Itct Writeup

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 26

EXPERIMENT NO. 1 Aim: Implementation of algorithm for determination of various entropies and mutual information of the given channel. Test various types of channel such as 1. Noise free channel 2. Error free channel 3. Binary symmetric channel 4. Noisy channel Equipment: PC with ‘C’ programming tool. Theory: 1. What is discrete memory less source and discrete memory less channel. 2. Write definition, formula and units for the following i} Information ii) Entropy iii) Information rate. iv) Mutual information 3. What are the different types of entropies? Algorithm: Part: I 1.Input the no. of inputs of a channel. 2.Input the no. of outputs of a channel. 3.Input the channel matrix. Test the condition that sum of all the 1


entries in each row should be exactly equal to 1. 4.Input the channel input probabilities. i.e. P[X].Condition mentioned in step no.3 remains the same. Calculate the entropy of the channel input. i.e. H(X) 5.Calculate output probability matrix P[Y], by multiplying input probability matrix by channel matrix. Also calculate entropy of channel output. i.e. H(Y). 6.Convert

input probability matrix into diagonal matrix.

i.e. P[X]d 7.Calculate the joint probability matrix by multiplying input probability matrix in diagonal form by channel matrix. 8.Calculate joint entropy with the help of formula m n H(X,Y)= ∑ ∑ p( xi yj)(log p( xi yj))-1 i=0 j=0 9. From the values of H(X),H(Y) and H(X,Y) we can calculate conditional entropies as H(Y/X)=H(X,Y)-H(X) H(X/Y)=H(X,Y)-H(Y) 10.Also we can calculate mutual information as I(X;Y)=H(X)-H(X,Y) I(X;Y)=H(Y)-H(Y/X)



Part-II A) Noise free channel 1. For noise free channel enter only diagonal elements of the joint probability matrix. Condition mentioned on step no.3 should be satisfied. 2. Repeat steps from 4 to 10. B) Error free channel 1. A channel is said to be error free if capacity of the channel is greater than entropy of the channel. So at first calculate the capacity of the channel using the formula Capacity C= log M bits/symbol Where M:- No. of inputs of the channel. 2

2. Calculate entropy of the input. 3.Compare capacity of the channel with channel input entropy.Test the condition for error free channel .

C) Binary Symmetric Channel 1.BSC channel is characterized by No.of input = No. of output = 2 2.It’s conditional probability matrix is as follows 1-P


P(Y/X) = P 1-P 3. Derive the joint probability matrix from this matrix by multiplying it by P(X) = [ 0 1] So the matrix which we take input from user is 3


0 0 P(X,Y) = P 1-P Where P is the probability which user should enter. 4.Then repeat steps 4 to 8 to calculate all the required quantities. D) Noisy channel 1.Repeat first two steps from Part I. 2.Enter the joint probability matrix just by removing the condition of checking sum of all the elements equal to 1. 3.Repeat all the remaining steps to calculate required quantities. Conclusion: 1.Why we calculate entropy? 2.What is the significance of conditional entropy?



EXPERIMENT NO. 2 Aim: Implementation of algorithm for generation and evaluation of variable length source coding using 1) Shannon-Fano Coding 2) Huffman Coding Equipment: PC with C as a programming tool PART 1) Shannon-Fanno coding Theory: 1) Need of source coding 2) Explain source encoder with block diagram 3) What is variable length source coding? Explain with example. 4) State Shannon’s first theorem. Algorithm: 1) Accept number of symbols and their respective probabilities. Sort the probabilities in the descending order. 2) Partition these probabilities such that their sum should be equal or nearly equal. 3) Assign ‘0’ to upper group symbols and ‘1’ to lower group symbols. 4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 till all the probabilities are finished. 5) For the formation of code read assigned code from left to right. 5


Example: Symbol

Respectiv e


Coding Steps II III

Codewor IV


Probabiliti es 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.05 0.05

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

0 1 1 1 1

0 1 1 1

0 1 1

0 1

0 10 110 1110 1111

PART 2) Huffman Coding Theory: 1) What are the types of source coding? 2) State advantages of Huffman coding. 3) How we calculate average codeword length and efficiency? Explain with formula and example. Algorithm: 1) List the source symbols in order of decreasing probability. 2) Combine the probabilities of the two symbols having the lowest probabilities and reorder the resultant probabilities. The same procedure is repeated until there are two ordered probabilities remaining. 3) Start encoding with the last reduction, which consist of exactly two ordered probabilities. Assign 0 as the first digit in the codeword for all



the source symbols associated with the first probability; assign 1 to the second probability. 4) Now go back and assign 0 and 1 to the second digit for the two probabilities that were combined in the previous reduction step, retaining all assignments made in step 3. 5) Keep regressing this way until the first column is reached. Example: Symbol

step 1

step 2

step 3

Code word




0.6 0





0.4 1







000 0010



Conclusion: Write your own conclusion.



