John Muir Academy Technology Integration Made Easy Summer 2009 Syllabus
Chris Longe
[email protected] Phone: 414-333-3118 Deb Tryggestad
[email protected] Phone: 262-894-9503 Introduction: Take your presentations to the next level! Integrate the latest technology into all of your courses!! Answer the question "How did they do that?" Here is hands-on instruction on how to effectively implement instructional technology in your classroom. Use digital cameras and camcorders, LCD projectors, CD's and DVD's. Learn how to integrate resources to create multimedia presentations. Investigate many different tools available on the Internet. Take advantage of the opportunity to try different software and network with colleagues from other school districts. This workshop will help the intermediate and advanced multimedia user. Programs used in this course are PowerPoint, Windows MovieMaker, PhotoStory 3, and Web 2.0 tools available on the Internet such as VoiceThread, Animoto, Voki and DimDim. The World Wide Web, multimedia, and technology are quickly becoming standards in education. Technology is saturating our every day lives. Take advantage of new techniques to actively engage your students. We all know that students learn best by doing. Use multimedia and the web to spice up your most routine activities. Program Standards: The Wisconsin Teacher Standards: Program Outcomes are tied to the Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure: 1. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology, to encourage children's development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. 2. The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active
inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. Measurable Course Objectives Each of the following Course Objectives is linked to one of the Program Standards listed above and is followed by Assessments and Criteria. Course Objectives: • Participants will explore and use technology to enhance student learning • Participants will integrate a variety of technological tools into their curriculum and instruction • Participants will use technology as a presentation tool to demonstrate teaching techniques • Participants will create lesson ideas that teach children to use technology as a tool for learning General Course Expectations • Because of the collaborative nature of this program, it is crucial that students attend all classes. If an absence is deemed necessary, it will be handled on an individual basis. See attendance policy below. • Active class participation is expected. • It is expected that all work will be turned in or presented on the assigned dates. Any deviation from the assigned dates must be cleared with the instructor. Policy on Attendance Due to the collaborative nature of this course, attendance is extremely important. Participants will lose points based on the number of classes they have missed. Participants are responsible for making up any missed work. Policy on Late or Missing Assignments All original course assignments and additional assignments described above should be completed within the course time limits. Work that is submitted after the course has been completed is subject to the provision of the policies and procedures relating to incompletes.
Class Activities and Content
Monday Distribute binders/syllabus Ice Age video: Who are You? Intro of instructors--brief Intro of students--attendance, level of experience, number of credits, district and grade level, platform Housekeeping--bathrooms, lunch, schedule, computer with login, headphones Go over syllabus Teacher pages ( webpage--a good tool!) Terminology (Chris' website - Delicious to keep track of all the information coming at you! (TAG for this class: JohnMuir) Google account and blogging for class (Keep a log of your online accounts!) Video intro to world of technology in the classroom: Pay Attention Web 2.0 intro Video: 3 steps and Web.20 Voki--make an avatar: student samples Animoto show samples (bring photos to create an animoto or take digital photos now or find internet photos) Digital video and databases ( School code Search for videos and download those of interest: samples ITunes: podcast, iTunesU Teachertube & Youtube & Hulu: Mr. Duey Tuesday
Class Wiki--add your finds to this wiki Show Common Craft video: Digital Photography Finding digital pics on the web: Flicker, Ideas, Library of Congress, State Historical Society,, Picasa, DiscoverySchool images, Office images: Creative Commons and copyright issues Animated pics Online editing for pics: fotoflexer, picnic, photobucket
Making your own multimedia: how to use a digital camera, a camcorder, Windows Moviemaker and iMovie Sounds: soundzabound (pay site), (free) Start your "All About Me" powerpoint
Wednesday Afternoon --Introducing these technologies, showing examples and letting teachers decide which to use as their project. Talk about online tech tutorials: atomic learning,, teachertube, youtube, etc. (Blog about any others you find.)
Podcasting: audacity, garageband Voicethread Photostory3 DimDim Skype
Thursday Finding ideas for integrating multimedia at your grade and subject level. Discussion of Wisconsin Model Academic Standards First graders Apple Learning Interchange Google for Educators Discovery Educator's Network (DEN) Work time August 1 More Web 2.0 Introduction and Exploration Work time Short presentation - One project you've worked on this week. Evaluations Final Words
Projects and Assignments (Assessments) 2 credits Participation in class discussions and all activities 5 blog entries on class site 1 voki 1 animoto 1 voicethread (Network with the class) Create a google account Create a discovery learning account Create a twitter account and send a tweet (Network the class--entry on the blog includes twitter name 1st day) Use the class wiki Create "All About Me" PowerPoint Create a portfolio of 5 video clips useful for your classroom (Model Academic Standards) Burn a cd of "All About Me" PowerPoint 3 credits (Must complete all requirements for 2 credits, plus...) --Pick 2 items off this menu and match to Wisconsin Model Academic Standards Create a movie using windows movie maker Create a photostory Create a voicethread Design a webpage Other (with teacher approval)