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The Midlands

HERALD Number 197 • Friday 27th July 2007 Tel. 033-330 6000 • Fax: 033-330 6950 • P.O. Box 1500, Howick, 3290 e-Mail: [email protected] • Proprietor and editor: Russell Barnes

Men’s Lizzard fleece from R25000 • Ladies’ Lizzard fleece from R22500 • Dunlop shoes for ladies and men from R15000

PROPERTY PROFILE — Tim Lindsay-White —

Leaf alone Above: Two weeks ago residents of the town placed placards on a number of trees around the CBD protesting against the recent felling of trees, as seen in this picture. But The Herald understands that these jacarandas next to the municipal buildings in Dicks Street are the next to go. A fax seeking clarification from the municipal manager sent on Tuesday received no reply.

Sunfield foils scam Official enquiry into uMngeni’s affairs

Whilst several scams have been reported in the media recently, invoking the names of senior political officials, in particular the office of the premier, S’bu Ndebele, Howick was subject to its own drama two weeks ago. Numerous taxi owners were convinced to part with tens of thousands of rands each to provide services on contracts that failed to materialise by a man impersonating an official of the premier’s office. The timely intervention of Sunfield Home’s general manager, Leanne Viljoen, and the ward 5 councillor, Tim Lindsay-White, resulted in the arrest of a man and his being charged with several counts of fraud. The area concerned stretches from Durban to Estcourt, and po

An official investigation has begun into the affairs of uMngeni Municipality. The minister of Local Government, Housing and Traditional Affairs, Mike Mabuyakhulu, has authorised an enquiry in terms of Section 106 of the Local Government Municipal Systems Act, no. 32 of 2000, which states that if an MEC has reason to believe that a municipality in the province cannot and does not fulfil a statutory obligation binding on that municipality, or that maladministration, fraud, corruption or any other serious malpractice has occurred or is occurring, the MEC must if he considers it necessary designate a

Continued on page 2

Continued on page 2

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The uMngeni Property Market The common concern of property investors in uMngeni at present is how several significant factors seem to have ganged up against us on top of an already slowing market. Mismanagement of our property rates for the 2007/2008 year, as of 1 July, caused considerable anguish and could have resulted in lasting damage to our property market and local economy if left unchecked. In any event, it has resulted in uMngeni being used as an unenviable model by other municipalities on how not to apply the new Municipal Property Rates Act. Prospective purchasers had the choice to buy in Pietermaritzburg at a third of the rates in uMngeni, inevitably creating an adverse distortion in our market, equivalent to abruptly yanking the handbrake on our local market in the middle of the N3. The new National Credit Act, although likely to remove inefficiency from the bond market by preventing artificial demand and possible default, has pulled up our market’s handbrake further by limiting bonds to disposal income and not simply a percentage of gross income. Most recently we have seen the prime bond rate rise half a percent to 13%, with the prospect of another possible rise to 13,5% at the next policy meeting in August. In case that wasn’t enough, the civil servants strike brought the Deeds Registry to a standstill! And yet still property has remained one of the soundest investments!


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The Midlands Herald

Page 2 — 27th July 2007 Continued from page 1

From the Chamber — Council Matters Council Comment uMngeni divided! The unfortunate autocratic management style of the uMngeni administration has divided uMngeni. It has alienated the ratepayer, both urban and rural. As a result, the municipality’s manClr Tim Lindsay-White agement does not have the confidence of those who are expected to pay their salaries, and they will not have their respect until meaningful public consultation, transparency and accountability are honoured. As long as mere lip-service is paid to the mission statement of community participation the divide between the administration and its ratepayers will grow. We are repeatedly told that letters to the municipality go unanswered, and that Ward Committee needs are not replied to — let alone addressed — a year into the current term of office, whilst not even in council is there reciprocal healthy debate. Were the views of residents respectfully considered before erection of metro-billboards at critical intersections in Howick and Hilton destroying the ambience of our villages whilst promoting conglomerate business at the expense of the local economy? Were interested and affected members of the public given the opportunity to voice their disquiet before establishment of a waste industry alongside businesses at the gorge edge, disregarding legislation and due process? Were residents of Howick consulted or even informed before evisceration of our leafy tree-lined Main Street? Was due consideration given to the impact on our community and local economy when attempts were made to bully the ratepayer into submission over exorbitant rates increases? Is the community ever asked how they would rate general management in respect of performance bonuses? Has management ever been transparent with the public about how much they are being paid? What has happened to the reportback concerning the plight of the mayor having been forced to leave his home, under body guard paid for by the ratepayer? Where were the mayor and municipal manager when the community needed them during the terrifying fires of 25 June that devastated much of the municipality, and the bleak aftermath? Are we to believe that a political party’s strategy policy conference in Gauteng was more important? Is the municipality living on borrowed money? Is 35% loss of water and electricity acceptable? Is almost R100 million outstanding debt, much of it over five months due, reasonable? Who’s listening to the frustrations of our Hilton residents when they have to cart their refuse halfway across the municipality? Are residents up the Currys Post Road going to be heard when they protest against the establishment of a crematorium on the hill alongside the dump above them? You can contact Tim on 083 379 8051.

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The struggle continues! uMngeni Municipality finds itself between a rock and a hard place. Unfortunately (for itself) it is part of a three-tier structure Editor Russell Barnes whereby it finds itself answerable to provincial government, based in Pietermaritzburg, which in turn is answerable to our national government. And unfortunately (for itself) our national government subscribes to policies that recognise the rule of law, freedom of the press, community participation, etc. Not great news for a self-constituted autocracy. As the general gist of this week’s edition clearly shows, the municipal management and its ANC councillor allies are trusting that they can continue to get along with their masters in Pretoria — mayor Edward Dladla and municipal manager Dumisani Vilakazi even attended the recent ANC strategic conference there — while snubbing their noses at their laws. Our page 1 report tells that their provincial overlords, having carefully looked into, for their credibility, concerns by the public about possible corruption, have this week instituted a forensic audit into some of their activities. In return, Mr Vilakazi seems intent on a witch-hunt to intimidate possible whistle blowers, and this is not surprising. He is used to doing just as he pleases. The DA have over the past two years made nearly a dozen appeals to Province regarding items of information that the municipality refuses to disclose. Despite support for their applications from the Freedom of Access to Information Act, Province has yet to look into any of the matters. This of course tells Vilakazi that he can get away with hobnobbing with Pretoria, or with anyone, but without listening to what they say. On another tack, it is interesting how quickly some people forget their recent past. Remember the old days of the struggle against an autocratic regime? Some people have already forgotten that they are only where they are because of democracy. Earlier this month The Herald for the first time put posters up around the town advertising its stories in the most recent edition. Over the next few weeks, four of them were torn down and destroyed; not surprisingly these were all the ones that advertised our “millionaire municipal manager” article. That story itself has had a widespread effect. Picked up and run by the Witness it found its way into The Sunday TribAbove: One of The Midlands Herald’s une, The Mercury — and even “millionaire” posters this month to Sky News! attached to the bars of a Howick shop. However, the national government subscribes in principle to democracy, a free press and the participation of the community. And so the cabal in Howick finds itself between a rock and a hard place. The struggle continues.


