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  • Words: 5,568
  • Pages: 2
Capital investment in new

term maintenance and move to

bearing seal or API metal ring

performance or suitability for

possible shape to take

plant is often the first

a 'fix it if it breaks' mentality,

joint are relatively low-cost


advantage of any improvement

expenditure to be cut when

despite the cost-saving

items in comparison to the

industry enters an economic


downturn. Instead of plant being replaced on schedule, it is expected to work for another couple of years or more. Maintenance then becomes

In fact, it is the time to ensure that maintenance schedules are adhered to strictly. Not only is unscheduled

industry to cut back on its long

saving plans — based on Total

Cost of Ownership, and Return on Investment — that qualify

also cost a manufacturer its




therefore NOT the time for

and safely for the full planned

When a low cost seal fails

These plans focus on the

before the scheduled shut

maintenance schedule for each

down, the small initial financial

plant item at a site. They help

maintenance budgets, as many

saving is far outweighed by the

to maximise plant efficiency by

companies have discovered to

breakdown costs. The Total

pinpointing the most cost-

their cost.

Cost of Ownership of that

effective sealing products that

cheaper seal is therefore

will give reliable and effective

It is false economy to cut

James Walker Group

concludes Peter Needham.

Valve World Expo Special Edition the potential savings to be

loving care is needed to keep

An economic downturn is

designed to operate efficiently

in economic conditions",

provides customers with cost-

maintenance period of the

share of a rapidly dwindling


These top quality seals are

major contracts, James Walker

downtime expensive, it could

an issue, as much tender such plant operational and

value of the plant and machinery they protect.

But help is at hand! On many

Peter Needham, chairman, James Walker Group.


New gaskets take the heat operating pressure of 5MPa.

In response to growing

accordance with all relevant

material and carbon steel outer

industry demand and

gasket standards and flange

ring material, on standard

increasingly strict safety

designations. They are capable

design. Metaflex SG/IR Fire

and CorruSafe FS products

legislation, James Walker has

of tolerating continuous

Safe has a maximum operating

completed their independent

launched two new multi-

operating temperatures of up to

pressure of 35MPa.

fire type-tests recording zero

purpose gaskets certified as


Fire Safe to ANSI/API

Metaflex® SG/IR Fire Safe is a

The second product is a

The Metaflex SG/IR Fire-Safe

leakage under all conditions

corrugated gasket variant, the

against a permissible figure of

Standard 607 and ISO 10497-

spiral-wound gasket

CorruSafe FS, composed of a

17ml during the fire and 500ml

5:2004, for critical CPI / HPI

constructed from a stainless

stainless steel corrugated ring



steel inner support ring,

with PTFE inner envelope and

winding strip with PTFE inner

graphite outer seal material.

seal, graphite outer seal

This product has a maximum

Both products are available in sizes from ½" to 48" in

Two new Fire Safe products from James Walker.

New Generation FR68/90 Tests for BP give top rating Improved customer satisfaction rewrites the rules for to Supagraf Premier Walker’s businesses are The results of the annual Supagraf Premier, JamesJames Walker’s world leading compression packing, has beaten TA-Luft VDI 2440 emission control regarded by customers as Walker customer satisfaction requirements by abeen significant in independent tests carried good or excellent survey have now pub- marginoffering out by the Amtec laboratory in Germany. service — even in the current lished. Available to download in electronic BP Refiningform & Petrochemicals from the operates the Ruhr Oel Gelsenkirchen jameswalker.biz or as a refinery. It needed towebsite know the sealing efficiency of graphite valve printed document by request, packings from several suppliers in order to comply withreport the European the 2009 survey shows Union’s IPPC pollution prevention that the majority of James and control directive. The targets of the investigation were to confirm TA-Luft leakage rates less than 10 mbar.l/(s.m) at sealing system temperatures below 250°C, and less than 10 mbar.l/(s.m) above 250°C.

This rate economic is exceptional - better than testing times. TALuft requirements for duties above Many businesses today are 250°C. A year of emissions at this level would not even fill a tennis ball.

meeting new challenges as

demand has reduced and the History of success

Supagraf Premier hasenvironment a record general economic of beating fugitive emission control specifications.

