started on 7 am, and i don't intend to sleep this time round.. Got a small report that this person wants to look for me and give me a clean problem... I wonder what'll be the ending? The Prey wins or the predator...? What's amusing is that, his very own elder brother has already said sorry to me because of his ignorance in some crappy matters.. And the younger brother, himself, does not have any idea who do i look like at all... (Not to forget that none of them knows my real name...) Today the river looks so beautiful at night.. Yet, none of them appreciate it's beauty... It seems that the effect has already gone to an advance level... ----------------------------------------------------------------------Well now, my current wish/objective is to... 1. Let Eric happy everyday la, he always so sad wan... 2. Help Nosuke chio MJ, all the best, Nosuke! 3. Help Taku to crap the sandwich problem in his head.. Well, we'll require him for that matter.. Think that we gonna do this before the end of February.. (Oh yeah, remember meet at Kallang MRT Station by 7 am... Don't be late please, coz i'll leave with or without anyone when the time reaches...) 4. Decided to commence the "BET" this time round since this year is the perfect year for me to do so... ----------------------------------------------------------------------344 days to go to the "Promise"

16 days to the "Reunion" 21 days to my "death anniversary" Posted@|12:42 AM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Friday, January 25, 2008 :::Destiny? Or maybe not..::: Didn't managed to get myself to school as i am too tired for that due to the reason that, i have been seasoning my hair just recently... So when i woke up, the first thing i have done is to, sms my disciple whether he wishes to meet up.. Got rejected by him though so i sms to GW next.. So i got a reply from him like that,

"I nw at lan with TX. Later work" So i got crapped out and head to Greenview Secondary School... Sent a sms to Yong An that i'll be coming to Greenview and visit them, yet he didn't reply.. I thought that all of them has already went home so... Again, i sms to Hoi Han...

This time, she's the only one who's free for the whole day so we hang out in school in the end... =.= I must say that, it has been a year since i last saw her and she've grown alot more adorable.. And i got myself a feeling saying that, i should get her as my disciple.. But in the end, i didn't ask her since i know that she doesn't even show interest on anything at all, let alone of martial arts...

When i finally reached Greenview, i've found eric (Whom i thought that he surely work today..) and later on, both GW and TX.. And a boring day soon turned out to be the most problematic day for all as well...

I got some crappy news, and i couldn't believe what i heard from it... Those fucking thing and so on and so forth... For that matter, i've learnt to abhor those pathetic rapist and their

kind.. Hurting young girls and all these foolish things.. But, what can i do? I am, just a normal human... I am unable to stop all the things which has revolve around me for the years that i have live in..

So i gonna use the same sentence again... "Not my business.."

While in Loyang Point, eric has said that today we're fated to meet... And my reply is, "Well, if it isn't because of that school, i don't think we're really fated to meet through out our life..."

It has been four years since the first time i know them... Everything has changed so much, the time has passed so quickly... My actual plan is to see them being a successful person and i can leave them from their lives forever.. But in the end, i couldn't bear to do it.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Turning Classifieds Into Cash

Selling Internet job listings in booming Asia seems like a cinch. But it was Mark Chang's caution that's made JobStreet a success. When Malaysian Mark Chang started online job-listing company JobStreet in 1997, he figured it would earn him a regular paycheck and allow him to be his own boss, but he didn't expect anything more. "I really thought it would be a mom-and-pop kind of thing," he says. Fast-forward ten years: JobStreet is now Southeast Asia's largest online employment company. It's growing in Hong Kong and India, and it's entered Japan. The company, whose clients include the likes of Dell (nasdaq: DELL - news - people ), Siemens (nyse: SI - news - people ) and Canon (nyse: CAJ - news - people ), serves more than 45,000 employers and 4 million registered job seekers. Asia's sizzling growth has

meant plenty of business in industries from banking to manufacturing desperate to fill jobs. "When the economy is strong, companies need to keep expanding, so we get a lot of companies coming back to us," says Chang. "When the unemployment rate in Singapore, for example, dips so low, companies must look outside of Singapore for labor. A company like us, on the Internet, can reach out to Malaysia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and tap job seekers across the region." In July, in fact, it formed a joint venture in Japan that will advertise for engineers from around Asia to work in Japan's technology sector. Japanese electronics makers have moved most of their factories to other parts of Asia, but they still need midlevel engineers in their research and development centers back home. JobStreet also has branched into other services, such as providing custom-made recruitment software for multinationals. Dell's Malaysian call center hired it to screen candidates and compile shortlists for the personnel department. Shell picked JobStreet to design and manage the oil giant's global online employment site. JobStreet is still small, but its profits and revenue are growing fast. The company hasn't announced its 2007 results yet, but Shin Kao Jack, a technology analyst at OSK Investment Bank in Kuala Lumpur, estimates that net profit hit $9.6 million, a 40% jump over 2006. Revenue reached $24.6 million, he figures, up 24% from the year before. It listed on Malaysia's technology exchange, the Mesdaq, in 2004, and the shares are up 46% over the past year, to a recent 54 cents. Last year the company landed on FORBES ASIA's list of the best public companies in Asia-Pacific, with under $1 billion in annual revenue. How this Kuala Lumpur startup flourished beyond its founder's expectations has very much to do with the founder himself. A soft-spoken engineer, Chang, 43, has an innate conservatism that led him to seek advice from people who made sense and to shrug off the myriad Internet experts and would-be investors who urged JobStreet to grow fast. This helped the company sidestep the dot-com bust in 2000, which wiped out many of his competitors. When Asia's economic boom resumed, JobStreet was well positioned. Along the way Chang, who wrote much of the software that powers the company, had to learn to relinquish control of the technical stuff and don the mantle of chief executive.

After graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a master's degree in mechanical engineering in 1990, Chang returned to Malaysia and took a job as an engineer

