Keepers Of The Knowledge 17th Nov 07

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17th November 2007

The Keepers of the Knowledge by

Robert J. Parker

17th November 2007

Page one of 47 A4 pages

©Robert J. Parker

17th November 2007

Introduction Hi, This is one of the first drafts of the first book and I would really appreciate your comments. I have written notes in bold italics on what I think needs to be written to finish this book. I named the main female character after my real life partner (Jane). I owe her many thanks for “putting up with me” and correcting mistakes in the first print. The names used are random. Maybe I should change them? The characters are not linked to people I know or have met. They are all fictional and any similarity to any real person(s) is purely coincidental. Some of the stuff written about up to and including Andy’s first visit to Glastonbury is loosely based on personal experiences. Everything else is from my imagination. I started writing this book in 2001. Until 15th November 2007 I hadn’t done anything with it for over two years. I’ve now added further details about the content of the next two books. I had a psychic experience of Jane’s Mum talking to me in my head after she had died (but before we had been told she had) which prompted me to finish the first draft of the first book in May 04. The stuff written then (chapter 14 onwards) Jane found too unbelievable. Perhaps more description is necessary to make it more believable? I have added some since she read it. Please remember that this is, after all, just a work of fiction as are Lord of the Rings, Dr Who and Star Wars. My eldest daughter has a degree in English. Her comments made me realise that my writing style is not good but, as Jane said, it is readable. I believe the story is good. The concept of “The Keepers” being individuals who collectively hold “The Knowledge” that will “Save” mankind and the world is pretty mind blowing but, I believe, a plausible work of fiction. If enough people agree with me on this point and help me finish it, then maybe it will make a great film and/or TV series. “The Keepers” are the true Holy Grail. They are the chalices of “The Knowledge” which has been passed down in families from generation to generation. Hence it is part of the bloodline. Grail can be translated to mean blood or chalice. In the first book (set in 1997) “Andy” meets “Jane” and some of the “Keepers”. He learns that he already has some of “The Knowledge” but it is all too unbelievable for him. He learns that fear is the means by which mankind is controlled. He discovers that Love really is Energy and is more powerful than fear. Maybe I need to emphasis this point more? In the second book more of “The Knowledge” is revealed. The second book is set in 2004. In the final book, set in 2011/2012, “The Keepers” are there to help and guide Mankind during the change that is due to take place in December 2012! Please tell me what you think. Be honest with me. If you think it’s a load of rubbish say so and why. If you think it’s OK then please pass it on to family, friends, colleagues etc. I retain copyright but am allowing this to be passed on providing it is done so complete, unaltered and free of charge. Remember that there is nothing to fear. Do not fear anyone or anything. Love will conquer all! Thanks for taking the time to read it, Rob.

17th November 2007

Chapter 1 About Andy Andrew J. Davies, or Andy as he preferred to be called, was born on 10th March 1973. He was brought up in Swansea, in South Wales, UK. His parents, Pete and Gwen, were both articulate, intelligent and well educated. They had been married for several years when he was born. Pete was a Structural Engineer and Gwen a teacher. Andy’s upbringing was very happy yet slightly unconventional, his parents being slightly alternative, almost “hippy” types. Pete was successful and Gwen didn’t really need to work but did so more out of a sense of vocation. It used to annoy Andy that his sister Beth (6 years younger) was allowed to do things that at the same age he had to campaign to do, like stay up late. At 14 years of age he was, like most 14 year old boys, a bit awkward. His body had been growing faster than his brain could keep up with. He was still influenced by his parents but was questioning his and their beliefs and views. questioning his belief in a God which he had been brought up to believe in by his parents.

He was strongly

Andy was fascinated by the order of everything in the universe. He had an enquiring mind. What was emerging in his thoughts was that in chemistry there is a natural tendency for matter to change, or reactions to take place, resulting in the product of the reaction having a lower energy level. This is known as the law of entropy, or tendency to disorder. Why then was there so much order in the universe? Why could so much be explained and predicted mathematically and scientifically? He decided, after much thought, that there must be some force influencing a tendency to order. He theorised that this force was something science had ignored and that this force was an energy. He was on holiday with his family in France. One evening he was siting outside the campsite bar enjoying a beer when he got into a discussion with a friend of his parents. “Factories”, as Andy had nicknamed him (he had been bragging he owned factories in the UK), emphatically did not believe in a God, to the point where he stated there is no such thing as God. Andy questioned him as to why he had that belief? Andy’s parents had joined them having just checked that his sister was OK. She was happily playing with other children in the conveniently located playground within sight of the bar. He expected to be told to shut up by his parents, but the discussion between Andy and “Factories” continued. Far from telling him to shut up his parents and “Mrs Factories”, who had also joined them, sat spellbound. Andy argued with “Factories” that energy could neither be created or destroyed, merely changed to another form (one of Newton’s Laws Andy quoted). He explained how some forms of energy could be perceived by most humans i.e. light & heat, but electricity cannot be seen but we are all aware of it. Electricity is a new discovery in terms of how long man has been on this Earth. Maybe, argued Andy, that in the future, all of mankind would know of the existence of a new energy and that this new (Creative/Life) energy was of the same substance as God. He continued “if people had not been open minded to the possibility of electricity, or had not investigated the phenomena of magnetism, chemical cells (batteries), etc. then electricity would not have been discovered.” Andy argued, that to say God does not exist is foolish. To say I have no evidence is understandable but to say categorically that God does not exist is foolish. Announcing that he was not foolish “Factories” questioned Andy further on his beliefs. Andy felt a motivation to speak about his beliefs which he had not before divulged. He explained how he believed that God is the Energy from whom all matter and Energy originally came into being. That when the bible described Man as being made in God’s image it was not referring to the physical but the spiritual. That our spirit (or soul) is of the same substance (energy) as God and that when we die our spirit lives on. Mrs Factories and Andy’s parents joined in the discussions which continued all evening and ended when the bar shut. As they were leaving the bar Factories stated he was wrong in saying there was no such thing as God. He said he would keep an open mind and thanked Andy for such a stimulating discussion. On retuning to their caravan Gwen said “ tonight I see you as a man - you were very eloquent and thought provoking”. Gwen was very much committed to the beliefs and rituals of the traditional Christian faith so found the concept of God being an “energy” most uncomfortable. Andy’s parents then related to him what happened when their first born, Judith, had died as a baby of meningitis. Judith was very ill. The disease was diagnosed as meningitis. The Doctor told Andy’s parents that Judith would probably die. It was night time and they stayed up with Judith, neither wanting to sleep. Gwen was making a drink in the next room when Pete screamed. He had been with Judith who was gripping his finger tightly. When Gwen ran into the room she found Pete on the other side of the room to the cot pointing to the cot and saying “the baby...the baby”. He had experienced what he could only describe as an electric shock, and had been thrown away from the cot.

17th November 2007 Judith had died. At the same time Pete’s mother had woken up and woke her husband up to tell him of the dream she had just had. They lived well over 100 miles away. Pete’s mother had dreamed that Judith had come to her and said “I’ve just come to say goodbye.” In her dream the Grandmother said “Judith can talk....but you’re only a baby” Judith replied “I can talk now because I am alright”. Gwen told Andy how for years after she had questioned her belief in God and that she asked how could God let her baby die? She explained that later, when Andy was born, she came to terms with the death and believed it was not for her to question God. Both Gwen & Pete were fascinated with Andy’s energy hypothesis. They had never told him about Pete’s “electric shock” or Andy’s grandmother’s dream when Judith died. So now Andy’s parents had provided confirmation of his energy hypothesis based on their personal experience. Freaky, Andy thought. It scared him but the next day proceeded to enjoy the rest of his holiday as any normal, if slightly wayward, 14 year old would. The subject was not discussed again. A year later Andy had almost totally forgotten what he thought, felt and believed at 14.

17th November 2007

Chapter 2 Andy Before Glastonbury It was June 1997 and Andy had been getting ready to go on his first visit to the Glastonbury Festival of Performing Arts. Andy was now quite a handsome, but modest, 24 year old, 5'11" tall, fair hair, blue eyes, slim but muscular from swimming. He was a typical surfing “dude” but unlike most of his friends he was quite a deep thinker. Andy and his house mate Chris (also a surfer) had spent many evenings talking about their experiences and beliefs. On the evening before setting off for Glastonbury they were talking about their childhoods. Andy told Chris that at eight years of age he was very unhappy in school. He found himself unable to take in what was written on the blackboard, so he gradually moved to the back of the classroom. He told Chris about the night, that he silently prayed to God to do something. The next day his parents announced they were sending him to a different school and were getting him extra tuition. Andy explained how at that time he thought it was as a miracle. Looking back he realised it was a coincidence brought about by his parents recognising he was not happy in school. As a boy he believed it to be a miracle. His prayer was answered. “ I don’t believe in miracles” Chris said. They chatted about so called “healing” miracles. Chris, like Andy, was brought up by “Christian” parents so likewise believed in God when younger. At eight they knew the truth about Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy but still believed in a God. “How old were you when you stopped believing” asked Chris. “Not sure, certainly at 14 I was questioning things and stopped believing when 15, I suppose” Andy replied and went on “I do not now disbelieve but equally I don’t believe, just don’t know I suppose”. Andy & Chris agreed that, unlike most of their friends who were disbelievers they both had open minds. They agreed that the most important thing was to keep an open mind on all such matters. Andy recalled his discussion with “Factories” at 14 and how he had agreed to keep an open mind. “What about ghosts then, do you believe in them Andy?”. “Well... yes I do actually...what about you?” replied Andy. Chris told Andy about a Hotel his parents used to run where all the staff were convinced there was at least one ghost. Strange things would happen like the toaster dials being altered so the toast burnt, things going missing to re-appear in a different place and everyone always felt cold in one particular room. No apparitions though he explained. Chris felt there was definitely something at the Hotel that they all accepted and tolerated. “Whether it was a ghost or not I can’t say” said Chris. “Have you had any dealings with ghosts?” Chris asked Andy. Andy then told Chris about his night in a haunted house prior to the “Poltergeist” being exorcised by a Priest. Andy was very fearful of Ghostly matters whereas Chris had no fear. “Only the living can hurt you” said Chris. “I’m not so sure” said Andy. They wondered were ghosts the spirits of dead people or part of something much more complex, like time slippage. “This is really heavy stuff” said Andy. “Yeah but you seem scared of it Andy why? “Just scared of what I don’t understand” replied Andy. “But if you realise these things just happen and can’t hurt you why are you afraid?” asked Chris. “Cos it all frightens me, it scares me” replied Andy. Andy told Chris about how when he was 16, with his friends at school he would sneak out for a cigarette and coffee at a nearby café. One day he had a sixth sense not to go, so he didn’t. His friends got caught in a “raid” by the teachers. Another time he was going to take the afternoon off (which he frequently did) but the his sixth sense persuaded him to return for the last lesson just in time for an unexpected register check. He dismissed this sixth sense as logic that he expected a raid or register check, but was it something else? Was it just coincidence or a sixth sense or ‘gut feeling’ he pondered. “It’s all spooky and scares me” Andy said. “That’s not spooky....I get gut feelings too” said Chris.

