Kabul Gr C4r

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 2

KABUL -GR -C4R From: Sent: To:


KABUL -GR -C4R April 24. 2007 4:37 AM EXTOn -lOR -C4; EXTon -FTAG -C4; EXTon -JLH -C4; EXTon -IRH -GHA -C4 SWORDS Colleen -IFM -C4; MULRONEY David -DMA -C4; ADLER Jeremy -IFM -C4; McRAE Robert -100 -C4; BECK Stefanie -lOR -C4; POUPART Isabelle -lOR -C4 ; BUCK Kerry -FTAG -C4 ; KANDH -KAF -C4R; PROUDFOOT Douglas Scott -FTAG -C4; ANDERSON Cory -FTAG -C4; GOLBERG Elissa -IRH-GHA -C4; NGUYEN Mi -IRH -C4; KANDH -C4R; NOLKE Sabine -JLH -C4; LAPORTE Eric -lOR -C4; NDHQ on 0 NATO POL -C4; NDHQ +CEFCOM J9 -C4R; GIBBINS Christopher -FTAG -C4; EXTOTT -IRH -GHA -C4 ; EXTOn -IFM -C4; EXT OTT -DMA -C4; NDHQ OTT ADM (POL) -C4; NDHQ on DGIS POL -C4; Correctional Services -BH; Royal Canadian Mounted Police Head Quarter -C4R; PILLAROn -C4R; DAVIS Christopher -OGD -PCO/BCP -C4R; MOORE-GEROS LindsayOGD -PCO -C4R; SINCLAIR Jill -PCO/BCP -C4R; ALEXANDER Vera -OGD -PCO/BCP C4R; CCATS; KABUL -HOM -C4R; DOBNER Gallit -FTAG -C4 ; HOFFMANN Ron -LON -GR -C4 KBGR0261: Comments on Detainee Diplomatic Contingency Plan




SECRET CEO For DNATO POL -- Please forward to Col. N. Anderson, M. Bos For CEFCOM J9 - Please forward to G. Dushner, M. Carter For CSC -- Please forward to D. O'Connor For RCMP - Please forward to Sup!. W . Martin ยท For CSIS - Please forward to L. Portelance Ref: IDR-0329 of 21 April 07 on diplomatic contingency plan, KBGR0258 of 20 April 07 on UK! Dutchl Australianl US detainee practices

We would like to register our concerns with the 'Detainee Diplomatic Contingency Plan' (reftel), which in our view is insufficient to address the urgent detainee crisis.

4. The only practical solution we see is: a} modify the MOU,

allow for Government of Canada (GoG) follow-up access;

5. At the same time, we would recommend,~ that we develop a more cautious field methodology that would result in fewer detain~s i) being ~and thus ii) requiring follow-up Cdn monitoring.

Document Number I Numero du documend~ -110 -

200911 14





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Consulted: Bloodworth, Hannan Drafted! released: Colvin (charge)

----Original Message---From: LAPORTE Eric -!DR -C4 Sent: April 21, 2007 3:59 PM To: KABUL -GR -C4R; KABUL -HOM -C4R; KABUL -GSRP -C4R; KANDH -C4R; KANDH -KAF -C4R Cc: SWORDS Colleen -IFM -C4; MULRONEY David -DMA -C4; ADLER Jeremy -IFM -C4; McRAE Robert -!DD -C4; BECK Stefanie -!DR -C4; POlTPART Isabelle -!DR -C4; BUCK Kerry -FTAG -C4; PROUDFOOT Douglas Scott -FTAG -C4; ANDERSON Cory -FTAG -C4; GOLBERG Elissa -IRH-GHA -C4; NGUYEN Mi -IRH -C4; NOLKE Sabine -JLH -C4; NDHQ OTT D NATO POL -C4; NDHQ +CEFCOM J9 -C4R; GIBBINS Christopher -FTAG -C4; EXTOTT -!DR -C4; EXTOTTFTAG -C4; EXTOTT -IRH -GHA -C4; EXTOTT -IFM -C4; EXTOTT -DMA -C4; NDHQ OTT ADM (POL) -C4; NDHQ OTT DGIS POL -C4; Correctional Services -BH; Royal Canadian Mounted Police Head Quarter -C4R; PILLAROTT -C4R; DAVIS Christopher -OGD -PCOIBCP -C4R; MOORE-GEROS Lindsay -OGD -PCO -C4R; SINCLAIR Jill -PCOIBCP -C4R; ALEXANDER Vera -OGD -PCOIBCP -C4R; CCATS Subject: !DR-0329: Detainee Diplomatic Contingency Plan

SECRET CEO For ONATO POL: Please forward to Col. N. Anderson, M. Bos For CEFCOM J9: Please forward to G. Oushner, M. Carter For KANOH-KAF: Please forward to M. Laflamme For CSC: Please forward to O. O'COnnor For RCMP: Please forward to Supt. W. Martin For CSIS: Please forward to L. Portelance At the request of DMA and IFM, please find attached the diplomatic contingency plan developed by FTAG and approved by PCO/Bloodworth in the event that Canadian authorities are made aware of credible allegations of detainee abuse by Afghan authorities following their transfer by the Canadian Forces. 2. Please note that the plan does not preclude continued reminders to the Afghan authorities (at all levels) regarding our expectations as to the treatment of detainees transferred by the Canadian Forces. 3. It should also be noted that DND is currently in the process of elaborating a complementary "military" contingency plan that examines possible implications on Canadian Forces activities should credible allegations be brought to the attention of Canadian authorities. Drafted: lOR/Laporte Consulted: FTAG, JLH, IRH-GHA Approved: IDRlPoupart





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