Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore.

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,684
  • Pages: 10
Johnny Doesn't Live Here Anymore. by Gunter O. Swoboda

Gunter O. Swoboda P.O Box 655, Mona Vale NSW 2103 +61299990429 Copyright 2009

CAST Vesna Ludlow

School counsellor


16 year old


Johnny’s Mother


Johnny’s hallucination


Johnny’s hallucination

Dr. James

Johnny’s psychiatrist

2. A simple black, wooden bench occupies the centre of the dimly-lit stage. An empty mirror stands to the side, framing two figures. One, a male, is dressed in black and red, the face covered by a demonic red and black mask. The other is female, dressed in a flowing white gown. Her face is covered by a blank, white mask. They are whispering to each other. Placed around the stage are two women and a man while a young teenager is sitting on the bench, stooped forward, his lonely figure illuminated by a single beam of light from above. Beside him is a small table with a bottle of Johnny Walker on it and a small, white pharmaceutical box. MS. LUDLOW (steps forward, the beam illuminates her) Johnny, it’s Ms. Ludlow, the school counsellor. How are you? Your mum rang earlier. She’s worried about you, you know. Johnny shrugs his shoulder and stares away from her. He nervously chews his bottom lip. (silence) MS. LUDLOW (CONT’D) Come on, Johnny. Help me out here. You know I’m just trying to help you. I know its hard, just coming out of hospital but, remember, what Dr. James said; if you keep taking your medication you’ll be fine. She stops speaking and sighs. MS. LUDLOW (CONT’D) So, anyway, how’s the assignment coming along? She waits for Johnny to answer but he continues to stare into the distance. MS. LUDLOW (CONT’D) When you’re back at school I’m going to give you a letter to take to your form master, Johnny. It’ll give you an extension on the assignment till after the weekend. The lights go off for a moment. The beam of light suddenly illuminates Johnny again.

3. He suddenly sits up and puts his head between his hands and starts hitting himself. Then he stops and looks at the Jack Daniels. He grimaces. JOHNNY (picking up the bottle of Jack Daniels) Welcome back, Jack! He uncorks it and takes a huge swig and then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He sits there for a minute and then stares at the mirror frame where the two figures sway back and forth. Johnny focusses on them and grimaces. JOHNNY (CONT’D) Oh fuck! Not now! Johnny is visibly uncomfortable but seems drawn to the mirror. He takes another swig from the bottle. JOHNNY (CONT’D) What do you want? He gets up and paces around, occasionally casting a glance at the mirror frame. Suddenly Johnny is startled by the sound of a knock on a door. A beam of light illuminates the other woman on the side of the stage. It’s Johnny’s mother. MUM Johnny? Mum pauses, waiting for an answer. MUM (CONT’D) Johnny, can you hear me? She pauses to listen again. MUM (CONT’D) You didn’t say hello when you came home. Are you OK? Johnny steps to the door looking anxious. Again, there is a knocking.

4. MUM Johnny, please answer me! I know you’re in there.(pause) I’m really worried about you. Johnny looks panicked and casts a scared look to the mirror frame where the two figures prepare to step through. JOHNNY Go away, Mum! I’m OK, all right! The two figures move around Johnny like dancers. JOHNNY (CONT’D) Shit! MUM What? JOHNNY Nothing! Johnny steps over to the object in the corner and cautiously touches the frame. MUM Well, there’s a sandwich in the fridge for you if you want it. Dinner is at seven as usual. JOHNNY Yea, yeah. Whatever! He sits back down, and empties the bottle. He looks at the two figures. JOHNNY OK, lets do it! Johnny gets up and paces around the room, a little drunk, his head snapping backwards and forwards as if to the rhythm of heavy metal music. Suddenly, a sharp light hits the black and red figure. It moves seductively around Johnny. RED AND BLACK FIGURE Johnny, Johnny! Where’s Johnny? (pause) It’s time to tell us what you have decided, Johnny. He snickers malevolently.

5. The white figure chimes in, her voice saturated with a gentle, melodious timbre. WHITE FIGURE Stop it, Demonitas! Leave him alone. You’re frightening him. DEMONITAS He should be scared, Angelica, because unlike you, I am about to show him a fate worst than hell. ANGELICA Don’t listen to him, Johnny. You know what he’s like. He gets off on scaring you. And you mustn’t be scared. Being scared makes everything worst. She moves like a dancer around the small space while Johnny sits on the bench, drawing his legs up as if to protect himself. ANGELICA (CONT’D) You know I can help you, Johnny. All you need to do, is come with me. Demonitas struts arrogantly around the stage. He suddenly stops in front of Johnny’s table. DEMONITAS She’s lying, Johnny! Just come with me! He sees a medication box and picks it up. Angelica sits down beside Johnny, stroking his hair in a semi-erotic pose. Suddenly a deep, angry growl emanates from Demonitas DEMONITAS (CONT’D) (holding up the box) What the fuck is this, Johnny? Who’s trying to screw up your head with pills, eh, boy? JOHNNY (timidly) That’s the medication they want me to take. (he pauses, then quickly adds) But I’ve only taken a couple and I don’t like them. I wont be taking them again.

