Islamic International Relations

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Ismail Yurdakok [email protected]

Muhammad was born in Mecca (city) that this city was a trading center on the ways of international caravans. A chapter in Quran, Rum, “The Romans”, takes its name from a word in the first verse. After three years that Muhammad began his ethical duty as a prophet, a great war happened in Middle East. The armies of the Eastern Roman Empire had been defeated by the Persians in all the territories near Arabia. In the year CE 613 Jerusalem and Damascus fell and in the following year Egypt. We see this event in Quran: “The Romans have been defeated. In the nearer land, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious. Within ten years. Allah’s (God’s) is the command in the former case and in the latter, and in that day believers will rejoice.” (Chapter of Rum,verse,2-4) For the reason of this war, the Meccan people became two groups, one polytheists was seeking to win Persians, muslims used to want Roman Empire. The Pagan Arabs triumphed in the news of Persian victories over the Prophet Muhammad and his little band of followers, because the Christian Romans were believers in God, whereas the Persians were not. They argued that the power of Allah(God) could not be supreme and absolute as the Prophet kept proclaiming it to be, since the forces of a pagan empire had been able to defeat His worshippers. Above verses also point that muslims should follow the international affairs. What is targets of International Islamic Politics? Hodgson begins his famous classic “Venture of Islam” mentioning a verse of Quran: “ (O muslims)You are the best community that has been raised up for mankind. You enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil,...”(Chapter of Al-i Imran,v,110) Hodgson says: this was the mission of muslims in the early days of Islam. Quran wants from muslims to help for establish a just international politics: “ O you who believe ! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah (God) in equity; and let not hatred of any people make you swerve from justice. Deal justly; that is nearer to Godfearing.” (Maedah (The Table Spread), 8) Islamic state encourages/should encourage peace at world and works/should work to prevent the wars: “..As often as they light a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it..” (Maedah, 64) The famous wars of Muhammad, Bader, Uhud and Khandak were defense wars. To spend more money for wars is a vicious circle, because countries take precautions for war they have to spend a lot of money for future wars. At the end the nations become poor and poverty also a source for the wars. That’s why to work for peace is a duty for all muslims: 61)

“And if they incline to peace, incline also to it, and trust in Allah.” (Anfal,

Peace policy is the mainstream policy of Islamic state. A contemporary Islamic scholar, Nuraddin Uzunoglu (retired professor of the Nebraska University) writes about this verse: “While we must always be ready to fight for justice when need be, even in the midst of the fight we must always be ready for peace if the other side shows any inclination towards it. There is no merit in fighting for its own sake; rather, it is a sin. It should be a duty, contentedly engaged in for the sake of justice, tolerance, and the revealed Law.” LIQUIDATION OF A STATE “And every nation has its term, and when its term comes, they cannot put it off an hour nor yet advance (it).”(A’raf,verse,34) Nations and governments are like individuals: they are born and grow, become vigorous, and ultimately enter a period of senility before they die. If the end of a state comes, muslim (and non muslim) countries (and peoples) should not work for going on/lasting this state. They should do the liquidation in a good way. In last 15 years we saw four liquidation: Czechoslovakia’s liquidation happened in a peaceful way even the representatives of Czech Republic and Slovakia said “we got divorced on our desire.” But liquidation of Yugoslavia caused a series wars between Serbia and Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Kosova. Serbia, the mother state of Yugoslavia, did not want to give indepenpence the other Balkan peoples and a lot of tragedies were seen in the region. The liquidation of Democratic (east) Germany happened also in an easy way and german peoples gathered under a one flag. The biggest liquidation was Soviet Block’s. With good efforts of Gorbochaw and Boris Yeltsin, total 14; five central Asian countries Uzbakistan, Tajekistan, Kazakhistan, Kirghizistan,Turkmanistan, three Caucasia countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, three Baltic states Latvia, Letonia, Estonia three east European states Belarus, Moldavia, Ukrania became independent states without any disorder. The only problem from former USSR is Chechenia region in Russian Federation that a plebiscite for indepence will be more useful for all sides. A plebiscite also for Kashmir, will solve the problem of 60 years, between Pakistan and India. In last century, France resisted not to give the independences of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco but at the end, after bloody independences wars in the North Africa (only one million dead from Algeria) these states gained their sovereignities. We have seen in last three centuries, from US to Eritrea, which nation struggles for its indepence, it gaines it. That’s why rulers should be calm for the indepence demands of peoples and before the skirmishes begin “they should get divorce on their desires” because: “And every nation has its term, and when its term comes, they cannot put it off an hour yet advance (it)” When a people wants to take part in the international arena as an independent nation, the other nations and countries should help them. AGAINST DICTATORSHIPS “And guard yourselves against a chastisement which cannot fall exclusively on those of you who are cruels, and know that Allah (God) is severe in punishment”(Anfal,verse,25) Islamic state strives to prevent cruelties/dictatorships and tortures in the world. The government and diplomats of Islamic state have to play an important role in international arena to cruel monarcs; first of all to advice them their leaving this cruel internal/external policy and then Islamic state(s) has to take precautions for putting anti-cruelty politics include media pressures, ambargos,