In 1997 it was subjected to over For more news, products, services and latest 12,000 valve operating cycles with methane at 40bar and kept emission levels below 500ppm.

Anyone for golf?

In 1999, it came top of its class in comparative tests run by the Materials Technology Centre of Akzo Nobel. Leakage rates were between six and 100 times less than competitors’ brands — and it lasted 12 times longer than the next best valve packing.

You can visualise this as less gas than will fill a golf ball in a year, measured at ambient pressure.

Since then it has twice been certified to TA-Luft requirements by different customers, and third-party verified for emission control by CETIM to Shell SPE 77/321 Class A specification.

The test cycle involved 1000 vertical valve stem movements of 40mm — without live-loading on the packing — whilst sealing helium at 25bar for 24 hours. Leakage measurements after 24 hours at 240°C showed 7.0 x 10-6 mbar.l/(s.m).

It also demonstrates that Supagraf Premier very easily meets TA-Luft requirements for a high grade valve packing. After 24 hours at 400°C, the leakage rate was 2.3 x 10-5 mbar.l/ (s.m).

has become more uncertain. sealing the level of improvement it is elastomer

James Walker recognises that to The launchtoof the firstit of themeet continue prosper, must James Walkercustomers’ New Generation and exceed elastomers has created a expectations — now more than stepchange in elastomer sealing ever. performance. The launch followed Although the results of the a two year programme of latest survey are positive the intensive research, development company has not yet achieved and testing to provide real advances in performance and avoid compromised technical datasolutions visit: where some material properties are advanced at the expense of others – a common feature of new materials development as competitors rush to make new improved claims. With testing to establish the limits of the new polymer architecture still ongoing, FR68/90 has already exceeded Norsok compliance specifications, achieving a perfect test result not only at 8.40mm section at 100°C but also at 5.33mm section at an elevated temperature of 150°C. This enhanced RGD performance is not achieved at the expense of other material characteristics however.

seeking, perhaps due to the fact Norsok that the full impact M-710 of the many Perfect ‘0000’ rating and varied investments made in 8.40mm section at 100°C the past have not yet filtered 5.33mm section at 150°C down to all customers.

Hopefully the benefits of these, FR68/90 retains flexibility for in combination with further ease of fitting and offers excellent investments planned for 2009, sealability with compression set figures of just 8% after 24 hours @ +175°C and 10% after 24 hours @ +200°C. Add to this, superb Amine and H2S resistance plus an operational temperature capability of -30°C to +200°C and FR68/90 has the capability to take elastomeric sealing into new territory, extending the use of elastomeric materials to larger sections than previously possible with no loss of RGD resistance – a factor that can eliminate the need for complex and costly reengineering of components to accept physically larger solutions such as spring energised PTFE seals.

will facilitate a step-change in customer satisfaction that will close any 'satisfaction gaps' and establish James Walker customer service levels as truly world class. performance envelope of elastomeric materials, these new materials will FAX-BACK by no means TICK 3 replace the existing market leading materials in the James Walker range such as Elast-OLion® 101 and FR58/90 which remain the best available technology for many current oil and gas industry applications.

FR68/90 N for the oil ew Generation elas tomer & gas ind ustry

Setting ne w standard s in resistan ce to rapid gas deco and chem mpressio ical attack n (RGD)

Although the New Generation polymer architecture significantly extends the High Pe rform

ce sealing performan Improving valve ol ntr co s ion & emiss

ance Se aling



The definitive guide to valve sealing products and emissions control The James Walker product

and emissions control’, is a

proprietary components

‘Sealing the IPPC’ is a further

range and applications

24-page brochure that pulls

through the James Walker

publication offered by James

engineering expertise has

together the full range of products

network of specialised

Walker, outlining the many

developed hand in hand with

and services James Walker

manufacturing sites, technical

ways in which the company

the valve industry since the

can offer to those designing,

offices and distribution hubs,

can assist customers in their

company was founded over

manufacturing or using valves

with facilities in some locations

search to meet emissions

125 years ago.

of any type.

offering additional valve

control regulations.

