Itgs Key Terms

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ITGS Key Terms

A Acrobat® - A product of Adobe Systems that produces documents which can be displayed and printed from most computer operating systems. Adobe provides free Acrobat® readers for downloading from the Internet. Acrobat® files have extensions of " PDF" (for portable document format). AI - See artificial intelligence American National Standards Institute - See ANSI analog - Refers to a signal that varies continuously. The other type of signal is digital which is composed of discrete units. Digital circuits are easier to design and operate. Nearly all modern computers and new communication systems use digital signals. Standalone fax machines usually send and receive analog signals. android - A machine created to perform one or more functions normally done by humans. Android literally means possessing human features; the Oxford English Dictionary defines android as "an automaton resembling a human being." Androids resemble humans while robots need not have physical features like those of humans. See cyborg and robot. ANSI - American National Standards Institute. The United States group that approves US many standards, including the standards for computers and for communications. ANSI is a member of the International Organization for Standardization, ISO. Also see byte. applet - Programs written in Sun Microsystems' Java language. The programs contain the code needed to "play" animations or to present interactive applications. Applets can be downloaded using Netscape and played in a Web session. application software or programs - Programs designed to support work or recreation functions, e.g., word processors, spreadsheets, database managers, and image editors. These programs may be integrated into one or more suites of software. Application software should be distinguished from utility programs. Archie - A system that gathers, indexes, and distribute information on the Internet. Initially developed at McGill University School. While Veronica searches Gopher files, Archie searches FTP file sites. Archie functions are being replaced

by Web Search Engines on the World Wide Web. artificial intelligence (AI) - A property of machines that, if achieved, mimics human thought processes. Many researchers in artificial intelligence consider the abilities of "learning", reasoning, and decision making as essential to claims of machines possessing artificial intelligence. Sometimes referred to as AI. ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The primary encoding character set used in computers. The current version has 7 bits per character. 8.bit words or character codes provide a bit that can be used as a check but to help that the remaining 7 bits are correct. Also see byte. Asimov, Issac (1920-1992) - Educated as a biochemist; also an author of short stories and novels, mostly science fiction. He is known as a futurist who predicted future developments in computers and information technology and their influence on society. Asimov introduced the fictional "three laws of robotics" that have been the basis for many discussions on ethical considerations of using robotics. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - A very fast data transmission method. It dynamically allocates bandwidth and uses a fixed-size data packet. Large files are broken into small standard sized units that are transmitted to the receiving computer where the packets are reassembled into a copy of the original file. The number of packets transmitted per second is dynamically determined based upon the needs of the applications requesting the data. attachment, e-mail - A document sent as a attachment to an e-mail message. The attachment may be any digital file object such as a simple ASCII text document, a word processing document, an image, a sound file, a video file, or a spreadsheet file. ATM - See Asynchronous Transfer Modeauthentication - Verification of a person's identity or the source of a document. In network systems, authentication referrers to verifying that messages and documents came from the person indicated.

B back door - An entry into a computer system deliberately left by designers, usually privileged accounts intended for field service technicians or maintenance programmers. (Also called "trap door" or "wormhole")

backup / back-up - 1. verb - To make copies of computer data or programs. 2. noun - Copies of computer data or programs. Backups may be on any media such as floppy diskettes, hard disks, CD-ROMs, or tapes. Backups are made to be used for recovery in the the event of damage or loss of the original version of the files. bandwidth - 1. The difference in height between the highest and lowest frequencies. 2. A measure of the amount of data that can be transmitted through a circuit per unit of time (second). barcode - An image of dark stripes of varying widths on a light background; the width and sequence of the stripes denotes the numbers (characters). The images are scanned by laser or conventional light emitting devices; software programs convert the barcode information into digital data. baud - The carrying capacity of communication lines or systems in symbols per second. Baud rates coincide with bits per second only under specific conditions. "Baud" was used for telegraph speeds for one Morse code dot per second. The term is confusing and, "bits per second" (bps) or "characters per second" (cps) should be used for modern computer and fax communications. Note that in the ASCII code, each character is composed of eight bits! bbs / BBS - See bulletin board system BGR - Blue, Green, Red. The colors of light that, when mixed, produce any other color. Images may be stored as sets of separate red, green and blue overlays. The three colors are emitted from to the three "guns" in a color cathode ray tube. BGR is sometimes a synonym for color, for example, a "RGB monitor". There are other methods of storing and representing colors (see CMYK and HSV). binary - Relating to systems composed of only two items or choices. See bit. binary digit - see bit bit - binary digit. The smallest unit of information for data storage and transmission. Each bit is considered to be either a "1" or a "0" and is said to be "set" or true if its value is 1 and "clear" or "reset" if the value is "0". Bits are sometimes referred to as being O or 1, and sometimes as plus (+) or minus (-), sometimes as being "on" or "off", and sometimes as "true" or "false". (See byte. Also see Boolean logic and fuzzy logic.) bitmap - A file or image structure representing, bit for bit, an image displayed on a monitor. Bitmaps define the width and height of images and the parts of images. Bitmaps may represent colored images; in this case, more than on bit is needed to define each pixel. See BGR.

BMP- An image file format used in Microsoft Windows. A bitmap format. See GIF, JPEG, PIC, PIX, TIFF, and WPG. Boolean logic - A system of logic based on Boolean algebra and named after George Boole (hence, capitalized). It deals with the two truth values of "TRUE and "FALSE". It also included the modifiers of "AND", "OR" and "NOT". The Boolean conditions of true and false are often represented by "0" for "false" and "1" for "true". The "0" and "1" states are sometimes referred to as "no" and "yes" conditions. See fuzzy logic boot / boot up - To start or initialize a computer operating system. bps / BPS - Bits per second, the transmission speed of data between computers (or fax machines). BOPS is often used to express data transmission speeds. browser - A program for reading hypertext. Browser permit viewing the contents of documents and support navigating among documents. The most popular World Wide Web browsers (1996) are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer. bug - An unwanted operation or function in a program or in computer hardware. the use of the term "bug" to computer malfunctions is attributed to Admiral Grace Hopper. The story told by Admiral Hopper is that an early computer had malfunctioned. Upon investigation, a moth was discovered between the contacts in the machine. bulletin board system (bbs / BBS) - A computer and software providing a message database. Users log in and leave and read messages. Messages are often divided into topics. Some BBS provide archives of files or other services, e.g., e-mail. byte - The unit of data storage and transmission in computers. A byte is usually considered the code for a single character. The number of bits in a byte varies among computer systems. We usually think of a byte as being 8 bits long. The English Latin alphabet has 52 characters (upper and lower case) and computers commonly also use punctuation marks and a few special characters such as the period, exclamation mark, slashes, equal sign, tilde, ampersand, dollar symbol, pound sign, percent mark, asterisk, plus sign, and carriage return. Including punctuation mark and special characters, we need approximately 100 unique codes. Each bit can exist in only two states, 0 or 1. Thus, a 6 bit word can define only 64 characters, a 7 bit word can define 128 characters, and an 8 bit word can define 256 characters. If one bit is used to check the integrity of the entire byte, then we need at least an 8 bit byte (or "word") for common computer uses. C

