Kain Curriculum Map

  • August 2019
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Multimedia Curriculum Integration Map Digital Video II - Final Course Project Template Name: John Kain Teaching Assignment: 9th Grade Social Studies Subject Focus for Project: Treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II Please complete a minimum of 9 rows in the table below for a semester of content covered. Month/Grading Period (Minimum 1 semester)

Grading Period 1

Grading Period 2 Grading Period 3

Grading Period 4

Content and Essential Questions (Power Standards)

Strands, Concepts Covered (Skills)

Assessment (Formative &/or Summative)

Multimedia Utilization and Activities (Minimum 1 Digital Resource Required) (Control + Click to open hyperlinks)

Who were the Nisei in the United States during World War II?

American History, Strand 1, Concept 1: Research Skills for American History

What was life like for the Nisei in the years preceding World War II?

American History, Strand 1, Concept 7: Emergence of the Modern United States Writing Strand 3, Concept 1, PO 1

What would you think about the attack on Pearl Harbor if you were Japanese? Was Executive Order 9066 necessary? Why or why not?

Writing Strand 3, Concept 4, PO 1

Create a Word Document consisting of one paragraph of text and one photo that provides a brief answer to the essential question. Quiz

Students should skim the Web sites listed in the Google Notebook for this project to gather information for this assignment in particular and for this project in general.

Create a PowerPoint slide show that meets the criteria listed in the assignment in the next column. Write a persuasive blog post about Executive Order 9066.

Complete this assignment.

Launch your Web browser, read this article , and take this quiz.

Read about Executive Order 9066. Then read this article about a Japanese submarine that attacked an area near Santa Barbara, CA, in 1942. Then go to the Class Blog and follow the direction given in the post entitled “Executive Order 9066.”

Multimedia Curriculum Integration Map Digital Video II - Final Course Project Template Name: John Kain Teaching Assignment: 9th Grade Social Studies Subject Focus for Project: Treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II Grading Period 5

Grading Period 6

Grading Period 7

Grading Period 8

Grading Period 9

Please complete a minimum of 9 rows in the table below for a semester of content covered. As a Nisei parent, how would you Writing, Strand 3, Write a paragraph Complete this writing prompt. explain to your children that you Concept 1, PO 1 about how your would must relocate to an internment explain to your family camp? that you must relocate to an internment camp What role did Arizona play in the Social Studies Create a map with Web, PowerPoint internment of the Nisei? (Geography), Strand visual and text elements Follow these instructions. 4, Concept 1, PO 1 that illustrate Arizona’s role in the internment of the Nisei. Can a hip-hop song accurately Writing, Strand 3, Go to the Class Blog Web, Microsoft Word convey the story of the Nisei? Concept 5, PO 1 and find the post Class Blog (Literary Response) entitled Kenji. Follow the instructions in the post. How will I organize my final video Writing, Strand 1, Create a storyboard in PowerPoint, Google Notebook project about the Nisei? Concept 2, PO 1 and PowerPoint with at least 2 five slides. Each slide should include some text to help guide you in the creation of your video. You may insert photos from the Web sites in Google Notebook. The storyboard is a tool to help you create your video. How do I tell the story of the Nisei Create a 3-5 minute Web, Windows Movie Maker, STANDARD 4:  in a video? video based on your PowerPoint, Word Technology  storyboard in the previous assignment.


Multimedia Curriculum Integration Map Digital Video II - Final Course Project Template Name: John Kain Teaching Assignment: 9th Grade Social Studies Subject Focus for Project: Treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II Please complete a minimum of 9 rows in the table below for a semester of content covered. Your video must Tools include: 3T­E3. Publish and  • Narration • A reference to present  Arizona’s role in information using  the internment of the Nisei technology tools • Video clips downloaded from United Streaming • Images downloaded from the sites listed in Google Notebook You may include a short clip (up to 20 seconds) from the song Kenji. You can find the mp3 file on the network drive. When you complete your video, convert it to a Windows Media Video file. Name it with the filename yourlastname_nisei and save it to your network drive.

Multimedia Curriculum Integration Map Digital Video II - Final Course Project Template Name: John Kain Teaching Assignment: 9th Grade Social Studies Subject Focus for Project: Treatment of Japanese-Americans during World War II Please complete a minimum of 9 rows in the table below for a semester of content covered.

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