engineering services including The businesses’ latest

The company offers global

ball manufacture, valve

publication; ‘Improving

support for its comprehensive

reconditioning and testing.

valve sealing performance

range of sealing products and

hnology e Sealing Tec

anc High Perform

For more news, products, services and latest technical data visit:

To ensure that

manufactured bellows were

the fabric

backings provide for easy

cracking due to the demanding

materials operate

installation. The pads resist

operating conditions — base

under minimal

water and can survive in harsh

load temperatures to 585°C,

stress, a double

marine-type environments for

gas velocity of 125m/s, and

expansion joint

many years.

pressure cycling from -5000Pa

system was

to +7000Pa.

created with a

Peel-and-stick adhesive

Valvesfor forMedgaz Medgazproject projectrely relyon onFR25/90 FR25/90 Valves TICK FAX-BACK ? TICK FAX-BACK 5

sh ears

The 4.27m diameter by 1.25m

se in public gives the


its high valves RGD Walker resistance was specified Valvesfor for the andperformance FR58/90 — in its Iberica, reported: Valves theundersea undersea bellows hadinto101 control accommodate for different duties on other pipeline that that will by Ampo Poyam. high performance valves for “A fluoroelastomer with pipeline willfeed feed axial movements mechanism that of 160mm and Southern Europe Europe with "Certification FR25/90 to different duties on otheraxial excellentof RGD resistance Southern with 25mm lateralprojects. transfers shifts. The two other 'temporary' Algerian natural natural gas are GS 142 03/01joints by Ampo specified by movement equally toTotal eachwas sideVV James Walker Algerian gas are At that stage,projects. Comflex are still working of the joint. Siemens to application after four years' service — Poyam. relying thesealing sealing was asked by relyingon on the Deepwater French test house Cetim Finite element analysis work provide temporary fabric joints application decisions on the future Deepwater qualities JamesWalker Walker qualities of of James 'O' The Medgaz project confirmed the awaiting material's was needed to design special outside the four metal ones to of the turbines. The Medgaz project “Certification of FR25/90 ‘O’rings rings in RGD (rapid in RGD (rapid gas gas comprises a 24-inch pipeline suitability." stepped flanges that flex under keep the plant running until the comprises a 24-inch pipeline ThetoMedgaz Total GS VV 142 03/01 decompression) resistant decompression) resistant running pipeline has operational duties. next planned outage. for 210km beneath TICK FAX-BACK 11 running for 210km beneath by French test house Cetim FR25/90 FR25/90 fluoroelastomer. fluoroelastomer. the Mediterranean from Beni an initial gas capacity of ® Beni theAlgeria Mediterranean from confirmed the material’s James Walker Iberica has just Safi,gets to Almeria, Spain.assurance 8-billion m3 aon year.subsea When Nigeria RotaBolt valve Safi, Algeria to Almeria, Spain. suitability.” completed James Walker Iberica a major contract to maximum sea depth of string to be pressure demand rises, this capacity tooling The tension control assurance penAwater lubricator has just completed a major supply Spanish valve 2160m means that RGD couldand beisdoubled by contested before installation, delivered by RotaBolt gave valves (OWLV) used A maximum sea depth of The Medgaz pipeline contract to supply Spanish string and a parallel Expropipeline. an added comfort factor, inresistance deep-water is oila prime used to test the riserstructing manufacturer Ampo Poyam 2160moffshore means that RGD has an initial gas capacity valve manufacturer Ampoand gas exploration surface well control equipment. as it was confident about the with 'O' rings in a range of sizes consideration for any seals in a the year. is a prime of 8-billion m3 on Poyam with ‘O’ rings in a Nigeria haveresistance It also acts as a safety barrier pre-load joints. The been fitted with for this crucial pipeline project. the system. When demand rises, this consideration forbetween any seals inwellhead a subsea company had tried traditional RotaBolt 2 tension control range of sizes for this crucial Ampo Poyam alsoAmpo uses other Eduardo Redondo, and the rig above. techniques and found fasteners. the capacitytorque could be doubled system. pipeline project. Poyam "This is the first time we have them unpredictable. by well-flow elastomer gradeselastomer with RGD Manufactured managing director of James by constructing a parallel also uses other used RotaBolt technology", management company Expro, resistance including Elast-OWalker Iberica, Redondo, reported: "A pipeline.Expro's client also liked the Eduardo grades with—RGD resistance explained Expro plants, design easerefurbished of in-service maintenance the new 3.4mCorus long valveais best value ® efficiency of over 180— large "This installs units ® —givesfluoroelastomer Lion 985, 101 and FR58/90 with excellent managing director of James 985, including Elast-O-Lion engineer Chris Cusack. "We and pre-load checking with used on open water riser