17th November 2007 “Yes but my gut feelings developed into voices which was spooky and there’s lots more that I haven’t told you”said Andy. Andy then told Chris about how after finishing his G.C.S.E’s he and his friends had a lot of spare time. “One evening four of us tried the ouji board”. “That was a very foolish thing to do Andy” said Chris. “I know that now” said Andy and explained that they didn’t know about the countless reports of people having deep psychological problems as a result of messing around with it. “Not everyone is as lucky as we were” said Andy. “I saw a programme on TV showing interviews with psychiatrists and clergy who talked of cases where people had suffered clinical depression, sleeplessness and even suicide after playing with the board.” said Chris and went on “Noone knows how it works but all agree it is an extremely dangerous thing to do”. “Did you buy one” asked Chris. “No we made it” Andy replied and told Chris how they cut out 28 pieces of card, put a letter of the alphabet on each, with ‘yes’ and ‘no’ on the remaining two. “And it worked?” asked Chris. “It certainly did work” said Andy and went on: “We placed the ‘yes’ card and the ‘no’ card at either end of a small table then arranged the cards around in a circle. In the middle of the table we placed at upturned wine glass. We all put our index figures on the glass and to our shock and amazement. the glass started to move. First to the letter ‘H’. We all panicked and moved away from the table. Each of us was convinced that one or more of us was ‘rigging’ it. Each one of us independently accused the others and we all believed it was one or more of us doing the pushing. We returned to the table. The glass moved from the ‘H’ to the ‘E’ and finally spelt out the word ‘HELLO’. We said hello back and started chatting to the glass. We asked its name and it spelt out the name C K Anders. At that time none of the us had heard of the surname “Anders”. We had heard of Anderson and even Andersen, but never before Anders. Mr Anders gave away very little about himself other than he had lived in Holland. Thinking back “he” didn’t even say “he” was a “he” we just assumed “he” was male. When we asked a question he would generally answer with comments like “well what do you think?”. The conversations were generally light hearted and he would concentrate on trivia. He told us that we were very lucky that we were talking to him and not to another. He stressed what we were doing was dangerous and that we really shouldn’t be doing it. Still we continued. Still believing that it was one or more of us pushing the glass. Over the next couple of evenings we tried different combinations of people at the table. We discovered that there needed to be three of us at the table for it to work and that it did not matter which three. We were still looking for a logical explanation that didn’t involve a spirit. One evening Mr Anders spelt out “why isn’t Vaughan here tonight?” and told us to ‘phone him and get him to come around. When Vaughan arrived he told him not to worry because there was nothing to be gained by him worrying. What will be will be he said. “It is not your fault” he told Vaughan. None of us new at that time that Vaughan’s parents were planning to get a divorce. Vaughan was very worried about his parents arguments and was blaming himself. This was getting freaky. The phrase “what will be will be” prompted asking Mr Anders to tell us about the future. He said “no”. “Why not?”we asked. “It is against the rules” he said. “What rules?” we questioned. “The rules” said Mr Anders and then went on yet again with his warning that we really should not be doing this. Again he said we were lucky that he was speaking to us not another who probably wouldn’t follow “THE RULES”. We asked him to tell us our exam results because that was in the present, the examinations having been taken. He said no because the papers hadn’t been marked. On the fourth night we were almost convinced that Mr Anders was a genuine spirit. We all now knew that no single one of us was pushing the glass. Mr Anders’s repeated warnings about not to do it were starting to be taken seriously. We thought of a way that Mr Anders could tell the present without stating the future. We decided to contact him, one last time, to thank him and ask him one last question. I moved away from the table and got two dice from the “Monopoly” set and put them in beaker. I shook the beaker and, away from the table, turned the beaker upside down on a kitchen unit. No one, including me, knew, or could have known, what numbers were under the beaker. We asked Mr Anders what the numbers were. Mr Anders then spelt out “four and five”. I lifted the beaker and froze. Everyone at the table was aghast. Mr Anders was right. This final realisation that there really was something there freaked me. Everyone else simultaneously stood up and moved away from the table. We very respectfully returned to the table and thanked Mr Anders and promised not to do it again. That was the last time the we played with the oujii board. We concluded that we were lucky to have contacted a friendly spirit, not a mischievous or evil one. We were slightly frustrated that Mr Anders would give very little information because it was against “the rules” but we were pleased not to have had any bad experience from it.

17th November 2007 Logically there was a one in thirty-six chance of any one person guessing the numbers correctly. Logically the glass could not move on its own. But the glass did move and it wasn’t consciously being pushed by any one of us. There had to be at least three of us touching the glass before it would move. Therefore whatever was making the glass move was working through the subconscious of the those at the table. Was it really a spirit? If spirits do exist then is my sixth sense a message from a spirit? But warnings of the future are against “the rules”. We soon forgot about it though.” “Wow Andy, that’s quite a story”. “Honestly Chris it is all true not just a story.” “The ‘gut feeling’ thing, the oujii board, the night in a haunted house, the tarot cards all spooked me so much I had to see a Priest to talk about it and haven’t talked to anyone since about it”. “The tarot cards....what’s that all about?” said Chris “That’s another story for another night, along with the voices and what the Priest told me” said Andy. “You’re right its late” said Chris and on that note they went to their rooms. Andy lay on his bed thinking why was he afraid, why was he sceptical. During his 1990 “no school period” (as he referred to it as) he had other experiences that he wanted to tell Chris. Talking to Chris was almost a sort of therapy that was helping him to stop fearing what he couldn’t explain or understand. There is nothing to fear other than fear itself, so avoid it, don’t let yourself feel that fear he said to himself. That night he dreamed again of Hannah. It woke him up. He still wasn’t over her. They had started seeing each other in the Autumn of 1991 when he returned to school to do his final year. Hannah was only 15 at the time. Their parents were friends so he had known her for years. Though only 15 she had been having boyfriends for some time and had been quite a worry to her parents. He had been dating many girls since the age of 15 with only one serious relationship, Sian lasting a year. Hannah was like a free spirit and he felt very drawn towards her. Partly because she was such a live wire and partly because they knew each other so well from childhood. He felt attracted to her but he felt it was wrong, she was too young for him. Hannah was very mindful and was very attracted to him. Eventually they fell madly in Love, within a year getting engaged. A book could be written about their relationship. In such a romantic novel they would have married and lived happily ever after Andy thought to himself. Andy gained good ‘A’ Level grades in English, Psychology and Sociology and went to University in the Autumn of 1992. Hannah decided to move in with him when he went to University in Bristol. They were very committed to one another. They were very happy and got married in the Spring of 1994. They were still happy together when he attained his Honours Degree in English in June 1995. Having got his degree he could not find a job that he liked, or, that he was not over-qualified for. He worked in a shop for a while, just to get some money coming in whilst looking for something else. It was the Christmas of 1995. They were discussing their future and they again talked about having children. Previously, the idea of having children was something they both agreed on and had planned for. Hannah had changed her mind and “never wanted children”. She was settled in her career with the design studio she had joined as a trainee when Andy went to University. She had recently had a big pay rise and wanted to be a high flyer in her career. So that they could have children without her having to give up her career he thought of being a teacher. That way he would be home during school holidays to look after them he suggested. “I never, ever want children” she had again told him. “I do not want to go through the pain or take any time off work which I would have to” she said. Many would say that they got married too young but Andy felt the money and job had changed her. For the next year they argued about everything. To Andy it was as if her career, and money, had taken over her life. He was totally bewildered. The girl he had known since he was six and had been having a sexual relationship with since she was 16 was now a different person! He tried to find the girl he used to know but kept meeting the new “I’m successful and earn loads of money” woman that just argued with him and put him down. They still slept together but their relationship was no longer good. Just after the Christmas of 1996 they split up. Andy moved into the house with Chris. He was still seeing Hannah but

17th November 2007 she was increasingly becoming a stranger to him. They agreed to get divorced. Eventually that night in June 1997 Andy stopped thinking about the past and went off to sleep thinking about the good times he and Chris would have at Glastonbury. So it was that at the age of 24 Andy was about to go off to his first Glastonbury Festival with his mate Chris. Divorce papers having been received citing, amongst other things his surfing and the fact that he was going to Glastonbury as being unreasonable behaviour! He laughed when he read the divorce papers. He and Hannah had agreed to divorce and agreed to leave it up to the lawyers to concoct how. He felt a sense of failure about their divorce and still missed Hannah very much. But life goes on he said to himself even though deep down he still loved the girl he had married. His friends could not understand his feelings of loss and failure. How could they? They had not experienced it. They had not experienced the Love he had lost.

17th November 2007

Chapter 3 The Glasto -Virgins For those who have never heard of it and for those who haven’t been there a description of the Glastonbury Festival is needed. People who have never been there before are called Glasto-Virgins. Neither Chris or Andy had been there before. Description - to be written – from Glastonbury books guides Andy and Chris, had loaded up Chris’s yellow Volkswagen Camper van with all the essentials, e.g. Pot Noodles and crates of canned lager. They were ready to leave. Then the heavens opened with severe rain turning the festival site to mud. All of the vehicular entrances were closed except one they heard on the radio. Traders there selling waterproofs and wet weather gear were doing a fantastic trade they heard. “Shall we still go?” Chris asked Andy. “Yes, lets go for it” said Andy. “We’ll have a good time anyway”said Chris. So they set off from their shared house in Nailsea, Somerset. It only took about 2 hours to get within 4 miles of the festival before hitting the massive traffic jam they had heard about on the radio. It was then about 5:30 p.m. and Andy said to Chris “we should easily get in and set up so as to meet Beth by 8:30 p.m. as arranged. They started chatting about the previous nights conversation. Chris said “I know we were both a bit pissed last night but I really did feel that house I lived in was haunted but I sort of took a pride in not letting it affect my life”. “Yes I noted a tone of pride in your voice” said Andy. They both laughed. Tell me about the voices, the Tarot and the Priest then Andy” said Chris. “I can’t” said Andy. “Why not” said Chris to which Andy replied “cos we are both sober”. They both laughed again. “Come on tell me” begged Chris. “OK” said Andy and then went on: “During my ‘no school’ period whilst browsing in a book shop I noticed a pack of Tarot cards with a book on how to read them on special offer. I bought it and started doing readings for friends and family. At first it was really lighted hearted, a bit of a joke, but with each reading I did it became more serious. I did readings based on past, present and future. I told people not to believe the future side of the reading as it was merely one possible outcome of the future. I asked people to be honest about my interpretation of the past and present regarding the question they were asking. I never knew the question they were asking when doing the reading. I never sought payment. At first I would just read out what the book said for each card. As I did more readings I was less reliant on the book and was able to interpret the meaning better and would tell people things that led people to ask how I knew what I had said. Several people, including my own father, could not believe that I had just read the cards. I felt it was as if the cards were charged and very powerful. This power frightened me so I stopped.” “There you go again with the FEAR thing my friend” said Chris laughing out loud. “I was thinking about that in bed last night and ...yeah got a good point there my friend” said Andy. “So what was this power thing that you felt Andy”? Andy continued: “My conclusion was that there are two forces, one called fate which is the generalised destiny people are meant to follow. Hence I believed that there was something in astrology. The other force was the direction the person on whom I was doing the reading was willing things to go. Somehow, when the person for whom the reading was being done shuffled the pack they were unconsciously putting the cards into an order which somehow led to a reading that showed the combined effect of the two forces. I felt there was something wrong with ‘fortune telling’”. “Probably your Mr Anders influence on you” interjected Chris. “Could be Chris. Never thought of that before. Some friends said it was a gift that I should pursue but I was frightened. I wouldn’t even have the cards under the same roof as me and eventually got rid of them.” “That’s interesting Andy. But why are you afraid of such stuff?”

17th November 2007 “It’s a fear of things I don’t understand” Andy replied. “Honestly Andy everything is like those big waves when we go surfing, you just gotta respect them and not feel fear. If you were afraid of those waves the fear would stop you going surfing. Fear is something that stops you doing something. Fear is not a good thing my friend. Healthy respect, like we have for the sea, on the other hand is”. The tarot cards couldn’t hurt you mate, it was just your perception.” They continued passing the time in the traffic jam chatting about how people are controlled by fear. For the first time Andy appreciated totally how right Chris was. Fear is the means by which most people are controlled. If the people of the world let themselves be motivated by Love rather than Fear everyone would be happier and the world would be a nicer place they concluded. And what better place than Glastonbury for the Love Energy to manifest itself they agreed. It was gone midnight when they got to the entrance to the field they were going to camp in. They had to queue (yet another queue they laughed) to be towed in by a tractor! By 1:10 a.m. they were set up, nice and warm in the camper van wondering how Beth and friends were. Beth had managed to get through to him on his mobile ‘phone at about 9:00 p.m. She knew it would be hours before he arrived so they had arranged to find the van the following morning. They knew which fields the caravans and camper vans were being put in. Chris went to bed but Andy stayed up until 2:00 a..m. watching the TV. Yes, they even had a colour TV in the camper! The following morning at about 10:00 a.m. Beth was knocking on the caravan door with her boyfriend and four other friends. Andy cooked them all breakfast before they all went back into the festival and settled down on the grass a little way back from the large dense crowd standing in front of the pyramid stage. “So you are Glasto-virgins” a girl asked who had sat down next to him. He looked puzzled, not just at the question, but also the fact that this girl had sat next to him. “I mean is this your first time here at Glastonbury” she said. “Yes it is” he replied. “Don’t mind me joining you” she said laying out her piece of polythene on the grass to lie down on. “It’s my third time here she said” at which point Beth, who was a little in front of them turned around, obviously didn’t like the girl she saw, and said “Andy darling why don’t you move forward and have a drink with us” in a quite parental tone. She didn’t normally refer to her brother as “Andy darling”. The girl got up and said “got the message” rolled up her polythene and went saying “see ya”. “Why did you do that Beth?” asked Andy. “Cos her aura was all wrong” replied Beth. “What do you mean?” asked Andy. “I’ll explain again. Let’s just listen to the music” said Beth.

