Jagad Raya Kelas X

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  • Words: 1,779
  • Pages: 48

2. Understanding the history of the formation of the earth BASIC COMPETENCY: 2.1 Describe the solar system and universe 2.2 Explain the history of the formation of the earth INDICATORS: Explaining the theory of the solar system and universe Explain the difference assumptions about the universe and the universe Describe the process of the earth Identify the characteristics of the earth perlapisan Analyze the theory of plate tectonics and its relation with the spread of volcanoes and earthquakes

Natural universe is a vast universe (not measured), including millions of celestial bodies, and thousands of gas mist.


THEORY Universe expand


Big Bang Theory According to this theory, ancient galaxies close to each other once. With so maybe all the galaxies in the universe originated from a single mass. In a single mass, the universe has a temperature and enormous energy. For that only great explosion that can destroy a single mass into pieces as the beginning of the universe.

Theory Universe Expands Kingdom Dikemukan according to this theory and observations by the research results Georges-Henri Lemaitre (1927) and supported by Edwin Hubble (1929). According to this theory the universe to move apart that expand into wide.

Theory of the Permanent Things The theory pioneered by Fred Hoyle argued that the material New (hydrogen) is created each time to fill the empty space arising from the development of the universe. In this case the universe will continue to always look the same.




The galaxy is a system of immense constellation in which there are millions of stars and heavenly bodies other as members of which revolves around the center with a regular movement. The shape of galaxies in the universe there is a spiral, spiral trunked, elliptical, and irregular

Stars are celestial bodies have their own light from within the core reaction. According to the laws of physics, the star has bluish-white light has a high temperature, the more red or yellow, the lower. Degree of light power is determined by the magnitude star. The smaller the magnitude of a star, the brighter the star light.

The solar system is a group of celestial bodies composed of the sun surrounded by planets and their satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteors. At least two assumptions about our universe, namely Geocentris and Heliocentris







THEORY Planetesimal




Introduced by Germany philosopher named Immanuel Kant (1755) This theory states that the sun and the planets come from an incandescent fog of twisting in the universe. Because of rotation, some of the mass of the fog off, forming rings around the main part of the mist. In turn, the bracelet was forming clots that eventually froze and formed the planets

Introduced by a geologist named TC Chamberlin and an astronomer named FR Moulton This theory states that the solar system formed from the incandescent mist, where the fog is dense material which is called Planetesimal scattered. Each of these solid objects have gravity that results in the mutual attraction between each other. Finally, gradually forming a big lump called a planet



This theory was put forward by James Jean and Harold Jeffreys (1917) This theory states that long ago there was a star passing near the sun. The existence of the star attractions at the surface of the sun causes the tides happen like tidal sea water on the earth due to gravity months. Attractive force causes the mass of the sun partially separated and formed the planets

Vortek theory put forward by Karl Von Weiszacker. This theory states that the mass of fog (nebula) consists of vorteks (vortex) which is the nature of gas movement. Movement of gas in the nebula, causing the cells patterns the turbulent (turbulent). At the boundary between turbulent cells, there antarpartikel collision that enlarges and becomes a planet. Protoplanet theory proposed by Gerard P. Kuiper. This theory states that the planet formed through the seething (turbelensi) nebula that help collision Planetesimal, thus expanding the protoplanet Planetesimal and later became the planet

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Stage when the earth is a planet that has not happened homogeneous or differentiated and zonafikasi The process of differentiation, ie materials heavier iron sank toward the center of the earth and the lighter material moves to the surface

Zonafikasi process, the point when the earth is divided into several zones or layers, namely a solid iron core, a liquid iron core, lower mantle, transition zone, the liquid asthenosphere and lithosphere consisting of continental crust and oceanic crust

THEORY CONTRACTIONS THEORY Floaters BENUA (Continental drift) Theory Shift Seabed

Theory THEORY Laurasia & Gondwana Theory Convection currents

THEORY Plate tectonics

1) This theory dikemukan by Descartes 2) This theory states that the earth's crust had shrinkage due to cooling of the interior of the earth due to heat conduction. 3) Shrinkage-shrinkage caused the earth became uneven.

1) The theory was expressed by Alfred Wegener in 1912 According to Wegener, the surface of the earth in the beginning there was only one large continent called Pangea, and an ocean called Tethys Continent is then moved slowly toward the equator and west to reach this position now.

1) Originally a scientist named AntonioSnidar-Pellegrini said that the continents, especially Africa and South America, a continent that has united 2) rank B Taylor (1910) stated that at first there were only two continents on earth, Laurasia and Gondwana. 3) The two continents are then moved slowly toward the equator so that fragmented to form the continents look now. 4) South America, Africa and Australia used together in Gondwanaland.

