Jan 2006 Paper 2

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JAN - 032061rr

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L00 [Maximum]\llarks:

Time Allorved: 75 Nlinutesl

eachcanJingtrvo (2) marks' Note:Thispapercontainsfifty(50)multiplechoicequestions' AttemPtall of them The poem


'To his Coy Mistress'is writtenby -

(A) iohn DrYden (C) SamuelPePYs

(D) Andrew Marvell

'The King of Brobdingnag' is a characierfrom (B) A Tale of a Tttb (A) Gttllver's Travels (D) TheDraPier'sLetters (C) TheBattle of Books

v2 .


(B) JohnMilton

off to gatheredtogetherbcfore setting p*grims chaucer's where inn tire what is the narre of Canter-bLrry? 'IabardInn (B) Tl-reHubard Inn (A) The (D) The TankardInn (C) The Hummingbird Inn


q. ,a

t I I

the following line occur? h which play by Marlow does in the firmament!" "See.see,whereChrist'sblood streams (A) TheJew of Malro the Great (B) Tantbtrrlttine



Fctusttts (C) The Tt'agicalHisror 't'of Dr (D) Edv'ardIt


as a Poet? Shelleyis a tribute to Keats by poems follorving the Which among (Jnbound (B) Promethetts 'Ode to the WestWind' (A) (D) Adonais 'MutabilitY' (C)


: t



.i '

I l










". . . . . . .Osi r.sh esmi l e d n, o d o u bt. Whene'erI passedher;but who passedwithout Much the samesmile?This grerv:I gavecon-inrands; Thenall snrilesstoppedtogether." Theselinesare from the poem(A) 'My LasLDuchess' (C) '-fheGranrarian's Funeral'



(B) ,pippapasses' (D) 'Fra Lippo Lippi'

which of the folloq.ingplaysby o' Neill is autobiographical? (A) Long DaStiJourneltinto Night

(B) EntperorJone.s

(C) TheHairy Ape

{D) Desire {Jnderthe Elnts

In which year was the political power over India transf-erred from the East lndia Cornpanyto

theBritishCiown? (A) t832 (c"i 1858

(B) 18s7 (D) 1850 1


SherlockHolmesand Dr Watsonarecharacters createdbv( A ) R L S te ve n so rr

(B) Sir Ar-thurConanDoyie

(C) J M Barrie

(D) Bram Stoker

10. Which. arlrongthe following works by Virginia Woolf, discussesthe tradition of wol\-,r wi'itersin Englandlr


(A) A Roontof Ortcs Ou,n

(B) The Wave.s

(C) The f/ovaoeOttr

(D) Tothe Lighthouse

11. Wlricli novelof D ti Lar."'rence may be describedas a sequelto TheRainbow? (A) Tlte Pltunedset'pent (C) Sonsand Lot'ci's

{B) flic l/iryin onrl the Gvpsv (D) [l/omenin Love



JAN - 03206IIT

_.f6 --'.--i -2. The first completeEnglishBible printedin 1535was producedby (B) Miles coverdale (A) Martin Luther


is generallydescribedas a problemplay? 13. Which of the following playsby Shakespeare ! (B) TlteMer* wit,esof wrtdso, (A) Measure.t'brMeasure (D) King Lear

(C) Comedyof Errors

year 14. Theatresin Englandrverecloseddown by the order of the Parliamentin the

(B) 1622

(A) 1632

(c) r6s2



*rl..J'^'A* vla,ry4t, ',u Ll ?*$t'*'b "Wd-*'

is Slavery, 15. Which among the'following novels has the slogans"'War is Peace,Freedom Ignoranceis Strength"? (B) 1984 (A) AnintalFarm (c) BurnteseDays

(D) Keep the AspitlistraFlying-

16. Which amongthe following featuresdoesnot characterrzetheplays of Harold


(A) Sentirnentalmelodramaticsituations (B) DislocatedrelationshiPs \_

things (C) A world of seeminglyinconsequential


(D) The power of tnenacingauthority

11. SamsonAgortistesis

rftC aTragedy (C) a Comedy

(B) an Epic (D) a Satire

the follorvingpoetshad his rootsin Scotland? 18. Who an-rong (B) William Wordsworth (A) William CowPer (C) William Blake


RobertBums r D ' rt . \ // 1





. 19. 'SaleelnSinai'is thecentralcharacter in which of the followingnovels? (A) T'hell,foor'sLast Sigh

(B) Midnightls Children

(C) TlteJev,elin tlte Crov,n


Sta.ving On

20. Who amongthe lbllorvingauthorswas closelyassociated with the Palestinianmovement? (A) SalmanRushdie

(B) RohintonMistry


(D) Michel Foucauit


21. Who amongthe follorvingis supposedto be the earliestfernaleplaywright? (A) Anne Radcliffe

-p/Apnra Behn

(B) FannyBumey (D) Mary Shelley

22. Which amongthe following is not a salientfeatureof JaneAusten'snovels? ' (A) Concernfor contemporarypolitical developrnents (B) Preoccupation with socialmanners (C) Engagement rvith issuesof rnoralifyand ethics (D) Depictionof women'slives in the upperrniddleclassEnglishsociety 23. Which alrong the follou'ingnovelsrnaybe describedasa sequelto JaneEyre? (A) WiseChildren

(B) A Clocku,orkOrange

(c) TheFrenclt Lieutertantbwoman ,,(D) witie sargassosea 24. The ThousandFaceso.l'Nightis a novelby --(A) Githa Hariharan l6(C) NarnitaGokhale

(B) ShashiDeshpande (D) Suniti Namjoshi

25. The pilgrim in JohnBunvan'sPilgrimb Progresstravelsfrom (A) The Earthto fLe Kingdomof God '{-H The City of Desrnictionto the HeavenlyCity (C) The City of Sin to ihe City of Redcrnption (D) Tlie City o1'theMe.-kro rheCity of Crace


JAN - 03206/rr

J6 .26.