17th November 2007

Chapter 4 The Glastonbury Festival That Friday Andy and Chris spent the next few hours with Beth and friends. Later in the afternoon they decided to go their own ways but agreed to meet up later. Description of bands seen etc on Friday - see guide - how long to make this? ot really relevant to plot other than to make it more convincing. That night Andy reflected on what a change there had been in Beth between 16 and 18. I suppose she has now grown up he thought. It was so nice she was no longer embarrassed to be seen with him. It was so nice to be there. Description of bands seen etc on Saturday - see guide - how long to make this...isn’t really relevant to plot other than to make it more convincing. “Radiohead” were fantastic but only went to see them cos of crowd jam on other stage. Band we missed on Saturday appeared due to cancellation of eil Young on Sunday. Visit to the healing fields on the Sunday...met aroma therapist named Jane, describe her, age then about 23 and very fit looking. Andy decided to have a “treatment”. Chris stayed outside practising his diablo which he had bought earlier from a stall near the circus stage.. Whilst massaging the oils into his back she said “I hope you don’t mind me saying this but your aura is all wrong”. “What do you mean?” he asked. “There is an imbalance in your chakras and your aura is wrong” she said. Having previously felt quite good about himself he had a very puzzled look on his face when he looked up at her and said “please explain”. She said “Chakras are your energy centres, an aura is the field of energy that surrounds each of us. This therapy will help, just relax and feel the energy flowing through you” she said. He tried to relax. “Your still too tense. Don’t say anything, just relax and open your mind” she said. He was about to ask what she meant but before he could get the words out she said “Shh.....just relax”. He closed his eyes and tried to relax and imagine the energy she had spoke of. He couldn’t really get into it but was interested. He wasn’t really going with it. One of his problems was he found her really attractive, so ended up thinking of sewage treatment works, to take his mind off the fact that he fancied her, rather than energy. “OK I’ve finished now” she said after half an hour. He got up and put his shirt back on. “Look I’m really interested in this chakra and aura thing I want to know more” he said to her. “Get some books” she suggested. “I’d really like to see you again and talk” he said, noticing the next person waiting for treatment. “That may be difficult” she said with a wry smile on her face. Feeling a sense of urgency, next person waiting for treatment and Chris outside he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet Along with his credit cards he had some business cards printed for his part-time self-employed work teaching English to kids after school. He gave it to her saying “here’s my business card. I work from home. PLEASE get in touch with me”. She took his card saying “OK I’ll think about it but you must go now”. As he walked out of the tent he noticed one of the others in the tent talking to her and by their gestures he got the idea they were talking about him. Andy and Chris walked back down toward the Pyramid stage. “Did it help?” asked Chris to which he replied “I don’t know, it was weird” and the subject was lost. More description needed about the Sunday? When they woke up on the Monday morning people were packing up but there was a traffic jam along the lanes that was not going anywhere. They decided to go for a walk in the festival grounds. The turnstiles we being dismantled and everyone was packing up except some food vendors who were still serving food. They decided to revisit the healing fields where there was a much more relaxed atmosphere and not the rush to leave. They spent time looking at the displays at the alternative energy (solar and wind power) area. When they went to where the aroma therapist was the site was cleared. They just walked passed it and he did not say anything to Chris. They got an ice cream and walked back through the festival grounds to the camper van. They chatted and watched a bit of television. Eventually the traffic jam seemed to be moving so they joined the queue and eventually left. They arrived home at about 9:00 pm on the Monday. They had started off as Glasto-virgins. They arrived home as Glasto-mud veterans. They had survived the worst mud

17th November 2007 since the start of the festival and had thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

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Chapter 5 The Blue Suits It took ages to get the mud off their clothes, boots, sleeping bags, etc. not to mention the camper van. Andy was still washing clothes on the Friday evening. Chris was out with some of their friends. He sat down alone in the lounge with the noise of the washing machine in the background. He reflected on his beliefs. Having talked about things so much with Chris he now believed in a life after death. He liked the concept of re-incarnation but wasn’t 100% sure about it. Andy was now 100% convinced that we all have a soul which is energy. That there is a creative positive force. He believed in his “gut feeling” but was still struggling with ‘the voice’ thing. Andy recalled what Chris had said about fear and decided that if he heard ‘the voice’ again he would accept it without fear. He recalled what the priest had said that if it doesn’t tell you to do anything bad then just accept it as a gift. He believed in Fate and in meaningful coincidences. New to him now were auras and chakras but they sort of fitted in with his energy concept and just because he hadn’t heard of them before was no reason to dismiss them. At about 7:00 pm the doorbell rang. There were two somewhat out of place looking men standing outside the front door. They wore dark blue suits. Perhaps something to do with a religious sect or salesmen he wondered as he opened the door. They showed him his business card and asked if it was his. “Yes” he said wondering where they had got it from. “May we come in, we are from the government” one said. “Yes of course” he said believing them to be Tax Officials of some sort and he had nothing to hide. They sat down and one of them opened a file he was holding with photographs in it. “Have you met any of these people” he asked showing the photographs. Two of the people he recognised from the aroma therapy tent at Glastonbury, one being Jane and the other her friend who was talking to her as he left. “What’s this all about” he asked. “These people are serious criminals involved in worldwide drug trafficking and acts of terrorism” said the man with the photographs as the other took out a small notebook and pen from his inside pocket. Andy told them that Jane was the therapist and the other appeared just to be a friend of Jane’s at an aroma therapy tent at Glastonbury. “Please tell us everything you know about them” said the man with the notebook. “Everything” echoed the man holding the photographs with a rather threatening note in his voice. Andy explained that he gone to Glastonbury with his friend and, whist at the healing fields decided to try an aromatherapy treatment. He told the men and he was interested in what she was saying about auras and chakra and, blushing also admitted he fancied her so had left her his card. “Had you ever met them before?” asked the one with the notepad. “No” he replied. “Are you sure” asked the other man not accepting his first answer. “Honestly I’d never seen them before” he replied. “Thank you for your time” said the man with the notepad as he folded it up and put it back in his pocket. They both got up to leave. “Don’t you want to leave me a contact name and number in case I see them again” he asked the men. “That will not be necessary they both said simultaneously” which was most odd. “How did you get my card” he asked. “It was on the site at Glastonbury” one replied. He saw them to the door and sat back down in the lounge. Most, most, odd he thought finding it difficult to imagine why “serious criminals” would be at Glastonbury posing as aroma therapists. Strange people totally lacking people skills he thought about the men. It was now about 7:30 and he settled down to watch television. He fell asleep to be woken up by Chris later on. He told Chris about his visitors then shrugged it off.

17th November 2007

Chapter 6 The Soul Twin The next morning a medium young man, of medium build, of about 22 called at the house. “Excuse me, are you the person that this letter is addressed to” he asked showing a hand written envelope. “Yes I am” Andy replied. “Please read it while I wait” the young man said. He opened the envelope and read the undated letter: “By now you will have been questioned by two men in suits. Please don’t believe whatever they told you. You wanted to know more about auras and it I want to teach you. Sorry I did not pick up on this at Glastonbury but I felt you just fancied me. I should have gone after you as my friend suggested but I felt you would return. We had to leave early but I had memorised your card. Don’t believe that we are an international hit squad or whatever other lies you were told. Come now with the bearer of this letter and you will fulfill your Destiny, signed Jane, the aroma therapist.” His “gut feeling” told him to go but his logic made him hesitant. “Where are we going” he asked. “To meet Jane” the young man said with a smile. “But where” he asked. “Don’t worry you will be back before this evening” the young man replied. His intuition was to go but again he hesitated. He felt fear borne out of the logic that it was foolish to go off to meet ‘serious criminals’ as the men in blue suits had said Jane was. Sensing Andy’s fear the young man said “There is nothing to fear and much for you to learn”. Remembering to let go of his fears Andy said “ok I’ll come but I will be back before this evening?” he said grabbing his fleece which was hanging by the door. “Yes I promise” said the young man. As he picked up his mobile ‘phone the young man said “please switch it off and keep it switched off if you bring that ”pointing to the ‘phone. “Why” asked Andy. “Because our location can be tracked if its switched on....please trust me” the young man said reassuringly. It was probably one of the most stupid things he had ever done he thought as he climbed into the young man’s white Transit Van. “How can anyone track a mobile?” he asked as they drove off. “Its all done with computers. Each phone transmits a signal which is usually picked up by more than one base station, by simple triangulation based on the signal strengths they can track you to within 100 metres. Currently only the security forces officially have access to the ‘phone companies computers” the young man replied. “There’s talk of expanding it for road rescue organisations like the AA” he went on to say. Feeling a little nervous now Andy asked “why would someone want to track us and who were the men in suits”. “Don’t worry, all will be revealed” the young man said. “What’s your name” Andy asked. “Dan” the young man replied. “I don’t know that much yet, I’m the groups computer and telecoms expert” Dan went on to say. “What is the Group?” Andy asked Dan. “I can’t tell you that much, except that there is nothing immoral or illegal about what they do, its better Jane explains everything to you.” said Dan. They were heading towards Weston-Super Mare. When they got to the M5 motorway junction then headed South. At the first services they pulled in. “What now” he asked Dan. “We wait” Dan replied looking around carefully. “Shall we get a drink?” asked Dan. “Sure” Andy replied so they went into the services. Dan had an orange juice and Andy a coffee. They had only been there for about 15 minute when Jane arrived. “You are certain you weren’t followed” she said quietly to Dan as she sat down next to him. “Positive” replied Dan. “Good” she said. “Dan you go back to your place and you come with me” she said pointing at Andy. “I’m feeling a bit nervous” said Andy. “Look, I am a female on my own here when Dan leaves, so you see I am really the one taking a big risk here not you” she said to him rather curtly. Who had rattled her cage he thought to himself feeling her intense irritation. As they walked towards her car she said “Let’s get one thing straight for starters, we are not going to be lovers, sex is not on the agenda”. “Ok, am I here to learn about auras like you said in your note” Andy said. “First tell me all about yourself, and in particular why you went to Glastonbury” she said.

17th November 2007 As they drove down the motorway he gave a very brief history of his life, upbringing, marriage divorce, etc. About, when his sister Beth was 16 she had decided to go to Glastonbury but he had embarrassed her into not going by saying he would go as well. Chris suggesting going to Glastonbury that year etc. She apologised for the way she had spoken to him at the services and then said “This may seem odd to you but we were destined to meet. Please tell me more about your marriage and divorce, did you not love her?”Jane asked in quite a disapproving tone. Andy told her about Hannah and himself, how they met, married and were getting divorced. He explained how it had felt so right with Hannah and how really upset about it he was. Somehow he now felt as if he was talking to an old friend that he hadn’t seen for a long time. Strange he thought. By now they were off the motorway heading towards Burnham-on-Sea. “You and Hannah were destined to be together, you are too spiritually aware to have married her unless it was destined” she said to Andy who looked quite shocked at this statement. “Do you believe in Destiny” she asked Andy. “Sort of” he said then hesitated but before he could explain more she said “Believe me you were destined to go to Glastonbury and I should have recognised you.” she said. “What do you mean, you should have recognised me?” he asked “Have you ever heard of soul twins?” she asked. “Are you suggesting we are soul twins?” he asked. “I now know we are... do you know about soul twins?” she asked “I’ve heard of Soul Mates” he replied and then told her about a guy called Bryn he had met during his 1990 “no school” time. This guy was very spiritually aware and had told him about soul mates. “Describe him to me” she said. Andy did to the best of his recollection. “The fact that you met Bryn is amazing but that’s not important now” she said referring to Bryn as if he was someone like a pop-star. By now they had gone through the outskirts of Burnham and were heading towards Brean. Andy was now very puzzled by all she was saying. “Let me try and explain in more detail” she said. She went on to explain that he and she were soul twins and that were not destined to be together in this life. She was destined to meet him and to help him in some way. “If we do things right in this life we will be together in the next. When we met at Glastonbury I did not recognise you because your sexual energy was too strong. Hence I was a little afraid of you at the motorway services earlier” she said. “I don’t really understand this soul twin thing” Andy said. “Try and imagine that we are identical twins not physically but spiritually. Our bodies are like cars and the spirit is the driver.” She said. Slightly missing the point she was making, Andy said “But as identical twins we would be two brothers or two sisters but we are different sexes.” As he said it he realised again how strongly he was drawn towards her. “You do not understand yet that soul twins are only destined to be together when everything, I mean everything, is right, hence only once in many lifetimes” she said. She continued “Sometimes soul twins paths cross but they are not destined to be together until their mutual learning experiences coincide. In the other lives we lead we are striving to learn the lessons that were set for us before we were born.” “I don’t understand what you mean by lessons set for us” he said.