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Sunfield foils scam Members of the public are warned that there have been several instances of cons concerning prospective tenders and are advised to seek official confirmation directly from the departments concerned before entering into any agreements. Gratitude also goes to the various investigating departments. There have been two other instances of similar scams reported in the media in the past few days. Continued from page 1

Official enquiry into uMngeni’s affairs

person or persons to investigate the matter. In a letter, the minister advised that his concerns related to allegations and supporting documentation as to possible maladministration, fraud and corrupt practices occurring within the uMngeni Municipality. He stated that he as minister and his department would continue to make every effort to ensure that the municipality implements effective, efficient, transparent and accountable management and internal control systems in the interest of transparency and accountability in government. Vilakazi wants enquiry into enquiry However, municipal manager Dumisani Vilakazi has called for an enquiry into the minister’s forensic investigation. Speaking during an item tabled concerning the matter at the July meeting of Council on Wednesday, he said that he wanted to see the information that had been supplied to the minister and threatened his own action toward those responsible for calling his administration into question. According to a report in Wednesday’s Witness, Lennox Mabaso, spokesman for Mr Mabuyakhulu, confirmed that a forensic investigation was under way at the municipality but refused to divulge details of its terms of reference. On Tuesday Gauteng-registered vehicles arrived at the municipal offices, from a Gauteng-based firm of auditors, Ubuntu Forensics. “Sources in the town hall say that there was a lot of unhappiness at the sudden arrival of the investigators,” the page 1 article said. “Some felt they should have been informed by the Local Government Department that the probe was to take place.” uMngeni councillors were informed about the investigation at their full council meeting yesterday afternoon. Sources present said some ANC councillors blamed their counterparts in the Democratic Alliance for the investigation, accusing them of sending information to the MEC’s office in an attempt to discredit their administration of the mu41 Bell Street, Howick nicipality. Tel 033-330 8116 • 330 5546

Cawood Accounting Solutions cc

The Midlands Herald

Page 3 — 27th July 2007

Side by side

The big sleepover Local delegates enjoy stayover at local hotel — at ratepayers’ expense

Below: Two Mercedes Benz’s — the mayoral vehicle at left for use of uMngeni mayor Edward Dladla, and the personal vehicle of municipal manager Dumisani Vilakazi (NR 7405), in their parking bays at the municipal offices this week.

Delegates to a youth summit at the Fern Hill Hotel in June who live in Howick or its immediate surrounds stayed overnight at the hotel — at ratepayers’ expense. The event took place on the weekend of 14th and 15th June. The weekend is said to have been put together by general manager: operations, Mbali Myeni, and her PA, Cindy Manyoni. According to information received, uMngeni Municipality booked out the entire hotel of 27 rooms for municipal officials as well as 144 places at Midmar Dam for the youth. At the evening “cocktail braai” liquor was in plentiful supply. Those local residents said to have stayed over at the hotel include the mayor Edward Dladla, Cindy Manyoni, two committee clerks, and youth from Mphophomeni. Those that stayed at Midmar include municipal manager Dumisani Vilikazi, his deputy Mbali Myeni, a ward councillor from Lidgetton by name of Shabalala, the youth desk officer Biyela Sibiya and housing officer, Peter Zondi. A rough estimation of cost to the ratepayer would be in the region of about R250 000 to R300 000 — for an event that was never brought before Council for its approval. The planned event was advertised twice in The Witness and in The Mercury at an estimated cost of about R2 400 per advertisement, although written at the bottom of each was “by invitation only”. It had been announced at a Council meeting that ward councillors had been told to invite 10 youth from each of the 11 wards in total and submit the names to the municipality. Councillors were invited to attend the summit but not all were informed of the planned sleep-over. Two weeks ago the MEC for Local Government and Housing chastised another kwaZulu-Natal municipality for organising a similar event without council approval yet at ratepayers’ expense.

Speaker earns R16 600, owns low-cost house

We have millions of unclaimed shares. At the current share price, that’s a lot of money that could be yours.

Left: Surya Pillay

uMngeni Municipality councillor, Surya Pillay, owns a low-cost house in Howick, despite earning a salary from the municipality — 11 times more than the qualifying amount. Houses in low-cost schemes are intended for those in need, and at present the maximum household income that qualifies for a lowcost house is R3 500 a month. In order to qualify for the maximum subsidy of R26 937, which the Speaker and her husband Moonsamy have received, the household monthly income may not be more than R1 500. Her sales agreement for the house was signed on 30th January 2005, when her salary alone as an ordinary councillor was R5 250 per month. On 17th April 2007, Mrs Pillay and her husband took transfer of house 2312 in the Howick Extension 33 low cost housing project under title deed T16612/2007. When they took transfer, her salary as Speaker was R16 600 a month. Contacted by The Herald, she denied owning a low-cost house, and said she was sick of the DA and their criticisms. She did not respond when asked whether her husband owned the house, but said that she lives with her pensioner mother. The Herald reporter must tell his sources that she said they must “go fly a kite”.

Sanlam CI0104AM0709SDE

Above: the low-cost house at Howick Extension 33 low-cost housing project in Howick West owned by Moonsamy and Surya — who earns R16 600 p.m. — Pillay.

Thousands of people are entitled to shares in Sanlam. They simply haven’t claimed them yet. If you had a Sanlam policy between 31 March and 15 October 1998, you might qualify for free Sanlam shares. Take your green ID book to the Sanlam kiosk inside Shoprite, 25 Bell Street, Howick, between 30 July – 8 August to find out how much your portion is worth. Or, call 0860 687 878. Sanlam. We’re thinking ahead. Are you? Average Sanlam share price for January to March 2007 based on daily closing price: R19.29

The Midlands Herald

Page 4 — 27th July 2007

Police to comment following spate of crime in Howick area Following a spate of criminal activity in the Howick area two weeks ago, representatives from the Midlands Crisis and Trauma Centre and ward councillor Tim Lindsay-White met last week and had a productive and positive discussion with the station commander of Howick SAPS, Senior

Superintendent Robert Gwala and his CID head, Captain Naidoo. It is understood that arrests were made following the incidents, the situation is being followed up, preventive measures being put in place, and that a full joint press release is to be issued shortly.

Farmers unhappy with MM’s approach to fire disaster The chairman of the Howick & District Landowners Association, Bobby Hoole, has expressed farmers’ unhappiness with the municipality’s attitude towards their role in the recent fire disaster. After the fire Mr Hoole wrote to municipal manager Dumisani Vilakazi to attempt to understand their responsibility regarding fighting fires and their implementing a disaster management plan, if there was one. He was subsequently invited to address the Manco meeting on 19th July, and attended with Jakes Oosthuizen, a seasoned fire campaigner who had been instrumental in the committee that drafted the Veld and Forest Fire Act 101 (1998). In the meeting Mr Oosthuizen highlighted his concern that the municipality is still not a member of the Lions River Fire Protection Association, despite the fact that the Act requires that it join. Mr Vilakazi replied, he said, that the function of fire-fighting was not the municipality’s responsibility as there are four tiers of government, including the district municipality too. Mr Hoole told him he was passing the buck as uMngeni may fund the vehicles and

staff that are based in Dicks Street, but uMngeni naturally controls the operations. When he requested details of uMngeni’s disaster management planning, Mr Vilakazi said that this was in the process of being formed and nothing was in place yet. He then referred him to the uMgungundlovu District Council, which does have a disaster management plan. When Mr Hoole asked him if he could send his own report of the meeting to councillors so that they can consider it and have firsthand knowledge of his concerns during and after the fire, Mr Vilakazi said he would submit his own report. Mr Hoole then reminded him that at the beginning of the meeting Mr Vilakazi had said that the three components of local government — viz. councillors, the administration (municipality) and the community — functioning together meant success. “Now that I have requested my report to be sent through based on our discussion you refuse to send it through,” Mr Hoole pointed

Continued on page 8

Ethics and business — The real purpose of business Dr Martin Prozesky was the uMngeni Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s guest speaker at its AGM at the Fern Hill Hotel on 20th June. Dr Prozesky is director of the Department of Ethics of the Unilever Centre at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, which was set up ten years ago and still today is generously funded by Unilever. Dr Prozesky, who works in the area of applied ethics, asked his audience: “What is ethics?” In reply, he said, “It is not about what you shouldn’t do, but about success.” People always seek success and a sense of wellbeing — “lasting wellbeing, especially that which cannot be Above: Dr Martin Prozesky. taken away from you.” Wellbeing can be viewed in terms of health, security, friendship, respect and a feeling of happiness. He pointed out that every single culture in the world has the same basic core, and then outlined three points concerning the vital tie between ethics and business. Firstly, ethics needs successful business. The real purpose of business is not to make money but to remain in business. Indeed, ethics needs business that is profitable and lastingly so. What are we hearing — in terms of ethics — from people in successful business? Secondly, why is it that business needs ethics? “Ethics” is the key to success in business, its magic word since customers, cli-

ents and other businesses all conduct transactions with those they trust. Are buyers happy with the service? What is the truth of customer interest (i.e. what does market research reveal)? To get the product to be the best it can be, one needs the best possible people in the business, and, for example, in the workplace itself, a heavy-handed leader will get compliance but not commitment. Thirdly, what are the steps one can take to implement in business? a) Leadership: The leader is very visible and if he or she is not deeply trustworthy, that person will not obtain the best standard of work from staff; b) Need for education: Ethics is partly about enhancing the goodness in us and although education works slowly, there are lasting horizons. (One can make an impression in 20 minutes in teaching ethics, but much more time is needed); c) Resources: It needs active, visible support from the higher echelon and includes money. In conclusion he said that the triple bottom-line concept of ethics in business consists of the financial aspect, one’s environment and the need for a social responsibility. This last point is the real one — a social responsibility of respect, justice, fairness, and putting a brake on selfishness and unfairness. During question time he produced the thought-provoking saying: “Laws produce a society that complies fearfully; ethics produces the commitment, love, respect etc that society needs.” At best, mere laws or legality is a minimum ethic, and in terms of behaviour the word, “decent”, is far more important than the word “lawful”. Asked what can business do, he suggested that the Chamber lobby for effective policing of issues in the community.

