Arab Israeli Conflict

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 358
  • Pages: 9
The Middle East In Transition

A PowerPoint Presentation By Andrew T. Atkinson

Transition After WW2, a strong sense of national pride B) Nationalism stronger than pan-Arab Unity C) Other obstacles 1) Many ethnic and religious groups 2) No geographic unity 3) economic gap A)

…transition continued D) Goals of Modernization 1) Political stability: Building Government a) most M.E. nations are republics b) others have dictatorships or monarchies 2) Iran & Saudi Arabia follow the Koran as Law 3) Most M.E. countries follow the Koran

Economics, Population 1.

Main goal after independence was to reduce European economic influence. a) gov’t takes over sections of econ. b) today some countries are moving to a free market economy

…Economics and Population Cont. 1.


Rapid population growth poses a challenge to modernization a) M.E. has limited water and farm land b) some couple marry later in life c) people in cities tend to have smaller families Most people in M.E. still earn a living from the land a) b)

Improved agriculture and improved irrigation Desalination projects

The Role Of Oil 1. 2.

The M.E. has 60% of the world’s oil reserves. Most oil states have small population and have money! a) b)

Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, and Iran Oil wealth has spread to poorer nations through work and loans.

Urban Growth 1. 2.


Cities have grown rapidly in M.E. Housing shortages a) millions live in flimsy shacks on the edge of the city. Parents worry about foreign ideas a) Saudi Arabia and Iran have banned western music, TV, and movies

Arab-Israeli Conflict A) B) C) D)

1947 UN recommended that Palestine be divided. 1948 the Jewish people announced the creation of Israel. Israel defeated the divided Arab forces. 500,000 + Arabs fled out of Palestine 1) Un sets up refugee camps in nearby Arab nations. 2) Were not meant to be permanent, but they were.

…Arab-Israeli conflict continued… E. Three more wars 1. 1956 Israel, Britain and France attack Egpt 2. 1967 Six Day war between Arabs and Israelis 3. 1973 Syria and Egypt attack Israel F. PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization its goals was to set up a Palestinian state.

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