blockaids with the other states blockaids, radio/tv broadcasts to cruel administrations. We may think under the light of above verse: The world could not/did not prevent the Hitler’s movement at the beginning, millions of people were killed, injured. Also the Stalinist cruel movement became widespread before and after the second world war. Between 1921-40 millions of innocent people in Russia were kiled by Stalin’s command and the western world did not take any precautions against this cruel dictatorship before the WorldWar II. After war this merciless bloody movement became widespread in the world, from central America, Africa to south Asia. NO



International Policy of Islamic State is not imperialist. Exploitation is not the aim of muslims. Quran warned Muhammad: “So let neither their (non muslims) wealth nor their children please you (O Muhammad).” (Tawba, v, 55) DISSUASIVE




The military power of Islamic State is for defense: “Make ready for them (enemies) all you can of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby you may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom you know not.”(Anfal, 60) The word “turhebun” in original text means “for scare, for frighten”, “You can (have to) scare your enemies” “O you who believe! Take your precautions, then go forth in parties (to war), or go forth all together.” (Nesa’, 71) Prof.Uzunoglu explains this verse: “It is one of the ironies of life on earth that peace can often only be secured through violent means. If good men do not fight for what is true and good, then evil men will surely triumph, and it is hence the duty of those who uphold God’s truth to take up arms from time to time, however much they may be averse to doing so. Islam encourages mankind to fight just wars, in order to prevent oppression, cruelty, and injustice, and to establish the truth and freedom of religion. But it prohibits any form of combat embarked upon without just cause, for its objective is peace, not strife and dissension.” And there is another important verse in this subject: “And why should you not fight for the cause of Allah and of the weak among men and of the women and the children who are crying: “Our God! Rescue us from this town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us from Your presence some protecting friend! Oh, give us from Your presence some defender!” Before Mecca was conquered by the Muslims, those who embraced Islam and were unable to emigrate to other places were ill-treated and persecuted by the Meccan idolators. Hence they prayed humbly to Him for His support, that He might deliver them from cruel persecution.The above verse commands Muslims to fight injustice and oppression in whatever part of the world it might exist. No matter who the oppressed might be, Muslims or non-Muslims, it is Islamic duty to liberate them. TO





“...Excepting those of the polytheists with whom you (Muslims) have made a treaty, and who have not later violated it, nor have supported anyone against you, so fulfill their treaty to them till their term.Surely Allah loves the righteous.”(Tawba (Repentance), 4)

But Islamic State is observant in international area and has to be careful especially for “probably hostile behaviours” (works) of enemy powers: “How can there be a treaty with Allah and His Prophet for the polytheists except those with whom you have made treaties at the Inviolable Mosque ? So long as they are true to you, be true to them. For Allah loves the Godfearing.”(Tawba, 7) If the peace is impossible: “How (can there be a treaty) when, if they have an advantage over you, they will not respect ties of kinship or covenant with you? They (try to) please you with their tongues but their hearts refuse; for most of them are corrupt. They do not respect either kinship nor covenant towards a believer. These are the transgressors. “And if they break their oaths after their treaty and assail your religion, then fight the heads (leaders) of disbelief. For they have no binding oaths, and so that they may desist. Will you not fight people who have broken their oaths and purposed to drive out the Prophet and attacked you first? What! Do you fear them? Surely Allah is more worthy of your fear, if you are believers.”(Tawba, 8-10-12-13) Also in “to break the treaty”: “Those of them with whom you made a treaty, and then at every oppurtunity they braek their treaty, and they do not fear (God) If you come on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that perhaps they may remember. And if you fear treachery from any peole, then throw back to them (their treaty) fairly. Assuredly, Allah loves not the treacherous.”(Anfal,56-8) DO







Quran teaches us an ethical international relations and gives us examples from the world history: “As for the Aad (nation), they behaved arrogantly in the land without right, and said: “Who is mightier than us?” Did they not see that Allah Who created them, is mightier than them?.. Consequently, We (God) sent upon them a raging wind in evil days so that We might make them taste a humiliating torment in the life of this world; but the doomof the Hereafter is even more shameful, and they will not be helped.(Fusselat,15-6) ISLAMIC