CAD - Computer Aided Design. CAD systems are sometimes integrated with a computer aided manufacturing system. CAL - Computer Aided Learning. learning that is assisted by interactive computer programs. See training and tutorial. call forward - A telephone service by which telephone calls are forwarded to a previously determined number. The number to which calls are forwarded can be changed at time either remotely or at the phone from which the calls are forwarded. call id / caller id - A telephone service that displays the telephone number and name of the person calling. CAM - Computer Aided Manufacture. CAM systems are sometimes integrated with a computer aided design system. CD & CD-ROM - Compact Disk, Compact Disk-Read Only Memory. A data storage medium that uses the same physical formats as audio compact disk. There are several logical formats used to store data on CDs. Compact disk can store (currently,1996) approximately 600 megabytes (8-bit bytes) of data. Note: The French Academy has recommended the Gallicized cédérom version of word with this dictionary entry, Cédérom (masculine noun) (final m pronounced). Adapted from the American term CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only memory). central processing unit - See CPU CERN - The European Laboratory for Particle Physics located in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Wide Web originated in this laboratory in 1989 when its staff proposed a multimedia, hyperlinked system of documents. This laboratory has sometimes been referred to as the "home of the Web." The NCSA staff developed the first graphical browser, Mosaic, for the World Wide Web. Mosaic was released (free) for public use in 1990. CGI - Common gateway interface. A type of program that will run under nearly all operating systems and is used primarily to process requests from HTML forms or act on information obtained from HTML forms. chat room - A virtual "place" where two or more network users can exchange eelectronic messages. Most chat or talk systems support real -time or simultaneous communications. checkdigit - A checksum of only one digit. See ISBN for an example of a checkdigit. checksum - A value that is computed and that depends on the contents of a set

of data. Checksums are stored or transmitted with the data. The checksum is used to detect if the data has been altered during transmission or when being stored and retrieved. Receiving programs recompute the checksum to compare with the checksum sent or stored with the data. Checksums may be more than one digit. They are not always the result of addition but may be the result of one or more computations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. A very simple example of a checksum is found in ISBN codes for books and other documents. The last digit of an ISBN code is a checkdigit. (The ISBN codes use a single digit check value; thus an "x" is used to denote a value of 10 in ISBN codes.) ISBN checksums are examples of a one-digit checksum, or a checkdigit. CISC - Complex instruction set computer. The opposite of RISC. Pentium and x86 type chip use CISC chips. See also RISC. client - A computer program that requests a service of another computer system (a "server"). See also client-server. client-server - A software partitioning scheme in which a system is divided between server tasks performed on requests from clients, asking for information or action. CMYK - A method for describing colors by amounts of the secondary colors of Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow. In addition the amount of blacK (the "key") is also specified. The CMYK system is used in printing. See BGR and HSV). code of conduct - Standards of behavior that are expected by or required of members of a community. Users of networks abide a code of conduct that insists upon respect for intellectual property rights, respect for other users of the network, and responsible use of network facilities. commercial software - Software, usually copyrighted, produced for sale or license for use. See freeware software, public domain software, and shareware software. common gateway interface - See CGI compression - The coding of files to storage space or transmission time. Most commonly used files of text, images, sound, or video can be converted into files of fewer bits. These compressed files can then be expanded to the original form for display or play. Many compression algorithms exits. Some compressions are better suited on one type of file than for others. Commonly used image compression methods are JPEG, and GIF. There are special compression methods for sound and video (e.g., MPEG compression) files. Some compression methods are used for files without regard to the kind of data represented. Common general compression methods include zip and pkzip for DOS based systems, stuffit for Macintosh® operating systems, and compress

(using gzip) for UNIX operating systems. Two or more compressed files may be combined into an archive file using compression programs such as tat or zip. computer abuse - With respect to computer systems, using computers and networks to perform illegal or unacceptable acts. Abusive acts may include unauthorized access, send messages or making available files containing offensive language pornographic materials, repeated sending of unwanted messages, or any act considered unacceptable by the community sharing the resources. computer-aided design - See CAD computer-aided learning - See CAL computer-aided manufacture - See CAM computer crime - Any illegal or unauthorized behavior in connection with computers and computer networks. Examples of computer crime include computer sabotage, unauthorized access, computer forgery, damage to computer data or programs, computer fraud, computer espionage, unauthorized use of a computer, and unauthorized use of protected computer program. computer-aided interface - The devices and software that enable people to use computers. These include physical devices such as mouse, keyboard, pointers, and light wands. They also include software, such as Microsoft Words, with icons, help dialogues, and wizards. cookie - A transaction ID used between cooperating programs. Cookies are used by some browsers and Web server programs to identify the client user and even unique preferences or requests from the client user. Cookies may be stored for use during a given session, for a set length of time (seconds, minutes, hours, or days), or retained permanently. Cookie information is stored with the browser on the client side; the information is automatically accessed and used by the browser in subsequent transactions. copyright - The legal right of authors, composers, or publisher to "print" and distribute intellectual and artistic creations. The right is granted by governments and may apply to intellectual property in digital forms. In this case the printing and distribution includes digital forms of the works. cps - Characters per second, used in expressing the speed of transferring digital data. CPU - Central Processing Unit. The main processing chip of a computer. cracker - A person who attempts to gain unauthorized access a computer

system, often for malicious purposes. The term was coined by hackers to defend against misuse of "hacker". cyborg - A human with one or more mechanical or electronic devices implanted to enhance the capabilities of that human. See android and robot. D data - Numbers, codes, words, or phrases without units or other items that define or give meaning to these original elements. See information, knowledge, and wisdom. database - A collection of related types of data in a single file, or set of files, for sorting, analyzing, and reporting. Database management system - See DBMS data compression - See compression. data encryption - The scrambling of data into unintelligible characters using passwords. The encrypted file can be restored to their original state using the correct password. See an external document about encryption. Data Encryption Standard - See DES data integrity - The entry and preservation of stored data in a manner that results in its retrieval in a form identical to the original and representing the original observations or ideas. Uncorrupted data. data redundancy - The storage of duplicate data. Relational databases provide file structures than can help reduce the need for duplicate data elements. Networks help reduce the need for duplicate data by permitting the sharing of data. DBMS - Database management system. A program that sorts, links, and otherwise organizes and manages data in a database. DBMS may also assist in the analysis of data and the preparation of reports. defragment - A process that reads file segments form non-contiguous sections of a storage device and then writes the files to the same device so that each file segment is contiguous with the preceding and following segments. When storage devices have files deleted, the unused space is available for future storage. If the net file written into the released space is large than the space available, then a pointed is recorded at the end of the segment and the remained of the file is written into one or more non-contiguous segments.

