Miss Odom's first period world literature class gradebook Students
Alice Bob Carl Daphne Erica Felicity George Henry Imogene Julie Class Average
Class Grammar Term Notebook Quiz 1 Midterm Quiz 2 Final Presentation Worksheet Paper Check
83 72 55 60 72 86 81 68 55 80 71.2
88 65 75 73 73 85 95 75 90 98 81.7
70 84 88 90 78 88 50 100 88 82 81.8
80 80 67 85 90 67 80 85 85 92 81.1
78 65 95 80 88 80 65 80 80 95 80.6
Carl's Progress 100 90 80 Grade
70 60 50
Row 5 Row 13
40 30 20 10 0 Ho C Qu G T M N Qu F me lass iz ram erm idte ote iz inal wor Pre 1 mar Pa- rm boo 2 Assignments
91 97 93 85 78 88 62 91 80 91 85.6
83 59 65 92 70 83 88 70 65 100 77.5
87 83 86 62 68 70 87 81 80 85 78.9
90 82 70 93 90 85 82 92 68 92 84.4
Final 90 82 70 93 90 85 82 92 68 92 84.4
Final Class Average 84 77 76 81 80 82 77 83 76 91 80
In the graph to the left, Carl's progress and grades on his assignments are shown in blue and compared in pink to the rest of the class. Carl is back and forth between above the class norm and below, and his final average for this class is a 76 [C].