The main slogan of marxism was/is “All of the workers of world: Become Union” ;the main slogan of capitalism was/is “laissez faire..” and the main slogan of Islam is “Believers are only brothers” This main slogan impacts International Islamic Politics or we have to say this slogan is the first step of International Islamic Politics: “The believers are naught else than brothers. Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah, that you may obtain mercy.”(Hujurat,10) Below verse points to establish an “Islamic Peace Corps” or “Islamic Peace Army” and “International Islamic Court” among muslim countries to solve the problems. This establishment will help the world peace; we may remember the war between Iraq and Iran threated the world peace for years in the years of 1980s and had lasted eight years: “And if two parties of the believers fall to mutual fighting (mutual fighting is not the character of muslims (at least in theory), nor should it be. However, if, such a thing ever happens the procedure that follows should be adobted:) make peace between them. And if one party of them does wrong to the other, fight that which does wrong till it returns to the ordinance of Allah. Then if it returns, make peace between them justly and act equitably. Allah loves those who do justice.”(Hujurat,9)

Islamic conference (all of the muslim countries are the member of this organization and this organization has got a permanent secretariat and several bodies) can establish a “Islamic Peace Corps” and “Islamic International Court”. RELATIONS




According Quran, there are two kinds of non-muslims: attackers and non-attackers. Four verses in the Chapter of Mumtahenah are as general rules between Islamic and non-Islamic countries: “It may well be that Allah will put good-will between you and those with whom you have hitherto been at odds. Allah is Mighty; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who have neither made war on your religion nor driven you from your homes.Allah loves the equitable. Allah only forbids you to make friends with those who have fought against you on account of your religion and driven you from your homes, or abetted others to do so. Those who make friends with them are cruels. O believers! When believing women seek refuge with you, examine them. Allah best knows their faith. If you find them true believers, do not return them to the disbelievers; they are not lawful to the disbelievers, nor are the unbelievers lawful to them...”(Mumtahenah,7-10) Good negotiations/conversations among nations: “Good and evil deeds are not equal.Repel evil with what is better; you will see that he with whom you had enmity has become your dearest friend”(Fusselat,34) To reach for this result, it is necessary to be patient especially statesmen and diplomats. Imported foods: “...The food of those who have received the Book (Scripture) is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them..(Maedah, 5) The verse indicates that the food slaughtered or produced/ imported by Christians and Jews (except the flesh of the pig) is permissible for muslims. HOW






In the C.E the wars between Eastern Roman Empire and Persians (above mentioned), we see the other events that all of them are in B.C The Queen of Sheba (by name , Bilqis, in Arabian tardition) came apparently from Yemen, but she affinities with Abyssinia and possibly ruled over Abyssinia also.In the 10th or 11th century B.C. there were frequent invasions of Abyssinia from Arabia, and Prophet Solomon’s reign of 40 years is usually synchronised with B.C. 992 to 952. “(The Queen of Sheba) said when she received the letter: “O chieftains! Lo! There has been thrown unto me a noble letter. Lo! It is from Solomon, and it is: In the name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful. Exalt not yourselves against me , but come unto me as those who surrender.”(Naml,29-31) Envoys between two countries (Solomon’s and Bilqis’s) are also seen the other verses of the chapter; as an example ancient diplomatic traditions. The war between Goliath ans Saul is also mentioned in Quran (in the time of David, son of Solomon); The Amalekites dwelling in Midian,(near Palesitine) under the command of Goliath (“Jalut” in Quran) had attacked the Israelities and subdued them. The Israelities proposed to a prophet of theirs that he appoint a commander to lead their defence. The prophet chose Saul (“Talut”) a son of Jacob (Ya’qub)...

“And when Saul marched out with his army, he said...When they met Goliath and his soldiers they prayed. “Our God bestow on us steadfastness. Make our feet firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.” (Baqara,246-51) Demand of Moses independence for Israelities from Pharaoh of Egypt, we see, in different chapters of Quran: (We see Moses’s name 136 times in Quran and Pharaoh’s 74) “(Moses said)...I come to you (O Pharaoh) with clear sign from your God. So let the children of Israel go with me.” (A’raf, 105) When Joseph was a Minister of Finance in Egypt, the children of Israel led by their father Jacob immigrated from Palestine to Egypt. In due course, the Egyptians used the children of Israel as slaves, and persecuted them. The time had come, it seemed clear, for them to attempt to escape. “ And when the torment (worldly calamities) fell on them (Pharaoh’s country) they cried: “O Moses! Pray for usto your God, because He has a covenant with you. If you remove the torment from us we assuredly will trust you, and will let the Children of Israel go with you.”(A’raf,134) TO



To make a present in international relations is a tradition from the early times that Quran mentiones this: “(Bilqis said:) But surely I am going to send a present to them (Solomon’s government), and to see with what answer the messengers return.”(Naml, 35) GOOD