DES - Data Encryption Standard. An encryption algorithm. DES is the same as the ANSI standard Data Encryption Algorithm. It is a popular encryption method, "approved" by the US Government. DES has been implemented in hardware and software, neither of which are supposed to be exported from the United States. design brief - Specifications that describe the functions and appearance of a system. desktop publishing (DTP) - The use of computers to prepare text and graphics for printing. The best desktop publishing programs support the fitting of text into irregular shapes and the use of a variety of typefaces and font sizes and styles (bold, italic, underline, outline, superscripts, subscripts). digital - Of or pertaining to data, programs, or information that exist in electronic binary form. The information is represented by combinations of the "1" and "0" conditions. See binary. digital data - Data captured, stored, or transmitted in binary form. See bit and binary. directory - A division of a file system into which files are placed. Directories are often organized into a hierarchical system with a root or main directory and one or more sub-directories. Each sub-directory may also have many levels of subdirectories. In practice, most users keep related files with a single directory; operating system files are usually placed within specially named directories. In the Macintosh Operating System, directories are called folders. See folder. Disk Operating System - See DOS. Distributed Name Service - See DNS DNS - 1. Domain Name System. A data query service used on Internet for translating host names into Internet addresses. It is also the host name used on the Internet. The proper term for a host name its "fully qualified domain name". DNS refers to both a way of naming hosts and the way of naming the servers and clients that manage that information on the Internet. 2. Distributed Name Service, used by OSF (Open Software Foundation) as the naming service for DCE (Distributed Computing Environment). Domain Name System - See DNS DOS - Disk Operating System. A widely used interpreter or program that translates user commands into machine code for computer-disk interactions. Functions include the organization of files into folders or directories and the finding, erasing, coping, or restoring of files.

download - The transfer files from one computer to another. drag-and-drop The initiation of software processing by the virtual movement of icons into an icon for a program or process. Examples are: printing a document by moving an icon or a copy of its image into the icon for a printer, or deleting a file by moving its icon into the icon for the trash can. DTP - Desktop Publishing. E EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. See ASCII and byte EDI - Electronic Data Interchange. The set of document format standards and protocols by which business and academic information is exchanged over networks. EDI documents are used to process purchase orders, pay bills, invoices, share shipping orders, send transcripts, and to facilitate similar transactions. EIS - See executive information system electronic mail / e-mail - Documents or messages exchanged electronically over computer networks. E-mail is typically sent to a mail server computer where the document is held until the intended recipient connects to the mail server and reads or downloads the documents. E-mail notes may have attached files. electronic data interchange - See EDI e-mail / email - See electronic mail. encryption - The reversible modification of data into unintelligible sequence of characters using passwords and special computer programs. See data encryption. Encapsulated PostScript - A type of formatting in which positions and vectors describe images. Postscript formatted information is embedded into files for display or printing. Abbreviated as EPS. EPS is used for Postscript graphics files that are to be incorporated into other documents. EPS - A file extension for Encapsulated PostScript See Encapsulated Post Script. ergonomics - The designing of equipment to increase productivity and reduce user fatigue or discomfort. ES - See expert system.

ESS - See executive support system. Ethernet - A coaxial cable local area network and an industry standard. Data is sent packets and the bandwidth (speed) is approximately 10 Mbits per second. ethics - The critical and systematic reflection on morality. See also morality. ethical considerations - Thoughts on moral implications of a given situation. Ethical considerations raise questions about the moral justifications of human behavior. ethical decision making - The process of making moral choices about how to act in a given situation. executive information system (EIS) - Real-time computer access to internal and external business information by executives for comprehensive decision making. Sometimes the data is captured at fixed intervals to provide data that can be more accurately compared.executive support system (ESS) - Computer system that contains data and that performs analytical processes to support decision making. expert system (ES) - A programmed system containing the collective knowledge of experts in a given area. Expert systems also employ reasoning methodologies or models to emulate an expert decision making process. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) - An old and outdated character set used on IBM computers. EBCDIC lacked codes for some important characters and punctuation marks. EBCDIC was adapted from punched card code. -Ffiber optics - Glass fibers used to transmit digital data infra-red or visible light a the carrier (usually a laser). The fiber are very thin, smaller than a human hair. Light does not escape from the fibers because they are made to give complete reflection inside the fibers. Fiber optics can carry very large amounts of data over long distances at great speeds and without distortions. In one test, AT&T transferred the equivalent of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica a distance of approximately 160 km (100 miles) in one second. field - A single element of data in a single record within a database. file - An electronic digital sequence of bits representing ASCII characters or other code sets. This electronic data may be stored on disks, tapes, or other devices and can be transmitted in electronic form. The digital data may represent text (letters or numbers), sound and/or images.

file conversion - The conversion of files formatted for on application into a from that can be used by another application. Typical file conversions are processed to permit the exchange of files between similar types of software but from different vendors. An example: The conversion of word processor documents created using Microsoft Word into a from for processing with WordPerfect word processor. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - A protocol used between clients and servers and allows one computer to transfer files to and from another computer over a TCP/IP network Connections require a user identification which may be open to "guest" or "anonymous" users, or the connections may restricted to specific persons. The connections may require public passwords, e-mail addresses, or secret passwords. Users many be permitted only to download files or they maybe given permission to both upload and download files. firewall - A software program or a or machine device that prevents unauthorized access to computers or computer files. Firewalls are sometimes specific machines containing security software and devices; these machines are provide connection to networks from dial-in lines. These special machines protect the computers on a network "behind" the firewall. Computers behind the firewall can connect to an outside network but the firewall protects these computers from unauthorized access from the outside network. flame - Electronic mail or Usenet news messages that insult or provoke. As a verb, it is the sending such messages. flat-file - An ASCII file containing data and usually serving as a database file. Flat file records may be single "line" or several records may occur in a line of or block of data. Flat-files are less useful for high speed searches or for linking tow or more sources of data. They are easily transferred among various operating systems and database managers. folder - See directory. FTP - See File Transfer Protocol. freeware - Software, often copyrighted, produced for free distribution and use. There often are restrictions regarding the sale or modification of the software. Sometimes referred to as public domain software. See commercial software, public domain software, and shareware software. fuzzy logic - A type or set of Boolean logic used to process conditions of partial truth, that is for values that lie between being completely true and being completely false. Fuzzy logic was developed in recognition that conditions exits that cannot be easily described as belonging to a binary classification: 1 or 0, + or -, true or false. The term was introduced in 1960 by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh. See

Boolean logic. Fuzzy logic attempts to treat degrees of truth or probabilities of truth as opposed to declaring that a condition is either always true or always false. Practical applications in computer controlled systems include the control of fuel and air mixtures in internal combustion engines, the proportional slowing of the speed of objects as they approach a given state or target, the heating and cooling of objects or spaces to prevent overheating, the mixing of two or more ingredients to achieve a defined final condition (especially when the components and their properties are constantly changing). Fuzzy logic uses weighted algorithms in computer programs to simulate human thought or "life-like" responses to external conditions. G GIF - 1. A file name extension. 2. Graphics Interchange Format. A file compression method developed by CompuServe. The method reduces file sizes by counting repeating pixels and storing the pixel color and the number of repetitions. GIF compression is well suited for line art and simple images. GIF compression reduces image colors to no more than 256 colors. Most old computers and many computers in current use only display 256 colors. See JPEG, PIC, PIX, TIFF, and WPG.A more complete discussion of GIF compression is given in another document. gigabyte (Gb / GB) - 1 Gb = 1000 million bytes. Actually, 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1024 megabytes. The fact that a Gb is not exactly 1 billion is because digital systems are binary, based on a system to base 2. Thus, 2 raised to the power of 30 = 1,073,741,824. In non-computer systems and where the number system is to the base of 10, then 1 GB = exactly 1 billion. See byte, megabyte, kilobyte, terabyte. Global Positioning System (GPS) - A system using satellites to accurately determine the location of any place in the earth's surface. Graphics Interchange Format - See GIF Gopher - 1. A document retrieval system. 2. Programs for retrieving network files. Gopher was developed at the University of Minnesota (USA) for use on their Campus Wide Information System. Gopher servers present document menus. The documents can be text, sound, image, program, or video files. Submenus may direct users to other Gopher file systems. The menus form a hierarchal file location system. The Web is replacing Gopher as the primary Internet system for finding, displaying, and downloading files. GPS - See Global Positioning System. Graphical User Interface (GUI) - A graphically-based computer monitor interface in which images, icons, dialogue boxes, and standard "widgets" are

used to facilitate communication between humans and machines. GUI - See Graphical User Interface.