1) The theory is the result of a shift in ocean development of the theory of convection 2) Publications by a geologist named Robert Diaz 3) Seabed topography studies found evidence of a shift from the bottom of the sea bottom to the back of both sides


Publications by a character named Holmes (1923) This theory states that the convection flow occurs in the vertical direction in the asthenosphere layer is rather thick Convection flow that crept into the rocky crust of the earth causes the earth's crust are tender. Flow motion of the earth's surface to cause uneven

This theory was proposed by Mc Kenzie and Robert Parker A refinement of previous theories (theory of contraction, Laurasia-Gondwana theory, theory of continent floaters, the theory of convection currents, and ocean floor drift theory The theory states that the earth's crust and lithosphere that floats on the asthenosphere is considered a single layer of interconnected plates. Convection currents that flow out of the back of the sea spread to both sides, while the other part will go back into and mixed with the material in that layer. Areas where the entry of such materials is the fault of the mark in the ocean trenches and volcanic island

At this moment in the earth's surface there are 6 major plates, namely: 1. Eurasian Plate, the region covering Europe, Asia, and the suburbs, including Indonesia 2. American Plate, the region covering North America, South America, and half of the western Atlantic Ocean 3. African Plate, covering Africa region, half of the eastern Atlantic Ocean, and northwest Indian Ocean 4. Pacific Plate, covering the entire plate area in the Pacific Ocean 5. Indo-Australian plate, cover plate wilayanhnya Indian Ocean and the Indian subcontinent and western Australia 6. Antarctic Plate, covering the continental Antarctic region and the Antarctic Ocean plate

Saling Tumbuk (Konvergen)

Pergeseran Mendatar (Transform Fault)

Saling Menjauh (Divergent Junction)

• • • • • • • •

There volcanism activity (intrusion & extrusion) Hiposentra area is shallow and the earthquake Menujam ocean floor plates under continental plate (subduction zones) Sea trench formed in the collision Swelling of the continental plate, which is a mountain range The destruction of the plates due to the friction plates Mixed sediment pile Examples formation caused by the interaction of these plates is the Himalayas, Mindanao Trench, mountain path in Indonesia (sirkum Mediterranean & sirkum Pacific), and Kep. Japanese

• • • • •

Perenggangan plate with both sides of the plate pertumbukan the The formation of the ocean floor dike (mid oceanic ridge) along the plate perenggangan Activity of deep-sea volcanism produces lava pillow base structure and the expanse of lava leleran dilute Earthquake activity at the bottom of the sea and surrounding Example: in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean stretching near the north pole to near the south pole, the gap causes the Americas to move away with Continental Europe and Africa

• There are activities that weak volcanism that is not accompanied by strong earthquake • Cause formation folds and faults, such as the San Andreas fault in the U.S. • There are mountains and valleys

WITH regard plate tectonics volcanoes spread of G. EARTHQUAKE AND There are mountains and valleys

Outer layer of the earth Consists of continental crust / continental plates (40 km thick) and oceanic crust / oceanic plate (8 km thick) Continental crust is composed of granite rocks with low density and Silisium containing aluminum (Si-Al) and the oceanic crust is composed of basalt rock containing Silisium and magnesium (Si-Ma) with high density Si-Al layer has a density = + 2.8 g/cm3, and a layer of Si-Ma has a density = 3.2 g/cm3 95% of the lithosphere is composed of igneous The top layer of the lithosphere is a sedimentary rock

Between the earth's crust and mantle layer is limited by a layer called layer mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho), which is a layer which changes physical properties of the sharp contrast between the crust and mantle, especially the density and elasticity of rocks Earth's magnetic poles at the BBU is located near latitude 73o, longitude Islands 100oB in Canada, whereas the Earth's magnetic poles near BBS 68oS latitude, longitude, at the end of the Antarctic 146oT

Layer between the Earth's crust and core of the Earth Consists of two layers, which are liquid and solid character. Mantle layer called the asthenosphere is liquid, this layer near the earth's crust Approximately 80% of the volume of Earth is the coat Composed of the minerals iron and silicate megnesium There convection currents that cause large pressure

Earth's core consists of iron and nickel metal (NiFe) Core radius of Earth = + 3370 km Si-Al layer has a density + 10 gr/cm3 Earth's core can be divided into the core 2 and outer core. Is the solid core and outer core is liquid Is the cause of Earth's magnetic fi

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