Letters to the Editor • Letters to the Editor • Letters to the Editor • Letters to the Editor • Letters to the Editor • Letters to the Editor • Letters to the Editor • Letters to

Quarterly Report of the Chief Financial Officer, uMngeni Municipality Dear Sir, The Quarterly report for June 2007 just received reveals the following:- Salary and Wages Vote Overspent (R2 970 219), Savings Remuneration of Councillors R1 165 162, Interest external loans R1 759 991, Income under-recovered for Property Rates R17 027 916, user charges for services R2 358 456 and Income overrecoveries for Grants and subsidies R1 155 599. There are numerous other under- and overrecoveries but insufficient to meet the deficit. The rates problem is attributed to farmers. The Debtor’s analysis reveals the total outstanding as at 30 June 2007 as R98 611 711.08 of which R80 993 603.29 is 150 days or more. Rates debtors are reflected as R48 375 816.74 and water debtors as R25 483 696.52. Perhaps the M.E.C. Finance could comment hereon together with the Portfolio Committee on Finance. The now-infamous uMngeni budget Nalini Naidoo’s article on 20 July, headed “uMngeni Budget under fire”, is pertinent. Notwithstanding that “complex” ratepay-

ers and the Concerned Ratepayers Group made available substantial documentation to MPPs Scott and Tarr reflecting the poor performance of uMngeni Municipality the MPPs were quoted in subsequent articles stating that the municipality’s record was above reproach. Now it would seem that the “unholy Alliance” of Mayor and Manager need to be recalled to explain subsequent developments. It is incongruous that the performance bonus percentage is reflected as considerably higher than that previously awarded to Dr. Michael Sutcliffe (75%) by eThekwini. Any percentage above that is beyond the pale. Only misdirected political support could reflect the uMngeni figure. Scott states that there is legislation in the pipeline from National Government to limit the capacity of municipalities to determine rates randage. In fact this legislation already exists. Section 20 of the PRA provides that the Minister (DPLG) may proclaim a percentage limitation on rate randage increases. This year of course the rate randage decreased because of the revaluation and such power was of course ineffective. More seriously, DPLG have stated in correspondence that it is not obligatory for the Minister to issue a Proclamation. Can ratepayers therefore expect another unbridled increase in 2008/2009 ? A senior Parliamentarian has stated that

the above is not in the spirit of the legislation. With the substantial adverse criticism carried in the article, M.E.C. Zweli Mkize will be hard pressed to explain his Department’s failure to prevent the present situation developing as the Minister of finance has delRecycle centre disregard egated this function to him. Claude Edwards, Concerned Ratepayers/ of procedure and public Residents Sir, Group, Howick In response to the letter by uMngeni Municipal Manager F D Vilakazi in respect of the Recycle Center blunder “The Facts “ published in Village Talk, 4 July 2007. Mr Vilakazi insinuates in his letter that proper authority was obtained. He is called upon to prove his statements. Evidence to the contrary suggests that neither the Planning Department nor the Planning Committee were consulted, nor plans approved by the Building Inspectorate at that time. As a consequence, due process of the administration itself was not followed. Now court action is in progress one senses the Municipal Manager is simply attempting to legitimize these actions after the fact without transparency or accountability and hence without due regard to our country’s laws, our municipality’s by-laws, and the public. Opportunities to resolve this matter amicably prior to the High Court enforcing such action were ignored to the ratepayers and interested and affected parties’ detriment.

The Title Deed itself shows that the recycle centre has been built in contravention of its zoning and use for parking and toilets, a condition that could only be approved by the “State”. To date the Title Deed remains unamended. The facts: It is a fact that the Centre had been built in defiance of proper zoning. It is a fact that neither interested and affected parties, nor the community at large, were consulted prior to its establishment. It is a fact that the building encroaches across a street surveyed as long ago as 1850! It is a fact that no road closure was publicized. It is a fact that the public was never consulted. It is a fact that we, the public, are overwhelmingly in support of recycling, but not of administrative disregard for procedure and public opinion, resulting in ratepayer’s money being used to pay a legal team to defend arrogant disregard of our legislation against its law-abiding residents. The relevant provincial authority is called upon to protect the interests of its people and investigate the manner in which this insult to the law-abiding public has been instigated. Officials who act in a wasteful or negligent fashion, in disregard of due process, should be held accountable in their personal capacities. R D MacKellar

The Midlands Herald

Page 5 — 27th July 2007

Speaker threatens Herald Surya Pillay, speaker of uMngeni Council, threatened to have Herald editor Russell Barnes thrown out the next time he made an appearance at a council meeting. Mrs Pillay made the threat after the close of an Extra Special Council meeting on 11th July where the municipal manager and his five managers were granted their controversial “performance bonuses” by an ANC majority vote. Questioned by Witness journalist Nalini Naidoo, she was reported in a front-page article on 16th July, “Howick Boss’ big bonus”, as saying that her only comment was

that she is fed up with DA councillors discrediting ANC councillors. Her remarks followed the publication of The Herald on 4th July. According to standing rules and orders for Council and its committees, all Council and Exco meetings are open to both the public and the press. Mr Barnes attended the meeting without a hitch. * At the same time Nalini Naidoo sent an e-mail asking questions about the salary packages to Dumisani Vilakazi and chief financial officer but received no reply.

Habit To impressive at CD launch An up-and-coming Durban band, Habit to, launched its first CD Secrets to a Triangle at a function at the Dockyard Supper Theatre in Musgrave Centre recently. Habit To consists of Michelle Stent (vocals, guitar and piano), brother Andrew (vocals and Habit To bass) and boyfriend Above: consists of Michelle Dale Wardell on Stent (vocals, guitar drums. and piano), brother Not withstanding Andrew (vocals and and boyfriend an unusual line-up bass) Dale Wardell on of female vocalist drums. playing lead guitar, Right: the band has an Habit To’s first CD, added strength in Secrets to a Michelle’s powerful Triangle voice and her acute understanding of music. She is currently in her third year of a B. Mus. degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban where she is in the top 15% and hence a member of the Golden Key Society — international recognition for excellence in academic achievement. Habit To combines in sophisticated hard rock with strong jazz and classical backgrounds and a university musical education to produce what their website calls “an eclectic mix of styles, brought together with integrated melodies and often-awkward time signatures”. “You could call it a mixture of Ella Fitzgerald and A Perfect Circle,” Andrew told The Herald. Yet at the same time the music is still undeniably accessible. The band complements their ideals and music further by projecting video and images during their live performances. Sales of the CD at gigs are going very well, while a distribution deal with a company is pending, Andrew explained, saying that Michelle and Dale have been in the U.K. for the past two months. She returned yesterday, and a stand-in drummer will play with them until Dale returns to South Africa early next year. The band is currently receiving radio airplay on East Coast and Radio 2000 for their second single off Secrets, “Before You Go”, which was released in June.