-Hhacker - A person who enjoys details of programming, often obsessively and quickly. The term cracker should be used for negative application of programming skills. hard disk & hard drive - A device for the storage of digital data. These are standard devices in most personal computers and may also exist outside a computer and used by cable connections. See tape drive. hardware - Computer and network equipment consisting of transistors, circuit boards, wiring, connectors, disk drives, cables, and similar physical or tangible components. See software. hertz - Cycles per second. A unit of frequency. One hertz is equal to one cycle per second. Abbreviated as Hz. host computer - A computer connected to a network. Host computers are sometimes also called nodes on the network. HotJava - A World Wide Web browser from Sun Microsystems that can execute programs "applets" written in the Java programming language. HSV - A method of describing colors using Hue, Saturation, and Value when used to describe colors. Hue is the tint or basic color; saturation is degree of lightness or darkness; value is the intensity or the "amount" of color. Saturation is sometimes called the "shade" of color. Value is sometimes referred to as "tone". See BGR and CMYK HTML - A set of tags or commands used by World Wide Web browsers to format and display text and images, to play sound or video, or to run programs. HTTP - See Hypertext Transfer Protocol. HTTPS - See HyperText Transmission Protocol, Hyperlink - Links or references within Web documents that upon selection (clicking the mouse with the cursor located over the document link) cause jumps to another location within the document, to other documents, or to programs that

process images, sound, videos, operate upon databases, or perform other functions. Hyperlink objects may be words, phrases, images, or parts of images. Hyperlinked objects are usually displayed in a manner to distinguish them as links. Image maps may not show obvious linked portions and many areas of an image can be linked to different targets. Hypermedia - Like hypertext but includes graphics, sound, video and other kinds of data. Hypertext - A document or set of documents with "links" that aid users in navigating among links and their references. Links may reference and facilitate jumps to places with a single document, to other documents in the same computer, or to documents in any computer on a network. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - Hypertext document format used World Wide Web documents.HTML tags tell Web browsers how the document should be displayed. HTML documents may include forms used for data capture; the values from HTML forms are processed by CGI programs on a Web server. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - The client-server TCP/IP protocol used on the World-Wide Web for the exchange of HTML documents. -Iicon - Images, often very small, that represent an idea or object. Selecting an icon usually causes a program or document to open or a program to run and perform a set of operations. image maps - Images in which portions have defined as linked to other documents or objects. information - Data combined with units of measure or data with accompanying meaning. See data, knowledge, and wisdom. information economy - An economy that is highly dependent upon the collection, storage, and exchange of information. many businesses now deal in managing and adding value to data and by selling information derived from the data. Data and information have economic value. Examples include sales, production costs, potential customers and markets, crop yield predictions, weather forecasts, credit ratings, buying patterns, census and demographic data, and levels of education, and indicators of life styles. information highway - See information superhighway information retrieval system (IRS) - A computer system used to store data and from which data may be selected and retrieved for use in reports and for

analysis. Abbreviated IRS. See information system. information superhighway - The Internet and its subset, the World Wide Web. (Also called "Infobahn" and "Info Strada".) The term "information superhighway" was first used in 1990 by Al Gore, US Vice-president. Mr. Gore was referring to the high-speed global communications network that carries voice, data, video data around the world. The information superhighway is mediated by copper cables, satellites, fiber optics, and cellular telecommunications. information system (IS) - A system (usually computer based) into which data is placed , in which data may be processed, from which data is selected and may analyzed, and from which reports may be produced. Abbreviated IS. See information retrieval system. information technology (IT) - Any set of machines or programs used to store, retrieve, transmit or otherwise process data and information. Abbreviated IT. Information technology includes systems that control machines or processes or that assist in making decisions. See information system. INpg - Internet Protocol next generation.(also called IPv6) The most likely protocol or addressing method to replace the current Internet Protocol. Its main purpose is to provide a solution to the shortage of IP addresses. IP - Internet Protocol. The network part of the TCP/IP protocol that is widely used on Ethernet networks. This protocol facilitates the routing of packets of data by routing, fragmenting and re-assembling of data files. institution - For the ITGS course, any community or collection of persons with common interests, objectives, or goals, or that provide related services. Examples include businesses, schools, universities, governments, governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGO), churches non-profit agencies. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Communications standards for a single wire or optical fiber to carry voice, digital network services and video. ISDN is offered by telephone systems in Australia, France, Japan, Singapore, the UK and in the USA. Europe is phasing to Euro-ISDN. ISDN lines may vary in their capacity to transmit data as shown in the following table. Transmission Type Channels Transmission Speed T1 or DS-1 24 1.54 Mbps DS-0 1 64 kbps T1C or DS-1C 48 3.15 Mbps T2 or DS-2 96 6.31 Mbps T3 or DS-3 672 44.37 Mbps T4 or DS-4 4032 274.1 Mbps intellectual property - An original creation by a person, often non-tangible (not

necessarily an object). These may include ideas, discoveries, writings, works of art or literature, collections and presentations of data. intellectual property rights - Legal rights to the ownership of intellectual products through patents, trade marks, registered designs, and copyright. These rights provide protection to technical inventions, designs, literary, artistic, and musical creations, trade marks, and confidential information. intelligent system - A computer based system programmed to process data input by humans or machines and emulating human decision making. These systems may respond to respond to external stimuli, e.g., temperature, pressure, weight, time, strain, radio signals, acceleration, velocity, vectors. See artificial intelligence interface - A boundary between two systems. In IT, machines or humans communicate across these boundaries. An interface may be as simple as a hardware connectors, it may include communication protocols, or programs and features by which humans enter commands into and receive information from machines. Internet - The Internet is usually capitalized to indicate that it a special set of connected computers. It is the largest network in the world and consists of many different physical networks around the world. These networks use various protocols including the Internet Protocol to communicate. Internet Protocol (IP) - The network part of the TCP/IP protocol set. It supports routing, file fragmentation and re-assembly. Intranet - A network that uses the tools of the World Wide Web but often with access restricted to within an organization or office. The Web tools that support an intranet are a Web server and client browsers. HTML forms and CGI programs also are often used in intranets. IP - See Internet Protocol IRS - See information system IS - See information system. ISBN - International Standard Book Number. The last character of an ISBN is a check digit. See a supplementary document for more details about ISBN ISDN - See Integrated Services Digital Network. ISO - International Organization for Standardization. A voluntary, organization that creates international standards, including the standards for computers and communications. National standards groups from nearly 90 countries belong to the ISO. The American National

