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Table of Content I. Dedication…………………………………………...………………………....…………...…. p. 4 II. Preface……………………………………………………..…………………………….…….. p. 5 III. Cyber Ethics – Book Review……………………………………...……………….. pp. 6 - 95 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

1: Ethics and the Information Revolution 2: Ethics On-Line 3: Reason, Relativity, and Responsibility in Computer Ethics 4: Disclosive Computer Ethics 5: Gender and Computer Ethics 6: Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology 7: Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and Theories to IT Contexts: Some Key Problems and Challenges 8: Just Consequentialism and Computing 9: The Internet as Public Space: Concepts, Issues, and Implications in Public Policy 10: The Laws of Cyberspace 11: Of Black Holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace 12: Fahrenheit 451 2: Is Cyberspace Burning 13: Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied 14: Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique 15: PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship 16: Internet Service Providers and Defamation: New Standards of Liability 17: Digital Millennium Copyright Act 18: Note on the DeCSS Trial 19: A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net 20: Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good 21: Is Copyright Ethical An Examination of the Theories, Laws, and Practices Regarding the Private 22: On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Piracy 23: An Ethical Evaluation of Web Site Linking 24: The Cathedral and the Bazaar 25: Towards A Theory of Piracy for the Information Age 26: The Structure of Rights in Directive 95 46 EC 27: Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies 28: Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: Challenges of Information Technology 29: KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness 30: Data Mining and Privacy 31: Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and Distributive Justice 32: Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing 33: PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship 34: Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace 35: Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic 36: Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective 37: The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age 38: Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity 39: Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions


Chapter 40: Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved Chapter 41: No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are Worse than None at All Chapter 42: Subsumption Ethics Chapter 43: Ethical Issues in Business Computing Chapter 44: The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting The Virtues IV. The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics – Book Review……………………………………………………………..…………….... pp. 96-150 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

1: Foundations of Information Ethics 2: Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics 3: Moral Methodology and Information Technology 4: Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems 5: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property 6: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies 7: Online Anonymity 8: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counterkhacking 9: Information Ethics and the Library Profession 10: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software 11: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues 12: Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty 13: Ethical Issues of Information and Business 14: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet 15: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation 16: Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues 17: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict 18: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment—A SoDIS Inspection 19: Regulation and Governance of the Internet 20: Information Overload 21: Email Spam 22: The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why, and If 23: Intellectual Property: Legal and Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing 24: Censorship and Access to Expression 25: The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics 26: The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the Future 27: Intercultural Information Ethics

V. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid – Book Review………………………………………………………………………….... pp. 151-163 Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

1: The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid 2: Products and Services for the BOP 3: BOP: A Global Opportunity 4: The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation 5: Reducing Corruption: Transaction Governance Capacity 6: Development as Social Transformation

VI. Acknowledgement…………………………………………………….……………….... p. 164 VII. Reference………………………………………………….……………………………… p. 165


I. Dedication

For Mommy,Atchie,Ann-Ann Rap-Rap, Sy and Dy Family, Block O1T and O1S, and to God.


II. Preface Going to this subject is no walk in the park. Too much book reviews, too much case studies, too much of everything. I admit that this subject is hard. I also want to give up during the middle part of the term because of the work load that Sir. Pajo gave us, but thank God the term comes to an end. The most important thing that happened in this term is that we experienced the hardship that a college student should go through. That hardship made us better not only in our academics but also it made us exercised our morality, physical endurance, and our social skills. I have to admit those book reviews are not easy to accomplish because it took most of our time during the term. Those book reviews were fun to do because it made us realize how versatile our vocabulary can be. Those papers made my time management to be better than ever. It was about competence. Fundamentals are essential in all aspects of the subject, especially in major ones. Even if you pass the subject, you’ll never survive the next in the flowchart because you don’t have the prerequisite of having the required knowledge of that subject that will be taken. My life this term crashes because of too much paperwork. Not having my computer video gaming days, and the like, just because of a dumb old paperwork. After this term is I should get my life back but I am sure that after this vacation it will be the real thing already.




Book Review: Chapter 1: Ethics and the Information Revolution Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Access to cyberspace is much easier than to the world’s business and management techniques. Because of information technology there are no peripheries. Even the more distant developing countries can fully participate in cyberspace and look forward to new opportunities offered by global networks [Sojka, 192]… …the net constitutes the only realm of freedom in many non-democratic countries. Also the opportunities which the Internet offers to commerce guarantee its freedom: no country could afford losing this competitive advantage [Sojka, 198].” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn the basics in ethical thinking and applied that information for our future business. I also want to learn the basic principles of ethical thinking so that I can also apply it in our nature of business as an Information Systems student. Review: “The term information revolution (sometimes called also the "informational revolution") describes current economic, social and technological trends. Many competing terms have been proposed that focus on different aspects of this societal trend. Daniel Bell (1980) challenged this theory and advocated Post Industrial Society, which would lead to a service economy rather than socialism. Many other authors presented their views, including Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski (1976) with his "Technetronic Society". The main feature of the information revolution is information. Information is the central theme of several new sciences, which emerged in the 1940s, including Shannon's (1949) Information Theory and Wiener's (1948) Cybernetics. Wiener (1948, p. 155) stated also: "information is information not matter or energy". This aphorism suggests that information should be considered along with matter and energy as the third constituent part of the Universe; information is carried by matter or energy.” ( I am aware how much the contribution of the information technology in our society today. In fact that without the information technology today we wouldn’t have any gadgets or things that will make our daily living in this world better and easier. It is somewhat similar to the idea of becoming one with the world so that everyone else Page | 7 IT-ETHIC READER

will cooperate with you. It might be because of a huge gap we, as humans, keep on filling out with hope and faith that the growth we experience is good – and nothing more. Giving us a brief background of the issues that we will eventually go through with if we can is really helpful because it will allow us to analyze the rapidness of the growing Cyber world without hesitations because we already have an idea of what is going to happen.

What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned about the information revolution. I also learned how information technology and human values interact to each other. In the chapter I’ve learned some historical milestones of Computer Ethics ad how did they redefined it. It was also discussed in the chapter about the global information ethics and the future of it.

Integrative Questions 1.

What is Ethics?


What is Information Revolution?


What are the 4 global issues mentioned in the chapter?


What is the one of the controversial approach in defining Computer Ethics?

5. Who was the one who advocates different approaches in defining Computer Ethics?


Book Review: Chapter 2: Ethics On-Line Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote “On-line communication has been evolving and growing at an unprecedented pace, and there is every indication that the demand for it will continue. Its evolution, however, has not been without problems and the most disturbing of these problems involves human behavior. Disturbing and disruptive behavior ranges from unauthorized access, theft of electronic property, launching of destructive worms and viruses, racism, defamation, harassment, to a recent incident involving a form of rape on-line. Our responses to this behavior will shape the future of on-line communication and will determine to what extent in the future.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how does ethics works in computers. I also want to know how can ethics affects our usage of computers. I want to be aware of the ethical decisions intact with ethical issues on-line Review: This chapter is all about the use of information on-line should be ethical even if its used privately or publicly. As a student it would be necessary for us to have a research work almost all time. Students and most of the people on the world are using the Internet to find out new things and to educate other people through them. “The field of ethics, also called moral philosophy, involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Philosophers today usually divide ethical theories into three general subject areas: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. Metaethics investigates where our ethical principles come from, and what they mean. Are they merely social inventions? Do they involve more than expressions of our individual emotions? Metaethical answers to these questions focus on the issues of universal truths, the will of God, the role of reason in ethical judgments, and the meaning of ethical terms themselves. Normative ethics takes on a more practical task, which is to arrive at moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. This may involve articulating the good habits that we should acquire, the duties that we should follow, or the consequences of our behavior on others. Finally, applied ethics involves examining specific controversial issues, such as abortion, infanticide, animal rights, environmental concerns, homosexuality, capital punishment, or nuclear war. By using the conceptual tools of metaethics and normative ethics, discussions in applied ethics try to resolve these controversial issues. The lines of distinction between metaethics, normative ethics, Page | 9 IT-ETHIC READER

and applied ethics are often blurry. For example, the issue of abortion is an applied ethical topic since it involves a specific type of controversial behavior. But it also depends on more general normative principles, such as the right of self-rule and the right to life, which are litmus tests for determining the morality of that procedure.” ( What I’ve learned: I learned the special charters in communication networks. I also learned about anonymity and how can it help us some times. I also learned the consequences of using anonymity in the net and those are making the trust of the people of you diminished and how can you make use of it in different ways with a proper consent with to the owner or the stakeholders. Integrative Questions: 1.

The scope of communication in networks


What is diminished trust?


Why does anonymity used in communication in networks?


How big is the communication in networks?


Do communication in networks have an end?


Book Review: Chapter 3: Reason, Relativity, and Responsibility in Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The prospects of a global village in which everyone on the planet is connected to everyone else with regard to computing power and communication is breathtaking. What is difficult to comprehend is what impact this will have on human life. Surely some of the effects will be quite positive and others quite negative. The question is to what extent can we bring ethics to bear on the computer revolution in order to guide us to a better world or at least prevent us from falling into a worse world. With the newly acquired advantages of computer technology, few would want to put the genie completely back into the bottle. And yet given the nature of the revolutionary beast, I am not sure it is possible to completely control it, though we certain can modify its evolution. Aspects of the computer revolution will continue to spring up in unpredictable ways – in some cases causing us considerable grief. Therefore, it is extremely important to be alert to what I happening because the computer revolution has the potential of having major effects on how we lead our lives, the paramount issue of how we should control computing and flow of information needs to be addressed on an ongoing basis in order to shape the technology to serve us to our mutual benefit. We must remain vigilant and proactive so that we don’t pillage the global village.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn something about computer ethics and its subtopics. To tell truth is that I don’t really know what to expect other than what I’ve just said so we’ll see if those topic in the chapter will make answer all the question in my mind. Review: This chapter is about the use and how should we use the Internet properly. As a web user it would be a natural thing to do for me to see all the features and functionalities of a website by browsing through thoroughly. People do check out the websites because they want to know all the things that the website has to offer. “Computers are special technology and they raise some special ethical issues. In this essay I will discuss what makes computers different from other technology and how this difference makes a difference in ethical considerations. In particular, I want to characterize computer ethics and show why this emerging field is both intellectually interesting and enormously important.” ( oor/moor_definition.html)


The problem today is that too easy and too lazy. Too easy because of the internet the work of the user are becoming so easy that they forgot to cite or put the sources of their work. Too lazy because now people tend to get the existing work of others for their convenience and that is illegal. “Forking” is the usual thing that the students now a days do because of too much reliance to the internet for their work. Yes, it is easy to do such forking stuff but they forgot to put their source and that is a big problem because its illegal. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that ethics is not limited to us but it is a global matter or village, everyone has to have an ethical guideline on his own and if not then chaos will immerse especially in the internet where no ones controlling it. I also learned about logical malleability and informational enrichment. I also learned the nature, core values, responsibility, resolution, and residue of having an computer ethics. Integrative Questions: 1.

Why there is a global village?


What is the importance of having a global village?


Do we need to be responsible in using the computers?


Why do we need to have an ethical guideline in using the computers?


What are the core values of ethics?


Book Review: Chapter 4: Disclosive Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The notion that technology can have moral properties is an extension of the notion that it can have political properties (e.g. Winer 1980; Sclove 1995; Feenberg, 1999). As Winner (1980) has urged, technological artifacts and systems function much like laws, by constraining behavior and sering as frameworks for public order. Richard Sclove has made the same point by identifying technical artifacts as elements of social structure. Sclove defines the social structure of society as its ‘background features that help define or regulate pattern of human interactions, and system of cultural belief.’(1995, p.11). He argues that technologies should also be included in this list, because they have the same kinds of structural effects as these other elements of social structure.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know how the principles of ethics and how it should be done when we are thinking about it. I would like to know how to think in ethical manner because as a student I want to apply it in my life and in my studies. Review: “Disclosive computer ethics is the name I propose for a family of recent approaches in computer ethics that are centrally concerned with the moral deciphering of computer technology.” The disclosive issue in the computer is not the programming style but the development stage of it. Moat of the issue is coming from the development stage because it is where the ethical guidelines should be applied. Actions during the development stage are somehow determined how will the users and the developers will act upon receiving the final software. Ethics are here to make our decision for the better. I and all of us hope it all goes well for both users and developers soon so that we reach the mean of our actions. “computer ethics and argues for the importance of a complementary approach called disclosive computer ethics, which is concerned with the moral deciphering of embedded values and norms in computer systems, applications and practices. Also, four key values are proposed as starting points for disclosive studies in computer ethics: justice, autonomy, democracy and privacy. Finally, it is argued that research in disclosive computer ethics should be multi-level and interdisciplinary, distinguishing between a disclosure level, a theoretical level, and an an application level.” ( Page | 13 IT-ETHIC READER

What I’ve learned: I’ve learned the limitation of computer ethics and the hidden morality and disclosive of it. I also now know the key values of departures points of nanlysis and those are justice, autonomy, democracy, and privacy. Integrative Questions: 1.

State the morality of ethics?


What are the departure points of analysis?


State the limitations of computer ethics?


Is it good or bad to have ethics is computer?

5. Do you think having an computer ethics will improve the values of the users of the internet?


Book Review: Chapter 5: Gender and Computer Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Much decision making in relation to computer technologies takes place with in the work place, therefore gender studies within business ethics and information system are relevant even if ICTs, as such, are nit the main focus. Hence the first three studies briefly outlined here are concerned with more general business ethics decision making in relation to gender in style and substance they are very similar to the computer ethics studies I describe in more details below. I include these to sharpen my characterization of this style of research methodology being used, to illustrate that results regarding the importance of gender in ethical decision making are quite inconclusive, and finally to strengthen my critique of this methodology, which follows later in the paper.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how the gender can be a related to the computer ethics. I also want to know why there should be a gender issue in the computer ethics and I want to know its difference in making it. Review: At the beginning of the book I never thought that gender would be an issue in computer ethics. I didn’t really consider gender as an issue when it to the topic of computer ethics because in all I’ve been through so far. I never felt that in any work or task gender is an issue because men or women can do the job fairly well from what I can see. I remeber a funny incident that my professor told us in one of our classes. He said that in his workplace, the men and women are separated in a way that men have different and a very particular job which is not for women and as I remember, he specifically told us that once you take the job where women are mostly assigned to means you’re gay or something. I know right? Isn’t it weird how men often consider themselves more capable than women? What I’ve learned: “The rise of feminist ethics in relation to feminist theory in general is described and within that the work of Gilligan and others on an `ethic of care'. We argue for the need to connect theory to empirical evidence. Empirical studies of gender and business and computer ethics are reviewed. We note concerns with surveying a student audience, the issue of how far questionnaires and interviews can get to the heart of ethical beliefs and problems of performing statistical analyses of quantitative data. Although we recognize them, our own small survey cannot avoid all these problems. Nevertheless by refining our scenarios we are able to offer an alternative reading of a hacking problem in terms of an ethic of care thereby pointing Page | 15 IT-ETHIC READER

a way forward for future research in computer ethics inspired by feminist theory.” ( I learned what the effect of gender in computer ethics. I also encounter the barriers and pipelines of computer ethics. I also learned how the decision making of man and women are different. I also learned how to critique a gender and the case studies of computer ethics. I also learned how the student population is affecting the decision making. I also learned how quatitative and qualitative methodology different form each other. I also learned ethical decision and ethical processes and their differences. I also learned how the lack of theory in the issue about the gender in computer ethics. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the issue in gender in computer ethics?


Is gender really an issue or is it just the mindset of people?


How does issue affects the student population?


How does the quantitative methodology affects computer ethics?


How does qualitative methodology affects computer ethics?


Book Review: Chapter 6: Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology? Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The infrastructure in which many aspects of our lives used to take placework, shopping, banking, and entertainment – are being re-created, and transformed, in the GII. The new medium has characteristics different from the physical, geographic world in which our bodies live, and these special characteristics affects social values. For example, poverty, privacy, and responsibility are possible in new medium. Hence, the question of this paper – is the global infrastructure a demographic technology? – sheds light on the quite different , but related, questions whether democracy, as it has traditionally been understood, can be realized in a world that does not depend on physical, geographic space.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know what is a global information infrastructure. I also want to know how can global information can change or influence our daily living in this world. I have a lot of questions in my mind and I hope this chapter can answer those questions after I read this chapter. Review: “The world is slowly witnessing the development of the global information infrastructure (GII), "a seamless web of communication networks, computers, databases and consumer electronics that will put vast amounts of information at user's finger tips" (United States. Information Infrastructure Task Force 1994). Through the global information infrastructure, users around the world will be able to access libraries, databases, educational institutions, hospitals, government departments, and private organisations located anywhere in the world. The Internet, a global network of computers and networks is being seen as the front runner to GII, and is providing an opportunity and infrastructure for publishing and distributing all types of information in various formats in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost. With millions of people around the world accessing the Internet and still a large number trying to do so, providing information content on the Internet has become a major business, economic, cultural and even political activity.” ( This chapter is all about the values that the technology has in it. The values stated are complicated to explain but one way or the other. The chapter also told us what are the different types of technology values are out there. My understanding about global information infrastructure is right that it also means information technology.It is similar to what we experienced in our other class when we were Page | 17 IT-ETHIC READER

given a case study and asked to decide whether to create a program that is bad for the people but good for the company or not develop it at all which will eventually ruin your reputation as a programmer. It might be because of the natural growth of our geographic scale which is why we need to consider the community first but the real issue we first have to answer is whether or not this is right which is honestly, the hardest question to answer. The chapter just means that there are given values that we have the option to follow when it comes to global information structure. What I’ve learned: I learned what is technology and values. I also learned what are the values embedded in technologies. I also learned about the moral metaphysical meaning of embedded values. I also learned the support meaning of embedded values. I also learned the material meaning of embedded values. I also learned how does Values Embedded in the Global Information Infrastructure affects us. I also learned about moral/metaphysicall meaning of embedded values, Democracy as the Starting Place: Power and Insularity, Power to the Many, and the Joint Deliberation. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the concept of the power to many?


What is the idea of joint deliberation?


What are the different values in computer ethics?

4. What is the meaning of values embedded in the global information infrastructure? 5.

What is the meaning of the embedded values?


Book Review: Chapter 7: Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and Theories to IT Contexts: Some Key Problems and Challenges Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Take software property rights. It is not evident at all that the evaluation of property right in software can be grounded on moral arguments. In contradiction to material property, use by someone else by no means obstructs use by the original producer. In earlier times, there were no copyrights on texts, or on entities like musical compositions. It seems hard to maintain that this was immoral. Property rights on software are an example of a political issue, for which moral or ethical considerations can give no unique solution. I do not even need to contend the software rights cannot be decided on moral grounds; my main claim here is that it is not a priori clear that they can, and that by treating such an issue under that banner in a quasi self-evident manner, one inserting a strong assumption without any form of proof.” What I expect to learn: Honestly, the title is not clear to me so I don’t have any idea on what to expect in this chapter, but I’m hoping to know a lots of things in this chapter. Review: “In considering issues in engineering ethics, a distinction is sometimes made between morals and ethics. When this distinction is made, the term morals is taken to refer to generally accepted standards of right and wrong in a society and the term ethics is taken to refer to more abstract principles which might appear in a code of professional ethics or in a textbook in ethical theory. However, the terms moral philosophy or moral theory would refer to a set of abstract moral principles as appropriately as the term ethics, so it may be more practical to use the words interchangeably. Both of the terms refer to standards of right conduct and the judgments of particular actions as right or wrong by those standards.” ( This chapter is letting us now what are the realm problem of the internet. We must know to what kind of questions such concepts and theories can be applied, and to what they cannot. Yes, there is a lot of questions that we need to find an answer too but there is a lot of ways on how to answer those. Stating a single problem being faced today in terms of computer ethics is impossible because new ones sprout out of nowhere everyday which makes it hard for one to focus on the existing or to move on to another problem.