The Midlands

HERALD Read all about it

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“Cast in Stone”, their first, was aired on Radio 2000 around Easter. And Habit To will be playing in Pietermaritzburg! You can see them on Wednesday 8th August at a Women’s Day concert at the Winston Churchill Theatre, starting at 8 pm, featured with bands Harris Tweed and RedHouse. They will also be performing at 2 pm at the Uprising Festival in Durban tomorrow, Saturday 28th July, at the WaveHouse in Gateway, Umhlanga, which is featuring two stages, 17 acts, all ages, free skating and flowboarding, giveaways and competitions. In September they will play unplugged at the White Mountain Festival in the Central ‘Berg. Reviewers have written in praise of the band. Alex Sudheim wrote in the Mail & Guardian: “For something new from Durban that isn’t a Creed-clone or a bunch of puerile power-rock anthemeers don’t miss this breath of fresh air”, while The Highway Mail has said: “When listening to the sounds of Habit to . . . it is hard to imagine such a powerful voice coming from such a quiet, petite girl.” Read more about Habit To at www.myspace.com/habittoband





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The M

Page 6 — 27th July 2007


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Congratulations on your sterling work!

Much has been said about the firestorm that devastated a significant part of the Midlands 25/26 June. Little, thanks to their modesty, has been said by those who freely and voluntary co-ordinated the relief work that followed. In the absence of a municipal Disaster Management Plan, at the initiative of Anita and Derek Turvey (Deko Timber Projects) and Bobby Hoole (Chairman Howick District Landowners Association / Farm Fire 24) the Midlands Disaster Relief Committee was formed. An organised structure was put into place to immediately assist the community. Nottingham Road Land Owners Association (admirably managed by Hazel Glover), became the official control centre through which all information, appeals and claims were co-ordinated. The South African Red Cross (under the direction of Barbara Craig) became the designated collection, assessment and distribution centre. Linked in between were the Midlands Crisis and Trauma Centre, Drakensberg Emergency Rescue Services (Martin Millar), SAPPI Forests (Janine Smith and SAPPI Forests Extreme weather conditions made it very difficult to combat and then extinguish the fires. This was eventually achieved late on the 26th of June. Commenting on the damage caused, Hendrik de Jongh, Managing Director of Sappi Forests stated that “the area affected by the fire, some 5,500ha, represents approximately 2% of our forests.”

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& S

Congratulations on all your efforts at healing people’s lives.

For all your Building Requirements Contact Greg • We Deliver Promptly


Thanks to all the organisations for their efforts at disaster relief.

HOWICK PHARMACY 1 Main Centre • 3302102/3 • a/h 082-800 5256

Congratulations to all working on restoring to normality again.

Sue Kirkman), the SPCA (Heather Sommerville), The Department of Welfare (Xoli Dlamini, Lindi Zondi and Yandiswa Mlandu), the South African Social Security Affairs (Thami Hadebe), Rotary International and the Department of Education (Hennie de Bruin and Di Holderness), the Howick Lions (Ron Bachelor), Telkom (Dave), Eskom and the uMngeni Chamber of Commerce and Industry. An enormous debt of gratitude is owed to those who so selflessly gave of their time and skills and to those hundreds of concerned well-wishers from far and wide who donated so generously to alleviate the plight of our community. Assistance was given to all in need, irrespective of boundaries. Recommendations were made to ensure effective disaster management and an immediate response time in future. Public comments are welcome. The Control Centre can still be contacted on 033 266 6032 whilst the final rehabilitation programme is in operation. As regards the financial cost involved he said: “I•it’s early days and the numbers are still being finalised, but we expect the net impact to be around US$5m after tax. It is not yet clear how much of the wood we would be able to use, which would of course also influence the financial impact.” The aftermath of the severe runaway veld fires experienced in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands near Howick on Monday 25 June 2007, has resulted in many people in the area being left destitute and homeless. “Sappi Forests has been hard hit by this disaster, but we have also been moved by the plight of the people in our neighbouring communities – some whom have lost everything and are now struggling to survive in these harsh conditions”, said Hendrik De Jongh, managing director of Sappi Forests. Apart from trying to limit damage to commercial plantations and other property, Sappi’s response to the fires focused on ensuring the safety of the people in the area. To this end Sappi provided assistance with general alert procedures and eventual evacuation efforts. In particular on Monday night, 25 June, Sappi ensured that its contractor labour force was quickly evacuated when the Sappi Oaklands Village on the Shafton plantation came under threat. The village eventually suffered severe fire damage. Temporary accommodation and first-need items including mattresses and bedding and food

Above: Volunteers of the Red Cross and a memb out delivering clothes and food to the fire victim would like to thank the many donors of clothing,fo were so generously given, as well as the many volu assist the organisation and fire victims.

stuffs were provided by the next morning. On Tuesday Sappi also began distributing much-needed blankets, food, clothing and tents to the communities of two hard-hit villages adjacent to the Sappi Pinewood plantation along the BostonBulwer road. Sappi employees were quick to respond and added to the company’s contribution through private donations of money and items which saw the affected workers and communities supported with clothing, foodstuffs, toiletries, blankets.

SPCA uMngeni Our local SPCA resp for assistance from the fires. Their firs fires was to locate b render whatever as humanely destroy an beyond help. Since identifying those ani cal treatment as we harmed but in despe to the loss of grazing efforts were spread vast stretch of cou Mafakathini, Mgw Curry’s Post, Karkl approximately 800 c gency feed, 470 Go horses and 1 donkey from Bulwer which would like to record to Epol for 25.5 tons tons cattle feed, Uk bales horse food an 200kg horse food, E Lynette Webber of M hay, Charlotte Pasm use of her farm she and the 4x4 Club w Smith and Nephew f and numerous priva other donations larg tions of hay or feed c Campbell Road, How donations can be m No. 5253 0043 17




Congratulations to all of the Midlands Disaster Relief Committee on your wonderful effort after such an unexpected tragedy

Supporting you all in your wonderful efforts in restoring people’s lives as soon as possible in the Midlands. We congratulate and thank you. 98 Zeederberg Rd, Merrivale • 033-330 5408

Tel: 033-330 2071

Home of Organic Avocados

We congratulate the Midlands Disaster Relief Committee on its efforts in support of our community

Midlands Herald

Page 7 — 27th

South African Red Cross, Nottingham Road Landowners Association and Collection Centres

Above: A group of volunteers assists the treasurer of the Red Cross, Barbara.Craig, to put together the parcels of clothing for the victims of the fire. Many donations were received from the community of Howick and from private companies with which the Red Cross was able to clothe more than 1 000 people.

The Control Centre of Nottingham Road Land Owners Association, under the direction of Hazel Glover, and the Red Cross under the direction of Barbara Craig, established a close partnership. Individuals and collection centres (Deko Timber Projects, Lions Howick, Rotary Pietermaritzburg, Andy’s Mart, churches, Sappi Cascades, and the uMngeni Chamber of Commerce and Industry) raised tons of donations, ranging from pocket money, food and clothing, to kitchen ware and furniture for distribution by the Red Cross. One lady, who has preferred to remain anonymous, donated the entire contents of the flat of her late father. Boxers Pietermaritzburg supplied groceries with which food parcels were assembled to feed families in need. Rainbow donated no less than 15 truck loads of blankets, clothing, and provisions via Shafton, as well as liaised with Epol who supplied 25 tons of animal feed to the SPCA in Howick. Individual farmers, Fairfield Dairies, Cedarville Farmers Association and Beaumont Eston Farmers Association made hay available. In addition, livestock feed was made available to affected farmers at just above cost. Red Cross have assisted about 80 families, comprising about 400 people, in the area encompassed

ber of the Red Cross committee s in Impendle. The Red Cross ood and household utensils that unteers who gave of their time to

ponded immediately to the call Radio Control on the night of st priority in the days after the burnt and injured animals and sistance was possible and to nimals that were suffering and e then the focus has shifted to imals requiring ongoing mediell as those which were unerate need of hay and feed due g or stored winter feed. Relief far and wide, encompassing a untry including Maswazini, wagwa, Haza, Mpophomeni, loof and Yarrow. There are cattle needing ongoing emeroats and Sheep, 125 pigs, 15 y as well as another 10 goats are at the SPCA. The SPCA its sincere and grateful thanks s cattle feed, Meadow Feeds 6 kulinga Reasearch farm 50-60 d bedding, Allisons Saddlery Equifeed 20 x 40kg horse feed, Mount Edgecombe 750 bales mer of Danning Farm for the ed for storage, ER24 Durban who assisted with distribution, for bandages and medications te individuals and farmers for ge and small. Further donaan be made to uMngeni SPCA, wick Tel: 033 330 4557. Cash made by direct deposit to a/c 75, FNB, Howick, 220725. Please give your name as a reference and the word “fire” so that the SPCA can acknowledge your contribution and use it specifically to buy whatever is needed for the animals so badly affected by the disaster. The uMngeni SPCA would like to extend its grateful thanks to everyone who has contributed in whatever way to the relief effort for the animals so badly affected by the fires. Their survival will be due to your care and compassion.

