Issue 01

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 16


PLUS : Talks to Oderus Urungus From









All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright of the respective contributors. No material is to be reproduced under any circumstances without the permission of SLAUGHTERAMA and the author that the writing pertains to.


Your contributions are needed and wanted to keep this zine alive, so please write us. The mail section begins next month, so if an article or review is too much work, feel free to write a letter of support or condemnation. E-mail: [email protected] or snail mail to SLAUGHTERAMA, P.O. Box 12-978, Penrose, Auckland. Editor: Brendon Williams Layout Designer: Kim Crosland Contributors: Max Thrasher, Torstein Karlsen, Iron Wargod, Crin, Rebecca, The Mighty Jazrodian, Tony@Photocom.

MOST OF THE RELEASES TALKED ABOUT IN THIS ZINE ARE AVAILABLE OFF THE SHELF OR CAN BE ORDERED AT REAL GROOVY RECORDS AUCKLAND - 438 Queen St, Auckland Central (09) 302-3940 Hours: 9am-7pm Saturday to Wednesday, 9am-9pm Thursday and Friday Go to for a full list of stores and hours in your area, with an online ordering service available.

 PG 1

ED I TORIAL Welcome to the first issue of SLAUGHTERAMA. Let me take some time to tell you what this zine is all about. Every month metalheads from around the country will have the opportunity to submit articles and reviews of bands locally and internationally that they feel should receive press. These pieces of writing will be assembled into this zine, which we call

SLAUGHTERAMA Submitting your writing is easy. You can do it via e-mail or regular post (see page 1 for more info on how to contribute). The best thing about making a zine this way is that if you feel that any sub-genre of metal is under represented, you can submit a piece of writing to change that, or have a bitch about it in the mail section. The face of the zine may change over the next few months as we get everything together layout wise and figure out what everyone likes and dislikes, but the idea will remain the same… a free (or inexpensive should we ever need to charge) zine which is informative and fun to read. Circulation will be quite low for the first few months, so if you miss out on an issue that you wanted to read, let us know and we’ll try to get one to you, although the costs involved in arranging postage may result in us having to charge you (as little as possible). So there you have it! Feel free to be one of the people who contribute regularly, or just read the zine and find out more about the world of metal from those who live and breathe the lifestyle! Catch you out at the gigs! Until then… STAY TRUE!!!!!! Brendon Williams EDITOR

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Written by Iron Wargod

Photo by The Mighty Jazrodian

For my own part I’ve noticed the words “metal community” bandied around so frequently, so arbitrarily and by such a diverse cross-section of people over the last few years that it seems to me the term itself might be in need of some examination. Indeed while there are certainly several distinct “metal communities” within Auckland (House of Noizz and LegionsHorde come to mind as the two most defined though perhaps not the largest) the lines between each are blurred and in the greater picture the line between “metal” and “nonmetal” is often indistinct to the point that it can seem meaningless. But then what about the pop-punk poser who makes the ill advised decision to attend a metal gig? With luck he’d be politely ignored, without luck he’d lose teeth (and I suspect most of the readership will have seen something like this happen on one occasion or another). So clearly some folks are so obviously “false” that the question needn’t even be put to

debate. However this only complicates the dilemma for it creates a position where “metal” clearly means “something” to those who listen to it which goes beyond the mere sound of the music itself and that “something” is sufficiently clear that certain appearances or types of behaviour “won’t make sense” in the context of a “metal community”. And within the larger “community” certain sub-groups will be more or less tolerant than others on the basis of what “metal” means to them specifically. The notion of a “metal community” is full of paradoxes. I remember a debate some time ago on the House of Noizz forums which (though it was dressed up with reference to more substantive issues) essentially came down to “What kind of moral code is METAL and what isn’t?” In terms of ideology the answers were about as closely related as Ghandi and bin Laden. Similarly I remember reading in the liner notes of a Sacred Steel

