June Kairos

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KAIROS “Our mission is to know and experience Jesus Christ and share Him with all others in the power and love of the Holy Spirit”

800 W. Mission Rd., San Marcos, CA 92069-1428 (760) 744-0170 (email) [email protected] http://www.missionsanmarcos.net

Volume 30 Issue 6 JUNE 2009

FROM THE PASTOR’S STUDY What is happening in America?

What is causing America’s great concerns today? We can think of two major concerns: Economic hardship and Moral decay. Who will stand up and say what is wrong and show the right direction for the future? One of the Christian’s responsibilities is to be prophetic to the people and to the society. Prophecy is God’s spirit filled proclamation. Christians are those who are called to bear spiritual discernment, keen insight and integrity in order to influence others and world, which implies the prophetic role. Economic hardship is caused by the greediness of financial leaders. There are numerous innocent victims who have to suffer everywhere in the world. We hope it will pass very shortly. What we learned from this experience is that people have to pay the price for their greediness without exception. People reap what they sow. The simple wisdom is not to be greedy and to live free from financial hardship. God gave us common sense not to repeat the same mistake twice. The moral decay is like a frog in the kettle. The frog feels comfortable with warm water in the kettle. It can not feel the difference when the water temperature slowly rises to a boil. Eventually the frog gets killed in hot water. People are not realizing that their spirit is dying with the comfortable things they enjoy such as alcohol, drugs, gambling and etc.. No matter how much people accomplish their goals, the moral decadence destroys them at some moment. In this context, American culture and civilization is in crisis. I was very shocked when I heard that there are eight casinos in San Diego County. The casino parking lots are packed on Sundays when the church parking lots are getting empty. This is what is happening in America and in our community as well. It is time for Christians to work twice as hard to fight the good fight in order to save God’s people and to keep His world. Tae Kim


The United Methodist Preschool Board would like to announce the retirement of Jan Gower after 33 years at the Preschool. The Preschool is planning a retirement party for Jan on June 30, which will be her last day of work.

JUNE 30—POT LUCK 4:30 TO 6:00- Free activities play in the courtyard 6:00—7:15—Dinner & Dessert 7:15 Program in the church

Jan started as a teacher and within six months became the Director. Many changes have been implemented under her direction. The school went from two half-days weekly to five whole days weekly. In 1976 a School Age program was started and continues today. Some of our families have been with us so long that many of the parents who attended here now bring their children here also, so we are working on a second generation.

Please RSVP to the Preschool at 760-744-3951 if you would like to attend.

The Preschool and parents have appreciated the dedication and loyalty Jan has given and she will be missed. parents or grandparents)) and if possible, wear some You are all invited to an Inattire that reflects your culternational Dinner and Celeture (or another). Plan on bration on an exciting Saturday, evening June 13, with a deli2009 at 5:00 PM at the cious variety of ethnic food, church, with wonderful food, toe-stomping entertainment decorations & entertainment reflecting the di- and warm fellowship. Sign up verse cultures of our at church if church family. Plan to you’re coming and what you’re bring a main dish, bringing. We’re charging $2– salad/vegetable or per person or $5– for a family dessert (to serve 8which will go to support Mis10) from your cultural sions. background (or your INTERNATIONAL DINNER & CELEBRATION




There will be another Sew-A-Thon on Monday June 8 from 9:30 - 11:30 in the social hall. We will be sewing more diapers and t -shirt dresses for the children of Haiti. They were overjoyed with the ones we sent down with Rev. Lynn Austin last month.

An evening for Prayer and Healing will be held on Sunday June 14 at 6:30. We shall have a time of praise and worship, a time of sharing the Word of God, and a time for prayer and healing. Come join us as the family of God. We pray for God's wholeness for us all. Dave Walker, Prayer & Worship Committee

Folks are beginning to bring $1.00 for each pair of shoes they have in their closet which goes to buy mosquito nets for children in Africa. Take an envelope in the foyer, count your shoes (no cheating) and bring your donation to church.