This chapter also tackles about the role of experts. It is also said that some experts taken for granted their ethics values because of its broad scope. Let us just think of the movie and connect that to how the IT industry should handle such problem. We have no idea what will happen tomorrow so why try right? We try because we want to be prepared and we want it to be aware that we know what will happen. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned the Untangling terminological confusion: the demarcation of “computer ethics”. I also learned what is Connecting ethics and social context. Lastly I also learned what is Computer ethics and role of experts. Integrative Questions: 1.

What are the connection between social context and ethics?


What is ethics to you?


Why there are experts in ethics if all of us have different ground on it?


What is computer ethics to you?


What do you think is your role in the computer ethics?


Book Review: Chapter 8: Just Consequentialism and Computing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Policies are rules of conduct ranging from formal laws to informal, implicit guidelines for action. Policies recommend kinds of actions that are sometimes contingent upon different situations. “Turn off your computer when you are finished” is a policy, though probably one without much ethical significance. “Don’t steal computer chips” is another policy with more obvious ethical content. Even when policies are the policies of others, they can help us to regulate our lives. We know what to expect and can react accordingly. If a restaurant has the policy of waiting caller ID to capture the numbers of incoming phone calls, then, if we don’t want to have our phone number known by the restaurant, we can block the caller ID system or use another restaurant. In this discussion our concern is with those computing policies that make an ethical difference and how to evaluate them properly.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how to think the basic ethical thinking and how can be applied in our lives. I also want that to learn so that I can apply it to my future business and as a student. Review: “Computer and information ethics, as well as other fields of applied ethics, need ethical theories which coherently unify deontological and consequentialist aspects of ethical analysis. The proposed theory of just consequentialism emphasizes consequences of policies within the constraints of justice. This makes just consequentialism a practical and theoretically sound approach to ethical problems of computer and information ethics.” ( This chapter is about the development of the software or program for the user at the same time how will it be done by the developers. Yes, most of the decisions are being made by the developers or the users are based on what they want but what about the other stakeholders? Prior to making decision, we have to consider how much impact it may cause change to the online user experience of whatever I'm trying to do because of course, one way or the other there will be some kind of an impact to them or to the community. I am now confused if I’m going to ever develop a program because I have a lot of things to consider first before I’m going to built it. For example, I’ll create that website but I will have to make it clear first to my boss that and if my boss continue to Page | 21 IT-ETHIC READER

order me around, then okay, at least I made it clear right. At least I tried my best to tell him and educate him. What I’ve learned: I learned the good as the enemy of the just. I also learned Consequentialism constrained by justice. Lastly, I also learned Computing in uncharted waters. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define consequentialism?


What are the notion of human life?


Identify the uncharted waters?


Is justice constraining consequentialism?

5. What are the reasons why we humans are not concerned with whats in this chapter?


Book Review: Chapter: 9 The Internet as Public Space: Concepts, Issues, and Implications in Public Policy Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The Internet has long been identified as an information agora (Branscomb, 1994). The role of the Internet as a public space for every citizen (as opposed to purely for professionals, for example) is being shaped by two seemingly contradictory characteristics: the Internet is both ubiquitous and personal. Cyberspace, unlike the traditional media types (broadcast, common carrier, publishing, distribution) and traditional public spaces in the physical world (Boston Common, Logan Airport, the city library, the train station, etc.) enables the citizenry to find new ways to interact economically, politically, and socially, this universe connectivity of the Internet is ots potential for everyone and in everywhere. Yet the very nature of its ubiquity may also impinge on a variety of individual or organizational rights, thus hindering its overall usefulness.” What I expect to learn: I want to be known to the internet space, so I think can learn that here in this chapter. So my expectation in this chapter is to make me see how important and different it is in the internet world ad in our world. Review: “Computer scientists and information technologists see the security of the Internet as a technical issue. This study examines the social, political, economic, and legal factors that affect the evolving design of the Internet.” ( The chapter is all about the relevance of the internet to the public. It is said that the internet is the most common place where people meet. So Internet is definitely a public space. Surfing in the internet is like going to mall, walking in the park, sitting in a bench. These activities ask for physical space in public domain. This chapter also discuss the opportunities and barriers we have with the internet. What I’ve learned: I learned about internet is more than multi-media. Internet as an Digital characteristics of a public space. I also learned about the uses of Internet as public space: Opportunities and Barriers. I also learned the connection of Universities, Hospitals, International Marketplaces, Schools, digital stump, the marketplace and many more. Page | 23 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

What is a public space?


Why do we have to know about the public space?


What are the digital characteristics?


What are the establishments for the public use of the internet?


Is the internet more that just a multi-media?


Book Review: Chapter 10: The Laws of Cyberspace Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Social norms are a second. They are regulate. Social norms – understandings or expectations about how I ought to behave, enforced not through some centralized norm enforcer within a particular community – direct and constrain my behavior in a far wider array of contexts than any law. Norms say what clothes I will wear: a suit, not a dress they tell you to sit quietly, and politely, for at least 40 minuets while I speak; they organize how we will interact after this talk is over. Norms guide behavior; in this sense, they function as s second regulatory constraints.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know what are the different ways on how to interpret the laws about the cyberspace. I also want to know what are the do’s and don’ts in the cyberspace and I think I can find our the answer to those questions in this chapter. So here I go. Review: There are a lot of reason why we need law in this world. one of the reason of having a law is to have ground and order in the community. There is a reason why people are taking up law – we need people to know the laws around here. “The primary idea, as expressed in the title, is the notion that computer code (or "West Coast Code", referring to Silicon Valley) may regulate conduct in much the same way that legal code (or "East Coast Code", referring to Washington, D.C.) does. More generally, Lessig argues that there are actually four major regulators -Law, Norms, Market, Architecture -- each of which has a profound impact on society and whose implications must be considered.” ( The book includes a discussion of the implications for copyright law, arguing that cyberspace changes not only the technology of copying but also the power of law to protect against illegal copying (125-127). It goes so far as to argue that code displaces the balance in copyright law and doctrines such as fair use (135). If it becomes possible to license every aspect of use (by means of trusted systems created by code), then no aspect of use would have the protection of fair use (136). The importance of this side of the story is generally underestimated and, as the examples will show, very often, code is even (only) considered as an extra tool to fight against "unlimited copying".


The chapter is simply saying that in order to the cyberspace to function then we need people in law to handle us. I am not in the position to criticize but think about how the world of computer technology will function. These four are all constraints in the real world and also in the cyberspace. Cyberspace is the world where everyone is connected with the use of internet and information technology. What I’ve learned: I learned that even the laws is present and open in cyberspace. I also learned that the law in the cyberspace is not that detailed yet compared to the civil law. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is a cyberspace?


What are the laws of cyberspace?


Do the cyberspace law different to the civil law?


Why is the law of the cyberspace different from the civil law?


Do we need to know those laws?


Book Review: Chapter 11: Of Black Holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Conditions in cyberspace do seem to create, in Professor Eikins-Koren’s words. “new opportunities for voluntary normative regimes” of this kind. Not surprisingly, conflicts between formal and informal, centralized and decentralized, rule-making processes are at the heart of many of the important and challenging cyberspace policy debates. The extraordinary current turmoil in the domain name allocation system is one illustration. The story has been told in detail elsewhere. Briefly, in the beginning – before the Internet became such Big Deal – responsibility for operating the machines, and the databases on those machines, which correctly route Internet messages, fell to the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), am imposing-sounding entity that, in reality, consisted of small number of dedicated volunteers in southern California. As the Internet began its explosive growth IANA’s ability to maintain the system became increasingly overloaded; beginning in 1993, responsibility for maintaining these databases – at least, for three of the increasingly popular “generic top-level” domains- *.com, *.net, *.org and the like – awas handed over to private firm. Network Solutions, Inc., under a contract – styled a “Cooperative Agreement” – funded by the U.S. government (first through the National Science Foundation, later through the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration).” What I expect to learn: I want to know the black holes in the cyberspace. I also want to know what are the effects of those black holes in our community. but first I want to know what is the definition of black hole in the cyberspace. Those are the things that I wan to know in this chapter. Review: “Researchers at the University of Washington area looking into the existence of black holes in cyberspace. They suggest that information is disappearing into a black hole when a browser doesn't go to the intended website. Most people dismiss it as a wireless or some other glitch when in reality, the information is getting lost in a "black hole".” ( This chapter is all about the spams that we are getting consistently. Spam is been here before I was born in this earth. Yes, spam was dated way back during the first world war. I has a big question for the spammers because they don’t get or gain anything from spamming but why are they still doing it? Yes, they get pleasure on Page | 27 IT-ETHIC READER

doing it instead of gaining or earning from it they are actually spending their time and money for it. Well most of the spam today are emails. These chapter are telling us what to do and how to act if we got one or receive one. . I have a yahoo account and a gmail which is why by now, I am fully aware of the separate spam folder which they automatically detect based on your options for segregating spam mails to real and valid emails. Cool huh? I love that feature because obviously, I can just clean up one folder knowing that it contains all the junk mails I have no time reading. What I’ve learned:

I learned the incident in cyberspace. I also learned about the explanation of cyberspace. I also learned the question in cyberspace. Lastly, I also learned the debate in cyberspace. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the Net?


What is the regulating in the Net?


The question stated in regulating the Net?


What is the debate in the Net?


What is explanation to the Net?


Book Review: Chapter 12: Fahrenheit 451.2: Is Cyberspace Burning? Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The White House has compared Internet ratings to “food labels” – but that analogy is simply wrong. Food labels provide objective, significantly verifiable information to help the customer make choices about what to buy, e.g. the percentage of fat in a food product like milk. Internet ratings are subjective value judgments that result in certain speech being blocked to many viewers. Further, food labels are placed on products that are readily available to consumers – unlike Internet labels, which would place certain kinds of speech out of reach of Internet users.” What I expect to learn: I really don’t know what to expect in this chapter. At the same time I got curious about the burning that the title of the chapter are telling us, so I’m her to find out what that means. Review: “The ashes of the CDA were barely smoldering when the White House called a summit meeting to encourage Internet users to self-rate their speech and to urge industry leaders to develop and deploy the tools for blocking "inappropriate" speech. The meeting was "voluntary," of course: the White House claimed it wasn't holding anyone's feet to the fire. The ACLU and others in the cyber-liberties community were genuinely alarmed by the tenor of the White House summit and the unabashed enthusiasm for technological fixes that will make it easier to block or render invisible controversial speech.” ( Cyberspace is a vast world and we can never prevent to have some people who want to ruin it. One of the people who would do that is the government because they are also concern of people who would fight back to them. Also, they are concerned of people who follow what these people have published. Writing a book and publishing an article in the internet is a very powerful tool because it sometimes persuades the reader to join them and tempt them to make rebellions. What I’ve learned: I learned about cyberspace burning, Free speech online: a victory under siege, Rethinking the rush to rate, Recommendations and principles, Six reasons why self-rating schemes are wrong for internet, third-party rating, The p,roblems with Page | 29 IT-ETHIC READER

user-based blocking software at home, Blocking software should not be used by public libraries, and the Internet rating systems. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is cyberspace burning?


Why do we need to rate others people work and not our work?


Why is it wrong in rating our selves?


Why do we need to rate?


What are the problems with blocking software?


Book Review: Chapter 13: Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied? Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The current American political and social climate exhibits a measure of confusion that epitomizes a frantic attempt to solve perceived problems in a largely unprincipled manner. Some religious and politically conservative groups urge the government to take action to protect their children from Internet dangers, while rejecting almost all other federal interventions. This segment of society has certainly set agenda for regulation and control with the result that filtering and blocking have become the preferred method to deal with sexually explicit and other possibly controversial Internet content.” What I expect to learn: I want to know how to filtering and blocking are bad at some cases. I want to know what are the ground on blocking and filtering things. Actually I have a lot of questions in my mind but I think it is best to read through the chapter and I hope I can find the answers to my questions along the way. Review: “Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to denote not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are closely related to, yet distinct from, the concept of freedom of thought. In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech".” ( It sad because the things in the should be pure content for knowledge but look at what is happening today. Because of modern and advance thinking of man we created things that are not for the good of the majority but for the good of some. It is sad to have something that is really present to protect oneself in encountering things that are not meant to be seen or be aware of such as online violence, sex, or other explicit issues that need not to be mentioned here which is why today, more and more developers are trying to create programs or software that is intended to protect the users by filtering or blocking unnecessary contents that may pop out of nowhere while the user is surfing the internet. The internet was made not to be filtered or blocked by anyone but here we are in the era we are anyone and everyone can contribute for the improvement or Page | 31 IT-ETHIC READER

detriment of the internet. We are here in this era because many people wanted to learn more and not to destroy more. It is sad and furious at the same time because the internet is being use now a days for crimes and other stuff, where it should be helping us to nourish the minds of the youth instead of destroying it. What I’ve learned: I learned the definitions of blocking and filtering, I also learned the examples of Problems with blocking and filtering programs. I also learned the Mainstream Loudoun. I also learned the Librarians and filtering programs. Lastly, I learned how to analysis things in the Net. Integrative Questions: 1.

Why do we need to filter in the Net?


Why do we need to block contents in the Net?


Is blocking good or bad?


Is filtering good or bad?


Why did they invented the blocking and filtering?


Book Review: Chapter 14: Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “In conducting what might otherwise be an abstract, esoteric, and unwieldy discussion of censorship on the Internet, it will be useful to introduce and define a number of key terms and distinction, not only for achieving greater clarity and control over the discussion, but for setting the moral and political backdrop against which it takes place. Accordingly, I began by distinguishing between censorship by suppression and censorship by deterrence. Both form of censorship presuppose that some authorized person or group of persons has judged some text (or type of text) to be objectionable on moral, political, or other grounds and, banned that text (or type of text), i.e. prohibited by law or decree any access to the text. The difference in the forms of censorship bears on effecting the prohibition. Censorship by suppression effects the prohibition by preventing the objectionable material itself from being revealed, published, or circulated; it may do this by blocking the material (e.g. by impending the sending or receiving of the material), by removing the material to inaccessible archives, or by destroying the material.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know things that are illegal or immoral and how to block or filter them using the internet. Review: “Child pornography refers to images or films depicting sexually explicit activities involving a child; as such, child pornography is a visual record of child sexual abuse.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Abuse of the child occurs during the sexual acts which are photographed in the production of child pornography,[2][1][7][4][5][6][8] and the effects of the abuse on the child (and continuing into maturity) are compounded by the wide distribution and lasting availability of the photographs of the abuse.[9][7][6] In both common usage and for research purposes, the word "child" in the phrase "child pornography" refers to prepubescent children, and does not refer to postpuberty teenagers. However, legal definitions of child pornography generally refer to a wider range of material, including any pornography involving a minor, or in some cases non-abusive acts involving participants over the age of consent, or fictional images, according to jurisdiction.[9] Most possessors of child pornography who are arrested are found to possess images of prepubescent children; possessors of pornographic images of post-puberty minors are less likely to be prosecuted, even though those images also fall within the statutes.[9]” ( Page | 33 IT-ETHIC READER

We can’t stop this wide spread porn frenzy so to help us try and be careful with it for children or people who need not view pornography, blocking and filtering software are ready for activation even in browsers present at our very homes so being protected and clean, all we have to do is activate it. It may be a simple action because a few clicks won’t impale anyone but it will save a kid from this mental harm it might cause. Some people find porn educational but honestly speaking, it is not for children. It is something I strongly believe in because I wouldn’t want my younger sister seeing a pop up that contains explicit content for her eyes to see. It is not something to be open up for everyone in all ages which is why I am thankful that laws such as child pornography prevention act is implemented. Although it does not completely clean out the internet from porn, porn and more porn, it still helps even just a little. What I’ve learned: I learned the definiton, scope, Child pornography prevention act, Argument 1: CPPA Violates the First Amendment, Argument 2: CPPA’s protective are inadequate and Argument 3: CPPA can harm our children. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is censorship?


What do you mean by pornography?


Why there is pornography in this world?


Can we stop pornography in this world?


What is Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996?


Book Review: Chapter 15: PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “With its recent explosive growth, the Internet now faces a problem inherit in all media that serve diverse audience: not all materials are appropriate for every audience. Societies have tailored their responses to the characteristics of the media [notes 1,3]: In most countries, there are more restrictions on broadcasting than the distribution of printed materials. Any rules about distribution, however, will be too restrictive from some perspective, yet not restrictive enough from others. We can do better – we can meet diverse needs by controlling reception rather than distribution. In the TV industry, this realization has led to V-chip, a system for blocking reception based on labels embedded in the broadcast stream.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn the idea of PICS. Actually after that queries I don’t have anymore in my mind. Review: “Internet censorship is control or suppression of the publishing or accessing of information on the Internet. The legal issues are similar to offline censorship. One difference is that national borders are more permeable online: residents of a country that bans certain information can find it on websites hosted outside the country. Conversely, attempts by one government to prevent its citizens from seeing certain material can have the effect of restricting foreigners, because the government may take action against Internet sites anywhere in the world, if they host objectionable material.” ( It is not about the websites because the more the merrier but it is about the content of those websites that often times, can be scary for a responsible adult to think about especially when they have the responsibility of taking care of a kid. It is tragic to realize that the more the internet becomes more beneficial, it becomes more and more dangerous to particular users. What I’ve learned: I learned the Definition of PICS, The labelling vocabulary, Granularity, Creation of labels, Coverage, Revenue generation, Collaborative labeling, Online journals, Labelling vocabularies, Privacy vocabularies and Reputation vocabularies


Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the meaning of PICS?


Enumerate the specifications of PICS?


What do you think can make the internet better?


What is blocking and filtering?


Identify ways to do flexible blocking.


Book Review: Chapter 16: Internet Service Providers and Defamation: New Standards of Liability Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Some commentator and legal scholars agree with the CDA legislation and the subsequent legal rulings because of the general difficulty of applying defamation law in cyberspace and allocating responsibility. Michael Godwin (1996), for example, contends that it is simply not feasible or expedient to hold ISP’s liable for a user’s libelous comments. He also contends that cyberspace should focus us to reevaluate defamation law in general, and consider the possibility of its extinction. This is because cyberspace is effecting the democratization of information and turning us all into pseudo-public figures with our own web sites and publishing outlets. Or as the Supreme Court eloquently wrote in its Reno v. ACLU (1997) decision, the Internet enables an ordinary citizen to become “a pamphleteer….a town crier with a voice that resonates farther that I could from any soapbox.” What I expect to learn: I want to be educated with what an ISP and defamation means and its details. Review: “An Internet service provider (ISP, also called Internet access provider or IAP) is a company that offers its customers access to the Internet. The ISP connects to its customers using a data transmission technology appropriate for delivering Internet Protocol datagrams, such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem or dedicated high-speed interconnects. ISPs may provide Internet e-mail accounts to users which allow them to communicate with one another by sending and receiving electronic messages through their ISPs' servers. (As part of their e-mail service, ISPs usually offer the user an e-mail client software package, developed either internally or through an outside contract arrangement.) ISPs may provide other services such as remotely storing data files on behalf of their customers, as well as other services unique to each particular ISP.” ( You have to see what is there to see so that we can determine if the old or the laws created back then still applies to the more complex situations we have now. No doubt about it, major revisions have got to be performed because the laws and policies five year ago might not comply with the situations we are facing now. Like for example, back then, the issue of pornography online might not exist back then when the internet is still fresh out the market but now, it is a whole new different story. A lot of people have access online which made the internet the best place for business Page | 37 IT-ETHIC READER

people to get in touch with and to sell their goods and that also, on the down side of it, became the place for pornography to be prevalent. I know it is a fact which we might regret but regrets are better if it will mould you to something better. What I’ve learned: I learned the Legal Definitions and standards, Internet service providers and legal defamation, Legal precedents for ISP liability, Cyberspace alter the need for libel laws, and the Moral perspective in ethics. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the meaning of ISP?


