Issue Xxvi

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Issue XXVI

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Copies : 700

Pages : 8

Printed at : Printing Press-EME College

Dr. Afzaal Malik Conferred ‘STAR LAUREATE’

OIC Campbuzz Maj M. Salman Rashed GSO-II Cadet Wing Editorial Board Editor NS Malik Basharat, DME Tel 0300-4725488 Co-Editors NS Jawad Ahmed, DME NS Rabia Maqbool, DEE Associate-Editors NS Syed M Ather Ali, DCE NS Aneeqa Ishaq, DEE NS Saqib Javed, DME NS Nauman Bashir, DMTS Chief Composer NS M. Umar Bilal, DCE

It is a hallmark achievement that Dr. Afzaal Malik has earned. He is also the recipient of Pakistan Academy of Sciences and Infaq Foundation joint Gold Medal for Best Research in engineering and technology presented by Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman, former Chairman HEC. Author of about 125 research


 Dr Afzaal award


 PEC Graduate Engr  “Has anyone noticed”, by CSS Sabih  Focus: Mr Rehan Ahmed Khan  Editor Board  SPAL/SAS/ Trips

ASME joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, and 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Miami, Florida, USA.

A very fine, refined, thorough, assiduous gentleman, Dr. M Afzaal Malik has been conferred ‘Star Laureate’ for the year 2007 by the South Asia Publications, thus taking the NUST flag to new mentions. The ceremony was held on the 3rd of January, 2009 at Pearl Continental Hotel Rawalpindi at 1100 hrs. Justice Retired Nasira Iqbal and other dignitaries were also present at the ceremony. publications, most of which got published in journals of international repute, Dr. Afzaal Malik has attended various national and international conferences. He was also Co-Chair in a session of ASME/JSME/CNS 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Beijing, China in 2005, and Chair of a session at

Dr. Afzaal Malik, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department is in fact a blessing for the students of NUST. Students very rightly feel privileged to have such a learned, able and a fatherlike HOD. He has brought laurels to the college as is the only individual in the country who has got this award. He also appeared in a talk-show on national television along Rector NUST following the Inauguration Ceremony of the new campus of NUST. The editor CampBuzz extends his heartiest felicitations to the Star Laureate. May his bounties be multiplied.

PEC Graduate Engineer of the Year 2008

Associate Professor Col Irshad passes away

NUST, while defining futures and committed to putting an innovative dynamic system in place, is further encouraged by the commendations it so regularly receives to take the NUST phenomenon to new heights. For the year 2008, NS Syed Usman and NS Raza Mohsin were declared the top two graduate engineers of the country. It is further heartening to see the coveted Gold Medal came to EME college. NS Syed Usman did BE in Electrical Engineering with a CGPA of 4.00, and has been declared as the Best Engineering Graduate by the Pakistan Engineering Council. There could be no better reflection than this of the highest standards set by NUST.

The morning of 16th Dec 2008 brought a very sad message to the EME college as it had lost associate professor Colonel Retd Irshad. Colonel Irshad was a man of principles and one hundred percent devoted to his profession. His conduct would not be forgotten by anyone who even remained with him for a single moment. The University of Pittsburg, USA, qualified scholar had a kidney problem, and that proved fatal. A large number of faculty members and students attended the funeral prayers. He was laid to rest in the Army graveyard, Rawalpindi. May his soul rest in eternal peace, and his family have the courage to bear this irreparable loss. (Amen)

Disclaimer : All contents of Campbuzz are the writers’ / contributors’ personal views and are not to be taken as official opinion / policy.