Eduardo Redondo examines a valve for the Medgaz project in the Ampo Poyam plant at Idiazabal, Spain. TICK FAX-BACKS 6 & 7

e and vibration


of Music is

ustomed to the

o quality — its

os was the largest

ith Steinway.


Pumping-up pump life for Corus


moves to Cork

prove its already

ustomer service,

ckholding and

sales activities.

's success.

ems overcome

e first introduced on slew rings of

mers that operate

nveyor of buck-

coal and ore.

y success on the to applications


lt fatigue

se on the grab

uis of James

ux was asked to

as required and removes the RotaBolt.

have been very pleased and

3, Richfield Business Park,

Fax: +353 (0)21 432 3623


and work-over of subsea Xmas

found the installation and


tooling times were considerably

fitted to the flanges at each end


of the OWLV.

It enables the down-hole

Pumping-up pump life for Corus

Ten RotaBolt 2 fasteners are

water valves in deep-water oila and gas flush and RotaBolts of OWLV for offshore Walkerused Moorflex. self-cleaning system to demands aancomplex Economic Empowerment James lubricator Walker is going from inOpen Rotterdam refurbishment contract to (OWLV) Preventive maintenance, availability of itsonpumps tomarketNigeria. This facility specialises in the exploration offshore Nigeria have "James been Walker fittedSouth withAfrica RotaBolt®all2turbines tension at Mbashe place. We are certified as a company in South Africa." strength to strength in It was found that traditional JamesSouthern Walker in the rather than failure-and-repair, us." refurbishment and recontrol fasteners. proactively supports SAPREF Hydroelectric Power Station in Level 2 Broad-Based Black Africa with a

e jaws are central

ges, gear boxes

service andduring enables the systems the installation

® awarded another rigours of benzene, ammonia, company to concentrate on its worn ones to its workshops at Nigeria gets RotaBolt assurance on subsea valve through in Southern Africa threeBreaking year pumptar and sulphurous acids. core business, leaving the care Nieuwleusen for overhaul. Tel: +353 (0)21 432 3626


bolting techniques could not

uropean steel


iciency and

Email address remains as

pumps that had to survive the [email protected]

James Walker Ireland Ltd, Unit

efficiency of over 180 large

"This gives Corus a best value

plants, installs refurbished units

TICK FAX-BACKS 4 and brand. Much3of& its

as required and removes the

workload is for the marine and

give thegrowing required tension through on-site Eastern Cape.Expro James Walker monitors list major management Netherlands. was thetechnical approach adopted for Manufactured by of well-flow considerably reduced”, explained