by Impendle, Hilton, Greytown and Nottingham Road. Together with uMngeni Community Protection Services, over 94 families were provided with food parcels and two blankets each. In the Karkloof-Curry’s Post area over three truckloads of clothes were delivered; large groups of families included 54 people at Daybreak Mushrooms. 30 people were attended to in Yarrow and Ntabeni where 13 homes were burnt down. 30 people were assisted in Greytown. In Impendle 15 families totalling 62 people were aided. In the uMgungundlovu district the people were besides themselves with appreciation when the red Cross and Global Fund arrived to assist them, emotions running high. In the Imbabazane and Ntabamhlope areas near Estcourt 10 families of 33 people were assisted. On Preston farm 52 people were seen to. Our trucks went as far afield as Mooi River, Tweedie, Mshwati, Haza, Mafakathini, Crammond, Rietvlei, Mackenzies Hill, Elandskop and Mpophomeni over a three week period; a total of 120 families (some 410) people being looked after in all. The South African Red Cross wishes to thank our very generous community for all donations received, and would like to reassure you all that we have endeavoured to ensure that your donations have been distributed fairly and diligently to those families and persons that have truly needed assistance.

Above: The district 9270 Rotary Club consisting of KwaZulu-Natal and Transkei identified those hit by the fire and are going to provide them with c iron roofs from R40 000 funds available. This house caught fire and are re the Elandskop area.

Rotary International Rotary Clubs in the Pietermaritzburg area coordinated the efforts o tary movement in general. Those devastated communities that fell the cracks, so to speak, of the initial efforts of the emergency servi the help of Indunas from the Elandskop area, identified famili Mafakathini, Mswazini and Mgwagwa traditional areas that had homes. Food, blankets, clothes and household utensils acquired donations were delivered with the assistance of Feedback and the ment of Education, distribution being carefully monitored. Rotary has an appeal for financial support aimed at assisting with the rebuildi homes that were destroyed. Clubs throughout the province have alr nated a significant sum earmarked for the purchase of roofing ma affected families.

KwaZulu Natal Agricultural Union An official Disaster Fund was quickly established to assist in the a of the disaster until resources could be made available from gov Donations may still be made to the fund at First National Bank Number….. The amount and proposed use of the fund will be relea media shortly. Chairperson Robin Barnsley immediately advised Agriculture and Environmental Affairs and kept the channel of com tion open to ensure speedy assessment and relief of the area, resu speedy and positive response to the dilemma with the recommend affected farmland be declared a disaster area.

Howick District Landowners Association Chairperson Bobby Hoole magnificently took control of initial fir measures, alerted all responsible organisations and helped set up mittee to take over relief work. Together with Kwanalu, HDLOA en claims could be made, collected by Afgri (Sean & Cheryl) for con in national rehabilitation efforts. Loss assessment forms have all be off by the Chairperson who advised that the collective damage cau fire has been devastating. Overall statistics will be released by th ment of Agriculture in due course once properly analysed. Once al tion has been collated a detailed report will be compiled for consid the MEC. The MEC will then meet with the Premier (KZN) for fin ment and contact with the President. The public will be kept in developments as they occur.

In the photographs to the left are representatives of the organisations that came together to form the Midlands Disaster Relief Committee, following the firestorm of 2007 on 25th and 26th June. The community thanks them for their unstinting service.

Department of Welfare, and South African Social Security Af Have assisted 88 families, and liaised with the committee to urgen those who had ID books, birth certificates, social grant cards, pens and so on destroyed in the fires. Efforts were made to ensure g pensions were rightfully paid out as normal whilst a mobile fac organised.

Howick Lions Over 200 blankets, together with bales of clothing were donated, together with a sizeable donation to WESSA for disaster aid for wildlife affected by the fire in the uMngeni Valley. A disaster grant has been applied for on behalf of Lions Clubs International Foundation in Chicago USA, in preparation of any further needs of the affected communities and other incidents requiring aid. uMngeni Community Protection Services Through their experience of the disaster, and assistance in the distribution of aid (via the Red Cross) to over 96 recorded families, they have

motivated for the drawing up of a Disaster Risk Assessment to aid in future relief exercises. Numerous families are reported to still be coming forward for assistance. Eskom & Telkom Eskom are thanked for the marvellous way they ensured repairs to damaged infrastructure and restoration of electrical supply. Telkom report that the lines in most areas have been repaired; and advise that 21 km of optic fibre need to be manufactured for the area from Howick along the Karkloof Road, via Shafton offices, and back to Howick on the Currys Post Road.

KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education has identified five sch were damaged by the fire and/or wind. In preparation for the sta third school term, it has facilitated the municipalities’ erection of tents and alternative classroom facilities for those schools that h tained extensive damage. Principals and educators have been enco be sympathetic and supportive of learners who lost school unifo books etc. Donations and support are given where needed. The nutrition and social support services of the Department have assi the identification of communities that were not immediately benefi the emergency support and services that were being rendered. I with Rotary, Red Cross, Pietermaritzburg branches of First Nation the East Coast Radio Winter Warmth and Feedback (an NPO that un food redistribution in the Pietermaritzburg area), the Department f and assisted with the delivery of food, clothes, blankets and basic h utensils to the families in the Elandskop area that had lost homes.

The Midlands Herald

Page 8 — 27th July 2007 Continued from page 4

Farmers still unhappy with MM’s approach to recent, future fire disaster out. “In other words, then the process is not succeeding, because you are not allowing community participation.” Mr Vilakazi then accused him of being a politician, to which Mr Hoole replied that he was a businessman representing the community and looking for relief and assistance at this time. When he criticised certain comments made by municipal officials that sometimes are unhelpful — for example, speaker Surya Pillay was said to have stated two days after the fire that farmers need to train their farmworkers to fight

fires better — Mr Vilakazi asked for clarification on this source and said that the reports were false and no-one from the media had tried to contact him. “Then why didn’t you try to contact me if you saw me being quoted in the media?” Mr Hoole asked. “I don’t have to,” Mr Vilakazi is said to have replied. Mr Hoole told The Herald that to his knowledge the only assistance thus far that uMngeni Municipality has given the relief effort has been in lending municipal vehicles to the Department of Welfare to distribute food parcels to the 88 families that were affected.

KZN Theatre, Arts & Events Diary Theatre: Paul Slabolepszy’s “Not The Big Easy” on at the Catalina Theatre until 5 August. Buy one get one free, every Sunday. “Not The Big Easy” is the story of a golfing “everyman” — 50 year old Ernie Evans, the “other” Ernie . . . There are those of us who spend our lives in the rough trying to get onto the fairway. Ernie is one of those. He has reached a “crossroads” in his life. We discover him scouring the “rough” on the 16th hole of a golf course somewhere in Gauteng looking for the fifth ball he has used today. The show had its world premiere at the Playhouse in East London, and has played at the Hexagon in Pietermaritzburg, Liberty Theatre on the Square in Johannesburg, the Mardi Gras Theatre in Carnival City and a season in Grahamstown at the National Arts Festi-

val. This is Paul’s 30th play. Highlights among them being “Saturday Night at the Palace”, “The Return of Elvis du Pisane”, “Pale Natives”, “Mooi Street Moves”, “Under the Oaks”, “Over the Hill”, “Heel Against the Head” and “Running Riot”. For more information or to book call Thandeka on 031-305 6889.Shows are Tuesday until Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday at 6 pm.Tickets are now available online at www.strictlytickets.com or on our website at www.catalinatheatre.co.za or at www.goingplacessa.co.za. R65 for adults, R55 students and pensioners. Parental Guidance: 13. Both Bobby and Paul would like to dedicate this Durban season to the memory of their great friend and colleague, Bill Flynn.

