Journey 34 - Psionics

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Journey 34 - Psionics The word "psionics" is used in lots of different ways, but here is what I mean by it: "the scientific study of mind, where mind is understood to be a part of nature but completely independent of the brain." After all, the best science in Psychical Research is the lifetime of work by Professor Ian Stevenson, who conclusively establishes the reality of reincarnation. Obviously, that which reincarnates is not any part of the body. This definition immediately suggests that the mind is made of dark matter, since dark matter has mass, and no interactions via the Electro-Magnetic (EM) force. That is why the mind is invisible, intangible and can freely move through solid objects. It is nevertheless the kind of thing that can be studied by physicists, and I think the first significant tests of my theory of the mind will be performed by physicists. Only they have the equipment. Only they can perform the calculations. So how does the mind interact with the body and with nature? By quantum mechanics and general relativity, the two big ideas in 20th Century physics. The root idea of quantum mechanics is de Broglie's wave, and the root idea of general relativity is geodesics. We know that astronomical dark matter has mass; therefore, it is reasonable to suppose that the dark matter of the mind also has mass. Duncan MacDougall, M.D. of Haverhill, Mass., made the only test of this idea, published in the April 1907 issue of American Medicine. This was a small study, of 6 subjects. The best subjects for his purposes were dying of tuberculosis, since they did not struggle or move around on his delicate scales. He found a sudden mass change at death of about 21 grams, origin of the title of the 2003 movie "21 Grams." The MacDougall experiment shows that this hypothesis is testable and in principle, reproducible. See the text of his article at Whatever the non-physical part of a person is, whether we call it mind, spirit or energy body, it has size, shape, internal structure, conservation of energy, and mass. It has two ways of interacting with matter, and one way of interacting with other minds. I refer to these ways of interacting as "powers," since all three can receive or transmit, observe or create. To summarize: [1] Information interactions with matter take place via de Broglie waves. This is how the OBE person sees. The radiation they see consists in the de Broglie vibes constantly generated by both ordinary and dark matter. The aura around the hands and the aura that stretches out from the eyes can absorb or emit de Broglie waves, absorbing information or pushing the probabilities for one physical event over another. We can acquire this psychic power by mere practice. The de Broglie wave is an information wave. It does not carry energy or convey force. This does not imply that a psychic can only switch reality between equal energy states. In quantum theory, highly improbable events, requiring a great deal of energy, sometimes happen. That includes tunneling through a potential energy barrier higher than the energy owned by the particle doing the tunneling. The potential of the de Broglie power in humans is unlimited. [2] The mind can generate physical force by effortlessly twisting or bending the geodesics of spacetime. The sleep-dynamo does this every night in sleep. Every dynamo or generator requires a


resistant force to convert kinetic energy into another form such as nouonic energy (also known as Prana). This resistant force is a rhythmic distortion of the space-time geodesics in sync with the slow labored breathing of non-REM sleep, where the diaphragm and abdomen are pushing against this resistant force. Thus, we all have PK, but only in an unconscious form. The latest idea in physics is String Theory, an attempt at a Theory Of Everything. One of its most remarkable consequences is the necessity of at least 6 additional spatial dimensions, unseen and unaffected by ordinary matter. Teleportation is the first empirical evidence for String Theory, since teleportation requires taking a shortcut through unseen spatial dimensions. [3] Minds interact with one another primarily via the apparitional power. We see people as they see themselves, since everyone constantly emits their self body-image. By changing ones body image, one can change the way one looks, even in the body. The apparitional power can create apparitional reality of varying degrees. Apparitional reality can faithfully reproduce the physical senses of taste and smell, as well as touch and feel, sight and sound, but most apparitions studied by the various SPRs lack such a full degree of reality. The heavens and hells experienced in NDEs are apparitional realities. What one experiences upon death depends in part on expectation, and in part, on what friends and family who have gone before have prepared or imagined. Where are heavens and hells located? Right here, but on different astral planes. There is not a continuous astral dimension. Astral planes are more like discrete quantum states; each having a well developed astral past and future as well as a present, nicely decorated with apparitional creations in 3 spatial dimensions. This is not part of physics, not even the 21st Century variety. Can this theory explain precognition? Precognition is learning about something before it happens. In the physical world, time is an imaginary continuum, not a dimension that one can travel. To put it another way, the physical past and future do not exist. We create time by remembrance of the past and expectations of the future. These memories and expectations really exist in the astral planes, and people who can tap into that can see possible futures, even probable futures, in so far as they have been created by past and present events. That is what the "seer" sees. However, it is impossible to guarantee that physical reality will actually turn out that way. Can this theory explain apports (teleportation)? One possible explanation of apports involves a fifth dimension. Imagining five dimensions is not easy, so consider this analogy. Suppose we reduce the physical world to a sheet of paper, with width representing space, and length representing time. Physics gives us the laws of this sheet of paper, and everything known to physics is on that sheet of paper. Thus, to get from one point in space-time to another, one must traverse all the points in between on the sheet of paper, and we cannot exceed the Einsteinian speed limit that is the speed of light. Suppose we bend the sheet of paper in 3-dimensional space (which represents 5dimensional space) so that two points separated on the sheet of paper come in contact in 3dimensions. At that contact point, an object could levitate across, producing teleportation. This is the mode of interstellar travel in DUNE, by Frank Herbert. Bending geodesics must be effortless for the mind; otherwise, the sleep-dynamo would use up mental energy instead of increasing it. Unfortunately, this theory of apportation does not work. If there were only one humanoid in the universe doing apports at any given time, it might work. That is pretty much true in DUNE. In the real world, there are dozens of species of humanoids visiting us from distant stars and they can all