Corus across allcompany 20 bolts on each


pumps that had to survive the

service and enables the

engineering of mechanical

SAPREF refinery at Durban. Photo by courtesy of SAPREF. support, immediate response Chris Cusak. utility company brought in contracts. design engineer company Expro, the new 3.4m long valve Worth €1.2-million pumps working company inThe such a concentrate pump at the grab jaw.awarded This led to occasional another a year, the rigours of these benzene, ammonia, to onperformance its worn ones to its workshops atseals and steelpumps sectors. of every type to breakdowns via our Durban James Walker to overcome the SAPREF, South riser Africa's is used on open water systems fatigue failures, with the grab The tension control assurance three year pumptar and sulphurous acids. core business, leavingfailure the care Nieuwleusen for overhaul. Since the original contracts contract was wonfrom by James highly safety conscious facility and on-site problem of premature of largest refinery, has during the installation and work-over of workshop jaw having to be crude removedoil delivered by RotaBolt and gaveavailability Expro of its pumps to refurbishment contract tocontract to Preventive maintenance, This facility specialises in the were placed seven years ago, production and transported by subsea Xmas trees. consignment stock." seals on the turbine shafts — awarded a fivein year Walker Benelux fierce environment. an added comfort factor, as it was boat forWalker repair. all James inline theclass and rather SAPREF than failure-and-repair, us." refurbishment and reCorus has joined the Tata Steel at Durban is a joint and HydroSele was the answer. supply confident about the has pre-load on the competition with seven tooling other string As a result, Corus saved tension control identified Netherlands. ItWith enables the down-hole was venture the approach adopted for James Walker monitors engineering of mechanical Group. between Shell SA Another hydropower company equipment gaskets. joints. The company had tried traditional as the solution to its problem, toexperienced be pressure tested before installation, pump refurbishers well over 30 per cent on its Energy and BP South Africa. It with a shaft sealing problem is Reported Trevor Buikies, Worth €1.2-million a year, the these pumps working in such a pump performance at the seals and pumps of every type TICK FAX-BACK 10 torque techniques and found them authorised the fitting of andEMO is used to test the riser string and refines upconscious to 8.5-million tonnes NamPower, in Namibia, that managing director RotaBolts to all won of its grab jaws.of James unpredictable. contract was by James highly safety in the Dutch market. refurbishment costs, and the surface wellthere control equipment. It also Since then have been of crude oil each year, mainly has severe leakage from one of Walker South Africa: "Most of Walker in fierce environment. acts as aBenelux safety barrier between Expro’s client also likedofthe no interruptions due to bolt The new work covers all a subsea reliability and availability itsease of from the Middle East, Africa its turbines. these will be Metaflex® spiral competition with seven other® As a result, in-service Corus has saved wellhead and the rig above. fatigue, and EMO has made maintenance and pre-load and Europe. A HydroSele unit has been wound and pumps atMetakamm two Corus pumps has increased substantialused savings through checking experienced pump refurbishers well over 30 per cent on with its RotaBolt. improved “We have beenefficiency very with ordered to curb the leakage Kammprofile typespleased from James production sinter and pellet plants at significantly. in and the Dutch market. and the 2 fasteners are fitted to the costs, Ten RotaBolt reduced maintenance the RotaBolt technology and found refurbishment Hydropower successes and provide a long-term, costThe new workand covers all times reliability and availability ofbeen itshigh costs. flanges at each end of the OWLV. IJmuiden. "We integrate the installation tooling were TICK FAX-BACK ?? James Walker has also effective solution.

pumps used at two Corus

pumps increased veryhas active in the Southern

sinter and pellet plants at

significantly. African hydropower sector.

Since 2002, James Walker

performance sealing

"We are emerging as the

James Walker technical has been responsible for the "We integrate technology with skilledpapers high


Eskom, the power company

at Valve World Conference

leader in fluid sealing

technology across Southern

Following theAfrica, presentationanda careful theAfrica", International Society for James Walker applications overall availability of pumps at refurbishment for South confirmed Trevor Since 2002, James Walker performance sealinghas awarded of ground-breaking papers Pharmaceutical Engineering, engineers and materials turnkey contract to retrofit Buikies. "To help achieve this, has beenCoke responsible for technology with skilled Corus 1,the with Coke planning to improve the pumps' on ‘Engineering elastomers James Walker will present scientists are Plant regular HydroSele®and cartridge units with James Walker is embracing the overall availability of pumps at refurbishment careful by optimising RGD resistance papers contributors to conferences Plant 2 added to the contract in maintenance-free life and on two key topics Corus Coke 1, with Coke planning to improve the pumps' and low temperature sealing at this year’s Valve World around thePlant globe, presenting 2003. minimise plant downtime", performance’ at alife RAPRA Conference; technology Plant 2 addeddiscussions to the contractand in maintenance-free and ® plus ‘EPDM white papers on aspects At this stage, James Walkerconference explained Ed Versluis, sales 2003. minimise plant downtime", materials for the ‘Bolted Joint Technology, the of sealing engineering At this stage, Jamesfor Walker explained Ed Versluis, sales James Walker's new guide to was responsible the of well- pharmaceutical manager through and of James Walker key Ittofollows reliable, maintenance across a broad spectrum ® Walkersele high-efficiency was responsible for the wellmanager of James Walkerto operational parameters, bioprocessing industry’ free refinery valve flanges’ industrial being andapplications. operational Benelux.

