Indexed English Key Terms

  • November 2019
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Some Key Concepts and Terms Which Are Often Misunderstood in the Arab World Rick Brown and many others, 30 December 2000 Index of Key Terms: Adon, ha Adonai Advocate Altar Altar of incense Angel Angel of the Lord Angels of Satan Anoint an object, to Anoint s.o., to Anoint s.o., to (metaphorical) Apostle Baptism of John Baptize s.o. in the Holy Spirit, to Baptize s.o. into Christ, to Believe, to Believer Blessing Carnal Chief priests Christ Church Coming One, The Congregation Covenant Demon Devil, the Disciple Disciples (the twelve) TERM

Elôhîm Eternal Life False prophet Father, our Father, The Fellowship Fire Flesh Forgiveness Gates of Hades Gehenna Gentiles God God of … god of Gospel, The Gospel of Luke Grace Hades (see also ‘gates’) Hebrew Hell (see also ‘gates’) High priest holy (of people) Holy of holies, The Holy place, The Holy One of God, The Holy Spirit, The Image of God, The image of God, in the Israel (and children of,) Israelites


Jesus John the Baptist Justify, to (God’s act) King of the Jews Kingdom of God Kurios Levite Lord (for God) Lord (for Jesus), our/the Love s.o., to (of God) Mediator Mercy Messiah New Testament Pharisee Pray, to Priest (see also ‘chief priests’; ‘high priest’) Prophet (NT) (see also ‘false prophet’) Propitiation Psalms Reconcilation (to God) Redemption Repent, to Repentance righteous (of people) Righteous One, The Sabbath Sacrifice Sadducee


Saints Salvation Sanctuary Satan Save, to Sin (as an act) Sin (as sinfulness) Son of David Son of God, The Son of Man, The Son, The sons of God Soul Soulish Spirit, The Spirit of God spirit, unclean/evil Spiritual Synagogue Tabernacle Temple Turn to God, to Unbeliever Word, The YHWH







ETERNAL STATES / PLACES Kingdom of 1) sovereignty of God (in OT) God (malakûtu 2) messianic kingdom llâh) 3) messianic community 4) blessed age to come 5) heaven / paradise 6) a promised share in 2-5 eternal life (al- 1) life in the blessed age to come hayâtu 2) a promised share in it l-’abadiyya) 3) a foretaste of the life to come

malakût is understood to refer to the sovereignty of God, which is thought to already be complete; it cannot expand or be entered. malakût is used by Sufis to refer to the unseen realm of angels and jinn; being “in the malakût” means being spaced out or in a trance or invisible. The term 'eternal life' is not used for anything special; even those in hell are said to have eternal life in mortal bodies

hades (hâwiya) 1) the place of the non-Christian dead hâwiya means the abyss, not the interbefore judgment; mediate state. The audience has no such 2) in OT it can mean the grave (she’ol) concept but thinks of suffering or joy in the grave while awaiting the resurrection. gates of 1) the way to the grave, meaning death a common translation, ’abwâbu l-ja hîm, hades/hell is a well-known expression for the seven gates to the fire of hell in the age to come. hell/gehenna/ place of fire after the judgement Similar concept but jahannam is the fire sometimes understood as a beast in hell.

1) sovereignty (mulk, malakût) of God 2) Kingdom belonging to / established by God (mamlaka) 3) subjects/citizens/people of God's Kingdom,God’s people (umma) 4) God's Kingdom in the next world (dâru l-khulûd fî l-âkhira) 5) God's Kingdom in heaven (mamlakatu llâh fî s-samâ’) 6) a (promised) share (nasîb) /place in paradise/the Kingdom ('Divine/Heavenly Kingdom' could also be used.) 1) eternal life in paradise; live forever with God in paradise; 2) promised eternal life with God, a share in the eternal realm (nas îbun fî dâri l-khulûd) 3) hayâtu l-khulûd (needs more testing) 1) world of the dead (‘âlamu l-mawta) 2) the grave 1) death, the powers of death (quwâtu l-mawt) [as in the Good News Arabic version] the fire (al-nâr) [with the article]; the eternal fire

DIVINE ACTS salvation, to save s.o. (=justify) (yukhallis)

God justifies

reconciliation to God forgiveness

1) to rescure or preserve s.o. 2) to grant s.o. a share in the kingdom/eternal life/paradise

3) to sanctify s.o. or o.s. 1) to accept for the kingdom 2) to declare s.o. accepted 3) to approve of someone 1) to repair an estranged relationship (= justification) 1) God ceases to hold our sinfulness against us (= justification) 2) God cancels planned discipline for individual sins due to repentance 3) A person ceases to be angry with another who has offended him or her.

yukhallis usually means 'to rid someone of something' and in N.A. it means ‘to pay (the bill). It also means to clear something through customs.

