Anl Itethic Reader

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  • Words: 60,848
  • Pages: 212
An Information Ethic Book For Ethic Reader By: VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M BS-IS (O0A)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Philippines License.

Table of Contents Contents Dedication Preface The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid Products and Services for the BOP BOP: A Global Opportunity The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation Reducing Corruption: Transaction Governance Capacity Development as Social Transformation

The Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics Foundations of Information Ethic Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics Moral Methodology and Information Technology Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies Online Anonymity Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counterhacking Information Ethics and the Library Profession Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues

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Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty Ethical Issues of Information and Business Responsibilities for Information on the Internet Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues The Ethics of Cyber Conflict A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment—A SoDIS Inspection Regulation and Governance of the Internet Information Overload Email Spam The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why, and If Intellectual Property: Legal and Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing Censorship and Access to Expression The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the Future Intercultural Information Ethics

Cyber Ethics Ethics and the Information Revolution Ethics On-Line Reason, Relativity, and Responsibility in Computer Ethics Disclosive Computer Ethics Gender and Computer Ethics Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and Theories to IT Contexts Just Consequentialism and Computing The Internet as Public Space The Laws of Cyberspace

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Of Black Holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace Fahrenheit 451.2 Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique PICS: Internet Access Controls without Censorship Internet Service Providers and Defamation: New Standards of Liability Digital Millennium Copyright Act Note on the DeCSS Trial A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good Is Copyright Ethical an Examination of the Theories, Laws, and Practices Regarding the Private On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Piracy An Ethical Evaluation of Web Site Linking The Cathedral and the Bazaar Towards A Theory of Piracy for the Information Age The Structure of Rights in Directive 95 46 EC Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: Challenges of Information Technology KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness Data Mining and Privacy Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and Distributive Justice Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age

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Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are Worse than None at All Subsumption Ethics Ethical Issues in Business Computing The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting the Virtues

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PREFACE This compilation contains all my requirements in Information Technology Ethics (ITETHIC) Class at De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde during my ninth term, second term of school year 2008-2009. This compilation includes Book Reviews in Contemporary Moral Problems, Cyber Ethics, Handbook of Information Ethics and Bottom of the Pyramid. The following chapters came from my own opinion and lastly the Final Paper for Information Technology Ethics which we analyzed, designed, and proposed a system. After all difficulties I experienced, finally, I can say that all the time I sacrificed is worth it. I’m proud to say that I accomplished something done with my mind, heart and soul. Applying the learning that I learned from Information Technology Ethics class, I successfully completed all of these. I am considering this compilation as a reward for you. It is a privilege that somebody can read my compilation. It is a great experience that I’ve done all of these in a short period of time. It is an honor that my works are now in your hands. Please be reminded that all of my works here are based on my own opinions and ideas. If there are some conflicts between my opinion and your opinion, please bare with it. I will also respect what’s on your mind. I hope that you enjoy reading my compilation. Thank You!

VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M BS-IS (O0A)

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DEDICATION To my dearest Family They gave me an inspiration and support in doing this work. They allot time for discussing some points with me. The never ending human alarm clock that let me awake to do this work.

To my friends They never give up doing it as well as their support. They encouragement and willingness to respect my opinions and ideas about certain issues.

To our professors, especially Mr Paul Pajo They challenged my patience for all my responsibilities in my school works and for giving me an opportunity to express my perspective in Information Technology Ethics.

Lastly, to God, He gave me strength and light in all challenges that I overcome.

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Bottom of the Pyramid  The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid

 Products and Services for the BOP

 BOP: A Global Opportunity

 The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation

 Reducing Corruption: Transaction Governance Capacity

 Development as Social Transformation

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TITLE: The Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid (Chapter 1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Contrary to the popular view, BOP consumers are getting connected and networked. They are rapidly exploiting the benefits of information networks. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know to what market is portrayed for the bottom of the pyramid.


I want to learn how to have a market at the bottom of the pyramid.


I want to learn the key or strategic key for establishing a market at the bottom of the pyramid.

REACTION: I am bothered with the status of the financial crisis in the country, not only in the Philippines, but also to the different countries over the world who suffers in great poverty. When I have seen the campaigns to help those people who live on far less than $2 a day, I have these confusion in mind and the question of why. Well, I cannot blame myself because I have different opinion on that side. I think people given chance to offer a help in any form such as donation is just an abuse in their selves. As I remember with what we tackle in my earlier subjects, it is good to give but keep in mind that you are helping wisely. Upon reading this chapter, I was amazed. It has presented a wiser way of helping people in need not by giving them donations. As stated in this chapter, “The purpose of this book is to change that familiar image on TV.” It is really true because there are different interpretations in any matters but through explaining and defending an opinion things become clearer to one’s mind, just like me. “What is needed is a better approach to help the poor, an approach that involves partnering with them to innovate and achieve sustainable win-win scenarios where the poor are actively engaged and, at the same time, the companies providing products and services to them are profitable.” I think it is the best line I have read from business books especially for establishing goals of a business with incline to the poor. It is really true. In order to help both parties, the poor and the growth of the companies, it is best to build programs, services or promos that are really in for them that will give them chance to experience those certain services which will not deprive their dignity as a person. There are three assumptions discuss to understand how establishing a market for the bottom of the pyramid made possible. It just helps us to have more ideas on how the market have generated from this great opinion based on the following assumptions.

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1.) The poor cannot participate in the benefits of the globalization without an active engagement and without access to products and services that represent global quality standards. 2.) The BOP, as a market, provides a new growth opportunity for the private sector and a forum for innovations. 3.) BOP markets must become an integral part of the work of the private sector. There are still different interesting topics in this chapter such as the notions that BOP are brand conscious, BOP is connected, BOP consumers accept advanced technology readily and other stuff that describes the aspects connected to BOP. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned that BOP is really a market to focus on because most of the population in any countries belongs in here.


I have discover that the notion of brand conscious are especially pertains to the BOP but not to those people who belong in the upper level of the pyramid.


I understand now that all of the people are important in any market.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the effect of the collaboration of poor, civil society organizations, governments, and large firms? 2. How can the distribution of wealth and the capacity to generate income in the world be captured? 3. What does urban concentration represents? 4. How can the BOP convert into a consumer market? 5. What are the Three A’s?

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TITLE: Products and Services for the BOP (Chapter 2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The poor as a market are 5 billions strong. This means that solutions that we develop cannot be based on the same patterns of resource use that we expect to use in developed countries. Solutions must be sustainable and ecologically friendly. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about the BOP.


I want to know the different products and services for the BOP.


I want to understand how companies generate their ideas of creating products and services for consumers that belong in BOP.

REACTION: Considering the different products and services that are been derived today it is very difficult to distinguish which is which for those customers who can avail it according to what category they involved or belonged to. Different portfolios of products and services have been generated which sometimes design just for the Western markets. As we all know, the Western markets are those people who belong in the upper level of the pyramid. BOP markets become more emerge with the different possibilities of replicating the developed country models which result to unsatisfactory results. The sustainability of the different facilities for operating the completion of certain products and services in the Western are no longer existing because of the unaffordable expenses in continuing the operation of the business especially Western. In creating a strategy for BOP market as a target, a company must score there certain programs to a certain criteria which if it scored 7 or greater than 7 then the program or strategy will surely succeed in targeting the BOP market. There are twelve principles of innovation for BOP markets and inputs from me to express how I understand each principles of innovation: 1.) Price Performance – Mostly market is very careful in choosing certain products and services which is nowadays applied because of the financial crisis in which the price is carefully and reasonably for anything. A certain market wants to assure that whatever they purchase is worth for their money and become valuable for mostly BOP market. 2.) Innovation – People do resist changing especially for new system but the market especially BOP become more optimistic and requires innovation which is because they want to still be with the technology. This is the reason why there are people

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or certain companies who developed and manufactured products and services with innovative value added. 3.) Scale of Operations – Target market is dependent on the volume which becomes a basis for returns on investment. Mostly BOP markets are poor and small yet there are only few BOP markets that are large and big enough. 4.) Sustainable Development – The solution that we develop cannot be based on the same patterns of resources use that we expect to use in developed countries. 5.) Identifying Functionality – Functionality are required in products and services in the market especially the BOP market which might be different from that available in the developed market. 6.) Process Innovation – It is a critical step in making products and services affordable for the poor. It answers the question how to deliver which is important than what to deliver. 7.) Deskilling of Work – There is a shortage of talent which means in a company’s products and services it does not require much of talent, skills and knowledge before you can use or acquire certain functionality of certain products and services. 8.) Education of Customers – Innovation in BOP markets requires significant investments in educating customers on the appropriate use and the benefits of specific products and services. 9.) Designing for Hostile Infrastructure – Mostly, BOP markets exists in a hostile infrastructure because the products and services you offer to market must fit to their environment. 10.) Interfaces – In any aspect today, interface especially design must be carefully thought through to encourage the BOP market because interface is the key for the market to embrace your products and services offered. 11.) Distribution – A way to reach your products and services to market especially BOP market is a challenged to corporation because there are different factors why the access on customer or markets have certain problems encountered. 12.) Challenges the Conventional Wisdom – The success in BOP markets will break the existing paradigms. In all aspect every success in a certain goal will affect not only the existing paradigm but also creates new paradigm. These twelve principles of innovation for BOP markets can be used in determining whether a certain program is fit for the BOP markets which can help corporations or companies to have a strong determination and guide in constructing a certain strategy for the BOP. It will help all individuals not only corporation or big company to construct or develop a strategy for the BOP market.

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I discovered that products and services rendered by the market are still considered or affected by the levels of the pyramid.


I learned the twelve principles of innovation for BOP markets.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the effect of involvement in BOP markets? 2. What are the twelve principles of innovation for BOP markets? 3. What does the new philosophy of innovation for the BOP market requires? 4. What can be an effect of active participation in BOP markets? 5. How is the design of interface important to be considering carefully?

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TITLE: BOP: A Global Opportunity (Chapter 3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The benefits of operating at the BOP, therefore, do not just accrue in local markets. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the opportunities presented or developed for BOP.


I want to learn the different ways in determining opportunities especially for BOP.


I want to understand how BOP becomes a global opportunity.

REACTION: In this chapter, it states that because of certain events that yield to emerging evidence, it formulates or identifies four distinct sources of opportunity for a large firm which invests time and energy to comprehend and cater to the BOP market: 1. Some BOP markets are large and attractive as stand-alone entities. 2. Many local innovations can be leveraged across other BOP markets, creating a global opportunity for local innovations. 3. Some innovations from the BOP markets will find applications in developed markets. 4. Lessons from the BOP markets can influence the management practices of global firms. Large firms have two ways to engage the BOP market which are either through a traditional approach and developed approach. In the traditional approach, it is to start from the business model honed in the developed markets which result in fine-tuning current products and services and management practices. The developed approach is to start from a deep understanding of the nature and the requirements of the BOP and then architect the business models and the management processes around these requirements. In BOP market, there is a concept of learning to grow in which through time the products and services also technologies and the concepts of systems changes. In many issues, change is constant so in BOP market, the effect of change is in the growing stage. Comparing the different curve from time to time, before it is “S” curve which it is a model for the diffusion of new products and services in the developed countries in the world. But, now, the “I” curve challenges the status quo and the entire management process in most large firms is geared for slow growth.

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I learned the four distinct opportunities that the BOP offers to big firms today.


I learned the different approach as well as the curve that exist in the system today.


I learned the lessons from the BOP markets.


I learned the three premises in the system.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the four distinct sources of opportunity for a large firm? 2. What are the two ways in which large firms tend to engage the BOP market? 3. What is the difference of the “S” curve from the “I” curve? 4. What are the three premises of the system? 5. What are the lessons for MCNs from the BOP markets?

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TITLE: The Ecosystem for Wealth Creation (Chapter 4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: A market-based ecosystem is a framework that allows private sector and social actors to act together and create wealth in a symbiotic relationship. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the ecosystem for wealth creation.


I want to learn the different components of an ecosystem.


I want to understand when an ecosystem is considered for wealth creation.

REACTION: In this chapter, it states that in the previous chapter of the BOP there is a need for building an ecosystem for wealth creation and social development at the BOP. It shows few attempts to focus on the symbiotic nature of the relationships between various private sector and social institutional players which can lead to a rapid development of markets at the BOP. The author states that a market-based ecosystem is a framework that allows private sector and social actors to act together and create wealth in a symbiotic relationship. It discusses that an ecosystem should consist of a wide variety of institutions coexisting and complementing each other; each constituent has a role to play and dependent to each other. Yet in different countries there are different ecosystems because of the various components to define an ecosystem. Ecosystem for developing country are affected by competitive conditions, availability of new technologies, nature of resource endowments and educational infrastructure which works differently to have a developed country such as a country of India, a company does not have a legal control over the entire ecosystem nor does have direct influence on all the elements of the system. However, a company provides the framework, the intellectual direction, and the processes by which the system is governed and operated. This chapter illustrates three steps in creating a transaction governance capacity based on the marketing ecosystem: 1. Help the poor understand that there is a win-win situation for them and the firm by respecting contracts. 2. The private sector can reduce the asymmetries in information, choice, ability to enforce contracts, and social standing.

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3. The companies start with understanding the rationale for the contracting system: how and why it reduces transaction costs and reduces the cost of capital as well as increases access to capital. In any development, the goal is to bring as many as possible to enjoy the benefits of an inclusive market. The impact of the market-based ecosystem and the role of the nodal company can be very important in developing the disciplines of the market. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned how they define the ecosystem.


I learned the four sources of friction on the system.


I learned the different components of ecosystem.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is an ecosystem? 2. What are the different components of ecosystem? 3. What are the four sources of friction in the system? 4. What are the three bases of assumptions in building governance? 5. What are the three steps in creating a transaction governance capacity based on marketing ecosystem?

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TITLE: Reducing Corruption: Transaction Governance Capacity (Chapter 5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Transaction governance capacity is about making the entire process as transparent as possible and consistently enforced. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn the ways in reducing corruption in the market or ecosystem.


I want to know if there are different factors that lead an ecosystem into corruption.


I want to understand how corruption takes place and when does corruption considered as a corruption.

REACTION: Corruption takes place not only in the market, as seen from today’s government, it is really obvious in the society today, especially in our country: Philippines. From the previous chapter, the author specifies, there are certain groups of opportunities from the BOP in which managers of the big corporation has been convinced yet there are still lingering doubts about the ability of large firms to operate in markets such as the BOP. As categorized or emphasized by the author in this market is the CORRUPTION. As stated in this chapter, developing countries do not fully recognize the real costs of corruption and its impact on private sector development and poverty alleviation because those developed countries did not understand or observe the corruption which I think there is a notion that if people do not suffer or experienced certain poverty then they did not observed or intrigue issue of corruption which means there are no rooms for questions because all are doing great or well as planned due to prosperity. In this chapter, it identifies four basic assumptions that have been at the core of the thinking on poverty reduction and developmental assistance during the past 30 years: 1. Poor countries are poor because they lack resources. 2. Aid from rich countries to the governments of the poor countries for specific projects would reduce poverty. 3. Investments in education and health care might have the largest multipliers per dollar of investment in economic development. 4. The record of aid and loans from the various donor countries and the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and other institutions is at best mixed.

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Based on the different scenarios from different countries, conclusions have been derived which are the following: 1. All forms of foreign investment in poor countries are but a fraction of the potential for capital that is trapped in these countries. 2. In the absence of enforceable contract law, local commerce is conducted by a vibrant extra legal or informal sector. 3. There are contract enforcement systems that are local. This chapter identifies fourfold of specifications for TGC which is about the creating transparency and eliminating uncertainly and risk in commercial transactions. There are the four specifications: 1. A system of laws that allows for ownership and transfer of property. 2. A process for changing the laws governing property rights that is clear and unambiguous. 3. As societies become more complex, a system of regulations that accommodates complex transactions. 4. Institutions that allows the laws to be implemented fairly, in a timely fashion and with transparency. I was stricken in this chapter, the corruption is bound to increase in the near time, peaking and then steadily declining to near-zero levels. Once the system is fully operational, it is difficult to change the data in the system. All entries will leave a trail, indicating who as well as when. This level of scrutiny and openness will reduce the opportunities for corruption. I just noticed that there are certain changes in the world today that are bounded of corruption. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned how they define the ecosystem.


I learned the four sources of friction on the system.


I learned the different components of ecosystem.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is an ecosystem? 2. What are the different components of ecosystem? 3. What are the four sources of friction in the system? 4. What are the three bases of assumptions in building governance?

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5. What are the three steps in creating a transaction governance capacity based on marketing ecosystem?

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TITLE: Development as Social Transaction (Chapter 6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: It is the growing evidence of opportunity, role models and real signals of change that allow people to change their aspirations. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know why development serves as a social transformation.


I want to understand how to gain access to knowledge.


I want to learn why women are critical for development.


I want to know why it is necessary to break down barriers to communication.

REACTION: When the poor at the Bop treated as consumers, they can reap the benefits of respect, choice and self esteem and have an opportunity to climb out of the poverty trap. The capabilities also to solve also to solve the perennial problem of poverty through profitable business at the BOP are now available to most nations as illustrated in this chapter however converting the poor into a market will require innovation. There are three transitions that stated in this chapter, first, we demonstrated that the BOP the poor can be a market. Second, once we accept the BP markets as a market, the only way to serve that market is to innovate. The BOP demands a range of innovations in products and services, business models, and management processes. Third, these innovations must be accompanied by increased TGC, making the government accountable to the citizens’ ad making it accessible and transparent. As Bop consumers get an opportunity to participate in a benefit from the choices of products and services made available through market mechanisms, the accompanying social and economic transformation can be very rapid. The reason for this is that BOP consumers are very entrepreneurial and can easily imagine ways in which they can use their newly found access to information, choice and infrastructure. Contrary to the popular belief, BOP consumers are always upgrading from their existing condition. BOP consumer the newly found choice in an upgrade from their current state affairs. For the BOP consumers, gaining access to modern technology and good products designed their needs in mind enables them to take a huge step in improving their quality of life. One of the common problems for those at the BOP is that they have no 'identity”. Often they are the fringe of society and do not have a “legal identity” including voter registration, drivers license or birth certificate. The instruments of legal identity that we take for granted---be it a passport or a Social Security Number is denied to them. For all

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purposes they do not exist as legal entities. Because they do not have legal existence, they cannot be the beneficiaries of a modern society. The importance of legal identity cannot be underestimated. Without it, BOP consumers cannot access we take for granted. The social transformation that is taking place in markets where the public and the private sectors have been involved at the BOP is quite impressive. BOP consumers have constantly surprised the elite with their ability to adapt and their resilience. More important social transformation is about the number of people who believe that they can aspire to middle class lifestyle. It is the growing evidence of opportunity, role models, and real signals of change that allow people to change their aspirations. LESSONS LEARNED: -

The emancipation of women is an important part of building markets at BOP. Empowered, organized, networked, and active women are changing the social fabric of society.


We need to make sure that no organization abuses its power and influence, be it corrupt governments or large firms.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. How will these changes impact life of BOP? 2. Do we need check and balance for involvement of the private sector in BOP markets can have such significant impact on social transformation? 3. What is really Social Transformation? 4. If we follow the approach what will be the impact will it have on the BOP consumer? 5. How will the lives of Bop consumers change if they will follow the approach?

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Foundations of Information Ethics  Foundations of Information Ethic  Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics  Moral Methodology and Information Technology  Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems  Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property  Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies  Online Anonymity  Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counter hacking  Information Ethics and the Library Profession  Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software  Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues  Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty  Ethical Issues of Information and Business  Responsibilities for Information on the Internet  Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation  Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues  The Ethics of Cyber Conflict  A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment—A SoDIS Inspection  Regulation and Governance of the Internet  Information Overload  Email Spam  The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why, and If  Intellectual Property: Legal and Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing  Censorship and Access to Expression  The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics  The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the Future  Intercultural Information Ethics

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TITLE: Foundations of Information Ethics (Chapter 1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Information technology affects fundamental rights involving copyright protection, intellectual freedom, accountability, and security. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know hot information ethics provides a critical framework for considering moral issues concerning informational privacy, moral agency


I want to learn the different new environmental issues involved.


I want to understand the different problems arising from the life-cycle of information especially ownership and copyright, digital divide.


I want to know how information ethics relates to the fields of computer ethics and the philosophy of information.

REACTION: An information ethics should be able to address and solve the ethical challenges arising in the infosphere. “Information Ethics” (IE) has come to mean different things to different researchers working in a variety of disciplines, including computer ethics, business ethics, medical ethics, computer. This is not surprising. Information ethics was used as a general label to discuss issues regarding information (or data) confidentiality, reliability, quality, and usage. Not surprisingly, the disciplines involved were initially library and information science and business and management studies. They were only later joined by information technologies studies. It is easy to see that this initial interest in information ethics was driven by concern about information as a resource that should be managed efficiently, effectively, and fairly. The emergence of the information society has further expanded the scope of IE. The more people have become accustomed to living and working immersed within digital environments, the easier it has become to unveil new ethical issues involving informational realities. RPT model shows that idiosyncratic versions of IE, which privilege only some limited aspects of the information cycle, are unsatisfactory. We should not use the model to attempt to pigeonhole problems neatly, which is impossible. A transition system is interactive when the system and its environment (can) act upon each other. A transition system is autonomous when the system is able to change state without direct response to interaction, that is, it can perform internal transitions to change its state. Finally, a transition system is adaptable when the system’s interactions (can) change the transition rules by which it changes state.

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By distinguishing between moral responsibility, which requires intentions, consciousness, and other mental attitudes, and moral accountability, we can now avoid anthropocentric and anthropomorphic attitudes toward agent hood. Promoting normative action is perfectly reasonable even when there is no responsibility but only moral accountability and the capacity for moral action. The duty of any moral agent should be evaluated in terms of contribution to the sustainable blooming of the infosphere, and any process, action, or event that negatively affects the whole infosphere—not just an informational object—should be seen as an increase in its level of entropy and hence an instance of evil. Moral mistakes may occur and entropy may increase if one wrongly evaluates the impact of one’s actions because projects conflict or compete, even if those projects aim to satisfy IE moral laws. LESSONS LEARNED: -

“Morality is usually predicated upon responsibility.”“Humans are special moral agents.”“The term “ecopoiesis” refers to the morally informed construction of the environment, based on an ecologically oriented perspective”

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is foundation of information ethics? 2.

What are the information ethics?

3. What are the codes of information ethics? 4. What is literacy? 5. How these codes are applied?

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TITLE: Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics (Chapter 2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: We are but whirlpools in a river of ever-flowing water. We are not stuff that abides, but patterns that perpetuate themselves. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what are the milestones in the history of information and computer ethics.


I want to be familiar about who is Robert Weiner.


I want to know who are Deborah Johnson and her influential text book.


I want to understand personality of James Moor and his classic paper.


I want to observe the professional ethics approach of Donald Gotterbarn.

REACTION: In today’s “Internet age” and the search for “global information ethics,” the concepts and procedures that Wiener employed can be used to identify, analyze, and resolve social and ethical problems associated with information technologies of all kinds. Wiener based his foundation for information ethics upon a cybernetic view of human nature and of society, which leads readily to an ethically suggestive account of the purpose of a human life. From this, he identified “great principles of justice” that every society should follow, and he employed a practical strategy for analyzing and resolving information ethics issues wherever they might occur. Wiener’s cybernetic account of human nature emphasized the physical structure of the human body and the tremendous potential for learning and creative action that human physiology makes possible. Wiener’s understanding of human nature presupposed a metaphysical account of the universe that considered the world and all the entities within it, including humans, as combinations of two fundamental things: matter-energy and information. Everything is a mixture of both; and thinking, according to Wiener, is actually a kind of information processing. According to Wiener, human beings must be free to engage in creative and flexible actions that maximize their full potential as intelligent, decision-making beings in charge of their own lives. This is the purpose of a human life. Different people, of course, have various levels of talent and possibility, so one person’s achievements will differ from another’s. It is possible, though, to lead a good human life—to flourish—in an indefinitely large number of ways; Wiener’s view of the purpose of a human life led him to adopt what he called “great principles of justice” upon which a society should be

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built—principles that, he believed, would maximize a persons ability to flourish through variety and flexibility of human action. In Wiener’s words, the new information technology had placed human beings “in the presence of another social potentiality of unheard-of importance for good and for evil.” Today, the “information age” that Wiener predicted half a century ago has come into existence; and the metaphysical and scientific foundation for information ethics that he laid down can still provides insight and effective guidance for understanding and resolving many ethical challenges engendered by information technologies of all kinds. In spite of the helpfulness and success of the “human-values approach” to computer ethics, some scholars have argued that the purview of computer ethics—indeed of ethics in general—should be widened to include much more than simply human beings and their actions, intentions and characters. In the past 25 years, however, computer and information ethics has grown exponentially in the industrialized world, and today the rest of the world has begun to take notice. As the “information revolution” transforms the world in the coming decades, computer and information ethics will surely grow and flourish as well. LESSONS LEARNED: -

“THE PRINCIPLE OF FREEDOM—Justice requires “the liberty of each human being to develop in his freedom the full measure of the human possibilities embodied in him.”


“THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY—Justice requires “the equality by which what is just for A and B remains just when the positions of A and B are interchanged.”


“THE PRINCIPLE OF BENEVOLENCE—Justice requires “a good will between man and man that knows no limits short of those of humanity itself.”


“THE PRINCIPLE OF MINIMUM INFRINGEMENT OF FREEDOM—“What compulsion the very existence of the community and the state may demand must be exercised in such a way as to produce no unnecessary infringement of freedom.”


Social and ethical implications of cybernetics combined with electronic computers.


Weiner predicted that, after the War, the world would undergo “a second industrial revolution” — an “automatic age” with “enormous potential for good and for evil” that would generate a staggering number of new ethical challenges and opportunities.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics? 2. What is the history of computer?

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3. What are the opportunities of computer? 4. What is milestone? 5. What are the strategies of information of computer?

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3ITLE: Moral Methodology and Information Technology (Chapter 3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The possibility of moral thought and judgment does not depend on the provision of a suitable supply of moral principles.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand the connection/relationship of Moral Methodology and Information Technology.


I want to identify what is Applied Ethics.


I want to know what Reflective Equilibrium is and Particularism is all about.


I want to examine the connection between Applied Ethics the design turns in Applied and Value of Sensitive Design.

REACTION: According to Tavani and Himma, Computer ethics is a form of applied or practical ethics. It studies the moral questions that are associated with the development, application, and use of computers and computer science. Computer ethics exemplifies, like many other areas of applied and professional ethics, the increasing interest among professionals, public policy makers, and academic philosophers in real-life ethical questions. In this chapter it discusses that Information has special properties that make it difficult to accommodate it in conceptual frameworks concerned with tangible, material goods—their production, distribution, and use. Ethical analysis and reflection, therefore, is not simply business as usual. We need to give computers and software their place in our moral world. We need to look at the effects they have on people, how they constrain and enable us, how they change our experiences, and how they shape our thinking. The commonalities in the moral questions pertaining to these topics are more important than the differences between them. The properties of IT may require us to revisit traditional conceptualizations and conceptions of privacy, responsibility, property; but they do not require a new way of moral thinking or a radically new moral methodology, which is radically different from other fields of technology and engineering ethics. Also in this essay, it stretches point about Ethics that has seen notable changes in the course of the past 100 years. Ethics was in the beginning of the twentieth century predominantly a metaethical enterprise. It focused on questions concerning the meaning of ethical terms, such as “good” and “ought,” and on the cognitive content and

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truth of moral propositions containing them. Later, ordinary language philosophers continued the metaethical work with different means. The simplest way to be a generalist is to think that there are fairly accurate general moral rules or principles that may be captured and codified, for example, in codes of conduct, which can be applied to particular cases. General rules will necessarily contain general terms, and since general terms have an open texture that gives rise to vagueness, application may create difficulties and ambiguities. Particularists in ethics oppose the search for universally valid moral rules. They consider universally valid principles an intellectual mirage. Persons engaged in moral thinking, deliberation and decision-making typically discuss individual cases; they exercise their practical wisdom, the faculty referred to by Aristotle as phronesis, which allows one to size up situations and to identify the morally relevant and salient features of particular situations. Until now technology, engineering, and design were treated in moral philosophy as a mere supplier of thought experiments and counter-examples to arguments and theories. Traditional moral philosophy is full of science fiction and adventure, full of lifeboats and runaway trains, brains in vats, android robots, pleasure machines, brain surgery, and pills that will make one irrational on the spot. LESSONS LEARNED: -

“In real life outside philosophy textbooks, there are no identical cases, situations, persons. An obligation that arises in one case could never carry over to another case, because of the uniqueness of each individual case.


“The best procedure for ethics . . . is the going back and forth between intuitions about fairly specific situations on the one side and the fairly general principles that we formulate to make sense of our moral practice on the other, adjusting either, until eventually we bring them all into coherence.”


What is the moral methodology of IT?


What are the moral of information technology?


Defining the information technology?


What is the database of information technology?


What are the opportunities in moral methodology of IT?

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TITLE: Value Sensitive Design and Information Systems (Chapter 4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Value-Sensitive Design is primarily concerned with values that center on human well being, human dignity, justice, welfare, and human rights. Value-Sensitive Design connects the people who design systems and interfaces with the people who think about and understand the values of the stakeholders who are affected by the systems. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the relationship between unique sensitive design and information system.


I want to understand value sensitive design and information system.


I want to know what value sensitive design is all about is.

REACTION: The evaluation of past designs a critical eye on the initial design, improvement of specific designs, and the development of guidelines for designs. There is a specific design focus distinct from those methods that are focused on critique rather than design. As opposed to traditional technical approaches to socially responsible design, there is a focus on iteration and the use of legal and social scholarship to refine or correct designs that builds upon computer supported cooperative work. Design is fundamental to all human activity. At the nexus of values, attitudes, needs and actions, designers have the potential to act as a transdisciplinary integrators and facilitators. Indirect stakeholders are those individuals who are also impacted by the system, though they never interact directly with it. Identify Benefits and Harms for Each Stakeholder Group Having identified the key stakeholders, systematically identify the benefits and harms for each group. Indirect stakeholders will be benefited or harmed to varying degrees, and in some designs it is probably possible to claim every human as an indirect stakeholder of some sort. Attend to issues of technical, cognitive, and physical competency. Personas are a popular technique that can be useful for identifying the benefits and harms to each stakeholder group. Ideally, Value Sensitive Design will work in concert with organizational objectives. We stated earlier that while all values fall within its purview, Value Sensitive Design emphasizes values with ethical import. As part of an empirical investigation, it is useful to interview stakeholders to better understand their judgments about a context of use, an existing technology, or a proposed design. A semi structured interview often offers a good balance between addressing the questions of interest and gathering new and unexpected insights.

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“There is a growing interest and challenge to address values in design. Our goal in this chapter has been to provide enough detail about Value Sensitive Design so that other researchers and designers can critically examine, use, and extend this approach”


“Unanticipated values and value conflicts often emerge after a system is developed and deployed. Thus, when possible, design flexibility into the underlying technical architecture so that it can be responsive to such emergent concerns”

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Why we design things and processes? 2. What are the effects on what and how we design? 3. What are the nexus of values, attitudes, needs and actions, designers? 4. Is there a specific design? 5. What are the different kinds of design?

