Excerpts From The Spirit World

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  • Pages: 4
The only sure means of understanding Godliness is through the Mind of Revelation; revelation, of course being the mind of Christ revealed. The age of the Protestants is finished; it has finished its course. The Sun of the Gentiles is setting in this western world of ours. The light of the world, which is the ministry, or the true elect church, is now going out. The lesser light of carnality or Roman rule, which is only a religious form of reflection of the great gospel light, is moving in as the night appears. The moonlight is here. The wandering stars of darkness, enveloped by the red dragon tail of communism, are covering the earth in its Negro type. The sunlight of civilization is withdrawing from a wicked generation, returning it to its original gospel habitation in the eastern world, for that great appearing of our Lord, Jesus Christ, As He enters the eastern gate of Jerusalem. He came as a peasant the first time so that blindness in part could come to bring in the Gentiles until their fullness is come. Now Israel will receive Him as their King and Lord. Paul preached the Gospel in Asia, and it was spread throughout the eastern World. The Sunrise turned to High Noon over Rome, through the heated wrath of God, the Great Light, upon the Martyrs, which were the Lambs body, or the Church, for the atonement of Men’s Sins, these martyrs died. The Roman antichrist, in his type, slew a lamb church of martyrs, but now, the same Gospel Light is turning into a bloodshed red in the western hemisphere, as a great massacre is about to take place between light and darkness. The Journey… Many people will miss the rapture because it is an inward work, the Kingdom of God within You. Humanity seeks it by observation, or after the outward appearance, while God looks upon the heart. The separation from Egypt is the outer man perishing through self denial; not the body, but the inbred satanic mind and system that has robbed God of His creation, Pharaoh and His followers perishing in the Red Sea of Calvary, by means of the crucifixion and the atonement.

Transology: 1st step Translation : Instantaneous change or Translation of the spirit into the inward Kingdom of God. 2nd step Transformation : Transformation of the Mind, The progressive journey through the wilderness of Sin battling the evil forces that inhabit the body or the serpents that strike us as did the serpents did the children of God in the wilderness of Sinai or Sin. From Faith to Faith 3rd step Transfiguration : Transfiguration of the body, or conquering the Outer man not I that live but Christ that lives within me, from the world of sight to the world of faith, through the wilderness of Intellect. To transfer this intellectual remembrance into a heartfelt conviction of faith, is to make glorification manifest in the body, a translation by Faith, wrought by the transforming of the mind from carnal mortality to spiritual immortality, right into the Kingdom of God, just as Enoch did. We know it was 2000 years from Adam to the flood and the earth was covered by water. It was 2000 years from Noah to Jesus, and the world was covered by His Blood. It is 2000 years from Jesus to the Millennium, and the spirit covers the earth. The Law to the Jews – 1st Heaven Grace to the Gentiles – 2nd Heaven Revelation to the Elect – 3rd Heaven

The Natural Jews are Gods time clock in the Night or 12 tribes and 12 hours of darkness. The Spiritual Jews are Gods time clock in the day, 12 apostles 12 hours of daylight. Calvary was the Midnight cry, or the end of one day the beginning of a new day. Jesus being the mighty angel in Revelations, having one foot on the land and one on the sea. One foot in the natural, one foot in the Spiritual, Being both Man and God. Israel having 12 natural Sons, Jesus having 12 Spiritual Sons. Christianity like Israel became a body name of a Spiritual Nation.

Glory of God God said, “I will not give my glory to another” but we are not another, we are His own Body. Jesus said, “Father glorify these with the glory I had with thee before the foundation of the world by foreknowledge”. The greater glory which was God, the great Spiritual light of glory, in the form of the mind of Christ, instilled within the human being not a photo type or an intellectual comprehension of religion or godliness as it was with the Jew; God shining through the veil of Human Intelligence, the lesser light, , but the rent veil, where the atom is split and the dynamic power of the nucleus within the thought revealed; that is to say Christ in you the hope of Glory, the babe within the fleshly womb of mankind, the glass darkly, being our own human intelligence, the veil over our hearts in the reading of the Old testament types and shadows eradicated; the perverted image of the beast destroyed, through the transformation of change, with the brightness of His Revelated Coming, thus, ending the image of beastly constitution of human intelligence, thus constituting by Divine Revelation and the Knowledge of God from Glory to Glory, His own Image, The Sons of God.