at a catheter factory in Perlis, a rural state on the Thai border. He spent his evenings and weekends tooling around the Internet. In 1995, figuring he was ready to set out on his own, he started Malaysia Online, the country's first commercial Web site. MOL offered the usual portal services, including online classifieds, and Chang quickly noticed that the job listings were popular. That led to The site's growth soon bumped into a problem: Malaysia's then slow Internet speeds were putting off some job seekers. So he wrote software enabling the site to match jobs with job seekers and automatically e-mail them when a suitable opening was posted. That way they didn't have to keep logging on to the system to conduct fresh searches of the listings. By 2000 Chang had decided he had too much on his plate with MOL. He spun off JobStreet into a separate company and sold MOL for $3.2 million to Vincent Tan, the chief executive and controlling shareholder of Berjaya Group. He then plowed $2.6 million into JobStreet and began building the site in earnest. Malaysia's large electronics manufacturing sector, which boasts Dell, Intel (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ) and Motorola (nyse: MOT - news people ) plants, formed the core of JobStreet's early clientele, later followed by industries such as banking and hospitality. During the early years Chang was basically winging it. "When I started JobStreet, I had no business plan," he says. "I just thought, 'I'll try it for two years and see how it goes.'" His approach worked in his favor as dot-com fever swept through Asia in 1998 and 1999 and Internet consultants and angel investors bombarded Chang with business plans and big ideas. He shrugged most of them off. "People were just handing out cash in those days," he says. "And these people had suggestions that seemed so unbelievable I couldn't sign my name to them." Some, he recalls, thought JobStreet should quickly expand clear across Asia and list on Nasdaq. "I thought they were crazy. We couldn't even list on Nasdaq now." That caution served him well. When the bubble burst, JobStreet still had plenty of cash and didn't have to fire people or shut down. He did, however, open the door to a seasoned global investor. In 1999 he accepted a $1.6 million investment from San Francisco venture capital firm Walden International. After putting in more money in 2001, Walden owned 30% of JobStreet. It urged Chang to hire a chief executive who had more business experience, but there weren't any compelling candidates on the horizon. So Walden decided Chang should stay put--but start acting like a chief executive. That was tough for Chang. "I had to switch modes," he says. "I was acting more like an inventor than a manager. I wasn't profit-minded." To help out, he recruited two Malaysian classmates from MIT: Albert Wong as chief technology officer and Suresh Thiru as chief operating officer. Walden also urged Chang to expand to a few key Southeast Asian countries, such as Singapore and the Philippines. And it pushed him to trim costs--JobStreet, as well as MOL, was losing money. "It was a wake-up call," he says. "They demanded that we run it like a real company." JobStreet is now the largest online recruiter in Malaysia and the Philippines and number two in Singapore. It's not in Thailand yet but is looking to enter. And its seven-year-old India unit, which had languished in a very competitive market, is gaining traction. Last April JobStreet sold half of its India unit for $2 million to Television Eighteen India in Mumbai, which promptly began promoting the site on the air. Since then the number of registered users has climbed 25%, to 1.5 million. While some countries such as India have strong online recruiters, there are few regional

players. Hong Kong's JobsDB, which isn't listed, is JobStreet's chief regional rival. Jobsdb, which operates in 11 countries, says it counts 7 million registered job seekers. JobStreet's move into software services got a boost from Shell in 2006. Shell bought a customized version of JobStreet's recruitment software to power its employment Web sites worldwide and outsourced the sites' management to JobStreet. JobStreet's system helps Shell screen, process and track applications around the globe. Shell Malaysia was one of its first big customers, so when the parent company, which was using six different recruitment software systems worldwide, decided to pick one, Shell Malaysia backed the JobStreet offering, according to Chang. That deal was worth $1 million, plus an annual retainer of $500,000, he says. The Shell deal impressed Flextronics International (nasdaq: FLEX - news - people ), which then bought JobStreet's software to manage its online application and tracking processes in seven Asian countries. Flextronics, the giant Singapore contract electronics manufacturer, considered a host of well-known human resources software packages but soon settled on JobStreet. "Our margin is very, very thin," says Andy Li, Flextronics' director of talent acquisition in Asia. "We needed to look at a GE kind of effectiveness at Wal-Mart (nyse: WMT - news - people ) prices." Li liked that JobStreet was able to quickly customize the software for each country, so applicants who visit the Web site in South Korea are able to peruse job postings in Korean. JobStreet's success has attracted overseas investors. Some 43% of the company is held by institutional investors. U.S. fund Fidelity International holds 10%, U.S. hedge fund Armor Capital 8%. Chang, the largest single shareholder, owns 12%, Walden still 2%. OSK Securities recommends buying the stock. "I like the company," says analyst Shin. "It's young and growing, and has the potential to become world class." ----------------------------------------------------------------------345 days to go to the "Promise" 17 days to the "Reunion" 22 days to my "death anniversary" Posted@|7:07 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Thursday, January 24, 2008 :::New Hairstyle for march photoshoot..::: Hmm... Managed to think of a new hairstyle for the upcoming photoshoot, but however, given by my hair condition.. It seems that i would need alot more seasoning, and i have done seasoning yesterday.. But in the end, everything doesn't seems goes to well for me as there's one part of my hair seems to be thoroughly damaged that even waxing doesn't help... T_T So i intended to use my previous hairstyle for the March photoshoot... And perhaps after that day of photoshoot, i gonna cut my hair and re-season again.. And do the final hairstyle that i think of..

Knowing that my hair will be damaged through out the process, but i don't really give it a damn since results is the only thing that interest me... So i gonna let it damaged my hair until i finally doesn't require the seasoning anymore... Posted@|10:30 AM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Sunday, January 20, 2008 :::And so.. The other game i just started playing has...::: Holy crap... Yesterday just completed Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus, then today just started playing dotHack// G.U... I didn't know that the form of Kite azure flame god or something is the last boss.. O_o I thought that they refer Azure kite as the last boss... Didn't know that the last boss ability is the same as others.. I would rather think that Magus is much more powerful compare to Azure Kite.. T_T (Or maybe, the timing and attack i get is immaculate, that is why it is a piece of cake.. Ah, well.. Since i have already defeated it, so there's no point whining about it... ) Hmm.. Nonetheless, since i have already completed the games.. I think i should focus onto the lame games which i haven't even touch it from last year up til now... Not sure which game i gonna play though.. Hmm.. Perhaps i should play Harvest Moon? But then again, i would much prefer the way it were in PS 1 though... Bah, enough of that.. Think i'll be studying for the next whole week and also, take the liberty to prepare the "planning" that i have for now.. 350 days more to go to the "Promise" Posted@|6:36 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Saturday, January 19, 2008 :::Gamer mode...::: Completed Final Fantasy VII: Dirge Of Cerberus within 2 days... And i found that i really liked the game.. Too bad that the story plot is too short otherwise, i can just play it until insane... Yesterday send a sms to Uncle Charlie and he didn't reply.. Guess that i'll have to call him regarding about the disc... Now the only game i wants to focus on is... Hack G.U.// Since i just started playing for quite awhile and i think it is time for me to complete it... And also, i currently focusing on the PSP Repairs, deposit as well as Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.. Since i always loved Final Fantasy VII for what they have... Sounds pretty tough

since the all the stuff sum up should be around... $ 300++? Not only that, i gonna have myself a decent memory stick which has 8 GB Storage in it... ----------------------------------------------------------------------アリス九號 の News

ア リス九號's first release of the new year has been announced. Mirror Ball will be released on March 26th and will be available in three versions. Two of these will include three tracks and a DVD while the third will only contain two tracks. The title track will also be used in the movie adaptation of the anime "Aquarian Age".

アリス九號 の 虎 Injured, Unable to Perform... According to blog posts by each member of alice nine., several of their upcoming lives have been postponed, with no knowledge as to if and when they will be able to proceed with them due to an injury sustained by guitarist, Tora. A cervical disk hernia in Tora's neck, which has been causing pain and numbness down his left arm, has ridden him unable to even hold his guitar. They are unsure what types of treatments he may have to undergo, but plan on keeping their fans updated once a full examination of Tora's condition is performed. They also ask for their fans' continued support and prayers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Viored 's Disbandment Announcement The members of Viored have announced the band's decision to disband, their last live to be held on February 23rd at Takodanobaba AREA. However, the live will be performed without vocalist Kei's participation, as he has already what seems like vanished.

Due to undisclosed personal reasons, Kei has wanted to leave the band since last year, the band feeling that they can't continue without him. All of the members aside from Kei have left messages, in regard to this decision, on the official site and are sorry that things turned out the way they did. They also thank their fans for all their support. (If you do not know what is Viored, they're actually a Visual Kei band which plays Jrock..) -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Make your Browsing more faster with Open DNS 1.Open Control Panel

2. Choose NetWorK connection

3. Double Click your current connection

4. Click properties

5. Click Internet protocoL then properties

6. Change DNS server with this new setting... Preferred DNS : Alternate DNS:

7. Then open this site 8. To check if the DNS setting has activated, you'll see this picture belowIf you had follow my steps & the screen just appear as above (no.8) then you had succeded.. the next step is to restart your computer for new effect to take places..