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TITLE: Personality-Based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of Intellectual Property (Chapter 5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “Personality must be permitted to be active, that is to say, to bring its will to bear and reveal its significance to the world; for culture can thrive only if persons are able to express themselves, and are in a position to place all their inherent capacities at the command of their will” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what is Intellectual property is all about?


I want to understand what is the Personality-Based Justification of Intellectual Property?


I want to be familiar with the Rule of Utilitarian Incentives based on the Intellectual Property.


I want to know what Lockean Justification of Intellectual Property.


I want to know the Alternatives for Patent and Copyright.

REACTION: In this chapter, the author discuss about the intellectual property which is generally characterized as nonphysical property that is the product of cognitive processes and whose value is based upon some idea or collection of ideas. Typically, rights do not surround the abstract nonphysical entity, or res, of intellectual property; rather, intellectual property rights surround the control of physical manifestations or expressions. Systems of intellectual property protect rights to ideas by protecting rights to produce and control physical embodiments of those ideas. They identifies that personality-based defenders maintain that intellectual property is an extension of individual personality. Personality theorists, like Hegel, maintain that individuals have moral claims over their own talents, feelings, character traits, and experiences. Control over physical and intellectual objects is essential for self actualization— by expanding our self outward beyond our own minds and mixing with tangible and intangible items—we both define ourselves and obtain control over our goals and projects. There are at least four problems, categorized and interpreted in this c\section, with this view.17 First, it is not clear that we own our feelings, character traits, and experiences. Second, even if it could be established that individuals own or have moral claims to their personality it does not automatically follow that no such claims are expanded when personalities become infused in tangible or intangible works. Third, assuming that moral claims to personality could be expanded to tangible or intangible items we would still need an argument justifying property rights. Finally, there are many

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intellectual innovations in which there is no evidence of the creator’s personality. A list of costumers or a new safety pin may contain no trace of personality. Trade secret protection appears to be the most troubling from an incentives-based perspective. Given that no disclosure is necessary for trade secret protection, there are no beneficial trade-offs between promoting behavior through incentives and long term social benefit. The rule utilitarian has provided the outlines of an argument for protecting the intellectual efforts of authors and inventors. Although this result does not yield a specific set of rules, it does provide a general reply to the epistemological worry that confronts incentives-based justifications of intellectual property. LESSONS LEARNED: -

“Rule-utilitarian incentives-based justifications of intellectual property are stronger, although much depends on empirical claims that are difficult to determine”


“So long as no harm is done—the proviso is satisfied—the prima facie claims that labor and effort may generate turn into property claims.”

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What justly can be reduced to property? 2. What are the conditions there are no good reasons for not granting property rights in possessions? 3. What is the limited capacity of humans put a natural ceiling? 4. How much each individual may appropriate through labor? 5. What is the condition prohibits the accumulation?

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TITLE: Informational Privacy: Concepts, Theories, and Controversies (Chapter 6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: From a practical point of view, it might seem fruitful to approach privacy-related issues and concerns simply from the vantage point of various stipulated interests. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to further learn and understand the concept of privacy.


I want to analyze four distinct kinds of privacy: physical, decisional, psychological, and informational privacy.


I want to evaluates some classic and contemporary theories of informational privacy, including the restricted access and control theories

REACTION: Privacy can be as understood as a unitary concept that is basic and thus capable of standing on its own; others have argued that privacy is best understood as a “derivative” concept. It is perhaps worth noting at this point that the debate about how privacy is best defined is closely related to the question of whether privacy should be viewed as a fullfledged right, or simply in terms of one or more interests that individuals have. Privacy is sometimes conceived of as freedom from interference in one’s personal choices, plans, and decisions; many now refer to this view as decisional privacy. In this view, one has decisional privacy to the extent that one enjoys freedom from interferences affecting these kinds of choices. Whereas the no intrusion account defines privacy in terms of being let alone with respect to invasions involving physical space (including invasions affecting one’s home, papers, effects, and so forth), the noninterference view focuses on the kinds of intrusions that can affect one’s ability to make important decisions without external interference or coercion. Today however, digitized information is stored electronically in computer databases, which takes up very little storage space and can be collected with relative ease. This is further exacerbated by the speed at which information can be exchanged between databases. Now, of course, records can be transferred between electronic databases in milliseconds through high-speed cable lines. With respect to concerns about the duration of information, that is, how long information can be kept, consider that before the information era, information was manually recorded and stored in file cabinets and then in large physical repositories. They identifies that personality-based defenders maintain that intellectual property is an extension of individual personality. Personality theorists, like Hegel, maintain that individuals have moral claims over their own talents, feelings, character traits, and experiences. Control over physical and intellectual objects is essential for self actualization— by expanding our self outward beyond our own minds and mixing with

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tangible and intangible items—we both define ourselves and obtain control over our goals and projects. There are at Personal information, retrieved from transactional information that is stored in computer databases, has been used to construct electronic dossiers, containing detailed information about an individual’s commercial transactions, including purchases made and places traveled—information that can reveal patterns in a person’s preferences and habits. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Privacy is conceived of as a “utility” in that it can help to preserve human dignity.


Informational privacy concerns can affect many aspects of an individual’s life – from commerce to healthcare to work to recreation.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is perspective privacy? 2. How to determine privacy? 3. Is privacy is ought to be right? 4. Is there a moral, legal or otherwise? 5. Is privacy helping us to understand?

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TITLE: Online Anonymity (Chapter 7) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: More strictly, and in reference to an arbitrary within a well-defined set (called the "anonymity set"), "anonymity" of that element refers to the property of that element of not being identifiable within this set. If it is not identifiable, then the element is said to be "anonymous". LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand the concept of anonymity and distinguish the different ethical issues in information technology.


I want to learn more about globalization and different online activity.


I want to know the purpose and ethics anonymity.


I want to know concepts of anonymity.

REACTION: In this chapter it discusses about anonymity has sometimes been taken to mean “unname-ability” or “namelessness,” but that is somewhat too narrow a definition. Anonymity presupposes social or communicative relations. In other words, it is relative to social contexts in which one has the capacity to act, affect or be affected by others, or in which the knowledge or lack of knowledge of whom a person is relevant to their acting, affecting, or being affected by others. The author stretched another point of Anonymity which is non identifiably by others by virtue of their being unable to coordinate some known trait(s) with other traits such that the person cannot be identified; it is a form of non identifiably by others to whom one is related or with whom one shares a social environment, even if only or primarily by virtue of the effects of one’s actions. Anonymity defined as non identifiably by virtue of non coordination of traits is a general definition of anonymity that is intended to encompass any specific form of anonymity. Anonymity is achievable because there are ways in which persons can deliberately set up mechanisms by which to block the coordination of their traits with others. But anonymity may also occur “spontaneously,” as noted earlier. In some contexts, for instance in complex modern life, where persons may occupy many social orders that do not overlap or are not connected with one another, traits that identify a person in one social order may not be readily coordinately with traits that are salient in another social order. Also, in this chapter includes the topic about computer-mediated or online communication may facilitate communication, participation and exploration of the self, or the development of free political speech that might not otherwise be possible or

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recognized. Regarding the expression of self, the proliferation of personal websites and creation of personal profiles, especially, among teenagers, may be indicative of new avenues of self-expression and risk-free experimentation with adopting various personae in the development of personality. While online communication may not alter the basic ethical issues involved in stalking, it may both enhance methods of protection for the stalked and the scope of the abilities of the stalker. The author shares that online communication and self-expression may facilitate forms of interaction that could be beneficial to human and cultural experience, albeit in different ways and in different respects. However, there are risks. Given the international character of the Internet, there might also be concerns raised about anonymous speech in so far as it could create problems for enforcement of libel and intellectual property law. However, in other contexts what matters is that both anonymity and pseudonymity are concepts that are, among other things, concerned with hiding a person's legal identity. In such contexts people may not distinguish between anonymity and pseudonymity. The problem of determining whether or not the identity of a communication partner is the same as one previously encountered is the problem of authentication. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Electronic conversational media can provide physical isolation, in addition to anonymity.


It can be beneficial when discussing very private matters, or taboo subjects or expressing views or revealing facts which may put someone in physical, financial, or legal danger

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Anonymity in charity? 2. What is the referring to the anonymous? 3. What are the Anonymity and the press? 4. Define the Anonymity on the Internet? 5. Why Anonymity and politics involve?

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TITLE: Ethical Issues Involving Computer Security: Hacking, Hacktivism, and Counterhacking (Chapter 8) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The objective of computer security can include protection of information from theft or corruption, or the preservation of availability, as defined in the security policy. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn and understand ethical issues involving computers security: hacking, hacktivism, and counterchecking.


I want to understand the similarities of the concept hacking, hacktivism and counter hacking.

REACTION: In this chapter, it states that moral rights are not, however, absolute. If I may trespass to capture a fleeing killer, then a person’s right to property can be outweighed by more important rights when they conflict; property rights are weaker, for example, than the right to life. Similarly, a person’s privacy rights can be outweighed by other more important interests; a person might, for example, be obligated to disclose sensitive information if needed to ensure another person’s safety. Thus, the mere fact that a person has property and privacy rights in her computer does not imply that all unauthorized intrusions are impermissible. It also includes the issue of many hackers believe benign intrusions not calculated to cause damage can be justified on the strength of a variety of considerations. Such considerations include the social benefits resulting from such intrusions; speech rights requiring the free flow of content; and principles condemning waste. Hackers have also defended benign intrusions on the ground that they make use of computing resources that would otherwise go to waste. On this line of reasoning, it is morally permissible to do what is needed to prevent valuable resources from going to waste; benign hacking activity is justified on the strength of a moral principle that condemns squandering valuable resources in a world of scarcity in which there are far more human wants than resources to satisfy them. The author explains that if it is wrong to appropriate someone’s car without her permission to prevent waste, then there is no general moral principle that justifies infringing property rights to prevent waste and hence none that would justify hacking to prevent waste. One of the key issues in evaluating whether an act of hacktivism is morally justified is the extent to which the act harms the interests of innocent third parties. In thinking about this issue, it is important to reiterate that the context being assumed here is a morally legitimate democratic system that protects the right of free expression and thus affords persons a variety of avenues for expressing their views that do not impact the interests of innocent third parties.

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There is a difference between claiming responsibility for an act and being willing to accept the legal consequences of that act. One can claim responsibility without coming forward to accept the legal consequences of one’s act. One can do this by giving some sort of pseudonym instead of one’s real name or by attributing the act to a group that protects the names of its members. Although such a claim of responsibility signals an ethical motivation, this is not tantamount to being willing to accept responsibility. According to the author, it is important to realize that the risk that active responses will impact innocent persons and their machines is not purely “theoretical.” Sophisticated attackers usually conceal their identities by staging attacks from innocent machines that have been compromised through a variety of mechanisms. Most active responses will have to be directed, in part, at the agent machines used to stage the attack. Accordingly, it is not just possible that any efficacious response will impact innocent persons, it is nearly inevitable—something that anyone sophisticated enough to adopt an active response is fairly presumed to realize. LESSONS LEARNED: -

The Defense Principle: It is morally permissible for one person to use force to defend herself or other innocent persons against an attack provided that (1) such force is proportional to the force used in the attack or threat; (2) such force is necessary either to repel the attack or threat or to prevent it from resulting in harm; and (3) such force is directed only at persons who are the immediate source of the attack or threat.


The Evidentiary Principle: It is morally permissible for one person A to take action under a moral principle P only if A has adequate reason for thinking that all of P.s application-conditions are satisfied.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Why computer hacking? 2. What are the codes of computer security? 3. Why computer needs security code? 4. What are the effects of computer hacking? 5. Define computer security?

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TITLE: Information Ethics and the Library Profession (Chapter 9) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: In addition to its holdings of relevant books and leading periodicals, the library contains a comprehensive collection of codes of ethics, many now available online, and an extensive collection of materials on other centers. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to distinguish the connection of the two topics.


I want to know how children access to the information.


I want to understand the core value of librarian profession.


I want to know what is classification and labeling with regards to this topic.

REACTION: In this chapter, the mission of the librarian as an information provider and the core value that gives this mission its social importance. Of course, librarians face the standard ethical issues that arise in any profession, but our focus here will be on those issues that arise in relation to the role of the librarian as an information provider. Librarians are particularly well placed to help people gain the knowledge they seek. While librarians may not be “subject specialists” in all of the areas that a patron might have an interest, they are “information specialists.” It discusses certain issues such as the libraries and free public libraries in particular, are fundamental to providing this environment. And, librarianship really is a noble profession insofar as it is devoted to fostering such an environment. Librarians are suited to do this job due to their training in how to find and evaluate information resources. They can promote the development of reflective skills both by providing access to a broad range of quality resources, and by providing information about how to sort through the resources that are available. “The idea that libraries ought to be defending the most expansive conception of free speech is hard to defend on democratic grounds. Most people in this society are in favor of some content-based censorship and believe that obscenity, disclosure of national secrets, corporate and commercial speech, and speech likely to create an imminent threat to public safety are all legitimately restricted by the state. Another point is stretched which is if being a professional means anything, it means making decisions based on one’s professional judgment. Thus, any account of neutrality in selection must be distinct from mere nonjudgmental. One way to understand the call for neutrality is that the selector must put aside or “bracket” his or her personal beliefs

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and values when evaluating an information source for the purposes of making a selection decision. It is important to distinguish the “neutral point of view” from the “balance” concept of neutrality. It has been noted by those working in journalism that balance can lead to a false impression. It may simply reinforce the preexisting prejudices of the culture or it may treat a well-established theory or fact as if it was a mere “opinion.” Libraries by their very nature shape the ways in which we access information. If they did not do this, they would have little use. A big room with all the books and other information stuffed in at random with no way of sorting through it would be relatively useless. This shaping may be intentional, or it may simply be an artifact of the way in which the sorting system has been set up. Nevertheless, a library is an intermediary between the person who wishes to access some information and the information. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Librarians have a special concern for the free flow of information and ideas. The American Library Association has set forth its views in such policy statements as the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Has a special responsibility to maintain the principles of the Library Bill of Right? 2. Should learn and faithfully execute the policies of the institution of which one is a part and should endeavor to change those which conflict with the spirit of the Library Bill of Right? 3. Must protect the essential confidential relationship which exists between a library user and the library? 4. Must avoid any possibility of personal financial gain at the expense of the employing institution? 5. Has an obligation to insure equality of opportunity and fair judgment of competence in actions dealing with staff appointments, retentions, and promotions. ?

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TITLE: Ethical Interest in Free and Open Source Software (Chapter 10) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The open-source culture has an elaborate but largely an admitted set of ownership customs. These customs regulate those who can modify software, the circumstances under which it can be modified, and (especially) who has the right to redistribute modified versions back to the community LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what are the ethical interest in free and OSS


I want to understand why OSS flourishes.


I want to determine the motivations of OSS developers.

REACTION: In this chapter it discuss that free software stems from the close ties that early software developers had with academia. As the software industry began to mature, the bond with academia and its ideals of sharing research results weakened. “Extracting money from users of a program by restricting their use of it is destructive because the restrictions reduce the amount and the ways that the program can be used. This reduces the amount of wealth that humanity derives from the program” According to Raymond, programmers who participate in this bazaar style of development know the value of reusable code; can start over and throw away the first solution; can keep an open mind and find interesting projects that they want to code; treat users as co developers and listen to them; keep the beta test base large so that problems will find a solution; use smart data structures; and can ask a different question, or try a different approach when a wall is hit. “The reputation incentives continue to operate whether or not a craftsman is aware of them; thus, ultimately, whether or not a hacker understands his own behavior as part of the reputation game, his behavior will be shaped by that game” “In the hacker community, one’s work is one’s statement. There’s a very strict meritocracy (the best craftsmanship wins) and there’s a strong ethos that quality should (indeed must) be left to speak for itself. The best brag is code that .just works and that any competent programmer can see is good stuff”. In this chapter, the author shares knowledge about an open source developer has increased autonomy compared to a corporate developer. Whereas the corporate developer might find a supportive social structure to take a project in new direction, the social structure in the Open Source community works to suppress this type of entrepreneurial endeavor. Both open source and proprietary developers share the professional ethical responsibility to develop solid, well-tested code.

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The distinction between Free Software and Open Source Software has had a positive effect on the software development community and on the larger online community as well. Regardless of the motivation of individual developers, it is difficult to find fault with their willingness to give their creative contributions to the world to study and adapt as the world sees fit

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Is there no Discrimination against Fields of Endeavour? 2. What is the Distribution of License? 3. How License Must Not Be Specific to a Product? 4. Why License Must Not Restrict Other Software 5. Is there no provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology or style of interface?

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TITLE: Internet Research Ethics: The Field and Its Critical Issues (Chapter 11) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The principle of justice mandates that the selection of research subjects must be the result of fair selection procedures and must also result in fair selection outcomes. The “justness” of subject selection relates both to the subject as an individual and to the subject as a member of social, racial, sexual, or ethnic groups.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what IRE is and what it is all about.


I want to understand what are the fields in Internet Research Ethics?


I want to be familiar with what are the issues involved in Internet Research Ethics.


I want to understand what the importance of IRE and Internet Research Ethics are.

REACTION: As an introduction, online existence involves a bodily abstraction which implies abstraction from bodily identity and individuality. Secondly, online existence also entails abstraction from our situational orientation which is an orientation which includes sharing time and space with others. Thirdly, online existence is presence- as well as globally-oriented. Given the bodily abstraction of online existence, the author says that digital beingwith-others tends to be ghostly-oriented. These characteristics of online existence thus help sharpen the point: ethical dilemmas of Internet research arise from the tension between the proper object of research, i.e. online existence, and bodily existence. The borderline between these two phenomena is interface communication itself. This chapter tackles about the Internet Research Ethic, it fields and all the critical issues involving to this topics. At first before reading this book I don’t have any idea ass how and what will this topic is all about, but as when I look at the topic and simply scan through this chapter there are lot’s of ideas came into my mind, and most of this ideas has really related and connected to this topic and I found out that it is really interesting. Internet Research Ethic, according to the book, is an emerging multi- and interdisciplinary field that systematically studies the ethical implications that arise from the use of the Internet as a space or locale of, and/or tool for, research. And so I think that this will applied mostly enough by lots of people in the coming years because most of the people in the future I think will rely on the cloud because if were going to take a look at the society or environment nowadays most of us depend on the information coming from the cloud because it’s easy and it really makes our life easy.

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Based on what the author says, we cannot deny the fact that if the word “Research” comes into issue, what we always thought is that we need internet as a source of the information because internet was said to be the widest source of instant information as compared to the books. But still I cannot deny the fact that books still reliable but today it is not used usually. As a result, Internet Research Ethics was still young this would really have a big help for those people who are looking for different sources for their research activities. I’ve learned also that there are three sources of IRE. One is professional ethics. Second are the social sciences and the humanities. Third is the growing body of information and computing ethics. And not only had this I’ve learned also had the two western ethical frameworks used to examine ethics from different disciplines and a lot more. LESSON LEARNED: -

Human subject’s protections models are grounded in respect for persons, as born out of the informed consent process, as well as through a consideration of risks and benefits for the individual and for the larger society.


Many online communities or environments are indeed selected based on some quality, and thus questions of justice may not apply in their strict sense; ultimately, in online research, equity/fair representation in the subject pool may not be possible.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the characteristics of online existence? 2. What are the including whole societies as weakest members or non-members of the online world. 3. Why researchers online should be aware of their own gender biases within their own culture? 4. What are the cultures that are the object of their research? 5. Is there an ethics of care and less by utilitarian and/or deontological premises that may lead either to a purely instrumental or moralist view?

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TITLE: Health Information Technology: Challenges in Ethics, Science, and Uncertainty (Chapter 12) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Without trust—newly imperiled by the belief that computers might constitute new threats to confidentiality—the expansion of health information technology is in jeopardy. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what is Privacy and Confidentiality.


I want to distinguish ‘‘The Standard View” and ‘‘Progressive Caution” with each other.


I want to understand what Prognostic Scoring Systems is.


I want to know what Diagnostic Expert Systems is.

REACTION: As an introduction, this environment also poses new challenges and opportunities for protecting individually identifiable health information. In health care, accurate and complete information about individuals is critical to providing high quality, coordinated care. If individuals and other participants in a network lack trust in electronic exchange of information due to perceived or actual risks to individually identifiable health information or the accuracy and completeness of such information, it may affect their willingness to disclose necessary health information and could have life-threatening consequences. The use of computers or, more generally, information technology in the health professions is indeed a rich source of ethical issues and challenges. Ethics, a branch of philosophy, has the task of studying morality, or (generally) public accounts of the rightness or wrongness of actions. Applied or professional ethics is the analysis of moral issues that arise in, well, the professions. All professions give rise to ethical issues, not necessarily because practitioners do bad things or need to be saved from their many temptations, but because questions of appropriate action arise even in situations in which no one has done anything obviously wrong. That is, professionals encounter ethical issues and challenges in the ordinary course of their work. It is unavoidable. If we’re going to analyze or compare privacy in the computer world and in medical world we can say that they have similarities in some way. Because in computer industry we all know that information or data’s in a specific systems are used to be in private/ confidential because most techie people do not want to show off all the necessary information that they have so they need to be confidential. While in medical industry specifically in hospital, the information that they have inside their systems is also in private and confidential status because according to this chapter it needs to be secure enough for the entire patient and the management of the hospital.

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People are more or less computer savvy. But computers remain occult engines for many ordinary people—precisely those expected to make use of personal health records.


We value accuracy and efficiency, but it should be uncontroversial to hypothesize that some people are prepared, in principle, to delegate to machines that which confounds those healers.


We value control over all of this, while hoping that the tools used to manage our health require sacrifices that are not burdensome.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the early detection of infectious disease outbreaks around the country? 2. Is there an improved tracking of chronic disease management? 3. What is the Evaluation of health care based on value? 4. What are the enabled by the collection of de-identified price and quality information that can be compared? 5. Why reduce health care costs?

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TITLE: Ethical Issues of Information and Business (Chapter 13) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Ethics is arguably more about raising questions than giving answers LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to gain more knowledge about CSR.


I want to know what the business and computer ethics are.


I want to understand what are the macro level influence of business on ethics and information.

REACTION: Businesses and the economic system they work in have an important influence on ethical issues arising from information and information and communication technology. This also includes examples of issues that arise in business and computer ethics, including privacy and employee surveillance and intellectual property, as well as some macro level issues including globalization and digital divides. Business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia, descriptive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings (e.g. ethics codes, social responsibility charters). In some cases, corporations have re-branded their core values in the light of business ethical considerations (e.g. BP's "beyond petroleum" environmental tilt). The term CSR came in to common use in the early 1970s although it was seldom abbreviated. The term stakeholder, meaning those impacted by an organization's activities, was used to describe corporate owners beyond shareholders as a result of an influential book by R Freeman in 1984 Whilst there is no recognized standard for CSR, public sector organizations (the United Nations for example) adhere to the Triple Bottom Line (TBL). It is widely accepted that CSR adheres to similar principals but with no formal act of legislation.

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Businesses have a large influence on how we live our individual lives and also on how society is regulated.


Businesses are social facts, but they are also the objects of theoretical and academic attention

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is corporate social responsibility? 2. What are the issues regarding the moral rights and duties between a company and its shareholders: fiduciary responsibility, stakeholder concept vs. shareholder concept? 3. What is Ethical issues concerning relations between different companies? 4. Who are the Leadership issues: corporate governance? 5. Is there a Political contributions made by corporations?

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TITLE: Responsibilities for Information on the Internet (Chapter 14) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The same connection allows that computer to send information to servers on the network; that information is in turn accessed and potentially modified by a variety of other interconnected computers. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know why it is that ISP’s and clearly harmful and offensive information.


I want to understand what information is in general.


I want to know how this responsibilities help information on the internet becomes better.

REACTION: When referring to a database, it could refer to the content being broken up into specific fields that have been indexed to maximize search capability. Design is a criterion that surfaces frequently with regard to web pages and web sites. The pages should be properly linked externally and internally to facilitate navigation. There should not be any broken links. The design should be appropriate to the content, and maximize utility. Files and graphics should be of a size that allows them to be loaded quickly. The design should be based upon an easily-grasped hierarchy or logic. The use of frames in the web site should not result in the user becoming lost, or take up valuable screen area. The users' primary method of accessing the site should be considered. If the site is designed for network access primarily, then the greater bandwidth of that medium can be employed. If dialup modem is the primary means of access, then the site should conform to those standards. Although multimedia hardware such as graphics accelerators, better graphics cards, and sound cards are now more commonplace, site hardware requirements should be clearly identified and conform to generally-used standards. This chapter also include or discussed about the issues of responsibilities on the Internet have often been discussed in association with specific accountabilities of ISPs with regard to information (including pictures and footage) that are outright illegal or immoral. And for instance, of child pornography, illegal weapon sales, the sale of illegal drugs, and the dispersion of hate and discrimination LESSON LEARNED: -

Basic to the traditional idea of responsibility—at least when taken as retrospective responsibility—is the assignment of guilt, which is something that has to do with the identity and the character of an actor.

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Normally, the notion of moral responsibility is used in at least two ways that should be carefully distinguished. It can be used in a primarily retrospective sense and in a primarily prospective sense. The former refers to the possibility of rightfully ascribing or attributing actions or consequences of actions to agents.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. How reliable and free from error is the information? 2. Who is the author or developer of the material? 3. Who is the publisher or producer of the site? 4. Are there footnotes and/or a bibliography? 5. Is there an attempt to sway the opinion of the audience?

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TITLE: Virtual Reality and Computer Simulation (Chapter 15) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Technologically achievable concept of virtual reality. Virtual reality is easily distinguished from the experience of "true" reality; participants are never in doubt about the nature of what they experience. Simulated reality, by contrast, would be hard or impossible to distinguish from "true" reality. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Virtual reality is.


I want to understand how is Computer Simulation is done.


I want to know what the Distinction between the Virtual and the Real is.


I want to determine if the distinction is disappearing.


I want to know what are Misrepresentations, Biased Representations, and Indecent Representations.

REACTION: In a virtual-people simulation, every inhabitant is a native of the simulated world. They do not have a "real" body in the external reality. Rather, each is a fully simulated entity, possessing an appropriate level of consciousness that is implemented using the simulation's own logic (i.e. using its own physics). As such, they could be downloaded from one simulation to another, or even archived and resurrected at a later date. It is also possible that a simulated entity could be moved out of the simulation entirely by means of mind transfer into a synthetic body. Another way of getting an inhabitant of the virtual reality out of its simulation would be to "clone" the entity, by taking a sample of its virtual DNA and create a real-world counterpart from that model. The result would not bring the "mind" of the entity out of its simulation, but its body would be born in the real world. The simplest form of virtual reality is a 3-D image that can be explored interactively at a personal computer, usually by manipulating keys or the mouse so that the content of the image moves in some direction or zooms in or out. More sophisticated efforts involve such approaches as wrap-around display screens, actual rooms augmented with wearable computers, and haptics devices that let you feel the display images. Virtual reality can be divided into: The simulation of a real environment for training and education and the development of an imagined environment for a game or interactive story These things have capabilities to interact, attract and teach people enough as too how it will benefit or affect them in so many ways. That’s why it is true enough that the user could navigate and interact with simulated environments through the data suit and

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data glove, items that tracked the positions and motions of body parts and allowed the computer to modify its output depending on the recorded positions. Computer simulation has become a useful part of the mathematical modeling of many natural systems in the natural sciences, human systems in the social sciences, and technological systems in the engineering sciences, in order to gain insight into the operations of these systems and to study the effects of alternative conditions and courses of action. LESSON LEARNED: -

A virtual world is a description of a collection of objects in a space and rules and relationships governing these objects. In virtual reality systems, such virtual worlds are generated by a computer


Sensory feedback is the selective provision of sensory data about the environment based on user input. The actions and position of the user provide a perspective on reality and determine what sensory feedback is given.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Is it possible, even in principle, to tell whether we are in a simulated reality? 2. Is there any difference between a simulated reality and a "real" one? 3. How should we behave if we knew that we were living in a simulated reality? 4. What is virtual simulation? 5. What is simulation?

54 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Genetic Information: Epistemological and Ethical Issues1 (Chapter 16) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Philosophy has remained an intellectual enterprise, which deals with ideas or concepts by way of creating, criticizing and justifying it. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the difference between semantic and syntactic theory of genetic information.


I want to determine the use and misuse of models.


I want to distinguish the ethical problems of genetic information.


I want to determine what are the Ideological Use of a Model and Ethical Issues in Fundraising

REACTION: From the very on-set, it is necessary to differentiate between ethics and morality. Until such distinction is made, it might appear too difficult to ascertain whether ethical problems are epistemological problems or not. There is no claim here that, the two concepts – ethics and morality may not or cannot in certain circumstances be used interchangeably. Scholars often correctly use the two terms as though they are the same. J.A. Aigbodioh for instance refers to ethics as one of the moral disciplines. Jacques Maritain says ethics or morals are the practical science which aims at procuring man are unqualified good. Properly understood however, while ethics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the study of the fundamental principles of morality and human conduct, morality on the other hand is connected with the rightness of action or behavior of individuals, class, group or society at large. i The difference lies on the point that while morality concerns itself with the set of rules and principles involved in the assessment of actions of individuals or groups. The morality of a class or group has to do with the right beliefs or behaviors recommended and approved for the class or group in question. Ethics on the other hand is a step further from morality. It is an intellectual reflection on those approved norms and principles of morality with the intent of proffering answers to question that are raised on the moral principles and norms of morality. According to this chapter information had become synonymous terms in biological literature; they were based on the concept of uniqueness of the sequence as a condition for an organism’s self-replication at the molecular level. Although the development of information/processing by computers proceeded contemporaneously with progress in research into biological and biochemical information processing, the trajectories of these two initiatives were never unified even if they sometimes overlapped at various points.

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This chapter particularly the topics discussed on this chapter I do believe that genetics information really plays an important role in human’s problems. This also serves as eye opener for all to try to use genetics information as one of the solutions for any human and information problems arising in today’s situations. LESSON LEARNED: -

Genetic information would be, therefore, information about the very essence of a person, whereas other non genetic information would be only about accidental attributes.


Genetic essentialism, which assumes the uniqueness and independence of genetic information, does not give us a plausible argument for treating genetic information in a special category

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Is there any such thing as objectivity in moral action or choice? 2. Can we justify our moral claims and judgments? 3. Are there such things as facts or truth about morality? 4. Are our actions actually guided by moral considerations? 5. What is Genetic Information?

56 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: The Ethics of Cyber Conflict (Chapter 17) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Cyber ethics, also referred to as internet ethics, is a branch of ethics that studies the ethical dilemmas brought on by the emergence of digital technologies. With the advent of the internet conflicts over privacy, property, security, accuracy, accessibility, censorship and filtering have arose. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I wan t to know what ethics of Cyber Conflict is.


I want to understand about what is Cyber warfare at the state level.


I want to determine what the Law of Conflict management is.


I want to know what the Law of War. is


I want to know what a Cyber attack by non state actors is.