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album (a band who have made an admirable career for themselves writing songs about slaughtering false posers) a statement to the effect that “Metal is about unity and tolerance”. Slaughtering posers on one hand, unity and tolerance on the other… A difficult choice for sure. Who to slaughter and who to tolerate despite their flaws? Returning to the internet debate mentioned above, the only response which seemed to have any significant resonance was the suggestion that METAL, if it’s to be reduced to any kind of ideology, is about personal freedom and individuality. And the only reason this particular ideology seemed to make any sense was because of its neutrality to all other ideologies. One could write volumes about why it is that individualist philosophers like Nietzsche are referenced so often in the various genres of metal while a concept emphasising the group over the individual, like say… Communism… probably had its most metal moment when it got mentioned on the same page as Euronymous’ secret dildo (BTW, if you don’t get that then you haven’t read Lords of Chaos and you’re probably false... And gay... You poser… tut, tut… Unless you’re so tr00 that you think Lords of Chaos is sensationalist drivel and/or part of a vast

jewish conspiracy *applause*) So at this point what do we have? It seems that any ideology chosen or developed by an individual as a conscious act of his own will would be more in keeping with a TRUE METAL ideology than one adopted by any other means. But then the pop-punk poser who made the deliberate decision to attend a metal gig may end up facially disfigured and socially rejected for taking an action which would suggest he might have been in the right place after all. Hmmmm... I don’t like that conclusion… In fact I’m distinctly uncomfortable with it… It seems the undefined “something” has become a very clear “nothing”. Maybe placing a focus on individuality is a step in the right direction, even a foundation to build upon. But we still need a better solution... To be continued in a future issue… \m/ Photo by The Mighty Jazrodian

 PG 4

ALB U M AUTOPSY Pustulated


Pathognomonic Purulency EP From: Tennessee Label: Goregiastic Records Release Date: 2002 Record Length: 11:03 (NOT INCLUDING DEMO TRACKS) Contact: Line-up: Chad Walls (ex-Brodequin and Enter Self)-Drums, Cory-Guitar, Andres-Guitar / Vocals This is Pustulated's first effort, Pathognomonic Purulency, and up until recently I had only heard their full length, Inherited Cryptorchidism. To be honest I wasn't really all that impressed with it and didn't take too much notice of Pustulated again until I heard this album. Although this cd is definitely better and much more raw than Inherited Cryptorchidism, it's lacking a little bit of originality. Andres has some mean guttural vocals that are pretty similar a lot of the way through this album, with a little variation adding the odd mid tone gurgle. Some of the vocal rhythms get a bit repetitive, I found myself predicting them as the album went on. Chad as always follows through with some awesome drumming. The drum production is really good, boasting a really nice snare sound and solid kick sound that stays consistent throughout the recording. For a band that has no bassist; the sound is really heavy, the riffs are mainly low-end orientated and not blurred up by technicality. The fast parts are short lived and seem to be mainly used as fillers in anticipation for the many breakdowns to come. The guitarists, Cory and Andre, both seem to be fuckin slam freaks in this recording! Paiiiiinfully slow, guttural filled breakdowns followed by more breakdowns and then more breakdowns haha, which I personally love, but I can see it getting a bit tiresome for some listeners. None the less, these breakdowns are perfectly placed and even if this cd is in the background you'll be banging your head to it before you realise you are. Pustulated haven't really created anything new or groundbreaking here, just some good brutal metal that I think pretty much everyone can enjoy. If I had to compare it to any band I would say maybe Brodequin in parts (not hard to see why). All in all, I would have to say although this album isn't that most groundbreakingly impressive, it's still a thunderous initial statement from a truly brutal band. Review by: Rebecca