Thursday, 22 January 2009

The Editor says: Those who have read the Campbuzz with some attention might have noticed the frequent changes ringing in the editorial board. We bring this edition of Campbuzz with hope of stability as the new editorial board comes into place, importantly so, with all students in their right places. We simply wish them all the best in getting these wheels turning. This edition of Campbuzz brings you some great news for EME College and its students. Dr Afzal Malik, HOD Mechanical, has been honored with the “Star Laureate” to add to his already long list of credentials. Secondly, NS Syed Usman (DE-26 Electrical) has been recently declared the Best Engineering Graduate by the Pakistan Engineering Council. Bravo! Also, NS Iftikhar Goreja of 27 ME has won the All Pakistan Essay Writing Competition held under the Ministry of Youth Affairs. Congratulations to him! Sabih Mazahar, meanwhile, notices some important changes taking place all over the College. Also in this issue, find an article by Waleed Mirza on Israel’s outrage in Gaza. His brief article helps us feel the plight and pain of the Palestinian people. We turn our ‘focus’ this time round Assistant Professor Mr. Rehan A Khan of Mechanical Department, who shares some valuable insights from his experience. This and more in this issue; do keep us updated about what you think with your valuable feedback. All the best, till next time.

EMENENT Shines at National Level Article Writing Competition NS Hasan Javed Goreja of DE 27 Mechanical Engineering has stood 2nd in All Pakistan Essay Writing Competition held under the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Govt. of Pakistan. The prize distribution ceremony was held on December 30, 2008 in National Arts Gallery, Islamabad. There were 4 topics on which essays were asked from people aged between 15 to 29 years. A total of 625 youngsters participated in the competition from all over Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. The topic on which he wrote was “The Role of Youth in Promotion of Civic Spirit and Courtesies.” A total of 13 prizes – first three of each and two third positions of a topic – were given. First position holder of each topic won 20,000PKR, second won 15,000PKR and third won 10,000PKR. Apart from cash, certificate of excellence were also given to the awardees. It is indeed an honour for College of EME in particular and NUST in general to have such talented students.

GIRLS PLAY TABLE TENNIS AT INTER NUST SPORTS 2009 The year 2009 saw its first Official Inter NUST Sports event on 3rd January. The commencement of the year was marked by the Table Tennis Competition held at College of E & ME. The finals were held between EME and MCS. The host squad comprised of four members namely Asma Javed Paracha (DE-28 CE), Yusra Fakhar (DE-28 EE), Fatima Khalid (DE-29 EE) and Saleha (DE30 Mts) whereas the visiting company included Sara Viqar, Mehreen Tahir and Risham Waqar. Both modes of sport were exercised, three 1 on 1‘s and one 2 on 2’s were played. In singles, Saleha lost to Mehreen after a very close match, Asma outplayed Sara and won by 21-3 and 21-8 while on the contrary, in doubles, Asma and Yusra lost to Risham and Mehreen by 16-21 and 1821 .EME lost the series to MCS after a chain of extremely close matches. Huge crowd from both sides was present at the venue to witness the scintillating event; Capt Asad did his part by bucking up the hosts. Mrs. Rubina Kausar from Head Quarters NUST was also there, as the chief guest, to distribute the prizes to the winning team.

NS Hassan J Goreja receiving his prize

NS Hassan J Gorega along other winners

Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME


Thursday, 22 January 2009

HAS ANYONE NOTICED ? ? ? By CSS Sabih Mazhar 27 ,DCE

I have a keen habit of observing things and people around me. No I don’t poke my nose in everything but yeah I am interested in how things and people evolve and change. Stuck in the college for five days out of a total of seven per week my world is sort of confined inside the four walls and “three” gates. The fact that I can’t bear the sight of the white board in the classes and I complete my sleeping hours there, keeps me awake and fresh outside classes. The college has changed a lot with time. There are two types of changes that have taken place recently, the positive changes and the needless changes. Let’s start then, shall we? Anyone noticed any changes in the authorities? Yea the Commandant has been changed. No one could help not noticing it as our new Commandant is greatly devoted to interacting with students. Wait for your turn and your class would be up for a personal lecture by the Commandant. It’s encouraging for the students that the man-in-charge is himself asking their problems face-to-face and the students are hoping that their problems be sorted out soon. A tough task but to some extent it’s practically performable. The classification on these lectures is yet to be done based on the results as being positive or needless. The students are hoping for good things, Sir! Another main shift was in the Electrical Department. You got that right! The “toughest of all men” left his office. Some took it as a great loss to the Department, but this group was restricted to some or should I put it as only few? Indeed Electrical Department is smiling like the rest again. This can indeed be classified as a positive change. But the fact remains that we would miss his wisdom and knowledge. Everyone must have noticed this. When did the fines stop? No they didn’t stop. A tidal shift has taken place. Like the flood wave that frightened Pakistan and hit India in the end, the flow of fines by the authorities has shifted from the Nustians to the GC’s. Mixed emotion is prevailing in the college atmosphere as on one side Nustians have gone back to the old “University Style Looks” where as the innocent GC’s are deprived of their little stipend. This is a positive change appended with a needless change. The positive change being Nustians being relieved of the shackles while the needless being hurting GC’s economy. Needless because when the” innocent” species can obey word of mouth why inflict heartfelt financial pain on them? Anyone noticed when “THE NOTICE” came and went? Let me tell you a great thing about our college. Needless changes are followed by positive counter changes. This is what happened with “THE NOTICE” which can be put in the category of a needless change. You should have guessed which one. If you haven’t I seriously advise you to take an IQ test and see what your result says. Yeah a time came when groups of two were no longer seen. Instead groups of three emerged. Then the summers came and went and with the summers went “THE NOTICE”. This was should I say a positive counter change? Now people from all walks of life in the college are at peace and comfort again.