REACTION: Accessibility, censorship and filtering bring up many ethical issues that have several branches in cyber ethics. Many questions have arisen which continue to challenge our understanding of privacy, security and our participation in society. Throughout the centuries mechanisms have been constructed in the name of protection and security. Today the applications are in the form of software that filters domains and content so that they may not be easily accessed or obtained without elaborate circumvention or on a personal and business level through free or content-control software. Internet censorship and filtering are used to control or suppress the publishing or accessing of information. It is true enough that these days, the majority of websites are built around applications to provide good services to their users. In particular, are widely used to create, edit and administrate content. Due to the interactive nature of these systems, where the input of users is fundamental, it's important to think about security in order to avoid exploits by malicious third parties and to ensure the best user experience. We often associate hacking with criminal activities. Hacking does not always mean breaking into computers. A person who practices hacking is called a hacker. Hacking can be just to find out how it works without criminal intent. Hacking can be simply to crack a code a hacker can be breaking into a computer that's yours, often not wanted, and now prohibited by law. The one of the controversial thing in hacking is some people consider the act of cracking itself to be unethical, like breaking and entering. But the belief that 'ethical' cracking excludes destruction at least moderates the behaviour of people who see themselves as 'benign' crackers.

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The most reliable manifestation of either version of the hacker ethic is that almost all hackers are actively willing to share technical tricks, knowledge, software, and (where possible) computing resources with other hackers. LESSON LEARNED: -

Attacks that look like force are generally permissible for defensive purposes, so they cannot be ruled out.


Attacks done for personal gain, such as system intrusions to steal credit card numbers and trade secrets; denial-of-service attacks aimed at taking out competitor Web sites or extorting money from victims; and attacks that compromise and deploy large “botnets” of victim computers to send out spam or amplify denial-of-service attacks.


The law of conflict management is primarily concerned with the application of force, particularly armed force.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the data record-keeping systems whose very existence is secret? 2. What information about the person is in a record and how it is used? 3. Is there a way for a person to prevent information about the person that was obtained for one purpose from being used or made available for other purposes without the person's consent? 4. Is there a way for a person to correct or amend a record of identifiable information about the person? 5. What is the organization creating, maintaining, using, or disseminating records of identifiable personal data?

58 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment—A SoDIS Inspection (Chapter 18) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: In the risk sciences, it is common to distinguish between “objective risk” and “subjective risk”. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the Generic Standards for Risk Analysis Models.


I want to understand about A Practical Mechanism for Ethical Risk Assessment.


I want to know what SODIS Inspection Model is.


I want to determine what happen in UK Election.


I want to determine the different influences of Sodis Inspection Model.

REACTION: Issues of risk have given rise to heated debates on what levels of scientific evidence are needed for policy decisions. The proof standards of science are apt to cause difficulties whenever science is applied to practical problems that require standards of proof or evidence other than those of science. Two major types of errors are possible in a decision whether or not to accept a scientific hypothesis. The first of these consists in concluding that there is a phenomenon or an effect when in fact there is none. This is called an error of type I (false positive). The second consists in missing an existing phenomenon or effect. This is called an error of type II (false negative). In the internal dealings of science, errors of type I are in general regarded as more problematic than those of type II. The common scientific standards of statistical significance substantially reduce the risk of type I errors but do not protect against type II errors. This chapter talks about or discussed certain models that would help lessen or decrease the risk. This also discusses certain analysis and methods that would help understand and deal with the different risk that would possibly encounter in the world of technology, information and the like. This chapter also discusses about ethical risk and Sodis Inspection model, which illustrates and shows its effects and process. This chapter covers a lot of topics about risk. And I find it more interesting and challenging. Because we cannot deny the fact those there times and most of the times we encounter risk in all what we do. In connection to this, it only explains that everything that is developed in the cloud or in the net was not always perfect, meaning most of the times users and developers to saw or encounter errors.

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The risk identification process identifies potential negative impact on the project and its stakeholders.


As a support for a quantitative risk analysis, a qualitative analysis is sometimes used. Surprisingly, in standard risk methodologies the qualitative risk approach typically looks at quantifiable data that can be easily prioritized and facilitates analysis.


The ethical stakeholders in developed software are all those who are affected by it even though they are not directly related to the use or financing of a system.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the Ethical Risk? 2. What is the practical Mechanism? 3. How to find the risk? 4. Is there a moral on ethical risk? 5. What are the causes of risk?

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TITLE: Regulation and Governance of the Internet (Chapter 19) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Degrading Internet performance will not obviously harm many people very much, depending of course on the degradation. Most of us could wait a little longer when searching or downloading without much of a diminution of our living standards LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the regulation and governance of the internet


I want to understand the internet regulation: normative issues.


I want to know what Censorship is.


I want to determine internet regulation: moral arguments.


I want to know Regulation across Legal Jurisdiction.

REACTION: The Internet has, in a relatively short time, become an essential instrument for today’s society. As of early 2005, the Internet is thought to include: an estimated 750 million users worldwide; an estimated electronic commerce turnover of US$1 billion, which is projected to rise rapidly; a major social impact in education, health, government, and other areas of activity; cybercrime, such as fraud, gambling, pornography, and ID theft; misuse and abuse in the form of malicious code and spam This situation is particularly problematic for developing countries, which generally lack ownership of Tier 1 infrastructure and are often in a poor position to negotiate favorable access rates. By some accounts, ISPs in the Asia-Pacific region paid companies in the United States US$ 5 billion in “reverse subsidies” in 2000; in 2002, it was estimated that African ISPs were paying US$ 500 million a year. One commentator, writing on access in Africa, argues that “the existence of these reverse subsidies is the single largest factor contributing to high bandwidth costs”. It should be noted that not everyone would agree with that statement, and that high international access costs are not by any means the only reason for high local access costs. A related – indeed, in a sense, the underlying – problem is the general lack of good local content in many developing countries. It is this shortage of local content, stored on local servers, that leads to high international connectivity costs as users are forced to access sites and information stored outside the country. LESSON LEARNED: -

Proposals by governments to regulate content on the Internet are often hotly contested, at least in liberal democratic countries

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The Internet is not spoken about only as a type of medium but often as a living space in which people work, play, and shop, socialize, and so on.


A strong moral case can be made for regulating the content of the Internet, but there is also a strong case that such regulation cannot be very effective and comes at a price in Internet performance.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. How to find the Universal access is frequently taken to mean access across geographic areas? 2. What are the digital divide, to refer to the need for equitable access? 3. How to find the rich and poor between countries? 4. How should universal access include support services? 5. Why does plagiarism matter?

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TITLE: Information Overload (Chapter 20) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: People nowadays are logging in to the net not only to surf or browse but to donate or share a piece of information. According to Sohora Jha, journalists are using the web to conduct their research, getting information regarding interviewing sources and press releases, updating news online, and thus it shows the gradual shifts in attitudes because of the rapid increase in the Internet. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Information Overload is.


I want to further understand what Information is.


I want to know what the consequences of information overload are.


I want to know what is a Novel, Recurrent, or Ever-Present Phenomenon.


I want to know the brief history of the phrase.

REACTION: Recent research suggests that an "attention economy" of sorts will naturally emerge from information overload, allowing Internet users greater control over their online experience with particular regard to communication mediums such as e-mail and instant messaging. This could involve some sort of cost being attached to e-mail messages. For example, managers charging a small fee for every e-mail received - e.g. $5.00 - which the sender must pay from their budget. The aim of such charging is to force the sender to consider the necessity of the interruption. According to Steve Beller, “I’m defining information overload as a state of having more information available that one can readily assimilate, that is, people have difficulty absorbing the information into their base of knowledge. This hinders decision-making and judgment by causing stress and cognitive impediments such as confusion, uncertainty and distraction” [ A symptom of the high-tech age is too much for one human being to absorb in an expanding world of people and technology. It comes from all sources including TV, newspapers, and magazines as well as wanted and unwanted regular e-mail and faxes. It has been exacerbated enormously because of the formidable number of results obtained from web search engines.” On a society-wide level, the dangers of information overload are enormous. The engendered feelings of helplessness, confusion, and anger will erode work efficiency, family functioning, and most likely increase crime rates. We will lack the information-

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processing skills needed to elect responsible leaders or counter the myriad waves of propaganda pushing our dollars this way and that. LESSON LEARNED: -

Information overload: Exposure to or provision of too much information; a problematic situation or state of mental stress arising from this.


Information overload, is a condition in which an agent has—or is exposed to, or is provided with—too much information, and suffers negative consequences as a result

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the Contradictions and inaccuracies? 2. Is there available information? 3. How to find the low signal-to-noise ratio ? 4. Is there a lack of a method for comparing and processing? 5. What are the different kinds of information?

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TITLE: Email Spam (Chapter 21) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: E-mail spam has steadily, even exponentially grown since the early 1990s to several billion messages a day. Spam has frustrated, confused, and annoyed e-mail users. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what email spam is.


I want to understand how searching for a characterization of “spam” was done.


I want to determine the number of identical email sent.


I want to know what Unsolicited Commercial Bulk Emails (UCBE) is.


I want to know the ethics of reducing the number of spam emails read after they are sent.

REACTION: E-mail addresses are collected from chat rooms, websites, newsgroups, and viruses which harvest users' address books, and are sold to other spammers. Much of spam is sent to invalid e-mail addresses. ISPs have attempted to recover the cost of spam through lawsuits against spammers, although they have been mostly unsuccessful in collecting damages despite winning in court. Spam is legally permissible according to the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 provided it follows certain criteria: a truthful subject line; no false information in the technical headers or sender address; "conspicuous" display of the postal address of the sender; and other minor requirements. If the spam fails to comply with any of these requirements, then it is illegal. Aggravated or accelerated penalties apply if the spammer harvested the email addresses using methods described earlier. A review of the effectiveness of CAN-SPAM in 2005 showed that the amount of sexually explicit spam had significantly decreased since 2003 and the total volume had begun to level off. Senator Conrad Burns, a principal sponsor, noted that "Enforcement is key regarding the CAN-SPAM legislation." In 2004 less than 1% of spam complied with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. Several countries have passed laws that specifically target spam, notably Australia and all the countries of the European Union. Article 13 of the European Union Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (2002/58/EC) provides that the EU member states shall take appropriate measures to ensure that unsolicited communications for the purposes of direct marketing are not allowed either without the consent of the subscribers concerned or in respect of

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subscribers who do not wish to receive these communications, the choice between these options to be determined by national legislation. LESSON LEARNED: -

Spam has rapidly spread to many forms of electronic communication.


An email that is from an unsolicited, commercial, bulk emailing, often considered spam, may provide a receiver with just the information that he/she does want.


Email, such as email informing someone that he/she is fired, is unwanted but not spam.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is gathering addresses? 2. How to deliver spam messages? 3. How to find Using Webmail services? 4. Why other people's computers? 5. How to open relays?

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TITLE: The Matter of Plagiarism: What, Why, and If (Chapter 22) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The right of placing its will in any and every thing, which thing is thereby mine LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the matter of Plagiarism.


I want to understand the lack of authorization—economic Foundation means.


I want to estimate the lack of authorization---natural or moral rights means


I want to know lack of accreditation---non fringing plagiarism.


I want to know a personal vie of the matter means.

REACTION: According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source; to commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. That’s why it is true enough that many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offenses. Plagiarism is the use or close imitation of the language and ideas of another author and representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism is not copyright infringement. While both terms may apply to a particular act, they are different transgressions. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of a copyright holder, when material protected by copyright is used without consent. On the other hand, plagiarism is concerned with the unearned increment to the plagiarizing author's reputation that is achieved through false claims of authorship. Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure, up to and including expulsion. In journalism, plagiarism is considered a breach of journalistic ethics, and reporters caught plagiarizing typically face disciplinary measures ranging from suspension to termination. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the

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physical act of copying the work of others much easier, simply by copying and pasting text from one web page to another. LESSON LEARNED: -

The achievements of the “open source” software community, and we may note the viability of pirate organizations that ignore copyright policies.


Failure to have authorization is typically theft of intellectual property, most commonly a copyright infringement that deprives a copyright owner of income.


Plagiarism can be unintentional, both when there is a failure to authorize and when there is a failure to document.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. How to deepen their commitments, and to develop their capacities for service? 2. Is it realistic to expect that he or she won't do so later? 3. Why does plagiarism matter? 4. Is anyone really hurt by it? 5. Is Plagiarism important?

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TITLE: Intellectual Property: Legal and Moral Challenges of Online File Sharing (Chapter 23) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: File sharing can be implemented in a variety of storage and distribution models. Current common models are the centralized server-based approach and the distributed peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about Intellectual property.


I want to know the legal and moral challenges of online file sharing.


I want to distinguish which is better sharing or theft.


I want to know what secondary liability is.

REACTION: This chapter talks about more of intellectual property and online file sharing. First, we all know that networks can allow computers, servers, and other devices to talk to each other. There are a number of different types of networks, and it's important to find the right one to fit your needs so that you don't waste time and money with one that is too complex for your needs, or one that doesn't fulfils your needs. And so through network we can say that having peer to peer network connection millions of users The first generation of peer-to-peer file sharing networks over the Internet had a centralized server system. This system controls traffic amongst the users. The servers store directories of the shared files of the users and are updated when a user logs on. In the centralized peer-to-peer model, a user would send a search to the centralized server of what they were looking for. The server then sends back a list of peers that have the data and facilitates the connection and download. The server-client system is efficient because the central directory is constantly being updated and all users had to be registered to use the program. However, there is only a single point of entry, which could result in a collapse of the network. In addition, it is possible to have out-of-date information or broken links if the server is not refreshed. The first file-sharing programs on the Internet marked themselves by inquiries to a server, either the data to the download held ready or in appropriate different Peers and so-called Nodes further-obtained, so that one could download there. Two examples were Napster (today using a pay system) and eDonkey2000 in the server version (today, likewise with Overnet and KAD - network decentralized). Another notable instance of peer to peer file sharing, which still has a free version, is Limewire.

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“Code is law,” and given the great power of software code as a logical constraint, software providers have a moral obligation to eschew the temptations of writing antiregulatory code.


“Purposeful, culpable expression and conduct” must be evident in order to impose legal liability under this sensible standard

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Why file-sharing enables people to share files? 2. What feature allows you to access and share files? 3. Is there a private sharing file? 4. What is Peer to Peer file sharing? 5. What are the technologies to use in file sharing?

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TITLE: Censorship and Access to Expression (Chapter 24) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: To censor is to restrict or limit access to an expression, portion of an expression, or category of expression, which has been made public by its author, based on the belief that it will be a bad thing if people access the content of that expression. "Censorship through consensus" is also a real possibility. There are countries where the adherence to a shared social, though not religious, code is a fact of life. Understanding that entails discerning where the boundaries of expression are, and where they might be interfered with in a consensus situation. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about Censorship and Access Expression.


I want to understand what the interest to access in expression is.


I want to know further how this chapter defined censorship.


I want to be familiar to the types and harm arguments about censorship.


I want to know the importance of censorship.

REACTION: Censorship -- the control of the information and ideas circulated within a society -has been a hallmark of dictatorships throughout history. In the 20th Century, censorship was achieved through the examination of books, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other forms of communication for the purpose of altering or suppressing ideas found to be objectionable or offensive. The rationales for censorship have varied, with some censors targeting material deemed to be indecent or obscene; heretical or blasphemous; or seditious or treasonous. Thus, ideas have been suppressed under the guise of protecting three basic social institutions: the family, the church, and the state. One must recognize that censorship and the ideology supporting it go back to ancient times, and that every society has had customs, taboos, or laws by which speech, dress, religious observance, and sexual expression were regulated. In Athens, where democracy first emerged, censorship was well known as a means of enforcing the prevailing orthodoxy. Indeed, Plato was the first recorded thinker to formulate a rationale for intellectual, religious, and artistic censorship. In his ideal state outlined in The Republic, official censors would prohibit mothers and nurses from relating tales deemed bad or evil. Plato also proposed that unorthodox notions about God or the hereafter be treated as crimes and that formal procedures be established to suppress heresy. Freedom of speech in Ancient Rome was reserved for those in positions of authority. The poets Ovid

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and Juvenal were both banished, and authors of seditious writings were punished severely. The emperor Nero deported his critics and burned their books. A policy of banning literature and works outweighs the positive effects. Restricting a child's ability to reach their full intellectual potential is not worth the small chance that the music industry, media, and books can possibly have an effect on a child's personality, attitude, or behavior. It is also evident that even though schools, churches, the media, parents, and the music industry have the power to control what the youth is exposed to do not mean that it is in the best interest of the child or young teenager to be protected. LESSON LEARNED: -

We have to ask ourselves what in actual practice would be the consequences of having policies in place that restrict access.


The slippery slope maybe an actual and not just a conceptual possibility, if human beings in fact tend not to be so good at distinguishing material they personally dislike from that which is harmful.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is religious censorship which any material objectionable to a certain faith is removed? 2. What is moral censorship? 3. Is the removal of materials that are obscene or otherwise morally questionable? 4. What is political censorship? 5. What is military censorship is the process of keeping military intelligence and tactics?

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TITLE: The Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics (Chapter 25) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Gender issues is about men and women issues for most, and to this issues most of the times women are always compared to men in terms of abilities, knowledge and techniques/ ways as to how they deal with things, or even with life. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn more about Gender Agenda in Computer Ethics.


I want to know what is feminist ethics,


I want to understand what gender and ethics studies are.


I want to know which better Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research Methodologies is.


I want to know what ethical behavior is.

REACTION: This chapter proves that it is true enough that when it comes to gender issues or agenda, most of the people in the society do argue well, depending on the case to be argued. But I can say that gender issues/ agenda are one of the best issues arising in the society and even in the cloud. Meaning opinions, ideas and the like are really arising when it comes to this topic. We all know that gender issues is about men and women issues for most, and to this issues most of the times women are always compared to men in terms of abilities, knowledge and techniques/ ways as to how they deal with things, or even with life. According to the author, for centuries, the differences between men and women were socially defined and distorted through a lens of sexism in which men assumed superiority over women and maintained it through domination. As the goal of equality between men and women now grows closer we are also losing our awareness of important differences. In some circles of society, politically correct thinking is obliterating important discussion as well as our awareness of the similarities and differences between men and women. The vision of equality between the sexes has narrowed the possibilities for discovery of what truly exists within a man and within a woman. The world is less interesting when everything is same. The different concepts are discussed through recognizing, understanding, discussing as well as acting skillfully in light of the differences between men and women can be difficult. Our failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become a lifelong source of disappointment, frustration, tension and eventually our downfall in a relationship. Not only can these differences destroy a promising relationship, but most people will grudgingly accept or learn to live with the consequences. Eventually they find

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some compromise or way to cope. Few people ever work past these difficulties. People tend to accept what they don’t understand when they feel powerless to change it. It discussed the information and computer ethics has emerged as an important area of philosophical and social theorizing, combining conceptual, meta-ethical, normative, and applied elements. As a result, academic interest in this area has increased dramatically, particularly in computer science, philosophy, and communications departments; business schools; information and library schools; and law schools. LESSON LEARNED: -

Computer ethics is a new area of applied ethics with a rapidly burgeoning portfolio of ethical case studies and problems.


Care ethics is a cornerstone of most approaches toward feminist ethics.


Gender and computer ethics include work on women’s under representation in the computing profession.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is ethical behavior? 2. What is feminist ethics? 3. Are Hacker Communities Egalitarian? 4. What might “feminist computer ethics” offer feminist ethics? 5. What is gender and computer ethics – a male0female binary?

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TITLE: The Digital Divide: A Perspective for the Future (Chapter 26) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Bridge across the digital divide will just lead poor people into consumerist quicksand. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the bidirectional relationship between absolute poverty and digital and information divides.


I want to understand the moral basis for the idea that the various digital divides should be eliminated.


I want to know the empirical skepticism about the relationship between digital divides and absolute poverty.

REACTION: According to this chapter, the global distribution of material resources should bother any conscientious person. In the developing world, poverty and the suffering it causes is considerably worse. People in absolute poverty lack consistent access to adequate nutrition, clean water, and health care, as well as face death from a variety of diseases that are easily cured in affluent nations. This The digital divide is not any one particular gap between rich and poor, local and global, but rather includes a variety of gaps believed to bear on the world’s inequitable distribution of resources. Not that global and local poverty are problems of many dimensions that are extremely difficult to solve, but rather that the moral importance of the digital divide as a problem that needs to be addressed is linked to inequalities between the rich and the poor—and especially wealthy nations and nations in absolute poverty. Which means that it is true enough that Worldwide computerized reservation network used as a single point of access for reserving airline seats, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel related items by travel agents, online reservation sites, and large corporations. This chapter also discussed about poverty, Poverty is the state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. Why is this? Is it enough to blame poor people for their own predicament? Have they been lazy, made poor decisions, and been solely responsible for their plight? What about their governments? Have they pursued policies that actually harm successful development? Such causes of poverty and inequality are no doubt real. But deeper and more global causes of poverty are often less discussed. Behind the increasing interconnectedness promised by globalization are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are typically influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people.

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People in absolute poverty lack consistent access to adequate nutrition, clean water, and health care, as well as face death from a variety of diseases that are easily cured in affluent nations.


The digital divide is not any one particular gap between rich and poor, local and global, but rather includes a variety of gaps believed to bear on the world’s inequitable distribution of resources.


Not that global and local poverty are problems of many dimensions that are extremely difficult to solve, but rather that the moral importance of the digital divide as a problem that needs to be addressed is linked to inequalities between the rich and the poor—and especially wealthy nations and nations in absolute poverty.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the meaning of “digital” in this chapter? 2. What is the situation with world poverty today? 3. What is important in terms of “bridging” the information gap? 4. What is the relationship between the inequality produced by the digital divide and the inequalities we have known for centuries? 5. Is it true that efforts to bridge the digital divide may have the effect of locking developing countries into a new form of dependency?

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TITLE: Intercultural Information Ethics (Chapter 27) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The global distribution of material resources should bother any conscientious person. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what it is about foundational debate.


I want to understand the impact of ICT on local cultures from an IEE perspective.


I want to learn more about intellectual property.

REACTION: This chapter is about the intercultural information ethics which covers theoretical and practical aspects of information ethics from an intercultural perspective. For the reason, some of our skills and knowledge today are based from technology and developed through technology itself. That’s also why we always clearly see the effects or the impact or having technology in our present life. And I do believe that in this coming years technology will continue to develop and evade the society, industry and people as well. I believe that the impact of information technology on a global scale and on all aspects of human life gives, on the one hand, a plausible argument in favour of the uniqueness approach not only with regard to the subject matter but also to the theoretical approaches so far. But this does not mean that, on the other hand, the moral code itself and its ethical reflection will be superseded by another one. The basic question concerning the status of moral persons, their respect or disrespect, remains unchanged although we may discuss as to what are the candidates and what this respect means in a specific situation. We may also discuss as to how this code has been interpreted (or not) within different ethical and cultural traditions and how it is being conceived with regard to the challenge of information technology. It is true enough that Intercultural information ethics addresses questions concerning these intersections such as: How far is the Internet changing local cultural values and traditional ways of life? How far do these changes affect the life and culture of future societies in a global and local sense? Intercultural information ethics can be conceived as a field of research where moral questions of the “infosphere” are reflected in a comparative manner on the basis of different cultural traditions. LESSON LEARNED: -

With regard to IIE issues in today’s information societies, there are a lot of cultures that have not been analyzed, such as Eastern Europe and the Arabic world.

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In a narrow sense it focuses on the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on different cultures as well as on how specific issues are understood from different cultural traditions.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is information ethic? 2. What is intercultural information ethic? 3. Do we all have the same information ethic? 4. What is IIE? 5. What is ICT?

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Cyber Ethics Ethics and the Information Revolution

An Ethical Evaluation of Web Site Linking

Ethics On-Line

The Cathedral and the Bazaar

Reason, Relativity, and Responsibility in

Towards A Theory of Piracy for the

Computer Ethics

Information Age

Disclosive Computer Ethics

The Structure of Rights in Directive 95 46 EC

Gender and Computer Ethics

Privacy Protection, Control of Information,

Is the Global Information Infrastructure a

and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

Democratic Technology Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and

Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: Challenges of Information Technology

Theories to IT Contexts

KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness

Just Consequentialism and Computing

Data Mining and Privacy

The Internet as Public Space

Workplace Surveillance, Privacy, and

The Laws of Cyberspace

Distributive Justice

Of Black Holes and Decentralized LawMaking in Cyberspace

Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing

Fahrenheit 451.2


Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech

Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime:


Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace

Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique

Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic


Web Security and Privacy: An American

Internet Service Providers and Defamation:


New Standards of Liability Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age

Note on the DeCSS Trial

Written on the Body

A Politics of Intellectual Property

Ethical Considerations for the Information

Intellectual Property, Information, and the Common Good Is Copyright Ethical an Examination of the

Professions Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved

Theories, Laws, and Practices Regarding the



Ethical Issues in Business Computing

On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More Than Copyright Piracy

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The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting the Virtues

TITLE: Ethics and the Information Revolution (Chapter 1.1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Computing technologies is the most powerful and most flexible technology ever devised. For this reason, computing is changing everything – where and how we work, where and how we learn, shop, eat, vote, receive medical care, spend free time, make war, make friends, make love. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know how ethics is applied to the information revolution.


I want to learn the different factors that affect ethics and information revolution.


I want to understand the importance of ethics to information.

REACTION: Computing technology is the most powerful and most flexible technology ever devised. In this statement I argue with what the author says “Computing is changing every time – where and how we work, where and how we learn, shop, eat, vote, receive medical care, spend free time, make war, make friends and make love.” I argue with that statement because computer is made by man which means easy to destroy. I usually work in my own place. I don’t believe people telling how to work, how much more to a computer made by men who commit mistakes. I learn what I know today from school, from people around me and in the environment. Computer cannot tell me what to do, it will become just as an aid but not to command or direct me. Access to cyberspace is much easier than to the world business and management techniques. I agree to that because of information technology is like a highway with no end, yes in the developing countries can truly participate in cyber space and look forward to new opportunities offered by global networks. The network constitutes the only reason of freedom in many non-democratic countries. In 1940 and 1950, the American developed computer for survival from any attack by the enemy during that time. Adolf Hitler is very interested about weapon for mass production but because computer was not yet developed, their first missile testing failed. By 1960 it is considered the year of rock and roll and revolution many countries experienced coup d’ tat especially in South America with Bolivia on top of the list. Computer is also like rock and roll, it’s rocking and rolling, many people die because of computer. It is a revolution because of changing the lifestyle of people such as the clothing.

The late 70’s is the prophecy from the Bible that was foretold in the book of Revelation thousand years ago happen when the beast developed the MX missile. The Chapter 13:1 says “I stood upon the sand of the sea, and son of the beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” That was the first beast who gave his power to the second beast that made the MX missiles. 1980, Computer was use in war. Computer change the people from work. The engineers, bookkeeper, computer replace thousand of work all over the world. In 1990, computer was use by greediest people on earth, which make the world poorer and poorer. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned computing technology has different opinions in each individual nowadays.


I learned that even though computers are devised, it does not mean that they can substitute people.


I learned and be familiar with the different important events in every milestone of the information revolution.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is computing technology? 2. What is the effect of Information Computing Technology? 3. Why are computers defined as logically malleable? 4. What are the topics in computer ethics? 5. What are the different global issues?

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TITLE: Ethics On-Line (Chapter 1.2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Computer technology did not come into being in a vacuum. It was created and shaped in response to pushes and pulls in our way of life, our culture, politics, and social institutions. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the different issues of ethics online.


I want to learn any difference in ethics online and offline.


I want to understand how those issues came up and occur online and offline.


I want to gather thoughts on the different issues in the ethical side of computer.

REACTION: Today, because of the different scenarios happening to us, there are visions of a new form of democracy emerging online as political alliances are formed and social movements gather force without mediation from mass media. There are visions of the current evolving technology bringing into our homes the ultimate in the entertainment choice together with the efficiency of being able to carry on all of our daily interactions with keystrokes and screens. The issues and problems in electronic networks are the problems of the world around them. The problems have to do with who we are and what we do offline. The problems are the problems of modern, highly industrialized, democratic societies. The author simply identifies three special features of online communication. Communication in computer networks has several characteristics making it difficult from face-to-face communication and other forms of technology-mediated communication. These are the following special characteristics of communications in networks: 1. Scope – Individuals communicating in electronic networks have a much broader reach than they do offline. A message sent by one individual can reach vast numbers of individuals around the world, and may do so very quickly. The combination of factors makes the scope special. 2. Anonymity- In networks, individuals can communicate without identity, using pseudonyms and taking on different personas. Someone may grab someone else’s words and alter them or may grab someone else’s identity and distribute words as if they were the words of the other. It creates problems of integrity which disconnects the words from the person.

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3. Reproducibility – Information could be reproduced online without loss of value and in such a way that the originator or holder of the information would not notice. There is no loss of value in the process of reproduction. These three special features of communication in networks lead, either directly or indirectly, to problems online. The breadth of scope means that individuals can do a wide variety of things to one another online that would be impossible or extremely difficult to do offline. Anonymity leads to serious problems for the integrity of information and communication. Reproducibility threatens the integrity of information, and it means that acts of communication or information have endurance. Anonymity is problematic in networks and seems to be so for at least three related reasons: 1. Offline as well as online, anonymity is problematic because it makes the process of identifying and catching criminals more difficult. 2. Anonymity is related directly to one of its advantages, it creates a shroud under which people are not afraid to say what they think. 3. Anonymity contributes to the lack of integrity of online information. Regarding these three problems stated above, anonymity contributes to a general situation of diminished trust. One cannot put one’s trust in information and individuals online for a variety of reasons. We can have a wide variety of forms of online communication with a high level of trust if the rules are known or explained to individuals before they enter an environment. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned the essence of ethics online which is very important to prevent certain issues especially ethically.


I learned the different problems that contribute to a general situation of diminishing trust.


I learned the three reasons on why anonymity is problematic in networks.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is anonymity? 2. What is reproducibility? 3. What are the special characteristics of communication in networks? 4. What is diminished trust? 5. What are the effects of anonymity?

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TITLE: Reason, Relativity, and Responsibility in Computer Ethics (Chapter 1.3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: We are entering a generation marked by globalization and ubiquitous computing. The second generation of computer ethics, therefore, must be an era of ‘global information ethics’. The stakes are much higher, and consequently considerations and applications of Information Ethics must be broader, more profound and above all effective in helping to realize a democratic and empowering technology rather than an enslaving or deliberating one. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what are reason, relativity, and responsibility of computer ethics.


I want to know what logical malleability is.


I want to learn about Informational Enrichment.