17th November 2007 “I’ll come back to that” she said then went on “If you had still been with Hannah when we met then your sexual energy would not have clouded my perception of you. I would have recognised you. My life is such that we cannot be together now, it would be too dangerous for you. I should have recognised you but I didn’t. The most important thing for you to understand is that we were destined to meet for the purpose of me helping you. Our destiny was then to move on until our next lives. We were not destined to be together in this life but, because of you and Hannah’s actions and choices, none of our futures will now be exactly as they were previously destined to be” she said. “Now you really are losing me... explain the destiny thing a bit more please” he said “Each person’s destiny is their route along the paths and highways of life. When we get to a junction there is always a signpost there to guide us. But if we miss that signpost, or choose to ignore it, then we may go in a different, not predestined direction. Sometimes we stop, turn around and go back on the right path. Other times we carry on down the different route and sometimes get completely lost. Hence lost souls. Other times our wish is to get back on to our destined route but first we go on a detour. When-ever we take the route that isn’t destined we do not just effect our own life’s destiny but also that of many others. We will encounter others who we were not destined to meet and will miss, or almost miss as we did, people that we were destined to meet. Going on the wrong route can force others to change their route. I know all this sounds complicated but once you grasp the concept it really is easy. As things stand now we cannot be together. You and I will still meet in the next life and be happy if we do what is right now. If we are lucky then we may be able to be together in this life as well as the next. You have had bad luck in that you were pushed off course because of your Hannah’s actions. She will suffer because of her actions and needs to be warned. She has gone down a different path. You have moved on as closely as possible to your destiny, hence we met” Trying his best to understand he said “What you are saying is that life is a sort of journey along a predefined route. That when we get to a crossroads there are signposts.” “Exactly” she said “But what are the signposts?” he asked “Meaningful coincidences, feelings, intuitions, perception, voices and sometimes even premonitions” she said. “But why then do some people go on a different route?” he asked. “For many reasons including bad luck” she said At this point she drove into a camp-site not far from Brean Down on the North Somerset coast. There she had a small touring caravan parked in a field which had many other caravans and a few tents. “I don’t understand” he said. “It’s a nice day, go for a walk, have some space, think and come back” she said. “That’s a good idea” he said. “Please do come back” she said. He turned and grinned, she is really beautiful he thought. He walked through the campsite, out of the field they were in, through the field of seasonal caravans (those that were there for the summer season) until he got to the campsite entrance and went out across the road to a footpath with a signpost to the beach. “Shall I carry on to the beach” he thought. “Why not” he thought and carried on. All that Jane had said to him was difficult to take on board. He had heard of the phrase soul mate before from Bryn but did not really believe or understand it. The concept of soul twins was even more strange he thought. Loads of questions were going through his brain. He thought of ‘phoning Chris or someone to say where he was but remembered what Dan had said about being tracked. He thought to himself that if Jane and friends were bad then they would not have let him “escape to the beach”. As he looked out to sea he heard ‘the voice’ in his head saying “go back and learn, this is your destiny”.

17th November 2007

Chapter 7 Coffee & Sandwiches It was about1:00 pm when he got back to Jane’s caravan. “Are you alright now?” she asked as she put the kettle on. “Not really” said Andy and explained about ‘the voice’ in his head. “We’ll talk about that later” said Jane. “Coffee and sandwiches?” she said “Yes please” he said. Jane carried on telling him things but a lot which of what she said he just couldn’t take in. “I had a premonition many years ago that I would meet you, and I was warned not to get too close to you because you would be married. I was told that I had to help you on your path and that we would then be together properly in our next life” she said. “What do you mean by a premonition?” he asked “It’s a bit like a dream where you are being guided” she said. “What about my voices” he asked. “Pretty definite sign posts then” she said and went on to explain that he needed to open his mind to his intuitive side rather than being led by his animal instincts. “You are on the right path now but be careful in the future because if you get voices when you are on the wrong path then they can lead you to do bad things, that’s part of the bad luck I mentioned” she said. “How do you know all this” he asked again. “It’s my destiny” she said with a smile on her face. “We are soul twins so are spiritually identical. We have both sought the right paths in life but inevitably from time to time have, through bad luck, gone astray”. “Your bad luck was your failed marriage. That could have put you on the wrong path but because you were seeking the right way we are both here now” she said. “Do you believe in God” he asked. “God is the eternal universal Love Energy that binds everything together, we refer to this Energy simply as The Light” she said “So what is bad and why does it exist?” he asked. “That is one really big and difficult one” she said She went on to explain “that there are many other levels of existence and many other levels and plains of consciousness. Some are closer to the source of the Light than others. Some entities in the Universe have chosen to exist without Love, like the biblical fallen angel, and there are many of them and they do deceive many. We call them the fallen but they have very many names. In the same way that we are guided at crossroads by the power of the Light these other entities try to guide those who have turned away from the universal love, due to pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony & sloth. By guiding souls off their destined path the fallen gain energy from those souls. This is why bad luck occurs. It may not be of your making. The will of these entities combined with the wills of other humans can lead one off their true path. If your heart is pure then you will return to the right path. Some people are controlled totally by the dark side. Some people totally by the Light. Most people live grey lives where both the dark and the Light have influences. Hence there are many different shades of grey but we must all try to move towards the Light.” “Hang on” he said, “you are losing me again, you are going too fast”. “Let me explain more” she said and went on “your split up with Hannah was bad for you but Hannah probably felt it was good and right. She probably still does in the same way that the Germans in World War II felt Hitler was good. It was their bad luck for being born where and when they were. If the people in Germany had turned to the Light they

17th November 2007 would have seen the truth. It is the same in the former Yugoslavia, most people will see Slobodom Milosevic as a bad guy in time. People can be wrong and mis-guided but eventually most see the truth. Those that follow just the dark side will lose their souls. Most of us try and follow the Light and when we die our life is reappraised. We are then born again with new lessons to learn. If we fail to live our lives as intended, or fail to learn from the challenges or lessons set then we may in the next life have a handicap. This is precisely the point that the England football manager, Glen Hoddell, was making when he got misquoted by the press. Anyone with a handicap or born to a less fortunate life than ours must accept their bad luck and do their best to overcome it. With each successive life we gain more and more of the truth until ultimately we will be united with the Light. Sadly the vast majority on this planet refuse to believe in the Light. Instead they follow the wrong path and the dark agenda set by the fallen.” she said. “So do you think Hannah is on the wrong path?” Andy asked. “I don’t know her and am not being judgmental but I believe she was wrong to have hurt you as she did and she needs to turn away from the dark forces that are influencing her and concentrate on the Light, otherwise she will be very old, very lonely and possibly be a lost soul” “That’s a horrible thought” said Andy. “You must warn her to turn away from her Love of money and Love of herself” Jane said. “We must not dwell on your past and why it went wrong. We must now concentrate on why we were destined to meet in this life” she said. “I’m not sure I believe all this” said Andy. “Your voice said you were here to learn, so just learn and decide later what you believe” said Jane then went on: “My task is to help you learn but I do not know everything. It is beyond the potential of any one human being to know and understand all. I am one of a group. Collectively we hold a vast amount of knowledge. This we keep and pass on to our children who are collectively known as The Children of Destiny and we, the adults, are The Keepers of the Knowledge. With each generation the children learn more knowledge. There are those that would like to see us destroyed hence we must be so very careful.” It was now gone 4:00 p.m. and Dan was at the caravan door. “Ready to go?” he said. Jane sensed he wanted to stay and said “come here tomorrow evening but make sure you are not followed and don’t tell anyone about us”. “What about during the day?” Andy asked “I have to meet people tomorrow but come down about 6:00 pm” she said “OK” said Andy. “That will be good ....I’ll cook you a meal” she said. Andy thanked her and left with Dan. He and Dan chatted about trivia as Dan drove him home. His brain couldn’t take in any more that day. When he got home he sat and thought about what Jane had said. He had so many more question to ask her. Chris had left a note saying “Gone to visit parents, see ya Monday” Andy went over to Swansea to visit his parents but left in time to meet Jane as arranged.

17th November 2007

Chapter 8 So Much to Learn The following evening he arrived at Jane’s caravan promptly at 6:00 p.m. She gave him a hug as soon as he got there, like he was a long lost friend. Strange, he thought, totally different to yesterday. “Sit down at the table” she said. They sat down at the caravan table, it could seat four but there was just the two of them. He felt as if he had known her for years. “Sorry I think I bombarded you with too much Knowledge yesterday” she said. “That’s ok but I am a bit confused by all of this” he said. “I’m cooking pasta bolognaise for us....I didn’t think you would like spaghetti” she said getting up and moving towards the cooker. “How did you know I don’t like spaghetti but like pasta?” he asked. “Just a gut feeling” she replied. This was freaky but he remembered his telepathic link with Hannah when they were first married so just accepted this statement from his new found “soul twin”. What a change in attitude to him he thought. “Thanks for doing me a meal” he said. There were loads of questions buzzing through his head that he wanted to ask her. Without thinking too deeply he came out with one of the questions. “When you wrote your note to me yesterday how did you know the guys in blue suits had visited me?” “I wrote the note before they visited you knowing it would be delivered to you after they had been” she replied. Why was it that when she answered a question then two more questions came to mind he thought. “How did you know they would visit me?” he asked. “I knew they would come to Glastonbury so I left your card behind so they would find it” she said. Again her answer to a question gave rise to more questions. How did she know they (the blue suited guys) were going to Glastonbury. Why did she not want to meet them? Why did she leave his business card behind? Why did she think the blue suited guys would find his card? Why did she leave it so they would find it? Keeping these thoughts for future questions he homed back in on his previous question. Again he asked “How did you know they would visit me?” “They are following us, one of my friends in our group got killed after meeting them. Death seems to follow them. So we are not taking any risks.” she said. He was about to ask his next question but was disturbed by the concept of death following meeting the blue suited guys. She took a bottle of red wine out of the cupboard and handed it to him with a corkscrew she took from a draw. “Can you open the wine” she said. “What do you mean by death seems to follow them?” he asked as he opened the bottle. “Don’t worry you are not in danger. Let me explain more” she said and went on “Those guys have been following us for about three years now. When they interview people they always tell the people that we are part of some international drug smuggling group or international murderers or terrorists. They seem to vary what they say depending who they are talking to. We had been warned that if they ever called on where we lived we had to move quickly and go into hiding. My friend who died didn’t heed the warning and died. They called on her one evening and interviewed her and her husband. They asked her general questions about her family and they posed as

17th November 2007 researchers who were employed by a rich American to carry out research about his family history. They asked her loads of questions about her family and left. The following day she was killed in a car accident. The police said there were no suspicious circumstances. Jon, her husband, is now bringing up the children on his own.” “But if they were connected with your friend’s death why did they interview her first?” he asked thinking it was probably just co-incidental that she died. “It seems they have to make sure they have the person they are looking for” she replied. “But you still haven’t told me how you knew they would visit me” he said. “Sorry” she said and went on “they always follow up the slightest clue we leave them. You would have convinced them that you did not even know us, leave alone our whereabouts, so they will not be bothering you any more” she said. As if reading his mind she said “I expect you are wondering how we knew when they had called on you”. He nodded. “That question is best answered by Miriam when you meet her...she sort of follows them around without them knowing it” she said. “When will I meet her?” he asked. “She should be over next weekend” Jane replied. “You don’t work Saturdays do you? I assumed you would want to come here on Friday and stay over and meet her”. Jane said. By this time the meal was ready and she was serving it onto plates. She handed him his plate and then taking her plate joined him at the table. He could feel himself being really drawn closer to her but now not in a sexual way. He never wanted to leave here. As she poured a glass of red wine she said “I have much to tell you” and then asked “can you stay here tonight?” Very much taken a back he replied, with a grin on his face, “of course, I’d love to”. “Don’t think about sex...I’ve got much to teach you” she said. She continued “you told me last night that your voice told you that you are here to learn. I had one of my premonitions last night. I saw you writing a book about yourself and what you learnt from us. My voice in the premonition said that this was your new destiny and that if people read the book we would be together in this life also. It wasn’t planned to be this way but, because you and Hannah did not follow your destined path, it may happen that you and I can be together in this life also.” She concluded “my premonitions are usually accurate” and then gave him chance to speak. “Shall we eat and talk” Andy said. “ its your turn” she said. He felt much more serious about things now. He now realised he was there to learn. He felt a purpose in life that he hadn’t felt for some time. His gut feeling told him it was right. He had so many questions that he wanted answers to. He explained this to her. “Let’s eat” he said, gathering his thoughts. He really was very attracted to her but recognised that his attraction was clouding his perception. “You are a great cook” he said. “Thanks” she replied. “I’m here to learn and have many questions to ask” he said

17th November 2007 “Fire away” she replied. Feeling energised by his thoughts he put down his fork and said “Our destined meeting was for you to help me somehow. I can see that, had I been with Hannah, our meeting would have been brief and you would have recognised me and helped in some way. But because my life is now on a different path to that which was destined we are now together. I now believe I am here to learn. What you said about me writing a book is very interesting because my friend Chris also said I should. What you can teach me seems far deeper than the knowledge I have gained personally but the little knowledge I have enables me to be opened minded.” He paused and took a mouthful of the delicious food she had prepared. “There is so much to tell you I really don’t know where to start” she said.