Aim: Implementation of algorithm for generating and decoding of linear block code. Apparatus: PC with MATLAB programming tool. Theory: Channel Coding: In channel coding, we map the incoming data sequence to a channel input sequence. This encoding procedure is done by the channel encoder. The encoder sequence is then transmitted over the noisy channel. The channel output sequence at the receiver is inverse mapped an input data sequence. This is called as the decoding procedure and is carried out by the channel decoder. But the encoder and decoder are under the designer’s control. The encoder introduces redundancy in the prescribed manner. The decoder exploits redundancy in a prescribed manner in order to reconstruct the source sequence as accurately as possible. The channel coding makes possible reliable communication over unreliable channels. Channel coding is also called as ‘error control coding’. Questions: 1) Explain the necessity of the channel coding. 2) Define and explain the following terms. 1) Weight of the code 2) Minimum distance 3) Syndrome 4) Hamming bound. Encoding and decoding procedure of the linear block code: Consider the (n,k) systematic linear block code(LBC) code, where n is length of the codeword and k is the length of the message. 8


Encoding : Let’s consider the (6,3) LBC with the following parity matrix 1 0 P = 0 1 1 1

1 1 0

Here n=6 and k=3 hence no. of redundant bits are (n-k) =3. Generator matrix G is, G = [ In-k: P] 1 0 0 1 0 1 G = 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

Now from the above generator matrix and message vector we can calculate the codewords. No. of message vectors = 2k = 23 = 8 For the first message M0 = [ 0 0 0], codeword C0 is 1 0 0 1 0 C 0 = [ 0 0 0] 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 C 0 = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0]

1 1 0

Similarly for the second message M1 = [0 0 1], codeword C1 is 1 0 0 1 0 1 C1 = [ 0 0 1] 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 C1 = [ 0 0 1 1 1 0]



In the same way calculate the code vectors for all the eight message vectors. All codewords are as follows Data 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111

Codeword 000000 001110 010011 011101 100101 101011 110110 111000

Decoding: The parity check matrix P is 1 0 P = 0 1 1 1

1 1 0

The PT can be represented as 1 0 1 P = 0 1 1 1 1 0

The parity check matrix is given by H = [ PT : In-k] 1 0 1 1 0 0 H = 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

The syndrome table can be calculated as S t = HT



1 0 1  0 1 1    1 1 0  St =   1 0 0 0 1 0   0 0 1

Let the received codeword R is R=[101110] The syndrome is calculated as S = R * HT By calculation

S= [1 0 1]

This matches with first row of the syndrome. It means that error has occurred in the first bit. Now take the all zero vector of size n=6 and make the first bit of it 1. Let this vector as error vector e, which is E=[100000] Now corrected codeword Cc is Cc = R ⊕ E Cc = [ 0 0 1 1 1 0 ] Algorithm: 1) Enter the values of n and k. 2) Enter the parity matrix. 3) Calculate generator matrix G. 4) Enter the data matrix Mi.e. any one combination out of the total possible combinations. 5) Calculate the code using C = M * G 6) In the same way calculate all the codewords.



7) Introduce error in the m bit position changing it either from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1. 8) Calculate the syndrome. 9) Compare the error pattern with corresponding syndrome. 10) Evaluate correct code Cc.

Conclusion : What are the other types linear block code? Also comment on error correcting capability of linear block code.

EXPERIMENT NO. 4 Aim: Implementation of algorithm for generation and decoding of cyclic codes.



Equipment: PC with ‘MATLAB’ programming tool. Theory: Cyclic codes form a subclass of linear block codes. An advantage of cyclic codes over most other types of codes is that they are easy to encode. Furthermore, they possess a well defined mathematical structure which has led to the development of very efficient decoding schemes for them. A code C is cyclic if 1. C is linear code and 2. any cyclic shift if a codeword is also a codeword i.e. if the

codeword is a0a1….an-1 is in C then an-1a0…… is also in C. Que. List out the properties of the cyclic codes and explain them in order. Encoding and decoding procedure of the cyclic codes: a) Encoding: Consider the (7,4) cyclic code. i.e. n=7 and k=3 The generator polynomial is G(P) = P3 + P + 1 The message polynomial is M(P) = P3 + P2 + 1 C(P) = Q(P)*G(P) Where Q(P) is quotient polynomial 13