Instinct | Obsession From: Pittsburgh, PA America Label: Willow Tip Release Date: 2003 Record Length: 31.28 Contact: Line-up: Mike Bartek (currently in circle of dead children)-Drums, Jack Flynn-Bass, Brandon JonesGuitar, Steve Sherer-Vocals, Jeremiah Watts-Guitar Sadis Euphoria is a band I had never heard of up until recently when a friend showed me some mp3s.... I soon ordered the cd and this has been on high rotation ever since. This is the first and last full length cd from Sadis Euphoria by the looks of things as they have now unfortunately officially split up "as their guitarist and primary songwriter decided to jump ship and join an upstate New York pop punk band and play on the warped tour" (haha). All though they were only around for a short while, they certainly have managed to leave their own innovative footprint in a world of generic death metal. Right from the first track "Hathos", it bombards you with furious grinding riffs scattered amongst punishing breakdowns. In fact, the breakdowns are the best part of this cd in my opinion. Catchy, unforgiving and absolutely tough as hell. All tracks accompanied by ongoing fast grooves and explosive harmonics. The recording is reasonable, but would be better if the bass was more prominent, although this gives a crunchy feel to the guitar sound, which I liked. The whole cd shows subtle traces of bands like Circle Of Dead Children, Commit Suicide, and The Red Chord without being too reliant on any influence at all. Sadis Euphoria have created some really technical brutal deathcore here without being challenging to listen to whatsoever. Mike Barteks drumming is as precise and attention-grabbing as usual with interesting cymbal work scattered throughout. Steve Sherers vocals are mainly solid gurgling with the odd high "rrrreeeEEEeeeeeeee" vocals, a-la screaming afterbirth/immaculate molestation styles thrown in for good measure. There are perfectly executed melodic doomish drops hinted all through this album so I wasn't that surprised to see a instrumental interlude as Track 10 "Serotonin Fever" which I personally think filled the album out nicely and added yet another element to this band. The only disappointing thing about this album for me was Track 5 "Drift" and Track 12 "Dreams of brighter color". These tracks seem like complete filler tracks basically just consisting of some fucked up noises and shit which I feel totally shied away from the flow of the album and went on for far too long. All up though, This is quite an achievement for a first full length, Sadis Euphoria have certainly delivered the goods here with 13 amazing tracks that's bound to satisfy and and comes highly recommended from where im sitting, This is structured aggression at its finest! Review by: Rebecca

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STARRING: Marc Price, Tony Fields, Lisa Orgolini, Doug Savant, GENE SIMMONS, OZZY OSBOURNE. Summary (by Torstein Karlsen) Eddie Weinbauer is a typical All-American teenager, at least he was until he fell under the evil spell of Rock Music. Now he’s obsessed with his heavy-metal superstar idol, Sammi Curr, who is killed in a hotel fire. Eddie becomes the recipient of the only copy of Curr’s unreleased album, which when played backwards sends a message of destruction and as Halloween approaches, Eddie begins to realize this isn’t only rock and roll… it's life and death and he must draw the line to thwart this mission. REVIEW By Brendon Williams Yes, the movie is just as cheesy as it sounds. Most 80’s horror movies are cheesy, and that’s actually part of their appeal. This movie to me is the definitive heavy metal horror movie. A teenage kid spins his records backwards to hear the hidden messages and release the demonic spirit. Fuckin’ cool. Also cool is the fact that Ozzy Osbourne cameos as a priest! And Gene Simmons from Kiss stars as a local radio DJ. Still undecided as to whether or not THAT’S cool. I used to like Gene Simmons quite a lot, but lately he’s… well… he’s an ASSHOLE! Despite the fact that the movie has aged, it still has charm and although the concert scene near the end

is badly mimed, the 80’s metal that runs throughout (provided by FASTWAY) is really catchy after hearing it a few times. The soundtrack CD is still available through Amazon if you dig the music as well. All in all a great, fun heavy metal movie recommended for all fans of eighties metal, and anyone who thinks that there should have been a movie about spinning records backwards. 8 out of 10.  | 