Gospel: US Gospel star, Kirk Franklin, for Durban One World Festival Concert, at the ICC, Saturday 28th July. US contemporary gospel music star, Kirk Franklin, comes to Durban with his 18 piece band to headline the 2007 “One World Music Festival”, which also features the awesome “Joyous Celebrations” choir to take place at the ICC on 28 July. Franklin — who is famed for marrying gospel to a hip-hop R&B genre — is a multi-Grammy Award-winning platinumselling artist whose debut album Kirk Franklin and the Family spent 100 weeks on the gospel charts and became the first gospel album to go platinum. Despite his fame as a performer, Franklin remains a humble, devout Christian. Franklin will share the bill with South Africa’s “Joyous Celebration” in two concerts of awesome, inspiring contemporary gospel music. “Joyous Celebration” has grown from being a hit gospel show in 1996, to a formidable 34-member

choir, accompanied by an 8-piece band, 6-piece dance troupe and some of the youngest and finest vocal talent in South Africa. Joyous Celebration impresario, cofounder, musical director and conductor, Lindelani Mkhize is playing a meaningful role in staging this watershed music event. The “One World Concerts” are an integral part of this year’s annual “One World Festival” which builds bridges and creates relationships between New Orleans and sister city Durban. The concert serves to create awareness about this ambitious and far-reaching initiate which aims to generate tourism jobs in the long-term, create cultural connections and be the impetus for economic engines between the two dynamic cities. For more information, visit the website www.dowfestival.com and www.southafricaninvestmentgroup.com. Booking for the concert is through Computicket nationwide.

Important notice of meeting to all members of the uMngeni Chamber of Commerce & Industry Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of all Members of the Chamber has been called by the undersigned at the Howick Sports Club, Market Street, Howick on Monday, 20 August 2007 at 17;30 to transact the following urgent business: 1) To waive items 8,12 and 9,1 of the Constitution for the purposes of this meeting; 2) To inform Members of the current financial situation of the Chamber; 3) To decide on the future continuance of the Chamber, and 4) To elect a new Executive Committee of the Chamber. Note:- In terms of the Constitution of the Chamber, the Executive Committee shall consist of a minimum of six members and a maximum of 12 members. Any member may volunteer or nominate a candidate for election to the Executive Committee. Nominations shall be in writing, signed by the person making the nomination, signed by a member who wishes to second the nomination and signed by the nominee, and it must include the company names of all the parties signing the nomination. Postal ballots may be submitted to the Secretary before commencement of the meeting

on the Member’s official letterhead, signed by the Member and witnessed by two independent persons. Please confirm your attendance (or apologies) to the Secretary before 15 August 2007 at the following contact numbers:- Telephone 033 330 5626, Fax 033 330 5637 or E-mail [email protected] Issued on 16 July, 2007 by the following Members:Nick McConnell, Hubers cc.; Tim LindsayWhite, Sotheby’s International; Bob Stafford-Mayer, Howick Metal Products; Don Nott, Midlands Community College; Red Haines, RC. Haines and Assoc. ; Russell Barnes, The Midlands Herald; Ellen Mitchell, AA Gas; Shawn Naicker, Acacia Printers; Ken Pascoe, Ama Bloka Bloka; Paul Rencken, Andy’s Mart; Kingsley Krog, Countri-Tech; Mike Goldstone, Country Kitchens; Kevin Vally, First National Bank; Martin & Giovanni, Giovision; Leisel Jacobs, Global Learning Services; Yvo n n e Reece, Graemor Accounting; John Wright, Howick Insurance Brokers; Paul Hodkin, Howick Pharmacy; Charles Kelmanson, Kelmanson cc.; Dick Comins, Merrivale Motors; Lawrence Taylor, TKT. Manufacturing and John Tungay, Worldwide Digital Broadcasting.

Everything just perfect at eMthunzini Restaurant Left: eMthunzini Restaurant at The Shed can be found near the forthcoming Riverside development on the other side of the Umgeni River, between Howick and the N3. Here chef Austean Phiri is cooking up pure gastronomic delights. Picture: Sandy Dixon

eMthunzini Restaurant at The Shed in Howick must be one of the better on the Meander today. Our party of four — which included wellknown Midlands restaurateurs Jan and Louise van Niekerk formerly of Aladdin’sde-Light in Nottingham Road — was impressed by chef Austean Phiri’s wonderful and extensive menu. Expect unexpected combinations of food, with lots of subtle African flavours but still exotic ! I could tell that Jan’s considered his starter of oven-baked marrowbones with mampoer, sweet potato and grape conserve a winner. Hannelie enjoyed her Maungu soup (a Malawian pumpkin and small sugar beans soup dish) while I relished my Mozambican seafood platter, served with the traditional homemade bread, “pao”. Louise, who for 12 years at Aladdin’s served up some pretty exciting dishes, joined us on the main dishes for whole baby chicken and minted couscous.

The rest of us found contentment in springbok loin wrapped with spinach and bacon, par-fried and roasted in the oven, s erved with savoury samp and jungle beans; Chef Austean’s special curry of juicy chicken breast cooked in mild curry and coconut milk, together with prawns and basmati rice and grilled banana; and baked Cape salmon with spinach and feta cheese in phyllo pastry topped with Cape de Paris butter, and lemon basmati rice and vegetables. The desserts, too, were glorious. The restaurant has been revamped impressively for a distinct African feel, with outside undercover bar and catering area, and bamboo partition and ceiling cut by Austean himself. Want to take guests or family and friends out for a treat, and all at reasonable prices? In our four-fold opinion you can’t go wrong here at all. Telephone 033-330 6257. Russell Barnes

The Midlands Herald

Page 9 — 27th June 2007

Little has changed CENTRE HARDWARE

at Amy’s and AJ’s

Suppliers of General Hardware & Building Materials Also Stockists of Gas, Gas Accessories & Paraffin

Below: AJ’s staff — from left, Gugu, Michelle, Zandile, Ninga, Londi, Bony and manager Taz.

Our very best wishes to all at

Amy's Restaurant & Pizzeria TEL: 033-330 4588 Shop 5/6, Howick Centre, Harvard Street, Howick

Howick Stationers 11 Main Street, Howick Phone/fax: 033-330 7696

Also stockists of cellphones, pre-paid cards and accessories

From your proud suppliers who also love your fine food!

Wonderpak Packaging Wholesalers Telephone 033-342 4207 386G Church Street, Pietermaritzburg

Congratulations with your two successful businesses, and wishing you all the best for the future

Tel. 033-330 2807

Congratulations to you and we wish you well in business! Super meat, super service

Telephone 033-330 2285

Congratulations to AJ’s and wishing you all of the very best !

Above: Clive Heath, Amy’s’ and Aj’s’ new “delivery man”, and the spanking new bike with Aj’s manager Taz Pearson.

The face of Howick, over the past months, has changed. Trees have been felled, fires have taken their toll and parking is hard to find. One of the few things that has not changed is Amy’s Restaurant and AJ’s Take-away — still producing excellent food and service, and consistently so. Having said that, a new joint effort between the two food outlets, a new delivery service has been started to provide Good Hot Food to your door. Both shops welcome Clive to the team. You will see him about town on his new scooter; give him a hoot! Purveyors of fine food In order to support the delivery service, the trading hours of both shops have been changed to provide a service seven days a week.

Above: Amy’s Restaurant staff — back from left: Lungi, Sylvia, Precious, Patricia, Thobile, Eunice and Gelly; front from left: Amy and Martinette.