6. DEMONITAS Good lad! You don’t want unnatural things messing you up, do you? Demonitas throws the box through the mirror frame where it disappears. DEMONITAS (CONT’D) Now, then ... He is interrupted by Angelica who has stood up, hands on her hips. ANGELICA Yes, Johnny, tell us, what have you decided? Johnny gets agitated and sits up. He rubs his temples with his hands. JOHNNY I don’t know. (he pauses) You’re all just driving me fucking nuts! Demonitas laughs while Johnny keeps rubbing his head. DEMONITAS I’m not the one driving you nuts, Johnny. Your fears are doing that and if you come with me there wont be anymore fear. ANGELICA He’s lying! Don’t listen to him, Johnny. He’ll turn you into a sinner! Then he’ll make you do nasty, evil things! Come with me, Johnny. DEMONITAS Don’t! All you’ll get from her is just righteous bullshit to drive you crazy with guilt. The righteous are the worst sinners, Johnny, because they are hypocrites as well. ‘It’s all for a higher purpose.’ What bullshit! Demonitas laughs sarcastically. ANGELICA At least I have a higher purpose. Your’s is just purely selfish greed, lust and all the rest of the sins. DEMONITAS Yes, but it’s fun. And it’s not a sin if you don’t feel guilty. Johnny jumps of the bed and away from both the figures who begin circling him like sharks.

7. JOHNNY (screams) Stop it! Stop it! I can’t take this shit anymore! Suddenly there is another knocking sound. MUM Johnny! Open the door this instant! Everyone in Johnny’s room freezes. MUM (CONT’D) Did you hear me, Johnny? Come on, let me in. Demonitas starts snickering. DEMONITAS (mimicking Johnny’s mother) Come on, Johnny, please let me in! Please, Johnny, please! Demonitas moves over to Johnny and leans into him, growling threateningly into his ear. DEMONITAS Yes, Johnny, let me in! ANGELICA No, Johnny, don’t let him in! Come with me and all will be well. You’ll see. The two figures start tugging at Johnny who has gotten to his feet, pulling him from side to side. JOHNNY STOP IT! JUST FUCK OFF!! MUM Johnny, please open this door now! I just want to help. The two figures keep pulling at Johnny and he is barely able to listen to his mother. Mum Johnny, I’ve called Dr. James. He’s here to help you, because I can’t. He just wants to come in and talk to you. Johnny freezes.

8. DemoniTAS There you go, Johnny. You took so fucking long to decide that the mental health squad’s arrived to take you back to that nasty hospital where they’ll torture you and do unspeakable things to you. Demonitas laughs and Angelica nods and strokes Johnny's face. ANGELICA They’ll take you away for ever, Johnny. Don’t let them! Come with me and all of this will stop. A deep but gentle, masculine voice comes through the door. Dr. James Johnny, it’s Dr. James. Remember, we spoke a little while ago. I explained to you what was happening and that we can help you. He stops for a moment. Dr. James (CONT’D) Open the door, Johnny and let me in. We can talk. Demonitas Talk, talk, talk! They always want to talk! What the fuck is there to talk about? For an instant Johnny reaches towards his mother and Dr. James, but Demonitas and Angelica draw Johnny closer to them. Suddenly Johnny’s hand emerges from his pocket. There is a click and the glint of a long blade knife. Demonitas slides his hand seductively along Johnny’s arm and firmly grips his hand. Johnny’s face contorts in pain. JOHNNY (pleading voice) Angelica, help me,!Please! ANGELICA I’m sorry, Johnny! But it’s just a little too late for that!

9. DR. JAMES Johnny, come on! Open the door or we’ll have to break it down!

MUM Johnny, come on! Open the door or we’ll have to break it down! Johnny sobs loudly, his knees buckle but he his held up by Demonitas and Angelica. They pull Johnny towards the mirror frame. Suddenly Demonitas raises Johnny’s hand to his throat. Johnny barely resists. With a swift motion Demonitas draws the knife across Johnny’s throat. The lights go out. It’s pitch black. James (forcefully)

Johnny? Silence. Then ... DEMONITAS Johnny doesn't live here anymore!

ANGELICA Johnny doesn't live here anymore! There is the sound of a door bursting open and the lights come on. On the floor is the curled up body of Johnny. Seeing the boy Mum collapses to the floor.


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