Jesus Youth International Assembly Bulletin

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Jesus Youth International Assembly Bulletin

JYtimes 4 DECEMBER 2009

Making histor From Alpha to Omega

These words shared by His Excellency Bishop Joshua Mar Ignathios (Bishop of Mavelikkara and President of the Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Conference) summed up the essence of the first ever Jesus Youth International Assembly that was inaugurated at the Alpha Pastoral Centre, Kochi, India with 294 delegates participating from 18 countries. Leading into the Inaugural Function was a time of powerful praise and worship led by celebrated worship leader, Elvis Kottooran (India), preparing a place for Jesus in every heart. The Assembly was then dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary, JYtimes 1

All of us have gathered here at the Alpha to reach out to the Omega and go out into the world to proclaim that Jesus is the redeemer.


George Devassy

International Co-ordinator

Revelations like never before! Calling the first ever Jesus Youth International Assembly as “a revisit to all the machineries of the factory of saints”, George Devassy said that this powerful Assembly is a time for us to reflect on what Jesus Youth is being called to. Though the movement has received immense blessings, as we confront the challenges of today’s world, we find there is much to “change and preserve”. He declared that the richness of the thoughts shared during the Assembly, would surely be a revelation of something we have never seen before.

through a Marian procession and prayer led by Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal SJ. Welcoming the dignitaries and participants, Rev. Fr. Thomas Tharayil (JYIT Pastor) described the Assembly as history in the making when the “stone walls of Jesus Youth have come together to look back and look ahead”. Inaugurating the Assembly on the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, His Excellency said in his message that “authority is given by God for service”. He went on to say that the Assembly must be a “boost to go out and proclaim the Lord Jesus who has liberated us”, and that each person present must strive to be a witness of Christ’s love in all areas in a more conscious, mature and responsible way. After the Assembly was declared open, the dignitaries on stage lit the lamp while the Assembly logo was unveiled. Reji Karot (KYCT Co-ordinator) concluded the ceremony with a vote of thanks. - Liss Thomas Jesus Youth International Assembly

Fr.fio’s Corner

Laying a firm foundation

The first module of the International Assembly aimed at fixing the context of the discussions and talks to be held over the coming days. Rev. Fr. Cherian Nereveetil coordinated this module.

‘The power of God’s word to transform us and bring us to full maturity as disciples of Jesus Christ.’ 40 years have passed since the 2nd Vatican Council promulgated its decree, ‘Dei Verbum’, but its impact is not yet seen in the day-to-day life of ordinary Catholics, clergy, religious and laity: “Such is the force and power of the Word of God that it can serve the Church as her support and vigour, and the children of the Church as strength for their faith, food for the soul, and a pure and lasting fount of spiritual life... Just as from constant attendance at the eucharistic mystery the life of the Church draws increase, so a new impulse of spiritual life may be expected from increased veneration of the word of God” (DV, 21, 26). Jesus himself said, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (v 63). So we must make a paradigm shift in our approach to the Word of God that is, to appreciate it as a major source of spiritual nourishment instead of only as a source of enlightenment and guidance. Rev. Dr. Fio Mascarenhas SJ

JYtimes 2

The first presention was made by Dony Peter Chacko. He began with a look at the composition of the world population and then tackled the changing family trends, increasing migration and movement and areas like fundamentalism, money and media. His question was, “The world is on a roll. Are we ready for it?” The impact of Vatican II and its enduring influence on the Church was appreciated in Fr. Sebastian Arikat’s presentation on “The Church Today”. He spoke on New Evangelization, the vast influence

of recent Popes, the impact of World Youth Days and the challenges faced by the Church and reminded everyone of the duty to love and work with the Church. In the third presentation of the module “Jesus Youth Today”, Manoj Sunny touched on areas like Movement, Spirituality, Lifestyle, Formation and Mission of Jesus Youth. Elaborating on the presence of the movement, its evolving working style, small groups and other glittering facets, he reiterated that the movement is indeed growing. - Rodney pereira


Rev. Fr. Cherian Nereveettil, Rev, Fr. Sebastian Arikat, Dony Peter and Manoj Sunny,

Dony Peter

MAnoj SUnny

Fr. Sebastian Arikat

The tendency to enjoy good things in life requires a great deal of money and this is driving people around us in the quest to possess as much of the greenbacks as possible.

As a person whom God has used to serve the movement during two very important phasesfirst when it spread from Kerala to different parts of India and then to different parts of the world-my eyes have been blessed to see the way the movement has grown… And so I am convinced: Our movement is growing; growing Deeper and Higher.

Jesus Youth is a new movement in the Church which ardently loves the mother Church and steadfastly stands for it, works in and through it for the greater glory of God and for the spread of the kingdom of God.

