Iwas Stress.docx

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,649
  • Pages: 7


“Iwas/Bawas Stress” OBJECTIVES:

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Participants will be able to define what is stress. Participants will be able to discuss how to manage stress.

An individual’s reaction to threatening or challenging things or events in life Sources of Stress 1. Personal: - Minor annoyances - Adverse life experiences - Major life changes - Extreme life experiences 2. Family : - Spouse/parents Children/ siblings - In-laws/other relatives - No relatives - No house help 3. Occupational: - Physical environment - Interpersonal relationship - Organizational: - role/task demands, - promotion, - demotion, - stagnation 4. Environmental: - Peace and order situation - Socio-economic - Political Groups Most Vulnerable to Distress  Separated persons than unmarried (CVD, Cancer, Suicide)  Unhappily married people than re-married  Unmarried groups-single, divorced, widowed  Teenagers with high-achievement pressure Most vulnerable…

LEGAL MEDICINE DR. REY J. MILLENA          


Widows and widowers Wives than husbands Unemployed wives Husbands of working wives Poor Urban dwellers Migrants from rural areas Parents with young children Aged 15-35 and 55-65 yrs. old More in women than men …

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Blue collar workers Unemployed Families that move a great deal

Psychological Conflicts People with inability to tolerate envy with others may suffer from pathological envy of success of others or fear of success of oneself Flameout A preventable and treatable condition which occurs when the need for periodic rest, food, exercise and relaxation is overlooked or ignored Burn-Out A state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion characterized by changed attitude towards work, colleagues and crisis individual Stress Syndrome Physical Signs & Symptoms Stress Syndrome Emotional Signs & Symptoms Stress Syndrome Cognitive Symptoms Stress Syndrome Behavioral Signs & Symptoms

Excessive smoking * Bossiness

Compulsive gum chewing * Critical attitude

Grinding of teeth * Overuse of alcohol/other substances

Compulsive eating *Inability to get things done STRESS How do you know if you are suffering from stress ?

 Are you constantly tired?  Do you experience flashes of anger over minor problem ?



 Have you noticed a change in sleeping or eating patterns ?  Do you feel inadequate or suffer from self-doubt? How do you know…

Do you suffer from chronic pain, headache or back- aches?

Do minor problems and disappointments upset you excessively?

Do the small pleasures of life fail to satisfy you?

Are you unable to stop thinking of your worries? 1. SPIRITUALITY “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28 Question: How much do you know about yourself? Personality Check Time Management

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Avoid procrastination Practice use of activity logs and action plans Prioritize To Do List Scheduling skills Concentrate on results, not on being busy 20/80 Rule

Time blocking/compartmentalization TIME BLOCKING In the presence of a stressor, set aside specific time during the day to deal with it. It will enable you to attend to other responsibilities despite the presence of stressor Compartmentalization A deliberate attempt to think about the negative and stressful thoughts or events at specified time of the day Thought Stopping Helps get rid of negative thinking by saying STOP! (startling yourself) if one identifies a negative thought and immediately inserting a pleasant thought. “Mental relaxation invigorates” Basic Techniques of Relaxation Basic Relaxation Techniques


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Visualization and mental imagery Meditation – contemplative/mantra Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Massage Stretching

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Is the conscious contraction and relaxation of muscles..

 by deliberately tensing muscles, you learn to identify what muscles are tight and learn to relax them  can be used before, during or after an anxious situation  can be done in sitting, standing or lying position PMR Procedure (Start from head to foot or vice-versa) 1. Close eyes tightly 2. Wrinkle nose 3. Place teeth together and press lips against teeth into a forced smile 4. Press tongue hard against the roof of the mouth 5. Clench teeth 6. Pucker lips 7. Pull chin toward chest 8. Put head back as far as it will go 9. Press head to right shoulder then to the left shoulder 10.Hold right arm out straight, make a fist and tighten the whole arm or pull elbow tightly into side; repeat with left 11. Push shoulder blades toward each other 12. Pull chest and stomach in 13. Tighten muscles of lower abdomen, buttocks and thighs and raise self in the chair 14. Push right leg and foot against the floor, then point toes toward the head 15. Repeat with left leg and foot. Inner shouting Process of shouting “I feel..” inside one’s head followed by blurting out aloud what you are feeling stressed about. Done repeatedly with deep inhalation as you shout inside and exhalation as you blurt it out aloud, not in anger Paano kung…? Sabi nila: Kung sino ang may kailangan, siya ang lumapit…...... Paano yong nalulunod? Siya rin ba ang lalapit? Laugh but look beyond the joke.