First, Quran enjoins good dialogue with every state/nation: “Turn not your cheek in scorn toward people, nor walk with insolence in the land. For Allah loves not each arrogant boaster.”(Luqman, 18) Quran names “Ahl-al Kitab:Book of the People,The Owners of the Book” to Christians and Jews. We see “Ahl-al Kitab” in different 32 verses and “Ahl-al Enjeyl: The Owners of New Testament” “And argue not with the People of the Book unless it be in a way that is better, save with such of them who are iniquitous; and say: “We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our God and your God is One, and to Him we surrender. Thus We have revealed to you the Book, and those to whom We gave the Book, they believe therein; and of these (also) there are some who believe therein.”(Ankabut,46-7) The sincere Christians and Jews found in Quran a fulfilment of their own religion. Embassies were sent by Muhammad in the 6th and 7th years of the Hijra (hijra is the immigration of Muhammad and companions to Madina city) to all the principal countries round Arabia, viz., the capital of Byzantine Empire (Constantinople/Istanbul), the capital of the Persian Empire (Madain), Syria, Abyssinia, and Egypt.All these (except Persia/Iran) were Christian countries. In the same connection an embassy was also sent to Yamama in Arabia itself (east of the Hijaz) where the Banu Haneyfa tribe was Christian, and also the Hareth tribe of Najran who voluntarily sent an embassy to Madina. This shows Muhammad’s multilateral diplomacy and his demand to live in peace. Islam goes on to tell the Quranic ideas to all of the humanity, muslims have to tell Quranic principles to all of the humanity that Quran encourages discussions with non muslims. This verse had been written in the letter that was sent to Byzantium Empire by Muhammad: “Say: “O People of the Book! Come to an agreement between us and you, that we shall worship none but Allah, that we shall assign no partner to Him, and that none of us shall take others for gads beside Allah. And if they turn away, then

say: “Bear witness that we are the submitters (to Allah)”(Al-i Imran, 64) Islamic countries may be an open platform for this kind discussions/conferences/panels. Believers should notice the hypocrite diplomats/envoys: “O you who believe! If a wicked person brings you some news, inquire into it carefully lest you should harm others unwittingly and afterwards be sorry for what you did.”(Hujurat,6) Believers should follow this guiding principle: whenever you receive an important piece of news, you should not accept it immediately but should first examine the person who brings it. CALM



It is permissible that non muslims can put their ideas (against Islam) openly in public opinion in an Islamic country or in international arena. That’s why Islamic state behaves calmly to this kind studies/statements in its foreign affirs policy: “Say (to them, O Muhammad): “Then bring a Book from the presence of Allah that yields better guidance than these two, (that) I may follow it, if you are truthful. And if they answer you not, then know that what they follow is their caprice.”(Qasas,49-50) Not to insult: “Revile not those to whom they pray besides Allah, lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance...”(An’am, 108) This verse lays it down as a principle of dialogue that muslims should not insult the objects of devotion venerated by others. Here the case of idols is presented; so how much more impotrant must it be to refrain from insulting the deities of others when those deities are those of a higher religion. When explaining the fallacies of a certain belief, one must not descent into abuse, for this will have no effect, and may cause the listener to be repelled, and even the curse the God to whom he is being called. Muslims know that (like in the past and now and also in the future) the majority of the world’s population will be non-muslims: “And though you (O Muhammad) try so eagerly, the majority of men will not believe .” (Joseph, 103) That’s why the necessity of dialogue is a reality for muslims. IMMIGRATION Immigration is a solution for oppressed minority muslim groups to free countries or Islamic states: “(God says) O My creatures who believe! My earth is spacious. Therefore worship Me only.”(Ankabut, 56) “Assuredly, as for those whom the angels take (in death) while they wrong themselves, (the angels) will ask: “In what were you engaged?” They will reply: “We were oppressed in the land.” (The angels) will say: “Was not Allah’s earth spacious enough for you could have migrated therein?” As for such, their habitation will be hell, an evil journey’s end; Except those who are weak among men, and women, and the children, who are unable to devise a plan and are not shown a way.(Nesa’, 97-8) Before the Emigration to Madina, Muslims were oppressed, persecuted, and mistreated, so much so that Muhammad instructed some to emigrate to Ethiopia. In the 622, the Prophet Muhammad and his companions undertook the greater Emigration

