Jackie Chan Report

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 6
XX Jackie Chan


Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan


Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Yang Liu (coco) Email: [email protected]: Provide leadership across the organization BSBMGT605B Semester 1, 2009


1. Why did I select Jackie Chan………………………………………………………………………………….3

2. What did he achieve…………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

3. What are Jackie Chan’s leadership characteristics……………………………………………4

4. What type of power do I believe he uses


5. What personal traits contribute to the leader’s effectiveness……………………...5

6. What can we learn from this leader………………………………………………………………………6


1- Why did I select Jackie Chan? What do you think, when you hear the word “leader”? In general leader could be PRESIDENT, CEO or BOSS. In the other way, I think a leader would be like a hero. A hero can be anyone. A hero can be a superstar, athlete or a cancer survivor. A leader is a person that you can look up to or sets a good example. My hero is Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan is a hero. He’s done great job by his stunts. He’s created Chan style action movies. He donates money to others in need. He earns money in the movie business and then gives it to charities and retirement homes.

2- What did he achieve? Jackie Chan is very successful movie star in Asia and America. He has received worldwide recognition for his acting, having won several awards including an Innovator Award from the American Choreography Awards and a lifetime achievement award from the Taurus World Stunt Awards.1 He has stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars. In 2004, Chan launched his own line of clothing, which bears a Chinese dragon logo and the English word "Jackie".2 Chan also has a number of other branded businesses. His sushi restaurant chain, Jackie's Kitchen, has outlets throughout Hong Kong, as well as seven in South Korea and one in Hawaii, with plans to open another in Las Vegas. Jackie Chan's Cafe has outlets in Beijing, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and the Philippines. Other ventures include Jackie Chan Signature Club gyms (a partnership with California Fitness), and a line of chocolates, cookies and nutritional oatcakes. He also hopes to expand into furniture and kitchenware, and is also considering a


"Jackie Chan from Hong Kong to Receive Stunt Award" Xinhua net 2002-05-16 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2002-

05/16/content_394957.htm. Retrieved on 2007-06-11 2

"Fashion leap for Jackie Chan as Kung-fu star promotes new clobber". Agency France Press (JC-News). 2004-04-02. http://jc-

news.net/news.php?id=316 Retrieved on 2007-06-15


branded supermarket.3 With each of his businesses, a percentage of the profits goes to various charities, including the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation. Following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, Chan donated RMB ¥ 10 million to help those in need. In addition, he is planning to make a film about the Chinese earthquake to raise money for survivors.

3- What are Jackie Chan’s leadership characteristics? The Key Point-- Tenacity/ strong work ethic/ drive and achievement/ creativity/ knowledge of the business

Jackie Chan performs most of his own stunts, which are choreographed by the Jackie Chan Stunt Team. He has stated in interviews that the primary inspiration of his more comedic stunts were the films such as The General, starring Buster Keaton, who was also known to perform his own stunts without doubles. The dangerous nature of his stunts makes it difficult for Chan to get insurance, especially in the United States, where his stunt work is contractually limited.4 Chan holds the Guinness World Record for "Most Stunts by a Living Actor", which emphasizes "no insurance company will underwrite Chan's productions, in which he performs all his own stunts". 5 Chan has been injured numerous times attempting stunts; many of them have been shown as outtakes or as bloopers during the closing credits of his films. Over the years, Chan has dislocated his pelvis and broken his fingers, toes, nose, both cheekbones, hips, sternum, neck, ankle and ribs on numerous occasions.6

"Jackie Chan's business empire kicks into place". Taipei Times 2005-0411.http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2005/04/11/2003250063. Retrieved on 2008-10-20 4 Rogers, Ian. "Jackie Chan Interview". Film Zone 3

http://web.archive.org/web/20070710114138/http://www.newline.com/jackiechan/Chan/chaninterview.html Retrieved on 2007-0609 5 "January 2003 News Archives". Jackie Chan Kids 2003-01-03.http://www.jackiechankids.com/files/January_News_Archives.htm. Retrieved on 2007-06-09 6 "Jackie Chan re-injures back while filming". The Star


4- What type of power do I believe he uses? The Key Point -- Referent power

Jackie Chan influences many people around world. They love Jackie Chan, because of his great and fabulous movies and his personality. Through his movies, many people love Chinese culture. Also he works very, very hard, which helped people to believe they can realize their dreams. He does good stuff for charity and makes you feel that everything you have felt and wished is ok with him and makes you want to strive to be a better person. I like Jackie because despite all the hardships and pain of his youth, he never gave up. He worked very hard until he reached his goals and now he works for peace and charity and international understanding. And despite other adversity in his grownup life, everywhere he goes he brings lots and lots and lots of smiles!

5- What personal traits contribute to the leader’s effectiveness? The Key Point --Self confidence/ high tolerance for frustration/tenacity/ sense of humor

Jackie Chan was born into poverty in a very poor family, so poor that they almost had to sell him to pay the hospital bills. When Jackie was little, his father would wake him early in the morning and together they would practice Kung Fu. His father believed that learning Kung Fu would help build Jackie’s character, teaching him patience, strength, and courage7. He worked very hard and had to train everyday from morning on till night. Jackie has mentioned it was the hardest period of his life8. It made Jackie Chan indomitable, also built himself confidence, high tolerance for frustration and tenacity. In addition, Jackie is a very funny guy. These personal traits contribute to Jackie Chan becoming a superstar.

Jackie with his family

7 8

http://www.jackiechan.com/biography http://library.thinkquest.org/04apr/00389/Textonly/OurstandingPersonage/JackieChan/inf.htm


6- What can we learn from this leader? The story of Jackie Chan’s life is an interesting and a courageous one. This shows that even if you do live in poverty as a child, you can still become rich and famous when you grow up. This also shows that not all celebrities are greedy. Also Jackie Chan’s story told us, with a confidence and persistence, hard work, creates opportunities, we can realize the dream.


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