Did you notice the annoying footballs and basketballs guys carry around and yeah the disturbing card players? After three and a half year of engineering. I sure would give anything for a little rest and sleep. But the young guns don’t think so. I come out of computer department everyday to see guys passing around footballs. Oh come on. What fun if you can’t hit the ball over department buildings. Don’t take this as a challenge. If you do I’m not to be held responsible for any broken windows. The most annoying of all things was a guy dribbling a basketball wrapped in what we call a “plastic wala shoper”. Why bring a ball if you can’t bear it touching the ground buddy. And yeah someday I hope some student would go up to the groups of four accompanied by their supporters playing cards and tell them to keep their voices down. On a much brighter side this change can be termed as a positive change. At least the students are a little free to live as they like while on the campus. Have you noticed that our college has severe security measures? During summers it was all over the news channels. No not our college but our country had a lot of internal security problems. Our college’s ever pro-active authorities pinned the problem before it emerged. One thinks that Pakistan would have been a safer place if its security was like our college. The inception of security cameras practically everywhere comes with the tag line “We’re Watching You!!!”. Even the exam hall has been loaded with cameras. The college is going to counter external and internal security problems alike. This can be called a positive change. Another change which everyone must have come across are the new gates. For the first weeks the policy about who can use which gate was missing which saw people moving from the main gate to the second gate and then back frequently. I couldn’t hear what they mumbled on their way but I am sure I wouldn’t have wanted it to be for me. But now things have smoothened up. Not for the second gate’s staff though who were bound to remain stuffed inside their little lonesome makeshift tent during the rainy couple of days. These were a few things I noticed. Maybe I’ll notice something of interest in the future and share with everyone. Till then keep noticing and keep life’s tempo with us in the college.

Thermodynamics is a funny subject. The first time you go through it, you don’t understand it at all. The second you go through it ,you think you understand it, except for one or two points. The third time you go through it, you know you don’t understand it, but by that time you are so used to the subject, it does not bother you anymore. (Arnold Sommerfeld) …………………………….. Economic activities are inherently dissipative and governed by the second law of thermodynamics. (Robert U. Ayres)

Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME


Thursday, 22 January 2009

SPAL REVERBERATES (By our Correspondent : Saran Ahmed , Courtesy Gen Secy SPAL ) The Society for Promotion of Arts and Literature has brought its twists in our study stricken college in the ongoing semester. The start of the semester was quiet and calm mostly due to the process of recruitment and appointments. As the new appointments took control the college has been entertained by a variety of events organized by the different clubs of SPAL. It kicked off with the screening of a movie named ‘THE DARK KNIGHT’. The response was huge and the attendance tallied to around 300 including students and faculty alike. Mainstream functions were then in line, first of which was the ‘AWAZ OF EME’ which took place in the college auditorium. ‘AWAZ OF EME’ was a music competition between students of the college. Again the response from the students was huge. There were 18 participants including 3 girl students. The crowd rocked to the beats of the instruments played. Every participant had its party of supporters who sang and danced with them. But at the end one had to emerge victorious, this time the victorious being ‘TC Hammad’ of 29 Mech. The second position was shared by ‘NS Sundas Khalid’ and ‘PC Rafeh Khan’ and ‘NS Saad Kiyani’ took the third spot. The competition was judged by Mr. Sarmad Ghafoor.