REACTION: As computing becomes more prevalent, computer ethics becomes more difficult and more important. Communication and actions at a distance have never been easier. We are definitely in a computer revolution. We are beyond the introduction stage of the revolution in which computers are curiosities of limited power used only by a few. Now entire populations of developed countries are in the permeation stage of the revolution in which computers are rapidly moving to every aspect of daily life. Almost everyone would agree that computing is having a significant impact in the world and that ethical issues about applications of this surging technology should be raised. Moor has stated two positions which he argues. Both positions are popular and both of them mislead us about the real nature of computer ethics and undercut potential for progress in the field. According to the Routine Ethics position stated problems in computing are regarded as no different from ethical problems in any field. We apply established customs, laws, and norms and assess the situations straightforwardly. The second view is usually the “Cultural Relativism” in which it states local customers and laws determine what is right and wrong. Because computing technology crosses cultural boundaries, the problems of computer ethics are intractable. Routine Ethics makes computer ethics trivial and Cultural Relativism makes it impossible. Both the views of Routine Ethics and Cultural Relativism are incorporated particularly when used to characterize computer ethics. The problems of computer ethics are special and exert pressure on our understanding. Computers are logically malleable. They can be manipulated to do any activity that can be characterized in terms of inputs, outputs, and connecting logical operations. A

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computer’s performance can be changed through alterations in its program. A computer may represent anything one chooses, from the sales of a stock market to the trajectory of a spacecraft. Informational enrichment can also affect ethical and legal practices and concepts. Once data is entered into a computer it can be sorted, searched, and accessed in extraordinarily easy ways that paper files cannot be. The activity of storing and retrieving information has been enhanced to the extent that all of us now have a legitimate basis for concern about the improper use and release of personal information through computers. Moor defines computer ethics having two parts. The first part is the analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology. The second part is the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such technology. They will continue to be applied in unpredictable and novel ways generating numerous policy vacuums for the foreseeable future. LESSONS LEARNED: -

The process of informational enrichment is gradual and is more manifest in some activities than in others.


Money may come to be conceived as an elaborate computable function among the people.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the Core Values? 2. What are Responsibility, Resolution, and Residue? 3. What are the Reasons within Relative Frameworks? 4. What is the Special Nature of Computer Ethics? 5. What are the Responsibilities in Computer Ethics?

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TITLE: Disclosive Computer Ethics (Chapter 1.4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: We are entering a generation marked by globalization and ubiquitous computing. The second generation of computer ethics, therefore, must be an era of ‘global information ethics’. The stakes are much higher, and consequently considerations and applications of Information Ethics must be broader, more profound and above all effective in helping to realize a democratic and empowering technology rather than an enslaving or deliberating one. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the Key Values as Departure Points for Analysis.


I want to understand the Limitations of Mainstream Computer Ethics.


I want to learn about the Need for Multi-Level Interdisciplinary Research.

REACTION: As an introduction, this section defines disclosive computer ethics as a concerned with the moral deciphering of embedded values and norms in computer systems, applications, and practices. Mainstream computer ethics are approaches that follow what I will call the standard model of applied ethics. Brey argue with the mainstream computer ethics takes as its point of departure a particular model of applied ethics that may be called the standard model because it is used in the vast majority of work in applied ethics. Research within this model usually proceeds in three steps: 1. An individual or collective practice is outlined that has been the topic of moral controversy. 2. An attempt is usually made to clarify and situate the practice through conceptual analysis and fact-finding. In this section, the author identifies three features of mainstream computer ethics which are particularly noteworthy. -

Mainstream computer ethics focuses on existing moral controversies. Its focus is on issues that are recognized by many as being morally problematic.


Mainstream computer ethics focuses on its practices. It aims to evaluate and devise policies for these practices.


Mainstream computer ethics focuses usually in is on the use of computer technology.

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Moor explains computer ethics, as discussed in this section, that it is a typical problem in computer ethics arises because there is a policy vacuum about how computer technology should be used. Mainstream computer ethics limits itself to the analysis of morally controversial practices for which a policy vacuum currently exist. Computer related practices may be morally opaque because they are unknown or they have a false appearance of moral neutrality. Moral nontransparency may arise is when a practice is familiar in its basic form but is not recognized as having the moral implications that it in fact has. Technologies are capable of coercing individuals to behave in certain ways which may provide opportunities and may provide opportunities and constraints, may affect cultural belief system and may require certain background conditions for them to function properly. Disclosive computer ethics constitutes a much needed approach in computer ethics that deviates from traditional approaches in applied ethics. It should preferably not be theory-driven, should be multi-level and interdisciplinary, and should focus on four key values: justice, autonomy, democracy, and privacy. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Many values and norms are nonmoral, including values like efficiency and profit and norms that prescribe the correct usage of words or the right kind of batteries to use in any appliance.


Freedom rights protect goods that are fundamental in carrying out one’s own life plan.


The notion of justice is usually understood as implying that individuals should not be advantage or disadvantage unfairly or undeservedly.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is justice? 2. What is Autonomy? 3. What is Democracy? 4. What is Privacy? 5. What is Disclosive Computer Ethics?

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TITLE: Gender and Computer Ethics (Chapter 1.5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: We need to begin the process of exploring the alternative ethics that feminism can offer ethics. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the relation of Gender and Computer Ethics.


I want to understand about the Gender and Computer Ethics: Barriers and Pipeline


I want to know Gender and Computer Ethics: Men’s and Women’s Moral Decision.

REACTION: Gender has been somewhat neglected in computer ethics writing to date. There is small body of work which takes seriously the point of view that gender has some bearing on computer ethics problems. In this paper characterize two strands of writing on gender and computer ethics. The first focuses on problem of women’s access to computer technology; the second concentrates on whether there are differences between men and women’s ethical decision-making in relation to information and computing technologies. Computer Ethics research must always maintain a balance between empirical research and theory, gender and computer ethics research is long overdue for more substantial theorizing. Adam explores the two main strands of current research in gender and computer ethics. The first strand can be viewed as a spillover from information systems and computing research on barriers and “pipelines”, which tends to see the gender and ICT problem as one of women’s access to ICTs and their continuing low representation in computing all the way through the educational process through to the world of work. The other strands of research on gender and computer ethics focuses on concerns more central to computer ethics as a whole, namely the question of whether there are detectable differences between men’s and women’s ethical decision making relation to computer ethics. The author describes a number of empirical studies of gender and business ethics and gender and computer ethics. Aspects of these studies and argue that these aspects are problematic. These are the different aspects presented: 1. Student Population

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In every one of the studies detailed before, a student population was surveyed. We are unable to resist the temptation to utilize that most captive of audiences which are the students. 2. Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research Monitoring There are a number of problems with such an approach. Respondents are not being asked to choose between categories that are anything like neutral. It is naturally tempting to cast oneself as more moral in the questionnaire than one might be in real life. In performing a quantitative analysis of qualitative elements, the studies described above appear to be falling prey to the common assumption prevalent in computing that has been criticized elsewhere. Feminists has two major roles, according to Adam, which are to challenge the traditional ethical canon and to develop theoretical ideas derived from the challenge to mainstream ethics to develop a new ethics with which to make normative judgments on ethical problems from a wide range of domains. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Theorist of Feminist ethics rest on the hypothesis that women’s moral decision making is different from men’s important ways we need to understand the implications of this computer ethics.


Categorical claims that gender either definitely does or definitely does not make a material difference to moral reasoning relating to the use of computers somehow misses the point.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the relation of Gender to Computer Ethics? 2. What is Gender and Computer Ethics: Barriers and Pipeline? 3. What is Gender and Computer Ethics: Men’s and Women’s Moral Decision? 4. What Critique about the Gender and Computer Ethics Studies? 5. What is Plea for Feminist Ethics?

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TITLE: Is the Global Information Infrastructure a Democratic Technology? (Chapter 1.6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: At the root of all definitions of democracy, however refined and complex, lies the idea of popular power, of a situation in which power, and perhaps authority too, rests with the people. That power or authority is usually thought of as being political, and it often therefore takes the form of an idea of popular sovereignty – the people as the ultimate political authority. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know relation of Technology and Values.


I want to know Values Embedded in Technologies.


I want to know Values embedded in the global information Infrastructure.


I want to know Democracy as Starting Place: Power and Insularity.


I want to know Joint Deliberation.

REACTION: The global information infrastructure is often claimed to be a democratic technology. It is said to create electronic democracy, to facilitate or enhance democratic processes. Many scholars believed that technologies did not embody values, and emphasized that values come into play. Technology is value neutral rested in part on the alliance between science and technology, with several ideas about science shaping ideas about technology. Two tenets now form the foundation of science and technology studies: that technology shapes social patterns, and that technology is shaped by its social context. The social encompasses values. Values are one aspect of the social. We need to understand more concretely what it could mean to say that a technology is value-laden or that values are embedded in technologies. Winner addressed this matter head on in his famous article, “Do Artifacts Have Politics?” He distinguishes two reviews. The first is the view that values are inherent to technology. In contrast, Winner identifies a second view according to which “a given kind of technology is strongly compatible with, but does not strictly require, social and political relationships of a particular stripe.” He claims that (1) technologies embody values insofar as they have properties that are linked to social relationships, in particular relationships involving power and authority; and, (2) technologies may do this in one of two ways, either by having intractable properties that require particular types of social relationships and authority,

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by having flexible properties compatible with diverse patterns of social organization and authority. In terms of democracy, a technology may have intractable properties that require democratic patterns of authority; intractable properties that require non democratic patterns of authority or flexible properties that are compatible with either pattern of authority. The idea of democracy is not merely the idea of individuals’ casting votes and thereby expressing their desires. Popular sovereignty has meant the populous getting together as a group or in subgroups for debate and discussion of issues they face jointly. LESSONS LEARNED: -

In this chapter, I learned the Moral/Metaphysical Meaning of Embedded Values.


I understand about the Support Meaning of Embedded Values and the Material Meaning of the Embedded Values, as well as the Expressive Meaning of Embedded Values.


I learned the power of many and joint deliberation

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is GII? 2. What is Democracy? 3. What does it mean to say that a technology carries a value? 4. Is the Global Information infrastructure a democratic technology? 5. What then does it mean to say that values are embedded in technology?

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TITLE: Applying Ethical and Moral Concepts and Theories to IT Contests: Some Key Problems and Challenges (Chapter 1.7) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The case, mentioned in this chapter, that such a rule will give rise to gliding scales are so hard to separate by observable criteria that if it’s better to forbid some cases that perhaps are not really unethical in order to prevent the rule from being gradually emptied altogether. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Connecting Ethics is.


I want to know untangling Terminological Confusions.


I want to identify the different Role of Experts.


I want to understand who are the Experts stated in this chapter.

REACTION: In this section, it asked and challenged us, if we want to apply ethical and moral concepts and theories to IT countries, three conditions are to be met. These are the three conditions that must be met: 1. We must know to what kind of questions such concepts and theories can be applied, and to what kind of questions such concepts and theories can be applied and to what they cannot. 2. We must know the limitations of specific concepts and theories. 3. We must have sufficiently detailed knowledge of the domain to which we want to apply them. Some remarks are made on the demarcation of the nature of the notion of computer ethics. It seems to have become a trend to employ the term “computer ethics for almost anything that used to be called social issues in computing. The role of social context which is in more analytical approaches to ethics have difficulty in handling this social context, whereas narrative approaches through more sensitive to context have difficulty in providing guidance when new technologies are concerned. Birrer draws attention to the very special problems that are posed by the role of expert advisers. The protocol for joint problem solving process by expert and client has to be explored in much more detail than is usually done. There are good reasons to

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distinguish between ethics in a narrow sense and a broader category and it is not accidental that many classical textbooks on ethics only deal with choices by individuals. The case, mentioned in this chapter, that such a rule will give rise to gliding scales are so hard to separate by observable criteria that if it’s better to forbid some cases that perhaps are not really unethical in order to prevent the rule from being gradually emptied altogether. Many ethicists find this abhorrent; they tend to perceive it as an infringement on the purity of ethical discourse. There has been a revival of virtue ethics. It considers the search for analytical rules as fruitless and turns to narratives and virtues as the place where ethics resides. In modern society, chains between actions and consequences have become so complicated that they do not allow a direct and simple view on decision making. Responsibilities inside the institutions are often defined in an untransparent way. This untransparency leads to all kinds of subliminal enticement. Native technological determinism is persuasive, for it makes the picture a lot simpler. But it is also highly undesirable, since it is a source of self-fulfilling and selfdestroying prophecies. There are strong reasons to believe that the effect of these theories is no other than reinforcing already existing socio-political tendencies that drive in exactly the opposite direction. LESSONS LEARNED: -

An atomization expert advises on changes of the organizational practice in which the expert generally has not actually worked herself.


This dominance of technical knowledge combined with economic imperatives that drive innovation has led some to believe that technology is something autonomous.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Computer Ethics? 2. What is the Role of Experts? 3. What is Connecting Ethics? 4. What is Social Context? 5. What is Demarcation of Computer Ethics?

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TITLE: Just Consequentialism and Computing (Chapter 1.8) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Policies are rules of conduct ranging from formal laws to informal, implicit guidelines for action. Policies recommend kinds of actions that are sometimes contingent upon different situations. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Just Consequentialism is.


I want to understand what is computing based on this chapter.


I want to identify what is Consequentialism Constrained by Justice.


I want to identify the Good as the Enemy of the Just.

REACTION: Computer and information ethics need ethical theories which coherently unify deontological and consequentialist aspects of ethical analysis. It makes just consequentialism a practical and theoretically sound approach to ethical problems of computer and information ethics. The malleability of computers allows them to be used in novel and unexpected ways, ways for which we frequently do not have formulated policies for controlling their use. Policies are rules of conduct ranging from formal laws to informal, implicit guidelines for action. Policies recommend kinds of actions that are sometimes contingent upon different situations. Viewing issues in the ethics of computing in terms of policies is important. Policies have the right level of generality to consider in assessing the morality of conduct. We want our policies for computing to be ethical but what should we look for when constructing ethical computing policies. Applied ethicists find themselves immersed in ad hoc analyses of ethical problems and selecting solution from an inconsistent pile of principles. The ethical evaluation of a given policy requires the evolution of the consequences of that policy and often the consequences of the policy compared with the consequences of other possible policies. Among other objections, consequentialism seems to be insensitive to issue of justice. When considering consequences we pevaluate the benefits and harms. Human beings have a common nature. Humans are not necessarily concerned about the lives, happiness and autonomy of others but they are concerned on their own. To be ethical one must not inflict unjustified harm on others.

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The fact that humans value and disvalue the same kind of things suggests that there may be common standards by which humans of different cultures can evaluate actions and policies. The combined notions of human life, happiness and autonomy may not be far from what Aristotle meant be human flourishing. We seek computing polices that at least protect, if not promote, which is human flourishing. Justice requires an impartially toward the kinds of policies we allow. It is unjust for someone to use a kind of policy that he would not allow others to use. This chapter encourages us to develop computing policies in such a way that they are above all just. It may be tempting in some situations to focus on strikingly good consequences of a policy while ignoring injustice. We want good computing policies that promote human flourishing but only as long as the policies themselves remain just. Unjust policies will in the long run undermine the benefits of these polices no matter how good they are. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Humans are not necessarily concerned about the lives, happiness and autonomy of others, but they are concerned about their own.


When humans are using computer technology to harm other humans, there is a burden of justification on those doing the harming.


When evaluating policies for computing, we need to evaluate the consequences of the proposed policies.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Just Consequentialism? 2. What is computing? 3. What is Consequentialism constrained by justice? 4. What are the uncharted waters? 5. What are the combined notions of human life?

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TITLE: The Internet as Public Space: Concepts, Issues and Implications in Public Policy (Chapter 2.1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Policies are rules of conduct ranging from formal laws to informal, implicit guidelines for action. Policies recommend kinds of actions that are sometimes contingent upon different situations. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the reason why internet is more than Multi-Media


I want to know the Digital Characteristics of a Public space.


I want to identify the uses of Internet as public space: opportunities and Barriers.


I want to be familiar with the different issues on it.


I want to distinguish on how to consider a place as a public space.

REACTION: The internet has long been identified as information agora which serves as a public safety for citizen. It is being shaped by two seemingly contradictory characteristics: personal and ubiquitous. Cyberspace enables the citizenry to find new ways to interact economically, politically and socially. The nature of ubiquity imposes on a variety of individual or organization rights. In this section, the goal of Camp and Chien is two fold. It is to help clarify concepts, old and emerging, and to bring up important issues involved. And lastly, it is to consider how regulating the Internet as public space sheds light on public policies of the future regarding Internet governance. Chien and Camp presented three issues that must be considered when regulating electronic spaces which are simultaneously, permeability and exclusivity. Simultaneously refers to the ability of a person to be two places at once at work and at a train station. Permeability is the ability of barriers between spatial, organizational or traditional barriers to be made less powerful or effective with the adaptation of information technology. Exclusivity is the nature of one space, perception or activity to prevent others. To complete the goal, they describe what the Internet is not which is a new entrant into media type’s paradigm. The failure of the media regulatory metaphor has lead to a spatial metaphor. They address the fundamental policy issues that result from treating the Internet as public space. They close with the implications with respect to public policy that are crucial to the continuing development of the Internet as a valuable viable public space.

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Camp and Chien claim a place in it and enjoy the rights associated with the space. Each of these spaces has implicit, physical definitions of permeability or exclusivity. The core that must be reconciled is the relationship of one space to others. The experience of electronic spaces can be simultaneous. These are the different characteristics presented in the digital characteristics of a public space: 1. Public and Private – The Internet that connects people, machines and information resources is at once public and private. This is the most salient characteristics of the Internet. 2. Global vs. Local – An Internet space is globally interconnected, as by definition, however provides richness and extends it usefulness. 3. Trans-lingual and cross-reference – Surfing the net is like walking in the streets of a country. Hardly anything you see or hear that is interesting or relevant is rendered only in English. 4. Connections to the non-public – An Internet space may be connected to spaces that are of a proprietary nature. 5. Control and/vs. Freedom – It is an external issue of governance which describes above makes it even harder to reach public consensus in this weird time. The spatial model would alter perceptions of public policy problems in comparison to the media type’s perspective. They describe how the differences simultaneity, permeability and exclusivity between virtual and real spaces affect governance. 1. Governance of Internet Use – Issues in Internet governance include security, protection of data and intellectual property rights, reliability, trust, standards and global power interdependence. Issues of privacy encryption can be more easily distinguished with a spatial model than a media model. 2. Impact on Social Capital and Social Leadership – The Internet enables the formation of social capital which refers to the features of social organization which facilitates technology innovation. 3. Impact on Social Well-Being – The traditional concept of Universal Access needs a new definition. The disputes over what are a digital dial-tone and the definition of broadband on the Internet have distracted policy makers from the core issues. The spatial metaphor will help to promote and coordinate work in standards, rules of governance and ethics of Internet use speech are judged offline by time, space and content. A regulatory regime that is too extreme may result in employees limiting employers to private areas on the Internet.

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I understand the Impact on social capital and society leadership of internet with respect to public space.


I learned the different characteristics presented in the digital characteristics of a public space:

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the impact of public policy of social well-being? 2.

What is the impact of public policy of social capital and society leadership?

3. Which are the establishments that use internet as a public space? 4. What are the digital characteristics of a public space? 5. What is Internet?

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TITLE: The Laws on Cyberspace (Chapter 2.2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Cyberspace is regulated by laws but not just by law. The code of cyberspace is one of these laws. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what the Laws in Cyberspace are.


I want to understand what Cyber-libertarian is.


I want to know the difference between market norms and social norms.


I want to know what Laws, Norms, Code and Markets relations are.

REACTION: Behavior in the real world is regulated by four sorts of constraints. Law is just one of those four constraints. Law regulates by sanctions imposed ex post. Social norms are second. They also regulate. Social norms direct and constrain my behavior in a far wider array of contexts than any law. The market is a third constraint. It regulates by price. Through the derived price, the market sets my opportunities and through this range of opportunities, it regulates. There is the constraint of architecture which it is the ability to know what is happening on the other side of the room. That there is no access-ramp to library constraints that access of one bound to wheel chair. Behavior in cyberspace, according to this chapter, is regulated by four sorts of constraints. Law is just one of those constraints, there is law just now in cyberspace such as copyright law, or defamation law, or sexual harassment law. Norms in cyberspace are rules that govern behavior and expose individuals to sanction from others. They too function in cyberspace as norms function in real space, threatening punishments ex post by a community. The market constraints in cyberspace like in a real space. Change in price of access is the constraint on access differs. The most significant constraints is the code or the architecture which is composed of the software and hardware that constituents cyberspace as it is, the sets of protocols, the set of rules, implemented or codified, in the software of cyberspace itself which determine how people interact, or exist, in this space. Cyberspace is different. The default in cyberspace is anonymity. It is practically impossible for the laws and norms to apply in cyberspace. One has to know that it is a kid one is dealing with. But the architecture of the space simply doesn’t provide this information. The important point is to see the difference and to identify its source.

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The problem with all this is that the net has no nature. There is no single architecture that is essential to the net’s design. But nothing requires that these features, or protocols, always continue the net as it always will be. We celebrate the “inherent” freedom of the net; the architecture of the net is changing from under us. The architecture is shifting from architecture of freedom to architecture of control. It is shifting already without government’s intervention, through government is quickly coming to see just how it might intervene to speed it up. Cyberspace is regulated by laws but not just by law. The code of cyberspace is one of these laws. We must come to see how this code is an emerging sovereign and that we must develop against this sovereign the limits that we must develop against this sovereign the limits that we have developed. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Cyberspace is regulated by laws but not just law. The code of cyberspace is one of these laws.


Sovereign will always say real space as well as cyberspace that limits and infancies bugs are not necessary.


Cyberspace is different.


Code and Market and Norms and law together regulate in cyberspace as architecture and market and norms and law regulate in real space

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the laws of “cyberspace”? 2. What is meant by the word “cyberspace”? 3. What factors all together generates the law of cyberspace? 4. What are the real constraints? 5. Is cyberspace really different?

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TITLE: Of Black Holes and Decentralized Law-Making in Cyberspace (Chapter 2.3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The protocols of global network, like the neutral languages they so closely resemble, emerged from a process that was as it core unplanned and undirected. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand what Block Holes are.


I want to know Decentralized Lawmaking in cyberspace.


I want to understand what RBL is.

REACTION: There is community of people who spend their time thinking about law and policy in cyberspace. It is not always characterized in these terms; it reflects a conflict between competing visions of “order” and “disorder” in social systems. In this chapter, the author shares, the managers of MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System) create and maintain what they call the “Realtime Blackhole List” which consists of a long list of Internet addresses. They place on the RBL any Internet address from which, to their knowledge, spam has originated. They also place on the RBL the address of any network that allows “open-mail relay” or provides “spam support services”. The proliferation of unsolicited mass e-mailing operations is a series, or at least a non-trivial, one. E-mail has become an indispensable form of communication, of incalculable commercial and non-commercial importance for a substantial and evergrowing segment of the world community. Its value is being undermined by a barrage of unwanted and unsolicited communications. The MAPS operators propose a norm; a description of behavior that they consider is unacceptable. It allows open mail real systems or providing spam support services. They offer to serve as your agent in identifying those who are violating this norm. They offer to keep you inform of those identifications. The protocols of the global network, like the natural languages they so closely resemble, emerged from a process that was at its once unplanned and undirected. We can certainly point expose to many individuals and institutions that played particularly important roles in its emergence, ex ante there was no one we could have pointed to as charged with creating the set of rules we now know as the Internet, anymore than we can point to anyone individual or institution charged with creating the set of rules for English syntax. The Internet functions well today are probably not viable over the long term. We should not wait for it to break down before acting. We should not move so quickly, or

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depart so radically from the existing structures, that we disrupt the functioning of the Internet. A “stable” Internet is one locked in place, incapable of generating innovative responses to the very problems to the very problems that it is itself bringing into existence. The very existence of the Internet should caution us against diminishing too quickly the notion that there are some problems that are best solved by these messy, disordered, semi-chaotic, unplanned, decentralized systems, and that the costs that necessarily accompany such unplanned disorder may sometimes be worth bearing. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned about the different topics about the incident, the explanation, the question and the debate.


I understand about the stable Internet which is a response in innovation.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is it about regulating the net? 2. What is MAPS? 3. What is RBL? 4. What is CCITT? 5. What is ICANN’s?

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TITLE: Fahrenheit 451.2: Is Cyberspace Burning? (Chapter 2.4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: People from all corners of the globe-people who might otherwise never connect because of their vast geographical differences can now communicate on the internet both easily and cheaply LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn the six reasons why self rating scheme are wrong for the internet.


I want to know what is rethinking the rush rate.


I want to learn the free speech online: a victory under siege.


I want to understand more about cyberspace burning.


I want to learn why blocking software should not be used by public libraries.

REACTION: In this chapter, Ray Bradbury describes a function society where books are outlawed. Fahrenheit 451.2 is the temperature at which books burn. People censor the printed word by burning books. In the virtual world, one can use just as easily censor controversial speech by banishing it to the farthest corners of cyberspace using rating and blocking programs. The White House called a summit meeting to encourage Internet users to self-rate their speech and to urge industry leaders to develop and deploy the tools for blocking “inappropriate” speech. Industry leaders responded to the White House call with a barrage of announcements: -

Netscape announced plans to join Microsoft. In adopting PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection), the rating standard that establishes a consistent way to rate and block online content.


IBM announced it was making $100,000 grant to RSAC (Recreational Software Advisory Council) to encourage the use of its RSACi rating system.


Four of the major search engines announced a plan to cooperate in the promotion of “self-regulation” of the Internet.


Following the announcement of proposed legislation by Sen. Patty Murray which would impose civil and ultimately criminal penalties on those who misrate a site the Online Cooperative Publishing Act.

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The Internet will become bland and homogenized. The major commercials sites will still be readily available. They will have the resources and inclination to self-rate and third party rating services will be inclined to give them acceptable ratings. It is a scenario has already been set in motion. These are the following scenarios: -

The use of PICS becomes universal.


One or two rating systems dominate the market and become the de facto standard for the Internet.


PICS and the dominant rating system are built into Internet software as an automatic default.


Unrated speech on the Internet is effectively blocked by defaults.


Search engines refuse to report on the existence of unrated or “unacceptably” rated sites.


Governments frustrated by “indecency” still on the Internet make self-rating mandatory and mis-rating a crime.

In this chapter, six reasons are given on why self-rating schemes are wrong for the Internet. These are the six reasons why self-rating schemes are wrong for the Internet: -

Self-Rating schemes will cause controversial speech to be censored.


Self-rating is burdensome, unwieldy and costly


Conversation cannot be rated.


Self-rating will create “Fortress America” on the Internet.


Self-rating will only encourage, not prevent, government regulation


Self-ratings schemes will turn the internet into a homogenized medium dominated by commercial speakers.


I learned the six reasons why self-rating schemes are wrong for internet


I learn the problems with user-based blocking software at home


I become educated that blocking software should not be used by public libraries

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Why Blocking of software should not be used by public libraries? 2. Is Cyberspace Burning?

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3. What are the six reasons why self rating scheme are wrong for the internet? 4. Is third Party Rating the Answer? 5. What is ALA?

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TITLE: Filtering the Internet in the USA: Free Speech Denied (Chapter 2.5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Filtering or blocking software can be taken to be a mechanism used to restrict access to Internet content based on an internal database of the product, through a database maintained external to the product itself, to certain ratings assigned to host sites by a third party, by scanning content based on a keyword, phrase or text string or based on the source of the information. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn more about Filtering the Internet.


I want to understand more about Blocking in the Internet.


I want to learn more about Free Speech.


I want to expose more about librarians and Filtering Programs.

REACTION: Programs existed to control access at the local level, removing the need to place the burden on Internet Service Provider (ISPs). Filtering programs would largely be used in the privacy of one’s home, not in public institutions such as libraries and community centers. Filtering or blocking software can be taken to be a mechanism used to restrict access to Internet content based on an internal database of the product, through a database maintained external to the product itself, to certain ratings assigned to host sites by a third party, by scanning content based on a keyword, phrase or text string or based on the source of the information. According to this section, Rosenberg identifies two systems which are intended to first encourage, and later, require Websites and Newsgroups to rate themselves along a number of dimensions. These systems are RSACi (Recreational Software Advisory Council on the Internet) and PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection). When a web search is undertaken, what is not returned is a product of the inadequacies of the search query, the search engine style, and the filtering software. Censorship is a constant companion. In this section, the National Coalition Against Censorship characterizes the problems associated with such programs as oversimplification, over breadth, feasibility, subjectivity, full disclosure and security. Rosenberg shares that CLA (Canadian Library Association) issued a statement on Internet access in support of its existing position on intellectual freedom. The following are the two relevant points included as the CLA encourages libraries to incorporate Internet use principles into overall policies on access to library resources and to educate

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their publics about intellectual freedom principles and the role of libraries in facilitating access to resources in various forms of media. He also discussed about NCLIS (National Commission on Libraries and Information Science) recommends a number of potential solutions for dealing with a number of recognized “perils” and “policy issues” as the following goes: -

Separate terminals can be provided for adults and children.


Libraries can provide Internet training, education, and other awareness programs to parents and teachers.


Internet access terminals can be configures with software that can be turned on or off and restricts access to designated web sites or specific Internet functions.

If filtering software is going to be used, David Jones strongly suggests, according to Rosenberg, that the following conditions be included: -

The specific criteria for censoring web sites must be approved by the Library Board and made available to the public on request.


The implementation of this censorship must be in control of the library staff and not someone outside the company.


The black list of censored websites should not be a secret. It should be made available to the public on request.


There should be a procedure for members of the public to ask library staff to reconsider classifications of websites.


I know the examples of Problems with blocking and filtering programs.


I understand the Mainstream Loudoun.


I identify the librarians and filtering programs

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Free Speech? 2. What is Filtering? 3. What is blocking? 4. What is Librarian Association? 5. What are the filtering problems in the internet?

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TITLE: Censorship, the Internet, and the Child Pornography Law of 1996: A Critique (Chapter 2.6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: When the law speaks universally, then a case arises on it which is not covered by the universal statement then it is right where the legislator fails us and erred by over simplicity to correct the omission –to say what the legislator himself would have said had he been, and would have put into his law if he had known LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what is Censorship


I want to know what is Pornography and Child Pornography


I want to understand what is Child pornography Law


I want to know what is Censorship in the Internet


I want to know why it is that Child Pornography cases increases.

REACTION: In this chapter, Catudal discussed Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) is an agreement over the proposition that children of protection against those who would exploit them by producing child pornographic materials is not sufficient to secure agreement over the means by which to provide protections. Catudal have three main objections that are presented against the CPPA. CPPA is as broad in its proscriptions as to violate the First Amendment rights of adults; the same protections made available to children. CPPA altogether fails to provide minors and their legal guardians with the privacy rights needed to combat the harms associated with certain classes of prurient material on the Internet. Technological advances in home computing and Congress failure to appreciate how prurient material may be accessed over the Internet combine with CPPA to wrongfully expose an increasing number of individuals to possible prosecution and personal ruin. Catudal distinguishes between censorship by suppression and censorship by deterrence. Both forms of censorship presuppose that some authorized person or group of persons has judged some text to be objectionable on moral, political, or other grounds and banned the text prohibited by law or decree any access to the text. The difference bears on effecting the prohibition. Censorship by suppression effects the prohibition by preventing the objectionable material itself from being revealed, published, or circulated; it may do this by blocking the material, by removing the material to inaccessible archives or by destroying the material. Censorship by deterrence does not prevent material from being published; material may be quite

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available to all. The prohibition is rather effected by threats of arrest, prosecution, conviction and punishments against those who would make objectionable material available and against those who would acquire it. The Act makes it a crime to knowingly send, receive, distribute, reproduce, sell or possess with intent to sell and makes it a crime to possess more than three child pornographic images. The Act greatly broadens the definition of child pornography to include entire categories of images that many would judge not to be child pornographic and that some would judge not to be pornographic at all. The sponsors of the Child Pornography Prevention Act don’t think the questions fundamentally important or relevant. Their contention is that the most effective way to protect children against the harms created by child pornography is to ban any material whose effect would be ‘to whet the appetites’ of child sexual abusers. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I become more familiar with the Child Pornography Prevention Act


I learned the different arguments presented by the author: Argument 1: CPPA Violates the First Amendment, Argument 2: CPPA’s protective are inadequate and Argument 3: CPPA can harm our children

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Child Pornography? 2. What is Child Pornography act? 3. What is censorship? 4. What is Pornography? 5. Is child pornography be continued or not in the cloud?

