July Inside 44-45

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QUIZ ROCKS  AIRCEL BRAINJAM OPEN QUIZ ‘08… 360 Degrees of Interrogation

QUIZMASTER… BARRY O` BRIEN... Wondering with what kind of questions could he tease you! Which country advertised in the newspaper to fill up the vacant post of cabinet minister? It’s FIJI. What is the national animal of our neighboring country? It is the cow. These are a few samples and trivia which form the basis of O` Brien’s style of quizzing.  Do you dare? If yes, then make a date with him in Shillong at State Central Library on 15th July 2008. Barry has an experience of 2000 LIVE Quiz shows all over the globe. The man who has been billed as the best quiz master in the country is an MLA and is also a skilled communicator, motivational speaker, writer and co-author of general knowledge and general awareness series like Find Out and Get Set Go, published by Oxford University Press.  With his inimitable style of presentation and his repartee, Shillongites will witness some real action in the field of quizzing. It has been his desire to conduct an open quiz in Shillong with the underlying theme being Music.  So AIRCEL BRAINJAM 2008, a quiz with a twist, is 44

July 08

a musical one!!! Why? Here’s why: Shillong has long been considered the bona fide rock capital not only in the region, but figures as one of the top rated music destinations in the country … Music touches lives, unites individuals, pulling and tugging at heart and soul… Ergo, why not the brain?  This is where AIRCEL BRAINJAM ’08 comes in. An extravaganza extraordinaire that is sure to mesmerize and captivate many, to solidify once and for all Shillong’s claims as ‘THE’ place to be when it comes to the anything and everything musical. Come defend your birthright - come defend your freedom of musical expression! The judge – quiz warhorse Barry O’Brien. The defendants – Shillong’s music lovers. Here layeth the chance to express thy musical knowledge… Traditional, contemporary, experimental… Music has always rocked Shillong. Barry O’Brien and BRAINJAM will definitely rock Shillong… The quest for knowledge and love of music are perfect accompaniments to each other.   Flushed with success in Guwahati, the organizers Brain Jam in association with Priya Communication will leave no stone unturned to make this event in Shillong a grand one. The event will carry 1st Prize as package trip to Bangkok and

Pattaya and computers for the runners up. Lots of gift hampers and goodies for the audience too! Mr. Trevor Lyngwa of AIRCEL, the leading telecom player in the N.East says the objective of the quiz is to “inculcate the reading habit among the young generation and establish quizzing as a mind sport in this part of the region.” Trevor further said “AIRCEL will continue to take part in such kind of academic activities in future. As a part of Corporate social responsibility we have drawn up certain plans to promote quiz in this part of region and thought it apt to start with a quiz whose underlying theme, this year, will be on music since it is being held in the new found rock capital of the country, Shillong.”  For the record, the word “quiz” itself owes its origin to an apocryphal event set in Dublin in 1780. As per accepted wisdom, one night, James Daly, a theater manager laid a bet that he could introduce within 24 hours a new word with a new meaning into the English language. Accordingly, during that night, on every accessible wall, he chalked up four mystical letters. When the citizens of Dublin woke up the next morning, they were all enquiring what those letters or that word meant. And that word was?  “QUIZ “   But, all said and done, 15th July is poised for a big Quiz Show. Pamella Lyndem, the organizer has chalked out an ambitious plan to promote the event and create an impact.

Pamella says that the show will be telecast LIVE and with the support from main sponsor AIRCEL and other associate sponsors like the Centre Point Group, TNT, NEDFI, LICI, The Shillong Times & Media Plus, the quiz surely promises to be a grand one, full of entertainment.  So Shillongites, are you ready to face off with Barry O’ Brien? Then see you on 15th July, at 3 pm to be precise, at State Central Library Hall for 360 degrees of Interrogation.  E. P. Blah A. Khanna

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