17th November 2007

Chapter 9 The Keepers “Tell me more about the Keepers of Knowledge” he said. “Ok” she said. She told him that the Keepers of Knowledge were the holders of a Knowledge which had been passed down from generation to generation over thousands of years. The Knowledge was known by The Knights Templar and other organisations. The Knowledge is also the true Holy Grail that people have sought since the time of Christ. As it was passed down from parent to child it was considered by some to be associated with the “bloodline”. As the Keepers, the Knowledge was contained within them so they were thought of as “chalices” of Knowledge. The Knowledge was considered Holy, hence the term the Holy Grail, Grail meaning chalice or bloodline depending on the translation. At the time of the Spanish Inquisition, the Keepers realised that there were those that saw them as a threat. At that time it was decided that the Keepers would be the females of the family and hence it was passed down from mother to daughter. If there were no daughters then mother to son but never to the eldest son because he would generally be too materialistic to be able to comprehend the truths. The Knowledge was kept secret and hence the legend went that the Holy Grail was lost. She went on “Knowledge also survived in certain male only ‘secret orders’ such as the freemasons but the true complete Knowledge was held only by the Keepers.” She continued. “We the Keepers know that there will be a right time to reveal the Knowledge to others. The Knowledge must not be revealed until the world is ready to receive it. We feel that time is close but there are those who wish to stop us. They want us removed. They will never succeed because there are too many of us, the vast majority of Keepers lead ordinary lives. There are those with some of the Knowledge that think they know all, but they are very wrong and we think they are being led by the fallen. It is said that there will be many who will deceive many and that is what is happening now in the world of today. We, the Keepers, will emerge when the time is right and not before. Long ago the Keepers agreed that there would be no more meetings. That each Keeper would only have contact with two other Keepers. In that way if any one was recognised as such then only three had to go into hiding. One obvious way of going into hiding was to be a traveller. Hence many keepers are from Gypsy decent. Others emigrated. Hitler tried to exterminate Gypsies but the Knowledge lives on. We can recognise each other telepathically as our life paths cross but we are not an organisation. There are no leaders or hierarchy. Just the common consciousness of each other.” As she was saying all of this he was sitting there spellbound. He noticed a sort of multi coloured light appear around her. It must be the wine he thought to himself and the light changed to an indigo colour. Then he felt a tremendous love towards her. The same love that he felt for Hannah, but stronger. “Do you understand what I have said so far?” she asked. “It sounds really far fetched” he said and continued “and were it not for my limited first hand experience of spiritual matters I probably would not even consider it to be possible but, for some reason, I do believe what you have said is possible but I’m not yet sure it is true”. “You will see the truth of the Knowledge for yourself” she said. “Who did you learn your Knowledge from, your mother?” he asked. “My knowledge was passed to me by my Grandmother” she answered. “She was wealthy and of Irish decent her parents having bred race horses. She lived in a caravan but owned six houses in London that she rented out. She was also known as a clairvoyant or fortune teller. She had two sons, neither of whom were suitable chalices. So she passed the Knowledge directly to me. She taught me enough before she died to enable me, by way of voices and premonitions, to learn more. It is possible that one of your ancestors was a Keeper and hence some of the secrets of the Knowledge have been revealed to you in your life so far. Tell me more about what you feel and believe already” she said. Andy was not at all sure about things at that point but realised that there were mysteries that science could not explain so he was prepared to keep an open mind. As for one of his ancestors being a Keeper then, he felt, that was absurd., or was it?

17th November 2007 “I got to admit I am a bit sceptical about all of this, particularly that you learnt stuff from your dead Grandmother” he said. “Sorry, I couldn’t have explained it that well” she said, then went on “By way of voices and premonitions I became sufficiently aware of the multi dimensional reality of existence that made me in tune with them, hence I came into contact with some who knew my Grandmother and hence I learnt more”. “Let’s finish our meal and then talk more” she said. “What sort of music do you like” he asked trying to lighten up the subject matter while they were eating. “Music or vibration is another part of the Knowledge but in this physical world I like ‘indi’ and ‘dance’ music” she replied. Not wanting to be drawn into further deep conversation about why music, or vibration, was part of the Knowledge he spoke about bands that he had seen at Glastonbury and in the past. Sensing he wanted to lighten matters she spoke about bands she liked. They chatted about places they had visited on holidays and other matters as would two old friends who hadn’t seen each other for years. It was now just gone 8:00 pm and they had long finished the meal she had cooked. As she started clearing the table he asked... “Can I do the washing up?”. “We’ll do it together” she replied smiling as she put the dishes into a plastic washing up bowl. She had two such bowls and when both were full she handed one to him saying “take this and come with me”. They went out of the caravan towards the toilet block on the camp-site. Attached to the toilet block was an area for washing up with full size stainless steel sink units and hot running water. As they did the washing up together they laughed and joked. They splashed each other with water and generally just enjoyed being together. Obviously they couldn’t leave the dishes, pans, etc. to dry on the draining board so she explained that had to rinse everything under the hot tap, stack them back into the bowls then carry everything back to the caravan. When they got back to the caravan she handed him a dry tea-towel, taking one for herself also and said “you dry as well as me but I’ll put things away... I know where everything goes”. He dried and put the dry items on the table while she dried and put things away. If anyone had been watching them they would have thought they were husband and wife. They laughed and chatted. They were a couple. “I think we should now talk more about why you are here” she said. “I know now I am here to learn but it is a lot to take in” he said. “Tell me more about your experiences of the paranormal” she said. “I told you a lot yesterday” he said. “Tell me again but in more detail. Start from the beginning” she said with a warm loving expression on her face.

17th November 2007

Chapter 10 The Knowledge They sat back down at the table in the caravan. “Tell me what Knowledge you have” Jane said. “What do you mean by Knowledge” he asked. “You have Knowledge of spiritual, paranormal, metaphysical things, whatever you want to call is Knowledge and I can sense you have some of the Knowledge already” she said. “This is all sort of new... yet not new to me... I’m confused” he said. “Tell me more about you and your beliefs” said Jane. “Well...” he hesitated for a moment then continued “When Hannah and I split up I realised I was different to my friends but this Knowledge thing is new to me...I find it difficult to comprehend”. “Just tell me more about your experiences and what you Know, starting from when you were a boy” she said. They chatted and he told her that at the age of eight he was aware of ghosts, of right and wrong (or light and dark as she had put it), that he believed there was a God (or the Light as she put it), that he believed that God (or the Light) was very powerful and could make miracles happen. She explained that, using her terminology ‘The Light’ is an energy inside everyone. It is the energy that binds everything in the universes together. That ‘the Light’ is pure Love. That ‘the Light’ is in everything. But evil is the dark side in that evil is the absence of the Light. “Do you know about Einstein?” she asked. “Not much but.... relativity and E=MC2" he replied “Einstein came up with that formula in1905 when he was in his mid twenties" she said and continued “he spent the rest of his life trying to come up with his ‘theory of everything’ but he was not one of the Keepers and so never found the truth. He is attributed to have come up with that famous formula which shows the relationship between Energy and Mass and that they are related by the velocity of light squared. He predicted that as one travels at increased velocity, for example flying by Concorde from London to New York and back, then time on Concorde would pass more slowly than the time recorded in London. Time and velocity are ‘relative’ to the constant related to the velocity of light. Einstein was therefore coming close to an intrinsic part of the Knowledge”. She was losing him again. “I never did understand Einstein’s relativity thing” he said. “Well, she said, velocity isn’t strictly the same as speed but the faster you travel time changes.” she said. “But that’s silly, time is time and it is constant throughout the world” he said. “No, Einstein’s theory has been proved by transporting one extremely accurate atomic clock by aeroplane and on return comparing it with an atomic clock on the ground. In 1905 such clocks did not exist so there was no way of proving Einstein’s theory” she said. Jane explained that throughout history there were many men and women who came close to discovering parts of ‘the Knowledge’ but as yet had not succeeded. “I read that Tesla was another brilliant man who, like Einstein, made great discoveries but when he died much of his profound ideas were ridiculed by the scientific community” she said. She tried to explain that men such as Einstein and Tesla had come close to discovering parts of ‘the Knowledge’ but the truth had never been fully discovered by ordinary men or, if discovered, was not allowed to be revealed to the public at large.

17th November 2007 “Why not allowed to be revealed?” Andy asked. “There are those in control of events in this world who also hold the knowledge but they in turn are being controlled by ‘the fallen’ that I told you about. Those in control of this world use the Knowledge to influence this three dimensional reality that we perceive. The fundamental fact is that true existence is multi-dimensional. Time is just a facet of the Knowledge and time is not the linear experience you currently perceive.” she told Andy. “You totally lost me saying Dr Who and the Darleks really exist” said Andy jokingly. “OK let me try and simplify things. You understand that there is a relationship between all energies?” she asked. “Energy cannot be created or destroyed only changed to another form” he said. “But what science has not yet realized is that the human soul is Energy, that Love is Energy, that all matter is made up of Energy, that Gravity is an Energy, that Gravity and electro-magnetic forces are Energy that are related, that the Energy is all part of ‘the Light’. Do you understand?” she asked. “I don’t understand it but can believe it as possible”he said. She went on “If you had been born 100 years ago you probably would not have started to understand it because electricity was a new subject and not taught to the masses.” she said. She continued “What mankind has yet to realise is that we are beings of ‘the Light’ that inhabit, in this life, a physical human body. That Energy is a manifestation of ‘the Light’. Science now recognises that all matter is made up of Energy. But science does not yet comprehend the idea of a soul or of Love being an Energy. Furthermore science, as is taught, has yet to comprehend the idea of different dimensions and time just being another dimension. Quantum physicists are getting close and will probably, in the 21st century understand mathematically the concept of dimensions and parallel universes.” “You are totally losing me now ...what are parallel universes?” Andy asked. “The quantum mechanics is a bit deep to understand so forget about it for now” she replied. “Tell me what you now believe” she said. From what she had said and his own experiences he now believed in life after death and reincarnation but he did not know what happened to the spirit after death and before reincarnation. He told her he believed in “Fate” (or “Destiny” as she put it) and that we, as humans, have free will so singularly or collectively can alter what was destined. Hence, he believed, that no one can tell the future. His mother had always said that when you are born there is a clock ticking to the time you will die. His mother believed that this was destined. His father had a premonition about his mothers death. So maybe this was one aspect of the future that could be foretold. However man (and equally women) could alter the future. That killings, which are not destined to happen, occurred as a product of man’s will and are wrong. He told here about coincidences in his life. How he believed he and Hannah were destined to have children etc. He told her, in more detail, about his divorce, and how it had affected him. He asked her about her background. “That is not important” she said rather curtly. “Ok sorry I asked” he said feeling a bit rejected. “My premonition and your voice both said you were here to learn and my premonition showed me you are here to write a book” she said sounding like a school teacher. “Well if I’m here to learn and write a book shouldn’t I be taking notes?” he asked in a rather sarcastic voice. “Yes you should” she replied abruptly and went to a cupboard and got out a notepad and ballpoint pen and gave them to him. “Ok I’ll take notes” he said abruptly acting like a rebellious teenager but feeling like a child doing what they were told to do. Why is my soul twin treating me like a child he thought. Perhaps I am behaving like one by not taking this as