1) to save or rescure s.o. or to deliver s.o. (yunajji) 2) to save/preserve s.o. from hell; to give a share in paradise/kingdom of God; to deliver someone from the power of sin and its punishment; to grant eternal life with God (the Aramaic for 'to save' is lit. 'to make alive'); (yunqiđuhu mina n-nâr, yunajjîhu min đunûbihi wa ‘iqâbihâ; an-najât; najâtun mina n-nâr ) 3) to rid s.o. of sin (yukhallisuhum min khatâyâ) [1Ti 4:16] yubarrir is unclear and misunderstood 1) God counts / enrolls /enters s.o. among His righteous servants (’adkhalahu fî ‘ibâdihi s-sâlihîn) 2) God considers s.o. righteous (i‘tabarahu sâlihan) 3) God approves of someone (radiya ‘anhu) This concept is not used in some 1) God reconciled us to himself (sâlahanâ linafsihi), God accepted languages with respect to God. us as his righteous servants Different words are required. The word for 1&2) forgiveness (maghfara, ghufrân, yaghfar) ‘sin’ is not usually needed in the expression. 3) to indulge or forgive s.o. (yusâmiH lahu).

TERM redemption grace (ni‘ma)

blessing (baraka; yubârik)



1) to free someone from bondage or a punishment due to them by making a payment or substitution. 1) God’s kindness in justifying s.o. 2) God’s kindness in blessing s.o. 3) God’s kind empowering s.o.

The concept exists, but it is not easily identified with justification. The substitute usually needs to be mentioned. The common translation (ni‘ma) is usually understood to mean prosperity, blessing, and especially food.

1) a benefit from God to man 2) a request for such a benefit 3) thanksgiving to God

baraka is commonly used for an almost magical kind of power or protection or prosperity. The verb yubârik is not generally used for 2 and 3.



1) God redeemed you (fadâkum) from a sinful life by the blood of Christ (1 Pe 1:18-19) 1) acceptance (ridâ) or God approves s.o. (radiya ‘anhu) or use the verb yun‘im or its nominal form in‘âm ‘ala 2) mercy (rahma), kindness (fadl, lutf) OR material blessings (ni‘ma) or use the verb yun‘im or its nominal form in‘âm ‘ala 2) help (‘awn) or success-granting (tawfîq) (use a verbal phrase:) 1) God blesses man (yubârikuhu /fîhi) 2) man asks God to bless s.o. (yad‘û lahu) 3) man praises / thanks God (yashkuru) OR says tabarraka llâh

DIVINE NAMES & TITLES YHWH, kurios (al-rabb) Lord adonai; ha-adon God of ... (ilâhu ...)

god of ... (ilâhu ...) Elôhîm, God (al-’ilâh) the Father

our Father the Word (Jn, 1 Jn, Rev)

1) a name of God (usually but not always the 1st person of the trinity) 2) God as covenant redeemer/protector A Hebrew title, usually possessed in form, used mostly in addressing God but sometimes in reference or predication. 1a) Divine master of ... 1b) Covenantal protector/provider/lord 1c) Divine giver/possessor of attributes (peace, mercy, etc)

In Arabic allâh is the name of God. YHWH is unknown; al-rabb is not a name and is rare. This corresponds to Arabic rabb, which is usually possesed in form and is commonly used when addressing God.

Allah is not generally possessed. “God of” is restricted to certain fixed phrases, relating to people and never to attributes. Attributes are expressed with nouns (beautiful names) rather than possessed. 2) non-human master of ... This construction is often unclear and 3) object of worship of ... unnatural. often used as a name for God allâh is used as the name of God. al-’ilâh is rare and is not a name. allâh sometimes has associations of sternness and danger. God (first person in trinity) 'Father' (’ab) is biological: progenitor. It is not used metaphorically of personal relationships or adoption, which makes its use for God misleading and offensive. ’ubûwa is just paternity, begetting, whereas fatherly care is tarbiya. God (first person in trinity), sometimes (as above) as a care giver to his people; used by the people of God God’s creating, mediating, selfJesus is called “word of God”, but this can revealing, wisdom-imparting “person” be understood to mean that he was created (2nd person of trinity). This usage is in a virgin by the command of God. based in part on the targums.