Amy’s will be closed only on a Monday after 4 pm and AJ’s is open on Sunday from 1 pm to 9 pm. The free delivery service, for the Howick and Merrivale Areas, will operate between 9 am and 4 pm from Monday to Friday. Amy’s, now entering its 6th year under the ownership of Amy Bailey, has certainly become a special place for the Howick locals. Her reputation has spread far and wide, as attested to by the postcards that are received regularly from SHOP 4, SPAR CENTRE, HOWICK. TEL.: 033-330 6399/082-730 4953 Stockists of: Mixed Masalas, Indian Curry Spices, Exotic Spices foreign visitors! and Herbs, Pickles, Ginger/Garlic, Baking Goods, Wide Range of A range of Daily Incense Sticks, Complete Range of Prayer Goods for all Occasions. Specials will soon It’s always a pleasure to deal with you be on the menu. AJ’s, now 18 at AJs. Congratulations on your months old, is under successful business ventures in Howick! the managership of


Nite Out/Howick West Liquors WHOLESALE & FRESH PRODUCE DISTRIBUTORS Tel. 033-330 5153 • 072-785 0666

Congratulations, Amy’s and AJs, and all the best for the future!

9 Overdene Rd, Howick West, 3290 Telephone: 033-330 6786

We are proud to supply your establishments. Congratulations on your ventures in business.


Telephone 033-330 3803 Shops 1&2, Rainbow Mall, 86 Midmar Road, Howick West

Taz who has made sure that the wellknown flame-grilled chicken products and curry dishes are as good as ever. The combination of the two food outlets certainly adds a huge variety of meals supporting their motto: “Something for everyone!” Catch our taste! Both Amy’s and AJ’s want to say “thank you” to all their regular customers and suppliers for their ongoing support. Let’s hope that Howick changes for the best! For orders, telephone 033-330 4227.


CATERING Suppliers to the Catering Industry 24 Winston Rd, Pietermaritzburg Tel: 033-345 4505/345 4536 Fax: 033-394 2935

Proud suppliers to AJ’s

Now approved wholesalers of all ABI products.

Pleased to be a supplier to you. Congratulations and all the best wishes for the future.

Tel 033-330 8323 • e-mail [email protected]

DRENCH YOUR THIRST! Congratulations, Alan and Amy, on your two business ventures!

The Midlands Herald

Page 10 — 27th July 2007

Community Support Focus — Howick Hospice Sponsored by The Midlands Herald, Sotheby’s International Realty (Midlands) and Browne Brodie & Fourie, Community Support Focus each month highlights a different facet of our local community in need of support. This month’s focus looks at the work of Sunfield Home and raises R1 000 for the organisation.


We wish you well with your contribution Telephone 033-342 8386

EVERDON ESTATE Tel: 033-330 2071

Home of Organic Avocados

We are pleased to be able to support you!

Andy's Mart & Carpet Care 9 Main Street, Howick • Tel. 033-330 2625

Well done in all that you are doing

G & S

Howick Hospice celebrates its 20th birthday this year! From humble beginnings in 1987 when there was one nursing sister and volunteers, the organisation has seen enormous growth and now has a staff of 42. Sr. Louise Stobart, the present general manager and the first hospice sister, wrote in the April newsletter, “I can remember the first patient I visited. How nervous and inadequate I felt! And now, so many years later, I still feel privileged that we are able to meet new patients and their families and share in this very sad but precious time of their lives. “I have learnt so much from these special patients.” Dr. Dave Peiser stood down after ten years as chairperson of Hospice and has been replaced by Dave Goodenough. Howick Hospice offers a service of domiciliary palliative nursing care to terminallyill people referred by a doctor, clinic or hospital. Two nursing sisters are on the “traditional hospice” team and are on call 24 hours a day for patient care and telephonic advice. Their dedication enables patients to die in their own homes, surrounded by their loved ones and in familiar, comfortable surroundings, thus fulfilling the patients’ wishes to stay at home. Hospice also offers a bereavement service to the bereaved family for more or less one year after the death of their loved one. In 1997 an outreach programme was started to meet the needs of patients living with HIV/Aids. This programme offers

Above: Howick Hospice’s charity shop volunteers, Rosemary, Margaret, Gloria and its shop co-ordinator Cathy.

Right: Howick Hospice nursing sisters Margaret Ndlovu, Ursula Frost, Mesh Adamson, Michelle Moodley and Liz Brockett. Inset from left: Sr Charlotte Woudberg and Dr Dave Peiser.

home-based care with each patient seeing a registered nurse at least once every two weeks, and more regular visits from its 20 community workers and volunteers. Hospice receives limited financial help from the Government and so recently took



Tel. 033-330 6748 • 7 Harvard Street, Howick


HARDWARE BUILDING SUPPLI330 2298 • 18 ERS Harvard Street, Howick

Restaurant & Pizzeria

We are proud to support you!

Amy’s is pleased to support your very caring work!

All the best from all at Comrie

For all your Building Requirements Contact Greg • We Deliver Promptly

DUNLOP INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD Induna Mills Road, P.O. Box 29, Howick 3290 Telephone 033-239 3311 • Fax 033-239 3388

GRAEMOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES Tel. 033-330 2922 • Fax 033-330 2925 1 Gush Avenue, Howick [email protected] • www.graemor.co.za

At our Howick factory we: • Mix natural and synthetic rubber into compounds.

We are pleased to support this valuable cause!

Howick Falls Garage

We are proud to support your work at Howick Hospice

Sales & service of gas appliances Gas, coal and wood fireplaces

23 Main Street, Howick • 330 2121

Proud to be associated with our community assistance and support

Congratulations on your sterling work!

We like to keep you moving

35 Ogilvie Road, Merrivale Industrial Park

From which we produce: • Belting — for use in mines and heavy industry for the conveying of ore and coal. • Industrial Hose — in various sizes for applications in mines and industry. • Automotive products — such as radiator and fuel hose and seals for automotive windscreens and doors.

the decision to spend money re-vamping the charity shop. “We re-carpeted, painted, extended shopping hours and employed a full-time manageress, Cathy Steyn,” Sr Stobart explains. “The move has been more successful than any of us could have imagined, and monthly income has tripled ! “Our sincere thanks to all those who regularly donate clothing and goods for the shop, and our wonderful volunteers who help each day to keep it running smoothly.” Howick Hospice is a non-government organisation and has to raise all its own funds, so we ask you, the Howick community, please to consider — or continue — supporting its efforts to offer a service of holistic, palliative care to the terminally-ill people of the Lions River district. Telephone 033-330 5257.

Telephone Peter — 082-454 0824 • 033-330 2717

Merrivale Open 7 days a week — 7 am - 7pm Tel 033-330 4092 • Fax 033-330 5816 • 13 Zeederberg Road, Merrivale

We are proud to be associated with your vital contribution.

The Midlands Herald

Page 11 — 27th July 2007

The Northern ‘Berg Magnificent The Northern ‘Berg, with its magnificent Amphitheatre, is looking stunning at the moment, as we found last week . . .


Right: Montusi’s 14 individual garden suites provide superb views of the magnificent Drakensberg Amphitheatre.

CATHKIN PARK RESERVATIONS For all your Drakensberg accommodation: “One call does it all”. Tel. 036-468 1091, fax 086-675 3235 or e-mail [email protected]

Your one call to us will give you, all free of charge: 1) the rates offered by all the leading hotels, B&B and self-catering establishments — including an exclusive B&B ideal for a honeymoon couple — in the Central and Northern Drakensberg; 2) guidance to the type of accommodation best suited to your needs; 3) the administration necessary to secure your reservation, including directions to your destination. Your reasons for visiting the Drakensberg may include a holiday, honeymoon, overnight stay, planning or attending a wedding, leisure group or conference. Whatever it is, we have a venue for you. Please contact us for winter specials at various hotels and self-catering units. For information and reservations in the Central and Northern Drakensberg, contact Fiona. We offer a professional, friendly and efficient service !