17th November 2007 seriously as I should be he thought. “It will help you and us if you do” she said curtly. He realised that she was treating him like a child because he was behaving like one. They needed to restore balance into their relationship. She was the teacher and him the pupil. Not balanced for an adult relationship he thought. “Look I’m sorry, this is a lot for me to take in, I can see you are upset” he said. Almost as if she had sensed what he was thinking she said “Its my fault too, sorry I haven’t been communicating with you properly..its just that this is so important but you do not appreciate it yet.” “I’m sorry too.... I’ve got an open mind and want to understand what you are saying but I find it difficult” he said. They were now warming to one another again. He understood that he was there to acquire Knowledge. He thought to himself that he would try and absorb as much of what she was telling him without trying to understand it. That he would just write it all down and try and understand later. He knew already that the acquisition of Knowledge leads to understanding then wisdom. In University he had leant this fact from studying English. Sensing what he was thinking she said “now you are getting it.... you must acquire knowledge without trying to understand it. Belief is not important at first and is not necessary. It will take time for you to understand the Knowledge then more time for your understanding to develop into wisdom.” “How did you know what I was thinking” asked Andy. “Because we are now both in tune with each others thoughts” they both thought, said out aloud and fell about laughing afterwards. “Is this telepathy?” he asked. Sensing her annoyance at the question he said “Sorry I asked that I realise its part of the Knowledge”. So he learnt that telepathy is part of the Knowledge. He had also learnt that the Knowledge is diverse. Andy went quiet and reflected that she was not as easy with interpersonal relationships as he was. He had Knowledge in that respect which she did not. From his Knowledge came understanding which she lacked. She was difficult to get on with because she had a role as the teacher. He had not adopted the role of pupil. Hence there had been a conflict between them. She did not know about balanced relationships. Andy therefore knew something that Jane had not learnt before. “I can now see that I have some Knowledge that you do not” he said. Her reaction was of acute annoyance. He realised he had said the wrong thing. “Lets get things on an even footing” he said. He blurted out “You see me as a pupil which I am are not my teacher but you I am here to learn” putting emphasis on the words to learn. Continuing he said “learning is not just about the acquisition of knowledge. I think you lack some of my life experiences, therefore Knowledge, understanding and wisdom so I think you could learn from me too”. As he was speaking he could feel she understood and felt uncomfortable with herself. It was as if she had become smaller when she said “you have a sister, I have not, so you must have Knowledge that I do not have. You comprehend the differences between Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom”. He felt guilty because he felt he had put her down when she said “Don’t feel guilt... you have just taught me something I needed to learn”. He could almost feel her energy rise within her as she said it so he understood it was positive.

17th November 2007 They chatted about relationships. He felt like he was the teacher now and kept apologising for that fact. “You are telling me things I needed to learn so don’t apologise” she kept saying. She was now happily regarding him as the teacher. They were now back to the point of telepathic communication. There was no longer one teacher and one pupil, but two friends learning from each other. There was equality in their relationship. As they continued to chat they had similar thoughts. They also joked and laughed. They had equality in their relationship and were both so happy. She had told him the previous day that no one person can hold all the Knowledge. She admitted that, for the first time in her life, she understood this fact. No human can hold all of the Knowledge. She told him about her family and her upbringing and he understood why it was not relevant to what he was now destined to learn, not just from her. She again apologised for trying to teach him too much too fast. He apologised for being “the mischievous pupil” as he put it. Their warmth for each other was beyond anything he had ever experienced... certainly beyond sex... beyond a mother’s love for her children. They communicated and chatted about their feelings for each other and both agreed that sex was definitely not on the agenda that night... just Love. It was now nearly 1:00 am. “I think it time we slept” she said. So they got out the two single sleeping bags she had in any locker under the seat and made up the double bed in the front of the caravan where the table had been. To his surprise she unzipped the single sleeping bags and zipped them together as a double sleeping bag saying “I’ve never done this before”. They went to bed together. He felt such Love and warmth towards her. Sex was off the agenda and did not enter his head. She was more tired than him so she drifted off to sleep quickly. He lay there looking at her Lovingly. She was so beautiful. It was as if she glowed. He had loved his ex-wife but this was something totally different. He loved his sister and his parents. But this was an entirely new kind of Love that he had not felt before. Was this another part of the Knowledge he wondered as he drifted off to sleep.

17th November 2007

Chapter 11 Monday Morning It was early on Monday morning that they went to bed. Andy had a strange dream. In it he was taken into space and was looking down at the Earth as if from the Moon. In this dream he had no physical form but was totally aware of the Love energy that Jane had spoken of. In his dream “the voice” said to him you must write a book and tell all that has happened to you and all that will happen to you during your time with the Keepers. However far fetched it may seem, no matter if you do not understand it, just write it and do not be afraid. Love will overcome all. The voice went on “if enough people read your book then you and Jane will be united”. Just a dream repeating what Jane had said he thought and drifted back off to sleep. The words from a song “The Power of Love, a force from above” were in his mind as he woke. He lay there thinking about what he had learnt so far. The concept that we are all spiritual beings living out a physical life, the reason for which is to learn, understand and attain wisdom was now very meaningful and felt right. The idea that life is a journey along a planned route (the path of Fate or Destiny) also felt right. The idea of influences, some loving (giving the Love energy) and some bad (wanting to take for themselves) was a difficult concept to comprehend. That these influences are there at crossroads in life was totally new to him. The old belief system, taught to him as child, of good and evil and was much easier to understand. He realised there was much for him to learn. Some of what she had said about “those that were in control” bothered him. Without disturbing Jane, Andy got the notebook and pen Jane had given him and started writing notes of what she had told him. Andy realised his Destiny was to write a book. “I must write down all I can” he thought. It was now 8:30 a.m..on the Monday. Andy had written loads of notes. Jane was still asleep. Andy lay there looking lovingly at her. She stirred, opened her eyes, put her arms around him and gave him a kiss. What was off the agenda last night was certainly on the agenda that morning. They made love. It felt so right for both of them. Afterwards, remembering what had happened with Hannah and how she conceived but later had a termination he said “are you on the pill”. She blushed and said “don’t worry, I’d really love to have your child”. He was a bit shocked at this comment but felt the love radiating from her. Somehow everything felt right. “We must get up, Miriam & Dan will be here soon” she said. Andy should have gone to his teaching placement but decided that staying with Jane was more important. “Can I stay with you today?” he asked. “Of course you can” she replied. Did you mean that about “having my child” he asked? “Of course I do”she said and went on “True Love results in children that are capable of Love themselves. One of the problems with the world is the pre-occupation with sex made worse by sexual images being thrust at folk by the media. You are the first person I have loved enough to have sex with”. “I Love you too” said Andy and embraced her. ote: Here, in this book, Love + Sex = children that are capable of Love. They that currently control the planet do not want that equation. They want Dominance + Sex = children who can be dominated to pervade/survive. Sad but true?

17th November 2007 Jane had mentioned Miriam the previous day. Miriam knew all about remote viewing and Aura’s.

17th November 2007

Chapter 12 Miriam - Chakras, Auras and more Day spent with Miriam & Dan Miriam is an expert on body energy, chakras and auras. Could write lots about it here but would only be repeating what I have read and felt. ot really relevant to the plot so leave until later. Miriam was also a remote viewer, and together with other remote viewers followed the “blue suits” hence knew they had visited Andy. Dan is an expert on IT and was able to hack into any computer. Interesting but not relevant to plot in 1st book. He has a bigger role in 2nd book. “Remember....keep an open mind” Jane said to Andy. Andy again felt that for every one question you have and get an answer to then generally two further questions arise. “That is the way of the Knowledge” Jane explained. “Just keep in mind that the ultimate and most important truth is that Love is an Energy and it is Love that binds the Universe together. Avoid those who try and control you. Do not let yourself feel Fear. Respect of danger is healthy but Fear is very unhealthy. Be good to one another. Feel and be motivated by Love and you too will break free from those who try to control us by greed, pride, lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth” said Jane.

17th November 2007

Chapter 13 Leave Brean Where to etc to be written but not relevant to overall plot. Could bring in concept of “Angels” at this point. “Angels” do exist but do not brush their teeth cos they have no teeth! They help us all- if we let them!

17th November 2007

Chapter 14 Monday -ight Description of caravan walls like holograms, there but transparent. Outside the caravan is the inside of a space craft! Standing at the door to the caravan was one of those often described and annotated small ‘grey’ aliens. Jane woke up instantaneously. Andy was still asleep. “What are you doing here?" she said to the grey. Well she didn’t actually open her mouth to speak to him but communicated with him telepathically. All of the subsequent conversations with the grey were telepathic. “I was just about to ask you that Jane” the grey said. “Don’t call me by my name. It could be far too dangerous for him (pointing to Andy) and possibly for you if they knew we had met before.” said Jane. “That’s possibly true, so what are you doing here with young Andy?” asked the grey. Jane looked troubled and angry. “Tell me Andy is not part of your programme” she said.. “Well, he is, why else do you think we are here?” asked the grey. “As of now he no longer is. I demand you remove his tracking chip” said Jane. “Jane you know I haven’t got the authority to remove his chip” said the grey. “OK... I know... but Andy must come off your programme NOW” she said emphasising the word “NOW”. “Why?” asked the grey. “Because I am carrying his child” answered Jane. “That’s serious” said the grey. Andy was still ‘asleep’ at this point but was starting to wake. “Let him wake” said Jane. “Are you sure?” asked the grey. “Let him wake” repeated Jane. “Like I said, his involvement in your programme finishes NOW” said Jane again emphasising the word ‘now’. “I’ll have to get permission” said the grey. Andy was almost awake now and as he woke said “What’s going on? This is a nightmare. I am still asleep aren’t I?”. “Sadly this is fourth dimension reality Andy..... DO NOT BE AFRAID” Jane said to him as she put her arms around him. Andy slapped his face and pinched himself. He could not believe what he was seeing. The grey, the transparent caravan walls, the inside of the aliens’s craft outside the caravan. He felt real fear. Jane shouted at him “ANDY STOP FEELING FEAR....THEY WILL NOT HURT YOU... I WILL NOT ALLOW IT”. That did not stop Andy feeling afraid so he hugged her like a scared child would hug its parent.

17th November 2007 In a quieter, loving voice she said “Remember what your friend Chris said to you about fear”and paused whilst she hugged him. “Let go of the fear and keep and open mind” she whispered in his ear. Turning to the grey she said telepathically “get you’re your reptile here, I will convince it.” There was a tremendous tone of distain as she used the word ‘it’. “Are you sure?” asked the grey telepathically. “This will stop NOW” she said out loud. Andy was still very scared and was hugging Jane. “Let him sleep” she telepathically said to the grey. Andy drifted back off to sleep still holding Jane tightly. Jane and the grey continued their conversation telepathically. They both knew that Andy’s sleep was induced by the grey. Jane hated ‘the programme’ and the grey knew this. Jane and the grey knew that Andy would be able to recollect what was going on if put into a drug or hypnosis induced state of altered consciousness. They agreed that too much Knowledge was not good for his future. Jane convinced the grey that she was now pregnant with Andy’s child and that the child was conceived in total Love. The grey expressed the wish to be able to Love the way Jane did Andy. The grey wanted to be able to feel the love that mammals can. This grey, like all greys was unable to feel real emotions. Explain mammals rear their young, birds do partly, but reptiles leave their eggs to fend for themselves. Reptiles have no compassion. This grey and Jane had met before by chance and chatted loads. Some greys like this one have knowledge and understanding of the LOVING human condition but most do not. Most greys are like most humans, totally oblivious to the power of LOVE. Unfortunately greys can’t experience ‘Love’ the way humans can. Humans are mammals of the 3 Dimension reality. Greys are beings of fourth Dimension reality. Having convinced this grey that she and Andy were lovers and that she was going to have his child she said “You must let me convince it”. “I agree” said the grey and agreed to call the reptilian master direct.