What is legal defamation?


What is the moral perspective?


Why does cyberspace need laws?


What are the legal liabilities of the ISP?


Book Review: Chapter 17: Digital Millennium Copyright Act Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “distribute, import for distribution, or publicly works, copies of works, or phonorecords, knowing that copyright management information has been removed or altered without authority of the copyright owner or the law, knowing, or, with respect to civil remedies under section 1204, having reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable, facilitates, or conceal an infringement of any right under this title.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn the meaning of digital millennium copyright law and its details in this chapter. Review: “The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copyright law that implements two 1996 treaties of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures (commonly known as Digital Rights Management or DRM) that control access to copyrighted works and it also criminalizes the act of circumventing an access control, whether or not there is actual infringement of copyright itself. In addition, the DMCA heightens the penalties for copyright infringement on the Internet. Passed on October 12, 1998 by a unanimous vote in the U.S. Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on October 28, 1998, the DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of on-line services for copyright infringement by their users.” ( All the time we need to cite our source of our work. Believe it or not it is an illegal act of not citing your sources. So this chapter is all about the citation of your work and acknowledge the others for their contribution. What I’ve learned: I learned about the Public Law 105-304, Sec. 103 Copyright Protection Systems and Copyright Management, the Definition in general, Sec. 1201 Circumvention of copyright protection systems, Violations regarding circumvention of technical measures, Sec. 1202 Integrity of Copyright management information, Online Copyright infringement liability limitation, the Limitations on liability for copyright infringement, the Limitations on liability relating to material online, System Page | 39 IT-ETHIC READER

Caching, the Information location tools, the Limitation on liability of non-profit education institutions and its Conditions for eligibility. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is Public Law 105-304?


What is 103 Copyright Protection Systems and Copyright Management?


What is Sec. 1202 Integrity of Copyright management information?


What is Online Copyright infringement?


What are the Limitations on liability for copyright infringement?


Book Review: Chapter 18: Note on the DeCSS Trial Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “In the fast-pased world of cyberlaw the first summer of the new millennium will be remembered for two controversial cases. The first is the well publicized dispute involving web sites such as Napster and Gnutella which allow users to swap MP3 music files. The music industry has sought an injunction to prevent Napster, since the subject matter probably seemed more arcane to the general public. Both cases have the potential to shape the precarious landscape of intellectual property law but the effects of the DeCSS case could be even more far reaching and significant in the long run than the Napster case.” What I expect to learn: I wan t o know what is DeCSS trial and its meaning to the internet world. I have a lot more questions but I think it is better to read the chapter at once so that I can find all the answers to it. Review: Honestly, I don’t know anything about the issue. “DeCSS was devised by three people, two of whom remain anonymous. It was released on the Internet mailing list LiViD in October 1999. The one known author of the trio is Norwegian programmer Jon Lech Johansen, whose home was raided in 2000 by Norwegian police. Still a teenager at the time, he was put on trial in a Norwegian court for violating Norwegian Criminal Code section 145[1], and faced a possible jail sentence of two years and large fines, but was acquitted of all charges in early 2003. However, on March 5, 2003, a Norwegian appeals court ruled that Johansen would have to be retried. The court said that arguments filed by the prosecutor and additional evidence merited another trial. On December 22, 2003, the appeals court agreed with the acquittal, and on January 5, 2004, Norway's Økokrim (Economic Crime Unit) decided not to pursue the case further.” ( piracy is something that’s gonna be around for a lot of time more. Piracy is here to stay because of the high prices of goods in the market. What I’ve learned: I learned about the Technical background, The lawsuit, and the outcome of it. I also see how the justice system works in the cyberspace. Page | 41 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

Explain the technical background of the DeCSS Trial.


Explain the lawsuit in the trial.


What might be the outcome of the trial?


What is the actual outcome of the trial?


What is the DeCSS trial?


Book Review: Chapter 19: A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net? Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The media were not only ones to miss the boat. Lawyers and legal academics largely followed suit. With a few exceptions, lawyers have assumed that intellectual property was an esoteric and arcane field, something that was only interesting (and comprehensive) to practitioners in the field. There is some question whether this attitude was ever defensible; it certainly is not now. In term of ideology and rhetorical structure, no less than practical economic effect, intellectual property is the legal form of the information age. It is the locus of the most important decisions in information policy. It profoundly affects the distribution of political and economic power in the digital environment. It has impacts on issues ranging from education to free speech. The “value” protected by intellectual property in the world economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars and growing all the time.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn and be educated about the politics of intellectual property. Review: “Environmentalism can also be defined as a social movement which seeks to influence the political process by lobbying, activism, and education in order to protect natural resources and ecosystems. In recognition of humanity as a participant in ecosystems, the environmental movement is centered on ecology, health, and human rights.” ( An environmentalist is a person who may advocate the sustainable management of resources and stewardship of the natural environment through changes in public policy or individual behavior. In various ways (for example, grassroots activism and protests), environmentalists and environmental organizations seek to give the natural world a stronger voice in human affairs. It may not be obvious but it has and which is why so many law had been submitted just to protect that right of the user and the developer. What I’ve learned: I learned the logic of the information relation, the Intellectual property is the legal form of the information age, The conceptual structure of an intellectual landgrab, the Tensions in an intellectual property system, the Tensions in an intellectual property system, Analyzing the case study: Copyright on the Net, and The analogy to environmentalism. Page | 43 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

Define the logic of information relation?


What is an intellectual property?


What is an conceptual structure of an intellectual land-grab?


What is environmentalism?


What is intellectual property system?


Book Review: Chapter 20: Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Intellectual property has always been closely tied to technology. Technology arises from intellectual property in the form of new inventions. But technology also supports intellectual property by providing new, more powerful and more efficient ways of creating and disseminating writing, musical composition, visual art, and so on. In fact it was the technology of the printing press that originally gave rise to intellectual property as legal and moral issue. Before, when it took almost as much of n effort to reproduce a document as it took to create it, there was little need to impose limits on copying. It was only when inexpensive reproductions became feasible that it was seen necessary to give authors more control over how their works were used by creating copyrights.” What I expect to learn: I want to learn identify what is an intellectual property and its details, so that I ca really understand it fully. Review: “Intellectual property (IP) are legal property rights over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law.[1] Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets. The majority of intellectual property rights provide creators of original works economic incentive to develop and share ideas through a form of temporary monopoly. Although many of the legal principles governing intellectual property have evolved over centuries, it was not until the late 20th century that the term intellectual property began to be used as a unifying concept.” ( I try to understand the true definition of it and I try to really comprehend its relation or its connection in the computer ethics. This term can even be related to our real life situations such as love, life and family. We get tangible benefits but we hold intangible property. I think the main concern for this intellectual property is its loss of concrete owner. The basic logic of the intellectual property might be something that Page | 45 IT-ETHIC READER

we know in ourselves already and it is just a matter of time until we finally realize how and why it motivates us to own it even without a concrete evidence. What I’ve learned:

I learned the Conflicts over intellectual property: Five Cases, the Philosophical justification for intellectual property, and A more balanced view of the common good. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define intellectual property?


What is “information” to you?


Why is intellectual property important?


Protecting intellectual property is important?


Enumerate philosophical justification for intellectual property.


Book Review: Chapter 21: Is Copyright Ethical? An Examination of the Theories, Laws, and Practices Regarding the Private Ownership of Intellectual Work in the United States Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Perhaps one of the most influential of liberalism and clear discussion of rights has been provided by Wesley Hohfeld (1923), who explored the basic contraction within legal and political theory and caused jurisits to realized that all legal decisions were not based on an inherent logic of rights, but on politics, morality, and the competing goals of liberty and security. I short the modern view of rights is that they are created by law and stem from no “natural” source. Rawls’ (1972) theory of justice as fairness is in accord with this thinking, but adds the concept of fairness and the priority of liberty to the fashioning of positive law. While many modern thinkers have rejected the assertion of liberal theorist and of Locke, Locke’s position that certain rights are natural still has a profound resonance in most discussions of rights, and had a major influence on the founding of the United States.” What I expect to learn: I expect to differentiate whether copyright theories or not and its details. Review: “The Constitution of the United States empowers Congress to secure for authors and inventors the exclusive rights to their writings and discoveries for a limited time in order to promote the progress of science and the useful arts (Article 1, §8). In revising the Copyright Act in 1909 Congress stated that the rights of copyright holders were solely created by government grant and had no other basis (H.R. REP. No. 2222). It would seem then that copyright law was created by the government as an instrument of policy. Policy usually is based on a choice of preferred outcomes, and that choice may be based on considerations other than the moral or the ethical. Given then that copyright law expresses policy why does the software industry decry the lack of ethics of individuals and nations who pirate computer programs, and why do database producers cry unfair when the public domain material in their databases is copied by others?” ( I suppose typing down a formal citation would not be as hard as going to the author personally and thanking them by bringing a pack of fruits and chocolates right? So why not just cite your resources, by that way, you pay respect, give thanks and acknowledge their work. What I’ve learned: Page | 47 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned the Brief Definition about the topic, The rights, The origins of those rights, the Property rights, Theories of intellectual property and copyright, the History of copyright in the United States, Limitations of copyright, and the Ethical manner of copyright. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define copyright?


What are the rights of copyrighting?


Define the origin of copyright?


Enumerate the theories of intellectual property?


State the history of copyright in the US.


Book Review: Chapter 22: On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Piracy Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The increasing use of the Web-based electronic publication has created new context for both piracy and plagiarism. Situations emerge daily for which we have no clear standard either for copyright or for scholarly accreditation. Consider for instance, the common practice of downloading html tags that define the lay out of a web page. I see a page layout with moving figures that I like. I download that page and use it as a template for my personal publication. I do not include any words, pictures, or information from the original site, only the html tags and java script that gave the site its special look. Is this action a copyright infringement?” What I expect to learn: I want to learn how evaluate the harmful effects of plagiarism and piracy and I want to learn its details. Review: “Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and ideas of another author and representation of them as one's own original work. Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure, up to and including expulsion. In journalism, plagiarism is considered a breach of journalistic ethics, and reporters caught plagiarizing typically face disciplinary measures ranging from suspension to termination. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier, simply by copying and pasting text from one web page to another. Plagiarism is not copyright infringement. While both terms may apply to a particular act, they are different transgressions. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of a copyright holder, when material protected by copyright is used without consent. On the other hand, plagiarism is concerned with the unearned increment to the plagiarizing author's reputation that is achieved through false claims of authorship.” (


Plagiarism is something that I know everyone will commit in his/her lifetime. Plagiarism is something that we cannot avoid to commit. What I’ve learned: I learned about Plagiarism, Piracy, the Harm in Plagiarism, the Harm in Piracy, the Use of copyright, and Mix of both concepts. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define plagiarism?


Define piracy?


What is the harm in plagiarism?


What is the harm in piracy?


What are the uses of copyright?


Book Review: Chapter 23: An Ethical Evaluation of Web Site Linking Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “As the World Wide Web has grown in popularity, the propriety of linking to other web sites has achieved some prominence as an important moral and legal issue. Hyperlinks represent the essence of Web-based activity, since they facilitate navigation in a unique and efficient fashion. But the pervasive activity of linking has generated notable controversies. While most sites welcome and support incoming links, others block them or seek to license them in some way. Particularly problematic are so-called ‘deep-links’, which bypass the home page along with the extensive advertasing and promotional material that is usually found there.” What I expect to learn: I want to know the ethical evaluation of website linking and its details. Review: “It is important in the Christian life to be concerned, not only with what is commanded/permitted/forbidden, but also what is approved/disapproved. Preoccupation with the former group of categories can lead to a mentality that asks “How much can I get away with?” Thus some Reformed Christians, preoccupied with the doctrine of Christian liberty (and reacting against fundamentalist “legalism”), have sought to be as much like worldly people as they could be, while remaining (barely) within the sphere of divine permission. But a biblical ethic is never merely an account of “how much we can get away with.” The Christian life is always a striving for the perfection of Christ (realizing that we will not attain perfection in this life) (Phil. 3:716). We must always ask, not only, “Is this permitted?” but also “Is this the best choice?”” ( Knowing that website linking causes little harm now, I didn’t quite found this chapter useful at all considering that linking to other websites is often recommended to us because it can generate revenue and number of clicks. What I’ve learned: I learned about The technical aspects of website linking and its Two case studies, The ticketmaster vs Microsoft Case, Maria’s online art gallery and Websites as intellectual property, Utilitarianism, Labor-desert theory, Personality theory and its Revisited deep linking and its Respecting the common good.


Integrative Questions: 1.

Define website linking?


Define deep linking?


What is the harm of deep linking?


What are the two case studies covered in this chapter?


Is it important to get the permission of the website?



Book Review: Chapter 24: The Cathedral and the Bazaar Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Linux overturned much of what I thought I knew. I had been preaching the Unix gospel of small tools, rapid prototyping, and evolutionary programming for years. But I also believed there was a certain critical complexity above which a more centralized, a priori approach was required. I believed that the most important software needed to built like cathedrals, carefully crafted by individual wizards or small bands of mages working in splendid isolation, with no beta to be release before its time.” What I expect to learn: I want know deeper what is the Cathedral and the Bazaar. Review: “The Cathedral and the Bazaar (abbreviated CatB) is an essay by Eric S. Raymond on software engineering methods, based on his observations of the Linux kernel development process and his experiences managing an open source project, fetchmail. It was first presented by the author at the Linux Kongress on May 27, 1997 and was published as part of a book of the same name in 1999.” The essay's central thesis is Raymond's proposition that "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow" (which he terms Linus's Law): the more widely available the source code is for public testing, scrutiny, and experimentation, the more rapidly all forms of bugs will be discovered. In contrast, Raymond claims that an inordinate amount of time and energy must be spent hunting for bugs in the Cathedral model, since the working version of the code is available only to a few developers.” ( It is as though the original developer is trusting other programmers his complete or incomplete program to be developed more and to be used and reused because it is how things should work and honestly, that is what I think, the true sense of creating an object-oriented program because developers can use and reuse the objects present in an OO program. What I’ve learned: I learned about The cathedral and the bazaar, The mail must get through, Characteristics of a good programmer, Importance of having users, andReleasing early and releasing often. Page | 54 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

Why should the mail get through?


Define “cathedral”?


Define “bazaar”?


How will you know if one is a good programmer?


What is the role of the users?


Book Review: Chapter 25: Towards A Theory of Piracy for the Information Age Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The greasing of information make information so easy to access that it can be used again and again. Computers have elephant memories – big, accurate, and long term. The ability of computers to remember so well for so long undercuts a human frailty that assists privacy. We, humans, forget most things. Most short term memories don’t even make it to long term memory. Every time I go to busy supermarket I am a new customer. Who can remember what I bought the last time I was there? Actually, a computer does. Most of the time I shop at a cooperative food store that gives a rebate at the end of the year. When I buy food, I give the checkout person my account number. The checkout person scans my purchases, which appears on screen by the name of the item and its price. This information is definitely greased. It appears quickly as the checker can move the items across the barcodes reader. Then my total is displayed and the information is added to my grand total of purchases of which I get certain percentage back each year.” What I expect to learn: I want to know the explanation the theory of piracy and its details. Review: “The Information Age, also known commonly as the Computer Age or Information Era, is an idea that the current age will be characterised by the ability of individuals to transfer information freely, and to have instant access to knowledge that would have previously have been difficult or impossible to find. The idea is heavily linked to the concept of a Digital Age or Digital Revolution, and carries the ramifications of a shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialisation, to an economy based around the manipulation of information. The period is generally said to have begun within 10 years of 1990,[1] with the development of the internet seen as a key part of this change.” ( That is how huge internet is but of course, there is always that deep dark negative side that we are all fond off – piracy. We all do it. Come on, don’t even try and refuse answering this question because I know people downloaded a file or two when copyright was dumped by online users to share files. I remember the day I first downloaded an unlicensed file. I was just 13 years old when I experienced the bliss of having a connection and getting music files for me to listen to. What I’ve learned: Page | 56 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned the definition of Greased Data, Grounding Piracy, The nature of piracy, Setting and adjusting policies for private situations, Publicity principle, and The rules and conditions of governing private situations Integrative Questions: 1.

Define adjustment principle?


Define greased data?


What is the concept of Grounding piracy?


What is the setting of policies for private situations?


What is the justification of exceptions principle?


Book Review: Chapter 26: The Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the free Movement of Such Data Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The Directive has several layers of provisions. The first layer is set of principles pertaining to data quality. The notion of the purpose for which the data are processed is of central importance shall be here. Article 6 begins with the principle mentioned already, that information shall be processed fairly and lawfully, for a specific purpose, and not further processed in a way incompatible with those purpose. In addition to this, there are standard principles pertaining to the quality of the data themselves, i.e. that data shall be adequate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which they are collected and further processed. Furthermore, data must be accurate and keep up to date, and they must not kept longer than necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.” What I expect to learn: I want to know the structure of rights in the said directive and its details. Review: “First, a survey and analysis is given of the structure of individual rights in the recent EU Directive on data protection. It is argued that at the core of this structure is an unexplicated notion of what the data subject can `reasonably expect' concerning the further processing of information about him or herself. In the second part of the paper it is argued that theories of privacy popular among philosophers are not able to shed much light on the issues treated in the Directive, which are, arguably, among the central problems pertaining to the protection of individual rights in the information society. In the third part of the paper, some suggestions are made for a richer philosophical theory of data protection and privacy. It is argued that this account is better suited to the task of characterizing the central issues raised by the Directive. I was not surprised that restrictions online came about recently because hello, people are sprawling on the Net just to get files that are unlicensed and not copyrighted like crazy.” ( I am advocating that we should enforce such law because without it, people would not accredit those people who really did the work resulting to pure plagiarism and even wide spread loss of earnings from the author themselves. What I’ve learned: Page | 58 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned about the Introduction to the structure, The directive on the question of further processing of personal data, the Data quality, Legitimate purposes, Sensitive data, The right to be informed, Data subject’s right to access and to object, The reprocessing of personal data, Using personal data for a different purpose, Data protection and the philosophy of privacy, Privacy as restricted access, Privacy as control and its Channels for the flow of personal information, Relationship between privacy and data protection in the directive, Channels for the flow of personal information, Data protection and the protection of privacy, and The directive and the protection of channels Integrative Questions: 1.

Define the relationship between privacy and data protection?


What do you mean by protection of channels?


What is the concept of privacy as control?


What is the concept of privacy as restricted access?


Enumerate the uses of personal data.


Book Review: Chapter 27: Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and PrivacyEnhancing Technologies Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “We believe this tradition of identifying the concept of privacy with control is misleading. Control of personal information is extremely important as, of course, is privacy. But, these concepts are more useful when treated as separable, mutually supporting concepts than as one. A good theory of privacy has at least three components: an account of the concept of privacy, an account of the justification for privacy, and an account of the management of privacy. This tripartite structure of the theory of privacy is important to keep in mind that because each part of the theory performs a different function. To give an account of one if the parts is not to give an account of the others. The concept of privacy itself is best defined in terms of restricted access, not control. Privacy is fundamentally about protection from intrusion and information gathering by others. Individual control of personal information, on the other hand, is part of the justification of privacy and plays a role in the management of privacy. Privacy and control do it fit together naturally, just not in the way people often state.” What I expect to learn: I want to be aware of the different privacy protection methods. Review: “Information on this page covers all of the "other" types of Internet security and privacy products including Ad-Blocking, Browsers, Browser Clean-Up, Cookie Managers, Email Privacy, Multiple Features, Password Manager & Form Filler, Private Browsing, Web Bugs, and Privacy Resource Sites. Basic Internet security measures including ISP online filters, firewall, and virus, Trojan, worm, spyware and spam protection are only the beginning. For families, software to protect kids is needed. If you keep sensitive personal information and/or documents on your computer, they should be password protected or encrypted. If you dislike the idea of companies tracking your surfing habits, you need software to erase your browser tracks and manage cookies. If you prefer to install fewer products with more features, take a look at our page on Internet security suites or other products with multiple features on this page.” ( We learn to accept that all of us deserve privacy and we all deserve it now. It is similar to having a shadow, it’s there sometimes for people to see and most of the time, it is not there for the world to see. Page | 60 IT-ETHIC READER

What I’ve learned: I learned about the theory of privacy, Normative privacy and the restricted access theory, The use control in the justification and management of privacy, Privacy-enhancing technologies, PETs, PETs and the role of individual choice in controlling personal information, PETs and the principle of informed consent, and PET owners beware. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is PETs?