This time interestingly and quiet understandably the cooks didn’t include any girl students. The guys surprised everyone with their exquisite cuisines. The Nustians team including NS Hassan Bin Aqeel of 28 Mts and Anas Bin Aqeel of 28 Mech won the Cooking Competition. NS Razi Ullah of 28 Electrical won the Pottery Painting competition. Ali Safdar 28 Elec and Aneeta Niazi 29 Cptr shared the second position while NS Maryam 28 Mts got the third position. Babar Rehman 29 Cptr was First in the Sketching Competition, Wali Nawab 29 Cptr second and Fatima Sarwar 28 Elec was third in the competition. Former Arts President Zahra Liaqet of DE 25 and Muzammil Butt of DE 24 judged the event. Souvenirs were given to the judges by the Director SPAL Miss Sumaira Batool. Between the studious routine and hindrances which mainly include projects, assignments and the horrific sessionals, SPAL plans events to lighten up the minds of all students. Next in line SPAL has the ‘INTER SPECIES DRAMATICS CONTEST’ , ‘EXTEMPORE SPEECH CONTEST’ , ‘VIDEO COMPETITION’ and ‘BAIT BAZI COMPETITION’ lined up before the culmination of this semester. The expectations are high and the mood upbeat. We are hoping for some good entertainment to wear off the rust of the 2nd sessionals from our mind.

The next day the mood turned sober and eyes bowed down for the ‘NAAT AND QIRAT’ competition. The NAAT AND QIRAT competition was held in the Lec Hall of Electrical Dept and ‘Khatib Raza-ul-Murtaza Nizami’ was the judge. There were 20 participants in total which was a great boost up for the competition and after much discussion among the judges ‘TC Khawar’ of DE-30 was declared the best QARI while ‘TC Asif ’ of DE-27 Elec was declared the best ‘Naat Khawan’. Certificates were given to the winners by the judge. Before the end of the week on a more professional note


a ‘CAREER COUNSELLING’ seminar was organized to give vision of the future to the students of the senior most degree. In the next week ‘EME Model United Nations Conference’ was held to select the Model United Nations team to represent the college in conferences outside the college like LUMUN and GIMUN. The last event that was organized was by the ‘FINE ARTS CLUB’ included pottery painting, sketching and cooking competitions accompanied by a remarkable Photography Exhibition. The CI Brigadier Abdul Ghafoor and Air Cdr Sikander graced the event with their presence. Indeed they were taken by surprise by the artistic instincts of the students translated through their paintings, sketches and photographs. The competition that drew much interest was the Cooking Competition.


Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME


Thursday, 22 January 2009

Worsening situation of Gaza

FOCUS Continued from Page 8

able for the students to carry out research. The hard-working assistant professor feels that the cadets should get ample time for studies and their military activities should be planned for weekends. This way, the academic performance of the GCs would certainly improve. While comparing his alma mater (UET Taxila) with EME college, he said students here at EME college are very sharp and brilliant, labs are indeed very impressive and the faculty of EME college is simply matchless. UET Taxila or Mechanical Engineering Department of UET Taxila has still to come a very long way to be at par with the College of EME, or the Mechanical Engineering standards set by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at EME college. A teacher who has lectured Engineering Dynamics, Theory of Machines, Production Tooling and Automation, CAD, Thermodynamics (I and II) with full zeal and vigor, believes that if students pay attention, they can easily score a GPA of 3. He wants the students to avoid unfair means because in this way, they might pass the subject, but they would never understand. He re-affirmed that students should work hard and never be scared of it.