Standards Institute, ANSI is a member of ISO. An example of an ISO set of standard codes is the two-character code set to denote countries, e.g., AR = Argentina, AT = Austria, AU = Australia, DE = Germany, SG = Singapore, and US = United States of America. (ISO is not one of the thousands of acronyms used by computer and communications workers! It is actually a pun based on the prefix "iso" which means "same" in Greek.) IT - See information technology   -JJava - An, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language developed by Sun Microsystems and that supports programming platform-independent Java "applets" or the Internet . JIC - Just In Case. A situation where a company keeps on hand a small stock of rare components or those that require long production times, just in cae of a rush order. JIC is implemented to more fully serve customers. Do not confuse JIC with JIT JIT - Just In Time. A manufacturing method in which the raw materials are delivered to the factory just before they are needed in the production. JIT is facilitated by information technology in which inventories are monitored and purchases are made using EDI, electronic data interchange. See JIC. JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group file compression method that modifies the original data and stores information on the shapes and colors that will represent the image upon decompression. JPEG is well suited for photographic images, those with shading and gradual merging of colors, and those with many colors. JPEG compression methods do not decompress to the exact original image, but for most practical uses, humans cannot distinguish the expanded JEPG images from the original images. JPEG compression can store thousands or even millions of colors. See GIF, PIC, PIX, TIFF, and WPG. A more complete discussion of JPEG compression is given in another document. JPG - 1. A file compression method. 2. A file name extension for JPEG files. (This shortened version of JPEG is required by DOS systems that can only accept file extensions with a maximum of three characters.) just in case - See JIC just in time - See JIT

-Kkilobyte (Kb)1 Kb = 1000 bytes. Actually, 2 raised to the power of 10 bytes = 1024 bytes. A kilobyte isn't exactly 10 to the third bytes because digital systems are binary, hence based on a system of two. In non-computer systems, and where the number system uses a base of 0, then kilo does men 10 to the third. See also byte, megabyte, gigabyte, and terabyte. Knowbot Information Service (KIS) Net address. Provides a uniform user interface to many remote directory services (e.g., whois, finger, X.500, MCIMail). knowledge An understand that humans derive by reasoning based upon data and its associated information. Examples of data are simple numbers, such as 123 and 456. Examples of information are $1.23 per dozen eggs and $4.56 per dozen eggs. Knowledge is an understanding that the $1.23 price is a better buy than is the $4.56 price. Wisdom may include judgements about the nutritional and health value of eggs or about the relative value of eggs as a source of protein compared to other sources. See data, information, and wisdom. knowledge base A collection of data representing related experiences and their results or related problems and their solutions. Knowledge bases include programs for searching and retrieving information. Knowledge bases are used to assist persons in making decisions. LLAN See local area network and network LCD - Liquid crystal display. LINUX - A UNIX style operating system for personal computers. LINUX is freeware and can be installed at low cost, usually the cost of the delivery media, e.g.., CD-ROM. Listserv - An electronic discussion support system. Users can subscribe and unsubscribe by e-mail. All messages sent to the discussion list are automatically sent to all subscribers. Most list servers support archiving of the messages by day, week, month, or year. local area network (LAN) - A computer based communications network limited to approximately 1 km radius and often within a single office, building, or single company location. See network logic bomb - Code secretly inserted into an application or operating system causing it to perform some destructively.

Lynx - A Web browser developed at the University of Kansas. -Mmarkup language & markup tags A set of codes inserted I documents and used by print or browser programs to format the output. Markup tags are independent of the vendors' programs and devices that print or display the document. The code does not constitute a programming language, but some markup "languages" include codes that permit the optional printing or displaying or the merging of data. The original and primary intent of markup tags was to facilitate the printing of documents, independent of the printer or print formatting programs used. megabyte (Mb)1 Mb = 1000 bytes. Actually = 1,048,576 bytes or 1024 kilobytes. A megabyte isn't exactly 10 to the third bytes because digital systems are binary, hence based on a system of two. In non-computer systems, and where the number system uses a base of 0, then kilo does men 10 to the third. See byte, kilobyte, gigabyte, terabyte. megahertz 1 million hertz. See hertz. menu A list of choices. In IT, users select from the choices presented. Selections are usually made using a mouse. Selections may also be controlled by keyboard selections. Menus may be presented within dialogue boxes, on the central portion of a computer monitor, or as pull-down menu lists that display choices when one of several choices is selected on a menu bar, usually displayed at the top of a window or top of a monitor display. MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A hardware specification and a protocol used with synthesizers, computers, keyboards, and other devices for producing music. model & modelingA description of an event, behavior, or condition in the real world. Models help in understanding complex systems. Models are useful only to the extent that they explain the real conditions they describe. Models are used to develop simulation programs. modemModulator / demodulator. A piece of electronic equipment that converts between serial data from a computer and audio signals transmitted over telephone lines. Modems vary in speeds at which they can transmit data. Data compression and error correction algorithms permit transmissions at the higher speeds. Modems may either be internal within a computer or externally connected to the computer. moralConcerned with the distinction between right and wrong.

moralityThe values, principles, norms, and rules that regulate human conduct. Mosaic A World Wide Web browser developed and distributed free by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in the United States. mouse A hand-held device for moving the cursor and for pointing on computer monitors. The device may have one or two keys that, when pressed, will cause objects under the cursor to be selected or activated. Later versions of the mouse include small pads upon which a moving finger will cause the cursor too move. Other versions of pointing and selecting devices (in place of a mouse) are "track balls", laser or microwave mediated devices, and "joy sticks". MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group. MUD Multi-User Dimension or Multi-User Domain. A network of servers that support discussions. Similar to IRC. multimedia Documents that contain information in than one form: text, sound, images, video. multitasking A method by which an operating system supports the sharing of a single processor with tow or more jobs or programs. multi-user dimensionSee MUD musical instrument digital interfaceSee MIDI -NNC Network Computer. A system designed to use high speed networks or cable TV systems to connect to centrally stored data. NC machines tend to have less memory and very small or no hard disk and are less expensive than non-NC computers. NC machines depend upon the external machine to which they are connected for data storage and often for complex data processing. NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Urbana, IL, USA. netiquette Acceptable use and behavior in using network resources, especially the use of e-mail and news groups. Poor netiquette involves "flaming", "spamming", and posting rude and degrading messages, resending entire long messages when responding, and failure to include useful subject lines. network Any set of computer systems connected by cables, phone lines, or radio communication methods and which share data.