Q(P)= quotient of [M(P)*Xn-k / G(P)]

P3 + P 2 + P + 1 P3 + P + 1 P 6 + P 5 + P 3 P6 + P 5 + P 3 P5 + P 4 P5 + P 3 + P 2 P4 + P 3 + P 2 P4 + P 2 + P P3 + P P3 + P + 1 1 Q(P) = P3 + P2 + P + 1 C(P)= G(P) * Q(P) = (P3 + P + 1)*( P3 + P2 + P + 1) = P6 + P5 + P3 + 1 Hence C = 1101001. This is the codeword generated.

b) Decoding: Let the received codeword is 1111001 Hence the corresponding polynomial is R(P) = P6 + P5 + P4 + P3 + 1 14


P3 + P 2 + 1 P3 + P + 1 P 6 + P 5 + P 4 + P 3 + 1 P6 + P 4 + P 3 P5 + 1 P5 + P 3 + P 2 P3 + P 2 + 1 P3 + P + 1 P2 + P Hence syndrome is S(P) = P2 + P In the next step we have to consider error pattern E(P). Let E(P)= 1000000 In polynomial form E(P) = P6 P3 + P + 1 P3 + P + 1 P 6 P6 + P 4 + P 3 P4 + P 3 P4 + P 2 + P P3 + P 2 + P P3 + P + 1 P2 +1 Hence syndrome is S’(P) = P2 +1 But in this case S(P) != S’(P). So error is not present at position 6. Same situation occurs when we consider error at position 5.



Now consider the error at position 4. P P3 + P + 1 P 6 P4 + P 2 + P P2 + P Hence syndrome is S’(P) = P2 +P Here S(P) = S’(P) So error is present at position 4. Valid codeword is C(P) = R(P) ⊕ E(P) C(P) = P6 + P5 + P3 + 1 C = 1101001 Algorithm: 1. Start 2. Accept the values of n,k,G(P) , M(P). 3. Evaluate the value of [M(P)*Xn-k] / G(P)

4. Determine the codeword. 5. Transmit data with error. 6. Determine the received data. 7. Compare S and obtain corresponding error pattern from syndrome table. 8. Evaluate corrected code. 9. Stop. Conclusion: Que.1. When linear code is called as cyclic code? 2. What are the properties of the syndrome table? 16


EXPERIMENT NO. 5 Aim: Implementation of algorithms for generating convolution code using 17


i] Code Tree ii] Trellis code Equipment: PC with MATLAB programming tool Theory: Requirement of convolutional code:In encoding of block of k-information symbols are encoded into a block of n coded symbols. There is always one-to-one correspondence between the uncoded block of symbols & the coded block of symbols. It is used for high data rate applications, A large block length is imp because:1] Many of good codes that have large distance properties are of large block lengths. 2] Larger block length imp to that the encoding overhead is small. But large block lengths causes delays. There is another coding scheme in which much smaller blocks of uncoded data of length k0 are used. These are called information frames. Convolutional codes have memory which retain the previous incoming information frames. Thus decoding & encoding in this code is based on past information i.e. memory is required. Convolutional codes are often used to improve the performance of digital radio, mobile phones and satellite links. Convolutional Encoding: To convolutionally encode data, start with k memory registers, each holding 1 input bit. Unless otherwise specified, all memory registers start with a value of 0. The encoder has n modulo-2 adders, and n generator polynomials — one for each adder (see figure below). 18


An input bit m1 is fed into the leftmost register. Using the generator polynomials and the existing values in the remaining registers, the encoder outputs n bits. Now bit shift all register values to the right (m1 moves to m0, m0 moves to m-1) and wait for the next input bit. If there are no remaining input bits, the encoder continues output until all registers have returned to the zero state.The figure below is a rate 1/3 (m/n) encoder with constraint length (k) of 3. Generator polynomials are G1 = (1,1,1), G2 = (0,1,1), and G3 = (1,0,1). Therefore, output bits are calculated (modulo 2) as follows: n1 = m1 + m0 + m-1 n2 = m0 + m-1 n3 = m1 + m-1.