Why is it appealing?


Explain the theory of privacy.


What do you mean by “informed consent”?


What is the normative privacy?


Book Review: Chapter 28: Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: Challenges of Information Technology Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Many influential approaches to privacy emphasizes the role of privacy in safeguarding a personal or intimate realm where people may escape the prying and interference of others. This private realm, which is contrasted with a public realm, is defined in various ways. It is delimited by physical boundaries, such as the home; by personal relationships, such as family, friends, and intimates; and by selected fields of information, such as personal, sensitive, or embarrassing information. Privacy is worthy of safeguarding these approaches argue, because intimacy is important; privacy is worth protecting because we value sanctity of a personal realm.” What I expect to learn: I want to know the correct approach to privacy in public and it impact to the internet world. Review: “If everything we did in public was replayed back to us on film, we would probably have a compulsion to leave the country. Why? Because even though we are in a public place, generally we don't wander around thinking our movements are under surveillance by others 24 hours a day - even though we can see CCTV cameras all over the high street. Even in a public place, we feel we have some privacy. But how much privacy do we actually have? This is what Geoff Peck is trying to find out. In 1995, Peck cut his wrists in a suicide attempt in the town centre of Brentwood, Essex. This was filmed by the council's CCTV system and the police were called. Although Peck applauded CCTV for saving his life, he is taking Brentwood Council to the European Court of Human Rights (his case was recently declared admissible). Without his knowledge, the council released CCTV footage of his actions to the media. Suddenly, everybody knew about (and could see) his suicide bid.” ( It may have been my own fault but I am thankful that the Information Technology industry is thinking of ways to protect users like me with their files, their work, and especially, themselves. What I’ve learned: Page | 62 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned about Privacy, The personal Realm, Violating privacy in public – the case of Lotus Marketplace: Households, Two misleading Assumptions, Erroneous Assumption1, Erroneous assumption 2, and Implications for a theory of privacy. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is privacy?


What do you mean by personal realm?


Explain the first erroneous assumption.


Explain the second erroneous assumption.


What is the final implication for the theory of privacy?


Book Review: Chapter 29: KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Personal data is often considered to be the exclusive kin of data eligible for protection by privacy law and privacy norms. Personal data is commonly defined as data and information relating to an identified or identifiable person. A clear illustration of this rather narrow starting point can be found in the highly influential European Directive 95/46/EC of European Parliament and of the European Council of 24 October 1995, “on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.” Because a European Directive must be implemented in the national law and regulation of European Union countries, the definitions and principles formulated in the Directive poses some basic principles.” What I expect to learn: I want to define the terms mentioned in the title and how does it affects the internet. Review: “Equity is the name given to the set of legal principles, in jurisdictions following the English common law tradition, which supplement strict rules of law where their application would operate harshly, so as to achieve what is sometimes referred to as "natural justice". It is often confusingly contrasted with "law", which in this context refers to "statutory law" (the laws enacted by a legislature, such as Parliament), and "common law" (the principles established by judges when they decide cases). In modern practice, perhaps the most important distinction between law and equity is the set of remedies each offers. The most common civil remedy a court of law can award is monetary damages. Equity, however, enters injunctions or decrees directing someone either to act or to forbear from acting. Often this form of relief is in practical terms more valuable to a litigant; for example, a plaintiff whose neighbor will not return his only milk cow, which had wandered onto the neighbor's property, may want that particular cow back, and not just its monetary value. However, in general, a litigant cannot obtain equitable relief unless there is "no adequate remedy at law"; that is, a court will not grant an injunction unless monetary damages are an insufficient remedy for the injury in question. Law courts also enter orders, called "writs" (such as a writ of habeas corpus), but they are less flexible and less easily obtained than an injunction.” (


Something will change once cooperation because it will result into something good considering now, they can hear your side of the problem and frustration and you can know their guilt and sleepless night just to develop that anti-virus or descriptor for you to use. It is all about give and take now and it is all about groups that are information subjects for a special purpose. From the perspective of others than the producers and certain users of the profiles, the definition of the information subject will remain hidden because they do not know the specific purpose of the definition. What I’ve learned: I learned the Definition of KDD, Personal data, Law, Ethics, Social consequences, Categorial privacy, Solutions, Closing remarks, and Acknowledgements. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define KDD?


Why is there KDD?


Define ethics?


What is categorical privacy?


Enumerate the solutions stated in this chapter.


Book Review: Chapter 30: Data Mining and Privacy Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Much of the current concern about privacy arises because of data mining and, more generally, knowledge discovery. In traditional computer-science terms, data is uninterpreted, while knowledge has a semantic that gives it meaning. While the data stored in databases are not truly uninterpreted, the old legal rule that anything put by a person in the public doiman is not illegal protected served well when the data was not mined so as the produce-classifications, clustering, summaries and profiles, dependencies and links, and other patterns.” What I expect to learn: I want know how data mining is used and how its privacy can be enforced. Review: “Data mining is the process of extracting hidden patterns from large amounts of data. As more data is gathered, with the amount of data doubling every three years,[1] data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery. While data mining can be used to uncover hidden patterns in data samples that have been "mined", it is important to be aware that the use of a sample of the data may produce results that are not indicative of the domain. Data mining will not uncover patterns that are present in the domain, but not in the sample. There is a tendency for insufficiently knowledgable "consumers" of the results to treat the technique as a sort of crystal ball and attribute "magical thinking" to it. Like any other tool, it only functions in conjunction with the appropriate raw material: in this case, indicative and representative data that the user must first collect. Further, the discovery of a particular pattern in a particular set of data does not necessarily mean that pattern is representative of the whole population from which that data was drawn. Hence, an important part of the process is the verification and validation of patterns on other samples of data. The term data mining has also been used in a related but negative sense, to mean the deliberate searching for apparent but not necessarily representative patterns in large amounts of data. To avoid confusion with the other sense, the terms data dredging and data snooping are often used. Note, however, that dredging and snooping can be (and sometimes are) used as exploratory tools when developing and clarifying hypotheses.” ( Page | 66 IT-ETHIC READER

Discover all the possibilities and you will be shocked. What I’ve learned: I learned the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, The issue, Analysis of the issue, Issues in the first case as well as the second case, Categories in preexisting data, and Cluster data by mapping. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define knowledge discovery?


Define data mining?


What is usage of data mining?


How do you analyze an issue?


What are the categories of pre-existing data?


Book Review: Chapter 31: Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and Distributive Justice Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Surveillance has become a central issue in our late modern society. the surveillance of public spaces by closed circuit television, and workplace surveillance, to consumer surveys and point of sale technology, and workplace surveillance, to name but a few. As surveillance increases, more and more questions are being raised about its legitimacy. In this paper I want to focus on one of the more problematic areas of surveillance, namely workspace surveillance. There is o doubt that the extensive use of information technology in all organization processes has created enormous potential for cheap, implicit, and diffused surveillance, surveillance that is even more ‘close’ and continuous that any human supervisor could be.” What I expect to learn: I want to know how to deal with workplace surveillance and how it works in details. Review: “Distributive justice considers the distribution of goods among members of society at a specific time, and on that basis, determines whether the state of affairs is acceptable. For example, someone who evaluates a situation by looking at the standard of living, absolute wealth, wealth disparity, or any other such utilitarian standard, is thinking in terms of distributive justice. Generally, those people who hold egalitarianism to be important, even implicitly, rely on notions of distributive justice. Distributive justice could be considered a means that addresses the burdens and benefits to some norm of equality to members. The definition of DJ has stayed constant, compared to other concepts in macro marketing and social economics. However, not all advocates of consequentialist theories are concerned with an equitable society. What unites them is the mutual interest in achieving the best possible results, or in terms of the example above, the most perfect distribution of wealth.” ( If the institution I given a complete right to transparency, it may strip the individual of autonomy and self-determinations by making inappropriate judgements that only serve its own interest. What I’ve learned: I learned the Definition of surveillance in the workspace, the Definition of privacy and justice, Resisting workplace surveillance, Privacy as a matter of justice, Page | 68 IT-ETHIC READER

Privacy, surveillance, and distributive justice, individual perspective, perspective of the collective, Self-interested individuals, Conclusion, and Some implications. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define surveillance?


Why there is an workplace surveillance?


Is it necessary to have surveillance in the workspace?


What is justice?


What is distributive justice?


Book Review: Chapter 32: Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The modern Nation States with their complex public administration need a steady input of personal information to function well or to function at all. In postindustrial societies participation in producing the benefits often takes the form of making information about oneself available. Those who are responsible for managing the public goods therefore insists on removing constraints on access to potential information and tend to relativize the importance of privacy of the individual.” What I expect to learn: I want to be aware of the varieties of informational wrongdoing and about its details. Review: “Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes. Privacy is sometimes related to anonymity, the wish to remain unnoticed or unidentified in the public realm. When something is private to a person, it usually means there is something within them that is considered inherently special or personally sensitive. The degree to which private information is exposed therefore depends on how the public will receive this information, which differs between places and over time. Privacy can be seen as an aspect of security — one in which trade-offs between the interests of one group and another can become particularly clear. The right against unsanctioned invasion of privacy by the government, corporations or individuals is part of many countries' privacy laws, and in some cases, constitutions. Almost all countries have laws which in some way limit privacy; an example of this would be law concerning taxation, which normally require the sharing of information about personal income or earnings. In some countries individual privacy may conflict with freedom of speech laws and some laws may require public disclosure of information which would be considered private in other countries and cultures.” ( Trying to think of a definition that will best explain that to people who can’t read or write and hopefully find it as soon as possible so I won’t get lost with words. What I’ve learned: Page | 70 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned about the Definition of Privacy, The different varieties of informational wrongdoing, Panoptic technologies and the public good, Informationbased harm, Informational inequality, Informational injustice, Spheres of access, and Encroachment on moral autonomy Integrative Questions: 1.

Define privacy?


How can you categorize “wrongdoing”?


Define informational wrongdoing?


Define panoptic technologies?


Define wrongdoing?


Book Review: Chapter 33: PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “PICS-compatible software can implement selective blocking in various ways. One possibility is to build it into the browser on each computer, as announced by Microsoft and Netscape. A second method – one used in products such as CyberPatrol and SurfWatch – is to perform this operation as part of each computer’s network protocol stack. A third possibility is to perform the operation somewhere in the network, for example at a proxy server used in a combination with a firewall. Each alternative affects efficiency, ease of use, and security. For example, a browser could include nice interface features such as graying out blocked links., but it would be fairly easy for a child to install a different browser and bypass the selective blocking. The network implementation may be the most secure, but could create a performance bottleneck if not implemented carefully.” What I expect to learn: Honestly, I don’t have any idea of what is the chapter is all about, so I will just read it. Review: “PICS labels describe content on one or more dimensions. It is the selection software, not the labels themselves, that determine whether access will be permitted or prohibited. For example, if a rating service used the MPAA's movie-rating vocabulary, selection software might be configured to block an eight-year-old's access to PG-labeled documents, but to allow a fifteen-year-old's access to them. Parents can prohibit access to unlabeled documents, confining children to a zone known to be acceptable, or can allow access to any document that is not explicitly prohibited. Each rating service can choose its own labeling vocabulary. For example, Yahoo labels might include a "coolness" dimension and a subject classification dimension. Information publishers can self-label, just as manufacturers of children's toys currently label products with text such as, "Fun for ages 5 and up." Provided that publishers agree on a common labeling vocabulary, self-labeling is a simple mechanism well-matched to the distributed nature and high volume of information creation on the Internet. When publishers are unwilling to participate, or can't be trusted to participate honestly, independent organizations can provide third-party labels. For example, the Page | 72 IT-ETHIC READER

Simon Wiesenthal Center, which is concerned about Nazi propaganda and other hate speech, could label materials that are historically inaccurate or promote hate. Third-party labeling systems can also express features that are of concern to a limited audience. For example, a teacher might label a set of astronomical photographs and block access to everything else for the duration of a science lesson.” ( I know it is a bit of a paranoia for parents, that having connection will serve their children with contents they are not supposed to see but one thing I’m sure of is that there are options they can use to protect their family. What I’ve learned: I learned about the Definition of PICS, The labelling vocabulary, Granularity, Creation of labels, Coverage, Revenue generation, Collaborative labeling, Online journals, Labelling vocabularies, Privacy vocabularies, and Reputation vocabularies. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define PICS?


Enumerate specifications of PICS?


How do you make the internet better?


What is flexible blocking?


Identify ways to do flexible blocking.


Book Review: Chapter 34: Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Interdependent of arguments for whether it is useful to have a distinct legal category of computer crime, questions can be raised about the usefulness of computer crime as a moral category. Johnson and Nissenbaum (1995) note that because computer crime is a “territory” that is not so well defined, a number of ethical questions both “precede and follow from” declaring certain computer related activities illegal. They note, for example, that we can still reasonably ask questions such as: Which forms of online behavior should we criminalize? Are current illegal forms of online behavior inherently immoral or are they considered immoral only because they are declared illegal? Are current forms of punishment for online criminal acts fair?” What I expect to learn: I want to know the boundaries of computer crime that happens nowadays and its details. Review: “Computer crime, cybercrime, e-crime, hi-tech crime or electronic crime generally refers to criminal activity where a computer or network is the source, tool, target, or place of a crime. These categories are not exclusive and many activities can be characterized as falling in one or more. Additionally, although the terms computer crime and cybercrime are more properly restricted to describing criminal activity in which the computer or network is a necessary part of the crime, these terms are also sometimes used to include traditional crimes, such as fraud, theft, blackmail, forgery, and embezzlement, in which computers or networks are used. As the use of computers has grown, computer crime has become more important. Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud (Taylor, 1999) Computer crime issues have become high-profile, particularly those surrounding hacking, copyright infringement through warez, child pornography, and Page | 74 IT-ETHIC READER

child grooming. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted, lawfully or otherwise.” What I’ve learned: I learned the Boundaries of Computer Crime, Definition of a Computer crime, The need to know these computer crimes, Legal categories of computer crime, Moral categories of computer crime, Informational/descriptive categories of computer crime, Computer crime as a descriptive category of crime, Establishing clear and coherent criteria, Applying the definition to some specific cases, andThe three types of computer crime. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define computer crime?


Why do we need to categorize the computer crimes?


Define Piracy.


Define Break-Ins.


Define Sabotage in Computer Crime.


Book Review: Chapter 35: Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “In this era of global commerce via the Internet, strikes against the hegemony of bureaucratic capitalism and the commercialism of the Internet will inevitably be carried out on the World Wide Web. In fact, recent proliferation of hacking activity has shocked the commercial Internet world. On February 8, 2000, hackers attacked Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, CNN and, closing them for several hours. Though “denial of service” attacks originating from dozens of interdependent computers, the sites were flooded with millions of simultaneous request. This increase in fake service requests effectively blocked legitimate users from accessing the site.” What I expect to learn: I want to define a hacktivist and the other details that comes into it. Review: “Terrorism is, most simply, policy intended to intimidate or cause terror.[1] It is more commonly understood as an act which (1) is intended to create fear (terror), (2) is perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a materialistic goal or a lone attack), and (3) deliberately targets (or disregards the safety of) non-combatants. Some definitions also include acts of unlawful violence or unconventional warfare, but at present, there is no internationally agreed upon definition of terrorism.[2][3] A person who practices terrorism is a terrorist. Acts of terrorism are criminal acts according to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 and the domestic jurisprudence of almost all nations.” ( “Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is one of the primary tactics of nonviolent resistance. In its most nonviolent form (known as ahimsa or satyagraha) it could be said that it is compassion in the form of respectful disagreement. Civil disobedience is one of the many ways people have rebelled against unfair laws. It has been used in many well-documented nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's social welfare campaigns and campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement and in peace movements worldwide. One of its earliest massive implementations was by Egyptians against the British occupation in the nonviolent 1919 Revolution.” ( Page | 76 IT-ETHIC READER

One strand thinks that malicious cyber-attacks are an acceptable form of direct action. The other strand thinks that all protest should be peaceful, refraining from destruction. What I’ve learned: I learned the Definition of a hacktivist, Hacktivist Ethic, Electronic civil disobedience, Hacktivism and electronic civil disobedience, Hacktivism, Cyberterrorism, Toward a Hacktivist ethic, Access to computers, All information should be free, and Mistrust authority Integrative Questions: 1.

Define Hacktivist?


Enumerate Hacktivist ethic?


Define electronic civil disobedience?


Define Cyberterrorism?


Differentiate Hacktivism from Electronic Civil Disobedience.


Book Review: Chapter 36: Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Information is secure if the owner of information can control that information. Information is private if the subject of information can control that information. Anonymous information has no subject, and thus ensure that information is pricate. Anonymity requires security and guarantee privacy, but is neither. Security is often confused with privacy because security is concerned with confidentiality. Confidential information is not disclosed without consent of the subject. Security can be used to limit the privacy by preventing the subject of information from knowing about a compilation of information, or to violate privacy by using data in ways which do not coincide to the subject’s wishes.” What I expect to learn: I want to know the methods of securing information in the Web. Review: “When a computer connects to a network and begins communicating with others, it is taking a risk. Internet security involves the protection of a computer's internet account and files from intrusion of an unknown user.[1] Basic security measures involve protection by well selected passwords, change of file permissions and back up of computer's data.” ( “People with only a casual concern for Internet privacy need not achieve total anonymity. Internet users may achieve an adequate level of privacy through controlled disclosure of personal information. The revelation of IP addresses, nonpersonally-identifiable profiling, and similar information might become acceptable trade-offs for the convenience that users could otherwise lose using the workarounds needed to suppress such details rigorously. On the other hand, some people desire much stronger privacy. In that case, they may try to achieve Internet anonymity to ensure privacy — use of the Internet without giving any third parties the ability to link the Internet activities to personally-identifiable information of the Internet user.” ( The more informed people gets, the more interested and curious they are of you as a person. I am not saying that this allows me to become exposed but it just helps people understand me more as a person, a student and a friend because of my status. What I’ve learned: Page | 78 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned the Access Control List, Definition of security, Definition of integrity, Availability, Private key encryption, A replay attack, Simple replay attacks fall with public key cryptography, Browsing information, Provided technical services, Browser client connects, and Definition of the following: Integrative Questions: 1.

Define ISP?


Define IP?


Define DNS?


Enumerate the legal issues and societal implications in the web.


What is private key encryption?