SAS RESONATES SAS has always catered for the needs of EME students and perhaps it was the game of lawn tennis which was missing in the long ‘been-there-done-that’ list of the Society. So the longtime void was filled by the lawn tennis competition which was held between EME and other constituent colleges of NUST. In doubles category, NS Ahmed Asad and PC Adnan, both from EME, were partners. They won by a margin of 9-2 against MCS and 9-3 against CAE the winners of the title. The monopoly of the host institute i.e. College of E&ME was also witnessed in the double category. PC Zahak Jamal won by 9-1 against CAE and by 9-3 against MCS. On the other, PC Usman Malik took the lead by 9-0 against MCS but CAE gave him a tough time but still he was victorious by 9-8. The final was teeth-crunching as it was one bull of EME vs. the other. But only one has to win. So it was the turn of Zahak to grab the final chunk of fruit called ‘Victory’. He scored 10-9 against Usman with the tie-break score of 7-3. The tournament came to an end on December 27. The trophy and other prizes were given out by Director Sports, NUST.

NUST T-SHIRTS NUST T-Shirts available with a new design Contact 0345-5078220

By Waleed Mirza DE 30 DME

West Bank, Gaza, Palestine , 8:30 pm It was the time when the first cluster bomb fired by IAF ( Israel Air Force) fell on Hamas Headquater ,killing and injuring several hamas members and civilians. It was a 28th of December when the brutal and unforgiving holocaust of Palestinians started and it is now still in progress. According to Senior Hamas official , Khalid Mishal,1653 innocent civilians have been killed as a result of terrorism of Israel and that includes a one of third women and children. Moreover IGF (Israel Ground Forces) have entered the Gaza Strip with several Merkav IV tanks showing the worst massacre in the history of world. Naval ships of Israel have stopped the aid coming from the Red Cross Association. Israel’s Air Force is using F-16 and F-18 to target unarmed and innocent civilians. They are using cluster bombs, phosphorus and hellfire missiles. They are also firing shells by their Artillery. Now we look at the disappointing behaviour of the World Community. USA President G.W. Bush issued a statement that “Hamas is responsible for the innocent killing of Palestinians” American Senate passed a Unanimous Bill in which they supported the “Humanitarian Activities” of Israel in Gaza .USA , not blaming the army who has every kind of weapon from tmeor rifles to nukes. Biased TV Channels like BBC, CNN, Sky News and Fox News are comparing the blood shed carried out by Israel with the firing of home made and outdated Qassam Missiles by Hamas which has caused little casualties in Israel and such attacks are in retaliation to Israel’s attack. One can easily see the asymmetry of power on the both sides. While the Countries like Bolivia and Venezuela have expelled Israel’s Ambassadors from their countries in reaction to the Israel’s attack. The Muslim leadership is not intervening in the current scenario. They are just issuing statements as if they are begging Israel to stop its activities in Gaza. Arab League has just passed a Bill for ceasefire in Gaza. It took 13 days for UN Security Council to pass a Resolution against Israel and a sick minded Israeli Official issued ridiculous statement in return.

CAR FOR SALE Suzuki Mehran 1997 White Color Number LXE Series Contact 0321-5680974 Interested Parties May See the Vehicle in the Campus Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME


Thursday, 22 January 2009

DE 27 ELECT AT TARBELA DAM (By our Correspondent Uzair Sukhera )A long awaited educational trip to Tarbela Dam was arranged for De-27 Electrical on Saturday 29 November 2008. Since it was the first ever official class trip, everyone was enthusiastic about it. Mr. Asim Ejaz, Mr. Ali Qazalbash, Mr. Haider Zia and Major Salman from the faculty of Electrical Department accompanied the students. Students were given warm welcome by Wapda Staff. Senior Engineer Mr. Amin, (Civil Works - WAPDA) gave a briefing to the students on the Tarbela Dam Project. Mr. Amin gave a historical perspective into the Indus Water Plan briefing the students about the intimate details of the project. The students were briefed about the construction phases of the dam from an engineering point of view. A detailed statistics of the dam capacity, water discharge and power generation capacity were presented. The briefing was followed by a Q&A session. In response to a question related to the power crisis of the country, Mr. Amin explained the modus operandi of the power generation. He informed the students that the tarbela dam is primarily for irrigation purposes and not power generation. Therefore the water discharge from tarbela is under control of the IRSA's directives. Total discharge capacity of the tunnels is around 80,000 cusecs. The spillways are only used in case the demand is higher than 80,000 cusecs. The primary focus is to discharge water through tunnels so it can be used for power generation purposes. If, however, the water demand is lesser, the turbines can not run at full capacity and result is less power generation. Mr. Amin was questioned about the feasibility of the Kalabagh Dam. He gave an interesting insight into the standing of Pakistan all over the world in terms of water storage structures and then reiterated that Kalabagh and Bhasa Dams are imperative for us. He briefed the audience that detailed feasibility studies of Kalabagh have proved that there are no technical flaws in the project plan. Mr. Amin also informed the students that the total count of small and large capacity, Dams in Pakistan doesn’t exceed 50, in any case, while the number of Dams in USA is 75,000 and 93000 in China! After the briefing the students were taken to the Spill ways and a brief explanation of their functionality was given. Then the students were taken to the main Dam. They were briefed that the water demand for that day was 50,000 cusecs and it was being fulfilled through the tunnels therefore the Spill ways were not in operation. The water discharge rate at any time of the day is governed by the power demand by WAPDA. If the power demand is greater at night the major portion of IRSA's water demand is fulfilled during night time to maximize the power output of Power Station. It was further explained that the water inflow is recorded at Bisham and during summer season the water from glaciers is stored in the dam. However only 13 to 15% of total water can be stored and rest is spilled away which eventually goes into the Arabian Sea!