 PG 6

HOUSE OF NOIZZ INTERVIEW GWAR are one of the greatest, most over the top shock rock acts of all time. Prior to the release of their upcoming album (War Party) I had the chance to talk to Oderus Urungus and find out what Gwar fans can expect from Gwar this year… Brendon: First question Oderus Urungus… What has Gwar been up to lately? Oderus: Uuuhhhhh, we have been working on our brand new album which is gonna get released all over an unsuspecting and deserving world here sometime this year. We don’t have a title; we just have a lot of really loud, obnoxious songs and we’ve been doing that for a while here in Antarctica of course; in our gigantic Slave Pit studio. And we’re also fashioning the many death machines that we will be taking out on tour in order to subjugate your world into a massive cringing dog! Brendon: Awesome! So, when you think ‘New Zealand,’ what immediately springs to your mind, Oderus? Oderus: Uuuuhhhhhh, sheep shagging and psychotic Maori Tribesmen drinking like in that movie ‘Once Were Warriors.’ Brendon: Tell us something about Gwar we may not already know. Oderus: Uuuhhhhhh, well we’ve never been to New Zealand and I don’t think you’ve ever seen us so I will have to tell you that we are a bunch of marauding, bloodthirsty, marooned

space pirates who are addicted to crack cocaine and playing heavy metal music while lopping off heads and eating baby genitals… just in case you guys didn’t know what we’re all about Brendon: Well it’s good to know what you guys are all about! Oderus: I’m like a cultural ambassador if you will… spreading the love. A lot of hate, but y’know… a little love… Brendon: What do you think of the Lord Of The Rings movies? What do you think of the phenomenon? Oderus: Well y’know, it’s just another example of Gwar’s influence on the human race. I mean, Tolkien never would have had all those ideas unless we’d infested his dreams with filthy, necrotic visions, and Peter Jackson woudn’t be half as creative unless he’d suckled my stinking Cuttle-Fish Of Ktulu many times… we’re very close. Some cousins of mine were employed in that movie, as Orcs, of course… Brendon: Why is your ‘cuttlefish’ (or huge

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ODERUS URUNGUS OF GWAR cock) covered up on the cover of Violence Has Arrived?’ You don’t actually get to see it until you open the cover… what was the reason for that? Oderus: Well that is just the record companies, and the Pope, and the President, and everyone saying ‘Oh, Oderus, there’s no problem… your dick’s gonna be hangin’ out everywhere,’ and I’m like ‘OK, I’m not doing the album unless my dick is hanging out!’ and they’re like ‘Oh, no problem Oderus. Here, smoke some more crack!’ I’m like ‘OK!’ And then the album comes out and my dick is covered up with some kind of codpiece! In outer space, lemme explain something… it’s considered offensive to not walk around with your dick hangin’ out. So y’know, I’m just tryin’ to bump the evolutionary scale down the road a little bit here. Brendon: Kind of a backwards world we live in, huh? Oderus: Yeah! In outer space also you have to understand that penises are much larger and they’re often used as legs. Brendon: Whose decision was it to bring out a censored version of ‘We Kill Everything’ and how are the sales in comparison with the uncensored version? Oderus: I wasn’t even aware that there was

a censored version of ‘We Kill Everything!’ What the hell got censored on that? I mean, we have no control over this shit. We create these masterpieces of filth and degradation and the next thing you know Granbo or The Morality Squad or whoever has marked it all up and deluded our artistic genius. I wasn’t even aware it was censored! But it doesn’t surprise me. And as far as the sales are concerned, I just get meaningless numbers scribbled on random sheets of toilet paper that I throw away immediately… I’m paid in crack. Brendon: Are Slymenstra Hymen and Sleazy P Martini coming back anytime soon or do you think… Oderus: We don’t know! We can’t keep up with these people’s schedules y’know? Photo by Radok Sleazy shows up every now and then and drops off a 9 tonne crack boulder, Slymenstra’s off in Hollywood hanging out with Sigfreid and Roy… I don’t understand what’s going on. They’re all big stars that think they’re more important than Gwar. We’re the guys that are in the trenches, playing the music and lopping off the heads. Now I’m sure they’ll show up whenever they feel like it and do their best to steal as much of my glory as they possibly can, and they’re gonna get a big boot in the ass if they do! Brendon: Does Gwar have any plans to come an conquer New Zealand anytime soon? Oderus: Yes, we are planning an all out,