Book Review: Chapter 37: The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The natural meaning of anonymity, as may be reflected in ordinary usage or dictionary definition, is of remaining nameless, that is to say, conducting oneself without revealing one’s name. A poem or a pamphlet is anonymous when attributable to a named person; a donation is anonymous when the name of the donor is withheld; people strolling through a foreign city are anonymous because no one knows who why are. Extending this understanding into electronic sphere, one might suppose the conducting one’s affairs, communicating; engaging in transactions anonymously in the electronic sphere is to do so without one’s name being known. Specific cases that are regularly discussed include.” What I expect to learn: I want to know the meaning of anonymity in an information age and its details. Review: “Anonymity is derived from the Greek word ανωνυµία, meaning "without a name" or "namelessness". In colloquial use, the term typically refers to a person, and often means that the personal identity, or personally identifiable information of that person is not known. More strictly, and in reference to an arbitrary element (e.g. a human, an object, a computer), within a well-defined set (called the "anonymity set"), "anonymity" of that element refers to the property of that element of not being identifiable within this set. If it is not identifiable, then the element is said to be "anonymous". The term "anonymous message" typically refers to message (which is, for example, transmitted over some form of a network) that does not carry any information about its sender and its intended recipient. It is therefore unclear if multiple such messages have been sent by the same sender or if they have the same intended recipient.” ( It is like people knows what the other person is doing. An example of an application that does such a thing or aids us for becoming more informed in other person’s every movement is plurk. I recently created an account just to see what is the hype all about. To know why my classmates are creating accounts and having too much fun and you know what? I finally know why. What I learned: Page | 80 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned the Brief definition of anonymity, Data-flow, Information registration, Gatekeepers, Analysis after admission, Methods, Anonymity of sender, First encryption with a public and secure key, Double encryption twice applied, and Encryption procedure with an anonymity sender Integrative Questions: 1.

Define data-flow?


Enumerate information registration?


Define gatekeeper?


Is it really necessary to analyze after admission?


Explain the encryption procedure with an anonymity sender.


Book Review: Chapter 38: Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “So we are stuck with a riddle” How can a biometric identifier be both identifying and not saying anything particular about you? I think the key to this riddle may be found in the idea that meaning is not something intrinsic, but, following determined by use. Following this kind of reasoning, we should perhaps not expect to be able to determine any intrinsic meaning of biometric data, or the biometric body in general, but investigate quite specifically what uses and practices biometrics will become part of.” What I expect to learn: I want to know what and how biometrics work and how it identifies one’s identity and how it affects the internet. Review: “Biometrics refers to methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In information technology, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.” ( “An online identity, internet identity, or internet persona is a social identity that an Internet user establishes in online communities and websites. Although some people prefer to use their real names online, most Internet users prefer to be anonymous, identifying themselves by means of pseudonyms, which reveal varying amounts of personally identifiable information. In some online contexts, including Internet forums, MUDs, instant messaging, and massively multiplayer online games, users can represent themselves visually by choosing an avatar, an icon-sized graphic image. As other users interact with an established online identity, it acquires a reputation, which enables them to decide whether the identity is worthy of trust. Some websites also use the user's IP address to track their online identities using methods such as tracking cookies.” ( Biometrics is cool enough as a word but knowing how it works is way cooler! Never limit yourself to just one thing because if you do, you will regret it. Don’t be afraid of technology, appreciate it.

What I’ve learned: Page | 82 IT-ETHIC READER

I learned about the Use of biometrics, ATMs, Identifying biometric identity, Virtual identities, and Questioning the biometric body. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define biometric?


How can a biometric identify our identity?


How ATM came about?


Define virtual identities?


Enumerate the questioning of the biometric body?


Book Review: Chapter 39: Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Information ethics, much like the technologies that continue to contribute to its complexity, will thrive and present new challenges of all of us. Ethics will continue to be put through new tests as technologies race ahead of many social and cultural conventions and norms.” What I expect to learn: I want to be aware of those mentioned considerations and its details. Review:

“An information professional or an information specialist is a person who works with information science, libraries, museums, or archives, although the field is changing rapidly to include other disciplines. Typically, an Information Professional is deemed as such only after receiving the degree of Master of Science in Information (or Library) Science from a university accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). Whereas an information professional works n the field of information science, an information scientist is a person doing research in this field.” (

What I’ve learned: I learned the Philosophical foundations, Major issues, Flagrant quantitative imbalance, Inequality in information resources, De facto hegemony, Lack of information in developing countries, Survival of the colonial era, An alienating influence in the economic, social and cultural shpres, Code of ethics, Issue definition and evaluation, and Action/Inaction Evaluation and implementation

Integrative Questions: 1.

What are the ethical considerations for the information profession?


Explain the flagrant quantitative imbalance. Page | 84 IT-ETHIC READER


Explain the De facto hegemony.


Explain the survival of the colonial era as an issue.


What are the two phases in code of ethics? Explain each.


Book Review: Chapter 40: Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved! Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The Code emphasizes the professional obligations to the public at large. This obligation is the final arbiter in all decisions. “In all these judgments concern for the health, safety and welfare of the public is primary; that is, the ‘public interest’ is central to this code.” The primacy of well being and quality of life of the public in all decisions related to software engineering, is emphasized throughout the code.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know the approved software engineering code of ethics and its details. Review: “Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software. The term software engineering first appeared in the 1968 NATO Software Engineering Conference and was meant to provoke thought regarding the current "software crisis" at the time.[2] Since then, it has continued as a profession and field of study dedicated to creating software that is of higher quality, cheaper, maintainable, and quicker to build. Since the field is still relatively young compared to its sister fields of engineering, there is still much work and debate around what software engineering actually is, and if it deserves the title engineering. It has grown organically out of the limitations of viewing software as just programming. Software development is a term sometimes preferred by practitioners in the industry who view software engineering as too heavy-handed and constrictive to the malleable process of creating software. Yet, in spite of its youth as a profession, the field's future looks bright as Money Magazine and rated software engineering as the best job in America in 2006.” ( What I learned: I learned IEEE-CS/ACM Joint task force on software engineering ethics, professional practices, The short version of the software engineering ethics, Public, Client, Employer, Product, Judgment, Management, Profession, Colleagues, self, The full version, and The applied principles Integrative Questions: Page | 86 IT-ETHIC READER


Define IEEE-CS?


Define ACM?


Define software engineering?


Enumerate the software engineering ethics.

5. Does the full version of the software engineering ethics makes any difference from the first one? Explain your answer.


Book Review: Chapter 41: No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are Worse than None at All Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Those who write moral codes (or things that could be mistaken for them) need to be aware of the possibility that they may be abused. Codes that address some issues but not the others are very common, and particularly open to such abuse on issues at the edge of their competence. Codes should make it clear what their area of competence is. More importantly, thought, authors of codes should always make it clear that their code is no substitute for careful moral consideration and especially in areas or on questions where there is no clear guidance in the code.” What I expect to learn: I expect to be aware how drastic the change my be once the codes of ethics is incomplete and it details. Review: “Some codes of ethics are often social issues. Some set out general principles about an organization's beliefs on matters such as quality, employees or the environment. Others set out the procedures to be used in specific ethical situations - such as conflicts of interest or the acceptance of gifts, and delineate the procedures to determine whether a violation of the code of ethics occurred and, if so, what remedies should be imposed. The effectiveness of such codes of ethics depends on the extent to which to management supports them with sanctions and rewards. Violations of a private organization's code of ethics usually can subject the violator to the organization's remedies (in an employment context, this can mean termination of employment; in a membership context, this can mean expulsion). Of course, certain acts that constitute a violation of a code of ethics may also violate a law or regulation and can be punished by the appropriate governmental organ. Ethical Codes are often not part of any more general theory of ethics but accepted as pragmatic necessities. They are distinct from moral codes that may apply to the culture, education, and religion of a whole society. Even organizations and communities that may be considered criminal may have their own ethical code of conduct, be it official or unofficial. Examples could be hackers, thieves, or even street gangs.” ( Page | 88 IT-ETHIC READER

I think in anything and everything that we do there should be an ethical standard else chaos will strike. What I’ve learned: I learned the Definition of PAPA, Weapons or the question of whether the technology for use in weapons systems ought to be developed, Environmental impact of these systems, Teleworking, Telecommuting, Protecting the weak against the strong, Importance of the PAPA issues, The pressures to look for loopholes on codes, Incomplete moral codes, Complete moral codes, Avoiding accidental incomplete moral codes Integrative Questions: 1.

Define PAPA?


Define teleworking.


Define telecommuting.


Enumerate the importance of the PAPA issues.




Book Review: Chapter 42: Subsumption Ethics Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Subsumption in general is the process of building larger components from smaller ones. In this sense, a cell subsumes DNA function. American common law subsumes juridical decisions, and a half dryer subsumes an electric motor. Subsumption in computers is different because there is so much more subsumption going on than in simple machines.” What I expect to learn: I want to define subsumption ethics and the topics under it. Review: “A subsumption architecture is a way of decomposing complicated intelligent behaviour into many "simple" behaviour modules, which are in turn organized into layers. Each layer implements a particular goal of the agent, and higher layers are increasingly more abstract. Each layer's goal subsumes that of the underlying layers, e.g. the decision to move forward by the eat-food layer takes into account the decision of the lowest obstacle-avoidance layer. As opposed to more traditional AI approaches subsumption architecture uses a bottom-up design. For example, a robot's lowest layer could be "avoid an object", on top of it would be the layer "wander around", which in turn lies under "explore the world". Each of these horizontal layers access all of the sensor data and generate actions for the actuators — the main caveat is that separate tasks can suppress (or overrule) inputs or inhibit outputs. This way, the lowest layers can work like fast-adapting mechanisms (e.g. reflexes), while the higher layers work to achieve the overall goal. Feedback is given mainly through the environment.” ( We won’t waste both money and time which are known to be crucial in the IT industry. What I’ve learned: I learned Subsumption ethics, Systems Development, Organizational policy drives IT development, Axious of Subsumption ethics, Four axioms, Ethical Framework, Philosophical frameworks applied to subsumption ethics, Unnecessary complexity to common C programmers, Popclient becomes fetchmail, Fetchmail grows up, Few more lessons from fetchmail, Necessary preconditions for the bazaar Page | 90 IT-ETHIC READER

style, The social context of open-source software, and On management and the maginot line Integrative Questions: 1.

Define subsumption ethics?


Define systems development?


Enumerate the four axioms.


What is the unnecessary complexity of a programmer?


Why does organizational policy drives IT development?


Book Review: Chapter 43: Ethical Issues in Business Computing Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Finally, practical use of the systems is not only relevant issue. The actual material processed by business systems – all ‘data’ entered and generated – differs greatly. This is particularly important, as the nature of the data held on company systems must affect the uses to which it may ethically be put. For example, a list of names and addresses held on computer and used by a bookshop to mail invoices and statements is surely acceptable. However, if an identical list of names, addresses and invoice details were secretly examined and correlated to determine which customers were buying suspect literature, the ethical position is very different, and the need for the ethical consideration clear. Such issues need attention.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know the ethical issues in business computing and its details. Review: “Computing is usually defined as the activity of using and developing computer technology, computer hardware and software. It is the computer-specific part of information technology. Computer science (or computing science) is the study and the science of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their implementation and application in computer systems. In a general way, we can define computing to mean any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from, or creating computers. Thus, computing includes designing and building hardware and software systems for a wide range of purposes; processing, structuring, and managing various kinds of information; doing scientific studies using computers; making computer systems behave intelligently; creating and using communications and entertainment media; finding and gathering information relevant to any particular purpose, and so on. The list is virtually endless, and the possibilities are vast.” ( IT did not only change how the business work but it also change how people interact and how people see corporations because of the facts that these type of information overload and accessibility can only be imagined five years ago and now we actually have it. It is truly a miracle that we can incorporate machines with people and take note, the people are loving it because they find it easier on their side. What I’ve learned:


I learned the Scope of business computing, Business computing itself, Size issues, Level one, Level Two, Level Three, Level four, tasks of business computing, Data considerations, and Awareness by stakeholders and users Integrative Questions: 1.

Define business computing?


Enumerate the purpose of a business computing system.


Enumerate the penalties for computer misuse.


What are the company expectations to be considered?


Describe the size issues in terms of business computing.


Book Review: Chapter 44: The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting The Virtues Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “It is unrealistic to discuss computer ethics without emerging the languages of technology, philosophy, psychology and sociology.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know my own practitioner from within and how does it work. Review: “A general practitioner, or GP is a medical practitioner who provides primary care and specializes in family medicine. A general practitioner treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education for all ages and both sexes. They have particular skills in treating people with multiple health issues and comorbidities. In the English-speaking world the term general practitioner is common in Ireland, the United Kingdom, some other Commonwealth countries. In these countries the word physician is largely reserved for certain other types of medical specialists, notably in internal medicine.” ( As for the definition of values, again we seek Wikipedia to give us a brief definition of the term. Virtues can be placed into a broader context of values. Integrity in the application of a value ensures its continuity and this continuity separates a value from beliefs, opinion and ideas. In this context a is the core from which we operate or react. Societies have values that are shared among many of the participants in that culture. An individual's values typically are largely, but not entirely, in agreement with their culture's values. What I’ve learned: I learned Ethics, Morality, Character forming vs. Action guiding theories, Need for contemporary moral theory, Revisiting the virtues, Core vales, Practitioner from within, Imagination and narrative genre Integrative Questions: 1.

Enumerate the core values.


Define revisiting the virtues? Page | 94 IT-ETHIC READER


Enumerate virtues mentioned?


Defend your side, either character forming or action guiding theories.


In your own words what is ethics?


IV. The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics


Book Review: Chapter 1: Foundation of Computer Ethics - Luciano Floridi Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “We call our society “the information society” because of the pivotal role played by intellectual, intangible assets (knowledge-based economy), information-intensive services (business and property services, communications, finance, and insurance), and public sectors (education, public administration, health care). As a social organization and way of life, the information society has been made possible by a cluster of information and communication technologies (ICTs) infrastructures. And as a full expression of techne, the information society has already posed fundamental ethical problems, whose complexity and global dimensions are rapidly growing and evolving.” What I expect to learn: Frankly, it is my first time to encounter such topic, Information Ethics is new to me but I expect to learn how this IE affects our daily lives. I think this chapter will teach me how important the Information Ethics in our lives is. Review: The first part of the book is about the introduction about information ethics and the infoshpere. It is very odd because usually books like this don’t introductions parts in the beginning but it is a good thing to have an introduction like this because it makes us the readers more aware about the topic being discuss. The introduction part tells why does it is important for us to know the information ethics and how can it solve our problems through the infosphere. Actually, I don’t really understood what is being discuss in the book clearly but it is very pleasing for any reader to have an introduction first about the topic before proceeding to the deeper part of it. Basically, what this first chapter of the book is explaining is all about Information Ethics. This chapter is like the basics and sort of an introduction to Information or Computer Ethics, whatever you call it. It’s all about things that you wouldn’t even believe exist. I mean, to me, what’s written on the book is very esoteric to me. Even the terms or words to describe something are really esoteric and most of which I’ve heard for the first time in my life. I’ve got to say that this book really makes you think or rather try your hardest to understand what was written. I honestly have to admit that I had to read like twice just to get the point or at least get something, which is based from my understanding. As a nineteen year old, I had a hard time getting what was written. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that in this chapter is that the basic about the Information and Computer Ethics. After reading the chapter I understand that reading this book would not be easy and would not be walk in the park. I think that the first chapter is all about on how to adjust to read this book. This chapter enables all the readers to see and to expect what are the possible topics in the book and how will it be discussed. Well, I am not a reader and I am admitting it. The good thing about this is that I can exercise my reading and understanding skills. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is Infosphere?


What are the two recurrent objections against IE?


What is ICTs affect?


What does ecopoietic mean?

5. What is RPT model?


Book Review: Chapter 2: Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics - Terrell Ward Bynum Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The academic field of information ethics was born—unintentionally and almost accidentally—in the middle of the Second World War. At that time, philosopher/scientist Norbert Wiener was working with a group of scientists and engineers who were involved with him in the invention of digital computers and radar, and the creation of a new kind of antiaircraft cannon that could (1) perceive the presence of an airplane, (2) gather information about its speed and trajectory, (3) predict its future position a few seconds later, (4) decide where to aim and when to fire the shell, and (5) carry out that decision. All of these steps were to take place almost instantaneously—and without human intervention! With remarkable insight and foresight, Wiener realized that the new science and technology that he and his colleagues were creating would have “enormous potential for good and for evil.” He predicted that, after the war, the new information technology would dramatically change the world just as much as the Industrial Revolution had done in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title of the chapter I expect how Information Ethics was formed or developed. I also expect who is the one how formulated it. I think it is very relevant for us, the read of the book, to know who was the person responsible for influencing the author to write such book. Review: The history and foundation of information and computer ethics was primarily discussed in this chapter. This chapter aims to tell us how Ethics was born here in this world or when it was realized by us, humans. It is ironic because most of the technology today was discovered during the span of the war or the aftermath of it. Yes, it is somewhat funny because we need to kill so many people first before we figured out or to gain the knowledge about matters in this world. It is very funny because the one who discover or have an initiative to develop such tool is the military. It was developed for their advantage against their enemies. Information Ethics was discovered during the middle of the Second World War. During the Second World War the only organization that had an access with the Internet was the military. So we should or I should be thankful for the military because without them I or we could not have the technology that we have now. During the Second World War, Norbert Wiener with his group of scientist and engineers to invent a digital computer and other more projects was conducting Page | 99 IT-ETHIC READER

military projects. It is interesting to note that Norbert Wiener has his own Information Ethics as an individual. What I’ve learned: I learned how the Information Ethics was first discovered. It is interesting to say that I never imagined that Information Ethics was first used in the Second World War. Integrative Questions: 1.

Who is Norbert Wiener? Is he significant in this book?


What is an Ethical Relativists?


What is Cybernetics?


What is Metaphysical?


Are these theories applicable to our lives today?


Book Review: Chapter 3: Moral Methodology and Information Technology - Jeron Vad Den Hoven Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Computer ethics is a form of applied or practical ethics. It studies the moral questions that are associated with the development, application, and use of computers and computer science. Computer ethics exemplifies, like many other areas of applied and professional ethics, the increasing interest among professionals, public policy makers, and academic philosophers in real-life ethical questions. Posing ethical questions about privacy, software patents, responsibility for software errors, equal access, and autonomous agents is one thing; answering them is another.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title I expect to learn a lot of things in this chapter like how can we apply Computer Ethics in our lives. I also expect to see and learn different methods that were formulated by different people. Review: For me Ethics is about things that are good and right. Computers were unintentionally created because it was needed to for the war. We humans thought that Ethics is only applicable to s and no other things or people else. Now, Ethics is also applicable to computers because we can do right and wrong things to our fellow humans. I think that everything in this, I don’t care if it is living or not, it should have a code of Ethics because it will make things in order and at peace. Yes, you should be a computer expert to be familiar to the Ethics of it. I think that where and how your field of expertise depends on what Ethics do you have. Now, that we have an Ethics to follow in computers then people should act and do their projects fairly and morally for the wellness of the majority. Computer Ethics is the form where they or we can apply the Ethics in this field of work. Computer Ethics are morality that we should apply so that we can answer those questions that can affect or resolve all the problems in our society. Yes, we all know that computer nowadays is so powerful than before, because know it can make or break our own identity. Yes, computers made crimes or can make crimes in the future that can harm a lot of people in the world. Yes, I know that computers can never make crimes on their own but we are the one who using it so there should be an code or standards to be followed by those people practicing in the field. So, Computer Ethics was formulated to guide or educate people.


What I’ve learned: This chapter had increased my knowledge more about the responsibility of an individual to his/her community. This chapter made me see how important to have a guideline or standard in everything that we do here in this earth because if we don’t then we might hurt not just others but also ourselves. This also applies to Computer Ethics, without it then people all around the world might done something wrong or bad to everyone on this earth. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is ceteris paribus?


What is an Ethics Without Principles?


What is an Particularism?


What is an Reflective Equilibrium?


What is an Wideware?