– builds on case study experience from RotaBolt and gasket combination work carried out at a number of European refineries.

research on the continuing development of the James Walker Supagraf® range of graphite-based packing. The content of these papers

‘How stem is available on request at the Walkersele literature is set to finish beaffects a winner


2 bolts. The

Ballycurren, Kinsale Road,

company Corus Cork.has

are now:

radial lip seals has been Benelux.

being and operational



uropean steel

Address and contact details


published in two parts.


performance, material

friction and fugitive emissions James Walker stand, Hall 03 over 4500 arrangements for worn shafts Pump systems refurbished for with graphite based control presents Stand H16. by James Walker at Walkerseles Corus for which tooling and operations in –highly valve packing’ presents Nieuwleusen. abrasive or corrosive

is held, including a range of

compatibility, housing design


large diameter TBMS tunnel

Devlon ousts PEEK and PTFE valve seats DevlonV-API V-API ousts PEEK and PTFE valve seats selection ofnylon, the correct nylon, New tooling for noncover both metric and inch specification and installation.



The first covers the

all valve seats of

all valve seats of

Devlon® V-API are ®

Devlon V-API are

now widely specified

Walkersele design and It also has a considerable

sizes. was to use several manufactured trend up to 2.25m It also has a considerable ® material combination to suit patented OSJ On-Site The second publication (88.6-inch) diameter. thermoplastics to cover—the cost advantage over PTFE and specific rotary applications. diameter. cost advantage over PTFE and Joining technique, (88.6-inch) plus Walkersele Mould List — Special features manufactured up toinclude 2.25m the

For many years the industry

PEEK, and can be

nowapplications widely specified for oil and gas

PEEK, and can be

Valve seatWalker and insert of bright yellow James valve

Devlon V-API has many

are stringent.

replacing several advantages over

nylon and

thermoplastics over a wide

PTFE, with one material

house designed and

manufacturers, James Walker thermoplastics to cover manufactured within days. the

Devol developed Devlon V-API as a superior seat material that

ball valve seats would overcome the individual

However, by

V-API in a floating ball ® a Devlonvalve. V-APIImage by courtesy of valve seat and(UK) Ltd. KVC high performance elastomer ‘O’ ring sealing arrangement.


Working closely with valve trend was to use several

and inserts.


KVC (UK) Ltd. Devlon

advantages over nylon and

Devlon V-API has PTFE, with one material

required operating range for

standard sizes can be in-

For many years the industry required operating range for ball valve seats

® where operating conditions for oil and gas applications Devlon V-API in a floating ball seat cartridge For more news, products, services and latest technical data Valve seat and valve. Image by courtesy of insert of bright yellow are stringent. incorporating ®

where operating conditions

boring machine seals.

Standard range charts

and retention methods, seal

specifying filledPTFE or nylon

and high temperatures, with the

the precise

benefit of superior dimensional


In comparison with virgin or

glass-filled PTFE, Devlon V-API stability.

Dome valve seals for

special gaskets that cannot be


made in Malaysia, but the full Replacement inflatable seals for dome valves are now the James Walker James Walker RotaBolt to help range of sealing products for all supplied elastomers suitable forintegrity food processing duties and distributor forin Malaysia. For develop a joint industries. many years this company has programme in Malaysia. Tekno Logam is an handling chemically aggressive or high temperature materials.