1) God (allâh) 2) our Lord (rabbunâ) O Lord (rabbunâ, yâ rabb, rabb al ...) Master, Lord (almawlâ) 1a) Caretaker/master of (rabbu ...); 1b) God of (’ilâhu ... ) [In certain phrases]; Keeper (hâfiđ) 1c) God the Peace (allâhu l-salâm) [instead of “the God of Peace”] God the Merciful (allâhu l-rahmân) [not “the God of Mercy”] 2) controller/ruler of ... (musaytir ...) 3) object of worship of ... (ma‘bûd) God / Allah / our Lord/ our Caretaker (rabbunâ) God / Allah / our Lord / our Caretaker (rabbunâ) The word rabb refers to the one who provides the upbringing (tarbiya) and care. rabbu l-‘â’ila is the head father or patriarch of the family, who raises/fathers (yurabbib/ yurabbi) the family. (râbb is a foster father, one who cares rather than begets.) our Lord/Caretaker (rabbunâ) our loving Caretaker (rabbunâ l-wudûd) foster father, one providing fatherly care (râbb) God’s Word (kalimatu llâh) [this is well known]; God's eternal word



The Image of God etc. (Col 1:15; Heb 1:3) (sûratu llâh) Spirit of God (rûhu llâh)

(similar to above) Jesus fully manifests the character and will of God, all of His ethical attributes; knowing Him is knowing God. God’s intervening, guiding, and empowering “person”, active in His people (3rd person of the trinity) Holy Spirit (ar- (as above) rûhu l-qudus) The Spirit (as above)




‘Image’ is understood in physical terms, which sounds blasphemous, because God is not physical like humans, and there is none beside Him. God’s spirit is understood as a life-force given when creating new human life: Adam and Jesus.. rûhu l-qudus is equated with the angel Gabriel, as is ar-rûhu l-qudus. ar-rûh is understood to be a special angel

In Christ we see what God is like. OR God revealed Himself /His qualities (sifât) / His nature (tabî‘a) in Christ. Christ is the exact representation of the nature (tabî‘a) of God. (at-ta‘bîru s-sâdiqu ‘alâ tabî‘ati llâhi) Spirit of God (rûhu llâh)

The word malâk applies only to angels are from God, so there is no need to specify. The usual word for ‘satan’ is also used for demon. A common word for angel (malâk) refers only to angels of God; it does not mean messenger generically and cannot be used of demons. ‘unclean spirit’ is not used and sounds odd. ‘evil spirit’ is not common. Tomost people jinnî is not the same as a demon. Some lgs have several words for kinds of spirit.

angel (malâk); angel sent from God

The king of Israel chosen by God, especially the eternal, righteous ruler and savior of God’s people during the messianic age. The Son of God 1) In OT, the king of Israel chosen by God, based on 1 Sam 7:14 and the enthronement Psalms; in NT times it was a title of the Roman emperor. 2) The Messiah 3) The Word of God (2nd of the Trinity)

title with unknown meaning

(explain as appropriate ) the Messiah, the awaited king; the awaited Messiah; the Messiah King; the eternal, righteous king, the eternal savior; God’s Chosen One; the Savior sent from God.

‘Son of God’ is not known to be a messianic title; widely and deeply misunderstood to imply sex between God and Mary; uttering such a claim is considered to be very offensive to God, to the point of ensuring one’s rejection

King of the Jews Son of David

Understood only in a mundane sense, not as messianic. not known to be a messianic title

1) the king chosen by God to guide his people 2) the one entitled ‘Son of God’ (al-mulaqqabu bi bni llâh); (explain as appropriate: ) God’s Messiah; the King chosen by God to save his people; the One whom God loves with the love of the father for his son; the one closer to God than a son; God’s Beloved, God’s right arm or right-hand man (yamînu llâh). [needs testing] 3) The Word of God (kalimatu llâh); the eternal Word of God the King of God’s people / King of the Jews

The Holy Spirit of God (rûhu llâhi l-qudûs) the Holy Spirit (ar-rûhu l-qudûs) [ as above]