Source: ----------------------------------------------------------------------Watch Japanese TV on your computer KeyHoleTV is a Windows P2PTV application that broadcasts all the regular Japanese TV channels (with the exception of NHK) and the occasional American channel, webcam, or whatever random thing that might pop up. With this program, you can stream Japanese channels in real-time. The quality of the audio and video isn't that great, unfortunately. The sound can be downright terrible, especially when music performances or loud audiences are involved. But overall, it's decent enough to hold us over until the show is uploaded or a better-quality alternative comes along. To install, go to and download the latest installation file (currently version 2.13). It's updated somewhat often, so you may want to check back now and again.The program is simple and pretty self-explanatory. To watch a channel, doubleclick the channel you want under the Program tab and you are set. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Locker For Computer 1.) Open a notepad 2.) Copy & Paste

Code: @ECHO OFF title Folder Locker if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to Unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDLOCKER md Locker echo Locker created successfully goto End :End 3.) Save with a .bat extension 4.) Double click the bat file if will create a folder named locker 5.) Move any files you want to be hidden in your locker 6.) Double click the bat again and you will be asked to lock when the folder is locked it will dissapear 7.) To unlock the folder double click the bat file enter any pass

----------------------------------------------------------------------How to make ur IE fast like Firefox 1. Click start > run 2. Type regedit > enter 3. Browse HKLM >Software > Microsoft >Windows 4. Right click @ windows right > New > DWORD 5. Type MaxConnectionsPerServer > u can set value (the more higher, the more good speed u get, eg : 99) 6. Create another DWORD >type MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server 7. Then put a high valkue as mention above 8. Then, restart ie... You're done with it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------351 days more to go to the "Promise" Posted@|3:10 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Friday, January 18, 2008 :::1/3 Disc...::: Heard that one of my brother, TX has some crap trouble regarding about some matters (I'm not going to say it since it actually involves quite a group..) So in the end, i abandoned my project and head off to loyang point to meet him along with GW... Met them, and had a few ideas about countering back the matters.. At the same time, we

also created a masterpiece known as "3/4, our life are happier without you around..." The aim is to actually make a prank on "him" and see how's his response... Waiting for TX to send me the "Masterpiece", so that i can put onto my friendster as a primary photo... Planning to call Uncle Charlie regarding about the 1/3 disc tomorrow or maybe the day after... News A pair of twins who were adopted by separate families as babies got married without knowing they were brother and sister, a peer told the House of Lords. A court annulled the British couple's union after they discovered their true relationship, Lord Alton said. The peer - who heard of the case from a judge who was involved - said the twins felt an "inevitable attraction". He said the case showed how important it was for children to be able to find out about their biological parents. Details of the identities of the twins involved have been kept secret, but Lord Alton said the pair did not realise they were related until after their marriage. 'Truth will be out' The crossbench peer, a former Liberal Democrat MP, raised the couple's case during a House of Lords debate on the Human Fertility and Embryology Bill in December."They were never told that they were twins," he told the Lords. They met later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the judge had to deal with the consequences of the marriage that they entered into and all the issues of their separation. "He told the BBC News website that their story raises the wider issue of the importance of strengthening the rights of children to know the identities of their biological parents. "If you start trying to conceal someone's identity, sooner or later the truth will out," he said."And if you don't know you are biologically related to someone, you may become attracted to them and tragedies like this may occur. Pam Hodgkins, chief executive officer of the charity Adults Affected by Adoption (NORCAP) said there had been previous cases of separated siblings being attracted to each other."We have a resistance, a very strong incest taboo where we are aware that someone is a biological relative," she said."But when we are unaware of that relationship, we are naturally drawn to people who are quite similar to ourselves. "Incredibly rare" And of course there is unlikely to be anyone more similar to any individual than their sibling. Mo O'Reilly, director of child placement for the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, said the situation was traumatic for the people involved, but incredibly rare."Thirty or 40 years ago it would have been more likely that twins be separated and, brought up without knowledge of each other," she said.Today, however, adopted children grow up with a greater knowledge of their birth families - and organisations try to place brothers and sisters together. If that were not possible, the siblings would still have some form of contact with each other. "This sad case illustrates why, over the last 20-30 years, the shift to openness in adoption was so important," Ms O'Reilly added.

From BBC news, posted by robsh... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------US Sees Korea as Major Sex Tourism Destination

The U.S. Congressional Research Service still rates South Korea as a major Asian destination for organized sex tours in a recent report entitled "Trafficking in Persons: U.S. Policy and Issues for Congress.”Since the prostitution crackdown laws went into effect on Sept. 23, 2004, Korea says, brothels have been closed down, organized prostitution for foreign tourists has to all intents and purposes eradicated, and ordinary prostitution has been outlawed and drastically reduced. All this is corroborated by objective data. The latest classification by the CRS is therefore a blow for the Korean government, highlighting the need to disseminate accurate information to improve the national image.

In the report issued last week, the CRS lists South Korea as a primary Asian destination for organized sex tours, alongside the Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong. By citing Indonesia and Taiwan as secondary destinations for organized sex tours, the report suggests prostitution in South Korea is more serious than in these two countries. An official with the South Korean Embassy in Washington said, "We're making all-out efforts to present accurate information on Korea to politicians, government officials, academics and experts in the U.S. It is sometimes possible that accurate information on the reality in Korea is not delivered. We'll take a proper countermeasure after finding out the truth first." According to the CRS report, U.S. President George W. Bush on Oct. 18, 2007 issued sanctions against North Korea, Burma, Cuba, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela, which the U.S. State Department had categorized, in its own human trafficking report, as Tier 3 countries for failing to address the problem of trafficking for forced labor. Source: Chosun -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------352 days more to go to the "Promise" Posted@|6:32 PM|

0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Thursday, January 17, 2008 :::...::: Pictures already uploaded, refer to my photobucket... Met uncle charlie by concidence in bugis today while hanging around with Takuya.. Will be getting the rest of the 1/3 disc regarding about the photoshoot held on 5th January 2008... Got a news that "she" will be flying to taiwan for 3 years... (Don't anyhow think that it is joyce...) Something related to my friend anyway... Kept a secret since she doesn't wants "him" to know yet... Posted@|11:52 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Wednesday, January 16, 2008 :::News::: Good news and the Bad news Good news is that i managed to get the disc from Ru Yan... 2/3 of discs obtained.. (1/3 is still at Uncle Charlie's there...) And i have already uploaded into my photobucket... The Bad news is that, the pc i currently using can only be able to read only those normal cds, not dvd (But then again, the driver i used should be able to read it... =.=) Well, i will upload again once my friend has done something towards the driver otherwise, it would seems to be a hard case for me.. Well, it is not a big deal actually... It is just only a matter of time anyway... Posted@|11:08 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Monday, January 14, 2008 :::::: this friday there will be a outing we will be cycling from east coast to changi