A brief summary of Death being conquered. (A Much deeper Mystery here than what is made known) If Sin exist and got its strength by the Law, and Death by sin,; If there is no Law in that it has been folded up and laid away, every jot and tittle fulfilled by Jesus, then there is no sin, For sin received its strength from the Law, If there is no sin, there is no Death, In that Death has lost its sting, If there is No death, then the grave has no Victory, thus explains why we are free by the works of Calvary from the Law of Sin and of Death, No one has to die anymore! He that is born of God (born again) cannot sin. In his inward man he is Christ that lives.

The Trump of God. What is the trump of God? It is the voice of God. It is the Lord Himself. We are His bone and flesh and He lives inside of us. The word tells us, It shall not be you that speaks but your heavenly Father (God) speaking from within you. Lift up thy Voice like a trumpet! The Trumpet of God, His own declaration of Himself from the Kingdom, His Kingdom that is WITHIN YOU! He comes forth and descends from the Spirit within or heaven, the Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God are the same, and descends into our bodily earth with a declaration of Himself, that we are His own and we are bought with a price and we are his very own Bride and Lo He has married us as His Spirit (God) and His Body ( Us) become one, the great marriage supper of the Lamb, The Lion (Spirit) shall lay down with the Lamb (Body). What is the Voice of God? It is Him revealing, declaring himself to us as to who we are in Him, The same way he revealed to Jesus whom He was, He is doing the same to us, for Jesus was the firstborn among MANY brethren, that was to follow and would receive the same revelation from the same Spirit in the end time.

3 Worlds. Noahs day represented water baptism of the body (Old World) because the water was upon the natural earth. Jesus’ Day shows the baptism of Blood or fire, because it was to cleanse the physical earth of the soul (Present World). Peters Day was the cleansing of the Spirit, the angelic part of man, or angelic world, (Future Millennium World). Pentecost was the 3rd witness but God suffered it to die out to the minds of the people by the death of the apostles and the dark ages of the sleeping virgins. This way God withheld the testimony of the third witness from mankind until the latter times which is the restoration of the Church, raising it to power and an oneness with Him. The Old Testament to the Jews and the Law. The New Testament to the Gentiles with Grace. The Holy Testament to the Elect with Righteousness. (The Revelation of Jesus Christ) The Time is at hand. Outer Courts where the beast (Body), (Law) were burned typified by the Jews. Inner Courts (Holy Place) where the (Blood), (Grace) was carried typified by the Gentiles. Innermost courts (Holy of Holies) (Revelation = Ark of His Testament = 3rd Holy Testament) where the sweet smelling perfume (Spirit) was made for the Elect. This perfume when touched by the coal of fire from the altar made a sudden beautiful vapor (Cloud) that filled the temple, Behold He cometh with Clouds! As the Church is raptured away and a cloud receives us from there sight, in that we are hidden with Christ, whom the Heavens have received, until we are to be revealed in the end time. The Jews had a Government in their day; the Gentiles have a Government now, though it is coming to an end. The Church, Elect, Sons of God, have never had a Kingdom as to a natural Kingdom to rule this world, but are about to come into Power such as this world has never even dreamed of to rule for 1000 Years in the millennium, There rulership will be so powerful that the world will be at peace, and even the great Dragon will be bound by them during this glorious time and not be able to make trouble. Those that do not come to The New Jerusalem, Spiritual Jerusalem (Not the Natural Jerusalem, referred to as Sodom and Egypt) will have no rain on their crops and their eyes will consume from their heads and their thighs will rot. “I will make them come and bow at your feet, and know that I have loved you”. Do ye not know that the Saints shall rule and judge the world? 7 Seven 7 seals in Revelations: A Seal is a Spirit, “Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit by which you are sealed”. A Spirit is a mind, a mind denotes an understanding, an understanding that has been veiled or hidden away, a Mystery now about to be unveiled, or Revealed, thus a Revelation a revealing of a SuperNatural knowledge that has not been known before about to be made known to the elect, the Church, the Bride.” Be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind”, My words are Spirit and they are Life”, words denoted thoughts, thoughts constitute a mind, a mind brings about a nature or personal attributes we call a Spirit. Spirits are also known as Angels. The Book Jesus said “Lo, I come in the Volume of the Book” “Search the scriptures (book) these are they that testify of Me”. “Ye are Epistles (books) known and read of all men. The Book (Jesus) was opened, (rent veil) and then the Books (Elect) were opened. The Book was opened at Calvary and the Elect read and believed what was written therein. The Books were opened and the world was judged by what was therein. What you do to these you have done unto Me.