SUPERNATURAL BEINGS angel, angel of a supernatural messenger sent from the Lord God Satan, the devil 1) the principle opponent of the kingdom of God angels of Satan demonic agents of Satan

unclean spirit, evil spirit, demon


1) iblîs, ash-shaytân, head of the demons (ra’îsu sh-shayâtîn) Agents/forces/companions of Satan (’awliyâ’u sh-shaytân; junûdu sh-shaytân) demon (shaytân)


the Coming One

(as above) (as above, although not necessarily enthroned) (as above before enthronement)

not understood

son/heir of King David, Messiah son of David the awaited Messiah / the awaited Savior (Jn 11:27; Mt 3:11; 11:3)



Son of Man

Similar to above, but comes from heaven to rule all the peoples of the earth, based on Dan 7 and apocalyptic books

the Son

This is usually a short form of ‘Son of Man’ and can be translated similarly.

our lord the lord

In NT times it usually meant the emperor, but to Jews it was the Messiah in his role of king over the earth (based on Ps 110:1) the Righteous The Messiah was expected to be One uniquely perfect in obedience to God and to establish a righteous kingdom free of evil. the Holy One of The meaning is like that above, but God ‘holy’ adds the sense of the Messiah’s total commitment to the Father.

PROBLEMS A common translation, ibnu l-’insân, applies to bastards and is not understood to be a messianic title. It is commonly misunderstood to affirm the mere humanity of Jesus against claims of divinity. A similar expression, son of Adam, is sometimes deprecatory. not understood

A common translation (rabb) is understood as applying only to God as a Father-like figure. The traditional translation, al-bârr, means dutiful as a son or generous. This misses both the desired quality of a ruler and the model of godly righteousness. ‘The Holy One’ (al-qudûs) is a name for God, but ‘the Holy One of God’ is a new and unique title. SVB has ‘God’s Messiah’.



the Lord of mankind (sayyidu l-bashar, which is close to the sense in which Jesus used the term); the One who became human (allâđi sâra basharan) [used in Sharif translation]

(similar to above) [This needs more testing.] the Lord (as-sayyid) [‘Son of Man’ is replaced by ‘the Lord’ and ‘our Lord’ in Acts and Epistles except in John’s Epistles it is ‘Son’.] our master/sovereign (sayyiduna/mawlânâ) lord of all (sayyidu l-kawn) the righteous (a s-sâlih); the righteous savior, the righteous king; the perfectly righteous one [Acts 7:52; 22:14; Isaiah 53:11] [Note: It is not appropriate to call the Father sâlih because it means obedient and pleasing to God.] The Holy One of God (qudûsu llâh); God’s Holy Messiah. [Together with God’s Holy Spirit, this is suggestive of the Trinity.]

HUMAN ACTS & ATTRIBUTES soul soulish sin=sinfulness

1) the innermost nature of a person 2) the physical life of a person 3) a person 1) in accord with human nature sinful human nature

1) nafs, tabî‘a 2) rûh, hayât 3) shakhs 1) tabî‘î sinful human nature (at-tabî‘atu l-basharîyatu l-khâti’a); rebelliousness (ma‘sîya) sinful human nature (at-tabî‘atu l-basharîyatu l-khâti’a) worldly nature (at-tabî‘atu l-dunyawîya) led by worldly/human desires (munqâdun lishahawâti d-dunya) [ Choose words appropriate to the context.]

no such concept


corruption in the soul

no such doctrine

carnal sin=act

in accord with corruption 1) willful OR 2) inadvertant transgression OR 3) shortcoming from God’s ideal


in accord with God, led by his Spirit

no single word equivalent There are several words, differing in severity. A common translation mistake is to imply that forgiveness is only for light sins (đunûb) or that only those with major sins (’âthâm) need forgiveness. no single word equivalent; a common walking with God, led by his Spirit (munqâdun lirûhi llâh) translation, rû hânî, is used of an imam or other person who is in communication with spirits; rû hî means the same or alcoholic.

TERM image of God (1Co 11:7; Gen 1:27)

sons of God

holy, saints

righteous repentance, to repent, to turn to God believer, to believe unbeliever love s.o. mercy fellowship

INTENDED MEANINGS Some of the attributes shared between God and man but not between God and other creatures, such as personality, speech, creativity, awareness of self, awareness of God, moral consciousness. God also created man to be righteous. citizens of the Kingdom/God’s people, based on Deut 14:1-2, Ps 82, Jer 3:19; the usage is usually qualititive rather than referential those who have been accepted by God (through Christ) and set apart for Him




‘Image’ is understood in physical terms, God created man in accord with some of His attributes (sifât). which is blasphemous, because God is not God created man to show forth His nature/essence/attributes physical and limited like humans, and (liyu‘abbira ‘alâ tabî‘ati/đâti/sifâti llah) there is none beside Him.