Afterwards, the students were taken to the power station. The students were split into groups which were monitored by the faculty as well as the experts from WAPDA who gave detailed briefing of all the components of the turbines. The power generation process was explained in detail along with the operation of the tunnels. After this detailed briefing and inspirational engineering insight into the power generation process the student had a stop over at a small hotel on a small lake near GIKI for lunch. The students reached college at around 7 pm after a great experience and fun. All the students were pleased with the college administration and the HOD electrical department for arranging such a great trip and providing them with an excellent opportunity.

TARBELA DAM SITE Photo by Usman Farooq 27 Elec

FAST AND FURIOUS Staff Sher Muhammad the physical training instructor of College of EME after serving Pak Army for 23 long years is still very active and can be seen at his best in the ground and NUST Student fallins. Generally students know him for fines…… but that is part of his duty. And he is never going to compromise on his duty. Physical grooming of the students and disciplined environment of the campus owes a lot to him.

Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME


Thursday, 22 January 2009

PEOPLE WHO WILL BRING YOU CAMPBUZZ By Syed Muhammad Ather Ali, Associate Editor

Maj. M. Salman Rashed OIC Campbuzz

Uzair Asif Sukhera, DEE Correspondent Presentations/Seminars

Anas Bin Aqeel, DME Correspondent SAS

Saran Ahmed, DME Correspondent SPAL

GC Sohaib, DME Correspondent GC Affairs

Malick Basharat, DME The Editor

Jawwad Ahmed, DME Co-Editor

Rabia Maqbool, DEE Co-Editor

After successfully issuing Twenty Five editions of Campbuzz! over a period of one and a half year, the entire Campbuzz! Editorial team got a complete overhaul. To cater for more student involvement in the one and only newsletter of EME College, invitations were called from all students who were interested in getting involved with Campbuzz!, ready to give those grey cells a whir and making the newsletter better and more elegant than before. The Campbuzz! team received overwhelming response and in just one week, over thirty students applied for just 7 editorial positions making selection a difficult choice. However, the sitting Campbuzz! Editorial team led by Major Kashan Siddiqui sorted out the best candidates fit for the job based on merit. The fresh looking, motivated and highly enthusiastic editorial team is ready to take up the challenge for a better Campbuzz! and plan to live up to the standards set by the previous team and is looking forward eagerly to even set higher standards for the future. Campbuzz! Editorial team now consists of an editor, two co-editiors and four associate editors who are assisted by a group of correspondents for news, events, happenings in the college societies and other areas. All of the Campbuzz! team is led by the Officer In Charge Campbuzz!, Coy Commander Maj. M. Salman Rashed. We hope to make Campbuzz! better and ever convalescent than it already is.

