James Earl Jimmy Carter Jr . By: Mindy 5-5
Mini Biography Jimmy Carter was born on October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia. He was served as the president of the United States on 1977 to 1981. He was the 39th president and was the only president who won the Nobel Peace Prize after leaving his office. Jimmy and his wife, Rosalynn Carter was involved with Habitat for Humanity in 1984 and has since become its most high-profile proponent. He has been involved in fund-raising and publicity as well as actual homebuilding, taking part in the annual Jimmy Carter Work Project "blitz build".
Character Traits o Generous - James and Rosalynn Carter helped an organization called, “ Habit for Humanity”. It is an organization to help build houses for the people in need. o Responsible - He was involved in an organization to help build houses for the poor while taking part as president. o Hard-Working- While he was taking part as a president, he helped and organization to help build house for the poor and even won a Nobel Peace Prize.
Conflict Jimmy Carter realized that there are many people who needs a home and is really poor. They can’t afford to buy a house and they don’t have much to eat, so he built ‘The Carter Center’ to advance human rights. The Carter Center is guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering; it seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts. It’s peace programs strengthen freedom and democracy in nations worldwide, securing for people the political and civil rights that are the foundation of just and peaceful societies.
Jonathan Reckford is a chief executive officer of Habitat for Humanity International .
Pe o ple de se rve e qual rights no matte r what the y are o r who the y are . No matte r if the y are ric h o r po o r. Eve ryo ne de se rve s e quality but the pe o ple in ne e d do e sn’ t have the ir o wn ho me s and so me we re humiliate d. The y had a re ally to ugh life . But the re is an o rganizatio n c alle d ‘ Habitats fo r Humanity Inte rnatio nal ’ . Jimmy and Ro salynn Carte r was invo lve d and he lp built many ho use fo r the po o r and was awarde d the No be l Pe ac e Prize fo r the ir hard wo rk to find justic e fo r the pe o ple in ne e d.
Bibliography o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitat_for_Humanity_International o o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter o o http://www.cartercenter.org/peace/index.html o o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Reckford
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