Newsdesk: Qt622695666
Nissanhut jibe over 'geenthome AN 'ilmovati1,e'house of the tuture v,/ascriticisedas "a r€ry larye Nilsan hut" by a councillor But Clh Padina Stocl<ell's (Con)viewsof the d€sigDof the twestorey,four.b€al&omhoirxe in PaA€hurst Road,Staplehust, w€{enot shar€dby felow m€!]lb€lsof Maidstone courlcil'splanThe applicantand Factising arclit€ct RichardHawkes,who haslicd with hi! wifein Staple hulst for ft,€ years,told councillo$ it had b€enthe couple's lona-helddreamto buiild their Thehouse,which he saidbad groi|n'oreanicanyft0ndleland. scape'wouldfeaturea plianted arch,Iaryehr]l-lenstl windo'ns on only one side, weathered sweet chestnut cladding and eco-fiienry featul€sincluding solarwater heatingand a r€€d b€dfiltration s).stem. Althoush Staplehust Parish Councilobjectedto the application, sayingthe hou!€ ims too larSeand out of keeping,planningpemtssionwasgmnt€d.