M. Junaid, DCE Correspondent General

Saad Zafar, DME Correspondent ASME

Talha Aftab, DCE Correspondent SPAL

M. Umar Bilal, DCE Chief Composer

Syed M. Ather Ali, DCE Associate Editor

Aneeqa Ishaque, DEE Associate Editor

Saqib Javaid, DME Associate Editor

Noman Bashir, DMTS Associate Editor

Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME


Thursday, 22 January 2009

DE 28 MTS ENGG VISITS VARIOUS INDUSTRIES IN SIALKOT The Department of Mechatronics arranged an Industrial Trip for the students of the Department to Sialkot where the students visited several industries of diverse multitude. The trip was two days long with a night stay at Sialkot and the industrial visit consisted of different automated industries relevant to the field of study with the Mechatronics Engineering Scope. The students gained substantial amount of experience while visiting the industries enabling them to implement their technical knowledge along with their practical experience in their studies. The trip was also provided a degree of entertainment for the sessional struck students, as it took place in the midst of second sessional examinations providing some relief for the students and taking some burden off their shoulders from the micro intensive Mechatronics studies. The Campbuzz team congratulates the administration of Department of Mechatronics Engineering for arranging such a trip for its students with multiple benefits for them, and expects more trips to come by in the future.

DE 28 CPTR ENGG VISITS TIP HARIPUR (Saad Usman Khan 28 CE) An Industrial Trip under the supervision of Lt. Colonol Rasheed Ahmed went to Telephone Industries of Pakistan Haripur on the first day of new year. Students reached the TIP at 9:30 am. Different portions of the factory were shown to students by a senior officer of the factory. Factory had very good, advanced and sophisticated equipment but unfortunately none was found working. Upon asking a person from factory a really interesting answer came up, "There is no electricity since the morning, when it is restored the machinery will take an hour to warm up and only then would they be able to work". I am a citizen of Pakistan too, as far as I know electricity is available for one hour every two hours in rural areas!!! Students then stopped for lunch at the Khanpur Dam during their way back. Students reached the College at 1600 Hrs. THE WINNING COMBINATION OF FOOTSAL


Engr Rehan Ahmed Khan Asst Professor, DME Asst. Professor Rehan Ahmed Khan, a devoted faculty member of Mechanical Engineering Department, is widely known for his cool temperament. The Editor CampBuzz, NS Malik Basharat interviewed the respectable faculty member. Mr. Rehan Ahmed Khan, who hails from Rawalpindi, did his Matric and FSc from Pakistan Education Centre, Doha, Qatar. He did his BE in Mechanical Engineering from UET Taxila in the year 2000. He graduated with distinction and his percentage is stretched to as many as 88 percent marks. The same year he joined NUST and started MS in Mechanical Engineering. He stayed here for two semesters and he has the spectacular honor of scoring a GPA of 4.00 on the scale of 4.00 in both the semesters. When he had completed his two semesters here at EME college, he was offered NUST scholarship and went to UK to join the University of Manchester Institute of Sciences and Technology and started his MS afresh. Mr. Rehan joined as faculty member on 25th November 2002 as a lecturer. In January 2008, he was elevated as Assistant Professor. He has also authored a research paper and presented it in an international conference held at Islamabad. Now, he is as old as 6 years and 3 months as a faculty member here at EME college. He has enjoyed each and every moment of his stay at the campus, and terms it a phoenix experience. He intends to take a PhD Program at NUST by 2010. His area of interest includes CNC Machining/ automation and manufacturing. The honorable faculty member got married in 2004 and providence is yet to bless him with children. Assistant Professor Rehan Ahmed not only used to be a very good student, and now a committed teacher, but he is a excellent sportsman as well. He is extremely good at cricket and table tennis. He has a very important role to play in the DME as he is the training officer of the department. His helping attitude and a smiling face really adds flavor to his appointment. He has been guiding the students about their academic related issues and training activities. He is the incharge of the hydraulics lab as well, and has always made sure that equipment in the lab is well-maintained and availContinued on Page 5

Generators Installed Keeping in view the wastage of precious time of the students and to make the environment congenial for studies, the administration of EME College has installed generators in the hostels and Mess as well. In this way it would help the students to improve their knowledge economy. Students are grateful to the College authorities for the timely action taken well ahead of the final exams and now they would be in better position to perform well.

Campbuzz, The Fortnightly Newsletter of College of E&ME

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