Jpr - Question Bank 2007-2008

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 451
  • Pages: 1
K. K. Wagh Pol ytechnic, Nashik - 3. Department of Information Technology CLASS: TYIF

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

SUB: JAVA PROGRAMMING (JPR - 1526) Question Bank for Sessional Theory Test - II

Describe life cycle of an Appl et. What are the event sour ces and Event Listeners? State differ ent Components. Expl ain Choice component. Distinguish between Appl et and Frame. What is anonymous i nner class? Describe a DataGramPacket class. How choice differs from List Component. Illustrate with example the following functions of Statement i nterface: a. executeQuer y( ) b. executeUpdate( ) Write a note on Adapt er classes. What is Thread? Why use Thread? Why Thread synchr onization is important? What is an event? Expl ain any four Event Li steners with their methods. What is Layout? Explain types of Layouts in AWT. Explain the term Frame and Panel. Write a note on Pr oxy Server. Create an appl et to accept date usi ng <param> tag and di splay that along with message “The Birth Day is: “. What is JDBC? Differentiate JDBC and ODB C. What is Stream? Explain serialization with suitable example. What are different AWT controls? Which components suppor t AdjustmentEvent? What is mouse event? Expl ain various methods of mouse li stener. Illustrate with example, how to connect Java appli cation to the database? Describe the following AWT classes: Button, Text Field and Text Area. Give the syntax for standard applet tag. Describe the init ( ) and stop ( ) methods of Appl et life cycle. Describe JDBC-ODBC Bridge. Describe the following stream classes: ByteArr ayInputStream, Pr intWriter, BufferedReader, FileOutputStream. State the pur pose of DriverManager, Connection, Statement and Resul tSet. Explain Scrollbar, Checkbox and CheckboxGroup wi th example. Describe the use of synchr onized methods. What is difference between T CP/IP and UDP pr ogramming in Java? Explain the use of RandomAccessF ile class. Give the use of showDocument( ), documentB ase( ) and codeBase( ). What is KeyEvent class? How does it activate? Write a note on List & StatusW indow. Explain the differences between Choice & List. Explain ContainerEvent and ComponentEvent class. How do we put appl et onto web page? Expl ain. Describe Byte stream and Char acter stream classes. Explain the term synchronization and Serialization. Describe how repainting of applets takes place with suitable example. State and explain any f our methods of Fil e class.

Mr. Kute T. B. (Subject Teacher)

Mr. Katkade G. B. (Head of Depar tment)

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