Kairos First Annual Summit

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The Kairos Summit 2009 Uniting the Brightest Young Minds to Fuel the Innovations for a Better Tomorrow

F2009 Annual Summit Featuring Special Keynote Addresses via Video From:

2009 Annual Summit Featuring Keynote Addresses via Video From:

President William J. Clinton

William Gates Sr.


Chairman, Gates Foundation

42 President of the United States

With Special Guests and Speakers Including:

Host: Heidi Collins Anchor, CNN Newsroom

Scott Mednick

Bill White

Founder, Legendary Pictures Founder, Mandalay Entertainment

CEO, Intrepid Foundation

Chris Kitze

Shawn Nelson

Founder, Xoom.com Former CEO, NBCi

Founder & CEO, LoveSac

Ellen Kullman CEO, DuPont

Admiral William Owens CEO, AEA Investors Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Founder & CEO, Intelius Founder, Infospace

Dolly Lenz

Joseph Plumeri

Phil Condit

Larry Sonsini

Vice Chairman, Prudential Douglas Elliman

Chairman & CEO, Willis Group Holdings

Former Chairman & CEO, Boeing Company

Founder, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati

Alongside the 500 of the Brightest Collegiate Entrepreneurs

Friday, April 3, 2009 UNVEILING OF THE 100 MOST INNOVATIVE STUDENT COMPANIES Over the past year, Kairos has united the brightest, most entrepreneurial minds from the top universities around the country. These students come from around the world with a common passion: Entrepreneurship. With this newfound synergy between the top young minds, Kairos members have come up with countless innovations for a better tomorrow. These innovations cover everything from new alternative energy technology to cross media entertainment platforms to global relief services. Through a challenging selection process, we have chosen 100 of these top student ventures to unveil at the Kairos Summit 2009. This unveiling is designed to:  Give these students an opportunity to share their fascinating entrepreneurial stories with the media  Connect with other top students to join their venture  Share ideas with other bright, young minds.  Provide selected investors with a first look at the companies of tomorrow.

Hybrid Military Humvee engineered by MIT Kairos Student, Shakeel Avadhany

 Create lasting mentoring relationships between these young entrepreneurs and successful leaders from around the world  Foster relationships between these young entrepreneurs and select professional firms

THE EAST COAST PREMIER OF THE YES MOVIE The YES Movie is first ever full length documentary of modern young entrepreneurs produced by the founder of the Young Entrepreneur Society, Louis Lautman. It depicts the fast-paced, high-intensity life of America’s wealthy, successful, entrepreneurial young people. YES Movie shows young people the exciting places their passion, enthusiasm and creative ideas can take them. YES is dedicated to raising public awareness of the young entrepreneur community's positive contributions to the quality of life today. Stars from the film will be at the summit.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


By the Numbers 1300+ Years of Professional Experience 500

of the Most Innovative Students


Students Companies


CEOs, Executives, Politicians, Authors


World leaders




Areas of Entrepreneurship




Rock Star


Aircraft Carrier



On Saturday evening, the Kairos Summit is bringing together 500 of the nation’s most impressive students with some of the world’s greatest leaders to celebrate and inspire the growth of young entrepreneurship in areas of entrepreneurship that will define our future. The gala will be held on the newly renovated USS Intrepid aircraft carrier. For each of the six categories, two industry leaders will be presented an award for their vast achievements in their field after which they will share their take on the opportunities for the next generation of entrepreneurs in each particular field. Immediately after, two students who have excelled in that field will speak of their own experiences from a younger perspective. The night will be about the speakers giving back and sharing their advice with the next generation of successful entrepreneurs. During an intermission of the speakers, Lou Reed will perform. Industries  American Entrepreneurship  Social Entrepreneurship  Energy Entrepreneurship  Global Entrepreneurship  Media Entrepreneurship  Tech Entrepreneurship

The gala is designed to enable and inspire talented 18-22 year-olds to live up to their potential and overcome the risks associated with entrepreneurship. We are extremely fortunate to live in a country where we have the freedom to be innovative and entrepreneurial. We owe this freedom to our forefathers and the men and women who have given their lives in service to our country. For this reason, we are honored to host this event on the USS Intrepid, a symbol of this freedom.

WHAT IS KAIROS? The Kairos Society is a non-profit organization founded by a group of students designed to foster an entrepreneurial culture among college students based on three guiding principles: Inspiration, Experience, and Innovation. It is the organization’s goal to inspire students to become more entrepreneurial by bringing together the best undergraduates from across the country, the greatest entrepreneurial firms, and the most passionate mentors. Currently Kairos has brought together many of the top entrepreneurial students from the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Stanford, Tufts, Duke, MIT, Emory, Furman, USC, Columbia, NYU, Babson, Claremont McKenna, Pomona, Scripps, Harvey Mudd, Northeastern, University of Michigan, and Penn State.

