Jcn Q And A

  • July 2020
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Basic Q and A

Sheree Denise Rainbolt-Kren

(a work in progress)

WHO ARE YOU? My name is Sheree Denise Rainbolt-Kren. I am married 22 years. I have children and live in the Northeast United States. I am a professional Dowser, Writer and online store owner. My income derives from the making and selling of handmade pendulums and charts. I also produce a monthly magazine called, PENDULUMS. I host several online groups. I am in my sixth year working full-time online. Previous to that, I taught children’s acting and produced children’s theater. Prior to that I was a professional actress and director in LA and NYC. I began a spiritual awakening in 2000. Along the way, I have managed large stores and small stores, owned a large Vintage shop when I was 22, and also had my own dance show in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have been acting/directing and teaching acting for most of my adult life- regardless of what other job I held. It’s what I loved. My young life was all about dance and theater.

These days, I spend most of my time in research for a new numeric system called JESUS CHRIST NUMEROLOGY. This is a system unlike any other, and nothing like traditional numerology. I also spend considerable time on my Reiki Forum, as I do practice Reiki / Teate consistently. I am your average mom. You wouldn’t know by looking at me that I do out of the box things. I look like someone who would bake you cookies and be on your Boosters Club. I do both things. WHAT IS JCN? Jesus Christ Numerology is a rather deep numeric system that could take years to understand or translate accurately. But, what I gleaned thus far has been life changing. While there has been other intersections with other important info, it’s JCN, and it’s alignments that show me that there is so much that humans do not know about their source, their evolution, their Self and the nature of energy and time. JCN is a system built on the English alphabet- forward and backward. I have learned that there are many things that numbers can do to hide or transform from prying eyes. Intentionally. JCN is not a new system. It’s ancient. The English alphabet is not it’s Source, though is was likely created upon this numeric concept. The system will work with ALL other systems- though I am only looking more deeply at that. The English alphabet can be used with other language systems, when using the process of JCN, to learn from in meaningful ways. WHO DID YOU FIND IT? It found me. In late 2006 I was getting inspiration to learn about THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA. I had no real prior interest. When I started dowsing in about 2002, I began to feel energy much more. Dowsing also increased my intuitive skills. I began to feel a push to explore the net about the Great Pyramid and how it may be responsible for some kind of communication that takes place between the physical and non physical realms. I had no idea where to begin looking, but felt it was something I needed to do. I posted requests for leads on my own forums and on other dowsing groups. One person responded to me and sent me a link. What I found was astounding. The most important being that there is a DATE LINE in the building itself, that matches our world history. A little while later, I happened to be dowsing on some charts, and found myself on THE GODDESS chart. I had never checked that before, for me. I did this time and asked who would like to partner with me in my life at this time.

The name the pendy pointed to was HATHOR. I had no idea who she was, which was a let down at the time. I set it aside, and made dinner. I never expected to use the chart again. I mean, if you can’t give me a name I know, never mind. lol A little while later, I was speaking with a numerologist friend about the work HE was doing, and he mentioned the name Hathor and The Egyptian Book of The Dead. It was very odd. I had long ago learned not to ignore anything that shows up twice. It was then my numbers journey began, albeit un-named. I had no idea it was going to be a numbers system and I had no idea that my birth name would be an exact HV match to HATHOR THE COW GODDESS. I had no ideas my dreams would be explained, numerically. I had no idea that I had named my daughter 22 h and my son 22 h as matches to the daughter I had lost on 4/22 In 1987. Twenty Two has been our family number for 20 years. I had no idea that my birth name would be an exact match to my daughters birth date 3/24. I had no idea that my married name was destined and my Reiki journey was destined, and that I align, numerically with the word DOWSING. I had no idea that the numbers I had been seeing on digital clocks - in the form of 11:11, could be explained using JCN. I had no idea that the 7:17 I had been seeing would turn out to be the mother load. I had no idea that the intense dream I had 10 years ago about a 747, would be the number of my birth name, plus it’s reverse ( 324 + 423 = 747). Hathor is an exact match to the word LILITH. She is said to be the first wife of Adam, until she got sassy and spoke the secret name of God, then rode off on a broom somewhere. Fact is, JCN has shown me a very different Lilith and a brand new way of seeing my feminine self. I named my daughter Lily long before JCN. For the Jesus flower of forgiveness. I had crossed a spiritual threshold when she was born and I knew that the days ahead would be different. Very. Since early 2007 I have been completely obsessed and insane with numbers. Every once in a while I would wonder if it wasn’t all just coincidence. Now I know: there is no such thing. Everything is numbered…intentionally. When you know your numbers, you will understand why this is important.

WHY DID YOU NAME IT JESUS CHRIST NUMEROLOGY? Because that is what felt right, though I had NO idea what would actually come of it later. Jesus is a Teacher in my life. But, I have many teachers. The Source of this system is using the life and death of Jesus Christ for all kinds mind control. There is no other figure in human history that has so effectively made people go blind. The system itself may have been created by dark intention, to hide agenda and ID. That’s what I believe at this time. Hathor / Lilith is showing it to me because very little of what you have read and been taught is true. After almost two years of this, I am of the belief that it is Lilith who is the true mother signature of Jesus of Nazareth. The name Christ means ANNOINTED ONE. It was not the true name of Jesus. The more pure name for Jesus is JESUS OF NAZARETH. It’s in that name where his power and light reside. I know this from the numerical alignments. I don’t want to use this Q and A doc for explaining all of that right now, but I have written and spoken on it extensively. You might wish to read the long archive on The Pendulum Forum. I don’t see myself writing a book. I see myself working on the numbers and sharing the more important insights, as I go along. This is not something to attach to. It’s for now. As our world prepares for 2012. There are 17 lost years of Jesus. Years that are not recorded. Where did he go? What did he do? Could he have journeyed to Asia, his original homeland from some earlier Field, and the home of his ancestral parent/s. His Jewish ID was not all he was. It was another intersection.. An attempt to teach the truth - again, and so it goes through-out history. If you are going to take up JCN, then you will need to open your mind. Clear the slate and be ready to start new. You won’t be able to ignore the numbers that appear. It would be impossible. But, the numbers will show you a different history. It won’t be in black and white. The system is designed to deceive. But, you will see enough, and over time, you will know what others have known for ions. IS JCN THE TRUTH OF ALL THINGS ? Well, that’s a loaded question. Define truth. For me, it is instructional and inspiring. It makes far more sense to me than many of the teachings I received in church, or from my parents. Does that make it true? For me, it’s tempting. You will answer that for yourself, once you do your own numbers, and take this route, if you want. IS JCN A LANGUAGE UNTO ITSELF Essentially, I would say it is. But, easy to learn.

WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND WITH MATHMATICS? I flunked 7th grade math. I think they called it Algebra. I didn’t get fractions, and decimals scared me to death. I spent my days in math class either crying, or dreaming about Captain Kirk. I believe that the beings here on planet earth with no match skills are without those skills for a reason. I believe this numeric system of communication and mission, is intended for people who don’t think like math people. Though, certainly, math people can learn it. It is a very straightforward system of adding, dividing, multiplying and - to a large degree - after the numbers come in, a system asking for a person’s intuitive mind. IS THERE A BOOK ON THIS YET? No. But there are literally thousands of pages of writings and materials on my research available on the Pendulum Forum - in the files. It’s all free.

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