Words for ‘son’ are understood biologically, which is very offensive; this can be avoided in part by saying ‘become children of God or like children to God’. A word for ‘holy’ (qudûs) applies only to God. A common translation (qadîs) is understood to apply to ancient heroes worshipped by traditional Christians. those who walk with God, do what He A commonly used word is bârr, which wants and find favor with Him means generous or obedient to parents. 1) to renounce sin and seek forgiveness This concept should imply surrender to and acceptance from God God.

God’s accepted servants (‘ibâdu llâhi s-sâlihûn), true worshippers of God (‘âbidû llah), companions (’awliyâ’) of God, citizens of the Kingdom of God, become children of God (’asbahû ’abnâ’a llâh) the righteous servants of God (‘ibâdu llâhi s-sâlihûn) companions (’awliyâ’) of God [especially in heaven] citizens of the Kingdom of God (’ahlu mamlakati llâh) pious ones (’atqiyâ’) righteous (sâlih) the righteous servants of God (‘ibâdu llâhi l-sâlihûn) 1) to repent (yatûb) and return (yarga‘) to God

1) one who repents and puts faith in Jesus as Christ his Lord and Savior

1) believer or believer in Jesus or believer in the savior Jesus Christ our lord.

A word for believer, used alone, does not always convey faith in Jesus or trust in him as Lord and savior. 1) someone who does not repent and A common word for unbeliever, kâfir, is a put his/her faith in Jesus as Lord. term of abuse far stronger than intended. to seek what is in the best interest of this attribute is not commonly ascribed to s.o. God to relieve or protect s.o. from present or some will understand this as a display of threatened suffering/punishment power rather than an act of love 1) sharing together of love, suffering, The usual word sharika means a business worship, presence of the Holy Spirit company and needs qualification.

1) unbeliever (ghayru mu’min) or one who does not believe in Jesus as Christ the Lord. care (word appropriate for a father’s care) OR love (depending on context) (choose words carefully according to context: hanân, rahma, ri‘âya, i‘tinâ’ .) 1) brotherly sharing (sharikatun akhawîyatun), brotherly ties (râbit atun akhawîyatun)

RELIGIOUS RITES baptism of John a re-initiation of Jewish sinners into the people of God as if they were proselytes, their past life and sins being “washed” away baptize s.o. into a ritual formally inducting someone Christ into the people of the Kingdom of Christ baptize s.o. in the Holy Spirit

to purify and empower a new believer with the indwelling Holy Spirit

no great problem but not well understood

(use long sentence to describe the action (yaghattas) and some of its significance)

A common translation of this term (ma‘madiyya) is often understood to refer to a rite for betraying one’s family by transferring to a new church and community. This concept is unknown; often a literal translation produces a collocational clash (e.g., ‘dip into the Spirit’)

to immerse (yughattis) or purify (yutahhir) people in water to signify that they belong to Christ or that they have become one (liyattahida) with Christ or as a confession of their faith in Jesus Christ. purify (yutahhir) s.o. with the Spirit of God

TERM anoint s.o.

anoint object anoint s.o. (metaphorical) pray


INTENDED MEANINGS to apply oil to someone’s head as a visible sign that God has chosen him to be a king, priest or prophet for His people. to apply sacrificial blood to an object to as a sign that it is clean and acceptable to God and devoted to his service 1) for God to choose someone to a role 2) for God to empower someone for a task 1) to offer formal worship to God. 2) to ask or petition God for 3) to intercede on behalf of others 4) to spend time communing with God 1) a sacred contract between God and people committing each to the other 2) a marriage contract before God

PROBLEMS A common translation of this term (yamsah) means to wipe.



to anoint someone with oil as a sign of that God has chosen that person for a particular role

A similar action is practiced in folk (use a long phrase) religion but with a different meaning. The verb yamsah is not used for this. not understood to choose (yaxtâr) or empower (yuqawwî) or send (yursil) A common translation of this term (yus alli) refers only to formal, ritual worship