to the city of Madenah, 12 days’s journey with camel caravans to the north. The muslims left everything behind for the cause of God, and proceeded to organize a new society and a new state in Madinah. After this it was obligatory on every believing man and woman to flee from idolatry and disbelief, with the exception of those who were weak, disabled or unable to emigrate, who were obliged to stay behind. Those who were unwilling to sacrifice their homes, their businesses, their properties, and their relations were warned by the revelation of the above verses that their end would be hellfire. If to perform the prayers is not possible, the muslims may immigrate to a free (non muslim) or a muslim country.There are different methods to cruel administratons: to struggle or to immigrate; or after struggle to immigrate; or some of them give a struggle to cruel power and some of them immigrate to afree country like in Meccan period. Islamic minorities should struggle against idolatry with the way of telling of Islamic principles.These minorities disobey the idolaters but they go on to tell with strong words (arguments of Quran): “So obey not the unbelievers, and strive against them thereby with agreat effort.”(Furqan,52) Above verse was revealed in Meccan period (first 13 years of Muhammad’s prophethood) and the muslim were a small minority under heavy torments.In a multicultural society, muslims also follow this path (no fight with disbelievers): “And the creatures (worshippers) of Compassionate God are they who walk on the earth in modesty. And if the ignorant address them, they say, “Salute” (Furqan,63) Muhammad sent a group of his companions to Abyssinia as immigrants and then in the 12th year of Islam they began to immigrate (returned) to Madina city, after 6 months Muhammad also went to Madina. Muslims always look in compassion/mercy to immigrants from the early days of Islam: “Those, before them, who had homes in the city (Madenah) and embraced the Faith before them love those who have sought refuge with them; they entertain no desire in their hearts for what they are given, but rather prefer them above themselves, though poverty become their lot”(Hashr,9) Islamic state should take(have) pity on the immigrants, we know that there is a barakat (blessings) in offeringto a guest/visitor whether he/she is rich or poor.Islamic state and the citizens of Islamic countries should not be enemy to immigrants. Because, muslims believe that Muhammad said that 14 centuries ago: “The meal of two persons is enough for four persons and the meal of four persons is enough for eight persons.” The cruel power may want to convert the believers to their religion, in that case immigration is a unique solution like in the history of prophets Moses, Abraham.. FREE


Mecca (city) was a free city in the wars from the days of Patriarch Abraham that he had built the Ka’ba (Holy Mosque) thousands years ago.Quran also accepted this: “...But do not fight them (polytheists) at the Inviolable Sanctuary (Masjed-al Haram: Prohibited Mosque, in original words) until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there), then kill them.”(Baqara,191) (Rome was declared as a free city also in the second world war.) ALCOHOLIC




Islam’s struggle on alcoholic drinks and gambling will go on to doomsday because Quran accepts these two harmful instruments give harms, although they both have got some benefits for human kind: “They ask you about alcoholic drinks and gambling. Say: “There is great harm in both, although there is some benefit for mankind, but their sin is greater than their benefit.”(Baqara, 219)

“O you who believe! Alcoholic drinks and gambling, and (occult dedication of) stones and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan’s handiwork. Leave them aside in order that you may be in salvation.(Maedah, 90) Muslims have to establish international institutions/associations against alcoholic beverages and gambling. These two, destroy the families, give way to murders of innocent peoples and enmity among humankind: “Satan seeks only to cast among you enmity and hatred by means of strong drink and gambling..”(Maedah,91) As a general rule Islamic state follows: “O you who believe!...Help one another in goodness and piety, and help not one another in sin and transgression...”(Maedah,2) That’s why, Islamic state will propagate its ethical values to the peoples of the world but muslims do not use force: As an examples, Serbians and peoples of Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania, Macedonia, Greek were under Ottoman Empire Administration approximately 300/600 years, but all of these Christian peoples protected their religious beliefs, traditions that Ottomans did not use force on them in these long centuries. ENMITY





Quran gives Patriarch Abraham as a good example for muslims. Abraham is mentioned 64 different verses in Quran: “There is an excellent example for you in Abraham and those who followed him. They said to their people : “We are quit of you and that which you worship besides Allah. We renounce you; enmity and hate will reign between us until you believe in Allah only-except Abraham’s saying to his (polytheist) father: “I shall implore Allah to forgive you, although I have no power to save you from His punishmentGod, in You we have put our trust; and to You we turn in repentance: to You is the (our) return.(Mumtahenah,4) Patriarch Abraham declared that he was an enemy to the mistake opinions of idolaters but he did not kill any idolater, he did not do any terrorist action to the idolaters even they did him torments. JUST



“...And if you judge between mankind, that you (should) judge justly...”(Nesa’, 58) Quran does not say “between muslims” but “between mankind” so muslims must behave justly in international affairs. In international affairs to be just to muslim/non muslim countries is the first rule. “O you who believe! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity; and let not hatred of any people make you swerve from justice. Deal justly; that is nearer to Godfearing.”(Maedah, 8) And as ageneral rule for muslims: “And do not incline towards those who do cruel acts (or who work iniquity), or the Fire will touch you, and you will have no protecting friends other than Allah, and then you will not be helped.”(Hud, 113) Religion is not a reason of discrimination, there is wicked man in every nation: “Among the People of Book (Christians and Jew) there is he who, if you trust him with a weight of treasure, will return it to you. And among them there is he who, if you entrust him with a single (gold) coin, will not return it to you, unless you keep standing over him.”(Al-i Imran, 75) ALTERNATIVE



Quran prohibits interest. According to Quran, sentences of the Prophet Muhammad and classical Islamic law books, there is no diffrence between interest and usury: “..Allah has permitted trade/business and forbidden usury..”