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TITLE: PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship (Chapter 2.7) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Consumers choose their selection software and their label sources independently. This separation allows both markets to flourish: companies that prefer to remain value-neutral can offer selection software without providing any labels; valueoriented organizations, without writing software, can create rating services that provide labels. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Flexible Blocking is.


I want to become familiar with what is PICS is all about


I want to learn what the Labels are.


I want to classify the uses of Labels


I want to know what is and what re the Label Reading Software

REACTION: The Internet now faces a problem inherent in all media that serve diverse audiences. Societies have tailored their responses to the characteristics of the media. Any rules about the distribution will be too restrictive from some perspective, yet not restrictive enough from others. PICS establishes Internet conventions for label formats and distribution methods while dictating neither a labeling vocabulary not who should pay attention to which labels. Not everyone needs to block reception of the same materials. There should be some way to block only the inappropriate material. Appropriateness is neither an objective nor a universal measure. It depends on the following three factors: 1. Supervisor – parenting styles differ, as do philosophies of management and government 2. Recipient – what is appropriate for one fifteen year old may not be for an eightyear old 3. Content – a game or chat room that is appropriate to access at home may be inappropriate at work or school. There was no standard format for labels, so companies that wished to provide access control had to both develop the software and provide the labels. Consumers choose their selection software and their label sources independently. This separation allows both markets to flourish: companies that prefer to remain value-neutral can offer

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selection software without providing any labels; value-oriented organizations, without writing software, can create rating services that provide labels. Information publishers can self-label provided that publishers agree on a common labeling vocabulary, self-labeling is a simple mechanism well-matched to the distributed nature and high volume of information creation on the Internet. Third party labeling systems can also express features that are of concern to a limited audience. There are two PICS specification documents. The most important components are syntax for describing a rating service, syntax for labels, an embedding labels and the HTML document format, an extension of the HTTP protocol, and querysyntax for an on-line database of labels. PICS do not specify parents or other supervisors set configuration rules. One possibility is to provide a configuration tool. Labels can be retrieved in various ways. Some client might choose to request labels each time a user tries to access a document. PICS specifies very little about how to run a labeling service beyond the format of the service description and the labels. Rating services must make the following choices: labeling vocabulary, granularity, which creates the labels, coverage and revenue generation. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I understand what Flexible Blocking is all about.


I determine what PICS doesn’t Specify


I learned the uses of Labels


I determine the two PICS Specifications

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is PICS? 2. What are the specifications of PICS? 3. How do you make the internet better? 4. What is flexible blocking? 5. What are the ways to do flexible blocking?

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TITLE: Internet Service Providers and Defamation: New Standards of Liability (Chapter 2.8) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The one ambiguity in all of this is the need to factor into our analysis of responsibility the difficulties and costs that are involved in preventing harm or rendering aid to someone else LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what is and what are the Internet Service Providers


I want to know as well what Internet Defamation is.


I want to learn what the Legal Precedents are for ISP Liability.


I want to understand what is ISP.


I want to know does Cyberspace alter the need for libel laws.

REACTION: The complexity of multi-faceted issue precludes a comprehensive treatment of Internet defamation. We will thoroughly consider the scope of an Internet Service Provider liability for defamation in the realm of cyberspace. Liable means morally responsible or accountable in some fashion. Mandating ISP liability could have an unwanted chilling effect on free expression in cyberspace. Failure to require ISP’s to take adequate measures that will curtail liable are not conducive to civil discourse or the protection of private reputation. The Firs Amendment of the Constitutions guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Internet has been hailed for promoting uninhibited speech; there must be limit on speech even in cyberspace. Defamation, according to Spinello, is a communication that harms the reputation of another and lowers that person’s esteem in the eyes of the community. There are different standards of liability for distributing defamatory information depending upon the role one plays in the process. Under the standard of publisher liability, one who repeats or otherwise republishes defamatory material is subject to liability as if he had originally published it. Under the standard of common carrier liability, a common carrier has reason to know that defamation is occurring; it has no liability for defamatory remarks made by its customers. ISP liability is one way in which the remarkable ascendancy of the Internet raises new challenges about the proper assignment of liability. Cyberspace defamation has provoked considerable confusion for the American legal system, as evidenced by the conflicting rulings set forth about ISP liability.

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Judges have handed down different rulings regarding ISP liability depending upon the level of editorial control that an ISP has exercised. In the first case discussed by Spinello, the court ruled that CompuServe was not liable for disseminating an electronic newsletter with libelous content. It would be difficult to screen out most libelous statements since they often consist of ordinary language. The ill-fated Communications Decency Act contains which grants broad immunity from liability to ISP’s that carry content generated by its subscribers. According to Raquillet, the main argument is that submitting ISP’s to distributor liability would mean that they would face the liability each time they were noticed of a potential defamatory statement, the investigation would be burdensome, and contradict the congressional intent to promote the development of the Internet. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I understand the Legal Definitions and standards.


Internet service providers and legal defamation.


I learned the legal precedents for ISP liability.


Cyberspace alters the need for libel laws.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is ISP? 2. What is legal defamation? 3. What is ISP liability? 4. What is Service Provider? 5. What are the legal precedents for ISP liability?

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TITLE: Digital Millennium Copyright Act (Chapter 3.1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The one ambiguity in all of this is the need to factor into our analysis of responsibility the difficulties and costs that are involved in preventing harm or rendering aid to someone else LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to be familiar with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act


I want to understand the section of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act

REACTION: No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively control access to a work protected under this title. The prohibition contained shall not apply to persons who are users of a copyrighted work which is a particular class of works or are likely to be in the succeeding 3-year period, adversely affected by virtue of such prohibition in their ability to make noninfringing uses of that particular class of works under this title. No person shall manufacture, import, offer to the public, provide or otherwise traffic in any technology, product, service, device, component, or part thereof that is primarily designed or produced for the purpose of circumventing a technological measure that effectively control access to a work protected under this title, has only limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent a technological measure. And is marked by that person or acting in concert with that person with that person’s knowledge for use in circumventing a technological measure that effectively control access to a work protected under this title. In false copyright management information, it states that no person shall knowingly and with the intent to induce, enable, facilitate, or conceal infringement. In removal or alteration of copyright management information, it discussed that no person shall, without the authority of the copyright owner or the law. Copyright management information means any of the following information conveyed in connection in connection with copies or phone records of a work or performances or displays of a work, except that such term does not include any personally identifying information about a user of a work or of a copy. Limitation on liability of nonprofit educational institutions states that when a public or other non-profit institution of higher education is a service provider. In replacement of removed or disabled material and limitation on other liability, shall not apply with respect to material residing at the direction of a subscriber of the service provider on a system or to which access is disabled by the service provider. Service provider is an entity, as defined in this chapter, offering the transmission, routing, or providing of connections for digital online communications of materials of

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the user’s choosing without modification to the content of the material as sent or received. Monetary relief means damages, costs, attorneys’ fees and any other form of monetary payment. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I become familiarized with the Public Law 105-304.


Understand the Sec. 103 Copyright Protection Systems and Copyright Management o

Definition in general


In details

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Digital Millennium Copyright Act? 2. Explain the limitations on liability for copyright infringement. 3. Explain the limitations on liability relating to material online. 4. What does Sec 1201 states? 5. What does Sec 103 states?

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TITLE: Note on the DeCSS Trial (Chapter 3.2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The posting of the de-encryption formula is no different from making and then distributing unauthorized keys to the department store. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what DeCSS trial is.


I want to know how it is related to DMCA and Its Technical background.


I want to be familiar about the lawsuits about it and the outcomes of it.

REACTION: The DeCSS trial has tested the scope and constitutionality of the anti-circumvention provision included in Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Act. All DVDs contain digital information, and this allows copies of a motion picture contained on a DVD to be stored on a hard disk drive in the computer system’s memory to be transmitted over the Internet. They have been protected with an access control system that encrypts the contents. This system was developed by Matshusita Electric Industrial Co. and Toshiba Corporation. The DVD industry has adopted this standard. According to this chapter, Norway decided that he wanted to watch DVD movies on a computer that ran the Linux operating system. Cracking the code was not a major hurdle yet it becomes the birth of the DeCSS. According to this chapter, Jack Valenti states that “this is a case of theft. The posting of the de-encryption formula is no different from making and then distributing unauthorized keys to a department store. In this section, author shares, Kaplan issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the defendants from posting DeCSS on their respective web sites. DeCSS simply preserves “fair use” in digital media by allowing DVDs to work on computer systems that are not running Mac or Windows operating systems. Consumers should have the right to use these disks on a Linux system, and this required the development of a program. The contention was that DeCSS existed to facilitate a reverse-engineering process that would allow the playing of movies on unsupported systems. The defense team received considerable support within certain segments of the academic community. Some scholars were particularly worried about the effect that would result from the injunction against hyper linking. This brief also presented arguments supporting the defense view that DeCSS fits within the reverse engineering exception of the anti-circumvention provision.

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This section presented that there are obviously much larger issues pertaining to the First Amendment and its apparent conflict with property rights. This case also epitomizes certain concerns about the DMCA law itself. This ruling itself appears to make it illegal for someone in an educational institution. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I have understood the technical background, the underlying lawsuit and its corresponding outcomes.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the DeCSS trial? 2.

What is the technical background of the DeCSS Trial?

3. What is the lawsuit in the trial? 4. What about the Lawsuit? 5. What is the actual outcome of the trial?

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TITLE: A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net? (Chapter 3.3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: One basic weakness in conversation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. When one of these non economic categories is threatened, and if we happen to love it, we invent subterfuges to give it economic importance…it is painful to read those circumstances today. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more what Intellectual property is.


I want to understand if it is environmental for the Net


I want to know the logic of Information Relation


I want to determine the conceptual structure of an intellectual land-grab.


I want to know the tension in an intellectual property system

REACTION: Boyle, in this article, argues that we need a politics or perhaps a political economy of intellectual property. Everyone says that the ownership and control of information is one of the most important forms of power in contemporary society. The information society exists yet with a surprisingly little theoretical work. Cyberpunk science fiction succeeded as a genre largely because it combined a particular plot aesthetic with a particular conceptual insight. There have been conferences over the use of the dangers posed by disparate in particular. They are isolated applications to a new technology of a familiar political worldview or calculation of self-interest. One of the root problems is a conceptual one. The economic analysis of information is beset by internal contradiction and uncertainty; information is both a component of the perfect market and a good that must be produced within that market. Information is supposed to move towards perfection. Information must be commodified so as to give its producers an incentive to produce. The Net is the anarchic, according to Boyle, decentralized network of computers that provides the main locus of digital interchange. Its distressing tendency to misstate, minimizes, or simply ignores contrary cases, policy, and legislative history, and its habit of presenting as settled. The White Paper wants to give expansive intellectual property rights because it believes that this is the best way to encourage private companies to fund construction

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of the information super highway. The White Paper not only illustrates the pervasive power of baseline fallacies in information economics, it also shows how the original author vision down plays the importance of fair use and thus encourages an absolutist rather than a functional idea of intellectual property. Decisions in a democracy are made badly when they are primarily made by and for the benefit of a few stakeholders. The fundamental aporia in economic analysis of information issues, the source-blindness of an “original author” and the political blindness to the importance of the public domain as a whole all come together to make the public domain disappear. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I understand the logic of the information relation


Intellectual property is the legal form of the information age

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Intellectual property? 2. What the logic of information relation? 3. What is the analogy to environmentalism? 4. What is the tension in an intellectual property system? 5. What is the analogy to environmentalism?

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TITLE: Intellectual Property, Information and the Common Good (Chapter 3.4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Intellectual property is an odd notion, almost an oxymoron. Property usually refers to tangible assets over which someone has or claims control. The intellectual property in a book is the arrangement of words that the ink marks on the paper represent. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about Intellectual property.


I want to understand more about also information and common good.


I want to know “a more balance view”


I want to determine the philosophical justification for intellectual property.


I want to identify as well intellectual property.

REACTION: Intellectual property is an odd notion, almost an oxymoron. Property usually refers to tangible assets over which someone has or claims control. The intellectual property in a book is the arrangement of words that the ink marks on the paper represent. Intellectual property has always been closely tied to technology. Technology arises from intellectual property in the form of new inventions. Computer technology has created a new revolution in how intellectual property is created, stored, reproduced and disseminated with that revolution has come new challenges to our understanding of intellectual property and how to protect it. The types of claims asserted over intellectual property have been many and diverse. The following cases give some ideas of the diversity of such claims: 1. Plagiarism – Students will often take all part of an article or essay that they have located online and hand it in as their own work with or without additions or modifications of their own. Plagiarism has been a problem for a long time but the easy access to vast amounts of electronic information dramatically increases the possibilities and the temptation. 2. Software Piracy – The system was set up so that anyone on the Internet could post a copy of program which was then available for downloading for free by anyone who chose to do so.

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3. Repackaging Data and Databases – There has been much debate recently about whether databases and the data in them should receive more protection than currently afforded by copyright law. 4. Reverse Engineering – Computer software never runs in isolation. It has to interact with hardware, with operating systems, and with other applications. It is often a necessity for reliable software design. 5. Copying in Transmission – The Internet uses a so-called “store and forward” architecture. The copying of messages in transit is automatic and transparent. The purpose of these intellectual works is to be communicated and shared. Not databases or automobile designs but knowing the purpose of information tells us something very important about the purpose, or the virtue, of information producers. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned the conflicts over intellectual property: Five Cases


I know the philosophical justification for intellectual property


What is an intellectual property?


What is Information?

3. What are the conflicts over intellectual property? 4. What are the philosophical justifications for intellectual property? 5. Why is intellectual property important for the common good?

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TITLE: Is Copyright Ethical? An Examination of the Theories, Laws, and Practices Regarding the Private Ownership of Intellectual Work in the United States (Chapter 3. 5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “The issue before thoughtful people is therefore not the maintenance or abolition of private property, but the determination of the precise lines along which private enterprise must be given free scope and wherein it must be restricted in the interests of the common good.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what the rights are.


I want to determine how rights arise.


I want to determine theories of intellectual property and copyright.


I want to know the history of copyright in United States.


I want to determine if copyright is ethical or not

REACTION: In revising the Copyright Act in 1909, Congress stated that the rights of copyright holders were solely created by government grant and had no other basis. It would seem then that copyright law was created by the government as instrument of policy. Policy is usually based on a choice of preferred outcomes and that choice may be based on considerations other than the moral or the ethical. This paper examines the relationship between intellectual property rights and ethics, focusing for the most part on copyright. The focus in on two key questions: what is the relationship between ethics and copyright law and practice in the United States and is the concept of private ownership of intellectual property inherently ethical. These questions are important because access to overwhelming number of elements of daily life is now controlled by intellectual property law. The author shares Waldron elaborates right theories as being of two kinds, those based on some perceived intrinsic quality or on some value that a society wishes to achieve. He argues that rights cannot be discussed without considering the topic of political morality which may be based on rights, duty or goals. The traditional legal basis for property is discussed by Cohen, according to Warwick, who defines property rights as the relationship between individuals in reference to things. He asserts that the owners of all revenue producing property are granted the power to tax the future of social product. Four approaches to the development of private property are presented such as occupation, labor, and personality and economic.

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Another detailed discussion of property and rights is presented by Waldron who poses two questions: what individual interests are served by the existence of private property and are any of these interests so important from a moral point of that they justify a government duty to protect them. Waldron examines utilitarian arguments for private property which are based on the concept that society will benefit more if material resources are controlled by individuals than if they were controlled by the state or the community as a whole. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned the theories of intellectual property and copyright


I become knowledgeable with the history of copyright in the United States.


I determine the different Limitations and Ethical manner of copyright

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is a copyright? 2. What are the rights of copyrighting? 3. What is the origin of copyright? 4. What are the theories of intellectual property? 5. What is history of copyright in the US?

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TITLE: On the Web, Plagiarism Matters More than Copyright Piracy (Chapter 3.6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Through the routine gathering of information about transactions, consumers preferences, and creditworthiness, a harvest of information about an individual’s whereabouts and movements, tastes, desires, contacts, friends, associates and patterns of work and recreation become available in the form of dossiers sold on the tradable information market, or is endlessly convertible into other form of intelligence through computer matching. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about plagiarism.


I want to determine the relation between plagiarism and copyright piracy.

REACTION: According to this chapter, piracy is the infringement of a copyright, and plagiarism is the failure to give credit. They are confused because the most common examples of these wrongs involve both sorts of wrongs. But it is not hard to give examples that separate them. It would be plagiarism but not piracy for me to take the works of an obscure 19th century poet and try to pass them off as my own. The issue of copyright on the web has received considerable attention and plagiarism per se is largely ignored. The copyright owner suffers from loss of the revenue that is customarily paid for permission to copy. In this section, Snapper discussed, the obvious candidate for plagiarism harm is the author who receives no credit. But it is hard to see what harm that author may have suffered. A possible loss of potential reputation is hardly sufficient grounds for the ethical indignation that academics express over incidents of plagiarism. Another point stretched by the author that I agree is with his observation that copyright shows concern for the owner rather than the user and it is only a starting point for a study of the issues regarding copyrights in web publication. Our copyright policies are legal conversations that establish the relevant notion of property. The argument is that a shift from hard-copy publication to Web-based publication creates a new economic environment in which slightly weakened copyright protections can still provide an adequate economic incentive for the publication industry. Snapper enumerates three important qualifications to the presented argument. These are the three important qualifications for the argument stated above: 1. Personal impression that the majority of legal scholars propose strengthened, rather than weakened, intellectual property protections for electronic publication.

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2. The present paper seems to echo a generally unconvincing argument presented by Beyer which argues that changes in technology lowered the cost of publication to the point that most copyright protections were no longer needed to encourage publication. 3. Copyright policy has a myriad of social utilities. Its intended utility is that copyright policy is to promote the progress of science and the useful arts. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Piracy is the infringement of a copyright.


There are three important qualifications to the argument with a Web-based publication which creates a new economic environment.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is piracy? 2. What are the harmful effects of plagiarism? 3. What is the use of copyright? 4. What are the uses of copyright? 5. How does the threats involved in the free-riding technique in copyright law?

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TITLE: An Ethical Evaluation of Web Site-Linking (Chapter 3.7) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The World Wide Web has grown in popularity; the propriety of linking to other web sites has achieved some prominence as an important moral and legal issue. Hyperlinks represent the essence of Web-based activity, since they facilitate navigation in a unique and efficient fashion involved. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about plagiarism.


I want to determine the relation between plagiarism and copyright piracy.

REACTION: According to Spinello, World Wide Web has grown in popularity; the propriety of linking to other web sites has achieved some prominence as an important moral and legal issue. Hyperlinks represent the essence of Web-based activity, since they facilitate navigation in a unique and efficient fashion involved. He shares that this paper will allow us readers to explore the issue of deep linking from a distinctly moral vantage point. It raises a plethora of complex property issues with subtle moral implications and it deserves a careful scrutiny. It concerns the appropriate scope of property rights for a web site and how those rights can be properly balanced against the common good of free and open communications on the web. A link is a connection within the same web site or between two different web sites. This practice becomes known as ‘deep linking’. The hyperlink text itself can appear in many forms. It can be the name of the linked to web site or a description of what is to be found at the website. In this section, it introduce that there are two types of link which are the HREF and IMG. An HREF is a link that instructs the browser to locate another website and provide its contents for user. An IMG is a link that instructs to a browser to enhance the text on the user’s web page with an image contained in a separate file. Having established that a web site is really property, we consider the specific rights implied by such ownership. We conclude that on the basis of those rights, a prima facie case can be made that because of the potential for negative effects, users should not presume that deep linking is acceptable unless they first seek out the permission of the target web site. We also fully appreciate the dangers inherent in exploring the web and the need to encourage the most flexible forms of linking. The resolution of the normative one does have the deep thoughts have tended to know the one of the World Wide Web, and for the intentions that do seek with the

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reality that had been allowed with the three theories that they had encountered: (1) utilitarianism, (2) the locking or labor-desert theory (3) the personality theory. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I understand the different issues and problems that spread related web site.


I learned the theories that encountered in the World Wide Web.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. How does Web Site Linking become harmful for target web sites? 2. What is the right to manage in the Web Site Linking 3. What is the meaning of the right to income? 4. What is Web Site as an Intellectual Property? 5. What are the factors in respecting the Common Good in the Web Site Linking?

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TITLE: The Cathedral and the Bazaar (Chapter 3.8) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand a more knowledge about hacking concept.

REACTION: As this first part, obviously it gives us an idea on what the book is all about. This chapter shows the different things that can be observed in the book during the entire reading. The topics covered are all about the information technology: quickly evolving, open source: be resourceful, computer software and hardware: build by great developers around the world and the digital age: forming a new industry in the information technology department. It also discusses the hackers which if you define is a person who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff ( It discusses what the different branches that a typical programmer has are. It encompasses the culture, tribe, activities done and objectives. As stated in the book, it will eventually discuss reasons and prove something, supported by collections attached, to any readers who will be interesting to this topic. I am looking forward to continue enjoying reading this book as Mr.Pajo shared to us, how lucky we are that we are now given opportunity to read it and have knowledge regarding this kind of topic where in we ca establish a good deed in ourselves especially in our industry today This book is a “must” for anyone who is interested in the future of the industry of information technology or computers, quick development is observed. It includes different concepts with the earlier years when computer technology was been popular to the world. I am glad reading this book because this book is presented in a simple words which can easily been understood and can be related by anyone in any means. I also want this because it simply proves that hacking is not really bad but there are some benefits from this. Hacking is done over the internet through open source. Lots of sources can be used and improved. I am really in the opinion that hacking is good. I do not think that open source is bad because especially in our class, IS-EBIZ, we are really hacking through the different ways such as download the source code or use the web developer plug-ins and a lot more. We are encouraged to do this to be more challenged to improve what definitely exists today.

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I am not really a good hacker and do not like hacking but after reading this chapter I am encouraged to be more challenged in this side because of there is a lot of idea to prove on. LESSONS LEARNED: -

I learned the different issues and problems that spread related web site.


I can determine the theories that encountered in the World Wide Web.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is POP means? 2. When is rose not considered as a rose? 3. What was Linux style of development? 4. How does pop client becomes fetch mail? 5. What are the six lessons in this chapter as enumerated?

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TITLE: Towards a Theory of Privacy for the Information Age (Chapter 4.1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: An individual or group has normative privacy in a situation with regards to others if and only if that situation the individual or group is normatively protected from intrusion, interference, and information accessed by others LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Greased Data is.


I want to understand about what is Grounding Privacy.


I want to learn the nature of Privacy.


I want to determine the setting and adjusting policies from private situations.


I want to learn more the theory of privacy for the information age.

REACTION: According to Moor, Ethical problems involving computing, probably none is more paradigmatic than the issue of privacy. In this article it argues that most individual appreciate the easy access of computerized data when making reservations, using automatic teller machines, buying new products to the web, or investigating topics in computer databases. We all know that when information is computerized, it is greased to slide easily and quickly to many ports of call. This makes information retrieval quick and convenient. But legitimate concerns about privacy arise when this speed and convenience lead to improper exposure of information. Greased information is information that moves like lightning and is hard to hold on to. He added that the greasing information makes information so easy to access that it can be used again and again. Computers have elephant memories – big, accurate, and long term. The ability of computers to remember so well for so long undercuts a human frailty that assists privacy. We humans forget most things. Most short term memories don’t even make it to long term memory. Once information is being captured for whatever purpose, it is greased and ready to go for any purpose. In computerized world we leave electronic foot prints everywhere, and data collected for one purpose can be resurrected and use elsewhere. The problem of the computer privacy is to keep proper vigilance on where such information can and should go.

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Moor discussed that For the most part the need for privacy is like good art, you know it when you see it. But sometimes our institutions can be misleading and it is important to become as clear as possible what privacy is, how it is justified, and how it is applied in ethical situations. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Some cultures may value privacy and some may not.


The transmission of knowledge is essential for the survival of every culture, but it is not the same knowledge that must be transmitted.


The core values allow us to make trans-cultural judgment.


The core values are the values we have in common as human beings.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Greased data? 2. What is Grounding Privacy? 3. What is the nature of Privacy? 4. What is the adjustment privacy? 5. What are Publicity principles?

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TITLE: The Structure of Rights in Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and the Free Movement of Such Data (Chapter 4.2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Data quality is the protection of the data subject’s reasonable expectations concerning the processing of data about him. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the directives on the question of further processing of personal data.


I want to know how to use personal data for a different purpose.


I want to determine the data protection and the philosophy of privacy.


I want to identify the channels for the flow of personal information.


I want to know as well the structures of rights in directives.

REACTION: According to the author, Elgesem, the Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data is about to be implemented in the form of o national legislation all over the Europe. An analysis of this Directive is indispensable because the first aim of this paper is to contribute to the interpretation of the Directive; it is a contribution to the philosophical theory of privacy. Modern data protection legislation is a central that raises a whole of conceptual and ethical issues. This paper, according to Elgesem, here distinct parts. The first part turns out that an important part of the Directive’s structure of individual rights has to be brought to bear in order to answer question. In the second part is all about privacy which should be identified with the individuals control concerning the flow of personal information. In the last part are the ideas of Elgesem for a philosophical theory on individual rights in connection with the processing of personal data. The bulk of processing of personal data uses information that is already available as the result of other information processes. The Directive addresses question where it is stressed that all personal data must be collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a way that is incompatible with those purpose. In this section, Elgesem stated, the two objectives identified which is to protect the fundamental rights and freedom of natural persons and in particular the right to privacy

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with respect to the processing of personal data and the protection is meant make the flow of personal information within the European community easier. It also illustrates the different channels for the flow of personal of information. These are the different channels which are the relationship between privacy and data protection in the directive, channels for the flow of personal information, data protection and the protection of privacy, the directive and the protection of channels. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Privacy a descriptive neutral concept denoting conditions that are neither always desirable and praise worthy, nor always undesirable and upraise worthy.


Privacy is not simply an absence of information about us in the minds of the other, rather it is the control we have over the information about ourselves.


In accordance with the directive, member states shall protect the fundamental rights and freedom of neutral persons and in particular right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What conditions is it legitimate to process personal data are collected from the different purposes? 2. What is Data Protection? 3. What is the Philosophy of Privacy? 4. What it is about the Channels for the flow of the personal information? 5. What is Data Quality?

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TITLE: Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (Chapter 4.3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Privacy is not simply an absence of information about us in the minds of others, rather it is the control we have over information about ourselves. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more the Theory of Privacy.


I want to understand the Role of Control in the Theory of Privacy.


I want to determine the similarities and difference about the Normative Privacy and the Restricted Access Theory.


I want to know how to use the Control in the Justification and Management Privacy.


I want to know Privacy in enhancing Technology.

REACTION: The present study is organized into two main parts: the theory of privacy which defends a version of the restricted access theory of privacy, according to Moor, and the pricy –enhancing technologies which considers the role of the privacy. In our private lives we wish to control information about ourselves. We wish to control information that might be embarrassing or harm us. And we wish to control information that might increase our opportunities and allow us to advance our projects. The notion of privacy and the notion of control fit together. Privacy is the main claim of the individuals, groups or institutions to determine for themselves when, how to what extent information about them is communicated to others. According to the book to have a personal view about personal property is to have the ability to consent to the dissemination of personal information. Control of personal information is extremely important as, of course is privacy. But these concepts according to the book are more useful when treated as separable, mutually supporting concepts than as one. Individual control of personal information on the other hand is part of the justification of privacy and plays a role in the management of privacy. Privacy and control do fit together naturally, just not in the way people often state. Virtually all societies establish normatively private situations, zones of privacy, which limits access to people or aspects about them under certain conditions. The details of these normatively private situations vary somewhat from cultures but they are intended to protect individuals and foster social relationships whether the individuals have control in the situations or not. Normative privacy needs to be distinguished from

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natural or descriptive privacy. Simply being alone doesn’t provide sufficient claim to right to privacy anymore than having the right to privacy can guarantee privacy as matter of fact. The concept of privacy is defined in terms of restricted access. Control has a central role in the justification and management of privacy. One practical payoff in making this distinction is that one can resist the temptation to think that because one has increased privacy. LESSONS LEARNED: -

The adequacy of PETS can be challenged in terms of their technological effectiveness or on the basis of their security and public policy implications.


PETS provide users with control over their own information.


PETS offer users choices about what information they wish to release.


PETS give us increased control but it remains an open question whether privacy is increased.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the Role of Control in the Theory of Privacy? 2. What is Normative Privacy? 3. What is Restricted Access Theory? 4. What exactly are PETS? 5. Why are PETS appealing?

135 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: Challenges of Information Technology (Chapter 4.4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: At the heart of the concern to protect ‘privacy’ lies a conception of the individual and his or her relationship with society. The idea of private and public spheres or activity assumes a community in which not only does such a division make sense, but the institutional and structural agreements that facilitate an organic representation of this kind are present. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know Privacy and the Personal Realm Background


I want to determine how privacy is being violated in public.


I want to know the Two Misleading Assumptions.


I want to determine the Implication for a Theory of Privacy.


I want to analyze the case study about Lotus Marketplace.

REACTION: According to the author, Nssenbaum, this article highlights a contemporary privacy problem that falls outside the scope of dominant theoretical approaches. Many influential approaches to privacy emphasize the role of privacy in safe guarding a personal intimate realm where people may escape the prying and interference of others. The idea that privacy functions to protect the integrity of a private or intimate real spans scholarly work in many disciplines, including legal, political and philosophical discussion of privacy. Privacy is important because it renders possible important human relationships. Privacy provides the necessary context for relationship which we could hardly be human if we had to do without-the relationships of love, friendship and trust. Privacy as control over all information about oneself, according to Fried defended a moral and legal right to privacy that extends only over the far more limited domain of intimate or personal information. The danger of extending control over too broad spectrum of information is privacy may then interfere with other social and legal values. According to Fried the important thing is that there is some information which is protected, namely information about the personal and intimate aspects of life. According also to him, the precise content of the class of protected information will be determined largely by social and cultural convention. Prevailing social order designates certain areas, intrinsically no more private that other areas, as symbolic of the whole institution of privacy, and thus deserving of protection beyond their particular importance.

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The author shares assumptions stands in the way of an adequate concept of privacy which are there is a realm public information about persons to which no privacy apply and an aggregation of information does not violate privacy f s parts, taken individually, do not. Intimacy simply could not exist unless people had the opportunity for privacy. Excluding outsiders and resenting their uninvited intrusions are essential parts of having an intimate relationship. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Privacy is the condition of not having undocumented personal knowledge about one possessed by others.


Parent means fact which most person in a given society choose not to reveal about them or facts about which a particular individual is acutely sensitive.


A person’s right to privacy restricts access by others to this sphere of personal, undocumented information unless, in any given case, there are other moral rights that clearly out weight privacy.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Privacy and Personal Real Background? 2. What are the Two Misleading Assumptions? 3. What is the view of Schoeman, Fried and Gertein? 4. Who is Raymong Wak? 5. What is the Case of Lotus Marketplace is all about?