Opening the door to Malaysia

world's leading valve

their valves, and



his new 16-page guide route through iron and

steelmaking, where it itemises the James Walker

established gasket

other members of

engineering Petronas, knowledge the sound James

to the partnership, and a strong

Walker Group — not only for

affinity for sealing


packing, andoil No-twist Malaysian and Rod Mill Seals.

world in heavy duty hydraulic capabilities. packings and vibration

follows the process

ekno to Logam Sdn Bhdprogressed, and services three years ago when manufacturer it special gasketsproducts that cannot be gasket supplier all it became that works Dome valves are compressed-air dispensing food products into applicable to different upstreamhas oil and gas appointed apparent that Tekno Logam with many industrial been approached the Groupclosely through made in Malaysia, but the full operated, rely on an inflatable containers. plant. activities inand Malaysia. should become involved with organisations, including the James Walker James Walker RotaBolt to help range of sealing products for all It features numerous Tekno first became other members These of the James Petronas, the Malaysian oil and seal for Logam accurately controlling the replacement seals are distributor for Malaysia. For Walker Group develop joint industries. items developed involved with James Walker — not aonly for integrity gas authority, and MMC, a flow of bulk powders, pastes and supplied as standard sizes from many years this company has programme in Malaysia. Tekno Logamspecifically is an for large industrial and shipping Tekno Logam at the granules. 50mm to 300mm diameter (2-inch metallurgical duties. These corporation. International been the Petroleum sole recognised As that programme established gasket ® Technology They areConference, widely used on pneumatic to 12-inch) in elastomers including include Walkersele Its sales and marketing team Kuala Lumpa. Managing to all gasket supplier progressed, it became manufacturer that works director Mr Kamal Tahir is Ultraglide rotary lip seals, well supported technically by conveying systems for applications silicone (VMQ) and isfluorocarbon on the right. oil and gas ® upstream apparent that Tekno Logam closely with many industrial Supagraf Furnasele Richard Weeks — previously of as diverse as fly ash bagging and (FKM). Other sizes are made to order. ® gaskets, Valcor Hi-Temp activities in Malaysia. should become involved with organisations, including James Walker — who brings involved with James Walker

specified by over 20 of the the design of

the precise Sealing Guide for the food ash Iron andor Steelfly industry operational

approached the Group through

As that programme


ambiguity as to

and high temperatures, the Opening thewithdoor to Malaysia benefitekno of superior dimensional Logam Sdn Bhd three years ago when it

Devlon V-API is currently approved by operators

wereand restricting including Shell BP, and is


has similar friction values at low

Tekno Logam first became



and temperatures.


(6000psi) at +176°C (350°F).

their valves, and ambiguity as to

been the sole recognised

handles a pressure of 414bar as the soft seat

the design of

has similar friction values at low


PTFE orand nylon (-315°F to +392°F), it

were restricting

glass-filled Devlonpressures V-API range of PTFE, operating

stability. has been appointed

range is -193°C to +200°C


thermoplastics over a or wide In comparison with virgin

However, by

specifying filled-


replacing several and temperatures.

material grades.

Its operating temperature

as the soft seat

range of operating pressures

shortcomings all the other andofinserts.

damping systems for forging and extrusion plant.


his new 16-page guide follows the process route through iron and

steelmaking, where it itemises the James Walker products and services applicable to different plant. It features numerous items developed


metallurgical duties. These

specifically for large industrial andareas shipping For more news, products, services and latest technical data visit: main of expertise is giant opportunities. Tekno Logam at the

presses, where it leads the


Custom designed Comflex system with pantograph control mechanism installed on ducts at Didcot B.

James Walker & environmental Co Precious Tel: +44 (0)1270 536000 Fax: +44 (0)1270 536100 project in Belgium Email: [email protected] Comflex


James Walker compensators

Australia (0)2 9721 9500 Fax: +61 (0)2 9721 9580 Email: [email protected] Umicore, Tel: +61 installed at Hoboken.