Jesus Youth International Assembly

The bigger picture The SECOND module of the International Assembly aimed at EXPLORING THE FACETS THAT MAKE THE JESUS YOUTH MOVEMENT. sONEY nOBLE co-ordinated this module.


Soney Noble, Rev. Fr. Tharayil, Raiju Varghese, Sunil Nadarajan, Dr. Edward Edezhath and Dr. Beena Manoj

In his paper, “Original Charisms of the Movement”, Raiju Varghese put across in a definitive way the uniqueness of Jesus Youth; the fact that the movement has been constituted by the Holy Spirit with its special charisms and styles. To help the participants better appreciate this dynamic plan of the Spirit for the constant renewal of the Church, Dr. Beena Manoj in her paper traced the

emergence, development and role of the new ecclesial movements. “Joyful Communion” (communion of love within the movement) which enables a Jesus Youth to make relevant spiritual responses in today’s world was reflected upon as the core dynamism of the movement in the paper presented by Sunil Nadarajan. Fr. Thomas Tharayil next presented the identity and distinctness of the Jesus Youth movement,

in its activities, in its relationships, lifestyle and spirituality, in the context of the Church as well as the world. Dr. Edward Edezhath, the last speaker of the session, spoke with reference to some of the Church documents and how these by translating into the life, working and mission of Jesus Youth have become the roots of the movement; from where its vision develops. - Liss Thomas





It is the responsibility of each one of us, the present leaders to submit ourselves for the work of the Holy Spirit, so that the movement becomes more effective in its mission through its unique charisms.

The testing period of our fidelity, a time for verifying the authenticity of our charisms is over. We find that today as we stand at the threshold of our Jubilee, a new stage is unfolding before us: that of ecclesial maturity.

The deepest poverty is the lack of joy, the tediousness of a life considered absurd and contradictory... The true problem of our times is the ‘Crises of God’, the absence of God, disguised by an empty religiosity.

Wherever they come from, whatever they do, whichever group they belong to, a Jesus Youth is an agent of God’s grace there. Jesus Youth is a joyful presence, bringing meaning and value to the secular sphere.

JYtimes 3

The increasing number and growing presence of youth in society and likewise the problems assailing them should awaken in everyone the desire to offer them with zeal and intelligence the Gospel ideal as something to be known and lived.

Jesus Youth International Assembly

Become the channels of grace For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

The Holy Mass on the first day of the International Assembly had Fr. Varghese Chempoly OFM Cap. (Pastor, JY Middle East) as the main celebrant, along with Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal, Fr. Sebastian Arikat, Fr. Kurien Mattom and Fr. Vinod Madathyparambil. Being the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, Fr. Varghese reminded the participants of the great responsibility that the Catholic Church has entrusted the youth to help others achieve their salvation. He also emphasised the immense power of youth to youth evangelisation. Recalling the exhortation Bishop Christopher Prowse from Australia, he asked the international leaders to be an electric current, empowered by the Holy Spirit and thus changing the lives of many around them. Quoting the Bible verse that St. Ignatious Loyola used to transform St. Francis Xavier, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”, he asked the group to be channels for others to experience the power of the Holy Spirit. - DONNA PINHEIRO

Bless the Lord my Soul!

Taize Prayer at the International Assembly JYtimes 4

“ Jesus Youth, led by the Holy Spirit, mindless of criticism or comparison, fearless of any situation, has been driven by a burning desire to bring back the spiritual aspect to the world.” IRENGE CINQ Thailand “I’m proud to be a Jesus Youth especially when I realised a Jesus Youth doesn’t follow the blind obedience principle but rather always looks for answers or justifying reasons, willing to lay down his/her life for the Church and the Gospel.” SIDHARTH JOSE Australia “ I always had many questions regarding the Movement which were clarified during the sessions. ” JEKKO GEORGE UAE

The session was apt as in Germany we see decreasing numbers of family structures, church goers, etc. But despite all these realities we have solace when we look to our movement. As John Paul II said, “to renew humanity we need saints”. I believe we are part of the solution to renew the humanity. Rojo James, Germany It was a time for me to open my eyes to the shocking realities of the world. Even though I knew about these facts I never realised how relevant our role is in to guiding the youngsters in the world today. It is our responsibility to show the youngsters the balanced way of life. Julius Antony, UAE It was very important for me to know where the world is moving today in order for me to understand the urgency with which I need to act locally. Today I’m going to respond by opening the doors of my house. Let people come in; its not about my efficiency but more about my availability; I’m sure if I make myself available, I’ll be an effective instrument in the hands of the Lord. Jacob Jose, Bangalore Jesus Youth International Assembly

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