Remember: “It is not always the people with worries who should come to us for help…. Sometimes we need to be sensitive enough to know when to make the first move.” Question: Gaano ka ba kasaya? Remember: “ The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding their troubles “ Self-Massage 1. Sit on a chair 2. Place both hands on top of the head and move them in slow circular motions down the nape\back of the head and shoulder area 3. Massage the posterior portion of neck and each shoulder by crossing hands over so that the right hand massages the left shoulder and vice versa 4. Return hands to the top of the head 5. Move hands forward in circular motions over the forehead, face, posterior of neck and chest 6. To relax the right arm, grasp the fingertips of the right hand with the left hand and move up the hand and arm to the shoulder in circular motions with the fingers on top and the thumb on the underside 7. Massage all the way down the right side of the chest 8. Repeat on the left arm using the right hand and all the way to the left 9. Place hands on the lower abdomen with fingertips touching and move up to the chest in circular motion 10. Place both hands on the lower back with fingertips touching at the coccyx. Massage up as high as one can reach 11. Massage foot using circular motion of both hands continuing up, over the ankle and up the calf and thigh 12. Repeat procedure to the other foot, leg and thigh Learn to Use the 5 Senses:

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Sight > colors: green, pastel, blue sceneries Smell > aroma, flowers Touch > feel of textures > tap on the shoulders > massage Hearing > music

Taste > savor taste 12 S To Manage STRESS (Iwas Stress): 1. Spirituality



2. Self awareness (“Feel good about yourself”) 3. Scheduling (Managing our self) 4. Siesta (“A short Break to Recharge) 5. Stretching (Make your Body listen) 6. Socials (Refresh Others & Be refreshed)

Basic Requirements/Techniques:

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Having adequate sleep Having rest and recreation Having regular exercise Mental Imagery/Visualization Meditation Seek consult/help


Four Steps to Approach Stress Breathe deeply and release physical tension; useful in breaking the negative stress cycle Four Steps to Approach Stress

You are a product of your own choices and decisions, not of circumstances BE PRO-ACTIVE Tulad ni Betchay…. Lunes..paggising niya, 3 na lang buhok nya..” Ay, di bale,ititirintas ko ‘to! Tue..paggising nya, 2 na lang buhok nya..” A, hati sa gitna ang hairstyle ko! Wed..1 na lang buhok nya..”A! Ipopony tail ko ‘to!

A 92 year old, petite, well poised and proud woman, who is fully dressed each morning by 8 am, with her hair fashionably coiffed and smelling like she’s just taken her bath, even



though she is legally blind, moved to nursing home. Her husband of 70 years has recently passed away, making the move necessary. After waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home for a couple of hours, she smiled sweetly when told that her room was ready. She was told what it looked like. “I love it”, she exclaimed with the enthusiasm so like an 8 year old just gifted with a new puppy. “Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room yet; just wait”.. “That doesn’t have anything to do with it.” She replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like the room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged. It’s how I arrange my mind. I’ve already decided to love my room. It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice. I can spend the day in bed thinking of the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work or get out of bed and be thankful to God for the ones that do.” Each day is a gift and as long as my eyes open, I’ll focus on the new day and the happy memories that I have. So, thank you for your part in filling my memory bank. And I’m still depositing.” Lesson: Life depends on attitude. Carry yourself well and always think positively no matter how Negative people think REMEMBER Positive thoughts are energy earners, Negative thoughts are energy burners.

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