who ever want come please call masu cause im YUKI thank you Posted@|8:02 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Sunday, January 13, 2008 :::Haix::: Can't seems to take online tests and other lesson in net... I wonder what has happened to it..? It appears that i've got myself a dead end there now... Guess that i have to use school's com for this one on the upcoming friday.. =.= Got sabo by one of the elders and ended up didn't able to make it to the event... Haix.. Got to my cousin's house and i found a guy who's lying on the floor, with a bag lying just beside him... Didn't bother to wake him up since it is not my business (Even though the scene looks like he got knocked out and robbed as well...) That is all for today... Hope that next week i can be able to go for the "Big Head" once again... Posted@|5:31 AM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Saturday, January 12, 2008 :::=.=::: In the end, i was being forced to dance as a "Big Head" under some circumstances... Oh well, that is my fate... Although it is my first time dancing another kind of "Big Head" in some kind of event... It seems to be challanging as my hair never fails to cover my eyes, making it hard for me to see through the mouth... =.= Although there are some says "It is impressive to see you dance for the first time with such skill", "Splendid! You did well!" or others like "You have surpass your father's ability in this area".. But however, i am NOT pleased... As i still know that i have a long way to go as well as i do not know what's the organiser thinks about me in this area... Crap, i forgot to tell them about my family background... But i think it is okay for them as... A friend does not need to know others' family background just to understand one better... I planning to pay half of the deposit after 2 weeks with the effect from now... (Well, i hope more of events is coming towards now...) Looking forward for tomorrow's event..

Would like to remind those people regarding about some police matter... Beware of your phone for sending out sms and phone calls... As your service providers never fails to have all your conversations (Regardless of lame questions or important matters...) and have them confidential... The only ones who are able to get the information are those who are over management area OR by the police themselves.. Well, that is also part of a reason that in singapore, you can never make it big as a gangster or something... Because the "eyes" and the "ears" are everywhere...

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------For 20yrs a Mother and her Daughter Fail to Realize that They are Related Well, founded it in a forum so i gonna post up here and share the knowledge with everyone..

Despite having met and known each other at church for more than 20 years, a mother and her daughter failed to realize they were related. Mute daughter Tan Baoyu (name transliterated) had been placed under the care of others since she was a child. It was only when she had trouble applying for her MyKad (a national identity card for Malaysian citizens) and went in search of her biological mother that she discovered that the woman who had given birth to her had been by her side all along.

31 years ago, her biological mother Xie Yazhu (name transliterated) – who is also mute conceived a child with an Indian man and gave birth to Baozhu. Baozhu’s father abandoned them, and because she was unable to bring up Baozhu on her own, Yazhu left her under the care of a Chinese couple. Since her foster parents did not go through a formal adoption process when they took in Baozhu, she had not been able to apply for a MyKad when she was 12. She had to rely on a temporary IC when she took tests, attended interviews and registered her marriage.After four months of searching, her foster mother Zheng Yarong (name transliterated) successfully tracked down Baozhu’s biological mother. After DNA analysis confirmed Baozhu’s relation to her birth mother, the National Registration Department finally issued a MyKad to Baozhu. Ever since she was little, Baozhu had a habit of going to church to pray, and her biological mother was a member of that church’s congregation, so the two of them had actually known each other for more than 20 years. Source: Kooky Pic from Mingthein -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------News Time

Romance rumors that circulated during the summer about SMAP leader Nakai Masahiro (35) and "ero-kakkoii" pop singer Koda Kumi (25) are true after all. Today's issue of the weekly women's magazine "Josei Seven" includes photos of the couple at Nakai's plush Tokyo apartment, which he moved into just in October. The photos were taken on December 5, after the couple had both appeared on a Fuji TV music show. Koda was a guest on the Fuji show "Utaban", co-hosted by Nakai and comedian Ishibashi Takaaki, in late September and they both tried to laugh off the rumors. But with SMAP being the kings of the J-pop world and Koda being the top-selling artist of the last few years, the media are now referring to them as a "chou biggu kappuru" (super big couple). And with Nakai in the role as emcee for the female Red Team at this year's Kohaku Uta

Gassen on New Year's Eve, he will have to introduce his own girlfriend on stage for the most widely viewed show of the year. And she's scheduled to perform the song "Ai no Uta" (Song of Love). That's just the kind of publicity that NHK have been praying for as the show has seen a slump in ratings over the recent years. Source: Asianfanatics Posted@|11:46 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Friday, January 11, 2008 :::Something to share...::: HOW TO TRACE A HACKER Sometimes, it's just not enough to simply know that there's a Trojan or Virus onboard. Sometimes you need to know exactly why that file is onboard, how it got there - but most importantly, who put it there.By enumerating the attacker in the same way that they have enumerated the victim, you will be able to see the bigger picture and establish what you're up against. But how can you do this? Read on... ## Connections make the world go round ## The computer world, at any rate. Every single time you open up a website, send an email or upload your webpages into cyberspace, you are connecting to another machine in order to get the job done. This, of course, presents a major problem, because this simple act is what allows malicious users to target a machine in the first place. # How do these people find their victim?Well, first of all, they need to get hold of the victim's IP Address. Your IP (Internet Protocol) address reveals your point of entry to the Internet and can be used in many ways to cause your online activities many, many problems. It may not reveal you by name, but it may be uniquely identifiable and it represents your digital ID while you are online (especially so if you're on a fixed IP / DSL etc). With an IP address, a Hacker can find out all sorts of weird and wonderful things about their victim (as well as causing all kinds of other trouble, the biggest two being Portnukes/Trojans and the dreaded DoS ((Denial of Service)) attack). Some Hackers like to collect IP Addresses like badges, and like to go back to old targets, messing them around every so often. An IP address is incredibly easy to obtain - until recently, many realtime chat applications (such as MSN) were goldmines of information. Your IP Address is contained as part of the Header Code on all emails that you send and webpages that you visit can store all kinds of information about you. A common trick is for the Hacker to go into a Chatroom, paste his supposed website address all over the place, and when the unsuspecting victim visits, everything about your computer from the operating system to the screen resolution can be logged...and, of course, the all important IP address. In addition, a simple networkwide port scan will reveal vulnerable target machines, and a war-dialler will scan thousands of lines for exposed modems that the hacker can exploit.So now that you know some of the basic dangers, you're probably wondering how these people connect to a victim's machine? ## Virtual and Physical Ports ##

Everything that you recieve over the Internet comes as a result of other machines connecting to your computer's ports. You have two types; Physical are the holes in the back of your machine, but the important ones are Virtual. These allow transfer of data between your computer and the outside world, some with allocated functions, some without, but knowing how these work is the first step to discovering who is attacking you; you simply MUST have a basic knowledge of this, or you won't get much further. # What the phrases TCP/UDP actually mean TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, a TCP/IP packet is a block of data which is compressed, then a header is put on it and it is sent to another computer (UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol). This is how ALL internet transfers occur, by sending packets. The header in a packet contains the IP address of the one who originally sent you it. Now, your computer comes with an excellent (and free) tool that allows you to see anything that is connected (or is attempting to connect) to you, although bear in mind that it offers no blocking protection; it simply tells you what is going on, and that tool is NETSTAT. ## Netstat: Your first line of defence## Netstat is a very fast and reliable method of seeing exactly who or what is connected (or connecting) to your computer. Open up DOS (Start/Programs/MS-DOS Prompt on most systems), and in the MSDOS Prompt, type: netstat -a (make sure you include the space inbetween the "t" and the "a"). If you're connected to the Internet when you do this, you should see something like: Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP macintosh: 20034 50505 ESTABLISHED TCP macintosh: 80 proxy.webcache.eng.sq: 30101 TIME_WAIT TCP macintosh MACINTOSH: 0 LISTENING TCP macintosh MACINTOSH: 0 LISTENING TCP macintosh MACINTOSH: 0 LISTENING Now, "Proto(col)" simply means what kind of data transmission is taking place (TCP or UDP), "Local address" is your computer (and the number next to it tells you what port you're connected on), "Foreign Address" is the machine that is connected to you (and what port they're using), and finally "State" is simply whether or not a connection is actually established, or whether the machine in question is waiting for a transmission, or timing out etc. Now, you need to know all of Netstat's various commands, so type: netstat ? You will get something like this: Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.