apport at once. In the Chinese studies, there are four girls doing apports at the same time, in the same place. With all of them bending space-time at once, there is no telling where anything would go. All we really know is that levitation and apports are associated. People who can do one can often do the other. Uri Geller, for instance. Poltergeists produce both levitation and apports. My theory of apports is that the mind unconsciously knows how to take shortcuts through the extra spatial dimensions required by String Theory. We all have this ability, latently, and it can become an actuality in a moment of crisis. I know of some "crisis apports," and I'll bet there are a lot more that never come to the attention of psychical researchers. From the Chinese studies, we know that the unconscious mind knows how to do a controlled apport from here to there. In the remove-the-cigarettes performance, the Chinese girls were able to target specific items on the "here" side. In the flower-bud-into-teacups performance, the Chinese girls were able to acquire the right objects, without knowing where they were consciously, and put them in the right place, on the "there" side. TESTS OF THE PRANA PUMP: Theory is essential to science. Psionics is just Psychical Research plus testable theory. Theories suggest new experiments. Thus, they extend our experience, especially if the experiments are successful. My theory of the mind as a natural object has testable consequences. It requires a physicist who can work the equations of General Relativity to test the existence of the sleep dynamo. We need someone who can calculate how much warping of space-time it will take to resist about one poundal of force. We might be able to observe the warping of space in sync with a sleeper's breathing, with the right equipment. The warping may be enough to bend a laser light beam to a target miles away passing over the abdomen, if we examine the target dot under high magnification. Do this experiment successfully, and win a Nobel Prize. A sensitive gravity meter mounted over a sleeping body (but not touching it) may show gravity oscillations in sync with breathing. If either of these experiments works, physicists will be able to produce Psi phenomena on demand. That would cause an intellectual revolution, with the final defeat of reduction and the admission into the textbooks and universities of the reproducible facts from Psychical Research. Another part of the theory has to do with de Broglie vibrations, absorbed or emitted. If you don’t understand de Broglie waves, read the chapter on “Physics Without Paradox” or at least that part explaining de Broglie waves. I shall describe a device for testing de Broglie phenomena. Build a sparking machine with a cyclic pulse of voltage, much as in a car, in which the humidity and spark gap are controlled, so that one can turn a knob and bring the cathode and anode closer or further apart, or raise and lower the voltage. Provide electronics to tell us what percentage of the cycles produce sparks, averaged over ten cycles or so. Adjust the knob until we are getting fifty percent, so the odds of sparking or not sparking are the same. This is a macrostate that reflects a 50-50 probability on the quantum state level. With an hour or two of practice each day for six months, anyone should be able to push the probabilities to all sparking or no sparking. Once this talent is learned, the practitioner could make engines quit. I base my six months estimate on the time it took Russian children to learn dermooptic vision (seeing with the hands) since that is also a de Broglie effect.