network computerSee NC news groups Internet and World Wide Web discussion groups to which persons may subscribe. An message posted to the group is sent to all subscribers. A very few news groups are moderated; that is, the messages are first reviewed by a person who may censor or restrict what is posted. The news groups are processed by news or discussion group server which receive and store the messages for distribution to subscribers. The messages are usually stored for only one or two weeks. Subscribers must actively request downloads of unread messages; the messages are not automatically sent to a subscriber's e-mail mail box. node 1. An device on a computer network and which can be addressed so it can be contacted by other computers. 2. A "host" computer on a network.                                                   - O object oriented programmingSee OOP OCR Optical Character Recognition. Refers to using devices and software to "read" characters and translate the into ASCII characters that can ten be processed by computer programs. Applications of OCR include the scanning of printed documents to convert the text into digital data as ASCII text; the text can then be edited in word processors. OOP Object Oriented Programming. A method of programming or programming languages in which portions of code, called objects, are reused. Program objects have defined properties which are transferred to (inherited from) similar "parent" objects. OOP has facilitated rapid development of complex programs. operating system (OS) A program that manages the files in a computer, controls internal or connected devices (peripherals), and runs other selected programs. Abbreviated OS. operators A symbol that denotes an action. These may classified as arithmetic: subtraction, multiplication, division, or exponentiation; text: concatenation, LI comparison or relational: equal, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to, or reference: in the case of spreadsheets, to combine cell identifiers. e.g., the colon, ":". optical character recognitionSee OCR OS Operating System -P-

packet A unit of data sent across a network. paradigm An example, a model. A way of thinking about a problem, condition, or situation. When persons discover a new way of viewing a problem and its solutions, they are said to have made a "paradigm shift". parse 1. To scan text. In IT the parsing is with a computer program that searches for specific character sequences or syntax. Parsers also respond to the parsing by formatting the text, processing functions, running other programs, or performing other specific processing based upon the text parsed. 2. To break a sentence into component parts of speech. 3. To describe words with respect to form, part of speech, or relationships in a sentence. password A character string that must be entered into a computer system to open documents and databases, or to otherwise gain access to a system. Passwords should (1) be long; (2) contain mixed case characters, numbers, or special characters; (3) be changed often; (4) never be real words or proper names, and (5) never given to other persons or left written where others might have access to them. Alternatives to passwords may include scans of finger or hand prints, retinal scans, facial scans, voice recognition, mechanical (real) keys, magnetic strips on cards, or answers to specific questions. path A series of hierarchical directories (or folders) that define the location of a file in a storage device. PDFSee Portable Document Format peripheral Any hardware device, other than the CPU and its integrated components, attached to a computer. The devices may include hard disk, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, sound systems, still camera, video cameras, or any equipment that process digital data. PGP See Pretty Good Privacy. PIC An image file format. Used mostly in Apple Macintosh® systems. See BMP, GIF, JPEG, PIX, and WPG. PINPersonal identification numbers. PIN's are often used with telephone and automatic teller machine (ATM) systems. piracy As applied to IT, the stealing of intellectual property by illegally coping, distributing, or selling software and documents. Piracy extends to the illegal copying of music, books, and programs. PIX An image file format. See BMP, GIF, JPEG, PIC, and WPG.

pixel Picture element. A single dot on a monitor or printed document. The smallest rectangular area of an image that can be manipulated on a monitor or printer or stored in memory. The simplest pixel is a black and white unit that is either white or black. If 8 bits are used to describe a pixel, its brightness can range from 0 to 255 and shades of gray or colors can be represented. In color images, the data describing the pixels has both brightness and color information. Pixels of 24 bits can represent millions of colors. See GIF and JPEG. Portable Document Format (PDF) The file format for Adobe Systems' Acrobat to display or print documents independent of the original application, hardware, or operating system used to create those documents. PDF files are becoming popular on the World Wide Web and some browsers will automatically display them. Acrobat readers are distributed free by Adobe. PDF files must be created with Adobe Systems' Acrobat® document editor. Adobe Systems distributes PDF reader programs free of charge. point of presence (PoP) A site with telecommunications equipment, (modems, leased lines, routers). Internet network access providers operate one or more PoPs. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Provides an Internet standard method for transmitting IP packets over serial connections. PPP was designed to operate over both asynchronous and synchronous connections. SLIP was developed for serial connections, e.g., modem connections over standard asynchronous phone lines. PoPSee point of presence PostScript A Page Description Language (PDL) that describes pages for printing text, drawings, and pictures independent of the printing device PPP See Point-to-Point Protocol. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)A high security public-key encryption method for most computer systems. First written by PR Zimmermann, it has been enhanced by other programmers. PGP was distributed as freeware. See also pubic-key encryption. privacy protectionIn connection with IT this refers to the protection of name-linked personal data in automated databases. private-key encryption An encryption method in which the documents must be opened (decrypted) using the same key as was used in the encryption. program A collection of instructions in binary code, read by computers, and that process data from external sources or stored within the program.

protocol A rules that describes how data is transmitted and how computers "communicate". Protocols are essential for communications among computers using different operating systems or different character code sets. Protocols may define (1) the electrical standards to be observed, (2) the orders of bits and bytes, (3) error detection, and (4) error corrections. Protocols also define data formatting, and the syntax of electronic commands and messages. Protocols may define how terminals communicate with to computers or clients with servers. Character sets and how machine command messages are sequenced. public domain Software or other intellectual material that is free and available to the public without restrictions. With regard to software, this is usually the same as freeware; however, freeware may be copyrighted and often carries the identity of its creator. See freeware software, commercial software, and shareware software. public-key encryption An encryption scheme, in which each person has a pair of keys: one public and one private. Public keys may be published. Private keys must be kept secret. Documents are encrypted with a recipient's public key . These documents can only be decrypted using the recipient's private key. Senders and receivers do not need to share secret keys. pull-down menu A list that displays choices when one of several choices is selected on a menu bar, usually displayed at the top of a window or top a monitor display. -Qquery An inquiry. A question. A "query" is used in SQL when formulating a question to submit to a data base manager that uses the SQL language. quicktime video A standard developed by the Apple Computer company and used in integrating full-motion video (also sound) in computer programs. -RRAM 1. Random Access Memory. 2. Rarely Adequate Memory, from the fact that programs and data expand to fill the memory available. random-access memorySee RAM re-engineer To make change in organizational (company, school) structures that influence production, communication, processing, or services. Information technology often facilitate re-engineering by improving communications, giving access to management data, or helping workers process information. Computers and robots can perform some human tasks and allow workers to conduct higher level tasks.