NETSTAT [-a] [-e] [-n] [-s] [-p proto] [-r] [interval] -a Displays all connections and listening ports. -e Displays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option. -n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form. -p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be TCP or UDP. If used with the -s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be TCP, UDP, or IP. -r Displays the routing table. -s Displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP and IP; the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the default. Have a play around with the various options, but the most important use of these methods is when you combine them. The best command to use is netstat -an Because this will list all connections in Numerical Form, which makes it a lot easier to trace malicious users.... Hostnames can be a little confusing if you don't know what you're doing (although they're easily understandable, as we shall see later). Also, by doing this, you can also find out what your own IP address is, which is always useful. Also, netstat -b will tell you what ports are open and what programs are connecting to the internet. ## Types of Port## It would be impossible to find out who was attacking you if computers could just access any old port to perform an important function; how could you tell a mail transfer from a Trojan Attack? Well, good news, because your regular, normal connections are assigned to low, commonly used ports, and in general, the higher the number used, the more you should be suspicious. Here are the three main types of port: # Well Known Ports These run from 0 to 1023, and are bound to the common services that run on them (for example, mail runs on channel 25 tcp/udp, which is smtp (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) so if you find one of these ports open (and you usually will), it's usually because of an essential function. # Registered Ports These run on 1024 to 49151. Although not bound to a particular service, these are normally used by networking utilities like FTP software, Email client and so on, and they do this by opening on a random port within this range before communicating with the remote server, so don't panic (just be wary, perhaps) if you see any of these open, because they usually close automatically when the system that's running on them terminates (for example, type in a common website name in your browser with netstat open, and watch as it opens up a port at random to act as a buffer for the remote servers). Services like MSN Messenger and ICQ usually run on these Ports. # Dynamic/Private Ports Ranging from 49152 to 65535, these things are rarely used except with certain programs, and even then not very often. This is indeed the usual range of the Trojan, so if you find any of these open, be very suspicious. So, just to recap:Well Known Ports 0 to 1023 Commonly used, little danger.

Registered Ports 1024 to 49151 Not as common, just be careful. Dynamic/Private Ports 49152 to 65535 Be extremely suspicious. ## The hunt is on ## Now, it is essential that you know what you're looking for, and the most common way someone will attack your machine is with a Trojan. This is a program that is sent to you in an email, or attempts to bind itself to one of your ports, and when activated, it can give the user your passwords, access to your hard drive...they can even make your CD Tray pop open and shut. At the end of this Document, you will find a list of the most commonly used Trojans and the ports they operate on. For now, let's take another look at that first example of Netstat.... Active Connections Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP macintosh: 27374 50505 ESTABLISHED TCP macintosh: 80 proxy.webcache.eng.sq: 30101 TIME_WAIT TCP macintosh MACINTOSH: 0 LISTENING TCP macintosh MACINTOSH: 0 LISTENING TCP macintosh MACINTOSH: 0 LISTENING Now, straight away, this should make more sense to you. Your computer is connected on two ports, 80 and 27374. Port 80 is used for http/www transmissions (ie for all intents and purposes, its how you connect to the net, although of course it's a lot more complicated than that). Port 27374, however, is distinctly suspicious; first of all, it is in the registered port range, and although other services (like MSN) use these, let's assume that you have nothing at all running like instant messengers, webpages're simply connected to the net through proxy. So, now this connection is looking even more troublesome, and when you realise that 27374 is a common port for Netbus (a potentially destructive Trojan), you can see that something is untoward here. So, what you would do is: 1) run Netstat , and use: Netstat -a then Netstat -an So you have both Hostnames AND IP addresses. ## Tracerouting ## Having the attacker's IP is all well and good, but what can you do with it? The answer is, a lot more! It's not enough to have the address, you also need to know where the attacker's connections are coming from. You may have used automated tracerouting tools before, but do you jknow how they work? Go back to MSDOS and typetracert *type IP address/Hostname here* Now, what happens is, the Traceroute will show you all the computers inbetween you and

the target machine, including blockages, firewalls etc. More often than not, the hostname address listed before the final one will belong to the Hacker's ISP Company. It'll either say who the ISP is somewhere in there, or else you run a second trace on the new IP/hostname address to see who the ISP Company in question is. If the Hostname that you get back doesn't actually seem to mention an actual geographical location within its text, you may think all is lost. But fear not! Suppose you get a hostname such as Well, that tells us nothing, right? Wrong....simply enter the hostname in your browser, and though many times you will get nothing back, sometimes it will resolve to an ISP, and from there you can easily find out its location and in what areas they operate. This at least gives you a firm geographical location to carry out your investigations in. If you STILL have nothing, as a last resort you COULD try connecting to your target's ISP's port 13 by Telnet, which will tell you how many hours ahead or behind this ISP is of GMT, thus giving you a geographical trace based on the time mentioned (although bear in mind, the ISP may be doing something stupid like not having their clocks set correctly, giving you a misleading trace. Similarly, a common tactic of Hackers is to deliberately have their computer's clock set to a totally wrong time, so as to throw you off the scent). Also, unless you know what you're doing, I wouldn't advise using Telnet (which is outside the parameters of this tutorial). ## Reverse DNS Query ## This is probably the most effective way of running a trace on somebody. If ever you're in a chatroom and you see someone saying that they've "hacked into a satellite orbiting the Earth, and are taking pictures of your house right now", ignore them because that's just bad movie nonsense. THIS method is the way to go, with regard to finding out what country (even maybe what State/City etc) someone resides, although it's actually almost impossible to find an EXACT geographical location without actually breaking into your ISP's Head Office and running off with the safe.To run an rDNS query, simply go back to MS-DOS and type netstat and hit return. Any active connections will resolve to hostnames rather than a numerical format. # DNSDNS stands for Domain Name Server. These are machines connected to the Internet whose job it is to keep track of the IP Addresses and Domain Names of other machines. When called upon, they take the ASCII Domain Name and convert it to the relevant numeric IP Address. A DNS search translates a hostname into an IP address....which is why we can enter "" and get the website to come up, instead of having to actually remember Hotmail's IP address and enter that instead. Well, Reverse DNS, of course, translates the IP Address into a Hostname (ie - in letters and words instead of numbers, because sometimes the Hacker will employ various methods to stop Netstat from picking up a correct Hostname). So, for example, is NOT a Hostname. IS a Hostname.