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Chapter 15 The Reptile The reptile appeared along with a tall grey who was obviously very annoyed. Description of reptile (from books and also from abduction stuff on internet) “Why did you not call me first” said (telepathically) the tall grey. Taking control of the situation the reptile said “Because this involves Jane and the Keepers”. “I am carrying his child so he must be removed from your programme NOW” said Jane to the reptile. “That is not possible...I will not allow it” said the reptile. Andy was awake again at this stage but too scared to say anything. “It’s happened and you are powerless to stop it” said Jane. The reptile got very annoyed and pointing to Jane said “you will have your pregnancy terminated”. “Look, you know I don’t fear you, you know you can’t force me to do anything against my will, so stop your threatening games” said Jane. She paused and looked at the reptile lovingly as a child may look at a pet frog. It (the reptile) stopped moving and stood totally still. It was afraid of Jane! “Wait while I communicate with others” it said to Jane. The greys and the reptile disappeared. Andy was fully awake now and said: “What’s going on?” “It’s very complicated Andy and best you know very little about it”. She replied. “That’s not fair Jane, I am owed some sort of explanation” said Andy. Andy was in a much calmer state of mind now. Jane explained that the greys were controlled by their reptile masters. By coincidence the grey that first appeared was one of the few greys that she had met and actually liked. She explained that they have a programme, where genetic material is taken from “chosen” (as they put it) humans. Jane explained that not all greys agree with ‘the programme’ and that she should not tell him in detail about it. Sadly the smaller greys are dominated by the tall greys and the reptiles. “They do not understand Love but recognise the power of it and so they more than just respect us they actually fear us Keepers.” Jane told Andy. Jane explained that he was one of their “chosen specimens” and so throughout his life they would have been monitoring him, collecting samples of genetic material as he got older, whilst he was in a deep sleep or hypnotic state induced by their mind control methods. “Such kidnapping has probably been happening all your life” she explained. Jane explained that when he was first “chosen” they would have implanted a small chip, no bigger than a grain of rice somewhere on his body. They use this to track (and sometimes control) their “specimens” she explained. Andy told her about the little lump he had beneath his skin on his leg which had been there as long as he could remember and put her hand on it. She felt it saying “That’s probably it”. Andy had his little key-ring size Swiss Army knife in his pocket. He took it out and said “I am gonna cut it out now”. “Don’t they will remove it said Jane”. Ignoring her he made a small 3mm cut into his skin and squeezed out what

17th November 2007 looked like a fatty lump. Jane touched the cut which stopped bleeding almost immediately. “That was it” she said. Andy by now was much calmer, he had lost his fear and was fascinated by what he could see. “Just don’t let them frighten you Andy... It’s fear that they use to control........ look at them lovingly and feel pity for them... in that way you become stronger than them. They can’t handle that” Jane said. “So how long will it be before they return” he asked Jane. “Time is of no importance in this place” she replied and with that the three aliens returned. “It seems you win again” the reptile said looking at Jane. “Its not a matter of winning or losing but what is good and correct, but sadly you do not understand that” she said to the reptile. The tall grey suddenly put his hands to his head as if feeling a sudden pain and blurted out “We are under attack”. With that the aliens faded away and the caravan walls became solid again. “Wow” said Andy. “Did all that really happen?” he asked. “Look at your leg” replied Jane. There was a little 3mm scar on his leg where his lump used to be. “Wow” said Andy again. “Reality is what we make it” said Jane. “What!” exclaimed Andy. “Sleep my Love” she said. He felt tired as she repeated “sleep my Love” and rubbed his back. It was as if he was hypnotised by her as he drifted off to sleep.

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Chapter 16 The Others Andy woke up again. The caravan walls were again like holograms. But this time there was nothing beyond them except Jane talking to two beings. There was nothing beyond them, just black nothing. Describe the beings, all in white, humanoid, almost like renaissance art depictions of angels. He could not hear what they were saying or telepathically hear as he had with the reptile and the two greys. Weird he thought and drifted back to sleep. The next morning he asked Jane about what he had seen or was it all a dream he asked. “Be very careful because what you dream may come true” she said jokingly. “Was it all a dream?” Andy asked again. Jane replied “No.... it was not a dream just 4th and 5th dimension stuff” “What you mean? interjected Andy. “Andy my Love” she said and continued “do not interrupt me now. Your reason for being here is to learn and take notes. Do not question things anymore... just accept what you have perceived as real.....hush my Love....I am carrying your baby.....we will always be united by the bond of Love that exists between us and our Child..... please do not question me any more”. Now very confused Andy asked “The beings in white you were talking to, were they other aliens too?” Jane replied “Yes they were and there are many aliens of different types, do not concern yourself with this” she said. She then told him that much more of ‘The Knowledge’ had been revealed to him than she had thought fit. She explained that there were many multi-dimensional beings and that she had never wanted him to find this out from her. By coincidence she, Andy and the grey had met at the same place and time. She explained that the consensus was that it was not meant to happen in this life of his.......but she was honestly pregnant with his Child in her life. The Child would be very special so Andy’s DNA/Genetetic material could no longer be part of ‘the programme’. She told him there were other ‘life’ force beings (like the white entities) and others. That there was a much bigger picture that was far too mind blowing to explain. That she did not know all of ‘The Knowledge’. That there are many hidden agendas and no guaranteed outcomes other than that Love will overcome all. “So what you saying... I don’t understand” said Andy. “Listen to me” she said. “You must return to your life. You must right your book. It may take ten years or more but just do it. That is your destiny now. My destiny now is to have our Child. I Love you now and will Love you always.. You know that don’t you?” She emphasised the words now and always as she spoke. “I Love you too but” said Andy when Jane interrupted saying “no buts”. “You will now leave and return to your home...... if enough people read your book then we will be reunited sooner.... if not it will happen later” said Jane emphasising the words ‘now’ and ‘will’. “Sleep now” she said. With that Andy fell back to sleep as if commanded to by a hypnotist. Anyone who has ever seen a hypnotist like the English Mr Paul McKenna will understand what is meant here. Description for those that have not. When he said sleep those under his influence went “to sleep”. Andy was then sent back.

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Chapter 17 The Re-Awakening He woke up in the lounge of the house in Nailsea. How did I get here? he thought. Where has Jane gone? he thought. Anyone who has experienced the death of someone really close to them (e.g. parent) will have experienced an altered state of reality. That was how Andy felt when he woke up. He turned the TV on. Much to his surprise the TV station was repeating the programme he had seen the previous Sunday morning before going to visit his parents. Someone’s having a laugh he thought. He checked the TV connections and it wasn’t a video being played. He recalled his experiences of the last few days....where is Jane? he kept thinking. He missed her so much. He was drowsy and confused. I’ll go and buy a newspaper he decided. Why are there Sundays’s paper’s on sale? he thought as he looked at the papers in the corner shop down the road. “Where are today’s papers?” he asked the girl behind the counter. “Those are today’s papers” she replied. Now he felt like he was going insane. He bought a paper and was seriously questioning his sanity. He went back home and phoned his parents. “I’m not feeling too good” he told his Dad. “So will you not be coming here for lunch today” his Dad replied. “Well I want to” said Andy. “Seems you had a bit of a heavy night last night son” said Pete. Andy travelled over to his parents and it was like a re-run of the previous Sunday. He asked his Dad if he could have a quiet chat with him. Pete. was most disturbed when Andy asked what day it was. Any told his Dad about his time with Jane. “You must have dreamt it all was Pete’s conclusion. But it was all so real to Andy. On his way home he decided to drive to the campsite in Brean which he had not been to before he met Jane. He found his way there and it was exactly as he remembered but no sign of Jane’s caravan. Totally confused now he drove home to Nailsea. He missed Jane so much. In the lounge was the notebook he had written in. He added stuff about the aliens and eventually went off to sleep. He phoned in sick to his placement the next day. Somehow he had been transported back in time to the morning after first meeting Jane. There were all his notes in the notebook plus his lost lump, plus his memories. Also the extreme sense of missing her. Did it really happen? Was it all a dream? He sat and wondered for hours. When Chris got back on the Monday he told him about it all. Chris was really worried about Andy’s state of mind.

17th November 2007 What is real? What is reality? He felt he had too much written in his notebook for it to be a dream. His disappeared lump was also proof, he felt, that what he recalled and wrote were real. Everyone he spoke to about it thought he was mad. Some theorised that he had taken some substance and it was all a drug induced hallucination. Maybe those guys in the blue suits had done something to him? Or were they too part of the hallucination? he wondered. No-one believed that it was real. He could not believe it. He took his friends advice and wrote it off as his “insane weekend”. THE E-D Loads more could be written but I hope you have got the general idea of the story without me writing any more yet. This draft needs to be read by as many as possible first. I need feedback before finishing this first book. The time loop thing (Andy back where he started) was always my planned end to this first book. unbelievable stuff, but no more unbelievable than most science fiction I have seen or read..

This is

When star-trek first hit the TV screens automatic sliding doors were science fiction. The doors were operated by men with sticks! If you have an open and scientific mind then anything is possible! ext I’ve included the start of the second book. I have also added notes on some of the aspects to be explored in the second and final books.

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Chapter 1 Bristol Bus Station It’s now June 2004 (seven years on) and Andy is a very respectable English teacher in a school near Bristol. He seldom thinks about his “insane weekend” as he refers to it but still has his notebook. Over the seven years he has had a few serious girlfriends but not formed a lasting relationship. He is now 31, long divorced from Hannah, and about to go to Glastonbury again. His friend Chris had separated from his wife. They were lucky enough to get tickets (explain the difficulty). In this book Chris is male but in the first book the reader is not told about Chris’s gender. Gender is not important in spiritual stuff. Andy, Chris, Beth (Andy’s sister) and Matt (Beth’s husband) are all going to the 2004 Glastonbury. It’s the fist time Andy has been since he went there in 1997 Being a teacher Andy could not take the time off to go to the festival with the others who went there on the Thursday morning. It is 5:00 pm on the Friday and Andy is sitting in the bus station in Bristol waiting for the next bus to arrive to take him to Glastonbury. He is day dreaming thinking of the last time he went and his “insane weekend” when he got back. He notices a young girl of about six years of age walking very purposefully in his direction. She stops in front of him and says “You are a very naughty man”. Andy looks at her, smiles and says “Hasn’t your mummy told you shouldn’t talk to strangers?” “Of course she has but you’re not a stranger and you are very naughty” the girl says. Andy is now quite confused because he feels as if he knows the child but cannot recall seeing her before. Perhaps she is the child of a colleague he ponders. “So why am I naughty” he asks. “Because you haven’t written your book yet” the girl replied.” “I think you may have me confused with someone else” Andy says to her. “I’m not confused but you are” the little girl says somewhat precociously. “I’m sorry but I do not know you” said Andy. “But I know you, your name is Andrew J Davies, and I’ve seen you many times. Andy is now a bit freaked thinking that someone has been stalking him. “You are a very naughty man. You must write the book” the girls says. “Who are you” Andy asks. “You should know that” the girl replies then turns around and runs away into the crowd at the bus station. Andy tries to follow here but cannot see where she has gone. With that his bus pulls into the bus station and its time for him to go. He gets on the bus still looking around for the little girl.

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Stuff to go into in the next books. Who is the little girl in the first chapter of the second book? My daughter Beth realised it was Andy’s daughter but did you? The following two points are sound quantum physics/ mathematics NOT FICTION! They were stated in a BBC TV Horizon programme broadcast in 2002 (details on last page): 1.

In this Universe, time is just one of 11 dimensions, 10 spatial and one time.


There are an infinite number of parallel universes.