“O you who believe! Have fear of Allah and give up what is still due to you from interest, if you are true believers. (And the heaviest threat:) And if you do not, then be warned of war (against you) by Allah and His Prophet. If you repent, you may retain your principal (without interest).” (Baqara,275-7879) Some sentences from a “call for papers” of Islamic Development Bank (that the majority of the Islamic countries are the members of Bank) shows the studies of non-interest system in the world: “With 261 banks managing about $ 250 billion, and with the assets of these banks growing by about 10% per annum, the international and lslamic community are looking at Islamic banks as drivers of growth and development in their own regions and in the international marketplace. The Islamic financial industry is becoming increasingly diverse, including commercial, investment and offshore banks, mutual insurance (Takaful), and investment funds. Islamic financial institutions now exist in many non-muslim countries, including countries in Europe and America, where these institutions operate alongside conventional financial institutions. Also, many conventional banks have opened Islamic windows or separate branches and subsidiaries that specialize in Islamic financial products.” In another “call for papers” we see these sentences: “...In 2005, it will be thirty years of Islamic banking practice. A number of Islamic banks have been established during this period under heterogeneous social and economic milieu. What started as a small rural banking experiment in the remote villages of Egypt has now reached a level where many mega international banks are offering Islamic banking products. The practice of Islamic banking now spreads from East to West all the way from Indonesia and malaysia towards Europe and the Americas. The successful operation of these institutions and experiences in all of the muslim countries are sufficient to show that Islamic banking offers an alternative method of commercial banking. The fact that many conventional banks, including some major multinational western banks have also started using Islamic banking techniques is a further proof of the viability of Islamic banking. Islamic banks have succeeded in mobilizing large amount of funds. Despite showing tremendous success in various areas, Islamic banking still remains a nascent industry. There are both theoretical/Shariah and operational issues that need to be resolved. These issues have a constraining effect on the growth of the industry. By its very nature the success of the industry crucially depends on Shariah compatibility. Until the Shariah issues can be resolved in each area, no practice can begin. There are also several operational issues which need to be tackled. CHARACTERISTICS




Although we are in the global age, but the majority of the peoples of world do not still know what muslims believe. Mutual understanding in international arena will serve for the solution of some problems, that’s why muslims have to explain their faith with the verses of Quran: “Say (O Muslims): “We believe in Allah and that which was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes; to Moses and Jesus and the (other) prophets by their God. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Allah we have surrendered ourselves.”(Baqara,136) (The “tribes” (asbat) referred to here are the descendants of the prophet Jacob). TO





Quran informs that the Prophet Joseph worked in a polytheist state that ancient Egyptian religion was steeped in polytheism, state-worship and idolatry: “So the king said: “Bring him (Joseph) before me so that I may attach him

exclusively to myself..” Therefore when he had spoken to him he said: “You shall henceforth dwell with us honoured and trusted.” (Feeling confident that Joseph’s interpretation was a correct and an inspired one, the Pharaoh then asked him for counsel) (Joseph) said: “Set me over the storehouses of the land, for I am a skilled custodian.” (Chapter of Joseph, 54-5) The Prophet Joseph was appointed as supreme authority over the internal affairs of Egypt, governing with the Pharaoh’s own authority. The prophet Joseph took all necesssary precautions for the drought, improving farming techniques, and establishing a system of stores for use in the difficult years ahead. During the years of drought, people from around the world came to Egypt to buy grain. Muslims may work in non-muslim governments and international organizations but they should protect their beliefs that Joseph had said in prison (before his appointment as supreme authority): “..I have abandoned the religion of people who do not believe in Allah and deny the Hereafter.” (Joseph,37) And a muslim works in international organizatons has to be equitable to nonmuslims: “...If they (non-muslims) come to you, either judge between them or decline to interfere...If you judge, judge between them with equity. Surely Allah loves those who judge with equity” (Maedah, 42)