Anyway, see the section at the end? (au) means the target lives in Australia. Most (if not all) hostnames end in a specific Country Code, thus narrowing down your search even further. If you know your target's Email Address (ie they foolishly sent you a hate mail, but were silly enough to use a valid email address) but nothing else, then you can use the Country codes to deduce where they're from as well. You can also deduce the IP address of the sender by looking at the emails header (a "hidden" line of code which contains information on the sender)...on Hotmail for example, go to Preferences, and select the "Full Header's Visible" option. Alternatively, you can run a "Finger" Trace on the email address, at: Plus, some ISP's include their name in your Email Address with them too (ie Wanadoo, Supanet etc), and your Hacker may be using an email account that's been provided by a Website hosting company, meaning this would probably have the website host's name in the email address (ie Webspawners). So, you could use the information gleaned to maybe even hunt down their website (then you could run a website check as mentioned previously) or report abuse of that Website Provider's Email account (and thus, the Website that it goes with) to [email protected] If your Hacker happens to reside in the USA, go to: for a complete list of US State abbreviatons. ## List of Ports commonly used by Trojans ## Please note that this isn't a complete list by any means, but it will give you an idea of what to look out for in Netstat. Be aware that some of the lower Ports may well be running valid services. UDP: 1349 Back Ofrice DLL 31337 BackOfrice 1.20 31338 DeepBO 54321 BackOfrice 2000 TCP: 21 Blade Runner, Doly Trojan, Fore, Invisible FTP, WebEx, WinCrash 23 Tiny Telnet Server 25 Antigen, Email Password Sender, Haebu Coceda, Shtrilitz Stealth, Terminator, WinPC, WinSpy, Kuang2 0.17A-0.30 31 Hackers Paradise 80 Executor 456 Hackers Paradise 555 Ini-Killer, Phase Zero, Stealth Spy 666 Satanz Backdoor 1001 Silencer, WebEx 1011 Doly Trojan 1170 Psyber Stream Server, Voice 1234 Ultors Trojan 1243 SubSeven 1.0 - 1.8

1245 VooDoo Doll 1492 FTP99CMP 1600 Shivka-Burka 1807 SpySender 1981 Shockrave 1999 BackDoor 1.00-1.03 2001 Trojan Cow 2023 Ripper 2115 Bugs 2140 Deep Throat, The Invasor 2801 Phineas Phucker 3024 WinCrash 3129 Masters Paradise 3150 Deep Throat, The Invasor 3700 Portal of Doom 4092 WinCrash 4567 File Nail 1 4590 ICQTrojan 5000 Bubbel 5000 Sockets de Troie 5001 Sockets de Troie 5321 Firehotcker 5400 Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha 5401 Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha 5402 Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha 5400 Blade Runner 5401 Blade Runner 5402 Blade Runner 5569 Robo-Hack 5742 WinCrash 6670 DeepThroat 6771 DeepThroat 6969 GateCrasher, Priority 7000 Remote Grab 7300 NetMonitor 7301 NetMonitor 7306 NetMonitor 7307 NetMonitor 7308 NetMonitor 7789 ICKiller 8787 BackOfrice 2000 9872 Portal of Doom 9873 Portal of Doom 9874 Portal of Doom 9875 Portal of Doom 9989 iNi-Killer 10067 Portal of Doom 10167 Portal of Doom 10607 Coma 1.0.9 11000 Senna Spy 11223 Progenic trojan 12223 Hack?ƒ?’â?‚?Å¡?ƒ?€š?‚´99 KeyLogger 12345 GabanBus, NetBus

12346 GabanBus, NetBus 12361 Whack-a-mole 12362 Whack-a-mole 16969 Priority 20001 Millennium 20034 NetBus 2.0, Beta-NetBus 2.01 21544 GirlFriend 1.0, Beta-1.35 22222 Prosiak 23456 Evil FTP, Ugly FTP 26274 Delta 30100 NetSphere 1.27a 30101 NetSphere 1.27a 30102 NetSphere 1.27a 31337 Back Orifice 31338 Back Orifice, DeepBO 31339 NetSpy DK 31666 BOWhack 33333 Prosiak 34324 BigGluck, TN 40412 The Spy 40421 Masters Paradise 40422 Masters Paradise 40423 Masters Paradise 40426 Masters Paradise 47262 Delta 50505 Sockets de Troie 50766 Fore 53001 Remote Windows Shutdown 54321 SchoolBus .69-1.11 61466 Telecommando 65000 Devil ## Summary ## I hope this tutorial is useful in showing you both how to secure yourself against unwanted connections, and also how to determine an attacker's identity. The Internet is by no means as anonymous as some people think it is, and although this is to the detriment of people's security online, this also works both IS possible to find and stop even the most determined of attackers, you just have to be patient and keep hunting for clues which will help you put an end to their exploits. Posted@|11:12 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------:::30% Discount in Alice88th::: NOTE: There is a 30% Discount in Alice88th storewide til 19th January 2008 if i'm not wrong... (Apologies for posting up this now as i always forgotten about it until yesterday something happen.. And make me remember about it... xp) Apparently, it seems that my memory is detriotating rapidly as times goes by... It seems

that i need to sleep more, eat more fish to boost my memory storage again... (Just like what i did in Year 2004..) And also, i noted that my strength can no longer be matched with other people as well (Due to the lazy character of mine which was founded in Year 2004..) Think that i should a boost with this as well... Making some planning regarding about this... Lastly, i think i going to switch back my other "character" by today.. So no more chatty stuff from anyone since i wouldn't bother anything about it... Currently planning how to persuade both of my disciples to go and serve under TKA so that i can get the sales rating... Bah, oh well... I believe that it should be quite an easy task for them to serve under it as.. Our destiny is not fore-ordained, it is we forged it our own hands... Now i going to post up some part of my family background for others to see (Do note that there're some is actually lies though... As there're other readers i may not know who viewing my blog..) 1. My mum died when i was in age 1... 2. My dad abandoned me or rather, left me due to some reason when i was in age 14... 3. It is so obvious that i do not have a home by viewing those two above... So i'm staying with my uncle currently... That is all, for the rest, i will tell those whom i really treated as my brethens about my whole family background including the real part tomorrow as well as the gathering on 11th February 2008... Intending to leave the band since i'm busy with my career and i SERIOUSLY thinks that it is not right for me to drag my band members down (After analysing Nosuke's theory as well as mine, it is certain that the band will still fall because of one thing... National Service..) Diliberately forfeited the dancing "Big Head" Part as i founded out something... If i'm not going to do that, i got 40 dollars for all that standing for 90 minutes (Which is much higher than those normal people who'll only get $18 in the end..) And for that dancing Big Head, need to dance for 60 minutes and i'll get myself a $50... But since it is only $10 in 30 Minutes difference, i might as well go for the easy one... I have to pray for it to happen anyway... If there're no responses from someone about whether they want to go for the "Big Head", i think i'll still fall into it in the end... =.= Arghh... Why i still have 1 Year and 9 months to get myself into National Service..? I want it to fasten it so that i can concentrate on my project in there... Damn the time.. See you all in NovenaSquare (Or something, i think...) at 1730 hours tomorrow... Posted@|9:23 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... ---------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, January 10, 2008 :::... A nightmare::: Got a nightmare.. And it seems although it might be nothing... But what's really gotten me is that, my nightmare seems always to be the message to the future or something.... Although everything seems to happen abruptly, but afterall it's a dream yet, i have to be cautious this time since my dreams always happen in the near-future... And the nightmare seems to me that i am unable to woo Joyce in the end.. I may not know why for this matter.. (I wonder whether it has something to do with this..) I wonder whether is it because of my family background which no one knows at all or..? Perhaps i will post it up about my family background later on.. (Do note that i will post some fake contents and only post a part of the family background onto it... As there're some people i may not know viewing this profile..) Nothing much to do now since i'm currently doing java, thinking what should i change myself as well.. Got a message from other people that i have to dance as a "Big Head" on some kind of event on this saturday... I wonder whether i can make it with the current situation with it..? If i managed to do it, at least most likely, my "rank" is up... But then again.. And so, i got a small report from someone regarding about the matters between me and Joyce... Thanks for everything.. (It appears that my nightmare has already appeared in front of me.. Thanks to the "message from my future") Ha ha.. I wonder why she's plotting that though... I would much prefer her to give me a reject rather than giving me a false hope... Oh well, back to a position when i do not have any directions to go with... And i going to make other of my objectives realized... New Objectives 1. Saving up to 20K for Ekcpnet's First project 2. Focus on my studies with the "promise" i made, not the "will" that i have now 3.Saving up to 600 for a decent drumset And ALSO, i would like to clear this thing with those people got confused or something by anything related to love.. Love can founded as BGR, Friends and Family even Enemies sometimes (You will know soon enough as times goes by...) And you couldn't possibly love a person when you see the person first time or something.. That is more onto "likes"... Once this things occurred, normally, it would refers as "first love in sight"... =.= Love is something that can be nutured through time, not something you first seen it or something... Love is something you would love the person wholeheartedly regardless of her attitude, behavious and the lifestyles she/he living in..