Book Review: Chapter 4: Value Sensitive Designs and Information Systems - Batya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., and Alan Borning Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Value Sensitive Design is a theoretically grounded approach to the design of technology that accounts for human values in a principled and comprehensive manner throughout the design process. It employs an integrative and iterative tripartite methodology, consisting of conceptual, empirical, and technical investigations. We explicate Value Sensitive Design by drawing on three case studies. The first study concerns information and control of web browser cookies, implicating the value of informed consent. The second study concerns using highdefinition plasma displays in an office environment to provide a “window” to the outside world, implicating the values of physical and psychological well-being and privacy in public spaces. The third study concerns an integrated land use, transportation, and environmental simu- lation system to support public deliberation and debate on major land use and trans- portation decisions, implicating the values of fairness, accountability, and support for the democratic process, as well as a highly diverse range of values that might be held by different stakeholders, such as environmental sustainability, opportunities for business expansion, or walkable neighborhoods.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how to create a sensitive design for your information systems. I also expect to know what are the steps to build ethical theories that are going to be useful not just only for me but to all the people around me. I also wanna learn Value Sensitive Design means and by reading through the text I think I’m going to know what it means to me and for the people around me. Review: Value Sensitive Design is designs to make a better ethics for the use of the majority. Yes, this design is for the better development of the Ethical theories. The design is used for the creation of Ethical theories that can make other people realize how it can be applicable to their lives. The Value Sensitive Design is created for us to know how we can feel how other people see things and feel things. These designs use a lot of theories, methodologies, and case studies to have a good Value Sensitive Design output. Value Sensitive Design is made basically for the theoretically approached to design a technology that can make the human values accountable for it. Yes, as humans we all have different values on different things on this earth, and yes, we do have different minds to mingle with in this earth but as humans we should have a single standard on this earth on different things so that we may continue to exist on this earth peacefully and harmoniously. Page | 103 IT-ETHIC READER

What I’ve learned: I have learned what Value Sensitive Design means and how will help us to develop ethical theories for the benefit of the majority. Yes, there can never be a perfect theory and that can be only for my own personal opinion. I also think that having knowing things before we proceed deeper into this book means. I will be honest, I am having a hard time reading this book but at the same time I’m learning from it, so we shall see what might be the outcome of this book to my being after I read all of its chapter. Integrative Questions: 1.

What are the Related Approaches to Values and System Design?


How can Empirical Investigations be applied?


How can Technical Investigations be applied?


How can Conceptual Investigations be applied?

5. What are the importance of knowing the benefits and harm of your work to others?


Book Review: Chapter 5: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property - Adam D. Moore Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Intellectual property is generally characterized as nonphysical property that is the product of cognitive processes and whose value is based upon some idea or collection of ideas.Typically, rights do not surround the abstract nonphysical entity, or res, of intellectual property, rather, intellectual property rights surround the control of physical manifestations or expressions. Systems of intellectual property protect rights to ideas by protecting rights to produce and control physical embodiments of those ideas.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how those three schools can fit into one intellectual entity. I also expect to learn how does it applies to Information Ethics and how can it help us today in our quest for greater knowledge here in this world. Yes, I have a lot of questions want to ask but by exploring and reading this book I hope to find the answers here in this chapter. Review: This chapter tells us how intellectual property is being made and how can we protect it. Yes, it is important to us to know how can we protect and make our own intellectual property. The intellectual property is the extension of ourselves and we should protect it like we protect ourselves. Intellectual property is more about the personality of the owner/creator, the emotions, the knowledge, the point of view, and everything that the creator puts into it. While Rule-Utilitarianism, means that the how and whom to go to to patent or copyright the work of the intellectual owner. Yes, those are the things made our intellectual property protected. He Lockean Justification means that how can claim or how are we entitled to use or take control over our intellectual property. It is stated that everything that we are doing that came form the mind of an individual and has an output then it is considered as intellectual property. This chapter basically tells us how can we protect our intellectual rights and property. Yes, everything has it own strengths and weaknesses and that applies to the three theories. Those three personality theories are not perfect and also not enforceable to all but it gives us guidelines and ways on how we can have the things that we personally entitled and owned.


What I’ve learned: I have learned in this chapter the three strategies for justifying intellectual property. Moreover, I have learned what these three strategies mean and how they connect as an intellectual property. Integrative Questions: 1.

Why those three theories?


How can we apply those three in our lives?


Knowing those three enough for us to have protection?


Are those theories acceptable to all?


Are those theories good enough to all?


Book Review: Chapter 6: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies - Herman T. Tavani Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “McCloskey identifies some of the difficulties one faces when attempting to give a clear and coherent account of privacy. Yet gaining an adequate understanding of privacy is important because of the role that concept has played and continues to play in social and political thought. For example, DeCew (1997) points out that the concept of privacy has been “central” in most discussions of modern Western life (even though philosophers and legal scholars have only recently tried to elucidate what is meant by privacy). Regan (1995, p. 43) notes that in the West, this concept has its roots in the political thinking of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and in “the liberal form of democratic government that derived from that thinking.”2 Other authors, such as Flaherty (1989), believe that the roots of privacy as a concept can be traced back to Roman law and Biblical literature. B. Moore (1984) argues that aspects of privacy can also be found in primitive societies and tribes in the nonWestern world, whereas Westin (1967) suggests that elements of privacy can even be found in behavior in the animal world.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how people see privacy. Yes, I believe that everyone have their own definition about privacy. This chapter is making exciting because of its title means that it has a lot of interesting content. I like to learn in this chapter the concepts, theories, other intellectual institution about privacy, and the historic events about privacy. Review: The first content of the chapter is that we, the people who demands privacy in our lives, are saying and getting mad if other people invades it, but do we really understand the meaning and do we really know the parameters of it to be called as privacy. The chapter wants us to think what do we think is the best definition of privacy to us. The boundaries are the other thing that we need to learn or to know based on the chapter. The boundaries are needed so that we can say that we did or did not invade other peoples privacy. Based on the book we cannot really define privacy unless we are really familiar to the word. This chapters made us realize how important is it to know and study privacy and this chapter alos gave us the four categories of consumers privacy which are privacy, medical privacy, employee privacy, and location privacy.


What I’ve learned: I learned how we can tell if we did or did not invade other peoples privacy. I also learned how important to privacy is and their boundaries. Also I learned what are the categories of privacy. Integrative Questions: 1.

Define Privacy?


When can we say that other person invades our privacy?


Do we all have the same definition of privacy?


What are the parameters of privacy?


Is there really is a standard definition for privacy?


Book Review: Chapter 7: Online Anonymity - Kathleen A. Wallace Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The term anonymity has been used to denote a number of related things: namelessness, detachment, unidentifiability, lack of recognition, loss of sense of identity or sense of self, and so on. Anonymity can also be brought about in a variety of ways and there are many purposes, both positive and negative, that anonymity could serve, such as, on the positive side, promoting free expression and exchange of ideas, or protecting someone from undesirable publicity or, on the negative, hate speech with no accountability, fraud or other criminal activity. Anonymity and privacy are also considered to be closely related, with anonymity being one means of ensuring privacy.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title of the chapter I should be knowing how can be unknown in the Internet world. yes, I’ve herd a lot of people who says that you can surf the net without jeopardising your identity or your IP address, I believe them because I know they knew more about computers at the same time I’m not that familiar or that expert in exploring the computers. I’m excited to know how to do it and how to use it for my own personal use. Review: The first thing that the chapter discussed was the meaning of anonymity and it means being unknown or not being seen. Yes, this word some times or to some people find it hard to understand because it not is used often. “Anonymity is derived from the Greek word ανωνυµία, meaning "without a name" or "namelessness". In colloquial use, the term typically refers to a person, and often means that the personal identity, or personally identifiable information of that person is not known. More strictly, and in reference to an arbitrary element (e.g. a human, an object, a computer), within a well-defined set (called the "anonymity set"), "anonymity" of that element refers to the property of that element of not being identifiable within this set. If it is not identifiable, then the element is said to be "anonymous".” ( The chapter is all about Online Anonymity. It discusses various definitions, different denotations, and the concept of anonymity itself. I’d say it’s an interesting read.


What I’ve learned: I learned how anonymity would help and harm other people. I also learned why anonymity is useful sometimes. I noticed that there are no specific definition for anonymity because it depends on the point of view of the person. Integrative Questions: 1.

Why do we need to be anonymous in the Internet world?


Being anonymous good or bad?


Who invented anonymity?


Why anonymity was invented?


Is it right to use it or not?


Book Review: Chapter 8: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counterhacking - Keneth Einar Himma Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Certain assumptions about “hacker” and related terms should be made explicit. Although these terms were once used to refer to accomplished programmers and their achievements, they are now used to refer to unauthorized computer intrusions and the persons who commit them. Thus construed, “hacking” is used, without moral judgment, to refer to acts in which one person gains unauthorized entry to the computers of another person, and “hacker” is used to refer to someone who has committed such acts. Although some programmers bemoan the change in meaning, this chapter acquiesces to current usage.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn what are the types of hacking and if it is good or bad. Based on my own knowledge hacking means bad because it means getting or penetrating a computer without proper permission. Yes, I know that hackers are originally good but due to Hollywood projection or portray of hackers as bad people, and now people think all hackers are bad. I expect to know what are the things that may consider good and bad in the Internet world. Review: Yes, hacking today means that getting a certain program, data, or software without proper permission. It depends on how the hacker use the information the he got, he could use it for the good or for the bad. “In common usage, a hacker is a person who breaks into computers. The subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to as the computer underground. Proponents claim to be motivated by artistic and political ends, but are often unconcerned about the use of criminal means to achieve them. Other uses of the word hacker exist that are not related to computer security (computer programmer and home computer hobbyists), but these are rarely used by the mainstream media.” ( This chapter, everything about ethical issues involving computer security, which are hacking, hacktivism, and counterhacking. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how important it is to differentiate the bad hackers to the good ones. Haking is good if we only know what are the rules and regulations about it. I Page | 111 IT-ETHIC READER

also think if we knew about hacking the we should know abut counter hacking as well for our protection. Integrative Questions: 1.

When can we say hacking is bad?


Who started hacking?


When was hacking founded?


If so, what was it that he or she may have hacked?


Is hacking morally right or wrong?


Book Review: Chapter 9: Information Ethics and the Library Profession - Kay Mathisen and Don Fallis Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “In particular, we will be focusing on questions of the selection and organization of information their patrons’ access to information? Some have suggested that the solution is for the librarian to remain neutral. We explore what is meant by neutrality and the benefits and possible costs of taking the “neutral point of view.” We then turn to the ethical issues that arise in the organization and categorization of materials. In particular, we discuss the question of what sorts of “labeling” of the content in libraries are appropriate. We end by addressing what is one of the most vexed issues that arises in public libraries.”, which bring up issues of bias, neutrality, advocacy, and children’s rights to access information.1 All these issues bring up important challenges to what is commonly seen as the core value of librarianship—intellectual freedom. For example, in providing access to information librarians must make selections among materials. How can they do this in ways that fully enable What I expect to learn: I expect to learn the connection of Information Ethics with the library. I know that being the Internet it should have all the necessary data already and so it made me curious about this chapter. So expect a lot to learn in this chapter so let’s see if after reading this chapter will suffice my queries. Review: As a network place the Information should pass along the infoshpere then where the best place to get information than in the library. The chapter explains how the librarian functions and the types of librarians. The first type is the corporate librarian; this type of librarian enables and enhance the activities found in the corporatio. The second is the acadeic librarian, this librarian is can be found in the universities. The third is the public librarian; ehich provides access to the public users of the library. Like the library the internet should have a information keeper and information storage and it is called a library. It may not be found physically but the capacity of it is way bigger than the structured library. The chapter talks about what the librarian profession is all about like the core value of the library profession. It is worth noted that today the librarians are the ones who we can go to find the values and knowledge that we are seeking for.


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that even we looked up the profession of the librarian as small time; I’ve seen in this chapter how important their roles are in the society. they are important not just because they keep records but also they give us the knowledge, the determination, and the encouragement to learn new things in life. Integrative Questions: 1.

How many types of librarian are there?


How can we relate the librarian into the Computer Information age?


Are the librarian in our society important?


Why do we need an librarian?


Does the librarians in our society acts related to the growth of our community?


Book Review: Chapter 10: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software Frances S. Grodzinsky and Marty J. Wolf Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Free Software (FS), a concept developed by Richard Stallman in the 1980s, has served as a foundation for important and related movements that have become possible because of the Internet. The most important of these has been the Open Source Software (OSS) movement. OSS, a concept rooted in software methodology and analyzed by Eric Raymond, broke from the FS ethos in 1998. This paper will compare FS and OSS, examining their histories, their philosophies, and development. It will also explore important issues that affect the ethical interests of all who use and are subject to the influences of software, regardless of whether that software is FS or OSS. We will argue that the distinction between FS and OSS is a philosophically and socially important distinction.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title of the chapter I expect to learn how the free and open source software’s be an perfect study of having an Ethical guidelines. Yes, there is no legal sanctions that can be made if you do something with an open source program because it’s free for everyone. Second, the only way I think we can guide the hackers in the web to properly use the software is through a Ethical guidelines. So ie expect to see how can we put distinctions between the good and the bad actions in an open source and free software. Review: The first topic that the chapter told me was the history how and who made the first free software and that is in 1980s made by Richard Stallman. His creation was made into a foundation of building free software and eventually an open source software, which by the way is the most in thing in the web. During the time of Stallman he made a pursuit for the four freedoms for free software. The freedom to rum a program for any purpose. The freedom to study on how the program works. The freedom to adapt the program to your needs are just two of his four freedoms. Yes, those works are the foundation of open source software today. Since, the effort of Stallman was not come to vain because now the open source area is fast spreading. The positive effects of the open source software are taking is toll. Yes, it may take a while for those companies to make free or open source software but eventually all of the users in the world will shift to open sourcing.


What I’ve learned: I learned how the open source today originated and who started the area or the advocacy about it, yes it is not directly but hey look at it now. I’m glad that Stallman pave way to those people thinks that the Internet was made not for the few to gain but for all to enjoy. Integrative Questions: 1.

Who is Stallman?


Is Stallman significant to the open source area today?


Compare free software with open source software?


Which do you prefer free software or open source software? Why?


Having an open source program good or bad?


Book Review: Chapter 11: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues: Elizabeth A. Buchanan and Charles Ess Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Internet research ethics (IRE) is an emerging multi- and interdisciplinary field that systematically studies the ethical implications that arise from the use of the Internet as a space or locale of, and/or tool for, research. No one discipline can claim IRE as its own, as various disciplines since the 1990s have used the Internet for research and, to some extent, grappled with the ethical implications of such research. Indeed, because Internet research is undertaken from a wide range of disciplines, IRE builds on the research ethics traditions developed for medical, humanistic, and social science research; this means in turn that a central challenge for IRE is to develop guidelines for ethical research that aim toward objective, universally recognized norms, while simultaneously incorporating important disciplinary differences in research ethics—a challenge frequently met in IRE through pluralistic approaches that conjoin shared norms alongside such irreducible differences.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title I really don’t have an concrete idea about it but we’ll see. The things I expect to learn are the proper way of researching and attributing your work and many more. I hope after reading the chapter those questions in my mind would be answered. Review: Most of us even me, when we say Internet what are the things that came into our minds there are the like of the games, social networking, and researching. Those thing are correct but the last one is what really is the best function of the Internet for us. People now a days are thinking that they can find all the information that they need in the Internet, yes, their right but the question is are they finding and researching the proper word or term. The Internet is so vast that everything and anything that you think of is here. Information Research Ethics started during the 1990s, it is when the Internet is a new thing in the market. People around the world started to see its power and capabilities and now look at it is unstoppable. The more users there is, the more of having an Ethical guidelines is needed. Eventually the whole world will use the Internet.


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how important to have an ethical guidelines in using the Internet. Yes, most of the user might be amateurs and not professionals in the field of IT but still it will be better to have guidelines for all the users of the web. Yes, it might be inappropriate for the not professionals but for those professionals they can make use of it and use it for the goodness of the majority of the population. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is IRE?


What if there was no IRE?


Are the users or the people informed about the IRE?


Will IRE help minimize or eliminate the problem?


Is IRE important?


Book Review: Chapter 12: Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty - Kenneth W. Goodman Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “ethics, a branch of philosophy, has the task of studying morality, or (generally) public accounts of the rightness or wrongness of actions. Applied or professional ethics is the analysis of moral issues that arise in, well, the professions. All professions give rise to ethical issues, not necessarily because practitioners do bad things or need to be saved from their many temptations, but because questions of appropriate action arise even in situations in which no one has done anything obviously wrong. That is, professionals encounter ethical issues and challenges in the ordinary course of their work. It is unavoidable.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title of the chapter I really don’t have any idea or I don’t have any expectations in this chapter. So for me to find out what really the meaning of the title of the chapter I will read it and understand it as hard as I can. The title of the chapter sounds weird to me but I will try to absorb all the reading here. Review: The opening of the chapter is about privacy and its related topics. I you just read the first page then you will see the full topic to be covered in the chapter. The system here or the Information was being stored for the health record of the patients. Those records are being kept for future reference. Yes, those records are confidential and so we can apply the privacy part here. Yes, there is no doubt in our minds that someday or someone might hack into the system and get private information in it, but that is why security comes in. if the system is well made there’s nothing to worry about because it will make the problems of the patients or the doctor lessen. The CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System) will make the decision making for the doctor easier and much accurate. These systems are actually analyzes that data and gives the proper solution to those sickness or illness of the patients. This chapter made us realize how can Information and Computer Ethics can help our lives. This chapter wants us to know that most of the technology today are built to help people and not to harm them. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how to see the technology as a tool for our amusement but also for our personal health use also. This chapter made me realize that there are many use for the Information that we have today and those information can help the lives of Page | 119 IT-ETHIC READER

the patients longer and immune to sickness. Yes, we can never have a perfect system but today’s system are built not to harm but to cure and nourished us human. Integrative Questions: 1.

Is technology keeping us safe?


Keeping our information into the system is safe enough?

3. Does saving or inputting that information into the system will forever keep private between the doctor and his patients? 4.

Does the computers keep our lives easier?


What do they want if they don’t like using systems?


Book Review: Chapter 13: Ethical Issues of Information and Business - Bernd Carsten Stahl Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Businesses and the economic system they work in have an important influence on ethical issues arising from information and information and communication technology. This chapter aims at establishing a link between several sets of ethical discourses that concern similar topics. It offers an introduction to some of the current debates in business ethics and considers how information and technology influence the current topics and debates in the area. Drawing on some of the debates in computer and information ethics, the chapter points out areas where these two sets of discourses overlap and where they have the potential to inform each other. The chapter will do so by looking at some prominent examples of issues that arise in business and computer ethics, including privacy and employee surveillance and intellectual property, as well as some macrolevel issues including globalization and digital divides.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn what the Ethical issues of information and business. I also want to know how can those information can help the business. I also want to know how ethics can improve or make information be the right fit for the business. I have a lot more ideas and queries but it would be better for me if I read the chapter first. Review: Yes, every business in our society has a big impact to us. We might not see all those business around us but they are the corner stone of our country, of our community. Having business in our community gives us stability and income. If we don’t have businesses in our community then we might have a chaotic place. In the chapter topic regarding the businesses are also being discussed. The chapter discussed the privacy that the business should have regarding to their information. The chapter tells us to protect and to have privacy of our business, to protect all the information that we will have. The chapter also tells us that beyond all things in the business ethics is need most. Business will continue because of the information base built. This chapter tells us how the business can connect its information with technology, but at the same time with considerations with privacy and ethics


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that in business there should ethics in every information that you will get. Yes, every information is important but are they form good and moral source. Most of the business today only cares about the profit making and neglecting how they will get it from. Integrative Questions: 1.

Why are people saying that a computer has no privacy?


How can the business protect its privacy to others?


When will we know if the information is unethical for the business?


Who is the one responsible for the business information system?


Is having an system will guarantee the success of the business?