A strong Christianity was not born after 1989 in Iron Curtain countries (of Eastern Europe) or in Russia, Ukrania. But in Uzbakistan, Tadjikistan, Chechenia, Islamic movements were born rapidly. Why? This is from Islam’s faith that Islam does not see the secularization as a good system. Quran says Islamic State/courts/muslims must follow Islamic law: “So judge between them by that which Allah has revealed, and follow not their desires, but beware of them lest they seduce you from some part of that which Allah has revealed to you.And if they turn away, then know that Allah’s will is to smite them for some sin of theirs. Indeed many of mankind are evildoers.” (Maedah, 49) Prof.Uzunoglu says in the explanation of this verse: Those who refuse to live in the Divinely-revealed way of life, may be smitten for their sin, either in this world, through a catastrophe such as massacre, exile, enslavement or incarceration; or alternatively, their chastisement may be postponed to the Hereafter. Islamic shariah courts, Islamic religious schools (madrasas), education according to Islamic rules, head-scarf...are very important institutions, figures, realities for muslims (from Morocco to Indonesia) that the roots of these institutions find themselves in Quran. Muslims are enjoined to obey the rules of Quranic verses in every areas of the life: “And We (God) reveal to you the Book (Quran) with the truth, that you should judge between mankind by that which Allah shows you.”(Nesa’, 105) “Follow that which is inspired in you from your God”(An’am, 106) Quranic principles prohibit a reformation in Islam. That’s why non-muslims have to know this reality and accept the traditions of Islam as a good cultural diversity for world culture. The diplomacy world has changed especially in last 15 years, after Cold War. If we ask “What is the most important three subjects (or three key words in circulation) in today’s international relations?” They are Islam, China’s growth and Environmental problems. Muslims are the 19.67 % of world population. In today’s world even Russia wants to become a member of Islamic Conference, because

of its muslim population. Muslims have got the majority in 10 republics of 21 republics of Russian Federation. (These republics: Altay, Bashkortostan, Chechnya, Chuvashiya, Dagestan, Karachayevo-Cherkesiya, Ingushetya, Kabardino-Balkariya, Sakha (Yakutiya) and Tatarstan. Muslims as ethnic groups: Tatars 3.8% of population of Russia, Chuvash 1.2%, Bashkir 0.91% and other muslim groups: Chechens, Cherkesis, Dagistanians (Avars, Lazgees..) and other Caucasians muslim peoples 8.1%) . Russian President Putin said: “There were 700 mosques in Russia in 1991, but today (2003) 7,000 and we want to be representative of 20 million muslims of Russia in Islamic Conference. (Oct., 16, 2003) WHY




God did not send Muhammad as a problem for world. Muhammad as a prophet, his aim was an ethical revolution in the earth. Muhammad also was not sent for fighting/war: “(O Muhammad)! We (God) have only sent you as a mercy for all worlds”(Anbeya, 107) May be, today’s Islam gives a scene of hard, rigid, rough but this appearance does not reflect the Quranic reality: “It was by the mercy of Allah that you were lenient with them (O Muhammad). Had you been stern and hard-hearted, they would have surely have dispersed from round about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult with them in the conduct of affairs (of the community); and you are resolved , put your trust in Allah.”(Al-i Imran, 159) PEACE






“Two muslims (Huzayfah and his father) had been captured by polytheists before the Bader war (between muslims and polytheists). Polytheists took (obtained) the promise from these both muslims not to fight to polythists in the coming Bader war, and released both of them. Huzayfah and his father met with the Prophet Muhammad on the way to Madina (capital city of muslims) and they both told what they promised to polytheists and what is the opinion of the Prophet about this promise. The Prophet said both of them “Return to Madina, we are muslims and we perform what we gave (as a promise) and we want help from God.” (Muslim, K.Jihad was Siyar, B, 35,Had, 99) We see in this event (even) in a critical time (before the Bader war) muslims should keep their promise that in that days muslims were only 319 soldiers and they were in need of much person even one person, but God had said in Quran: “O you who believe ! Fulfill your undertakings” (Chapter of Maidah,verse,1). Fulfillment of undertakings, promises and contracts, is a pillar of the Islamic social, legal and political order. Here it is a proclaimed as an absolute obligation. The Prophet was not in a hurry to propagate Islam because God had said: “Therefore, have patience (O Muhammad) as did the masters of determination Prophets (Jesus Christ, Moses, Abraham, Noah), and do not be in haste concerning them...(Ahqaf,35). To Per- form the rules of God (and teach these to the humanity) was more important. In a famous event, in the life of the Prophet, the Prophet had gone to Taif city to invite them to Islam in the tenth year of his prophethood. The Prophet Muhammad was very sad because his city that he was born and lived 50 years there, had not accept Islamic principles. He went to Taif city but a tragical event was waiting the Prophet. The people of Taif stoned the Prophet and the shoes of the Prophet were full of his blood. He took refuge to a vineyard out of Taif. And in the teachings of muslims (Hadith Book of Muslim,K.Jihad,B,39,had,111) the angel of mountains came to the Prophet and said: “O Muhammad, God heard what your nation said to you.I am the angel of mountains.

