Jcekal - English - The Time Is At Hand

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  • Pages: 4
The Time Is At Hand Does it seem strange unto you that this great Galilean has, in this day, rose to immortal fame in the minds of the people? For it is thus written of Him, and the Scriptures cannot be broken: the whole world has gone after Him. He is the stone the builders rejected. The same has become the head of the corner. Other foundations can no man lay. Let every man take heed how he builds thereon. Having built walls, you daubed it with untempered mortar, and there is not one stone left upon another that shall not be cast down. God called Solomon to build His house. He said He would set His name upon it. That house was a natural building, soon to be torn down, but being a symbol of spiritual things to come. Solomon portrayed a shadow of the kingdom age, when miracles had played their part in the past in the lives of the prophets and the warriors of old had make their conquest, all this having been done, yet the house of God remained unbuilt. The Red Sea had been divided by the mighty power of God. The mount of God smote with His fiery indignation. The sun had stopped in its orbit at the command of man. The giants were overthrown and the Canaan land taken, yet the house of God remained unbuilt. Then was sought the gift of wisdom, the only gift that could build the house of God. For it is the mind of Christ so powerfully portrayed through the human body. It brought in the kingdom age and caused all the land to be at rest, for the knowledge of the Lord shall fill the earth. The Lord said in His word, if your ways please me, I will make your enemies to be at peace with you, and Solomon's ways pleased God. He had asked for the one gift that it takes to please God, seeking to understand God and His ways. Every man's ways are right in his own eyes, but are they in agreement with the word of God? Behold, I give you power over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall be any means hurt you. To whom does He speak? To all those whose ways please God. Solomon's enemies were at peace with him. He had plenty of time to think right and find the wisdom of God. I ask you this question: are you sick and oppressed? Is your mind gloomy and overshadowed with thoughts of doubt, fears, and worries, which things are the stronghold of Satan, which channels he uses to malice the body. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the wisdom or the word of God. Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts

itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into every thought to the obedience of the mind of Christ. Your enemies will be at peace with you. The miracles have proved our God to the world. The prophesies have foretold of His great events. Tongues have been a sign to the unbeliever, interpretations have expounded the secrets of the heart. Government and helps have found their place greatly misused at times, yet all things have done their work well. But only His appearing radiating through the human body will destroy the knowledge of perversion and destroy the man of perdition with the brightness of His coming. In the natural, He shall appear and every man shall behold His coming, but beloved, we look not to those things that are temporal, but to those things that are eternal. For in the physical realms in the physical sense, He has appeared the second time without sin unto salvation to them that look for His second appearing, as the Holy Ghost. For the law and the prophets were until John, since that time, the kingdom of God has been preached and men press their way into it. Jesus said to preach the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Philip's message at Samaria was the kingdom of God and the name Jesus. Proof of the fulfillment of time for the kingdom age. God sent forth His Son in the fullness of time, born of a woman, made under the law. He said in the fullness of time, He would gather all things together in heaven and earth into the body of Christ. Christ confirmed this by saying, "All power is given unto Me in heaven and earth." The writer said that by the one Spirit we are baptized into one body (body of Christ). The Bible says that the kingdom of God is within you, and John 4:24 says that God is a Spirit. The Bible calls Him the Father of spirits, because we are spirits in bodies of clay, and angels are spirits also, for He said I make My angels spirits. Devils are spirits, or fallen angels, because when the seventy that He sent out returned with joy, He said rejoice not because the spirits are subject unto you. In the physical realm of revelation, Satan was cast out of the heart of man into the physical body, which is made of the earth, shows Satan's fall from heaven to earth. For Paul said, "In my body there dwelleth no good thing." Now then, the kingdom of God in man's heart has no accuser of the brethren. Christ, the Spirit, makes intercession from the garden of our heart with groans and moans that cannot be uttered, being touched by the infirmities of our body that grieves the Holy Spirit whereby we are sealed unto the day of redemption (the redemption of the body).

The kingdom of God within has justified, predestinated, glorified, and sealed our soul until the redemption of the body. Paul said that we wait for the redemption of our bodies, which shall take place in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. We will receive the spiritual body. John said that he that is born of God does not commit sin. He cannot commit sin for he is born of God. Every sin is without the body, Paul said, except the sin of fornication, which is against the body. Christ died to remove sin in the flesh in God's sight. If you have been born again, you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, saith Paul. That which is born of Spirit is spirit, Jesus said. As it was appointed unto man once to die, and after this, the judgment, David said that God broke that appointment. This He did by taking our place on Calvary, smitten of God for us. Jesus said, "He that keepeth My sayings and believeth on Me shall never see death." Paul said, "Behold, I show you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed." Enoch went away in a whirlwind, and Elijah by a fiery chariot. Paul was caught up into the third heaven. John was caught up into the heavens. The angels ministered to the apostles, and they minister to the heirs of salvation. We are spiritual beings and in the Spirit. We can fellowship angels, who are also in the Spirit. Where two or three are gathered together in His name, there He is in the midst. We are in heavenly places, hid with Christ in God, whom the heavens have received until the time for the restitution of all things. We are not of this world, for He has chosen us out of the world. Having been judged by the Word of God, judgment beginning at the house of God, our sins were remitted by the forbearance of God and not retained. We are saved by faith in the finished works of Christ. We receive an inheritance by predestination with Christ. We are buried in His death by water baptism in His name, baptized not to remit our sins but for the remission of our sins, which the Scriptures says are past, through the forbearance of God. Not baptized to the death but for the dead. Not the body that sins shall surely die but the soul that sins shall surely die. Though the body is unredeemed, it is secure by the works of Christ as the body of Christ through God's mercy. For blessed is the man to whom God will not impute sin, saith the Scriptures. Blessed is the man to whom God imputes righteousness without works, for where there is no law, sin is not imputed. Taken from the curse of sin, we are redeemed by faith. Attributes of good works will show in our lives if Christ is there, not to justify, but rather to show justification in the soul. Christ within you, your hope of glory.

Christ springing from within the kingdom in our soul, radiating through the body by the light of His knowledge, taking a bodily earth, without form, shaping it into the body of Christ, driving away the spiritual thorns and thistles (demons, sicknesses, fears, and death). The shekinah glory of God changes our old physical earth into the new earth of health, joy, and happiness, burns the chaff with unquenchable fire, and we enter into the promised land of God's Word by faith, with thousands of promises to be enjoyed. The kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of God. We have passed from death unto life, being perfected by the bond of perfection, which is charity. We have been translated into the marvelous kingdom of our God. We have escaped the pollution of the world through Christ. His Word spoke this world into existence; likewise, He is speaking this world out of existence by the revelation of His Word. From faith to faith of His promise, we travel in our soul on a journey the world cannot see, moving from realms of time into an eternal creature by faith, which works by love. The angel shall set one foot on the land and one foot in the sea, and declare that time shall be no more. The angel said that the time is at hand, let him that is unjust be unjust still, and he that is righteous be righteous still. We can throw away our calendars, which mark our days. Time, which sprang from eternity at the garden, shall merge into that one great eternal day. I believe the last minute change is soon to come. God is speaking the world out of existence every day, and eternity into existence by the revelation of His Word, for He said it shall not be you that speaks but your heavenly Father within you. By Rev. George Leon Pike Sr. Download a ZIP file of this document

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