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  • Words: 243
  • Pages: 6
Q &A Script 用 what 可以詢問"什麼東西"或是"職業" : 那我可以用 What are they? 這樣的問句來問是什麼東西嗎?? : 還是一定要用 What are these/those? : 那假使我問一群人的職業 : 是不是可以用 What are they? : 拜託幫我解答一下 : 謝謝

1.What 用以詢問「什麼東西?什麼事情?什麼職業?」 2.What 後面常接名詞,What+名詞...?=「什麼…」

.What is that? 問「什麼東西」.What's the boy's name?        .What do you have in your bag? 問「什麼事情」.What do you know about it?        .What is the e-mail about?

問「什麼職業」.What does your father do? He's a teacher        .What is Mr. Brown? He's a doctor


.What sport do you like?

       .What food does he like?        .What color are your shoes?        .What kind of fish is this?


問東西一定要東西的受詞 these/those

: 那假使我問一群人的職業 通常很少問一群人的職業 問一個人做什麼就可以 what is he/she

請問 what for 和 for what 的不同在哪? 用法為何囉謝謝

請問 what for 和 for what 用法 -----

其實"what for"與"for what"是同義的,表示"為啥/為那樁"的意思.其文法上的原 理如下:


把肯定句"He gave it to someone."(他把它給某人了) 改成疑問詞疑問句:

Who did he give it to ? = To whom did he give it? (他把它給誰了?)

可以看到,上述句子的介詞"to ",位置可以如上兩種,意思不會改變.

同理來看 "for what" 的情況:

把肯定句"He sold it for money." (他為了錢就把它賣了) 改成疑問詞疑問句:

For what did he sell it? = What did he sell it for ? (他是為了什麼把它賣了?)


但在口語裡,因為有前後問答的關係,所以類似上面的完整問句就會用簡短 的"片語式"問句替代,此時前面那句問句就會簡略為"For what? ",而後面那句 就簡略為"What for? ",一樣地,兩者同意思.


A: "The boss fi red John ."

B: "Fo r what? (= What fo r? )" (完整問句 "Fo r what did the boss fire John." = "Whtat did the boss fire John fo r.")

底下是 Longman 英英字典解釋"What for",即註解是"spoken"(口語語詞)


spoken wha t (...) for? a) used to ask why someone does something (用於詢問某人為何作某事) 'She's decided to work part-time.' 'What for?'

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