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TITLE: KDD, Privacy, Individuality, and Fairness (Chapter 4.5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: At the heart of the concern to protect ‘privacy’ lies a conception of the individual and his or her relationship with society. The idea of private and public spheres or activity assumes a community in which not only does such a division make sense, but the institutional and structural agreements that facilitate an organic representation of this kind are present. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know Privacy and the Personal Realm Background


I want to understand how Privacy is being violated in public.


I want to know the Two Misleading Assumptions.


I want to know the Implication for a Theory of Privacy.


I want to internalize and analyzed the case study about Lotus Marketplace.

REACTION: In this chapter it discusses the personal data as often considered to be the exclusive kind of data eligible for protection by privacy law and privacy norms. Personal data is commonly defined as data and information relating to unidentifiable person; on the protection of the individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Personal data should only be collected for specified, explicit, legitimate purposes and should not be further processed in away incompatible with these purposes. No excessive data should be collected, relative to the purpose for which the data is collected. Moreover the data should be accurate and, if applicable, kept up to date. Every reasonable step must be taken to ensure that inaccurate or incomplete data is either rectified or erased. A personal data should be kept in a form that permits identification or data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected. Another point stretched by Vedder is with the application of the narrow definition of personal data and the protective measures connected to that definition of KDD process is not without difficulties. Of course, as long as the process involves personal data in the strict sense of data relating to an identified or identifiable individual, the principles applying without reservation; once the data has become anonymous, or has been processed and generalized, an individual cannot exert any influence on the processing of data at all. The rights and requirements make no sense regarding anonymous data and group profile.

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In the later part of this chapter it discusses that the data used and the profiles created do not always qualify as personal data. Nevertheless, the ways in which the profiles are applied may have a serous impact on the persons from whom the data was originally taken or, even more for the matter to whom the profiles are eventually applied. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Individual is judged and treated on the basis of his, coincidently, belonging to the wrong category of persons.


Data can be processed and profiles can be produced.


Categorical privacy is strongly connected with individual privacy.


Most conceptions of individual privacy currently put forward in law and ethical debate have on feature in common.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is KDD? 2. What is Personal Data, law and Ethics? 3. What is Categorical Privacy? 4. What are Social Consequences? 5. What are the Solutions according to this chapter?

139 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Data Mining and Privacy (Chapter 4.6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Devised by computer scientist David Chaum, these techniques prevent the dossier society in which computers could be used to infer individuals’ life styles, habits, whereabouts, and associations from data collected in ordinary consumer transactions can have a chilling effect causing the people to alter their observable activities LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more about Data Mining.


I want to learn more about Knowledge Discovery.


I want to know analysis conducted about this chapter.

REACTION: According to Fulda, as he discussed, Knowledge Discovery using data mining techniques differs from ordinary information retrieval in that what is sought and extracted mined – from the data is not explicit in the database. Fulda defines data mining as the most easily accomplished when the data are highly structured and available in many different forms at many different levels in what are known as data warehouse. The data warehouse contains integrated data, both detailed and summarized data, historical data, and metadata. According to this chapter, points are clarified such as much of the current concerns about privacy arise because of data mining and more generally, knowledge discovery. In traditional computer science terms, data is uninterrupted, while knowledge has a semantics that gives it meaning. While the data stored in databases are not truly uninterrupted, the old legal rule that anything put by a person in the public domain is not legally protected served well when the data was not mined so as to produced classifications, clustering, summaries and profiles, dependencies and links and other patterns. And so non of the cases according to this book involved technology, but sifting through a stack of magazines, an archives, or a stack of letters to find associations between two data and an individual are all pre-technological forms of data mining, and they are all improper. Another point stretched by Fulda is that technology cannot make right what is otherwise wrong, so such data mining is indeed, a violation of privacy; if data about the individual is mined and implicit knowledge about him is discovered, an appropriation occurred, and further disclosure should not be permitted.

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Data Mining is most easily accomplished when the data are highly structured and available in many different forms at many different levels in what are known as data warehouse.


Much of the current concerns about privacy arise because of data mining and more generally, knowledge discovery. In traditional computer science terms, data is uninterrupted, while knowledge has a semantics that gives it meaning.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Data Mining? 2. What are the Issues about Data Mining? 3. What is the Analysis about Data Mining? 4. What are the benefits of Data Mining? 5. What is the connection between Data Mining and Privacy?

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TITLE: Workplace Surveillance, Privacy and Distributive Justice (Chapter 4.7) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Surveillance is no longer an ambiguous tool for control and social certainty, not it is merely a weight that weighs down on the employee rather it’s logic and its effects has become increasingly difficult to see clearly and distinctly. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the reason why Privacy as a Matter of Justice


I want to understand what is Resisting Workplace Surveillance


I want to be familiar with what is Distributive Justice all about.


I want to know the connection between Workplace Surveillance, Privacy and Distributive Justice.

REACTION: According to this chapter, Surveillance has become a central issue in our late modern society. The surveillance of the public spaces by closed circuit television, the surveillance of consumers through consumers surveys and point of sale technology, and workplace surveillance, to name but a few. And so as surveillance increases, more and more questions are being raised about its legitimacy. Surveillance often functions as resource for the execution off power, and power is the most effective when it hides itself. Introna points out the issue of the lack of legislation in other countries would also indicate that it would be reasonable to conclude that workplace monitoring is still largely viewed as a right of employers with the burden of proof in the employee to show that it is invasive, unfair and stressful. It would seem that a legal correction in the imbalance of power is not likely to be forthcoming in the near future. There is also accumulating evidence that surveillance of individuals lead to stress, a lost of sense of dignity and a general environment of mistrust. Introna believes that Surveillance is no longer an ambiguous tool for control and social certainty, not it is merely a weight that weighs down on the employee rather it’s logic and its effects has become increasingly difficult to see clearly and distinctly. Surveillance, with modernity has lost its shine. In this chapter there is a view or related privacy which states that privacy is no means an uncontroversial issue; we have to select what to survey and most importantly, we have to select how to value what we find in our surveillance. Surveillance is an important part in computer technology.

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Surveillance is no longer an ambiguous tool for control and social certainty, not it is merely a weight that weighs down on the employee rather it’s logic and its effects has become increasingly difficult to see clearly and distinctly.


The collective needs to use data collected to coordinate and control the activities of the individuals for the good of the collective.


Self-interested individuals would not always to use resources, allocated by the collective, for the sole purpose of furthering the aims and objectives of the collective.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Workplace Surveillance? 2. What is Distributive Justice? 3. What is Privacy as a matter of justice? 4. What are the two major trends to create the background for our contemporary discussion of workplace surveillance? 5. Why Surveillance become the central issue in our late modern society?

143 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace (Chapter 5.1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: When true computer telephony arrives, we may need to re-examine our proposed definition of computer crime. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what the Boundaries of Computer Crime is.


I want to measure if we really need a category of computer crime.


I want to understand what Descriptive categories of computer crime are.


I want to know the three types of computer crime.


I want to examine why computer crime as a descriptive category crime.

REACTION: Tavani, author of this section, says even though concerns about crimes involving the use of computer technology have received considerable attention in the popular press as well as in certain scholarly publications, the criteria used by the news reporters, computer ethicist and legal analyst for determining what exactly constitutes a computer crime has been neither clear or nor consistent. In this chapter he observed based on concerns raised by Gotterbarn and other critics, we can reasonably ask whether having a separate category of computer crime is necessary or even useful. It is perhaps also worth noting that some critics have pointed out that crimes of diverse types are committed in many different sectors, but we don’t have separate categories for crimes committed in each of those areas. So it would certainly seem reasonable for these critics to ask why we need a separate category of crime for criminal acts involving computer technology. Arguments for having a category of computer crime can be advanced from least three different perspectives: legal, moral and information and descriptive. We consider arguments for each, beginning with a look at computer crime as a separate legal category. From a legal perspective, computer crime might be viewed as a useful category for prosecuting certain kinds of crimes. At the outset, one might reasonably ask what the value would be in pursuing questions about computer crime from the point of view of a descriptive category. We can also see then, why our existing laws and policies are not always able to extend to cover adequately at least certain kind of crimes involving computers.

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Software Piracy is by using computer technology to produce one or more authorized copies of propriety computer software, distribute unauthorized software or make copies of that software available for distinction over a computer network.


Electronic Break Ins is by using computer technology to gain unauthorized access.


Computer Sabotage is by using computer technology to unleash one or more programs.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Computer Sabotage? 2. What is Software Piracy? 3. What is Electronic Break Ins? 4. What are the three types of computer crime? 5. Do we need a Category of Computer Crime?

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TITLE: Terrorism or Civil Disobedience: Toward a Hacktivist Ethic (Chapter 5.2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Through the routine gathering of information about transactions, consumers preferences, and creditworthiness, a harvest of information about an individual’s whereabouts and movements, tastes, desires, contacts, friends, associates and patterns of work and recreation become available in the form of dossiers sold on the tradable information market, or is endlessly convertible into other form of intelligence through computer matching. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more what Hacktivism is.


I want to know what Civil Disobedience is.


I want to understand what is Hacktivist Ethic.


I want to become what is Cyber Terrorism.


I want to understand what Civil Disobedience is.

REACTION: In this era of global commerce via the internet, strikes against the hegemony of bureaucratic capitalism and the commercialization of the internet will inevitably be carried out in the World Wide Web. Numerous reports in the popular press have portrayed the hackers as vandals, terrorist and saboteurs, yet no one seems to have considered the possibility that this might be the work of electronic politician activist or hacktivist. Through an investigation of hacktivism, this essay seeks to make clear the growing tensions between the cooperative and liberal ideology of the originators of the “electronic frontier”, speaking in the name of social justice, political decentralization, and freedom of information, and the more powerful counteracting moves to reduce the internet to one grand global “electronic marketplace”. According to the author, Civil Disobedience entails the peaceful breaking of unjust laws. It does not condone violent or destructive acts against its enemies, focusing instead on nonviolent means to expose wrongs, raise awareness, and prohibit ht implementation of perceived unethical laws by individuals, organizations, corporations or governments. Symbolic acts of civil disobedience are accomplished by drawing attention to a problem indirectly. Sit-ins and other forms of blockade and trespass are examples of symbolic acts of civil disobedience.

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Every technology affords opposing possibilities towards emancipation or domination, and information technology is no different. The new information technologies are often portrayed as the utopian promise of total human emancipation and freedom. Hacktivist prioritize freedom of information and are suspicious of centralized control over, or private ownership of information. Hackers questions why a few corporations can own and sell huge databases of information about the others, as well as control information helpful to the public at large. Hacktivism is in its infancy, but, given the ubiquity and democratizing possibility of the internet, we will certainly bear witnesses to the movement’s growing pains and increasing maturity. In order for hacktivism to become a legitimate form of social protest, it must be provided sound ethical foundations. This, in turn, means expanding the ethical justification of civil disobedience to include acts of hacktivism. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Hacktivism is defined as the (sometimes) clandestine use of computer hacking to help advance political causes.


Access to computers- and anything that might teach you something about the way the world works- should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands- On Imperative

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Electronic Civil Disobedience? 2. What is Hacktivism? 3. What is Cyber terrorism? 4. What is Hacktivist Ethic? 5. What is the connection of Hacktivism and Electronic Civil Disobedience?

147 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Web Security and Privacy: An American Perspective (Chapter 5.3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know more Web Security.


I want to understand what the American Perspective about Web Security and Privacy is.


I want to learn more about cryptographic.


I want to determine the different amendments of the states.

REACTION: In this section, the author discussed, American legal tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. Yet illuminating Web privacy of this particular perspective throws a broader light on how the fundamental rights of speech, assembly and freedom of religious inquiry may depend upon electronic privacy in the information age. The confusion between the privacy and security remains with many in the computer security community. Privacy requires security, because without the ability to control access and distribution of information, privacy cannot be protected. But security is not privacy. Security can be used to limit privacy by preventing the subject of information from knowing about the compilation of information, or to violate privacy by using data in ways in which do not coincide to the subject’s wishes. Integrity means that information is not altered. Information has integrity during the transmission if the recipient can be certain that the information was not altered in transit. Integrity means that what is received is exactly what sent. Hash function compress information was. Cryptography secure, collision-free hash functions provide the ability to verify information without exposing it. Cryptographically secure hash functions compress information to unpredictable values. Collision free hash functions compress data into unique hash values. In public key cryptography there are two keys. Anything encrypted with one key can only be decrypted with the other key. One key is held secret, shared with no one. The other key is widely publicized. Public key cryptography sometimes called asymmetric cryptography.

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The right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable sources and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall be issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the placed to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use. LESSONS LEARNED: -

A system that maintains availability while under attack exhibits survivability.


Systems with survivability exhibit graceful degradation in the face of attacks.


False light is the publication of information that is misleading, and thus shows an individual in a false light.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is ISP? 2. What is IP? 3. What are you doing on the web? 4. What is the difference between privacy and security? 5. What is anonymity?

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TITLE: The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age (Chapter 5.4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Even where fragments of information do not lead to information that is uniquely identifying, people may be identified with a high degree of probability when various properties are compounded to include a smaller and smaller set of individuals who satisfy them all LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know how Anonymity works in the information age.


I want to understand if Anonymity is good in all aspect.


I want to determine how it benefits society.

REACTION: The natural meaning of Anonymity as may be reflected in ordinary usage or a dictionary definition is of remaining nameless, that is to say, conducting oneself without revealing one’s name. A poem or pamphlet is anonymous when attributable to a named person, a donation is anonymous when the name of the donor is withheld, and people strolling through a foreign city are anonymous because no one knows who they are. Information technology has made it possible to trace people in historically unprecedented ways. We are targets of surveillance at just about every turn of our lives. In transactions with retailer, mail-order companies, medical caregivers, day-care providers, and even beauty parlors, information’s about us is collected, stored and analyzed, and sometimes shared. Our presence on the planet, our notable features and momentous milestones, are dutifully recorded by agencies of federal, state, and local government, including birth, marriage, divorce, property ownership, driver’s licenses, phone number, credit card numbers, social security number, passport number, level of education and more, we are described by age, hair color, eye color, height, quality of vision, purchases, credit card activity, travel, employment and rental history real estate transactions, change of address, ages and numbers of children, and magazines descriptions. The power of information technology to extract or infer identity from misidentifying signs and information has been inventively applied by literary scholars to settling disputes and unraveling mysteries of authorship say to discover whether it was Shakespeare who wrote a given sonnet. Anonymity may enable people to reach out for help, especially for socially stigmatized problems like domestic violence, HIV or other sexually transmitted infection, emotional problems or suicidal thoughts. It offers the possibility of a protective cloak for children, enabling them to engage in internet communication without fear of social

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predation or- perhaps less ominous but nevertheless unwanted- overtures from commercials marketers. The application that does such a thing or aids us for becoming more informed in other person’s every movement are different social networks especially Plurk. It keeps me posted with every update to my friends. I recently created an account just to see what the application is all about. As a purpose of knowing why my classmates are creating accounts and having too much fun and even I become addicted to it. LESSONS LEARNED: -

The value of anonymity lies not in the capacity to be unnamed, but in the possibility of acting or participating while remaining out of reach, remaining unreachable.


Being unreachable means that no one will come knocking on your door demanding explanations, apologies, answerability, punishment, or payment.


To secure the possibility of being unreachable, we need both to promote understanding and also pursue advocacy.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Anonymity? 2. What is the purpose of Anonymity? 3. What is the effect of Anonymity? 4. How does Anonymity works in info-age? 5. What is the Social Security System?

151 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Double Encryption of Anonymized Electronic Data Interchange (Chapter 5.5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The power of information technology to extract or infer identity from nonidentifying signs and information has been inventively applied by literary scholars to settling disputes and unraveling mysteries of authorship LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what Double Encryption is.


I want to understand what does the title of this chapter implies.


I want to learn more about Anonymity.


I want to know what are the two main problems that need to solve in order to keep GP, as a sender anonymized.

REACTION: We cut his electronic head by creating a Gatekeeper postbox that forwards all the incoming electronic data, thereby replacing the doctor’s address with its own address. Furthermore, collecting medical data electronically require, according to our moral institutions, some kind of encryption. To be sure that data are really sent by the sender and received by the receiver meant by the sender, the double encryption protocol is suitable and widely used. However, double encryption needs the sender identification in order to decrypt the message to the sender’s public key, but the sender’s identification was anonymized by the Gatekeeper postbox. To use double encryption for anonymized electronic communication, new requirements must be specified. The power of information technology to extract or infer identity from nonidentifying signs and information has been inventively applied by literary scholars to settling disputes and unraveling mysteries of authorship -- say, to discover whether it was Shakespeare who wrote a given sonnet. These scholars infer authorship by comparing the stylistic and lexical features of anonymous text with the known style of authors whose texts have been analyzed along these same dimensions Our main data sources are therefore the persons who prescribe drugs. Using this post marketing surveillance as scientific method, we distinguish between two phases, the generation of a hypothesis and the evaluation of the hypothesis. The assistant of the GP will make notes of the referrals to a specialist and of the treatment summary of the specialist in the patient record of the GP. In the Netherlands, the number of GP’s using Electronic Patient Records was growing rapidly from 1988. The central role of the Dutch GP enables us to follow individual patient. In order to transmit the data from the GP to the central database of IPCI, we use the edifact standard for electronic messages.

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Anonymization of the GP means only a randomized number and profession type are transmitted. The problem of replacing a sender’s identity can be done very easily by introducing an electronic postbox of the Gatekeeper. Instead of transmitting the messages from the GP to the ICPI postbox directly, the messages are now sent to the Gatekeeper’s postbox has only one function, forward every incoming message to the ICPI postbox so that the original sender is replaced by the new sender, the Gatekeepers identity. To encrypt an electronic message we chose a double encryption program with a secret and a public key. Instead of one key, used to encrypt and decrypt a message, two different keys are generated so that a message encrypted with one key is decrypted only with the other key and vice versa. We conclude that it is possible to automatically anonymize an electronic sender by the introduction of a Gatekeeper’s postbox. The possibilities of double encryption programs are demonstrated as a way to be sure about sender and receiver. LESSONS LEARNED: -

As soon as data are sent electronically, the sender’s identification is automatically added to the message. To anonymize the sender, an automatic process of replacing this identification must be implemented.


To decrypt an encrypted message, one must know the decryption key of the sender. However, when the sender is anonymized, it is impossible to select the right key. An automatic process of key-handling and decryption must also be implemented.


The Gatekeeper’s postbox intercepts the message, the sender identification is used to select the sender’s public key, and only then remove it from the message.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is ICPI? 2. What is GP? 3. What is ERP? 4. What is Meduer format? 5. What is SOAP?

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TITLE: Written on the Body: Biometrics and Identity (Chapter 5.6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Biometrics is often described as `the next big thing in information technology'. Rather than IT rendering the body irrelevant to identity – a mistaken idea to begin with – the coupling of biometrics with IT unequivocally puts the body center stage. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know Virtual Identities of Biometrics.


I want to understand why they are questioning the biometric body.


I want to determine the different buyers of biometrics.

REACTION: Generally speaking, biometric technology involves the collection with a censoring device of digital representations of physical features unique to an individual, like a fingerprint, pattern of the iris, the retina, the veins of the hand, physiognomic features, shape of the hand, or voice patterns, it may also include typical behavioral patterns like typing or writing a signature. If a matching template is found, the person presenting themselves is recognized and counts as known to the system. Major buyers of biometrics technology can be found in the private sector, particularly among corporations with high security interest and/or limited access areas like banks and nuclear plants, but an important impetus comes from governments and government-related departments and services catering to client populations of thousands, often millions of people. Public institution concerned with the distribution of welfare and child benefits, immigration and applications for political asylum, or the issue of passports and car licenses and increasingly looking towards biometrics in order to improve what are perceived as system threatening levels of fraud. Also, employers interested in keeping track of the whereabouts and activities of their employees, hospitals and insurance companies in the process of introducing electronic patient records are among the many interested parties. Moreover, with so many forces joining in a coordinated effort to make it succeed, biometrics can be expected to become one of the dominant ways for bodies and information systems to connect. In the process, the very notion of identity is being reconstructed in ways that are highly relevant for the contemporary philosophical debate on the relation between the body, identity, and information technology. Biometrics is often described as `the next big thing in information technology'. Rather than IT rendering the body irrelevant to identity – a mistaken idea to begin with – the coupling of biometrics with IT unequivocally puts the body center stage. The

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question to be raised about biometrics is how bodies will become related to identity, and what the normative and political ramifications of this coupling will be. Unlike the body rendered knowable in the biomedical sciences, biometrics generates a readable body: it transforms the body's surfaces and characteristics into digital codes and ciphers to be read by a machine. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Biometrics requires a theory of identity that, unlike much of the available literature, takes the body and the embodied nature of subjectivity fully into account.


We need to investigate what kind of body is, by researching the practices and informational configurations of which the readable biometric body becomes part.


Only the former maybe at stake in biometrics, while the latter is taken to refer to something both authors perceive as true identity.


The biometrics is not just about as narrow an identity check as some authors maintain.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Biometrics? 2. What is the Identity of Biometrics? 3. What is the Virtual Identity of Biometric? 4. Who are the major buyers of biometric? 5. Why are they questioning Biometric Body?

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TITLE: Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions (Chapter 6.1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Morality could exist without ethics (if no one investigated how morality is done) but there cannot be ethics without morality (we cannot study morality unless there is morality)…. Morality is like eating; it is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand the different ethical considerations for the Information Professions


I want to learn the aspect of ethics in terms of information profession

REACTION: The field of information ethics is relatively new. The issues specific to information ethics, however, have certainly been with us for a longer time, yet continue to gain prominence and complexity in public discourse with the popularization of information and computer technologies. Information ethics bridges many disciplines, including library and information science, computer science, archival science, records management, informatics, educational media technologies, and more. According to Buchanan, the domain of information ethics comprises all of the ethical issues related to the production, storage, access and dissemination of information. Similar to the term computer ethics, information ethics reflects the meeting of the social, the technology, and the philosophical. Recognizing the importance of the ethical issues surrounding information assumes a critical role for information workers, librarians, or computer scientists alike. This chapter includes a brief introduction to the philosophical foundations of ethics and morality and an overview of basic principles of information ethics, describes particular issues and areas of particular concern to information professionals, and discusses codes of ethics for the information professions. An abbreviated resource list is included for additional information and sources. Ethics is generally defined as the philosophical study of moral behavior, of moral decision-making, or how to lead a “good life.” Ethics is the study of morality; the study of what we do. Morality could exist without ethics but there cannot be ethics without morality. Morality is like eating; it is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. Ethics, on the other hand, is like nutrition. It is crucial to living a good life but it is not an inevitable part of living or an activity engaged in by all. Information ethics, much like the technologies that continue to contribute to its complexity, will thrive and present new challenges to all of us. Ethics will continue to be put through new tests as technologies race ahead of many social and cultural conventions and norms.

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In closing, information ethics must be understood as impacting each and every member of the “information society.” As such, each member must accept certain responsibilities and act accordingly. Information ethics, as with information literacy, must become integral to formal and informal education. The Kantian categorical imperative reveals promise, yet once again, as a guiding principle for the information age and as a critical tenet of information ethics. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Ethics is the study of morality; the study of what we do.


Information ethics must be understood as impacting each and every member of the “information society.”


The Kantian categorical imperative reveals promise, yet once again, as a guiding principle for the information age and as a critical tenet of information ethics

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Information Profession had a great importance in our society. 2. How does philosophical study of moral behavior in the field of Information profession? 3. Identified the growth of ethical issues in Information Profession 4. What is the function of Administration

National Telecommunications and Information

5. Who are the pioneers of American Library Association?

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TITLE: Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved! (Chapter 6.2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: In all these judgments concern for the health, safety and welfare of the public is primary; that is, the ‘public interest’ is central to this code. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the components of Software Engineering Codes.


I want to understand the different concepts in the Software Engineering Code.


I want to know how the Software Engineering Code has been approved.

REACTION: Software Engineering now has its own code of ethics. The code has been adopted by both the ACM and the IEEE-Computer Society, having gone through an extensive review process that culminated in the official unanimous approval by the leadership of both professional organizations. The preamble to the code was significantly revised. It includes specific ethical standards to help professional make ethical decisions. Ethical tensions can best be addressed by thoughtful consideration of fundamental principles, rather than blind reliance on detailed regulations. These principles should influence software engineers to consider broadly who is affected by their work; to examine if they and their colleagues are treating other human beings with due respect; to consider how the public, if reasonably well informed, would view their decisions; and to consider whether their acts would be judged worthy of the ideal professional working as a software engineer. The code emphasizes the professional’s obligations to the public at large. “In all these judgments concern for the health, safety and welfare of the public is primary; that is, the ‘public interest’ is central to this code.” The code contains a clause (8.07) against using prejudices or bias in any decision making. The code includes specific language about the importance of ethical behavior during the maintenance phase of software development. The purpose of developing a software engineering code of ethics is to document the ethical and professional responsibilities and obligations of software engineers. The code is unique in that it, unlike other codes, is intended as the code for a profession and is distinctive in that it has been adopted by two international computing societies. The code contains eight principles related to the behavior of and decisions made by professional software engineers, including practitioners, educators, managers, supervisors, and policy makers, as well as trainees and students of the profession.

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1. PUBLIC software engineers shall act consistently with the public interest. 2. CLIENT AND EMPLOYER software engineers shall act in a manner that is in the best interests of their client and employer, consistent with the public interest. 3. PRODUCT software engineers shall ensure that their products and related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible. 4. JUDGMENT software engineers shall maintain integrity and independence in their professional judgment. 5. MANAGEMENT software engineering managers and leaders shall subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of software development and maintenance. 6. PROFESSION software engineers shall advance the integrity and reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest. 7. SELF software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the practice of the profession. 8. COLLEAGUE’s software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their colleagues. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Ethical tensions can best be addressed by thoughtful consideration of fundamental principles, rather than blind reliance on detailed regulations.


The dynamic and demanding context of software engineering requires a code that is adaptable and relevant to new situations as the Code provides support for software engineers and managers of software engineers who need to take positive action.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What are the eight principles that software engineer shall adhere. 2. What is a software engineer? 3. Who is the person who contributed by direct participation or by teaching fundamental principles? 4. What is the relation of client and employer in software engineer? 5. Does it have a great importance of the Code in the eight principles of a software engineer?

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TITLE: No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are Worse than None at All (Chapter 6.3) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: The information age puts new emphasis on some parts of many older moral questions. The moral issues surrounding the development of weaponry are thus a few of the very many possible examples of how an older moral question can take on a new light as technology changes. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the reason why incomplete codes of ethics are worse than none at all.


I want to understand how an organization consider or treat a code of ethics.


I want to know when code of ethics considered incomplete is.

REACTION: Condemnation of an immoral act may be so highly distorted as to be absurd, or a highly immoral act may not be condemned at all, because the impacts that cause it to be considered immoral do not fit within the ‘PAPA’ formulation. Not all important moral issues in information technology can be put under the ‘PAPA’ headings. Accuracy of information systems may be of relevance in weapons systems, because inaccurate data or processing may cause the wrong target to be hit. The property issues raised by the production, existence and use of weaponry are important, but they are not the issues of intellectual property and ownership of networks. However the possibility that it might be used, destroying life as well as property, must be factored into the considerations in a very substantial way. Privacy and accuracy of computer data and information are issues essentially unrelated to the environmental impacts of computing. Property issues in computing will have two tangential relationships to the environment: The cost of software that respects legal intellectual property rights, being a significant portion of the cost of computing, tends to inhibit the increasing use of computers. But the possibility of a return on development costs induces software developers to produce software that requires computers with ever greater computing power, causing users to upgrade hardware far more frequently than wear-and-tear would require. Most of the moral issues related to teleworking are not, however privacy or access issues. Those issues that are not privacy or access issues are not accuracy issues either, thought: The distance between the worker and the conventional workplace does not introduce significant additional accuracy issues. The privacy issue that most clearly accompanies telework is the possible automated collection of data on the employee by the employer.

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Any moral code (whether in computing or elsewhere) can be turned to by someone feeling pressures to find a relatively easy ‘way out’ of a morally tricky situation. Thus any moral code could be looked at in the hope that it will provide an excuse for potential immoral acts. Clearly, the more obviously relevant, and the more easily a code come to hand, the more likely it is that it will be turned to. Further, as we shall see, some ethical codes are more open to such abuse than others are. Nonetheless, moral codes in all fields and sub-fields could be abused in this way if they leave themselves open to it. Codes should make it clear what their area of competence is (thus a code of computer ethics may make it clear that it will not cover questions of how income generated by using computers should be distributed) but in doing so, it must also make it clear that moral issues outside its area of competence are still moral issues, and ones that may be of greater importance than any covered in the code. Those who write moral codes (or things that could be mistaken for them) need to be aware of the possibility that they may be abused. Codes that address some issues but not others are very common, and particularly open to such abuse on issues at the edge of their competence. Code should make it clear what their area of competence is. More importantly, though, authors of code should always make it clear that their code is no substitute for careful moral consideration, and especially in areas or on questions where there is no clear guidance in the code. LESSONS LEARNED: -

Consequently, information and communication technology (ICT) has its effect in good ways and bad ways community life, family life, human relationships, education, careers, freedom, and democracy in the field of PAPA.


To avoid the criticism of incompleteness, it is not necessary for a code to be derived from a consistent set of fundamental ethical principles.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What does Privacy, Accuracy, Property and Accessibility related in the field of ICT? 2. What are the ethical issues in PAPA? 3. What is Richard Mason’s article title stands for? 4. What is the important telework issue? 5. What are the Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age?

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TITLE: Subsumption Ethics (Chapter 6.4) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Act in such a way that it is possible for one to will that the maxim of one’s action should become a universal law. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know what subsumption ethics is.


I want to learn the issues in subsumption ethics.


I want to understand the underlying concepts of subsumption ethics.

REACTION: The difference between computers and simple machine is the extent to which computer systems subsume design and development decisions over which users have little or no control. Subsumption ethics is the process by which decisions become incorporated into the operation of information technology (IT) systems, and subsequently forgotten. Subsumption is the process of building larger components from smaller ones. In computer systems, small components are developed and tested, and once they are working reliably they are subsumed into larger systems. This is the enabling technique of objectoriented programming. People tend to think that changes to software should be easy because programming is just a set of instructions, and not like a building made up of hard materials. The Greek word ethos, from which we derive “ethics,” can be translated as “habit.” Habit in general is a subsumption process. Design and implementation decisions dictate the structure and operation of systems. Systems ultimately operate according to many such decisions. The decisions become codified into programming code and information content. I call segments of this code and content “subsumed objects” (SOs). Design decisions often have ethical components, whether or not the designer is explicitly aware of them. 1. The impact of IT is determined by the operation of its subsumed objects; 2. Subsumed objects have a determinate moral values; 3. The ethical impact of an IT system is the responsibility of the people who designed, developed, and used it. There is a close relationship between computer systems and organizational policy. There are four axioms of subsumption ethics: A. Information systems subsume design, policy, and implementation decisions in programming code and content. Code segments and content become “subsumed objects.” B. Assumed objects have determinate moral value.