Anyway, that is my theory on it though but most probably this theory, can be founded by other people's idea as well.. Ha ha, actually wanted to cut my hair after my birthday, which falls on 17th February 2008.. And yes, it is my birthday on 16th Fabruary 2008.. But since all these things happens too abruptly i guess, i going to cut my hair soon enough and it means a new "me".. Since my dream has blown already, i'll now concentrate on my brother's dream... Aznmedia's Masu reporting on 12th January 2008, EKCPnet's Marketing Manager, KX reporting now... Current Objectives: 1. Doing research on all LAN Shop regarding about the sales (Including one of the biggest's arcade in SE Asia, VirtuaLand TKA) 2.Publishing Flyers and distribute in Pasir Ris St 21 area 3. Targeting sales for every month Jason and Ming Han, your mentor is coming and look for both of you on tomorrow!!! To: Takuya, Galvin, Nosuke, Yuki, Jian Wei and Friends See you all in Alice's shop the day after tomorrow... See you all Eric, GW and TX on 11th February 2008 in Eric's house.. LOL.. (May our brotherhood always be there regardless where we are, and i going to tell all of you about my family background on that day as well..) Posted@|9:22 AM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Wednesday, January 9, 2008 :::First day of presentation, second day of meeting teacher..::: First day of presentation and got myself alot of personal attack and all these... (I wonder how come my classmates wants to do that for, perhaps it is because we don't really have any link with each other...) Lol, in the end, my teacher actually me praise for being courages despite of the situation i had just now... As well as seems to be comfortable in stage, being loud for presentation.. (Oh well, perhaps it is because of the experience i had in Zenith Trio Marketing, DynamicAsia Marketing Pte Ltd..) It seems that my blog got "infested" with those people who seems to abhor me... Oh well, it is always good to have a chatting partner with each their own character.. Speaking of character, think that i have to go to Johnson Tan's house to get his new number (Or so, teng siong and alex telling me about it...)

Well, i didn't even know that my favourite teacher, Johnson Tan has already switched school and it seems rather saddening for me even though i left school... Skip the other parts since i promised them that i going to get Johnson's number no matter what.. So off i go now.. I wonder this time whether he will give me his number again? Quite awhile didn't meet each other... 361 days to go... Posted@|2:28 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, January 8, 2008 :::...::: Yea, just to let other people who has been viewing my blog to know this... I know that she's incompatible, but love is blind, i wouldn't mind to sacrifice everything for her.. (This is one of my principles in life, i going to give everything i have for something i want even death O_o) And also, thanks for all your support for this matter as well, i'll not let MYSELF (Lol, xD) down for this matter... Third thing, i am currently pushing myself up because i somewhat know what kind of guy she likes and therefore, not only moulding my character, she also motivates me to carry on study... (Yea, anyway, i somewhat lost my interest to study in ITE last time as i picked the wrong course, and keep on study it because of the "promise" i made... Now i currently study it with my will to get her as my life partner, Lol, think too much liao.. Ha ha, but i'm the sort of guy who always think of my future..) And lastly, i got a question to ask... Who is Tira? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks to all of your support, guys... I've really appreciate for what you all did to me... And for that matter i really wants to cry (I don't know why...) But, thank to all from the bottom of my heart... Anyway, it is confirmed that i won't be going to school on 9th January 2008 as well as 11 January 2008 since i am needed to attend to an event.. And also... It is also confirmed that i won't be going to alice's shop anymore other than clearing my deposit, buy some other things for people... As i wants to spend some other time with my brothers, as well as some time for myself (Not to forget spending time with Joyce as well...) Posted@|2:18 PM| 0 Comments:

Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Monday, January 7, 2008 :::Smell a rat...::: Smell a rat as someone just told me about a small report... The person (I don't want to say the name since someone told me not to say the name out) is currently finding ways to get my reputation down, what a childsh behaviour expected from a teenager... (Oh well, just like Yoshinori and another guy who is known as "Koyuki") The person knows that i dislike her (Which i always thought that she knows about it) and now planning to create some false rumours about it... Oh well, it doesn't give me a damn shit thing about it... Since my consciousness is clear, it is okay with me if someone really tarnish my reputation thoroughly... Such matters has no effect on me... (Afterall, my reputation is not high anyway other than some kind of organisations which sometimes i would go there for...) I KNOW THAT YOU SEE THIS BLOG DUE TO SOME REASONS, AND FROM WHAT YOU SEE NOW, I SUGGESTED YOU TO GO AHEAD AND TARNISH MY REPUTATION... I WILL SUPPORT YOU FOR THIS MATTER, I SINCERELY HOPES THAT YOU'RE REALLY UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF KARMA AND ALSO, HOPES THAT I'LL BE THE LAST PERSON WHICH YOU'LL TRY TO TARNISH MY REPUTATION! ^^ All the best to you for trying to tarnish my reputation... ^^ Posted@|10:28 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Sunday, January 6, 2008 :::Day Of Naught::: And here's the result of today's matter... Got ps by two organisation (What the hell..) Well, i shall see when will i be going for other events.. Playing online game for awhile but stop playing it, because i kept thinking of joyce, i don't know why... Putting some other songs into my PDA Phone but too full to store all inside... Surfing internet, but it don't give me "face" by slowing down the speed... Waiting for Joyce to send me the links as well... 'And yet, she didn't come back yet... Oh well, blame it on my luck... So in the end, among all the objectives i aiming for... I got nothing, nothing at all... xp

Lol, better luck next time... Still have 364 days to go.. I will keep counting on it until the day has come to me... Though i know that i may not stand any chances to woo her, but i will try because i believe in myself... Thanks to Takuya, Nosuke and Yuki.. All of you are great help to me... NOTE: Only will be blogging whenever it is friday, saturday and sunday... Posted@|6:14 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------:::Day of Photoshoot, Love You ALL!!!::: Ha ha, a fantastic day we're having yesterday... Is able to do blogging now due to some reasons... Thanks guys for the photoshoot, i'll upload the pictures here once Ru Yan send me the pictures...