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GWAR interview continued world-wide assault, and actually, what makes this all out world-wide assault different than some of the other all out world-wide assaults is that there’s people actually helping us… ’cos we don’t know what the heck we’re doing… we’re barbarians from outer space, y’know? We walk everywhere we go. We can’t really get across the sea all that well so we’re hooking up with some companies and some different places, maybe even New Zealand, and getting our new album out overseas. Some people will see the joy and the horror and the beauty of Gwar and what people have been enjoying in Europe and America for years, so hopefully this year will spread like some kind of musical disease across the entire length and breadth of your troubled world. Brendon: Have you been arrested lately, Oderus? Oderus: Yes I was arrested recently at a public football match for inciting fan violence. Brendon: You appeared in a couple of motion pictures and one of them was called ‘Hardware.’ Apparently there’s Ministry music played over the top of Gwar… how the hell did that happen? Oderus: Well these people are in Hollywood assembling bits and pieces of whatever they can steal from various artists. That movie was very low budget and was done when Ministry and Gwar were just kinda starting out so I really don’t know what the heck they were thinking, but they put ‘em together and y’know… we were

like ‘Oh, cool! We’re gonna be in this new movie Hardware! We can’t wait to see it!’ And we go to see it and it’s like there we are, but it’s got Ministry’s song on top of it… that was great… that made us feel really good. Brendon: With all the side projects going on amongst Gwar like DBX and Lazy American Workers and the art careers… are you still able to make Gwar a priority? Oderus: Well the last year or so I don’t know really what the deal was… a lot of the members of Gwar, including myself found it amusing to pretend they were human beings and go out there and be in some other bands, and do some art shows, and put out comic books and whatever… and after a year of trying to deal with reality like this, everyone is just totally sick of it and ready to get back to work on what is undoubtedly the greatest, most incredible shock rock band that ever was created… THE MIGHTY GWAR! Brendon: Fantastic! I’d have to agree with you on that one! Oderus: We’re getting rid of all that humanistic crap. It’s back to the bestial butsacks. Brendon: You guys appeared on Jerry Springer… I actually didn’t see the show here in NZ… you guys I think enjoyed the show the first

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GWAR interview continued time around, and then Slymenstra was given a hard time the second time around. What are your thoughts on Jerry Springer? Oderus: Oh, he’s a wonderful human. You’ve gotta respect anyone who was writing speeches for Kennedy at the age of 16, then became Mayor of Cincinnati, wrote a bad cheque for an underage prostitute, and then went on to a multi-billion dollar career in television. He’s really one of the only talk show hosts I’ve ever met that allowed himself to be fed to our giant world maggot and you gotta give him props for that… Joan Rivers wouldn’t do that! Brendon: How do you feel about file sharing? This whole internet downloading of music… Oderus: Well it’s undoubtedly ruined a lot of bands’ record sales and luckily we survive off of human blood and hard narcotics, so we don’t really worry about it so much. It’s a double edged sword in that you get a lot of free publicity and people listen to your stuff and it gets out there more but at the same time they don’t buy your records which really sucks, especially for independent artists whose fans tend to be a little more obscure, a little less in the money department, and certainly very perceptive and intelligent and it’s easy for them to go onto the Internet and get whatever the hell they want. So it kinda comes and goes… for everything that is good that happens with the Internet

there’s going to be some bad things, but at least it has led to the spread of digitized kiddy porn… that’s looking good. Brendon: Whereabouts are the sexiest women out of all the places you’ve toured? Oderus: Well I don’t really like women so much; I prefer dead animals, but I would have to say that the greatest women in the world are located in Germany. Great, fat, bloated, cheese and chocolate swilling, hairy armpits, never shave, stink, and at the same time proclaim themselves masters of the world… I love those chicks. Brendon: Is there anything from Gwar’s huge illustrious career that you regret doing? Oderus: That I regret? Well (inaudible name) said it’s better to regret something you haven’t done than something you have done, so I guess I would have to say I regret not having anal sex with the Pope. But I will try to amend that situation before he dies.