Book Review: Chapter 14: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet - Anton Vedder Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “One of the most fascinating aspects of the Internet is that very few accidents happen. This not only holds for the technical infrastructure and maintenance, but also for the communication and information transmitted through the network. Although the many-to-many medium could in principle be abused in so many different ways and on such a large scale, actually only relatively little really goes wrong. This is all the more astonishing as the global phenomenon of the Internet lacks a unique governance core, hierarchy, and central control mechanisms. It is a network that consists of a disparate set of heterogeneous organizations and individuals, ranging from commercial business corporations and private organizations of volunteers, to governmental institutions, universities, and individual citizens. The rise of such a relatively smooth and flawless working and highly influential phenomenon from the voluntary input of so many individuals and organizations is probably one of the happiest developments in the end of the twentieth century.” Learning Expectation: I wan to know how responsibility is being done in the internet. Yes, the internet have so many use to us but do we really know how to fully utilized it to our advantage. Yes, the internet is so powerful that it can now harm other people. So using the internet uneducated will only cause bad things to you. In this chapter I hope to see how can we avoid making irresponsible decision n the internet. Review: The problem here is that the accountability for whom to blame if something might go wrong. In the internet the same problem also arises since no one is controlling or moderating the use of it then anyone can make a bad or malicious act against anyone in the net. Yes, the internet is a safe place to work in but we can never tell whom to blame if something goes wrong. The responsibility is equivalent to accountability. Yes, most of us may say that we see things in our own way. We have different view on things but we must think that we are to blame for our actions. Responsibility is here with us everywhere and anywhere we go because it is given to us since the day we were born in this world. The chapter wants us to realize who will be the one responsible for the activities in the internet. After reading we arrive with a conclusion that since the Internet maintenance and improving reliability has just started, the safest way to answer the question on who’s responsible would be all people involved. And I think that includes us. Page | 123 IT-ETHIC READER

What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that responsibility is not an option but it’s a God given action that we must do. Yes, it hard to know or to take the truth that we must do thing even if we are willing to take it because if we don’t somebody or someone might got hurt. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is responsibility?


Knowing your responsibility is enough?


What if no one takes the responsibility?


Is enacting a law enough to make the internet safe?

5. How can we improve the usage of the internet while feeling safer at the same time?


Book Review: Chapter 15: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation - Philip Brey Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Virtual reality and computer simulation have not received much attention from ethicists. It is argued in this essay that this relative neglect is unjustified, and that there are important ethical questions that can be raised in relation to these technologies. First of all, these technologies raise important ethical questions about the way in which they represent reality and the misrepresentations, biased representations, and offensive representations that they may contain. In addition, actions in virtual environments can be harmful to others and raise moral issues within all major traditions in ethics, including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Although immersive virtual reality systems are not yet used on a large scale, nonimmersive virtual reality is regularly experienced by hundreds of millions of users, in the form of computer games and virtual environments for exploration and social networking. These forms of virtual reality also raise ethical questions regarding their benefits and harms to users and society, and the values and biases contained in them.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how virtual reality and computer simulation by any chance related to ethics. I also want to know how can take those ethical theories regarding virtual reality and computer simulation be applied to our daily living in this world. I also want to know how can those ethical theories be somewhat a guideline if there is no proper or standard law for the internet. Review: The chapter tells us how the virtual world are affecting or most of us had make it part of our daily lives. Yes, it’s hard to tell it if we already got hooked in using the internet but it is certain that this technology made our lives easier. Most of us didn’t notice it but we are using and letting the internet be part of our lives. Most of the generation today especially the fids are not directly sees it but we, they, us are sticking are bonding together with the use of the internet. The virtual world is making us realized things that we don’t see before. The virtual world are making the minds of billions of people know the reality of life. The simulation modes in using the computer are crucial in moulding and keeping the minds of the young generation open to different things. These computer simulation and the virtual reality will continue makes the minds of the people in the world up-todate and I hope that someday we all have to see the world in a bigger and wider picture through the virtual reality and computer simulation in the internet. Page | 125 IT-ETHIC READER

What I’ve learned: I learned that it for us to have the knowledge of saying that we did or did not made a wrong thing in the internet. Yes, it’s hard to identify the proper ethics in using the internet and yes, its also confusing most of the times. If we want to have the proper ethical guidelines in using the internet then we should study it and apply it for practical use. Integrative Questions: 1.

Will the virtual reality help the improvement of the world?


Who will the unreal world help the human kind today?


Can we all use the virtual reality world?


Why is virtual reality and computer simulation existing?


Is virtual reality and computer simulation good for us?


Book Review: Chapter 16:Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues Antonio Marturano Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “At a higher level, molecular biologists claim that cells and molecules are machinery similar to computers; this cell-machinery actually contains devices useful to build up unique biological beings starting from the information stored in a DNA. Different authors (i.e., Griffiths, 2001; Lewontin, 1992; Mahner and Bunge, 1997; Marturano, 2003, and others) have questioned the application of informational concepts in genetics. Some authors have claimed that such concepts were very useful to establish the new science of molecular biology (and bioinformatics) around common basic concepts; but later on the same concepts were manipulated with an ideological sense for business and political purposes (Lewontin, 1992). Nonetheless, “the idea that ‘biology is an information technology’ is . . . widely accepted . . . partly because of the central role of information in the contemporary scientific world-view” (Griffiths, 2001; see also Fox Keller, 1995).” What I expect to learn: Based on the title I don’t have an concrete idea of what it is because of the word Epistemological, I have never encounter this term before so it new to me. I have a lot of questions running in m mind but I think that the only way in sufficing these queries of mine is by reading and analyzing the topic that will be discuss in the chapter. So I hope to learn new things and ideas in this chapter. Review: In the start of the chapter you will get the idea of how our world, the earth, get or past down genetics to its members. Yes, there are a lot of studies had been conducted to let us know how genetics work but now we are discussing here about computers and how can we pass down the information through them. So like in the scientific way of formulizing thing we should conduct studies or test to know if how does this stuff works. For me genetics is all the same because we should know the root and the siblings of the root because if we don’t then how can we recall all the things that we’d learned. The chapter tells us whether the transformation of nucleic acid to nucleic acid is possible or perhaps to transfer protein to protein from protein to nucleic acid. In short, this chapter talks all about Genetic Information. It tells us or explains to us how computers should do as a computer that would analyze these things that would help scientist.


What I’ve learned: I learned that Information Genetics have something to do with computer ethics because without it we cannot pass on the knowledge that we have right now to the next generation. Also I’ve learned how things will continue itself in the computer information age and by keeping and nourishing the knowledge that we have through the use of the computers as an aid in storing it and processing it for better information. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the meaning of Epistemological?


How can Information Genetic solve the problems in our lives?

3. If we have Information Genetics will we be able to know more things than before? 4. Will computers absorb the information that they will get from the Information Genetics? 5.

What things can be consider as computer machineries?


Book Review: Chapter 17: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict: Dorothy E. Denning Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “At least on the surface, most cyber attacks appear to be clearly unethical as well as illegal. These include attacks performed for amusement or bragging rights, such as web defacements conducted “just for fun” and computer viruses launched out of curiosity but disregard for their consequences. They also include attacks done for personal gain, such as system intrusions to steal credit card numbers and trade secrets; denial-of-service attacks aimed at taking out competitor Web sites or extorting money from victims; and attacks that compromise and deploy large “botnets” of victim computers to send out spam or amplify denial-of-service attacks. There are, however, three areas of cyber conflict where the ethical issues are more problematic. The first is cyber warfare at the state level when conducted in the interests of national security.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how can or who will cause the cyber attacks in the web. I want to know the people behind the past attack and what is their real purpose is. I really don’t know what to expect in this chapter because I am not really into hacking or attacking other people’s work or machine but I want to know how to prevent or defend my self-form those attacks. So for me to find out what are the ways to protect me from those attacks then I have to read through the chapter. Review: This chapter let us see how thing got stolen by other people. Yes, we don’t want anything of our personal things be stolen by anyone else. These people just do it and don’t care who gets affected to what it can even do to the world. In my opinion this is really bad for the world. It is not impossible that they can destroy the world’s system and perhaps even control the world. So, I think nobody wants to deal with that or something like that happening at all because it’s very dangerous. This chapter tells us one of the most interesting topics talked about is when cyber attacks constitute the use of force. That force is not by physical but technological warfare. Yes, it is unethical for anyone to do such crime but we cannot stop anyone to think and apply our own principles in their life. Yes, this chapter made me see how important to have a proper knowledge about things so that we can avoid in harming or doing something that is not proper and legal at the same time.


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned you should know what are the attacks but how will they attack you. Yes, it is important if you know what are the kinds of attacks that they might give to you but it is more important to know how and when will they attack us. Cyber warfare is been the problem of the cyber world today because you may never know when will those people strike and I believe that. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the meaning of cyber warfare? How does it work?


How can we prevent such cyber warfare?

3. Do you think someone or some group can take control over the cyber and real world through the internet? 4. Do you think the government are capable enough to counter attack those kind of warfare? 5.

Can we predict if a cyber warfare is coming?


Book Review: Chapter 18: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment - A SoDIS Inspection - Don Gotterbarn, Tony Clear, and Choon-Tuck Kwan Library Reference: N/A wAmazon: Quote: “Informaticians have been evolving and refining techniques to mediate risks of developing software products that meet the needs of their clients. The risks focused on include missed schedule, over budget, and failing to meet the system’s specified requirements (Boehm, 2006; Hall, 1998; Jones, 1994). This focus was later expanded to address software security as the highest risk (Stoneburner et al., 2002). In spite of this attention to risks, a high percentage of software systems are being delivered late, over budget, and not meeting all requirements, leading to software development being characterized as a “software crisis” and a mistrust of software systems.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how to make an assessment about the risk in ethics. Yes, I’ve tackled different subjects and topic about handling risk. I want to know if assessing the risk of ethics is good enough to have a measuring level of success of your ethical guidelines. I also want to know what is SoDIS Inspection is all about. So I think after reading through the chapter I hope to know what these topics are all about. Review: In this chapter it is saying that how to create a software as perfect as possible. I don’t agree with the idea of it because there is no such thing as perfect software. Yes, there could be almost perfect software but it is not perfect. The only way we can do is to see or know the possible problems of it by assessing the risk of it. Yes, there are a lot of methods on how to assess the risk and it is being talked about here in the chapter. In this chapter it talks about the how to identify risk, the analysis of it, and the limitations of it. This chapter wants us to know the ethical risk, the stockholders of the system and a lot more. The chapter also talks about SoDIS or Software development Impact Statement. SoDIS is used to assess the potential impact of the proposed system to the environment (internal and external). This method also will make those impacts lessen or mitigate the problems in the future. What I’ve learned:

I’ve learned how important for any ethics to have an assessing type for it and it doesn’t have to be specific as long as it do the right job. I also learned the meaning of SoDIS and it means Software Development Impact Statements. Page | 131 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the relationship between ethics and risk?


What is the meaning of SoDIS?


Who is the founder/creator of SoDIS?


What is the timeframe to fully develop SoDIS?


What are the benefits and disadvantages of SoDIS?


Book Review: Chapter 19: Regulation and Governance of the Internet - John Weckert and Yeslam Al-Saggaf Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “This is a working definition used by the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG), set up by the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN). There are narrow definitions of Internet governance that incorporate the administration and management of the technical infrastructure and broader definitions that also incorporate political and policy issues (King, 2004, p. 243). The above is of the latter type and the kind that is of interest here. There are at least two different questions involved in the governance of the Internet: who, if anybody should be in charge, and what, if anything, should be governed or regulated. The definition above does not say who, if anyone, should be the ultimate authority, nor how the authority should be decentralized, if it should be. Some argue that there should be a global ultimate authority, at least in some areas (see Al-Darrab, 2005; King, 2004), and the UN has set up the WGIG to investigate Internet governance (Drake, 2005). This view has some plausibility given the international character of the Internet and the fact that national borders mean little (or so it is often thought) in this context. Others opt for an approach in which there is cooperation between nations where necessary, but that much can be left to self-regulation by the private sector (see Hassan, 2005; ICC, 2004). “ What I expect to learn: Based on the title of the chapter it has something to de with the regulation and governance of the internet. It is bit confusing because I thought that the internet is free and no one is controlling or supervising it. I also want to see how different or similar the regulation and governance of the internet to the civil one. In this chapter I want to see or to know the answers to my queries. Review: Yes, the internet is not a living being but we uses it so we must have rule sot follow it. We also have to do right things in the Internet and must not violate things that are not supposed to be done in the Internet. There are also things that are like content regulation, technical issues, current situations, and other related things regarding regulations or rules. The chapter is all about the current regulations of the Internet and it is discussed here how to come up or what are the possibilities of having an effective regulation for the Internet. Page | 133 IT-ETHIC READER

What I’ve learned: I’ve learned what WGIG is all about. WGIG stands for Working Group Internet Governance. WGIG is set up by the secretary general of the united nations. This organization was established to govern the internet and give proper and related new around the world. so know I realized that an organization is taking care of the internet. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is WGIG?


Who organized the WGIG?


What is the purpose of WGIG?


Is WGIG effective enough?

5. Do you think that this organization will make a difference for the improvement of the internet usage?


Book Review: Chapter 20: Information Overload - David M. Levy Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Googling “information overload” in early 2007 yielded more than six million hits for the phrase. The first of these was the entry in Wikipedia, which states that information overload “refers to the state of having too much information to make a decision or remain informed about a topic.”1 Indeed Google, the wildly successful Internet search service, and Wikipedia, the free, online, collaboratively produced encyclopedia, are themselves attempts at taming the fire hose of information by helping to organize it and make it more manageable.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title I expect that this chapter is going to explain to us something about information overload. Information overload is quite a popular term in my experience and we often use it when our brain cannot handle any more information it is receiving. I want to learn from this chapter is how does information overload relate to ethics and computers. I think that this chapter will give the reason why I am studying this book right now. Review: The first few page of the chapter is about the introduction or overview of information overload. The book tells that information overload is something about overdoing or getting to much of something that the memory or the mind could not process it anymore or store it. Now a days we all have all sorts of things around us and with that we some times or all the time for some of us are having a day or two that we could not possibly remember all the things that we learned or saw in that day. This chapter also tells why we are having information overload and how do we get it. It is essential to know such things because we might just have an experience of and before we now it we loss all the things that we need to know and this chapter is aiming to tell us to avoid or be ready to face that when it comes. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how information overloading happens. I also notice how popular it is that it though it was. Information overload is something that all of us experiences in our life time. The experience of information overload is never a nice one so if you experienced such thing then you must take timeout and unwind a little. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is the meaning or explanation about information overload? Page | 135 IT-ETHIC READER


Can we mitigate the occurrence of having information overload?


How can we get information overload?


What are the important of this topic to our lives?


Do this topic have any relationship with the computers?


Book Review: Chapter 21: Email Spam - Keith W. Miller and James H. Moor Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The conceptual muddles about defining spam have immediate philosophical and legislative consequences. These muddles have, for example, made it difficult to write effective legislation regarding spam, and the laws that exist have not been successful at significantly reducing what many people consider a significant problem in cyberspace. At this writing, some estimates show that over 80% of email traffic is spam. Although the definitional and technical challenges of these estimates make it difficult to verify their accuracy, few Internet users doubt that spam emails are a significant and persistent occurrence. In this short article, we’ll look at the short history of spam and then describe a just consequentialist analysis of email spam, an analysis that takes into account several different characteristics that help to differentiate spam from other emails.” What I expect to learn: Based on the title I expect to learn what is email spam is. I would also like to know who started spaming. I want to know how do spammers do it. I also want to more about spam messages rather than the common definition I know of. There might be something interesting in this chapter that I can pick up. Review: This chapter also tells us interestingly a brief history of spam. The first ever spam is telegram sent in 1904. Although the term Spam wasn’t used until the 1980s, when some people in the Multi-User Dungeons would use one tactic or the other to flood the interface, often with repeated messages. Some repetitions used the term Spam in homage to a Monty Python skit, and so the name was continuously used from there on. So basically, this chapter talks all about Spam. This chapter wants us to see and know how spamming started and how it was formed. Spams today are composing of 80% of real emails that are being sent to everyone. This spamming must be stopped. I think that it would really make the email highway less traffic by maybe 50%. What I’ve learned: I was surprise that the firs spam was sent 1904 which is a telegram. I was surprise that it was that early when spamming started but I also was amazed how those people back then does it. Now, I am not surprised why spam is being done in a bigger way through the internet. I am amazed how people or the users of the internet Page | 137 IT-ETHIC READER

realized that they can have better chance of getting and sending spams to other people and to other places. Integrative Questions: 1.

When was spamming started?


When will the people stop spamming?


What are the benefits of spamming? And why?


Do you think there is something we can do against spamming?


Who are the people can we go to for help against spamming?


Book Review: Chapter 22: The Matter of Plagiarism - What, Why, and If - John Snapper Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “As with most ethical concepts, there is plenty of room for debate over the definition of “plagiarism.”1 Plagiarism will be treated here very broadly as expression that improperly incorporates existing work either without authorization or without documentation, or both. The emphasis on impropriety is important. There are a wide variety of situations where it seems acceptable to repeat prior expressions while ignoring a possible attribution and making no attempt to seek permission from a putative source. We commonly repeat jokes and report established dates for historical events without citing sources, and we do so without qualms about plagiarism. An expression is only plagiarism if it is unacceptable on some established value. But we should be careful to avoid the error of being overly narrow in identifying any particular value or standard as the basis for condemning an expression as plagiarism. Among the reasons for finding an expression to be plagiarism, we may note that it is sometimes condemned as theft of intellectual property, sometimes as a failure to live up to a standard of originality, sometimes as a violation of the moral rights of a prior author, sometimes as fraudulent misrepresentation of authorship. A debate over whether an expression is plagiarism is,” What I expect to learn: Based on the title of the chapter I am expecting to widen my knowledge about plagiarism. I also expect to see how I or we can avoid plagiarism. I want to know who are the people to go to if I had been a victim of plagiarism. I also want to see different point of view about plagiarism. Most importantly I want to know first hand what are the parameters of plagiarism so that I can avoid it. Review: We all know what is the meaning of Plagiarism right? So if you don’t this chapter will help you understand it. Plagiarism is the process where in you copy everything an author did and making it as your own by putting your name on it with the exact same content the original author wrote. The meaning of plagiarism had changed during the years because of the presence of the computers in our society. The computer made it easier for everyone to copy the work of others. The chapter also talks about lack of authorization in economic foundations, moral rights, and lack of accreditation on noninfringing plagiarism, personal view of plagiarism of the author and literature view.


What I’ve learned: I knew already what plagiarism is but this chapter made me realize how limited was my knowledge about it. I also notice why people do plagiarised and what are their reasons. Personally, I do it some times when I am in time of need but now after reading this chapter it opened my eyes to the reality. We humans have the tendency to find the easiest way out of our problems and troubles in life and so we tend to copy other people’s work for our convenience. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is plagiarism?


Is plagiarism good or bad?


How can we prevent plagiarising?


What are the laws against plagiarism?


Who should guide us to stop plagiarise?