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C. Subsumed objects have a high “invisibility factor.” D. Subsumptive complexity increases over time. Subsumption ethics implies a need for continuous ethical analysis during systems design and development. The first is “the Golden Rule” found in the bible, in Kant’s categorical imperative, and many other world traditions. The second “the Golden Mean” as explicated by Aristotle. The Third is “action without desire or aversion” and comes from the philosophy of the east, both Buddhist and Hindu. The fourth principle is “ethical complexity.” Subsumption ethics suggests that ethical processes should be applied continuously during systems development. Impact analysis should be used by all the members of a project team, including users, management, systems architects, programmers, and project managers. The Golden Rule – Application of the golden rule means reviewing each stakeholder’s needs as decisions are made. While this process is time-consuming, the result is more successful projects, since the completed systems have the respect of a broad constituency. The Golden Mean – Virtuous decisions require informed balance between extremes. The team must examine both the technical and ethical impacts of their decisions. Within this framework, ethical impacts become clear. Niskama Karma – Effective systems development should incorporate many perspectives. A democratic process of social negotiation, which should yield a distribution of responsibilities that, is fair to all parties involved, and that satisfies the criteria of practicability, efficiency, and effectiveness. Complexity – Systems are complex, both in their operation and in their relationship to organizations. The overall complexity of a project can be determined by systematically applying SoDIS to the WBS and evaluating each task as a function of complexity, experience and knowledge. Areas of inexperience or insufficient knowledge should be addressed quickly and thoroughly. This process should be iterative as the project matures. Technology amplifies the actions of individuals, and subsumption ethics further describes the complex impacts of poor judgments in each of these cases. Complex systems have always failed---complexity itself makes such failures inevitable. Inattention to subsumption ethics makes them more likely. LESSONS LEARNED: -

For the subsumption ethics and describes the four axioms of subsumption ethics, four ethical frameworks with roots of philosophical traditions are introduced, including the golden rule: the golden mean, nishaka karma and complexity

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the process by which decisions become incorporated into the operation of Information Technology?

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2. What is Information Technology? 3. What are the four ethical principles that have roots in antiquity •

Golden rule

Golden mean

Action without desire aversion

Ethical complexity

4. What is Mahabharata which is a part of an ancient Hindu Text? 5. What do we call the third ethical principle?

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TITLE: Ethical Issues in Business Computing (Chapter 6.5) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: Professionalism is a risk management strategy and in this subject the emphasis is on applying professionalism in the business context LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know how computer technology helps the business.


I want to understand the importance of ethical issues in business especially in terms of computer technology.


I want to learn the underlying concepts in ethical issues with regard to business computing.

REACTION: Essentially, computers are used in business to solve problems. As I have remembered in a seminar, a speaker defines Business and IT as this “Business is IT and IT is business. I became more interesting with the topic and simply defines that these two different entities have common undertaking to each other. Business, Legal and Ethical Issues is the first of the core subjects undertaken by Computer Professional Education Program (CPeP) students in their ongoing professional development. Professionalism is a risk management strategy and in this subject the emphasis is on applying professionalism in the business context. An individual manager, focused on use of a computer for the task in hand, may understandably lack specialist awareness of wider ethical issues Because of our new hi-tech technology; computer nowadays was very useful in many ways. It can also used in business. That is why there are so many businessmen that have the newest model of computer to use for their businesses. Nevertheless the overwhelming commercial advantages carried by use of modern computer systems, their power and distance from common human experience potentially carry considerable associated disadvantages, and for the relevant one does developed and maintained in appropriate business behavior. The business computing is by no means straightforward, one complication is that there is no one type of computer or computer system that must be used by business people, because the nature of properly designed computer systems is to change and adapt to specific needs. The PC’s must allow for some generalization, and for the business computing even physically identical computers become quite different in appearance and use when dissimilar applications are employed.

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All companies of whatever size should consider their use of computer systems.


I learned that the business cannot stand without IT as well as the IT cannot stand without the business.


I learned that that there is no one type of computer or computer system that must be used by business people

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is the smallest scale of business computing? 2. What level a business is if it is large enough to employ a designated computer specialist? 3. What is meant by level two in business computing? 4. What are the tasks of business computing? 5. What is the level where there will be at least one team of computer specialist?

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TITLE: The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting the Virtues (Chapter 6.6) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: It is grounded in practical wisdom. It is experiential, learning to care about the self, others, the community, living the good life, flourishing and striving for moral excellence. It offers a model for the development of character and personal ethics which will lead to professional ethics. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the virtues with connection to the revisit.


I want to understand the concepts in the revisiting virtues.


I want to know the goal of this section in line with cyber ethics.

REACTION: In this chapter the author discusses that traditionally the study of computer ethics involves taking students who are not philosophically trained, exposing them to actionguiding theories, presenting them with the codes of ethics of several companies and professional organizations and asking them to make ethical decisions in scenario-based cases. It is difficult to get from youth up a right training for virtue if one has not been brought up under right laws; for to live temperately and hardily is not pleasant to most people especially when they are young. For this reason their nurture and occupation should be fixing by law. This approach is deliberately action-based and focuses on doing. " The traditional question asked to students. While this pedagogical methodology forces them to examine situations and argue from a particular point of view, it does little to influence their character and personality. They see the utilitarian or deontologist as someone other than themselves. Here seems to be very little internalization of these action-based theories. Virtue Ethics offers character-forming theory that has been more successful with my students than the action-based theories of computer ethics texts. Why? Virtue Ethics is directed toward character development. Virtue ethics offers character-forming theory that has been more successful with the students than the action guiding theories of computer ethics. One problem of novices in the field of ethics is for the reductionist in the moral theory underlying the compute ethics, and for the one whose vision of who are is too important to jettison. Personal intentions and dispositions guide actions, and people over it are being evaluated with this kind of virtues.

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In order to encompass with the reality that would deal with the examining the complex and novel one, and for the issues of computer technology, and for the one that for life and happiness for humans and includes other core.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is meant by core values? 2. How the practitioner from within does revisited the virtues from within? 3. How the Imagination and Narrative Genre does take place? 4. What do Ethics mean? 5. Does Ethics and Morality take hand-in-hand in the field of the computer-mediated action?

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Contemporary Moral Problems  Egoism and Moral Scepticism

 Religion, Morality, and Conscience  Master- and Slave-Morality  Trying Out One’s New Sword  Utilitarianism  The Debate over Utilitarianism  The Categorical Imperative  Happiness and Virtue  The Nature and Value of Rights  Taking Rights Seriously  A Theory of Justice  A Theory of Justice

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Egoism and Moral Scepticism (Chapter 1) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “But why shouldn’t I do actions that will harm other?” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to have deep knowledge what is egoism all about.


I want to learn the different views to attack the conventional morality.


I want to know how I can defend morality in terms of egoism.

REVIEW: In this section I become familiar to the legend of Gyges and become interested on what happened. Based on the book, Contemporary Moral Problems, discussed by Rachels, in the legend of Gyges, it states that there is a shepherd wherein he found a magic ring in a fissure opened through an earthquake. The rings when wear will give you invisibility power and enable anyone who wear it go anywhere and do anything undetected by anyone. Gyges, shepherd who found out the ring, used the power to enter the Royal Palace where he seduced the Queen, murdered the King and seized the throne. I just become confused why there are people who tried to do things like these. I think it is immoral in my personal view because to gain the power and throne he need to do bad things which is really a neglected behavior in my personal assumptions because I believe things can become yours in a good way. I cannot blame that shepherd, assuming the present King is really an abusive King, because in this instance he thinks it can be a revenge and thinks that it is still good to have the power because he can relate the state of other shepherd so he have this notion in mind that it is really better that he will rule the land because he knows what the people lower social level experiences in the power of other. In this section there are many points that Rachels discussed such as the difference of ethical egoism and psychological egoism, the argument with the psychological egoism, the three common place of confusion in the psychological egoism and the argument that ethical egoism is inconsistent. I really appreciate how Rachels discuss each point to understand how really people can understand the egoism and how can people will give their reaction on their views if it is either moral or immoral.


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Egoism exists in the earlier era.


People tend to care even to people they don’t know.


The difference between the ethical egoism and psychological egoism.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Who is Gyges? 2. What are the sceptical views of egoism? 3. What are the different arguments on psychological egoism? 4. What are the commonplaces of confusion in psychological egoism? 5. Why Smith derives satisfaction from helping his friend? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Explain the legend of Gyges. What questions about morality are raised by the story? In the legend of Gyges, it states that there is a shepherd where in he found a magic ring in a fissure opened through an earthquake. The ring when wear will give you invisibility power and enable anyone who wear it go anywhere and do anything undetected by anyone. Gyges, shepherd who found out the ring, used the power to enter the Royal Palace where he seduced the Queen, murdered the King and seized the throne. The questions raised about morality in the story are to determine the two different rings given to a man of virtue and given to a rogue. Why shouldn’t a man simply do what he pleases, or what he think is best for himself? What reason is there for him to continue being moral when it is clearly not to his own advantage to do so? 2. Distinguish between psychological and ethical egoism. Psychological egoism is the view that all men are selfish in everything that they do, that is, that the only motive from which anyone ever acts is self-interest. Ethical egoism is a normative view about how men ought to act. 3. Rachels discusses two arguments for psychological egoism. What are these arguments, and how does he reply to them? The first argument about psychological egoism is “If we describe one person’s action as selfish, and another person’s action, we are overlooking the crucial fact that in both cases, assuming that the action is done voluntarily, the agent is merely doing what he most wants to do.” The second argument about psychological egoism is “since so-called unselfish actions always produce a sense of self-satisfaction in the agent, and since this sense of

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satisfaction is a pleasant state of consciousness, it follows that the point of the action is really to achieve a pleasant state of consciousness, rather than to bring about any good for others. 4. What three commonplace confusions does Rachels detect in the thesis of the psychological egoism? The three commonplace confusions detects by Rachels are the confusion of selfishness with self-interest, assumption that every action is done either from selfinterest or from other regarding motives and assumption that a concern for one’s welfare is incompatible with any genuine concern for the welfare of others. 5. State the argument for saying that ethical egoism is inconsistent. Why doesn’t Rachels accept this argument? There is no inconsistency because the ethical egoism does not apply to all scenarios. There can be sometimes a conflict with what you desire and the welfare of other people, but I can say that it varies on the people involved in the scenario. Sometimes, we based our decision regarding the decision of people close to the circle of ourselves. In this way, we are not selfish because we are still considering other people. 6. According to Rachels, why shouldn’t we hurt others, and why should we help others? How can the egoist reply? If he honestly doesn’t care whether they are helped or hurt by his actions then we have reached those limits. If we want to persuade him to act decently toward his fellow humans, we will have to make our appeal to such other attitudes as he does possess, by threats, bribes, or other cajolery. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Has Rachels answered the question raised by Glaucon, namely, “Why be moral?” If no, what exactly is his answer? Rachels answered the question raised by Glaucon, “Why be Moral?” because he explains his opinions that there are reasons why we should not hurt other and why should we help others. 2. Are genuine egoists rare, as Rachels claims? Is it a fact that most people care about others, even people they don’t know? Based on what I have read, Rachel claims those genuine egoists are rare because based on my observation in the society there are still people who are resulting to helping each other even people they do not know. It is a fact that most people care about others even people they don’t know because even a people who are emotionally depressed, there will be instance that his heart will soften and care about other people. No doubt of it because I mostly observed it in the culture of the country.

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3. Suppose we define ethical altruism as the view that one should always act for the benefit of others and never in one’s own self-interest. Is such a view immoral or not? I think in this scenario, it still varies because it depends on how a person considers this scenario either an immoral or moral. I believe that we have different basis of morality and immorality because of our free will.

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Religion, Morality, and Conscience (Chapter 2) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “Religion is necessary so that people will DO right. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn the difference between morality and religion.


I want to distinguish the reason why morality and religion is in the notion that religion is morality.


I want to know the divine command theory.

REVIEW: Religion and Morality really differs. According to this section, written by John Arthur, religion is not always connected to morality. As Arthur defines morality is the tendency people evaluate or criticize the behavior of others, or to feel remorse about their own behavior. It involves our attitudes toward various forms of behavior (lying and killing, for example), typically expressed using the notion of rules, rights, and obligations. However, religion involves prayer, worship, beliefs about the supernatural, institutional forms, and authoritative texts. Another good topic discussed in this section is the divine command theory. According to Mortimer, the divine command theory means that God has the same sort of relation to moral law as the legislature has to statutes it enacts: without God’s commands there would be no moral rules, just as without a legislature there would be no statutes. Also that only by assuming God sits at the foundation of morality can we explain the objective difference between right and wrong. Dewey, according to Arthur, says Morality is inherently social, in a variety of ways. It depends on socially learned language, is learned from interactions with others, and governs our interactions with others in society. But it also demands, as Dewey put it, that we know “with” others, envisioning for ourselves what their points of view would require along with our own. Conscience demands we occupy the positions of others. This section is entirely about religion, morality and conscience. I just realize that moral education is not only possible but essential. Now I know why this class is essential to our curriculum not only to be oriented to the different issues in the society but also to determine the right and wrong to scenarios in the society. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

Religion and morality have differences but still similarities still exist.


Morality is social.

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Divine command theory is essential to understand especially if you do not have any religion to believe in.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Who is John Arthur? 2. What are the similarities of religion and morality? 3. What are the differences of religion and morality? 4. What is the role played by religion in morality? 5. What is morality? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. According to Arthur, how are morality and religion different? Morality is the tendency people evaluate or criticize the behavior of others, or to feel remorse about their own behavior. It involves our attitudes toward various forms of behavior (lying and killing, for example), typically expressed using the notion of rules, rights, and obligations. Religion involves prayer, worship, beliefs about the supernatural, institutional forms, and authoritative texts. 2. Why isn’t religion necessary for moral motivation? Moral motivations can stand without the religion because the religious motives are far from the only ones people have. In order to make a decision to do the right thing is made for a variety of reasons. Also, we were raised to be a decent person, and that’s what we are. Behaving fairly and treating others well is more important than whatever we might gain in our bad deeds. 3. Why isn’t religion necessary as a source of moral knowledge? Religion is not necessarily a source of moral knowledge because we need to know about religion and revelation in order for religion to provide moral guidance. Also, the confusion of to whom of those God of different religion that exist to follow or to believe on to have moral guidance is still another factor for not necessarily considering religion as a moral knowledge. 4. What is the divine command theory? Why does Arthur reject this theory? According to Mortimer, the divine command theory means that God has the same sort of relation to moral law as the legislature has to statutes it enacts: without God’s commands there would be no moral rules, just as without a legislature there would be

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no statutes. Also that only by assuming God sits at the foundation of morality can we explain the objective difference between right and wrong. Arthur says “I think, in fact, theists should reject the divine command theory. One reason is what it implies. To adopt the divine command theory therefore commits its advocate to the seemingly absurd position that even the greatest atrocities might be not only acceptable but morally required if God were to command them. 5. According to Arthur, how are morality and religion connected? Morality and religion is connected through the historical influence of religions have had on the development of morality as well as on politics and law. 6. Dewey says that morality is social. What does this mean, according to Arthur? Dewey, according to Arthur, says Morality is inherently social, in a variety of ways. It depends on socially learned language, is learned from interactions with others, and governs our interactions with others in society. But it also demands, as Dewey put it, that we know “with” others, envisioning for ourselves what their points of view would require along with our own. Conscience demands we occupy the positions of others. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Has Arthur refuted the divine command theory? If not, how can it be defined? Arthur refuted the divine command theory in the sense that he rejects this believe and encourage other people to not believe on it. He tries to state the different weaknesses of the divine command theory rather than the advantage of it. He focuses on the side of the negative aspect of the divine command theory. 2. If morality is social, as Dewey says, then how can we have any obligation to nonhuman animals? (Arthur mentions this problem and some possible solution to it in footnote 6.) To have any obligation to nonhuman animals, prevent torturing animals; rest on sympathy and compassion while human relations are more likely resting on morality’s inherently social nature and on the dictates of conscience viewed as an assembly of others. 3. What does Dewey mean by moral education? Does a college ethic class count as moral education? Moral education is both actual and imagined in which morality cannot exist without the broader, social perspective introduced by others, and this social nature ties it. Private moral reflection taking place independently of the social world would be no moral reflection at all; and moral education is not only possible, but essential.

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Master- and Slave-Morality (Chapter 3) AMAZON LINK: White/dp/0534584306

QUOTATION: “Everywhere slave-morality gains ascendancy, language shows a tendency to approximate the meanings of the words ‘good’ and ‘stupid’.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to learn the difference between master morality and slave morality.


I want to know a good and health society.


I want to understand deeper knowledge of Will Power.

REVIEW: In this chapter, it discusses that Nietzsche argues that a healthy society should allow superior individuals to exercise their “will to power”, their drive toward domination and exploitation of the inferior. The superior person follows a “master-morality” that emphasizes power, strength, egoism, and freedom, as distinguished from a “slavemorality” that calls for weakness, submission, sympathy, and love. To refrain mutually from injury, from violence, from exploitation, and put one’s will on a par with that of others: this may result in a certain rough sense in good conduct among individuals when the necessary conditions are given. The superior person follows a “master-morality” that emphasizes power, strength, egoism, and freedom, as distinguished from a “slave-morality” that calls for weakness, submission, sympathy, and love. According to Nietzsche the goal of Will to Power is essentially engaged in the preservation and enhancement of itself: The Will wills itself. Thus the Will to Power is essentially an activity of interpreting aimed at preserving and enhancing life itself. This is Nietzsche's notion of Will to Power. I think people will really think differently because it somehow differs on how they attack cases like these. I am not amazed that there are people who accept and reject those writing of Nietzsche. In my own opinion, I think it is justifiable because there are factors why those writing of Nietzsche have been formulated. A creator of values has heroic individualism that makes a person an over man. He will be the creator of master morality and the likes. He honors whatever he recognizes in himself; such morality is self-glorification. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I have learned that the creator of values is the creator of master morality.

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I can explain the master-morality and slave-morality.


INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. Who is Friedrich Nietzche? 2. What is slave-morality? 3. What is master-morality? 4. What is the difference of slave-morality and master-morality? 5. What is the similarity of slave-morality and master-morality? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1.

How does Nietzsche characterize a good and healthy society? Nietzsche argues that a healthy society should allow superior individuals to exercise their “will to power”, their drive toward domination and exploitation of the inferior. The superior person follows a “master-morality” that emphasizes power, strength, egoism, and freedom, as distinguished from a “slave-morality” that calls for weakness, submission, sympathy, and love.


What is Nietzsche's view of injury, violence, and exploitation? To refrain mutually from injury, from violence, from exploitation, and put one’s will on a par with that of others: this may result in a certain rough sense in good conduct among individuals when the necessary conditions are given.


Distinguish between master-morality and slave-morality? The superior person follows a “master-morality” that emphasizes power, strength, egoism, and freedom, as distinguished from a “slave-morality” that calls for weakness, submission, sympathy, and love.


Explain the Will to Power. According to Nietzsche the goal of Will to Power is essentially engaged in the preservation and enhancement of itself: The Will wills itself. Thus the Will to Power is essentially an activity of interpreting aimed at preserving and enhancing life itself. This is Nietzsche's notion of Will to Power.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Some people view Nietzsche's writings as harmful and even dangerous. For example, some have charged Nietzsche with inspiring Nazism. Are these charges justified or not? Why or why not?

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I think people will really think differently because it somehow differs on how they attack cases like these. I am not amazed that there are people who accept and reject those writing of Nietzsche. In my own opinion, I think it is justifiable because there are factors why those writing of Nietzsche have been formulated. 2. What does it mean to be “a creator of values”? A creator of values has heroic individualism that makes a person an over man. He will be the creator of master morality and the likes.

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Trying Out One’s New Sword (Chapter 4) AMAZON LINK: White/dp/0534584306

QUOTATION: "The power of judgment is not a luxury, not perverse indulgence of the self righteous." LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the relationship of the sword in this section.


I want to understand the concept of moral isolationism.


I want to further deepen knowledge on what are the things that I need to know in different aspect of moral issues.

REACTION: Moral isolationism is the view of anthropologists and others that we cannot criticize cultures that we do not understand. It is essentially a doctrine of immoralism because it forbids any moral reasoning. It falsely assumes that cultures are separate and unmixed, whereas most cultures are in fact formed out of many influences. Tsujigiri is a word which literally means crossroads-cut. In the Japanese customs tsujigiri is a samurai sword had to be tried because if it was to work properly, it had to slice through someone at a single blow, from the shoulder to the opposite flank. Other wise the warrior bungled his stroke. This could endure his honor offend his ancestors and even let down his emperor. Midgler ask the question “Does the isolating barrier work both ways? Are people in other cultures equally unable to criticize us?” about the tsujigiri. Moral isolationism forbids us to form any opinions on these matters. Its ground for doing so is that we don’t understand them. Ideals like discipline and devotion will not move anybody unless he himself accepts them. If I have seen a person on the way she/he acts and moves then I can simply criticize what is his/her culture because I think the things you do describes where you came from. Moral isolationism would lay down a general ban on moral reasoning. Immoralists like Nietzsche are actually just a rather specialized sect of moralists. They can no more afford to put moralizing out of business than smugglers can to abolish customs regulations. The power of moral judgment is not a luxury, not a perverse indulgence of the self-righteous. It is a necessity.

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I learned the doctrine of immoralism connected with moral isolationism.


I become familiarize with the Japanese culture of tsujigiri.


I distinguish the different points in moral isolationism.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Moral Isolationism? 2. What is Japanese custom of tsujigiri? 3. What is judgment? 4. What is the question asked by Midgler? 5. Why does Midgley says that Nietzsche is an immoralist? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. What is “moral isolationism”? Moral isolationism is the view of anthropologists and others that we cannot criticize cultures that we do not understand. It is essentially a doctrine of immoralism because it forbids any moral reasoning. It falsely assumes that cultures are separate and unmixed, whereas most cultures are in fact formed out of many influences. 2. Explain the Japanese custom of tsujigiri. What question does Midgley ask about this custom? Tsujigiri is a word which literally means crossroads-cut. In the Japanese customs tsujigiri is a samurai sword had to be tried because if it was to work properly, it had to slice through someone at a single blow, from the shoulder to the opposite flank. Other wise the warrior bungled his stroke. This could endure his honour offend his ancestors and even let down his emperor. Midgler ask the question “Does the isolating barrier work both ways? Are people in other cultures equally unable to criticize us?” about the tsujigiri. 3. What is wrong with moral isolationism according to Midgley? Moral isolationism forbids us to form any opinions on these matters. Its ground for doing so is that we don’t understand them. 4. What does Midgley think is basis for criticizing other cultures? Ideals like discipline and devotion will not move anybody unless he himself accepts them. If I have seen a person on the way she/he acts and moves then I can simply

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criticize what is his/her culture because I think the things you do describes where you came from. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Midgley says that Nietzsche is an immoralist. Is that an accurate and fair assessment of Nietzsche? Why or why not? Moral isolationism would lay down a general ban on moral reasoning. Immoralists like Nietzsche are actually just a rather specialized sect of moralists. They can no more afford to put moralizing out of business than smugglers can to abolish customs regulations. The power of moral judgment is not a luxury, not a perverse indulgence of the self-righteous. It is a necessity. 2. Do you agree with Midgley’s claim that the idea of separate and unmixed cultures is unreal? Explain your answer. I disagree with what Midgley’s claim with the idea of separate and unmixed culture is unreal. In our country, there are people who are considered mixed and unmixed which are really an essential way to represent their selves, where they belong.

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Utilitarianism (Chapter 5) AMAZON LINK: White/dp/0534584306

QUOTATION: "Happiness is not an abstract idea but a concrete whole." LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know about utilitarianism.


I want to understand the concept of principle of utility.


I want to further deepen knowledge on what are the things that I need to know in different aspect of moral issues.

REACTION: Principle of utility is to recognize the fact, that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others. It would be absurd that while, in estimating all other things, quality is considered as well as quantity, the estimation of pleasures should be supposed to depend on quantity alone. Proposes that all punishment involves pain and is therefore evil; it ought only to be used so far as it promises to exclude some greatest evil. The charged could not be gainsaid, but would then no longer imputation; for if the sources of pleasure were precisely the same to human beings and to swine, the rule of life which is good enough for the one would be good enough for the other. The comparison of the Epicurean life to that of beast is felt a degrading, precisely because a beast pleasures do not satisfy a human beings conceptions of happiness. According to the author If he was asked what he mean by difference of quality in pleasures, or what makes one pleasures, or what makes one pleasure more valuable than the other, merely as pleasure, except it’s being greater in amount, there is but one possible answer. Of two pleasures if there be one to which all or almost all who have experience of both give a decided preference, irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it, that is the mere desirable pleasure. Happiness is not an obstacle idea, but a concrete whole; and these are some of its parts. And the utilitarian standard sanctions and approves their being so. Life would be poor thing, very ill provided with source of happiness, if there were not this provision of nature, by which things are originally indifferent, but conductive to, or otherwise associated with the satisfaction of our primitive desire, becomes in themselves sources of pleasures both in a permanency in the space of human existence that they are capable of covering and even in intensity. Mill defines "happiness" to be both intellectual and sensual pleasure. He argues that we have a sense of dignity that makes us prefer intellectual pleasures to sensual ones. He adds that the principle of utility involves assessing an action's consequences, and not

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the motives or character traits of the agent. Mill argues that the principle of utility should be seen as a tool for generating secondary moral principles, which promote general happiness. Thus most of our actions will be judged according to these secondary principles. He feels that we should appeal directly to the principle of utility itself only when faced with a moral dilemma between two secondary principles. Mill's proof for the principle of utility notes that no fundamental principle is capable of a direct proof. Instead, the only way to prove that general happiness is desirable is to show man's desire for it. His proof is as follows: If X is the only thing desired, then X is the only thing that ought to be desired. Thus if general happiness is the only thing desired, therefore general happiness is the only thing that ought to be desired. Mill recognizes the controversy of this and therefore anticipates criticisms. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned the principle of utility.


I have examined the different views of Mill about utilitarianism.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Principle of Utility? 2. What is Happiness? 3. What is lower pleasure? 4. What is higher pressure? 5. What is utilitarianism? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. State and explain the Principle of Utility. Show how it could be used to justify actions that are conventionally viewed as wrong, such as lying and stealing. Principle of utility is to recognize the fact, that some kinds of pleasure are more desirable and more valuable than others. It would be absurd that while, in estimating all other things, quality is considered as well as quantity, the estimation of pleasures should be supposed to depend on quantity alone. Proposes that all punishment involves pain and is therefore evil; it ought only to be used so far as it promises to exclude some greatest evil. 2. How does Mill reply to the objection that Epicureanism is a doctrine worthy only of swine? The charged could not be gainsaid, but would then no longer imputation; for if the sources of pleasure were precisely the same to human beings and to swine, the rule of life which is good enough for the one would be good enough for the other. The

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comparison of the Epicurean life to that of beast is felt a degrading, precisely because a beast pleasures do not satisfy a human beings conceptions of happiness. 3. How does Mill distinguish between higher and lower pleasures? According to the author If he was asked what he mean by difference of quality in pleasures, or what makes one pleasures, or what makes one pleasure more valuable than the other, merely as pleasure, except it’s being greater in amount, there is but one possible answer. Of two pleasures if there be one to which all or almost all who have experience of both give a decided preference, irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it, that is the mere desirable pleasure. 4. According to Mill, whose happiness must be considered? Happiness is not an obstacle idea, but a concrete whole; and these are some of its parts. And the utilitarian standard sanctions and approves their being so. Life would be poor thing, very ill provided with source of happiness, if there were not this provision of nature, by which things are originally indifferent, but conductive to, or otherwise associated with the satisfaction of our primitive desire, becomes in themselves sources of pleasures both in a permanency in the space of human existence that they are capable of covering and even in intensity. Mill defines "happiness" to be both intellectual and sensual pleasure. He argues that we have a sense of dignity that makes us prefer intellectual pleasures to sensual ones. He adds that the principle of utility involves assessing an action's consequences, and not the motives or character traits of the agent. Mill argues that the principle of utility should be seen as a tool for generating secondary moral principles, which promote general happiness. Thus most of our actions will be judged according to these secondary principles. He feels that we should appeal directly to the principle of utility itself only when faced with a moral dilemma between two secondary principles. 5. Carefully reconstruct Mill’s proof of the Principle of Utility. Mill's proof for the principle of utility notes that no fundamental principle is capable of a direct proof. Instead, the only way to prove that general happiness is desirable is to show man's desire for it. His proof is as follows: If X is the only thing desired, then X is the only thing that ought to be desired. Thus if general happiness is the only thing desired, therefore general happiness is the only thing that ought to be desired. Mill recognizes the controversiality of this and therefore anticipates criticisms. A critic might argue that besides happiness, there are other things, such as virtue, which we desire. Responding to this, Mill says that everything we desire becomes part of happiness. Thus, happiness becomes a complex phenomenon composed of many parts, such as virtue, love of money, power, and fame.

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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Is happiness nothing more than pleasure and absence of pain? I dearly believe in this quote “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” I think it is really happiness that matters in any aspect. It is the aspect because it can encompass all the things in the world and nothing is important and great with happiness. 2. Does Mill convince you that the higher pleasures are better than the lower ones? What about the person of experience who prefers the lower? “He proffers a distinction (one not found in Bentham) between higher and lower pleasures, with higher pleasures including mental, aesthetic, and moral pleasures. When we are evaluating whether or not an action is good by evaluating the happiness that we can expect to be produced by it, he argues that higher pleasures should be taken to be in kind (rather than by degree) preferable to lower pleasures. This has led scholars to wonder whether Mill’s utilitarianism differs significantly from Bentham’s and whether Mill’s distinction between higher and lower pleasures creates problems for our ability to know what will maximize aggregate happiness.” 3. Mill says "In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of ethics of utility." True or not? I do think so that what Mill says is true because the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth to achieve that a man must act in whatever way every other man should act when in that situation. 4. Many commentators have thought that Mill's proof of the principle of utility is defective. Agree? I think so because he did not consider the individuality of a person. Mill disregarded the aspects that utility is not to be applied as a whole.

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: The Debate over Utilitarianism (Chapter 6) AMAZON LINK: White/dp/0534584306

QUOTATION: "The utilitarian doctrine is that happiness is desirable and the only thing desirable, as an end; all other things desirable as means to that end." LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know about what is the debate over utilitarianism.


I want to understand why are disagreeing to utilitarianism.

REVIEW: Classical Utilitarianism can be summarized in three propositions which is defined by Bentham and Mill. The first preposition is that actions are judged right or wrong solely in virtue of their consequences. Nothing else matters. The second preposition is that in accessing consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness that is caused. The third preposition is that in calculating happiness or unhappiness what will be caused, no one’s happiness is to be counted as more important than anyone else’s. Each person’s welfare is equally important. The theory continues to be widely accepted, even tough it has been challenged by a number of apparently devastating arguments. These anti-utilitarianism arguments are so numerous, and so persuasive, that many have concluded the theory must be abandoned. Despite the arguments, a great many thinkers refuse to let the theory go. The anti-utilitarianism arguments show only that the classical theory needs to be modified. The classic utilitarian reply is one thing, and one thing only, namely happiness. The utilitarian doctrine is that happiness is desirable, as an end; all other things being desirable as means to that end. The idea that happiness is the one ultimate good is known as Hedonism. Hedonism is a perennially popular theory that goes back at least as far as the ancient Greeks. Rachels admit that Hedonism misunderstands the nature of happiness. Happiness is not something that is recognized as good and sought for its own sake, with other things appreciated only as means of bringing it about. The theory, which at first seemed so progressive and commonsensical, now seems indefensible; it is at odds with such fundamental moral notions as justice and individual rights, and seems unable to account for the place of backward-looking reasons in justifying conduct. This section states that there are three line of defense offered in reply to arguments over utilitarianism by Rachels. The first line of defense is to point out that the examples used in the anti-utilitarian arguments are unrealistic and do not describe situations that come up in the real world. The second line of defense admits all this and proposes to save Utilitarianism by giving it new formulation. In revising a theory to meet criticism,

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the trick is to identify precisely the feature of the theory that is causing the trouble and to change that, leaving the rest of the theory undisturbed as much as possible. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned the three line of defense.