Questions: 1] Define constraint length & code rate. 2] Design of convolution encoder for constraint length N=3 19


code rate is ½ & no of module-2 adders v=2 Steps For Code Tree :1] Tree becomes repetitive after 3rd branch.Beyond the 3rd branch,the 2 nodes labeled a are identicals. 2] The encoder has memory M=K-1=2 msg bits.Hence when third msg bit enters the encoder,the 1st msg bit is shifted out of the regi. 3] In the code tree starting with 1 & 0, if there is ‘1’ in the i/p seq.then go downward.(This is showm by dotted line) & note down correct code written on that line. 4] If there is ‘0’ in the i/p seq then go upward(shown by solid line) & note down code written on that line. 5] Thus trace the code-tree upto level = no of bits in i/p sequence to get the corresponding o/p seq. Steps For Code Trellis :1] If there is ‘0’ in k0,then trace upper i.e. solid line & note down code written above the line. 2] If there is ‘1’ in k0.then trace lower i.e. dotted line & note down code written above the line. Thus for k0 = 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 We get n0 = 11 01 01 00 10 11 00



Conclusion: Que. What are the disadvantages of code tree and advantages of code trellis?

EXPERIMENT NO. 6 Aim: Implementation of algorithms for decoding convolution codes using Viterbi algorithm.



Equipment: PC with ‘MATLAB’ programming tool. Theory: Convolutional decoding can be performed using a Viterbi algorithm. A Viterbi decoder logically explores in parallel every possible user data in sequence. It encodes and compare each one against the received sequence and picks up the closest match: it is a maximum likelihood decoder. To reduce the complexity (the number of possible data sequence double with each additional data bit), the decoder recognizes at each point that certain sequences cannot belong to the maximum likelihood path and it discards them. The encoder memory is limited to K bits; a Viterbi decoder in steady-state operation keeps only paths. Its complexity increases exponentially with the constraint length K. Que. Explain maximum likelihood decoding of convolution codes? The Viterbi Algorithm: a) Initialization :i) Label the leftmost state on the Trellis (i.e. the all zero

state at level 0)as 0,since

there is no discrepancy at this point in the computation. b) Computation step j+1 1)

Let j= 0,1,2 ,…… & suppose that

previous step j we have

done two things

* All survivor paths are identified. * The survivor path & its metric for each state of the trellis are stored . 22


2) Then at level j+1 ,compute the metric for all the paths entering each state of the trellis by adding the metric of the incoming branches to the metric of connecting survivor path from level j. 3) Hence for each state ,identify the path with the lowest metric as the survivor of step j+1 ,thereby updating the computation. c) Final Step. 1) Continue the computation until the algorithm completes its forward search through the trellis & reaches the termination mode at which time it makes a decision on the maximum likelihood path. 2) Like a block decoder ,the sequence on symbols associated with that path is released to the destination as the decoded version of the received sequence . 3) It is therefore more correct to refer to the viterbi algorithm as a sequence estimator.

Conclusion: 1) Why viterbi decoding is efficient? 2) What is the difficulty in its application?


maximum likelihood


EXPERIMENT NO. 7 Aim: Study of radio link design Theory: A) LINK BUDGET ANALYSIS:

Link budget analysis is an important issue in the design of satellite communication system. A ‘link budget’ or ‘link power budget’ 24


is the totaling of all the gains and losses incurred in operating a communication link. In particular, the balance sheet provides a detailed accounting of three broadly defined items: 1. Apportionment of the resources available to the transmitter and receiver 2. Sources responsible for the loss of signal power 3. Sources of noise Que. Explain the waterfall curve relating the probability of error and bit energy to noise ratio (Eb/No).What is the role of link margin? B) THE FREE SPACE PROPAGATION MODEL:

The free space propagation model assumes the ideal propagation condition that there is only one clear line-of-sight path between the transmitter and receiver. Que. Write the Friis free space equation. C) ANTENNA:

In communication system, the propagation of the modulated signal is accomplished by means of transmitting and receiving antenna. Functions of transmitting antenna: 1. To convert the electrical signal to electromagnetic signal. 2. To radiate the electromagnetic energy in desired directions. Functions of receiving antenna: 1. To convert the electromagnetic signal to electrical signal.



2. To receive the electromagnetic energy from desired directions. Que. With respect to antenna, explain the following terms in detail. 1. Directive gain 2. Directivity 3. Power gain 4. Effective aperture D) DOWNLINK BUDGET ANALYSIS:

In a digital satellite communication system, one of the key elements in the overall design and analysis of the system is the downlink power budget, which is usually more critical than the uplink power budget because of practical constraints imposed on downlink power and satellite antenna size. Que. In detail, explain the downlink budget analysis of digital satellite communication system. Conclusion: Que. How the link budget analysis helps in the design of radio link?


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