Book Review: Chapter 23: Intellectual Property: Legal and Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing - Richard A. Spinello Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Lost in the thicket of lawsuits and policy challenges are the ethical issues associated with the use and distribution of file sharing software. Is the downloading or “sharing” of copyrighted music morally reprehensible? Quite simply, are we talking about sharing or pilfering? Is social welfare enhanced by a legal regime of indirect liability? And should we hold companies like Napster, Grokster, or BitTorrent morally accountable for the direct infringement of their users, particularly if they intentionally design the code to enable the avoidance of copyright liability? Or does such accountability stretch the apposite moral notion of cooperation too far? In this overview, we will present the conflicting arguments on both sides of this provocative debate. Although our primary focus will be on the ethical dimension of this controversy, we cannot neglect the complex and intertwined legal issues.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn in this chapter what and how to share your files without having a problem on piracy or some other offences. File sharing has rapidly increased as compared to before. I want to know how can I mitigate the risk of copying my work by other people without my proper permission or consent. I want to know what are the legal and non-legal actions that I can do if such crimes was committed to me. Review: File sharing is that something that most of the internet users are utilizing right now for faster and more efficient ways to transfer data. It was a slow and difficult process during that time that would involve several people just to do it. Now, file sharing has largely evolved and has transformed to something you alone can already do without breaking any sweat. Although sadly, there have been people who have been using it illegally. The real problem is when will you know that your content or work has been copied or stolen to you? I think that it’s really hard to stop piracy because many people like it to not because of they like piracy, its just that they can’t afford to buy the original ones and so they pursue buying piracy and of course, piracy makers are smiling up to their ear. Unless the anti-piracy and record labels and such do something about this, I think that piracy will never stop. Piracy is from the root cause of poverty. I believe that if there is no poverty then anyone and everyone can buy things on their own in a legal manner.


What I’ve learned: I learned that file sharing is good unless the person who will borrow have nice intensions. I also increased my knowledge on how can I protect myself from violators that might think bad things against my work. I also learned how to counteract if was done to me by other people. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is piracy?


When was piracy started?


Why do people pirate things?


Are piracy good or bad?


What are the consequences of doing piracy?


Book Review: Chapter 24: Censorship and Access to Expression - Kay Mathiesen Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “No one wants to be a censor. Or, more precisely, no one wants to be called a “censor.” To describe a person as a censor, or an act as one of “censorship,” is to condemn the person or the action. Although there are numerous calls to arms to resist censorship and compilations of instances of censorship across the globe, little work has been done to help us understand the concept itself. Without getting clear on what we mean by censorship, it is difficult to get a grip on exactly what is wrong with it, and indeed, on whether it is always wrong. Those who use the term simply assume that we know what it is, that it is wrong, and do not look much further.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn different things about censorship. Yes, I am not new to this topic but I hope this chapter can make my knowledge about the topic broaden. It would be interesting to learn what the author or what this chapter has to say about censorship, so far the book had answered almost all my queries and I think this chapter can do it as well as the past chapters did. Review: This chapter will make us see that the censorship that we knew is different from the censorship in the web. The censorship that we knew is either violent or prohibited to children. As you go along the chapter you will realized that it has something deeper meaning into it. Most of the people thinks that censorship is helping and protecting the interest of the majority but their not helping at because most of the important things that the people needed to know are being blocked by some countries who they thought that they are doing the good thing for their people, but in reality they are not helping at all. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that not all the censored things are bad. In this chapter I realized that something’s are censored because of political propaganda thing or personal agenda. I know now that censorship is not an easy thing to do because you should first see all the content of ones work before evaluating it. I’ve also learned that there is a deeper meaning to censorship after reading the chapter.


Integrative Questions: 1.

What is censorship?


Why do we censor things?

3. How can we say that this thing is not suppose to be censored when it has the same content like the censored materials? 4.

Is there a concrete definition for censorship?


Is censorship a good or bad thing?


Book Review: Chapter 25: The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics - Alison Adam Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The idea that gender is a major (possibly even the major) way of classifying and ordering our world has been propounded by a number of authors, mainly, although not exclusively, writing from a feminist position.1 The recognition of continuing differences between men’s and women’s lots, at home, in the workplace, and in education, even in societies that have seen considerable opening up of opportunities for women in the space of a generation or so, has been a major force in developing contemporary feminist writing.2 Coupled with this, we continue to be fascinated by differences between men and women, putative differences in behavior, differences in interests, differences in management style, differences in parenting approach, and so on. This suggests that, in the process of ordering and classifying our world into that which is feminine, that is, belonging to or pertaining to women, and that which is msasculine, that is, pertaining to men, we may polarize this binary in a search for, and perhaps even a maintenance of, difference.” What I expect to learn: I don’t know the relationship of gender in the improvement of the ethics and the way we compute things, I really don’t see the relationship. I don’t really see the point or what relation gender has to do with ethics and so, that’s what I want to know. Review: I can’t seen to get the idea that something are different from the judgement of the work of an female to a male which is weird to me. As you read through the first few pages, the chapter talks about gender. There are discussions about gender in general and also discussion on specific or particular things. It is also interesting to take note of the Feminist Ethics, which grew out of long-running debates about the special nature of women’s morality that date from at least the time of Wollstonescraft’s, which is a vindication of rights of women in the eighteenth century. What I’ve learned: ` I learned that gender is not an issue in the computers and ethics but rather the way we approach the mindset of things. I have discovered that there is this socalled feminist ethics in which things are dedicated to or for women. I have also learned that gender needs to receive a thoroughgoing treatment within computer ethics by considering gender issues that are involved in computer ethics.


Integrative Questions: 1.

What are the problems in males?


Why the focus now is with the females?

3. Does something or anything will happen for better if we see the type of gender of a person? 4.

Will that focus have an impact to the way of computing things?


What is the effect of the gender in computer ethics?


Book Review: Chapter 26: The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the Future – Maria Canellopoulou-Bottis and Kenneth EIinar Himma Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “In the developing world, poverty and the suffering it causes is considerably worse. Here poverty is characteristically “absolute” in the sense that people do not have enough to consistently meet their basic needs. People in absolute poverty lack consistent access to adequate nutrition, clean water, and health care, as well as face death from a variety of diseases that are easily cured in affluent nations. Indeed,15 million children die every year of malnutrition in a world where the food that is disposed of as garbage by affluent persons is enough to save most, if not all, of these lives.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how thing divided into right amount in this finite world. I also think it has something to do with the division of things like material resources and other materials or things that has a lot to do with the outcome of business and our lives. So I’m looking forward to reading this chapter and see thing differently form the way I see thing now as an ordinary person in this world. Review: This chapter will make you see how should the right global distribution of wealth should be. Improper distribution of wealth are causing poverty in most of the places in the world today. Poverty has also been taken into discussion and as well as developing the world. It has been said that poverty is characteristically “absolute” in the sense that people do not have enough to consistently meet their basic needs. Ironically, poverty has something to do with digital information, which is actually our main topic for the chapter. So because of the poverty that the world have right now the digital information area is now force to do something to solve the poverty in the world and that’s for me it the best thing about the technology today. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how poverty has been transformed into what it is right now. We are trying to eliminate poverty but the effort that we are doing right now enough? I have learned that it is not that easy to develop the world by raising poverty or eliminating poverty in the world. Yes, I think that poverty is pulling the development of the whole world. Page | 147 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

What is poverty?


Why there is poverty in this world?


Who is responsible on having an poverty in this world?


Is there someone or some group who can help solving this world wide problem?


Do you think poverty will end?


Book Review: Chapter 27: Intercultural Information Ethics - Rafael Cappuro Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Intercultural Information Ethics (IIE) can be defined in a narrow or in a broad sense. In a narrow sense it focuses on the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on different cultures as well as on how specific issues are understood from different cultural traditions. In a broad sense IIE deals with intercultural issues raised not only by ICT, but also by other media as well, allowing a large historical comparative view. IIE explores these issues under descriptive and normative perspectives. Such comparative studies can be done either at a concrete or ontic level or at the level of ontological or structural presuppositions.” What I expect to learn: I expect to know different society and different cultures in this chapter. I believe that each community or each country has their own culture and way of doing things. Some communities or people may agree or disagree. I think that this chapter will make me realize how diverse is our world is not just in natural resources but also in culture and the people as well. Review: This chapter make me realize how important to know first the culture of the country your into because it will be your protection in that place. We all have our differences and we have different reasoning’s. Some may agree and some may not. Some people might see things as the same in their way of life or in their culture but this chapter said to me that we must respect and know our limitations when it comes to other people’s culture. That is why Intercultural Information Ethics has been taken under close analysis. As far as I know, I think that there is a general type of ethics, which applies to everyone. But having read this chapter, it gives me the notion that different cultures also have their own information ethics. Intercultural information ethics cannot have a total opposite ethic as compared to the other ethics. It must be balanced and not that far from each other because it may be valid to your culture but it would void some ethics in other cultures. What I’ve learned: I learned a lot in this chapter like how diverse our world culture is and how can we adopt and blend-in in different cultures. I have learned that there are intercultural information ethics that are used by different cultures around the world. Page | 149 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

What is culture?


Is ethics different from culture?


Can we apply different culture and ethics with another one?


How does IIE impact the world?


What if IEE didn’t exist?


V. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid


Book Review: Chapter 1: The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “The focus of public policy was on distributive justice over wealth creation. Because of the disparities in wealth and the preponderance of the poor, the government thought its first priority must be policies that “equalized” wealth distribution. Taxation, limits on salaries of top managers, and other such measures were instituted to ensure distributive justice.” What I expect to learn: I expect to define what really is the meaning of the title of the chapter “The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid”. I also want to learn the significance of it in our lives not just for learning but also for application of it in our business. Yes, I or most of us have the mentality of the market being the highest people in the society and in this chapter I think it will make me realize how important to take a look for your market at the bottom of the pyramid. Review: Personally, I don’t really take a look on the bottom market because I think there are no profits that I or we can generate from it. After reading this chapter I realize how big and the potential there is in this market, yes, the biggest area of marketing is at the bottom of the society. Yes, I also thought that having high end products will make you successful than reaching out to those market under you. The chapter made me realized how diverse and rich is the market at the bottom of the pyramid. Like me, I would like to start my own business, instead of targeting at once the big fishes in the ocean you should first catch the majority of the population and that is the poor people in the society. Yes, those people at the top of the pyramid can give you the money and the profit that you want but the market is small not like at the bottom. This chapter made me sees how important it is to know what type of business or service that you need to render for your customers. Another thing that I’ve learned was the target market of my business should be the majority, who can give me the popularity and the stability of numbers of consumption for my profit. Yes, as a student maybe I cannot see how this is works for the market but I think after reading this chapter it made me see things in a bigger and clearer picture.


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that if you want to be known and you want easily penetrate the market then you should start at the bottom because it is where the majority of the population is. Integrative Questions: 1.

What is dominant logic?


How can we access the bottom of the market?


Is the bottom market brand conscious?


How can we connect the bottom market with the upper market?


Why the bottom market?


Book Review: Chapter 2: Products and Services for the BOP Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Similarly in the West, product developers often assume that the required infrastructure for the use of product developers exist or that Western infrastructure can be made economically viable and will function properly in these markets. In a developed market, access to refrigerator, telephones, transportation, credit, and a minimum level of literacy can all be assumed.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn based o the title is what are the types of products and services should I render for the market that I aimed for. After knowing what type of products and services that I will apply, will those really be the applicable ones for the market or t just for my personal wants. Review: Now, in this part of the book it made me see what and how should I create and give my products and services to the people who needs it. Yes, it think that this book is sufficient for anyone to know what are the things that they need to know in order for them to succeed in life and in their endeavors. This chapter made me sees how life should be and it should be practical. Practical because most of our countrymen are buying things that they think is only needed for them and not buying those excess ones. Yes, we may give the market what they can buy I cheap price but do we really answer all their needs in a product? Giving your market needs means having a product that can use for their daily lives. The value that our product give to them is what they are after and what should we give to them. If our product/s can answer all they need or at least some of their problems than we can say that we made them better and more productive at the same time. Productive because we made their problems less and work more, while we made them a better person because they can help more other people with them knowing that they have les problems to attend too. We need to be some one who understands the market. We need to know what they really need for easing their problems in life. Helping them in their problems would not only give them solutions but making us also socially responsible for our fellow human beings. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned the philosophies of products and services for the bottom market. I also learned the 12 principles of innovation for the bottom markets. I also see how can I make those 12 principles happen by applying it to my products and services. Page | 154 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

Why do we need to know the needs and wants of the bottom market?


Enumerate the 12 principles of innovation for the BOP market.


Why do we need to follow those 12 principles of innovation for the BOP market?


Define each of those 12 principles.


Why the bottom market?


Book Review: Chapter 3: BOP: A Global Opportunity Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “BOP markets can collapse the time frames taken for products, technologies, and concepts to diffuse in the system. Many of the drivers of change and market growth – deregulation, involvement of the private sector in BOP markets, digitization, ubiquitous connectivity and the attendant change in the aspirations of people, favorable demographics (a young population), and access to credit – are simultaneously present in BOP markets. These drivers interact.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how BOP can make one business into a global giant entity in the business world. I also want to know how can one small business be a contender internationally if they can target the BOP market not just only in their country but also in the world. Review: Knowing the your target market is jut one of the major steps on having a BOP products and services, but you should create or establish an image to them that you are the business entity that they can rely on about different things. Yes, it is hard for you to be the entity that the bottom market relies on but giving their needs and wants is not enough but you should listen to them and their future needs. The problem of approaching to the bottom market is the boundaries that had been built for the past years. The early businesses thought that the only market that can give them profit were the top ones and not the bottom ones, and that is the mentality that we need to break. Giving the people the cheapest things but at the same time giving them the quality that their money are worth for then you can have their attention and in not time you will have the markets attention as well. Yes, the bottom of the pyramid is so vast that the endless possibilities are there but those possibilities are the ones who give us the hopes and courage to try to reach out to them. Yes, it will be hard for us to reach them but through our products and services that they needed then we can be as one to them. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how local opportunities can grows by engaging to the BOP markets. I also learned how those local opportunities can turn into a global opportunities. How can BOP solutions can develop markets is the other thing that I’ve learned. Page | 156 IT-ETHIC READER

Integrative Questions: 1.

How to have a local opportunity?


How can a BOP be a solution for developed markets?


What is sustainable development?


What will be the impact if you did not manage your cost well?


Why do we need to have a big network in the BOP?


Book Review: Chapter 4: The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “A market-based sector ecosystem is a framework that allows private sector and social actors, often with different traditions and motivations, and of different sizes and areas of influence, to act together and create wealth in a symbolic relationship. Such as ecosystem consist of a wide variety of institutions coexisting and complementing each other. We use the concept of ecosystem because each consistent in the system has a role to play. They are dependent on each other. The system has a evolves an can be resilient and flexible. Although their will always be distortions at the margin, the system is oriented toward a dynamic equilibrium.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how can the so-called ecosystem be related to the topic of BOP markets. I am a little confused because how in the world the ecosystem was mentioned or related here in this topic. So, I’m here to find out how can this ecosystem make our market grow faster and better. Review: Yes, being a big company means a lot of profit. Yes, it will be wise if we go to or work for the big corporations but did we really understand why and how did they get from that stage or level? Yes, the companies’ today are not just serving what’s on the top of the pyramid but also at the bottom as well. The companies today already knew that if they don’t get the market of the majority they wouldn’t last or survive the competitive market today. The companies today shifted from being top of the class providers to a lower class provider because they knew that they have to serve the bottom before they serve the top. Companies will find ways to adapt to the new trends in the market today. Companies would do anything for their success even its dirty. The best example of a good business are the ones that can be found in Binondo because there they are not after for the high markups that they are going to gain but the volume that their going to sell. Yes, the lower and the much competitive your price is the better for your product to be bought by the consumers. What I’ve learned: I learned how market or the business is like the ecosystem, when one is not good everything is affected by it. I also learned how we could mitigate inequalities in the contracts. If we all learn how to govern properly the business and the market then we can help the poor with what they needs and wants.


Integrative Questions: 1.

Why is the market ecosystem oriented?


How can the ecosystem help the developing countries?


How can we reduce the inequalities in contracts?


What are the ways and steps to have good governance capabilities for the poor?


Why should we set our aim to the bottom?


Book Review: Chapter 5: Reducing Corruption: Transaction Governance Capacity Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “Alliances with local firms and NGO’s can provide visibility to these “understood but not explicit” local practices. Transaction governance capacity is about making the entire process as transparent as possible and consistently enforced. We must reduce the frictional losses in doing business at the BOP.” What I expect to learn: I think that the title of the chapter is very applicable to the situation of our country today. I expect to learn how corruption can be minimized or defeated. There is no doubt in my mind if all of us can eliminate the corruption in the government system, then we can have a peaceful and prosperous country. Review: I was not surprised to see corruption in this article because we are talking here about the poor and how to eliminate that is through good governance. The public or the masses is what the government is protecting. The government is the one who is responsible of the public and they are the ones who also responsible for the advancement of the country. The government should take good care of the bottom of the pyramid because here is where the biggest number of the population is located. The government should let the public know what they are up to and what are the ways that the public will know the right processes. The government should let the public know what are the steps and cost that they had occur in doing those activities in other words transparency. The problem with the government is that they are too afraid to let everyone knows what they are doing because they might get caught of doing something wrong or bad. Yes, the lack of sense of responsibility is what’s holding this country. The responsibility of getting everyone of poverty is what’s missing. If we fear God, then we should fear our selves for what we are doing is beyond normal or extreme to what God says to us. So if we know what are the right responsibilities that we need to perform and to say then we would never had poor people in our society. What I’ve learned: I’ve learned that not all the poor are poor. I’ve also learned that if we can eliminate corruption in the transaction of the governance of our system then we can see the big difference in our society. Also I’ve learned how important it is to have Page | 160 IT-ETHIC READER

good governance in the country because most of the rich nation has a system that can counter the corruption that happened to their system. I also saw how the good governance model works. Integrative Questions: 1.

Are the poor really poor? Why or why not?


How to build a TGC?


What is the story of Andhra Pradesh e-Governance all about?


What is eSeva? What is the use of it? Expound your answer.


Can we really reduce corruption? Especially here in our country?


Book Review: Chapter 6: Development as Social Transformation Library Reference: N/A Amazon: Quote: “When the poor at the BOP are treated as consumers, they can reap the benefits of respect, choice, and self-esteem and have an opportunity to climb out of the poverty trap. As small and micro-enterprises, many of them informal, become partners to MNC’, entrepreneurs at the BOP develop real access to global markets and capital and effective transaction governance.” What I expect to learn: I expect to learn how the development can help the BOP market and how can we transform the society to be a better one. Yes, I’m confused on how can we transform the whole society because it will be tough for all of us and it will somewhat impossible here in our country. I expect to know the answers to my questions after reading this chapter. Review: Having the right person for the accountability is a big thing for a business to have the attention of the BOP market. The BOP market is the one who is the majority of the society and if you get them then your business will succeed. The companies are targeting now the BOP market because they knew that is where the real market or profit will come. The companies are seeing the BOP market to be desirable market not because they have all the money or the wealth but they have the numbers and that what are the companies are after the volume. Most of the time the companies are mistakenly thinking that they should not think about their country because they are already earning but they are wrong. What’s the use of targeting the BOP market if they don’t have the means to buy your products? If the company wants to have buyers of their products then they should help out the government to improve or eliminate corruption in the system. The companies should see first how important a nation is before proceeding to earning a lot of profit. The companies should act and do things according to their social responsibility. Yes, the companies can never gain any profit from helping out the community but they can earn the trust and respect of the community. if the companies have the trust and respect of their consumers, I know their product will be patronized by them and it will be the start of exploring or gaining momentum in your BOP markets.


What I’ve learned: I’ve learned how the private companies should interact with the BOP market. I’ve also learned how to break the communication barriers of the BOP market with business sector and to the government. I also notice how important to have check and balance of powers in the government and in the private organizations. Integrative Questions: 1.

How important in a BOP market to have a social transformation?

2. How can you break the communication barrier between the government, the business and the BOP market? 3.

Why women are critical in succeeding your Bop market?


How important is to have check and balance in the society?


How can you make your pyramid market into a diamond shaped market?


VI. Acknowledgement I would like to thank our professor Mr. Paul Pajo becausewithout his guidance we wouldn’t finish this reader. I also like thank my friends for helping me finishing this reader. Most especially, I thank God for giving me this knowledge so that I can share this with others.


VII. Reference • KK5ZE08kMMg&sig2=IGMvPoDQMXvLJloXhCUi2Q


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