7 Candlesticks Candle – The Spirit of Man is the Candle of The Lord – each candle is a Man, a Son of God. What good is a candle without a flame to light it up? Does Gods Candles have a flame? Sure! “He makes His Angels, Spirits, and His MINISTERS, A Flame of Fire! 7 men called and chosen of God that have stood in His presence, anointed of God to bring a greater light of Understanding to the Church. A Lamb (body of Christ – The Church) with 7 eyes or 7 fold light of knowledge, eyes of understanding. What Light? The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Revealed from faith to Faith as understanding comes forth till the end time and it would turn into a 7 fold light, a brightness of His coming. 7 Thunders – The Voice of God Himself is Thunder, He always thunders when it is a great event about to transpire, a declaration of a new move, a new work, a new understanding, a new anointing. It has greatly to do with the War in heaven between Michael and Lucifer, and the dispute over the Body of Moses. It has to do with the Witting or understanding the redeeming of our Bodies as to say How Death is conquered, the secret Enoch discovered, and Elijah discovered. Partaking of the Tree of Life to live forever, Naturally speaking. (A Much greater Mystery here, but what is revealed in those Thunders, cannot be revealed to the World, they are the secrets of the most High). 7 Angels – Anointed Ministers for 7 ages that was to come like Paul the Apostle for Instance. 7 Trumpets or Voices, a Voice indicates a message, a knowledge to be brought to the people to come to a greater walk with God. 7 Spirits of God in 7 men each with a message for that age. Each anointed man of God in that age lifting up His voice like a trumpet, not him speaking but God speaking from within Him, hence the voice of God, the descending from heaven, the trump of God.We had a place of Ownership before we were Lost, or else how could we have been Lost. And we are found again. The Fall in the Garden indicates we must have been a higher being before we fell or had a place we were to have fallen from. So we catch a small glimpse of what Jesus meant when he said I came from Heaven and I go back to heaven, in that there are 3 Heavens we see that we fell from the 3rd Heaven down to the first Heaven. The middle wall of partition is the second heaven, where the Dragon is that keeps us in bondage to this world, so we also see why Jesus came and hung between Heaven and Earth and a door was opened a passage was made to go from this world to that world. Satan was cast out of heaven, what heaven? The Second heaven. John said I saw a Door open in Heaven, Peter saw this door also when He received the Key to the Kingdom and He took that Key and Opened that Door, to the Gentiles at the house of Cornelius, Peter saw a revelation, he saw and answered the question of who Jesus was, when he said “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God”. Paul also saw this door and John the Revelator saw it also and even heard a voice that said come up hither, (The Rapture) and He was in the Spirit, when was this to happen, He said “On The Lords Day”. The Day of the Lord, The Sabbath Day, the Day of Rest, The Millennium, the 1000 years as a Day, indicating that when the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Final Message to go to the bride or Elect begins to sound by the last angel, that would finish the mysteries of God, and that it meant the end of the present world and the beginning of the new world, the end of the Gentiles and the beginning of the reign of the Man-child or the many membered body of Christ. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the Coming of the Lord, The great and terrible day of the Lord, for when it comes it means the Time is at hand. What time? The manifesting of the Kingdom of God, no longer hidden in the Spirit but now as it was with Moses, for the Lord told Him, Moses what you see in the heavens make a pattern of it on the Earth, manifest this Spiritual Kingdom, for Christ said My Kingdom is not of this world, but we see it later descending out of heaven out of the Spirit into the earth as the New Jerusalem, as a bride adorned for Her Husband. The Time is at hand, the time for the manifestation of the Sons of God, when the Sons of God come and correct the disorder of all things and restore what the cankerworm got and what the devil destroyed and bring all things back to a full restoration and a restored earth for a 1000 Year reign of Power, Peace and Restoration. We have the Father – Law – Jews, and Mother – Grace – Gentiles, and now we have a Child of Righteousness – Children of God, and it is their time to rule and bring about a new thing. This is Gods new Thing and only the Elect can receive this. Even So, Come Lord Jesus.

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