Kenneth's Ch 16 Outline Pt 3

  • June 2020
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Kenneth Li Euro Hist. 9-22-07 Period 6th Ch. 16 pg. 441-445 VI. Italy’s Political Decline: The French Invasions (1494-1527) A. Treaty of Lodi 1) There was always cooperation between the Italian city-states. 2) Would defend against most invasions. 3) Florence allied with Milan and Naples, Papal States allied with Venice, 4) Florence about to attack Milan, but Milan asked for French help. 5) French took advantage of that, and reestablished themselves in Italy. B. Charles VIII’s March Through Italy 1) Louis XI resisted to invade Italy while still claiming it. 2) Charles didn’t resist, and charged through Alps. 3) Conquered Papal States and Florence. 4) Forced to retreat by the “League of Venice.” C. Pope Alexander VI and the Borgia Family 1) French returned to Italy under Charle’s successor, Louis XII. 2) Allied with Italian pope Alexander VI. 3) Alex left “League of Venice” so French can conquer the weakened Milan. 4) Cesare Borgia got the hand of the sister of king of Navarre. 5) Louis invaded Milan, and pope and Boriga conquered cities of Romagna, D. Pope Julius II 1) He was known as warrior pope b/c he brought military prowess to the max. 2) With French help, he drove the Venetians out too. 3) Wanted to get rid of the French invaders after done conquering all the cities. 4) Julius, Ferdinand of Aragon and Venice formed Holy League. 5) French were in full retreat by 1512, and beaten by the Swiss in 1513. 6) French invaded Italy again, under Francis I. 7) Defeated the Swiss, but Medici pope Leo X wanted an agreement. 8) Agreement was to give the French king control of French clergy, and able to collect taxes, in turn for announcing pope’s superiority over church councils. 9) Lead to Habsburg-Valois wars, which French won none. E. Niccolo Machiavelli 1) Niccolo saw Italy being destroyed by foreign armies. 2) Admired heroic acts of the Roman rulers. 3) He didn’t like how his compatriots weren’t as heroic as them. 4) In 1527, the year of Niccolo’s death, the pope stood and watched as Rome was sacked. VII. Revival of Monarchy: Nation Building in the Fifteenth Century A. Introduction 1) Although monarchies took over feudalism, it didn’t die out. 2) Landed nobility and clergy declined b/c of Hundred Years War and the schism.

3) All the towns had to ally with the king. 4) Noble cavalry has receded as infantry and artillery increased. 5) As cost of warfare is growing, taxes are heavily levied. B. France 1) 2 cornerstones of French nation building that happened. 2) The English defeat from the Hundred Years War. 3) Defeat of Charles the Bold and the duchy of Burgundy. 4) When Charles died, so did the need for a Burgundian empire. 5) French took Burgundian lands, and doubled the size of his kingdom. 6) By the end of the Habsburg, the French were again divided b/c of no wins. C. Spain 1) Isabella and Ferdinand married to make Spain’s cities stronger. 2) Castile was much richer and powerful, Aragon had very little. 3) With both in power, they did what they couldn’t do alone. 4) Kept in check with the converted Jews and Muslims. 5) Made anti-French marriage alliances. D. England 1) After the defeat of the Hundred Years War, they had internal warfare. 2) 2 houses, between house of York and house of Lancaster. 3) Lancastrian monarchy consistently challenged by York. 4) Henry Tudor ruled as Henry VII, first new Tudor dynasty until 1603. 5) Confiscated many noble’s lands and fortunes, and made his empire into one of Europe’s most excellent governments.

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