July 152009 Minutes

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Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes : July 15, 2009 Members present: Others:

Nancy Jones, Sandy Price, Gary Tillotson, Barbara Kulzyck, Dick Bolander Monique Priestley

Meeting called to order at 6:45 PM by Chair, Nancy Jones •

Election of Secretary: Dick Bolander proposed for position of Secretary by Nancy Jones. Second by Sandy Price. Proposition passed and position accepted.

Acceptance of minutes from July 1 meeting: Moved by Sandy Price; Second by Gary Tillotson. Approved. Financial Report: Assets as of June 31


$714.98 $7,916.64 $16,754.00 $10,463.00 $12,589.31 $10,000.00

Conservation Fund Compost Acct. Energy Festival

$57,722.95 $1,106.33 $3,321.37 $2,005.49 $13,239.00


$15,244.49 Total Assets


Notes: 1. Current figure for “Budget/Town decreased due to transfer of funds to LEAF account. 2. Grant of $1250 received July 15th from New England Grass Roots Environment Fund Nancy Jones moved to accept report; Second by Sandy Price. Approved. •

Stewardship Committee: Report by Gary Tillotson that activities are ongoing and progressing satisfactorily. UVLT Monitoring visit by Monica Erhart conducted with Nancy Jones and Gary Tillotson accompanying. Report was favorable. Some issues discussed were: vehicle access to the log landing on the Davis property benefits of brushhogging to better define bounds of property need for outhouse and trash bin(s) and their proximity Move was made by Barbara Kulzyck to arrange for bushhogging the subject area; Second by Sandy Price. Approved Nancy Jones and Barbara Kulzyck both spoke of the metal trail identifiers and property boundary identifiers seen elsewhere and how nice it would be to have similar with BCC logo. Move by Barbara Kulzyck fot Nancy to investigate costs and options. Second by Dick Bolander. Approved Suggestion was made that Nancy Jones draft a note of welcome to hikers, to be posted at strategic location(s), stressing the role of the BCC and the Town of Bradford in making this recreational facility available.

Land Conservation Updates: Estimate has been received from R. Lamprey for appraisal of Wright's Mtn. Abutting Land. Cost of appraisal is NTE $4400. A new UVLT Intern has been assigned to this acquisition project. He and Nancy Jones walked the subject land on July 15th. UVLT suggested that written support from Merchants Assoc. strengthen the application [ Page 1 of 3 ]

Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes : July 15, 2009 •

Conservation Fund Committee: Nancy Jones reminded us that July 17 is the deadline for submittal of photos for the BCC 2010 Calendar. The deadline is driven by lead time for the printer. BCC will have a fund-raising booth at the Whole Hog Festival on August 9 th. We will sell hamburgers, hot dogs, fried dough and cold drinks A “Made in Vermont” festival is scheduled for Sept. 12th. BCC will tentatively have a fundraising booth.

Energy Committee: Date of LEAF has been changed to October 10 to avoid conflict with Monster Truck rally. LEAF has received a $1250 grant from the New England Grass Roots Environmental Fund for the festival. A Neuton lawnmower has been donated for the LEAF raffle. A matrix of facilities vs. presentation needs is under construction. Local merchants are being canvassed for donation of raffle prizes. The movie “Garbage” will be presented on September 25 under the auspices of UVLT, BCC, Vermont Earth Institute and Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District. A preview of the movie “Blue Gold – Water Wars” will be previewed by BCC members at Sandy Price's home on Monday July 20 at 7 PM (BYOP - Bring your own popcorn?) as a potential for future public showing

BCC Web Site: A separate BCC web site has been developed by Monique Priestley. It will be linked to the Town Conservation Commission web page. In short, the work in progress is nothing less than spectacular with links to Facebook photo albums, YouTube videos and all the relevant content and contacts one could wish. Nancy Jones moved that $140 be drawn from the FOWM funds to provide a $100 stipend to Monique for her efforts to date and future, $30 for hosting the web site for the first year and $10 for registration of the domain name. Second by Sandy Price. Approved.

Tire Amnesty: No response received to date from Mia Roethlein of CVSWMD concerning funds for tire amnesty. Disposal of computer equipment is scheduled for September 19. Barbara Kulzyck moved that $40 of remaining Green-Up funds be used to permit disposal of old computers in the basement of the BA. Second by Sandy Price. Current balance of Green-Up fund is $350. Motion approved.

Tree Planting: Sandy Price reported that two red horse chestnut trees have been received at Northern Nursery. Rubinacia trees are due in the week of July 20 – 25. Cost of the five trees is NTE $1200. Estimated date of planting is July 25. Nancy Jones moved that Sandy Price be paid up to $1200 from the tree planting grant for the cost of the trees and delivery thereof. Second by Barbara Kulzyck. Discussion followed on possible costs for planting the trees. It was agreed that any supplemental costs would be based upon a subsequent action from the tree planting grant. Motion was approved.

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Bradford Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes : July 15, 2009

Recreation Path Progress: To date, Nancy Jones and Ed Wendell have scheduled 3 occassions to meet with VT AOT/railroad representatives to examine and discuss access to the Sweet property. To date, railroad representatives have failed to show. Issue is still unresolved. Next scheduled meeting is July 22 at 9 AM.

Other: The Redstart Consulting will conduct a field study/demonstration of the Waits River Geomorphic Study at the South Branch of the Waits River at 5:30 – 7:00 PM on August 17. Their final report will be presented at the BA at 7:30 PM also on August 17. The Redstart Consulting anticipates a grant for planning of remediation work on the Waits River. In the past, BCC has received a percentage of grant(s) for administration of a grant. Nancy Jones moved that BCC continue such administer this river management grant. Second by Barbara Kulzcyk. Passed.

Motion to close by Dick Bolander; second by Nancy Jones. Passed Closed at 8:15 PM

Respectfully submitted, Richard Bolander, Secretary

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