Java Lab Questions

  • Uploaded by: Ramaguru Radhakrishnan
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 895
  • Pages: 5
Java & Internet Programing lab(Part –I&II) All the programs the input must be given by the user 1.Method overloading (input from console also) 1. To find the area of geometric objects 2. Addition Method overriding  -using super  -using dynamic method dispatch 2.Interfaces and packages(getting the input from console) 3. To sort the numbers in a given array 4. To sort the string in a given array. 5. To find the roots of an quadratic equation 6. To generate n prime numbers 7. To perform arithmetic operations using switch case 8.

Sum, product and reverse of a given number

3.Exception handling 9. Predefined Exceptions handling Examples to illustrate ArrayIndexOutOf Bound Exeption NumberFormatException, NullPointerExeption 10. Custom Exception CheckedException UncheckedException 4.Streams 11. Prog for •

Reading input from a file and displaying it in the console

Reading input from two files and storing it in a third file

Read the input from the program itself and write to the file

Getting input from user and storing it in an array and write into a file

Concatenation of files

Appending information to files

Word Count, Line count. Counting the occurrence of a particular string

Usage of File properties-exists,delete,available,etc

5. Threads Producer Consumer problem 12. -Generating numbers 13. -Generating characters

Advanced Java Programming 6. Applets 14. -Event handling in buttons and checkbox. 7. TCP/IP Socket 15. -msg communication from server to client. 8. UDP communication 16. -msg communication from server to client. 17. -msg communication from client to server. 9. JDBC 10. Servlets 18. -processing a HTML form 11. RMI 19. interface programs(sub division 2 in core java programs)

Sample Questions 1. a. Write a java program to perform the arithmetic operations using the concept of method overloading •

Get two inputs Integer and the output must be a float.

Get two inputs Float and the output must be an Integer.

Write a java program to perform the concept of method overriding for calculating simple interest of 3 banks A,B,C. using dynamic method dispatch Bank A’s rate of interest-10%, Bank’s B rate of interest-9%, Bank’C rate of interest -7% Design the HTML page for a job site which contains a form for filling a biodata of a person and it should contain a menu of various train lists

2. Write a RMI program to perform arithmetic operations. Based upon the user choice the operation must be performed

3. Write a java program to find the roots of a quadratic equation using interface and packages. •

Declare a interface in package Quad1

Declare another package Quad2 and implement the interface.

4. Develop a simple JDBC application to store the details of an employee in a table and retrieve it and display it in the console

Design a Web page which contains information regarding your college which contains tables, lists and hyperlinks. (Must use attributes)

5. Write a java program to throw a exception (checked) for an employee details •

If an employee name is a number, a name exception must be thrown.

If an employee age is greater than 50, an age exception must be thrown.

Or else an object must be created for the entered employee details.

6. a. Write a TCP/IP Socket program to send the contents of a file from server to client. b. Design a HTML page for railways which contains link for a reservation and viewing various train details.

7. Write a java program to perform the following operations based upon the choice entered by the user. 1.

Reading input from a file(f1) and displaying it in the console

2. Read the input from the program itself and write to the file(f2) 3. Concatenation of files(f1 and f2) f3 o

Appending information to file f3

o Perform word count on f3.

8. a. Develop a applet which listens for events of buttons b. Develop a Web page which contains information regarding a bookshop using frames, tables, lists and basic HTML tags.

9. a. Write a UDP Socket program to send a message from server to client. b. Design a HTML form for filling a biodata of a person and on submission of a form a welcome message must be displayed.

10. a. Write a java program to solve producer consumer problem which generates characters using threads. b. Design a HTML page which contains information of a library using tables with its attributes, a form for issuing a book to students and use various type of lists to display the book details .

11. Develop a web page which contains information regarding job opportunities using tables ,lists ,forms and basic HTML tags Get the biodata of the user as an input using various form fields (the form must have all the controls) and on submission of the form, a servlet is invoked to display the data in tabular column

12. a. Write a java program to calculate the area of 3 geometric objects operations using the concept of method overloading. b. Write a java program to perform the concept of method overriding for calculating simple interest of 3 banks A, B, C. using super mechanisms Bank A’s rate of interest-10%, Bank’s B rate of interest-9%, Bank’C rate of interest -7% c. Design a HTML form for filling a biodata of a person and on submission of a form a welcome message must be displayed.

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