Montusi Mountain Lodge is the only exclusive lodge in the northern Drakensberg Mountains (a World Heritage Site), and is situated 70km off the N3 halfway between Johannesburg and Durban in KwaZulu-Natal. The lodge is situated in the pristine, quiet Cavern valley and has superb views of the magnificent Drakensberg Amphitheatre from each of its 14 individual garden suites. Here you can relax in absolute peace and tranquillity. Each suite stands alone in the garden and has a bedroom with a king-sized double bed, bathroom with a bath and separate walk-in shower, lounge with a TV, Jetmaster gas hotrock fireplace and a tea/coffee making unit with a small fridge for fresh milk and your drinks. Your own private covered parking is right beside your suite. Hike or horse-ride in the mountains, swim in the dams or the natural rock-coloured swimming pool, enjoy birding and fly-fishing and discover for yourself our secluded

picnic site for special occasion lunches. The Lodge is also close to the Amphitheatre Golf Course. Treat yourself to a community project relaxation massage or basic manicure or pedicure. At the Adventure Centre you can swing on the flying trapeze or enjoy paintball, quad bikes, gorge swing, zip line and the king swing. Our superb cuisine, like our homemade bread, chocolate and desserts, is quite addictive! Personalised service from friendly staff makes this owner-run lodge a delight. And don’t forget that midweek specials are also available. Telephone Montusi Mountain Lodge at 036-438 6243, fax 036-438 6566 or view website www.montusi.za.net

Alpine Heath Resort — entertainment capital of the Drakensberg Left, below left and below right: What else but the beauty of our Drakensberg? Here we feature Little Switzerland Hotel near the top of the Oliviershoek Pass, just past Bergville.

Those who know me would expect a comment on the cuisine, and yes, it’s to say that Little Switzerland’s rates among the best in the ‘Berg. One of the highlights of a stay at this mountaintop resort on the Oliviershoek Pass is the incomparable, buffetstyle meal — whether you’re enjoying an English cooked breakfast after a refreshing sleep or an exquisite dinner after a wonderful day — all served in Little Switzerland’s incomparable style. When I stayed there last week, this hotel was looking as magnificent as ever. The rooms were stunningly renovated not long ago, and consist of luxurious executive suites, some with jacuzzi baths, the very comfortable deluxe rooms and selfcatering chalets with fireplaces. Mine was of course a one night business trip, but for those needing to rest you’ll find that the rooms are both spacious and comfort-

able and come complete with a beautifullyfinished bathroom, TV and coffee bar. And of course the views from them are incomparable: Perched high at the top of the Oliviershoek Pass, this charming hotel looks down onto a striking vista from the Amphitheatre on one side to the Malutis on the other. For outdoor activity, there is tennis, bowls, volleyball, croquet, puttputt, horseriding, leisurely strolls, rapp jumping, mountainbiking or a refreshing swim, while those who like to work out will find that the health centre includes an aerobics floor (circuit and weighttraining), squash court, heated swimming pool, saunas, Jacuzzi, climbing wall and climbing cave! Telephone reservations at 036438 6220; fax 036438 6222; view website www.lsh.co.za or email [email protected]. Russell Barnes

It is astonishing to realise that Alpine Heath is already 10 years old this year, and to commemorate is giving the award-winning resort a R6 million facelift ! “The bulk of the development will centre around the entertainment area of the Village Square,” general manager Françoise Above: Scenic Alpine Heath Resort is enjoying a R6 million facelift this year. Muller explains. “The brand new bar, ‘The Tavern’, is al- air, crystal-clear streams and an abundance ready complete, while also being constructed of birdlife. At the thatched Umziki Wateris an auditorium to cater for entertainment, ing Hole, on the banks of one of the resort’s big screen rugby and “Chef on the Stage” trout dams, guests enjoy a picturesque setcooking demonstrations, and a deli where ting to enjoy their meals. guests can pack own picnic baskets or those For the energetic, it has a fully-equipped staying self-catering can purchase that little gymnasium, squash and all-weather tennis something left behind.” courts, volleyball and mountainbiking. The new development will do much for 100 luxurious chalets offer complete prithe “La Gruyeres” restaurant, which will vacy yet still boast telephones, cellular remove from its present on-square position to ception and satellite TV. a stunning location overlooking both mounThe three-bedroom chalet, featuring mastains and a dam. And then there is the all- ter bedroom ensuite and two with twin beds, new children’s entertainment centre with play can easily accommodate six people. stations, table tennis and other games — all The resort receives regular comments of entirely free ! — that will be completed by praise in its visitors’ book. Just one recent the end of the year. one reads: “Excellent service, friendly staff, The perfect place to unwind, Alpine Heath good food and great fun!” offers guests tranquil surrounds, with a tapAnd you can experience all of the same ! estry of towering mountain peaks, crisp fresh Telephone 036-438 6484.

The Midlands


Baggies @ R4000

No. 197 • Friday 27th July 2007

t r o p S

Left: Dale Morphew looks to pass the ball, playing for the Natal A men’s canoe polo team at the SA Champs in Durban three weeks ago.

Right: Dale poses at the dairy farm at Tweedie where he works, with his Natal colours for canoe polo and gold medal for Natal’s winning efforts at the SA Champs.

Right: Passing the ball . . .

Pictures: Julia Rees Photography — Cell: 073-141 4844; web: www.juliarees.co.za; e-mail: [email protected]

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* Panelbeating * Spraypainting * Fibreglass repairs and fabrication * Bakkie linings

Rustic Concrete Tiles • Pavers • Cobbles Cladding • Various sizes Contact Lyn or Rob 3 Geekie Road, Howick (opposite Merrivale KwikSpar) • Cell 082-578 0659 or telephone/fax: 033-330 7054 (a/h).

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Excelling at canoe polo, needs support for World Champs defence. “The game is — when you’re attacking, all of you are attacking, and when you’re defending, all of you are defending,” he explains. So what attracts him to it? “I don’t actually know. When I play polo, I feel free. “I really love it. I feel that my heart is in the sport. When I’ve played, I feel like a new person.” The game of canoe polo The game of canoe polo is played in an area of 23 metres by 35 metres on pools, dams and even — as he discovered on an GEARBOX & DIFF overseas trip in 2005 — on canals in BelEXCHANGE & REPAIRS gium! Midlands Branch Dale spent three months working on Tel. 033-330 5568/96; Cell: 072-126 1800 5 Main Road, Merrivale a dairy farm, near Oldenburg, in GerRepairs to all Gearboxes & Diffs many, and also Wide range of reconditioned units available played the sport Clutch overhauls there and on a lake Authorised CWA and RMI dealers in London. He curAll workmanship guaranteed rently lives and Full workshop facilities works on a dairy farm overlooking Left: Terence, Peter and Midmar. Allen in the Midlands According to the workshop, with a BMW rules of the game, automatic gearbox and an each half lasts 10 Isuzu manual gearbox. Behind them is a diff stand minutes, with just a where they had been working two minute break in on a 4x4 Hi-lux diff. between. There are five players and three Durban Branch: 501 Umgeni Road Established 1993 substitutes in each Tel: 031-312 0838 team. Fax: 031-312 6629 Needing to turn

A Howick youngster hopes to travel with the South African men’s canoe polo team to Canada in July next year. Dale Morphew has been playing for Natal A team since 2004, having been selected for the U21 side in 2001 while a Grade 10 pupil at Weston. Up to about fifteen players gather to practise at the University pool in Pietermaritzburg on a Monday night — “but not as many at the moment when it’s winter and cold!” he quips. Dale plays a multiple role in the team, and possesses strengths in both attack and

quickly and being versatile, the canoes themselves are under three metres in length and have bumpers at the front and back, the likeable youngster explains. “It’s a very intense and physical game,” he says of it. “Players are allowed to ram other canoes. The trick of it is to try and keep the ball moving while you manoeuvre your boat.” Since early 2007 he has been training at the Midlands Well-ness and Fitness Centre in Howick, where personal trainer Justin Stewart has been helping him to build up his strength and rehabilitate a shoulder injury that had him out of action for all of 2006. SA Champs in Durban Fit again, Dale has just played in the recent SA Champs in Durban held three weeks ago. Natal A played magnificently to win the tournament, beating Gauteng 3-2 in the finals, although the team was 0-2 down at halftime. Having earlier in the day during the round robin stage beaten the same side 4-1, they were not about to give up, and so staged a magnificent recovery to produce three goals and win. A need for sponsorship As to the future, in a few months’ time Natal A will be travelling to Johannesburg for a tournament, and will take part in another in January before the team to travel to Canada is chosen. At this stage he needs a new paddle, valued at R1 900, canoe at R2 600 and sponsorship to go overseas (about R25 000 to R30 000). Let’s help our local achievers in sport!

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