The sparking machine provides the first produce-on-demand Psi control of nature that anyone can learn by simple practice. That might be worth a letter to NATURE too. With practice, we should all be able to learn to do spoon bending like Uri Geller, especially if we had him as a teacher. All the material properties of spoons or anything else are due to the de Broglie vibrations of the component atoms and molecules and crystals. Under a microscope, one can see the disorderly collection of domains that make up a composite material like steel. Somehow, Uri Geller's aura knows how to change this disorder to a more orderly state, a lower energy state, where the domains can slide past one another and allow the metal to flow like molten glass. If this happens on one side and not the other, the spoon will spontaneously bend. If it happens right through the spoon, gravity can bend it, or make it drop off. This is a de Broglie effect, rather than a space-warping effect, since Uri Geller and other spoon-benders have this power under conscious control. Levitation and apports also happen around Uri under some circumstances, but without conscious control on his part. Convergence of physics and psionics: Experiments on the mind may provide tests of the most speculative theories of physics. The sleep dynamo experiment is a test of the reality of dark matter. Teleportation provides evidence for some versions of String Theory. These extra dimensions are not far off, nor confined to minute sub-atomic realms. They are all around us all the time. Physical objects, like eyes, cannot see them. However, mind has the capability of warping higher dimensional geodesics as well as those of familiar space-time. We don't see this extra dimension, but the mind knows how to travel through it, on some deeply sub-conscious level. In addition, since these extra spatial dimensions have only space and no time, it takes no time to take shortcuts through them, even to the other side of the universe. While in-the-body, mind and brain work closely together on an unconscious level to produce perception and animacy. Everything that happens on the atomic or molecular level produces de Broglie waves, which the mind perceives. Since de Broglie waves determine what is possible in nature, and also the probabilities of each possibility, by radiation de Broglie waves, the mind can affect the brain or other parts of the body, or inanimate objects, on an atomic and molecular level. When out-of-the body, the mind has its own forms of perceptions, normally quiescent in-the-body. There are two such forms of perception, one which Shafica Karagulla called Higher Sense Perception or HSP. Shafica was a famous neuro-physiologist as well as a practicing MD. Most of the great psychical researchers have been MDs, because one automatically learns scientific method is learning how to make a diagnosis, which is a matter of eliminating the alternatives. She was always very curious about strange powers, and she eventually found a sensitive with extremely good HSP, so good that she could use it for medical diagnosis. The two worked together, surreptitiously, and "Diane" was at least the equal of Shafica in diagnosis. HSP is seeing the de Broglie vibrations, given off by both dark matter and ordinary matter. It is also a kind of X-ray vision, in that one can focus on successive internal layers of physical objects. Diane could see internal organs, and once saw an obstructed colon, which Shafica missed in her exam of the patient. He was hastily called back, sent to the hospital and operated on. Diane could also see a complex structure of chakras, nadi and auras, pretty much as described in the Book of the


Citadel, or in classical Yoga. It is by HSP that an OBE person can see ordinary physical reality, in the dark as easily as by day, and can see in a 360 degree arc. The other form of perception which automatically switches on when the mind goes out-of-body is the apparitional sense. These two forms of perception work flawlessly together. In a typical NDE, the OBE mind is floating around near their body, observing what the rescuers or doctors are doing, but also "hearing" what they are saying. In the OBE state, one "hears" what someone says just as they open their mouth and begin to speak. This is apparitional perception. When people talk, or even think, apparitional signals are sent out, and I have noticed that some alien humanoids can pick up on these. It is not mind-reading. The thought must be voiced, or voiced silently. Once the physical plane is left behind, and one moves toward the white light, all perception becomes apparitional. Apparitional realities on the astral planes tend to be complete, solid, and vivid, unlike the apparitions that sometimes intrude on ordinary perception while in-the-body. We see people as they see themselves, sometimes older or younger than they were in life. All of us constantly broadcast a self-body-image, which can even change our appearance in-the-body. A psychometrist (also called the "blue sense") can touch a person or their belongings and tune into the astral plane associated with that person, and see their past, present, or probable future. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish past, present or future. Remember that the astral future may or may not come to pass. It can change depending on what the Seer does. There are an unlimited number of possible de Broglie effects. Uri Geller's spoon bending is just one. Don Juan, one of the shamans encountered by Carlos Castaneda, could use his power to make a car engine stop. Some shamans have the ability to make it rain, if there is any moisture in the atmosphere. Dowsers detect the de Broglie vibes of whatever it is they are looking for. Since it is possible to focus on successive internal layers, the dowser can detect things deeply buried under the ground. This is an unconscious power. Some are born with it. Indeed, we could say this about all psi powers. Some people are born with them. But we all have more psychic potential than we know, and may only need to be shown that something is possible, and then we can do it too. That is the explanation of the second Uri Geller effect. Thousands of people watching him on TV found that they could also bend spoons or start up watches.


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