Which of the followingnovelsis dividedinto sectionstitled 'Black', 'Red', 'Yellor.v'and 'Blue'? (A) TIteAlexandriaOuartet Je,

The GoldertNote.book

(B) The Grassis Singiirg (D) ThePa.ssionof tlte Nev' Eve.

27. RobertFlost'slanous line "Good fencesmaf3 goodneighbours"appearsin '.tB) 'MendingWall' (A) 'The Deathof the Hired Man' (C) 'Birches'


(D) 'The Gift Outright'

'. l? -


28. Which oneof the following is not a novelby Herningway? \'

(A) A Farewell to Anns (C) The OId Man cmdthe Sea

(B) The Sunalso Rises ,JD,

Biltv Budd

29. The poem"Chicago"is writtenby (A) EzraPound (C) LangstonHughes

."''(B) Carl Sandburg (D) WallaceStevens

30. Identifytl'rewriter againstwhom Sir Philip Sidneydefendedpoetry: JAt StepenGosson (C) Sir JohnCheke

. [


(B) ThomasLodge (D) RichardHooke



31. W,itingattdDffirence rs writtenby : (A) JacquesLacan (C) ClaudeLevi-Strauss


(D) RolandBarthes

32. The tenr-r"ecriturefeminine"is associated u'ith (A) ElaineShowalter ,lC)


(B) Torril Moi (D) SusanSontag



JAN - G3106/iI

J6 33. The terrn"touchstone"iSusedby MatthervArnoid in his essay: (ts) Literatureand Dogrna (A) The Functionof Criticism (D) CultureandAnarchY

,(ef TheStudyof Poetry

with --34. The,,uriticR S Craneis associated (A)' . , ] RussianFormalism

(B) Psychoanalysis

(C) The ChicagoSchool

(D) Nerv Criticism


35. The Critique of Reasorzis authoredby (A) ImmanuelKant

(B) JurgenHabermas

(C) IsaacNewton

(D) Edmund Husserl

36. Who amongth9 following is not associatedwith modernIndian drama? (A) VUayTendulkar

(B) Girish Kamad

(C) Mohan Rakesh

(D) MahadeviVerma

31. "Things fall apart;the centrecannothold; Mere anarchyis loosedupon the worid" Theselines are takenfrom : (A) 'Byzantium' (C) 'Leda and the Swan'


'sailing to Byzantium' "(U) =I'DJ 'The SecondCorning'

'Lily Briscoe'appearsin the novel (A) Mrs DallowwaY (C) The Waves

39. The themeof rnarryrdornis centralto: t Murder in the Cathedral J.kI (C) TheDog Beneaththe Skin


f" theLighthouse

(D) Jacobs Room


TheApple Cart

(D) The ConfidentialClerk

JAN - 03206/TI

Io 'I{ybridity' is oneof the majorthemestn :


,/ (A)Moden-rlitcrattrreJB)"Post-colorrilrlliterature (D) Ronianticliteratnre (C) Victorianliterature

p o st- colonial. 41. IdentifY the novcl wltich i s n o t (A) The Satuttic Verses (C) The Glass Palace

(B) Jasntine (D) TheEnglishTeaclter

'Perdita'is a characterwho appearsin ---


(A) The Winter'sTale

(B) The TetnPest

(C) TwelfthNight

(D) As YouLike Ir

--of theMind rs written by 43. TheDe.colonizatiort (B) ChinuaAchebe (A) DereckWalcott ,/

G f N g u g i WaT h i a ttg o

AA +'+.

(D) NadineGordimer


"When i iove theenot Chaosis comeagain" Theselinesarefrom (A) Macbeth

(B) Ilarnlet

(C) Othello

(D) King Lear

'Lady Sneerwelfis a characterfrom : (A) TheMan of rhe World \€t'


(B) Dotble De,tler (D) Ploin Deoler

for 46. Restorationcourec|rvascriticizedmainly (B) its coarselttinlour and lewd satire andimmorality (A) its prol'atreuess ri ith inttigue (C) its obsessiotr

(D) its excesstre sentilllentalitY


vj JAN . 03206/II

J6 47. " As e'er beneatha waningmoonwashaunted By worlan wailing for her demon-lover" The figureof speechin theselinesis; (A) metonymy

(B) transferredepithet

( C ) o no ma to p o e i a

(D) ailiteratior-r


48. "Deathlayshis icy handirn kings" The figureof speechusedin this line is : (A) personif,rcafion

(B) simile

(C) apostrophe

(D) synecdoche

4 9 . "T'enthonsandsaw I at a glance". This line is an exampleof foregroundingttrrough: (A) syrnmetry/

(B) paraltrelism

(C) inversion

(D) anomaly


tr I E :ta


50. "Sirehadtwo sonset risingtlay 1 - o n i gh:;h t e 'l bl e a l o n c" Tlrc rnc'ricalpatteil usedin theselinesis : (A) anapaest

(B) iamb

(Cr) trochee

(D) dactyl

n:l J l


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