I have examined the importance of happiness and different points about it.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Classical Utilitarianism? 2. What are the three prepositions for Classical Utilitarianism? 3. What is happiness? 4. What is Hedonism? 5. What is the defense of utilitarianism? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Rachels says that classical utilitarianism can be summed up in three propositions. What are they? Classical Utilitarianism can be summarized in three propositions which is defined by Bentham and Mill. The first preposition is that actions are judged right or wrong solely in virtue of their consequences. Nothing else matters. The second preposition is that in accessing consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness that is caused. The third preposition is that in calculating happiness or unhappiness what will be caused, no one’s happiness is to be counted as more important than anyone else’s. Each person’s welfare is equally important. 2. Explain the problem with hedonism. How do defenders of utilitarianism respond to this problem? The classic utilitarian reply is one thing, and one thing only, namely happiness. The utilitarian doctrine is that happiness is desirable, as an end; all other things being desirable as means to that end. The idea that happiness is the one ultimate good is known as Hedonism. Hedonism is a perennially popular theory that goes back at least as far as the ancient Greeks. Rachels admit that Hedonism misunderstands the nature of happiness. Happiness is not something that is recognized as good and sought for its own sake, with other things appreciated only as means of bringing it about. The theory, which at first seemed so progressive and commonsensical, now seems indefensible; it is at odds with such fundamental moral notions as justice and individual rights, and seems unable to account for the place of backward-looking reasons in justifying conduct.

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3. What are the objections about justice, rights, and promises? Justice-the argument is only if someone were in the position then on utilitarian grounds he should bear false witness against the innocent person. Therefore according to utilitarianism, lying is a thing to do. But the argument continues it would be wrong to bring about the execution of the innocent man. Justice requires that we treat people fairly. According o their individual needs and merits. Rights- utilitarianism says that actions are defensible if the produce a favorable happiness over unhappiness. It is at least possible that more happiness than unhappiness was caused. In that case the utilitarian conclusions apparently would be that their actions are morally all right. Promises- there are important general lesson to be learned from this argument. Why is utilitarianism vulnerable to this sort of criticism? It is because the only kinds of considerations that the theory holds relevant to determine the rightness of actions are considerations having to do with their future. 4. Distinguish between rule- and act- utilitarianism. How does rule-utilitarianism reply to the objections? Act utilitarianism is a utilitarian theory of ethics which states that the right action is the one which produces the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of beings. Act utilitarianism is opposed to rule utilitarianism, which states that the morally right action is the one that is in accordance with a moral rule whose general observance would create the most happiness. 5. What is the third line of defence? On this way of thinking an act utilitarian is a perfectly indefensible doctrine and does not need to be modified. Rule utilitarianism by contrast is unnecessarily watered down version theory which gives rule a greater importance than they merit. Actutilitarian is however recognizes to be radical doctrine which implies that many of our ordinary moral feelings may be mistaken. In this respect it does what good philosophy always doest it what good philosophy always does it challenges us to rethink matters that we have therefore taken for granted. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Smart’s defense of utilitarianism is to reject common moral beliefs when they conflict with utilitarianism. Is this acceptable to you or not? Explain your answer. In this statement, I apologize to disagree because I think it is not right to reject common moral beliefs when they conflict with utilitarianism because I believe that it depends on the person in the first place they have different beliefs and cultures as a factor for applying utilitarianism.

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2. A utilitarian is supposed to give moral consideration to all concerned. Who must be considered? What about nonhuman animals? How about lakes and streams? In this issue I think all beings created and presented by God must be considered to be given moral consideration to all concerned. 3. Rachels claims that merit should be given moral consideration independent of utility. Do you agree? I do agree with Rachels that in claiming merits it should be given moral consideration independent of utility.

190 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: The Categorical Imperative (Chapter 7) AMAZON LINK: White/dp/0534584306

QUOTATION: “Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that is should become a universal law” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand the concepts about categorical imperative.


I want to learn the different issues on goodwill.


I want to determine the different aspect incorporated to good will.

REVIEW: In this section, Kant stated that it is impossible to conceive anything at all in the world or even out if it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except goodwill. Without the principles of good things it may become exceedingly bad; and the very coolness of scoundrel makes them not merely more dangerous but also more immediately more abominable in our eyes than we should have taken them to be without. According to Kant, human beings occupy a special place in creation, and morality can be summed up in one ultimate commandment of reason, or imperative, from which all duties and obligations derive. He defined an imperative as any proposition that declares a certain action (or inaction) to be necessary. A hypothetical imperative compels action in a given circumstance: if I wish to quench my thirst, I must drink something. A categorical imperative, on the other hand, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that asserts its authority in all circumstances, both required and justified as an end in itself. Kant concludes that a moral proposition that is true must be one that is not tied to any particular conditions, including the identity of the person making the moral deliberation. A moral maxim must have universality which is to say that it must be disconnected from the particular physical details surrounding the proposition, and could be applied to any rational being. This leads to the first formulation of the categorical imperative: • "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

Kant divides the duties imposed by this formulation into two subsets: perfect duty and imperfect duty. The free will is the source of all rational action. But to treat it as a subjective end is to deny the possibility of freedom in general. Because the autonomous will is the one

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and only source of moral action, it would contradict the first formulation to claim that a person is merely a means to some other end, rather than always an end in his or her self. On this basis, Kant derives second formulation of the categorical imperative from the first. • "Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end."

The second formulation also leads to the imperfect duty to further the ends of ourselves and others. If any person desires perfection in himself or others, it would be his moral duty to seek that end for all people equally, so long as that end does not contradict perfect duty. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned the aspects incorporated with goodwill.


I become more familiar with the categorical imperative.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Categorical Imperative? 2. What is good will? 3. What are gifts of fortune? 4. What does the character portrays? 5. What are the grounds of principle? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Explain Kant’s account of the good will. Kant stated that it is impossible to conceive anything at all in the world or even out if it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except goodwill. Without the principles of good things it may become exceedingly bad; and the very coolness of scoundrel makes them not merely more dangerous but also more immediately more abominable in our eyes than we should have taken them to be without. 2. Distinguish between hypothetical and categorical imperatives. According to Kant, human beings occupy a special place in creation, and morality can be summed up in one ultimate commandment of reason, or imperative, from which all duties and obligations derive. He defined an imperative as any proposition that declares a certain action (or inaction) to be necessary. A hypothetical imperative compels action

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in a given circumstance: if I wish to quench my thirst, I must drink something. A categorical imperative, on the other hand, denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that asserts its authority in all circumstances, both required and justified as an end in itself. 3.

State the first formulation of the categorical imperative (using the notion of a universal law), and explain how Kant uses this rule to derive some specific duties toward self and others. Kant concludes that a moral proposition that is true must be one that is not tied to any particular conditions, including the identity of the person making the moral deliberation. A moral maxim must have universality which is to say that it must be disconnected from the particular physical details surrounding the proposition, and could be applied to any rational being. This leads to the first formulation of the categorical imperative: • "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."

Kant divides the duties imposed by this formulation into two subsets: perfect duty and imperfect duty. 4.

State the second version of the categorical imperative (using the language of means and end) and explain it. The free will is the source of all rational action. But to treat it as a subjective end is to deny the possibility of freedom in general. Because the autonomous will is the one and only source of moral action, it would contradict the first formulation to claim that a person is merely a means to some other end, rather than always an end in his or her self. On this basis, Kant derives second formulation of the categorical imperative from the first. "Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means to an end." •

The second formulation also leads to the imperfect duty to further the ends of ourselves and others. If any person desires perfection in himself or others, it would be his moral duty to seek that end for all people equally, so long as that end does not contradict perfect duty.

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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Are the two versions of the categorical imperative just different expressions of one basic rule, or are they two different rules? Defend your view. I think it is one basic rule because in the categorical imperative it is just concerning about the content in which it is not really certain difference in rules. If you will accept a case whether you know or not you will accept it because in any sense you still need to do it in which you will have same approach still you will be alleged. 2. Kant claims that an action that is not done from the motive of duty has no moral truth. Do you agree or not? I agree to it because in any sense you did not do a task because you are considering it as a job. 3. Some commentators think that the categorical imperative can be used to justify nonmoral or immoral actions. Is this a good criticism? I do not think it can be considered as a good criticism because not at once you can say what that object thinks of it. You cannot criticize someone easily because you know what it contains. I think there are still different factors to consider before criticizing issues.

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TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Happiness and Virtue (Chapter 8) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “All humans beings, seek happiness is not pleasure, honor, wealth, but an activity of the soul in accordance with the virtue” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to understand more issues in virtue.


I want to learn the connection of happiness and virtue.

REVIEW: Happiness is not a pleasure, honor or wealth, but an activity of the soul in accordance of virtue. Happiness is always for the sake of itself but never for the sake of something else just like the honor, pleasure, reason and every virtue we choose indeed for themselves but we choose them also for the sake of happiness, judging that they by means of them we shall be happy. Happiness is neither no one chooses for the sake of these or for anything other than itself. Happiness is related to virtue in the sense that it makes no small difference whether we place the chief good in possession or in use, in state of mind or activity. For the state of mind may exist without producing any good result. Similar to virtue, happiness is related to pleasure because it is a state of the soul in which it depends on the man or individual how they will find happiness in the things they are doing. Conflicts occur because sometimes it is just not by nature pleasant but as an adventure charm. The moral virtue is a mean and in what sense it is so, and that it is a mean between two vices, the one involving excess, and the other as a deficiency, and that is such because its characteristic is to aim at what is intermediate in passions and in actions, has been sufficiently stated. A person has the virtue in studying, in any sense there will be times that failure in any form can be experienced then it is either that person accept that failure as a challenge as a positive approach or down himself and treat the failure as the end of his life. As said it is not easy but then it is not for everyone. As my understanding, it is possible that all people is happy but if we will include the creatures or creation by God then I do not think so it is possible that all creatures will be happy. In the reading, it states that “by the fact that the other animals have no share in happiness, being completely deprived of such activity. I think those creatures by God that incapable of the virtuous activities are those who cannot be happy. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned the aspect of virtue in terms of happiness.

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I have acquainted the two kinds of virtue.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is virtue? 2. What are the two kinds of virtue? 3. What is moral virtue? 4. How can you measure perfect happiness? 5. What does a man need to consider being a man? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. What is happiness, according to Aristotle? How is it related to virtue? How is it related to pleasure? Happiness is not a pleasure, honor or wealth, but an activity of the soul in accordance of virtue. Happiness is always for the sake of itself but never for the sake of something else just like the honor, pleasure, reason and every virtue we choose indeed for themselves but we choose them also for the sake of happiness, judging that they by means of them we shall be happy. Happiness is neither no one chooses for the sake of these or for anything other than itself. Happiness is related to virtue in the sense that it makes no small difference whether we place the chief good in possession or in use, in state of mind or activity. For the state of mind may exist without producing any good result. Similar to virtue, happiness is related to pleasure because it is a state of the soul in which it depends on the man or individual how they will find happiness in the things they are doing. Conflicts occur because sometimes it is just not by nature pleasant but as an adventure charm. 2. How does Aristotle explain moral virtue? Give some examples. The moral virtue is a mean and in what sense it is so, and that it is a mean between two vices, the one involving excess, and the other as a deficiency, and that is such because its characteristic is to aim at what is intermediate in passions and in actions, has been sufficiently stated. A person has the virtue in studying, in any sense there will be times that failure in any form can be experienced then it is either that person accept that failure as a challenge as a positive approach or down himself and treat the failure as the end of his life. As said it is not easy but then it is not for everyone. 3. Is it possible for everyone in our society to be happy, as Aristotle explains it? If not, who cannot be happy?

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As my understanding, it is possible that all people is happy but if we will include the creatures or creation by God then I do not think so it is possible that all creatures will be happy. In the reading, it states that “by the fact that the other animals have no share in happiness, being completely deprived of such activity. I think those creatures by God that incapable of the virtuous activities are those who cannot be happy. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Aristotle characterizes a life of pleasure as suitable for beasts. But what, if anything, is wrong with a life of pleasure? In my own opinion, the only wrong thing with a life of pleasure is that if someone will experience this either a deficiency or excess but will be a little bit of acceptance and behavior to one person. In any form of excess or deficiency is bad because the value given to it will be a terrible one for anyone in the form of personality. 2. Aristotle claims that the philosopher will be happier than anyone else. Why is this? Do you agree or not? Philosopher will be happier than anyone else because they have more knowledge and their moral are well disciplined because of the different studies they undergone. I do agree with this because they have experience and study different fields and even different ideas in this world that I think can make them more happier and their willingness for understanding and learning are more wider than us.

197 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: The Nature and Value of Rights (Chapter 9) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “Today servants qualify for their wages by doing their agreed upon chores, no more and no less. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to determine what the natures of rights are.


I want to understand what the value of rights is.

REVIEW: Feinberg want to demonstrate that rights are morally important. He imagines Nowheresville, a world like our own except that people do not have rights. People in this world cannot make moral claims when they are treated unjustly. They cannot demand or claim just treatment, and so they are deprived of self respect and human dignity. “Doctrine of logical correlativity of rights and duties is the doctrine that all duties entail other people’s rights and all rights entail other people’s duties. Only the first part of the doctrine, the alleged entailment from duties to rights, need concern us here. Etymologically is associated with actions that are due someone else, the payments of debts to creditors, the keeping of the agreements with promises, the payment of club dues, or legal fees, or tariff levies to appropriate authorities or their representatives. All duties are correlated with the right of those to whom the duties is owned. There seem to be numerous classes of duties, both of a legal and non-legal kind, that are not logically correlated with the rights of other persons. When the notion of requirement is in clear focus it is likely to seem the only element in the idea of duty that is essential, the other component notion that a duty is something due someone else drops off. Origin of the idea deserving good or bad treatment from others: A master or lord was under no obligation to reward servant for especially good service; still a master might naturally feel that there would be a special fittingness in giving a gratuitous reward as a grateful response to the good service. The idea of desert has evolved a good bit away from its beginning by now, but nevertheless, it seems clearly to be one of those words. Today servants quality for their wages by ding their agreed upon chores, no more and no less. In our age of organized labor, for almost every kind of exchange of service is governed by hard bargained contracts so that even bonuses can sometimes be demanded as a matter of right, and nothing is given for nothing on either side of the bargaining table. Rights have to come in somewhere, if we are to have even moderately complex forms of social organization. Without rules that confer rights and impose obligations, how can we have ownership of property, bargains and deals, promises and contracts, appointments and loans, marriages and partnerships? The sovereign had a certain duty

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to treat his subjects well, but this duty was owned not to the subjects directly, but to God, as we might have duty to a person to treat his property well, of course no duty to the property itself but only to its owner. The sovereign was quite capable of harming his subjects; he could commit no wrong against them that they could complain about, since they had no prior claims against his conduct. In the Leviathan, however, ordinary people had ordinary rights against one another. They played roles, occupied offices, made agreements, and signed contracts. In a genuine obligation toward one another; but the obligations will not be owned directly to promises, creditors, and parents and the like, but rather to God alone, or to the member or to the member of some elite, or to a single sovereign under God. This is not quite an accurate account of the matter, for it fails to do justice to the way claim-rights are somehow prior to, or more basic than, the duties with which they are necessary correlated. Many philosophical writers have simply identified rights with claims. Claims defines as assertions of right a dizzying piece of circularity that led one philosopher to complain. Even if there are conceivable circumstances in which one would admit rights diffidently, there is no doubt that their characteristics use and that for which they are distinctively well suited, is to be claimed, demanded, affirmed, insisted upon. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned the nature of rights.


I have acquainted the doctrine of correlativity.


I understand how important right is.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is personal desert? 2. What is Sovereignty? 3. What is Nowheresville? 4. What is doctrine of the logical correlativity of rights and duties? 5. What are claim-rights? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Describe Nowheresville. How this world different from our world? Nowheresville is a world like our own except that people do not have rights. People in this world cannot make moral claims when they are treated unjustly. They cannot

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demand or claim just treatment, and so they are deprived of self respect and human dignity. 2.

Explain the doctrine of the logical correlativity of rights and duties. What is Feinberg’s position on this doctrine? According to this chapter, doctrine of logical correlativity of rights and duties is the doctrine that all duties entail other people’s rights and all rights entail other people’s duties. Only the first part of the doctrine, the alleged entailment from duties to rights, need concern us here. Etymologically is associated with actions that are due someone else, the payments of debts to creditors, the keeping of the agreements with promises, the payment of club dues, or legal fees, or tariff levies to appropriate authorities or their representatives. All duties are correlated with the right of those to whom the duties is owned.

3. How does Feinberg explain the concept of personal desert? How would personal desert work in Nowheresville? Feinberg states or explains that the concept of personal desert is a moral notion concerned with, as Feinberg puts it, a certain “kind of fittingness between one party’s character or action and another party’s … respond”. Personal desert will work only to Nowheresville if this place will going to practice the importance of rights to people morally and equally. The idea of desert has evolved a good bit away from its beginning by now, but nevertheless, it seems clearly to be one of those words. Today servants quality for their wages by ding their agreed upon chores, no more and no less. 4. Explain the notion of a sovereign right monopoly. How would this work in Nowheresville according to Feinberg? The sovereign to be sure had a certain duty to treat his subjects as well, but this duty was owed not to the subject directly, but to God just as wee might have a duty to a person to treat his property well, but of course no duty to the property itself but only to its owner. The sovereign was quite capable of harming his subjects; he could commit no wrong against them that they could complain about, since they had no prior claims against his conduct. Genuine sovereign monopoly they will do all those things too, and thus incur genuine obligations will not be owed directly to promise creditors, parents, and the like but rather to god alone, or to the members of some elite or to a single sovereign under god. 5.

What are claim rights? Why does Feinberg think they are morally important? A claim right is a right which entails responsibilities, duties, or obligations for other parties. This is to petition or seek by virtue of supposed right; to demand as due. This is done by acknowledged right holder when he serves notice that he now wants turned over to him that which has already been acknowledged to be his, something borrowed, say, or improperly taken from him.

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DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Does Feinberg make a convincing case for the importance of rights? Why or why not? Feinberg convinces me that rights are essential or important because the mutuality and relativism of it is really confused to anyone in the society today. Also, right is one of the important things that a man possesses especially in any society today because it guides anyone to perfect acceptance and freedom. 2. Can you give a noncircular definition of claim-right? Honestly, I cannot think of any noncircular definition of claim-right because I do believe is claim-right is always circular and it applies in different scenarios in the society.

201 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: Taking Rights Seriously (Chapter 10) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “Not all legal rights or an even constitutional right represents moral rights against the government.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know why it is important to take rights seriously.


I want to understand what are the rights of the citizens


I want to be acquainted with what are the rights and what are the rights to break the law.


I want to identify what are the legal rights.

REVIEW: In this section, it discusses Dworkin’s view which is “if people have a right to do something, then it is wrong to interfere with them. He believes rests on Kantian idea of treating people with dignity as members of the moral community and also the idea of political equity. It also tackles the language of rights now dominates political debate in the United States. The concept of rights, and particularly the concept of rights against the Government, has its most natural use when a political society as divide, and appeals to co-operation or a common goal are pointless. The debate does not include the issue of whether citizens have some moral rights against their Government. Conventional lawyers and politicians take it as a point of pride that our legal system recognizes. They base their claim that our law deserves respect for they would not claim that totalitarian systems deserve the same loyalty. Philosophers rejected the idea that citizens have right apart from what the law happens to give them. The constitution fuses legal and moral issues, by making the validity of a law depend on the answer to complex moral problems. It does not tell us whether the Constitution recognizes all the moral rights that citizens have, and it does not tell us whether, as many suppose, citizens would have a duty to obey the law even if it did invade their moral rights. The constitutional system adds something to the protection of moral rights against the Government; it falls far short of guaranteeing these rights, or even establishing what they are. A responsible government must be ready to justify anything it does, particularly when it limits the liberty of its citizens. When individual citizens are said to have rights against the Government, it must mean that this sort of justification is not enough. The

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claim would not argue that individuals have special protection against the law when their rights are in play, and that is just the point of the claim. If they take their duty seriously, they must try to limit their mistakes, and they must therefore try to discover where the dangers of mistakes lie. They might choose one of two very different models for this purpose. The first model recommends striking a balance between the rights of the individual and the demands of society at large. The first model has great plausibility, and most laymen and lawyers would response to it warmly. The metaphor of balancing the public interest against personal claims is established in our political and juridical rhetoric. It gives the model both familiarity and appeal. The second is the more familiar idea of political equality. This supposes that the weaker members of a political community are entitled to the same concern and respect of their government as the more powerful members have secured for themselves, so that if some men have freedom of decision whatever the effect on the general good, then all men must have the same freedom. The institution requires an act of faith on the part of the minorities because the scope of their rights will be controversial whenever they are important, and because the officers of the majority will act on their own notions of what these rights really are. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned that rights must be taken seriously.


I have discovered the two different models for taking rights seriously.

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Dworkin’s view? 2. What des Dworkin’s believes to? 3. How the Constitution does fuses legal and moral issues? 4. What is a responsible government? 5. When do individual citizens have rights against the government? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. What does Dworkin mean by rights in the strong sense? What rights in this sense are protected by the USA Constitution? According to Dworkin, if the people have the right to do something, then it is wrong to interfere with them. This notion of rights according to him rest on the Kantian’s idea of treating people with dignity as members of the moral community and also to the idea

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of political equality. The concept of rights and particularly the concepts of rights against the government have its most natural use when a political society is divided and appeals to co-operation or a common goal are pointless. The rights that are protected by the USA Constitutions are those rights that are known and agreed upon by their country and by their people. They are protecting all rights that they have as long as it is not violated and abused. 2.

Distinguish between legal and moral rights. Give some examples of legal rights that are not moral rights, and moral rights that are not legal rights. Legal rights are rights which exist under the rules of legal systems. These are the rights that are under the legal systems for example individual rights of free speech, equality and due process and the like. Moral rights are rights that are based from morality and conscience of an individual. It is also called moral rights or inalienable rights, are rights which are not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs or a particular society or polity.


What are the two models of how a government might define the rights of its citizens? Which does Dworkin find more attractive? The first model recommends striking a balance between the rights of the individual and the demands of society at large. The first model has great plausibility, and most laymen and lawyers would response to it warmly. The metaphor of balancing the public interest against personal claims is established in our political and juridical rhetoric. It gives the model both familiarity and appeal. The second is the more familiar idea of political equality. This supposes that the weaker members of a political community are entitled to the same concern and respect of their government as the more powerful members have secured for themselves, so that if some men have freedom of decision whatever the effect on the general good, then all men must have the same freedom. Dworkin become more attracted with the second model for way government deifne the rights of citizens.


According to Dworkin, what two important ideas are behind the institution of rights? The two important ideas behind the institution of rights are act of faith by the majorities and minorities and justifications of rights.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. Does a person have the right to break the law? All of us have right to be free in which if you choose to break laws then it is still under the right of yours to be free.

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Are rights in the strong sense compatible with Mill's utilitarianism? I think there is strong sense compatible with Mill’s utilitarianism because of similar concepts and views discussed in this section as well as Mill’s utilitarianism.

3. Do you think that Kant would accept rights in the strong sense? I do not think so Kant would accept or agree rights in the strong sense.

205 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: A Theory of Justice (Chapter 11) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “The first principle of justice involves equal basic liberties.” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: -

I want to know the view of Rawls when it comes to justice.


I want to understand what the theory of justice is.


I want to be acquainted with the two different principles of justice.

REVIEW: John Rawls is the author of Justice as Fairness: A Restatement which in his theory he states that there are two principles of justice. The first principle involves equal basic liberties, and the second principle concerns he arrangement of social and economic inequalities. These are the principles tree and rational persons would accept in a hypothetical original position where there is a veil of ignorance hiding from the contractors all the particular facts about themselves. Rawls says that the rules of justice are chosen in an Original Position, behind a 'veil of ignorance' that conceals from the parties facts about themselves such as sex, age, physical and strength, that might be envisaged in attempts to tailor the rules to give some a systematic advantage. The first principle of justice according to Rawl’s states that “Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all”. It must be treated equally and we must know how to treat equally not only to others but as well as to all aspects of life. “The second principle is also called the difference principle, and it specifies how economic advantages should be distributed. It has two parts. Firstly, there is the difference principle proper, the principle for the distribution of acquired wealth in society. This is basically the principle to regulate taxation and redistribution. The second part of the second principle is the principle of equal opportunity. It regulates access to coveted social positions - basically jobs and positions of authority”. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned that rights must be taken seriously.


I have discovered the two different models for taking rights seriously.

206 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is theory of justice is all about? 2. What is the main idea of the theory of justice? 3. What is the first principle is all about? 4. What is the second principle is all about? 5. What is the view of Rawls about justice? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1.

Carefully explain Rawl’s conception of the original position. Rawls says that the rules of justice are chosen in an Original Position, behind a 'veil of ignorance' that conceals from the parties facts about themselves such as sex, age, physical and strength, that might be envisaged in attempts to tailor the rules to give some a systematic advantage.

2. State and Explain Rawl’s first principle of Justice. The first principle of justice according to Rawl’s states that “Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all”. It must be treated equally and we must know how to treat equally not only to others but as well as to all aspects of life. 3. State and Explain the second principle. Which principle has priority such that it cannot be sacrificed? “The second principle is also called the difference principle, and it specifies how economic advantages should be distributed. It has two parts. Firstly, there is the difference principle proper, the principle for the distribution of acquired wealth in society. This is basically the principle to regulate taxation and redistribution. The second part of the second principle is the principle of equal opportunity. It regulates access to coveted social positions - basically jobs and positions of authority” DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1.

On the first principle, each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty as long as this does not interfere with similar liberty for others. What does this allow to do? The first principle each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty as long as this does not interfere with similar liberty for others allows each individual in the community or in the society to weight and to know the goodness and the badness of a certain act which we cannot deny the fact most of the times happening.

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Is it possible for free and rational persons in the original position to agree upon different principles than those given by Rawls? I think it is possible for free and rational persons in the original position to agree upon different principles than those given by Rawls.

208 ITETHIC VALENZONA, Cristine Camille M

TITLE: Contemporary Moral Problems: A Theory of Justice (Chapter 12) AMAZON LINK: QUOTATION: “Justice perspective by itself is inadequate as a moral theory” LEARNING EXPECTATIONS: 1. I want to know the need to justice. 2. I want to understand the different viewpoints of Annette Baier. REVIEW: Annette Baier describes the system of ethics based solely on justice. Baier says, is the introduction of “care” as an ethical system to supplement traditional liberal theories of justice. She contends that women are more likely to have feelings of care, while men generally claimed to take only the justice perspective. Baier argues that the perspective of caretakers fulfils people’s emotional needs to be attached to something. Reciprocal equality, characteristic of contractarian liberalism, does not guarantee this attachment “. While on care perspective she describes that “Women, by contrast, are more often concerned with substantive moral matters of care, personal relationships and avoiding hurt to others. They tend to avoid abstract principles and universalist pretensions and to focus instead on contextual detail and interpersonal emotional responsiveness.” These are the criticisms does Giligan and Baier make of this theory: the empirical correlation between gender and moral perspective was not uniform and the data themselves were open to various interpretations. Women’s orientation toward care and personal relationships seemed mainly to reflect the social role of the traditional, fulltime heterosexual wife and mother. A third objection is that the empirical research underlying Gilligan's discussion of care ethics was based only on white, middle-class, heterosexual women, and her writings did not acknowledge that differences among women might make a difference to their moral perspectives. The three important differences between Kantian liberals and their ethics based on what Baiers’s states are the relative weight put on relationships between equal, the relative weight put on freedom of choice, and the authority of intellect over emotions. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: -

I learned that justice is needed.


I have discovered the three important differences between Kantian liberals and their ethics.

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INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS: 1. What is a Moral Theory? 2. What is Care perspective according to the topic? 3. What is Justice perspective according to the topic? 4. Why is justice needed? 5. What does Baier argues regarding perspective of caretakers? REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Distinguish between the justice and care perspective. According to Gilligan, how do these perspectives develop? Annette Baier describes the system of ethics based solely on justice. Baier says, is the introduction of “care” as an ethical system to supplement traditional liberal theories of justice. She contends that women are more likely to have feelings of care, while men generally claimed to take only the justice perspective. Baier argues that the perspective of caretakers fulfills people’s emotional needs to be attached to something. Reciprocal equality, characteristic of contractarian liberalism, does not guarantee this attachment “. While on care perspective she describes that “Women, by contrast, are more often concerned with substantive moral matters of care, personal relationships and avoiding hurt to others. They tend to avoid abstract principles and universalist pretensions and to focus instead on contextual detail and interpersonal emotional responsiveness.” 2. Explain Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. What criticisms do Gilligan and Baier make of this theory? These are the criticisms does Giligan and Baier make of this theory: the empirical correlation between gender and moral perspective was not uniform and the data themselves were open to various interpretations. Women’s orientation toward care and personal relationships seemed mainly to reflect the social role of the traditional, fulltime heterosexual wife and mother. A third objection is that the empirical research underlying Gilligan's discussion of care ethics was based only on white, middle-class, heterosexual women, and her writings did not acknowledge that differences among women might make a difference to their moral perspectives. 3. Baier says there are three important differences between Kantian liberals and their critics. What are these differences? The three important differences between Kantian liberals and their ethics based on what Baiers’s states are the relative weight put on relationships between equal, the relative weight put on freedom of choice, and the authority of intellect over emotions.

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Why does Baier attack the Kantian view that the reason should control unruly passions? In my own opinion Baeir attack the Kantian view to just enlighten up anyone with his message.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. What does Baier mean when she speaks of the need "to trans value the values of our patriarchal past"? Do new values replace the old ones? If so, do we abandon justice, freedom, and rights? Replacing the old with a new one is really accepted, I think so, especially in the society today. The views on moral issues are been developing and yields to a more new approach which is sometimes opposing to the old one. We do not abandon justice, freedom and rights. 2. What is wrong with Kantian view that extends equal rights to all rational beings, including women and minorities? What would Baier say? What do you think? Baier’s view was insufficient that’s why she is in favor to other views. 3. Baier seems to reject the Kantian emphasis on freedom of choice. Granted, we do not choose our parents, but still don't we have freedom of choice about many things, and isn't this very important? I really understand why this opinions is stressed out but I be to disagree to treat this kind of issue to test as freedom because it would be unfair for people and it does not show certain equality and fairness because there will be people who will not be lucky to be chosen. Another point is that not all people are capacitated to have a baby and in that sense they also do not have freedom.

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