PRAYER & HEALING CONFERENCE! The Conference on Prayer and Healing sponsored by our Annual Conference will be held this summer July 27-30 at the Rancho Capistrano Conference Center. Registration forms are available in the Narthex.

The food of choice for Interfaith in May is tuna fish and June is baby food but any non-perishable food is appreciated. Donations are down this time of year but the need is increasing.

This is always a great conference for worship, small groups, speakers, prayer, and the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Violet Fisher from New York will be one of our main speakers. There will also be 18 excellent workshops for our growth as God's people. If you can only make one day. . .come on up.

Sponsored by the UMW Love Circle Coming event! Wednesday, July 8th 1:30 at Welk Theater to see “Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”, a musical- tickets $38. each-performance only-transportation– carpooling. We have 20 tickets reserved.

Call Betty Chaffee at 760-599-0589 to reserve your ticket before June 21, 2009! 3


proved that stereotype deeply wrong. We were serving a segment of her society I call “throwaway children.” I’m sure she thought, How could these people be bad?

by Kathryn Trojan Adams from “Alive Now” March/April 2009

When we are present with one another, when we take the time to communicate and to understand—to “be with”— we sow the seeds for peace. The only way this can happen is in offering our time and ourselves.

Over the past twelve years I have made fifteen trips to the former Soviet Union as a leader of Volunteers-In-Mission teams to orphanages. While there, we live in orphanages, delivering and buying supplies and gifts for the numerous children as well as spending time with them. During the seventy years of communist rule, citizens of both the Soviet Union and the United States were stereotyped as “evil” by our respective governments and told not to trust one another. So it wasn’t until the Soviet Union ended in 1991 that citizens of each country were able to get a glimpse of what each was really like. This is when Volunteers-In-Mission trips became a mission outreach of my denomination.

Kathryn Trojan Adams is Director of Protestant Campus Ministry at Youngstown State University, Ohio.


Welcome to the seven new members of our church! They have just completed a member class and taken their vows on May 31, 2009.

On one of my trips a Russian woman walked briskly up to me, put her hands on my shoulders and said in English: “Why did they teach us to hate you? You are just like us!”

Jeff Hunt

Jan Hunt

Nita Hazeltine

Barbara Raab

Mary Beth Simelton

William Simelton

Jacklyn Pak

I was stunned and didn’t know what to say in return. It was a powerful moment that reminded me of the way in which we can create peace simply by spending time with one another. By virtue of our presence we are able to break down barriers of hate and fear. Here we were, people she had been told to fear, and yet her personal experience 4


Young adult bible study is continuing in June. We are studying 3:16 by Max Lucado. All are welcome, we meet at 7pm on Monday's in the fellowship hall at the church.

The storm may rage But I am unshaken, Though the winds blow, They leave me unmoved: For the rock of my foundation stands firm. Peter Abelard

Family Faith Festival is coming to our church this summer!!!

Family Faith Festival is an all generation Festival on Saturday's! We will be singing, playing games, creating crafts, have a Bible Challenge, and work on a service project! More information to come!

Save the dates and times: Saturday, July 18th 9-11:30am Saturday, August 1st 9-11:30am Saturday, August 15th 9-11:30am Saturday, August 29th 9-11:30am September 13th -will be Rally Sunday and final Sunday of Family Faith Festival during our regular service. Want to help plan? See Nicole Jones or email her at [email protected].

RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT There will be a retirement party for K. Cherie Jones who served as Pastor of San Marcos UMC from 1988 to 1990. Those who remember her and wish to attend, are invited to Atascadero UMC at 11605 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93423-2037 on Friday, June 12, 2009 at 7:00 PM. (Located north of San Luis Obispo) Please RSVP by June 5th to the church office at 805-466-2566 or email @atascaderoumc..org. If you wish to respond, but cannot attend, you may send a card, pictures or a letter to be shared with Cherie to the church at the above address. 5

HOW TO PLAN YOUR FUTURE IN YOUR WILL The federal government encourages gifts and bequests to the church by allowing an unlimited tax-deductible charitable donation. To make a bequest to San Marcos UMC, the following language will be helpful to your lawyer: “I give, devise and bequest to San Marcos UMC, located at 800 W. Mission Rd., San Marcos, CA 92069 the sum of _________ (or otherwise describe the gift or specify a percentage of the estate) as a Mission Legacy Gift”

Fixed-Dollar Bequest Leaving a Percentage Residual Bequest Bequest of Property Designation as Beneficiary of Your Life Insurance or Retirement

We are extremely grateful to our donors who have chosen to support our church with a lasting legacy through their estates. Through your commitment of support, you reach beyond time and help carry on the spiritual, cultural, historical, and educational presence of San Marcos UMC for generations to come. The tax ID number for San Marcos UMC is 95-2465598.

Tae Kim


June 2009 SUN











6 8:00 AM UMMen’s Breakfast

1:30 Fitness

7:00 Young Adult Bible Study-church

3:00 Bells




9:45 Prayer Time

9:30 Sew-A-Thon

2:00 Welcome/Prayer Team

10:00 Worship



10:00 Circle of Love



1:30 Fitness

5:00 PM International Pot Luck & Program

3:00 Bells

7:00 Young Adult 11:15 Coffee Fellow- Bible Study-church ship


6:00 Prayer/Worship 7:00 Finance

6:30 Adult Bible Study






10:00 Worship





1:30 Fitness

9:45 Prayer Time 7:00 Young Adult Bible Study-church

3:00 Bells 6:00 SPRC

11:15 Coffee Fellowship

KAIROS article deadline

6:30 Prayer

7:00 Ch Council

& Healing


Father’s Day

9:45 Prayer Time 10:00 Worship



7:00 Young Adult Bible Study-church

5:45 Soup Kitchen


25 1:30 Fitness 3:00 Bells

7:00 Preschool Board

11:30 Lunch Bunch

6:00 SPRC 7:00 Ch. Council




9:45 Prayer Time

7:00 Young Adult Bible Study-church

Jan Gower ‘s

10:00 Worship 11:15 Coffee Fellowship

Retirement Party 4:30-8:00 PM


SAN MARCOS United Methodist Church 800 W. MISSION ROAD SAN MARCOS, CA 92069-1428 Phone (760) 744-0170

Periodicals Postage Paid at Escondido, California 92025. Publication Number 118590. The KAIROS is published monthly by San Marcos United Methodist Church, 800 W Mission Rd, San Marcos. Postmaster send address changes to 800 West Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069-1428.

http://www.missionsanmarcos.net Email– [email protected]

Bishop………………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Mary Ann Swenson Superintendent…………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Myron Wingfield Pastor ……………………………………………………………………………………………….Rev. Dr. Tae K. Kim Preschool Director…………………………………………………………………………………………….Jan Gower Organist……………………………………………………………..……………………..……………..Winifred Pointer Church Secretary……………………….……………………………………………………………………...Jean Isam Custodian………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Bong Pak Ministers…………………………………………………..…………………………The People of the Church (YOU!)

Happy Birthday! June

Prayer Requests

Inez Williams


Jan Gower


William - arthritis

Bill Uhland


Gay’s Daughter & family

Betty Mortz


Pat Limpiado

Nicole Jones


Clarissa Uhland


Nola Picht


Donna Blanche


Jonathan Williams


Paul—summer job

Celia Suarez , Sandy & Bob The jobless, Jim Gower Jacklyn’s mom, dad, sister-Dorothy & landlord Wayne Beckman, Anne & Louise, Pat Limpiado

Happy Anniversary! Praise—Naomi Kim at home for the summer


Jun & Celia Suarez


Tony & Francee Colace


Dave & Janice Walker


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