Early in the programme the narrator says that scientists are now coming up with what the mystics have been saying for thousands of years (or words to that effect). Under the Broadcasting Act it is illegal in the UK to broadcast anything that gives a scientific interpretation on religious or spiritual matters. Hence the programme could only give a broad hint. My books are/will be fictional but based on “Spiritual”, “Psychic”, “Metaphysical” and other “Weird” stuff I have read, heard of or experienced. I hope to explain such stuff in a fictional setting and in a way I hope most will be able to understand. In the second book I want to explore the stuff from the Horizon programme and go a bit deeper. I want to consider dimensions. As humans we perceive three spatial dimensions. Imagine that you are an ant and can only perceive two dimensions. When walking up a hill you would only realise that it was harder to walk without realising why. With three dimensional insight you realise you are going up. With just two dimensional insight you would find it easier going whilst walking down a hill but would not realise why. We can perceive 3D because we have two eyes and two ears. If we only had one eye we would have to constantly keep moving our head to build a 3D picture. In the second book Andy learns to perceive the 4th and 5th Dimensions. With fourth dimensional insight he becomes aware of what some call the astral plane. Some call this the psychic level. He learns that occult practice is based on 4th dimensional insight. Like our 3D reality, reality with 4D perception is one of polarity, where positive and negative exist. He learns that 4D reality is a realm inhabited by very many disembodied life forces and much random thought. It’s not a nice reality, but neither is reality with only 3D perception - its just that we are used to it! If you feel fear 4D will scare you more than the worst horror film made! Hence it’s not wise to open up to such insight unless your Destiny was for you to do so! He is taught that if you find your mind opening to the existence of other dimensions don’t get caught up on 4D stuff. Mind blowing and incredibly powerful as its inhabitants appear it really is not worth exploring or getting stuck at. Keep opening and be aware of 5th Dimension he is told. Andy learns to open his mind at will to 5th dimensional insight. He finds it is really wonderful. He is aware of the true Light and Love that is the real creative energy that makes up everything. He sees life as the positive Love force it is meant to be. It is not a reality where negative can exist. With 5th dimensional insight he experiences Heaven. There is only positive and hence no polarity. He explains that if you can experience it without getting bogged down by 4th dimensional stuff it is like watching a TV programme in black and white and suddenly the colour is turned on. All fear is gone, only Love is all important. With this realisation comes true strength. Andy realises that 3D perception life is an illusion. This is a bit like “the Matrix”. Rather than a polarised struggle he realises he is part of something much bigger. I believe my story line is better than “the Matrix” trilogy! When talking about 3D, 4D and 5D I have deliberately neglected the time dimension. Time is not something we can perceive with our human senses. We are aware of the passage of time and can measure it. We have great difficulty understanding that time is just part of Einstein’s relativity theory. Referring to the bit in the first book about the two atomic clocks - the faster you go then the slower time passes is fact. Given that there are an infinite number of parallel universes (fact) and there are eleven dimensions in this universe, time is of no real consequence. Time is just a dimension. With 5D perception time is not important. Time (and time travel) will be explored more in the 2nd and final books. 6th dimensional insight and above is beyond mortal comprehension so is not touched on.

17th November 2007 Remember that science (not me) says there are 11 dimensions including time. Time is not important if you have perception of 4th and 5th spatial dimensions. In our three spatial plus one time dimension we have our perception of reality. With four spatial dimensional perception time is no longer important. This is a big hang up. Four spatial minus time is similar to three spatial plus time. Time is but a dimension. Time travel is possible with fourth dimensional perception. Note the first book ended with Andy being thrown back in time. Remember this is only fiction! With fifth dimension spatial awareness we do not get hung up on the rubbish of 4D. We experience the true love of the almighty, intelligent consciousness that some call God The concept that Creation actually contains an infinite number of parallel universes (Fact 2 above) is quite awesome. To quote from the BBC TV ‘Horizon’ programme “in one parallel universe Napoleon won the battle of Waterloo....etc”. The first step of “faith” for Andy in the first book was the realisation of forces/spirits outside of our 3D reality. The second was that we are all spiritual beings occupying a 3D physical body. The third (although, perhaps, not that well brought out in the first book) was that before being born into this life we all have a clear purpose for being here which is our Destiny or Fate. It may be something incredibly important like being a mother or father. Sadly there are those that try and control this world and us, “The fallen” as Jane refers to them as in the first book. For each and every one of us the future is one of an infinite number of possibilities but we are guided by our Destiny. Sometimes, however, we go, or are lead, off course. We all have free will but get tempted. This was discussed in the first book, but I’m not sure if it needs repeating in subsequent books. One awesome concept that I want to explore in the second book is that we may individually, jointly and severally inhabit many parallel universes simultaneously! I need to read more of the concept of “now” before exploring this. Another subject to be looked at is the power of “positive thought”. This has been proved by psychologists and sociologists to be effective. The concept of “co-creation” is a development on this. The ultimate “big secret” revealed by “the Keepers” is that we all co-create the reality we live in. What “we” think becomes real. We all “co-create” and what concerns us happens. Perhaps this is why is the media focuses on issues such as “the war on terrorism” and other negatives it suits them to feed us. We focus on the negatives and sure enough negatives happen! This part of “The Knowledge” is revealed in the third book. Imagine that “The Knowledge” is a real Science not hitherto generally revealed to mankind. Please consider the following story: Once upon a time there was a Group of individuals who knew in detail this Science. It enabled them to build the pyramids. Unfortunately there was corruption. To the corrupt ones the concept of Love was alien. They wanted to take and keep control of mankind using the Science. How could they do it? Firstly they would have to make sure no other groups had it. Simple enough - kill them off thereby also instilling fear in those who did not have the Science. To keep the masses away from rediscovering the Science the Group would feed the masses with lies and negatives. As the masses thoughts were negative so more and more negatives happened in this 3D illusionary reality of ours. After all, the Science teaches what we think becomes real. Fear was encouraged to keep the masses in this state of negative being and the concept of Love was eroded. Any prominent preacher of Love or Peace (like John Lennon or Martin Luther King) that appeared along the way would simply be removed. To do so would require a large network of supporters. How would you enlist them? Well you wouldn’t want your supporters to have the knowledge you had but you could give them some knowledge. Perhaps you would just teach them about 4th dimensional perception thereby giving them “occult” powers. You would have to instil fear in them so that they would not reveal their knowledge to those outside of their organisations. Perhaps you would call such organisations “Free Masons” implying they were free but all the time still under your control. Another organisation you may call “the Mafia”. You may encourage the setting up of Religions. Gradually, those who you controlled would control others, who in turn would control others, etc., etc. These “great nations”, that you had so carefully cultivated, would go out and conquer smaller weaker tribes like the 9ative 9orth Americans (of cowboy & Indian fame). You would encourage the memberships of your organisation to have strong beliefs in right and wrong. With such beliefs you

17th November 2007 could set one group off against another and finance many wars. You would, after all, have unlimited finance and in any event, by financing both sides, would profit. You would pass down your Science from generation to generation so establishing families with domination of the planet. Words such as “Royal” families and financial “Dynasties” spring to mind here. This is, of course, just a story. Part of the story will develop that there are a small number of “families” that would like to control the population of the planet. Their wealth is so great that their motivation goes beyond greed. The conclusion in the second book is that they are out to get our very “hearts and souls”. They control by fear but get us to willingly “buy-in” to their corrupt system. Sadly we are all controlled by fear. Fear of losing our possessions, loosing our job, fear of ghosts, fear of aliens, etc. etc. Life should not be like that. In the second book Andy learns to loose all fear and replace it with love and/or respect. He learns that if people realised that death is not an end, that there really is a spirit that does carry on, then people would no longer fear death. If people did not fear death and everyone followed what every religion teaches (and most people agree with) that it is wrong to kill, then there would be no wars. Loose the fear and let Love and the Light control are the messages I want to get over in the first book. Have I done so well enough? Does this need elaboration or repeating in the following books? In the final book, set in the future, the media is telling of a great catastrophe that is about to happen to our planet. Thanks to “The Keepers” the whole population of the planet including “the bad guys” embrace the true “Knowledge” and everything works out good and harmonious for all beings in our multi-verse - even the greys and reptiles. All works of fiction must be believable. Is this all believable? Please do let me know your thoughts. Many thanks, Rob PS: I need help to finish this work. Can you help?

17th November 2007 PPS The following article by Don Harkins is very thought provoking and refers to aspects to be investigated in the next two books.

From the December 2001 Idaho Observer:

Slavery and the eight veils by Don Harkins Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth -- even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples' inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don't want to see” what is really going on. Extremely evil men and women who make up the world's power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears. The same people who cannot see their enslavement for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” those of us who can see past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal lordship's castle. Finally, I understand why. It's not that those who don't see that their freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the powerelite “don't want to see it” -- they simply can't see what is happening to them because of the unpierced veils that block their view. All human endeavors are a filtration process. Sports is one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each spring, they are filtered out until there are about 50 guys who go to the World Series in October. Behind the first veil: There are over six billion people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil. The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, be active and have an opinion. Our opinions are shaped by the physical world around us; we have a tendency to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the second veil. The second veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.

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The third veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the third veil to find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil. The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil. The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil. The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real and are the controlling forces behind the secret societies. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil. The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, or the woman Peace Pilgrim was-people so enlightened they brighten the world around them no matter what. The eighth veil? Piercing the eighth veil probably reveals God and the pure energy that is the life force in all living things-which are, I think, one and the same. If my math is accurate there are only about 60,000 people on the planet who have pierced the sixth veil. The irony here is too incredible: Those who are stuck behind veils one through five have little choice but to view the people who have pierced the veils beyond them as insane. With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinking numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasing masses of decreasingly enlightened people. Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can't, the more insane he appears to them. Our enemy, the state Behind the first two veils we find the great majority of people on the planet. They are tools of the state: Second veilers are the gullible voters whose ignorance justify the actions of politicians who send first veilers off to die in foreign lands as cannon fodder -- their combined stations in life are to believe that the self-serving machinations of the power-elite are matters of national security worth dying for. Third, fourth, fifth and sixth veilers are of increasing liability to the state because of their decreasing ability to be used as tools to consolidate power and wealth of the many into the hands of the power-elite. It is common for these people to sacrifice more of their relationships with friends and family, their professional careers and personal freedom with each veil they pierce.

17th November 2007

Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945), author of “Our Enemy, the State” (1935), explained what happens to those who find the seventh and eighth veils: “What was the best that the state could find to do with an actual Socrates and an actual Jesus when it had them? Merely to poison one and crucify the other, for no reason but that they were too intolerably embarrassing to be allowed to live any longer.” Conclusions And so now we know that it's not that our countrymen are so committed to their lives that, “they don't want to see,” the mechanisms of their enslavement and exploitation. They simply “can't see” it as surely as I cannot see what's on the other side of a closed curtain. The purpose of this essay is threefold: 1. To help the handful of people in the latter veils to understand why the masses have little choice but to interpret their clarity as insanity; 2. To help people behind the first two veils understand that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning and; 3. Show people that the greatest adventure of our life is behind the next veil because that is just one less veil between ourselves and God.

17th November 2007

Parallel Universes a “Horizon” programme broadcast in the UK on BBC Two at 9.00pm on Thursday 14 February 2002 In the UK “Horizon” is a well respected, reputable and factual documentary TV series. You can get a full transcript of this programme on the Internet from: The narrator (Dilly Barlow) starts the programme saying: “Imagine you could find an explanation for everything in the Universe, from the smallest events possible to the biggest. This is the dream which has captivated the most brilliant scientists since Einstein. Now they think they may have found it. The theory is breathtaking and it has an extraordinary conclusion: that the Universe we live in is not the only one.” Michio Kaku (City University of 9ew York) then says: “That there could be an infinite number of universes each with a different law of physics. Our Universe could be just one bubble floating in an ocean of other bubbles.” The narrator then says: “Everything you are about to hear is true, at least in this Universe it is. For almost a hundred years science has been haunted by a dark secret: that there might be mysterious hidden worlds beyond our human senses. Mystics had long claimed there were such places. They were, they said, full of ghosts and spirits. The last thing science wanted was to be associated with such superstition, but ever since the 1920s physicists have been trying to make sense of an uncomfortable discovery. When they tried to pinpoint the exact location of atomic particles like electrons they found it was utterly impossible. They had no single location. Alan Guth (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) then says: “When one studies the properties of atoms one found that the reality is far stranger than anybody would have invented in the form of fiction. Particles really do have the possibility of, in some sense, being in more than one place at one time.” In my last quote from this programme the 9arrator says: The only explanation which anyone could come up with is that the particles don't just exist in our universe. They flit into existence in other universes, too and there are an infinite number of these parallel universes, all of them slightly different. In effect, there's a parallel universe in which Napoleon won the Battle of Waterloo. In another the British Empire held on to its American colony. In one you were never born. This programme confirms what I wrote about there being an infinite number of parallel universes and eleven dimensions in this universe.

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