Who is Attending the Kairos Summit? STUDENTS


Kairos consists of the most passionate, professionally minded students from all backgrounds to be part of one society. They are highly competent individuals with extraordinary potential who are committed to incredible entrepreneurial success. Members of the Kairos Society build office buildings and power plants, import fine liquor and jewelry, sell online advertising to millions of people, start wireless service providers, run hedge funds, trade commodities, and make the most of every opportunity they have.


Corporations and startups worldwide realize the potential of young entrepreneurs. Because Kairos brings together passionate entrepreneurs from all academic backgrounds, it has naturally become a society for companies to come to in search of innovative, high caliber talent. Kairos’s Summit brings together 500 of these Kairos students for one weekend a year. Kairos will provide startups and entrepreneurial companies, be they large or small, with the opportunity to meet the most professional and entrepreneurial-minded students America has to offer in an open and dynamic environment at the Kairos Summit.


The jump from dorm room brainstorming to angel funding and incubator space can be a hairy one. Kairos makes it easier. In so many instances, the brilliant entrepreneur is not willing to make the jump to forming a serious company with funding and incubator space because he or she fears the uncertainty. At the Kairos Summit, the classic eager but inexperienced first-time entrepreneur can form relationships with advisors, incubator organizations, and investing outfits.

Many national leaders recognize and support Kairos as an organization that fosters American collegiate entrepreneurship. The Entreprelliance Summit will bring elite leaders from across the country together to give back through inspiration, advice, and mentorship. Their experience is invaluable and will help student entrepreneur’s develop their ideas into successful businesses.

NATIONAL AND LOCAL PRESS Kairos will be inviting selected news outlets, blogs, and magazines for a sneak preview of the unveiling of the top 100 student companies on Friday night and an opportunity to attend our gala dinner on Saturday night where they can connect with our top students, VIP guests, and sponsors. We will have a green room available as well as a PR handler to manage sponsor interviews.

Kairos Summit 2009 Agenda Intrepid Air, Sea, & Space Museum

Friday, April 3, 2008 4:00-6:30 pm


7:00 pm

Welcome Address, Ankur Jain, Founder of Kairos, UPENN ‘11


Unveiling of Top 100 Student Companies in America The East Coast Premier of the YES Movie

10:00 pm

Evening Entertainment, TBA

Saturday, April 4, 2008 6:00 – 7:00 pm

VIP Reception & Chance to Explore the Former USS Intrepid A chance for all of our guests to explore the newly renovated exhibits and flight deck on the Intrepid in a private environment with a VIP reception overlooking the Hudson River

7:00 - 7:30 pm

Welcome Reception

7:30 - 10:00 pm

Summit Dinner & Awards – On the Intrepid {Award Recipients TBA}       

Opening Remarks & Introduction of host – Ankur Jain Welcome address from host – Heidi Collins Two Opening Keynotes Panel: Innovation & Technology through the media – Hosted by Richard Karlgaard Keynote Featured Panel: State of the Economy and Entrepreneurship – With leaders from major industries Closing Keynote

Advisory Board William A. Owens Chairman & CEO AEA Asia, Former CEO Nortel, Former US Vice Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

“I’m interested in being associated and helping Kairos Society because their values and ambitions are aligned with those that I think can be of the greatest use to the best and brightest students in today’s top universities. In this world, in which “everything is changing”, I believe the spirit of entrepreneurship, open-minded capitalism, and glowing global relations will be of the utmost value. I think that this Society believes in that spirit, and that it will do much to enhance these most promising student’s futures. I’m proud to be a small part of that! “

Rajat K. Gupta Managing Director Worldwide, McKinsey & Co

“Kairos is bringing a revolutionary look at Entrepreneurship to college campuses across the country. Ultimately, it will be groups like Kairos that inspire a new generation of leaders to continue the growth of our economy and propel the advancements of the future. I am proud to be a part of this endeavor.”

Bill White President - Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum & Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund

“I believe that The Kairos Society is a wonderful organization that is helping to shape the business leaders of tomorrow. They work hard to promote a challenging environment for the young and eager minds of students across the country. The Kairos Society is an invaluable resource for these young adults who will one day run this country.”

Scott Mednick Founder: Legendary Pictures, Mandalay Branded Entertainment, THINK, Mednick Group

“I have been speaking to business and entrepreneur programs at colleges and universities for many years. In my interaction with these future business leaders their thirst for knowledge and information from those who have been on the front lines has been insatiable. In putting together the opportunity to bring a breadth of business leaders together with these bright minds is not only a great idea but one that will help create a vibrant community of business leaders for years to come.”

Chris Kitze Founder, Xoom.com, Yaga, Point Communications, Aris. Former CEO, NBCI

“There is nothing more valuable to a young entrepreneur than access to a network of like-minded individuals with a burning desire to succeed. Kairos has done a phenomenal job of bringing together these young, passionate, entrepreneurs nationwide and providing them with the full entrepreneurial experience. I am very excited to be a part of this organization.”

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