1) yusalli 2) yad‘û allah, yatlubu shay’an mina llâh 3) yad‘û allah li 4) to spend time praising and thanking God and seeking direction 1) covenant, divine promise (‘ahd)

The word is known, mostly as a divine promise, but the concept of covenants with God is not familiar or understood. 2) marriage covenant, knot (‘uqda)

RELIGIOUS BODIES congregation /church

1) the congregation of God’s OT people 2) the totality of God’s NT people 3) a local assembly of NT believers Israel, children 1) physical descendants of Jacob of Israel, Israelites 2) God’s faithful people Gentiles 1) people not descended from Jacob 2) people outside God’s people Hebrew 1) descendant of Eber (in Genesis) 2) nomadic shepherd (in Genesis) 3) Israelite (elsewhere)

kanîsa comes from the Aramaic word for synagogue and means ecclesiastical building or institution, not congregation

1) assembly (jamâ‘a) [Ac 7:38; Heb 2:12] 2) nation/people of Christ (ummatu l-masîh) Eph 1:22; Ac 9:31 3) assembly of believers (jamâ‘atu l-mu’minîn)

For most hearers today, ‘israel’ is the name of a political state, and for some it evokes very negative connotations. A common translation, umam ‘nations’, does not convey the intended meaning. The word ‘Hebrew’ means ‘Jew’ to most people today.

1) children of Jacob (banuu ya3qûb) or children of Israel

A common translation, kâhin, means fortune-teller or psychic medium. The role of priest does not officially exist in some religions, but it might exist in folk versions.

1) man of religion (rajulu dîn); mediator (wasît); 2) man of religion who serves in the temple; temple official intercessor/mediator (shafî‘) [especially in regard to the priestly role of Christ] [these terms are still being tested]

2) people of God (sha3abu llâh) or nation of God (’ummatu llâh) 1) non-Jews (ghairu yahûd) 2) non-believers (ghayru mu’minîn) 1) from the children of Eber (min banî ‘âbir) 2) nomad (rahhâl), shepherd (râ‘î) 3) Hebrew


1) a professional man of religion 2) one who approaches the temple of God on behalf of others with offerings and prayers on their behalf

advocate mediator Levite

1) one who intercedes with God for s.o. 1) one who mediates with God or man 1) descendant from the tribe of Levi unknown 2) a worker in the temple 1) leading priests, members of council 1) unique priest who approached God The first role is not familiar to our 2) leader of priests and council audience today.

chief priests high priest

1) shafî‘ 1) wasît 1) from the sons of Levi (min banî lâwî) 2) a Levite priest, an assistant priest, a man of religion 1) important religious men (kibâru rijâli d-dîn) 1) the priest who was near to God (al-shafî‘u l-muqarrab) 2) head of the religious functionaries (ra’îsu rujâli d-dîn)

TERM Sadducee

Pharisee prophet (NT) false prophet apostle disciple the twelve

INTENDED MEANINGS 1) The exclusive priestly line after David appointed Zadoq high priest. 2) Those who support the doctrines and practices of this line 1) member of a Jewish fraternal order that tithed and observed the oral law. ones who made pronouncements to the church by inspiration of the Holy Spirit




The term ‘Sadducee’ is unknown.

1) priest from the sons of Zadoq; priest from the Sadducee sect (min mađhabi l-saddûqiyyîn ) 2) man from the Sadducee way/school/sect

The tern ‘Pharisee’ is unknown.

1) man from the Pharisee sect (mađhabi l-farîsiyyîn)

Prophets are understood to be sent to call sinners to repent; it is said there are none today. someone who falsely claims to have a This is a collocational clash; all prophets true message from God are from God or they are not prophets. 1) one sent from a church on a mission A common translation, rasûl, means one 2) one sent from God with a mission appointed by God to give people a portion 3) one sent from Christ with a mission of God’s book. 1) follower of a religious teacher A common translation, talmîđ, can mean 2) believer and follower of Jesus schoolboy if used alone. 1) inner circle of twelve disciples A word besides talmîdh exists for the close companions of Jesus: hawârîyûn.

one who prophesies/has a word from God one who (falsely) claims to be a prophet; ones who (falsely) claim to have prophecy (yadda‘ûna n-nabûwa) 1) messanger (mursal) [2 Co 8:23; Ph 2:25] 2) apostle (rasûl) [of Christ at Heb 3:1; of others at Luk 11:49] 3) apostle of Christ (rasûlu l-masîh) 1) disciple (talmîđ) of someone 2) disciple (talmîđ) of Jesus 1) the twelve disciples or the twelve hawârîyûn or sometimes just al-hawârîyûn


the given name of the son of Mary, who is the Messiah. In Hebrew his name is yeshû‘, which means salvation.