record A single entry for an entity in a database and may be composed of more than one data field (item of data or data element). relational database A database consisting of files than be viewed as collections of tables of rows and columns. Each table row is a record of one entity. Each column represents a specific field of data, e.g., name, age, weight, height. The tables usually contain a unique identifier (key) for each record (row). Data from two or more tables may be combined by matching the unique identifiers. See flatfile relational operators Operators that show the relationship between two entities. See operators. RFC Request For Comments. RGB A method of defining colors by the amounts of red, green, and blue contained in each pixel. Red, green, and blue are the primary colors and can be mixed to produce any non-primary color. See CMYK RISC Reduced instruction set computer. The opposite of CISC. Processor chip using a reduced set of instructions but executing them at high speed. These chips contain most commonly used instructions and pass requests for others to external chips. Typical RISC chips provide high performance at low power consumption. robot 1. A mechanical device controlled by computer processors and programs and that perform human-like tasks. See cyborg and android. 2. A computer program that "explores" the World-Wide Web without human intervention. These programs automatically follow links on World Wide Web documents. ROM Read Only Memory. A storage device made with contents that do not change. ROM usually holds programs. router An item of equipment that directs communications among networks. The device contains programs that determine where to forward files. These forwarding decisions are based on tables of data about the structure of the networks and by network protocols. RSA a public-key encryption system invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. RSI Repetitive Stain Injuries. See ergonomics. -Ssearch engine A program that searches for information on the World Wide Web

using key words. Search engines may look only at document titles, headers, or URLs; others may conduct searches of the complete text (full text searches). See Web Crawler Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) A protocol from by Netscape Communications Corporation designed to give secure communications on the Internet. SSL operates below the HTTP, Telnet, FTP, and Gopher protocols. SSL is layered beneath application protocols such as HTTP. Working above the TCP/IP protocols it "protects" the applications that are transmitted over TCP/IP connections. This secure transmission method is used by HTTPS. Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Software that allows the Internet Protocol (IP), to be used over a serial line connected to a modem. SLIP does not support error detection. SLIP connections need IP address configurations set before the connection is established. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) can determine the address automatically after the connection is started. serial number A unique number or character string assigned to an item of equipment or to a copy of a software program. server 1. A program which provides services requested by client programs. 2. A computer which provides services to other computers connected over a network. SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language. shareware Software that is distributed freely and for which users voluntarily pay a fee for its use. All users are ethically obligated to pay for shareware if it is used beyond the implied or implied evaluation period. See freeware software, public domain software, and commercial software. simulation A system that emulates, by computer, real mechanical or natural systems and then outputs the predicted results of real world conditions. Models that describe these conditions are used to develop simulation programs. SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol. This communication works over asynchronous telephone lines. See also PPP smiley A simple character code used to convey expressions of feeling within text messages. Examples are :-) (happy) and :-( (sad). Another document with a more complete set of smiley codes may be available. social domain Any of the groupings into which social issues may classified: economic, political, cultural, legal, environmental, historical, ergonomic, medical/health, or psychological. software Computer programs. The programs may be stored in non-volatile circuits (e.g., ROM, read only memory) or in files of code on hard disk, floppy

disk, or tapes. Software programs are often classified as operating system, applications (productivity), utilities, or games. Software may be either the source code written by humans or the executable machine code produced by assemblers or compilers (from the source code). Other classifications include freeware, shareware, spammingSimultaneously sending copies of e-mail messages to many persons especially subscribers to discussion groups. spreadsheet / worksheetAn application that processes both numbers and text in rows and columns. Cells occur rows and columns intersect. Cell values are calculated by formulas that can use values or formulas in other cells. Recalculations occur when change in dependant cells. Spreadsheets may include 3-dimensional cell references. Spreadsheets are useful in conducting 'what-if' explorations. SQLStandard query language. A set of standard commands used by many different database manager systems that utilize relational databases. SQL commands are divided into those for data management or data analysis. These commands can create database tables, insert or update records, select records, and create reports. SSLSee secure sockets layers. standard query language See SQL standard generalized markup language (SGML)A generic markup language for documents. storage & storage devices1 The permanent or temporary retention of data in a digital form from which the data can be retrieved.2 Any device used for the storage (retention) of data in a digital form. These may be hard disks, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, tapes, magnetic strips or chips. Other methods include bar codes, optically readable characters, punched cards and punched paper strips. storyboardA detailed description of events or information to be presented in a system. The presenting system may be a film, video, a multimedia program, or even an HTML document. StuffItA compression program for Macintosh operating systems. systemAn integrated set of hardware and/or software designed to serve one or more functions. Systems may be as simple as a program to keep track of personal appointments, or as complex as a world-wide network of programs linked to provide corporate sales, inventories of supplies and products, production schedules and a company calendar for all employees.

  -TT1A term used by telephone company AT&T for a system that transmits data at 1.544 megabits per second. See also ISDN. T3A communication system that transmits data at 44.736 megabits per second. See also ISDN. tagged image file format (TIFF)A file format for still-image bitmaps. See also BMP, GIF, JPEG, PIC, PIX, and WPG. tape driveA device for the storage of digital data on magnetic tapes. Tape drives may be installed within a computer or they may be connected externally by cables. The writing and reading of data to and from tapes is slower than with hard disks. Data tapes are easily removed for transporting to other machines or to safe storage sites. tar1 noun - Tape archiver. A type of data compression that often involves grouping two or more files into a single compressed file.2 verb - the action of creating a compressed archive file that may include several files grouped together. The tar compression method is used mostly with UNIX operating systems. TCPTransmission Control Protocol TCP / IPTransmission Control Protocol over Internet Protocol tele-conferenceA conference in which the participants are at various locations and in which sounds (voice) are simultaneously exchanged between the participants. Each participant is able to hear, but not see, the participants at each of the other sites. See also video-conference. teletext A communications system that broadcast test information by a television signal to receiving equipment equipped with software or chips that perform decoding. Telnet1 Internet standard login protocol; runs on top of TCP / IP.2 CompuServe's network into which one dials. terabyte (Tb)1 Tb = 1000 gigabytes. Actually, 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1024 terabytes. The fact that a Tb is not exactly 1 billion is because digital systems are binary, based on a system to base 2. Thus, 2 raised to the power of 30 = 1,073,741,824. In non-computer systems and where the number system is to the

base of 10, then 1 GB = exactly 1 billion. See byte, megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte. text format The placement of text in printed or displayed documents. Text formatting includes the setting of margins, typefaces, font sizes, text alignments (left, center, right, or justified), style, (bold, italic, underline, outline, shadowed), table construction, and the flow of text around images. TIFF See Tagged Image File Format. training software Computer programs that training, usually job related, e.g., how to perform tasks, about company procedures or policies. Training programs may also be used to teach basic knowledge and skills. They permit users to learn at a pace determined by the user, easy repetition of material, and some give information in response to answers or choices made by the users. See tutorial software and computer aided learning. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) The common transport part of the protocol used on the Internet. trapdoorSee backdoor Trojan horse A malicious program disguised to appear as something benign. See virus and worm. TrueType An outline font standard developed by Apple Computer, and embraced by Microsoft. A competitor to Adobe's popular PostScript. Turing test A test for deciding whether a computer is intelligent and proposed in 1950 by Alan Turing. Turing preferred to consider if machines can be intelligent as opposed to whether "Can machines think?" In a Turing test, human(s) converse in writing with an unseen person or machine. If the human(s) cannot distinguish between an unseen human and an unseen machine (computer) then the machine is said to have passed the test and is intelligent. tutorial software Computer programs that give instruction in how to use the software program or system that they support. These programs simulate the capabilities of the system. See training software and computer aided learning. -UUnicodeA 16-bit character code developed to process to process any of the world's writing systems (Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, hiragaba, katakanam, etc.). This code set is a subset of ISO 0646. Uniform Resource LocatorSee URL

