JISA: Syllabus Worksheet
名前: ________________________________________
9/4/2008 シラバスを読んで英語で次の質問に答えなさい。 1. Students will learn about topics relating to __________________________________ and _________________________________________________________________, through listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Japanese. 2. We will be learning about the history of Japan. Which centuries are we going to focus our study on?
3. What types of style differences in Japanese are we focusing on this year?
4. How many kanji will be introduced this year? How many kanji compounds (jukugo) do you think we will study this year?
5. At least what percentage must you have in this course to take another JIS course in the future (JIS C or D)?
6. What can you do to gain participation points (give at least 2)?
7. What can you do to lose participation points (give at least 2)?
8. In general, how many participation points do you need per week to receive full credit in participation?
9. How much credit do you receive for late work for unexcused absences?
10. Where can you go to get copies of assignments and find out what was done on a day you missed class?
11. Write one aspect of Japanese culture that interests you.