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GWAR interview continued Brendon: Yeah, you’ve still got maybe a year or so… Oderus: Well he’s remarkably quick on his feet… actually he’s not on his feet, he’s got one of those Pope-mobile things (motor scooter noise) chase him around the Vatican ‘COME BACK HERE JOHN PAUL! HERE’S MY BIG CUTTLE-FISH!’ Brendon: ‘Violence Has Arrived’ is a very heavy album for Gwar… do you intend to keep the sound like a good heavy metal style? Oderus: Yes we’re going to continue on the pummelling, savage musical assault. We’ve put out a lot of records and done a million billion tours and I think for a little while there we thought we were more like Frank Zappa than a heavy metal band… y’know… I blame the drugs… but we are on a roll right now, we have totally rediscovered our metal roots; it’s where we came from, it’s the music that we grew up with, it’s the music that we invented and it’s the music we enjoy playing the best… and I think it’s also what our fans like to see Gwar do the best. They don’t want to hear us play a bunch of comedy rock, they wanna hear heavy, savage fucking Gwar songs… and that’s what we are going to be continuing to do on this next album. Brendon: Awesome. What are your thoughts on the nu-metal coming out… The Linkin Parks and the Limp Bizkits of the world? Oderus: Well, there’s a lot of heavy music on the radio nowadays and some people are happy about that. I think the vast majority of it is just drivel. I despise the image of these bands… the overly manicured facial hair and populous nose piercings… booger encrusted, of course… the

Photo by Radok

idiotic images of the band is surpassed only by the absolute lack of content of lyrics of any sort whatsoever… it’s just kind of this self-obsessed litany of misery from this pampered billion dollar a second rock star, who should be dipped by his thumbs into a bucket of boiling oil as far as I’m concerned. THE ONLY THING ABOUT ANY OF THESE STUPID, CRAPPY AWFUL BANDS… IT HAS MADE GWAR EVEN MORE DIFFICULT TO LOOK STUPID. Brendon: What is your favourite alcoholic beverage, Oderus? Oderus: UUUUUUUUUHHHHH… God, there’s so many. Currently I’m drinking what I call a Russian Front… it’s half Vodka and half Jagermeister. Brendon: How do our listeners get a date with Slymenstra?

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GWAR interview continued Oderus: Oh, you don’t wanna go on a date with Slymenstra! Ugh! Just go hang round a girly freak show or something… or better yet, smear lard all over your body and then lay down in a big heap of fire ants and start screaming her name over and over again while ritually flaying your genitals with a meat grinder… I dunno… she likes blood… she likes money, I mean she likes guys with cars… I dunno if you have those things. Brendon: We’re gonna play some word association now. I’m gonna say a name, and you just say the first thing that comes into your head, OK? Oderus: (laughing) OK! Brendon: Corey Taylor of Slipknot Oderus: Melee mouthed whiner! Brendon: Metallica Oderus: What happened?!? Brendon: Manowar Oderus: Living Gods! Brendon: Green Jelly Oderus: We taught ‘em everything they knew, then they made a million dollars. Brendon: Janet Jackson Oderus: If I would have been up there instead of Justin Timberlake I would’ve ripped her entire chest off! Brendon: Michael Jackson Oderus: Well, what can you say about Michael Jackson? You know what? It’s impossible for me to associate anything with Michael Jackson… he’s just a living enigma. Brendon: Kiss

Oderus: Washed up old crumbs who have inspired me no end. Brendon: Alice Cooper Oderus: Great golfer! Brendon: The Misfits Oderus: Jerry Only needs to hang it up… it shouldn’t be called the Misfits, it’s just the Misfit now, and we’ve had enough. Brendon: The Ramones Oderus: Greatest band ever. Brendon: OK, that’s pretty much all we’ve got for you, Oderus Oderus: Well it was wonderful speaking with you, whoever the hell you are!

GWAR's new album, 'War Party' was released world-wide on October 26. If it's not on the shelf at your local music store, they will gladly order a copy in for you. Go to for more about GWAR. Thanks to House Of Noizz for contributing the interview.