UNIX A widely used operating system, especially in servers and other nonpersonal computers. Although a technically excellent and powerful operating system, many UNIX commands are not easily understood by the uninitiated. upload The transfer files from one computer to another. Uniform Resource Locator See URL URL Uniform Resource Locator as used by the World Wide Web. Examples: gopher:// news:alt.hypertext mailto:[email protected] telnet:// Usenet Users' Network. A distributed bulletin board system that has become international is the largest decentralized information utility in existence. utility programs & software Programs used to manage files or repair damaged files or to otherwise enhance the operations of computer system. As examples, utility programs are used to recover erased files, to organize files, to repair damaged files, or to detect and remove viruses. Utility software should be distinguished from applications programs. -Vvector graphics A drawing method that uses shapes such as lines, polygons and text and groups of these objects to create a picture. The other primary method stores bitmaps of the image. The vector graphics advantages are that changes to one part of the picture does not change other parts, the parts are stored independently, and vector graphics are easily scaled without losing resolution. Veronica Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized Archives. It supports keyword searches of gopher menu titles in all gopher web sites. While Archie searches FTP archives, Veronica searches Gopher files. A Veronica search yields a menu of Gopher items. Veronica functions have been largely replaced by Web Search Engines on the World Wide Web. Direct Veronica and Archie searching has been largely replaced on the World Wide Web with more sophisticated search engines. video-conference A conference in which the participants are at various locations and in which television type images and sounds are simultaneously exchanged among the participants. Each participants is able to hear and see the participants at each of the other sites. See tele-conference. video-on-demand A system that delivers compressed video files upon a request

form a user. The file is then expanded and "played" on the users computer system. Video-on-demand requires high speed communications to deliver the large video files within an acceptable time. video random-access memory (VRAM) Fast memory to store images to be displayed on a computer's monitor. virtual presence The simulation of the presence of one or more persons in places or situations. The simulated condition may be from or at a remote location and may be facilitated over networks by telecommunications and tele-conferencing. Virtual presence also may be implemented in a single machine, e.g., from CRROM based programs and databases. virtual reality Computer simulation of 3-dimensional systems of sight, sound, or touch. These simulations are intended to give users of the impression or feelings of being present within the scenes or conditions being simulated. virus A program that "infects" other programs or files by embedding a copy of itself into the the target files. Viruses are propagated by trading programs. See worm and Trojanhorse. voice recognition 1. An IT system in which the voices of individuals is recognized. Some systems use vice recognition as a security feature to permit access to the system. 2. An IT system that can respond to voice commands, often without regard to the person speaking. voxel Volume element. The smallest distinguishable part of a three-dimensional space. A voxel is identified by x, y and z coordinates or sometimes by its center. See pixel VR Virtual reality. A system that simulates real situations and which participants sense sounds and images similar to real life conditions. Advanced and future systems can include sensations of touch and even odors. VRAM See video random access memory. W W3 - 1. World Wide Web. 2. A World Wide Web browser for Emac computers. WAIS - Wide Area Information Servers. An information retrieval system in which clients retrieve documents using keywords. The search results are ranks in order of the frequency of occurrences of the key words in the documents. WAN - See wide area network.

Web - World Wide Web, see definition at World Wide Web. Web Crawler - A specific search engine developed by Brian Pinkerton at the University of Washington. It is a freeware program that "roams" the World Wide Web and collects URLs. Users can then perform searches by entering keywords. web page - A document on the World Wide Web. These documents are used with browsers to display text and images and to play sound, video, or animation programs. Web page files contain HTML codes to control the display and playing of their associated components. Web Search Engines - systems that search the World Wide Web, index document contents, and permit keyword or full text searches. web server - A computer program that receives and processes requests from client browsers. white space - Space without images or text in documents. White space may make printed or displayed documents more attractive or interesting. Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS) - A distributed information retrieval system. Clients can search for key words in documents and read or download the documents. Wide Area Network (WAN) - A computer network larger than a local area network (LAN), serving more than one geographical location, e.g., several company sites, an entire state or country, several countries. Abbreviated WAN. See local area network. widget - 1. In graphical user interfaces, any of several graphic symbols or "tools" used to aid in communication or to collect data in forms. Widgets include: (a) check boxes in which more than one choices may be made, (b) a set of two or more radio buttons from which only one choice can be made, (c) selection lists from which either one or multiple selections may be made, (d) text entry areas for the entry for text or numbers, (e) scroll-bars on selection lists and test areas, and (f) and buttons for specific functions (next, previous, exit, cancel, process). Some systems also provide slide bars and similar representation of similar mechanical devices familiar in non-computer environments. GUI windows systems often provide a "standard" or commonly used set of widgets providing a consistent set of tools for computer users. 2. A word used to refer to real objects in examples. windows & Windows - A method of presenting the output from computer programs in frames on a display monitor. Several operating systems support the use of windows. On computers using Intel® processors (x86 and Pentium®), Microsoft's Windows, Microsoft Windows® 95®, and Windows NT® are the most popular systems using a windows environment. The word is capitalized when

referring to one of the Windows bases systems of the Microsoft Corporation. On machines running under a UNIX operating system, the windows system called "X" is the most common windows environment. The Macintosh® operating system makes extensive use of windows. Many programs present information or forms within window frames. WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization. See also copyright. wisdom - Knowing what is true, correct, proper, or fair. The application of common sense and good judgment. The sum of human learning through all times. See data, information. wizard - 1 A program that guides users through a sequence of choices and helpful information, leading to the completion of specific tasks such as software installation, mail merges, or computer configuration.2 A person who understands complex computer systems. word processor - A program for creating documents for printing or display. Features include formatting, typeface and font selections. Most word processors include spell checking. worksheet - See spreadsheet workstation - A general-purpose computer designed to be used by one person at a time and offering higher performance than is normally found in a personal computer. World Wide Web - (WWW, W3, The Web) An Internet client-server system of hypertext documents. The Web was introduced in 1991. By September 1993, the NSFNET transmitted 75 gigabytes per month of web documents. By July 1994 the traffic was one terabyte (10 raised the power of 36) per month. worm / WORM - 1. A program that propagates itself over a network. See virus and Trojan horse. 2. Read Once Write Many. A type of disk drive and compact disk on which one can write only once but read many times. worm hole - See back door WPG - An image file format. See BMP, GIF, JPEG, PIC, and PIX. WWW - See World Wide Web WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get. A system that displays on a computer monitor a nearly exact representation of documents as they will appear in printed form.

X X - The name of a window system for displaying information on computer monitors. (The system is not correctly called "X Windows" or "X windows".) See Windows. Y Yahoo - 1. A very large and popular hierarchical index of the World-Wide Web. It was originally located at Stanford University. Yahoo's World Wide Web URL is (you must be connected to the World Wide Web for this link to work). 2. A crude, unrefined, awkward, clumsy, or ungraceful person. Z zip - 1. A file compression method as well as the compressed file format. 2. The file extension for filed compressed using the zip program. 3. The process of compressing and achieving files using PKWare's PKZIP or a compatible file compressing and archiving program. Zip Drive - A disk drive for removable 3.5 inch floppy disks that can store approximately 100 megabytes of data.

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