In some languages, the general audience may use ‘isa while some churches or missionaries use yasû‘ . The former is based on the Greek but adapted to Arabic word structure, whereas the latter is based on the Syriac form of the name. Neither name means anything in Arabic. John the the prophet John son of Zecharia (Luke Usually known as Yahya son of Zakaria Baptist 3:2) New Testament The collection of books, outside the In many lgs the book of the Christians is Old Testament, accepted by all known as the Injil. The Injil is known to Christians as Scripture. be one inspired book, not a message. The Gospel the Good News brought by Jesus Christ injîl is understood to be the name of a book sent down to Jesus Gospel of Luke The good news proclaimed by Jesus as A common translation has been Injîl, but written by Luke. this is understood to be a single book given to Jesus. Psalms A collection of inspired prayers and Most of the audience will have heard of praises, mostly by David. this collection as the Zabûr, but it is not often called that in translation. Zabûr suggests a male organ in some lgs.

[‘isa is not inherently better or worse than yasû‘. Other considerations are more important in the choice of name. Crosslinking has been helpful (i.e., yasû’, also known as ‘isa).

yahya son of zakariyya al-’injîl bishâra The good news (bishâra) brought by Jesus as written by Luke. mazâmîr, Praises (the meaning of the Hebrew name) zabûr (for the collection of Psalms, if this name is not also used as a male body part).

RELIGIOUS OBJECTS temple (haykal) a unique plaza where sacrifices, gifts, and prayers were offered to God

haykal means a skeleton of a building or person. ma‘bad means pagan temple.

house of God (baitu llâh); house of God in Jerusalem; sacred precinct of God’s house (haramu bayti llâh)



tabernacle a temple made of skins and fabric sacrifice (đabîh 1) a slain animal burned in the name of a) God for atonement or thanks or other reasons 2) a sacrifice required for a feast 3) a human sacrifice 4) sacrificial act, self-sacrifice propitiation 1) the act of giving something to calm wrath or make amends altar wood, bronze, or stone platform where offerings are presented to God or supernatural beings altar of incense wood, bronze, or stone platform where incense is presented to God symbolizing prayers sanctuary a small sacred building in the temple plaza for priests only the holy place the main room in the sanctuary, entered by a priest infrequently the holy of the sacred chamber in the sanctuary, holies entered by the high priest once a year synagogue building for Jewish prayers and teaching sabbath 1) the seventh day, Saturday 2) a holy day of rest 3) a feast day when work is forbidden




tent of worship (khaymatu l-‘ibâda) 1) sacrifice to God (for atonement / thanks/ etc) (In some contexts a sentence is needed to translate ‘sacrifice’, such as đabîhatun qaddamûha lillâhi shukran/ ‘ibâdatan lahu 2) ’udhîya. 3) dahîya 4) tadhiya (suitable for Christ) the usual translations, kafâra and yukaffir, 1) a sacrifice offered to God to make amends can have undesirable meanings. đabîhatu l-takfîr qaddamûha lillâhi shukran/ ‘ibâdatan lahu unknown concept (in many languages); platform / place for offering sacrifices / incense /offerings to God A common translation means (makânun litaqdîmi qarâbîni/đabâ’ihi/bakhûr (shukran) lillâh) slaughterhouse. unknown concept; Common translations platform/place for offering incense to God mean censor or slaughterhouse of incense. (makânun/mawqidun litaqdîmi bakhûrin hamdan lillâh) đabîha can be any slaughtered animal, so the purpose of giving it to God is not always understood. Folk religion includes sacrifices at new occasions.

unknown concept

sacred niche (mihrab) of house of God

unknown concept

sacred niche (mihrâb) in house of God

unknown concept

as above, but with holiest (al-’aqdas)

conflicting words or no special word; jam‘a controversial Saturday is known but the sabbath is an unknown concept.

house of worship (baytu l ‘ibâda); house of prayer of the Jews 1) Saturday (yawmu s-sabt) 2) day of rest (yawmu listirâ h); the weekly day of rest (al-‘uTlatu l-’usbû‘îya) 3) day of rest (yawmu listirâ h)

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