The Best One definitely is the one that i shoot with Joyce only.. :X

The photographer who is Ru yan's friend is actually a professional photographer and i was still shocked regarding the matters of this... (Well, that is because Joyce was there Introduction James wong, he is a very interesting photographer.... He goes to out to very very remote places to do adventure photography.. Well, that is what Ru Yan says about him but all right, he's a good photographer as well as he's also easy to get along with.. ^^ Uncle Charlie, is the other professional photographer, well... Also another interesting guy who always put on a smile (Think that nosuke need to learn that from him O_o) Yea, without these two photographers as well as Ru Yan, most likely the photoshoot event have to be called off... O_o Well, anyway, thanks again!

So, i treated Joyce a meal (Wa.. Such a nice guy out of sudden, right? You want also don't have..) After the meal, we're finally able to go for photoshooting because all of us seems to forget the time about this matter as time goes by... So after all the event, skip some chapters and... You'll see me talking with Joyce and that's the first time i actually dragged people down.. And for some matters, i know that Joyce would wanted to know the guy for one year before started off in a relationship... Support her decision and now my aim is to wait for her for 1 year.. Lol, anyway, hope that she calls for me for this friday since there's gay always chio her out.. (Worried for her safety as thie gay might have some kind of things up of his tricks, i offer her my aid..) Ha ha.. And also, wanted to see her more since she have to go back to Australia and study again.. Posted@|5:12 AM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Friday, January 4, 2008 :::A most Fucked up day::: A fine day.. (Well, maybe..) Got angered by 拓哉 (Because of his latecoming due to some bastard talking to him in the phone..) and hime (Because of her nagginess..) But bah, well... Got comforted by アリス and Lolipop after that time... Anyway, i hate those people who has no relationship other than friends or maybe worse from that, keep on nagging about me... ア リス told me that they actually broadcast just to look for me (Oh dear my.. I didn't hear of that, so do 拓哉... Wonder is it due to my "deafness" or...?) Couldn't blame it anyway, afterall, one thing for sure.. (Same as other people, i don't really like hime at all..)

But then again, how come my limit suddenly burst off for a little while after a good old 3 years without suffering anything? Or is it because of the mother fucker who has been harrassing me for the last two years matter again...? Posted@|11:50 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Wednesday, January 2, 2008 :::Tired and lazy::: Ton in 拓哉's house.. Woke up as 雪's telling me that he might not be able to go for photoshoot this saturday as his teacher helped* him to cute three to fourth times... Went out with 拓哉 and found a dead cat... (Serge's favourite thingy...) and just came back again... Will post up the picture and other stuff in this friday... Later have to go back home and take a decent rest... Headache now... Posted@|6:19 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, January 1, 2008 :::Day Of Enjoyment?::: Lol, it's just only the moment started from the last night yesterday until today 8 am... Overall it is fun but too bad, both Nosuke and 拓哉 ps me by going to eat Roti Prata and went home each their own... But one good thing about it is that Yi Fang and Aaron's friend are in アリス 88th, helping out アリス... Otherwise, i might be feeling bored along while i asleep... xD Yesterday went to アリス 88th and found that she's overslept (OMG), the shop was opened like 5.30 pm or something... And before that, misha actually also came to drop by to see ア リス (while i wasn't there) but went off since アリス didn't open her shop at that point of time... (Well, that is what Jian Wei told me anyway...) So i meet 雪 in the TKA Virtualand HQ, which is at Bugid Junction... And left about 4 plus to check whether アリス open her shop or not... When we get there, we didn't see アリス open her shop but we found that Jian Wei is slacking at there and soon is about to go off... Since Jian Wei's just came back from Thailand, i started a small topic with him then the time flies real fast that アリス has come to open the shop.. Well, anyway all of us got seperated in the end.. So, i meet Nosuke at 6pm at アリス 88th.. And when he got there, he told me that Galvin will be there at 7 pm... (Oh great, just like what 拓哉 suddenly tells me that he will reach there by that time as well...) And oh my fucking god, suddenly, 雪 called me and tell me that he

will come back and find us as his friends ps him by watching movie together... So in the end, 雪's the one who's reached there first... Followed by Galvin... Then the really latecomer, 拓哉 a, who's arrived ar somewhere around 8 pm in MOS Burger... While we were waiting for 拓哉 to come, we ordered a fish burger meal (Don't know what's the real name is and what's more, Nosuke calims that it is the best burger in MOS Burger so i give it a try and it wasn't too bad afterall...)

Well, that is the stuff and i shot it in a very wrong angle... Nevermind... Well, in the end, Nosuke saw a chio bu and ask for her number (Well, she's a foreigner all right but it is the fact that she's so pretty...)

Lol, good thing for 拓哉 anyway... Omedeto! ^^ So in the end, after all sorts of crap and all these, we rushed to Marina Square from アリス 88th to meet Yi Fang and Arron's group but however, they cannot be found because Yi fang was in Katong at that point of time... Saying that the road is blocked... And arron's group, we kinda forget them coz of the countdown event has already ended and we were like crazy along with 雪, not the other 雪... Is 雪 Baka (Our Bassist =.=) So we headed back to アリス 88th to do some decorations and アリス wanted to watch movie.. So i suggested that Yi Fang and Surina go along with her while i will be standing guard at the shop, waiting for those who leave アリス 88th for awhile as well as Arron's group.. So i kept stand guard until Arron's group arrived and that time, i managed to get a little sleep because i still need to keep my eyes open for security reasons... Until アリス finally came back then i managed to get a good sleep and when i opened my eyes, both 拓哉 and Nosuke is missing... (Like about 5 or 6 am) I remembered that they were actually planning to go and eat first then after that going back to アリス 88th and slack but in the end, when wake up the other time at 7 am.. I found something was amiss so i ask Arron.. And they said that i got ps by them sia... So sian, missed the infamous roti prata once again... =.= Posted@|2:42 PM| 0 Comments: Post a comment.. The end is near... --------------------------------------------------------About USER NOT EXIST!!! Name: JOKER Marital Status: Married Likes: N.A. HATES: BLOODY HARRASSER like Sharrifah Blood Type: O Company: ZONE-X and EKCPnet Profile Wishlist Tales Of Vesperia (February) NDS Lite (Red)(February) Images 写真 Directions

Who I Have Met. Serge の ブログ Nosuke の ブログ Phoebe の ブログ Siao Char Bor の ブログ Ben の ブログ Alex の ブログ Angela の ブログ Audrey の ブログ Wen xin の ブログ Christina の ブログ アリス の ブログ The Past |October 2007|November 2007|December 2007|January 2008|February 2008|March 2008| April 2008|May 2008|June 2008|July 2008|August 2008|October 2008|November 2008| December 2008|January 2009|February 2009|March 2009|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009| July 2009 Credits Pictures from: photobucket

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