Photo by Radok

 PG 12


Subtract, Sixdaywar, Newayhome STUDIO, 25 September 2004, Written by Max Thrasher

I must admit, I didn’t really want to go there. I just wanted to stay home and watch movies, the boring bastard that I am. Luckily I got dragged along, and the gig turned out to be a very interesting experience. The Studio on Auckland’s K Road is a relatively new venue, but what a venue it is! Huge PA system, a large stage with a massive video screen almost the size of the stage itself, excellent lighting, and a hall able to fit over 500 people; altogether it’s a very nice place to go to see your favourite band. The first act of the evening, Newayhome (somehow sounds like a band which would follow in the steps of Armoured Saint), turned out to be another nu-metal band. The first thing that hit me was the bassist, whose pants were hanging below his butt. You’d think that the “homie" look is something more appropriate for a 7th grade teen, not a rock musician, but obviously it isn’t the case. The actual music of Newayhome was in the same key as the look; boring, "up-to-date" stuff in the vain of Nickelback. I started looking at my watch during the second song, and once again wished I had stayed home watching those movies. Luckily enough, I stuck around to see the rest of the gig! Sixdaywar hit the stage after a short break, presenting the audience with a 45-minute set, starting with the memorable "Permanent Shadow" and finishing with Megadeth’s "Symphony of Destruction." The guys complained about the sound, but I must say that their Molotov Cocktail of Death/Thrash sounded very powerful in the hall. Throughout their set I kept thinking that here we finally have a band strong enough to compete with many overseas acts.

Their music and stage act remind me of Slayer or Kreator, and they are simply impossible to ignore. I tell you, next time you get a chance - go and see Sixdaywar play. You’re sure to be entertained. Photo by Tony@Photocom

Describing a Subtract gig is a difficult and quite pointless business. This band is the definition of New Zealand metal, which seems like a separate style from the world scene nowadays. It’s a very strong and tasteful mix of Hardcore, Thrash, heavy in-your-face riffs and unstoppable energy that leaves no survivors. The stage sound of Subtract is very close to the one on the record, and the technical ability of the musicians guarantee to blow you away. It’s not very often that we get gigs that really stick into the mind, unless you get an overseas act, of course. But watching Subtract and Sixdaywar at the Studio I kept thinking that New Zealand is changing. We get more and more exposure for Heavy Metal these days, more support among people and many talented bands able to write and perform original material on the highest level.

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NEXT ISS U E NEXT ISSUE is due out December. Look out for a full-on metal attack. Your contributions are needed and wanted to keep this zine alive, so please write us. The mail section begins next month, so if an article or review is too much work, feel free to write a letter of support or condemnation. E-mail: [email protected] or snail mail to SLAUGHTERAMA, P.O. Box 12-978, Penrose, Auckland.

YOUR AD HERE FOR DIRT CHEAP! Contact [email protected]

THE WOF SHOP Get your car’s WOF done today for only $15.00!!! Unit G, 701 Great South Rd, Penrose, Auckland - (Entrance on Church Street East)

Ph: (09) 571-0448 The voice of metal resistance

PG 14


South American Black Metal like the Asian scene, is pretty much an enigma to the western world. Unless you are an underground web surfer, it’s near on impossible to track down the surprisingly vast array of bands that make upon the aforementioned scenes. The Brazilian and Mexican Black Metal communities are far more cohesive in numbers and dedication than most European countries. The ethics and raw adrenaline of the music is still very much in tune with what was happening in Europe in the early nineties. Us westerners may still enjoy our much distilled Black Metal and the polished marketable Satanic imagery that surrounds the music, but for what Black Metal is worth nowadays, there is little to really stimulate the soul in terms of pure blazing Black Metal passion.

The very phrase Black Metal has been so watered down by the industry that very few European bands can ignite the ghastly aura that heralded its conception. Black Metal was never meant to be consumed by the masses. Its indignant abrasive tones should by rights make most of us walk away. It is a genre that in its natural state exists ignored by the general metal fraternity. To unearth this seemingly lost world of primeval noise you need to step out of the trend saturated western world [with possibly a few eastern European countries being an exception] and immerse your self in the melancholic realms of a darker beyond. In other words check out the Asian Scene and the South American scene.


TRIUMPH’S self titled (2004)


 PG 15

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