James Walker Benelux (Belgium) Tel: +32 3 820 7900 Fax: +32 3 828 5484 Email: [email protected]

James Walker Benelux (Netherlands) Tel: +31 (0)186 633111 Fax: +31 (0)186 633110 Email: [email protected] James Walker Brasil Tel: +55 21 2220 2152 Fax: +55 21 253 11704 Email: [email protected]

and brand. Much of its

James Walker is China workload for the marine and Tel: + 86 21 6876 9351 Fax: +86 21 6876 9352 steel sectors. Email: [email protected]

Since the original contracts

James Walker Deutschland Tel:were +49 (0)40 386 0810 Fax: +49 (0)40 placed seven years ago,389 3230 Email: [email protected]

Corus has joined the Tata Steel


200mm long and made from wift action by the James Walker Devol 6mm fluorocarbon. The others Antwerp office of Tel:Group. +44(0)1475 725320 Fax:+44(0)1475 787873 were rubber-proofed fabric. James Walker Email: [email protected] TICK FAX-BACK 10 Metal inner sleeves and Benelux and UK-based James www.devol.com Walker Townson has helped a

counter-flanges also had to be

James Walker Flemings supplied. James Walker Townson in the meet its urgent environmental Tel: +44 (0)1484 718391 Fax: +44 (0)1484 711585 UK rose to the challenge and deadline. Email: [email protected] precious metals refinery to

Engineers at the Umicore

manufactured the custom-

plant at Hoboken, Belgium,

designed Comflex®

emissions legislation. They had

Bart Daelemans to fit all the

just four weeks to complete the

equipment in just two days

James Walker France compensators in time for a had redesigned parts of the Tel: +33 (0)437 497480 Fax: +33 (0)437 497483 James Walker site team lead by process to meet new lowEmail: [email protected] James Walker Iberica over a weekend. installation with the plant shut Tel: +34 94 4470099 Fax: +34 94 4471077 Precious metal refining started down. Email: [email protected] Vital to the task were five

ductwork compensators. Three

again the next morning, on

schedule, with the important

James Walker Ireland low-emissions plant in action. of these were 1200mm ID by Tel: +353 (0)21 432 3626 Fax: +353 (0)21 432 3623 Email: [email protected] James Walker Italiana Tel: +39 02 257 8308 Fax: +39 02 263 00487 Email: [email protected] James Walker Keaflex Tel: +44 (0)1420 473645 Fax: +44 (0)1420 487498 Email: [email protected] James Walker Mfg (USA) Pump systems refurbished for Tel: +1 708 754 4020 Fax: +1 708 754 4058 Corus by James Walker at Email: [email protected]


James Walker Moorflex Tel: +44 (0)1274 562211 Fax: +44 (0)1274 566623 Email: [email protected] James Walker New Zealand Tel: +64 (0)9 272 1599 Fax: +64 (0)9 272 3061 Email: [email protected] Working closely with valve James Walker Norge James Walker manufacturers, Tel: +47 22 706800 Fax: +47 22 706801 Devol developed Devlon V-API Email: [email protected]

as a superior seat material that

James Walker Oil & Gas (USA) Tel:would +1 281overcome 875 0002 Fax: +1individual 281 875 0188 the Email: [email protected]

shortcomings of all the other

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range is -193°C to +200°C

James Walker Sealing Products & Services (-315°F to +392°F), and it Tel: +44 (0)1483 746137 Fax: +44 (0)1483 746157 Email: [email protected] handles a pressure of 414bar

(6000psi) +176°C (350°F). James Walker at Singapore Tel: +65 6777 9896 Fax: +65 6777 6102 Devlon V-API is currently Email: [email protected] approved by operators

James Walker South Africa and BP and is 304 0791 Tel:including + 27 (0)31 Shell 304 0770 Fax: +, 27 (0)31 Email: [email protected]

specified by over 20 of the

James Walker Townson world's leading valve Tel: +44 (0)161 367 9278 Fax: +44 (0)161 367 9280 companies. Email: [email protected] Tiflex Tel: +44 (0)1579 320808 Fax: +44 (0)1579 320802 Email: [email protected] www.tiflex.co.uk

Sealing Guide for the Iron and SteelJames industry Walker SPS Ltd

gas authority, and MMC, a

One of James Walker's

Aerial view of Didcot Power Station. James Walker companies


By 2002, the original German

and A-frames.

world in heavy duty hydraulic Lion House, Oriental Road packings andGU22 vibration Woking, Surrey 8AP United Kingdom damping systems for forging Tel: +44 (0)1483 plant. 746146 and extrusion Fax: +44 (0)1483 746123 Email: [email protected]

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