God sent me to you what you command what you want. If you want to close these two mountains on these polytheists, (I kill (destroy) them)”. The Prophet said: “No, I hope, God (will) take out (extract,create) from their descendants believers that they worship only one God and do not recognize a partner with Him.” The Prophet did not want the kill of polytheists. This is Islam. They say “the home of democracy is England”, we can say “the home of tolerance is Madina”, 14 centuries ago the Prophet Muhammad had put the principles of tolerance to muslims and nonmuslims in the middle of Arabian deserts. After ten years from the above event, the Prophet had got a powerful army and he sieged Taif but the people of Taif also refused the offers of the Prophet. He raised the siege and only prayed for them: “O my God,show (inform) them the true path”. After a short time they became muslims. Islam/Prophet had adopted the method of persuasion. We see this in the verses, revealed in the first year of Islam: “Have you not seen (considered) how your God dealt with (the tribe of) Aad. (The people) of the many-columned city of Iram. Whose like has never been built in the lands; And with (the tribe of ) Thamud, who clove the rocks in the valley;And with Pharaoh, of (the victims impaled upon stakes. They had transgressed in the land and multiplied corruption in it. Therefore your God let loose on them the scourge of His punishment; For your God is ever watchful.” (Fajr,v,6-14) In the long tragical 13 years of Meccan period, Quran threated idolaters only the torment of Hereafter: “Say: “(Quran is) the Truth from your God”. Now whosoever will, may believe, and whosoever will, may disbelieve. For the cruels (wrong-doers) We (God) have prepared a fire (whose flames) will encircle them like the walls of a tent. If they ask for a drink they shall be showered with water as (hot as) melted brass, which will scald their faces. How terrible a drink, how evil the resting-place.”(Kahf,v,29). “Therefore, remind, for you are one to remind: You are not at all a warder over them. But who turns away and rejects faith, Allah (God) will punish him with a most terrible torment. Surely to Us (God) will be their return, Then it will be for Us to do the reckoning.” (Ghashıhay,v,21-26). Quran emphasized the punishment of next world but in some verses Allah will also punish in the world (but not muslims): “Those before them (old nations also) denied, and so the sourge overtook them unawares.Thus Allah made them taste disgrace in the life of the world, but the punishment of the Hereafter will be more terrible,if they only knew!” (Zumar,v, 25-26) In the 20th century the famous muslim political thinkers like Hasan al Banna of Egypt, Mawdudi of Pakistan, Abu-l Kalam Azad of India, Erbakan of Turkey..did not order to kill innocent people or to do terrorist attacks. These leaders had not got any weapon in their hands. Quran was revealed to Muhammad not to kill the humankind but only for advice: “And verily We (God) have given mankind in this Quran every kind of parable, so that they may take heed.”(Zumar,v,27); “This is a message to all of the universes” (Sad,v,87). God ordered the Prophet Muhammad (and to us) to forgive the disbelievers: “(O Prophet), tell the believers to pardon the errors of those who do not fear the days of Allah(God), so that Allah may Himself recompense a group for what they have earned. Whoever does good, does so far himself, and whoever does evil will himself bear its burden. And afterward to your God you will be brought back.”(Jathiyah,v,14-15). God knows it is not easy to leave the old opinions: “...Dreadful for the idolaters is that to which you (O Muhammad) are calling them...”(Shura,

v,13). That’s why muslims have to be patient and at the end everybody is free to choose Islam or not..: “As for him who regards himself as self-sufficient. To him you eagerly attend.Though it is not your concern if he does not purify himself. But as for him who eagerly hastens to you, And is in fear of Allah, You are heedless of him. By no means (should it be so)! (The Quran) is surely an Admonishment. So let whosoever will, pay heed to it.”(Abasa,v,5-12) SOMETIMES




The Prophet (and the other prophets) was a social man, he was in the streets, in the fairs, he used to tell Islam in everywhere and sometimes he was unsuccessfful in this way but God used to console him: “And whosoever disbelieves, let not his disbelief afflict you (O Muhammad). Unto Us (God) is their return, and We shall tell them what they did.” (Luqman, v,23); “Prophets indeed have been denied before you, and they were patient under the denial and persecuation till Our (God’s) aid reached them.” (An’am,v,34) The Prophet Muhammad and other prophets were insulted but they were patient against these: “Even so, whenever a prophet came to those that were before them they cried: “Sorcerer!” or “Madman!” Have they handed down this (cry) from one generation to the next?..”(Zariyat,v,52-3); “Therefore,give warning (O Muhammad).By the grace of Allah,you are neither a soothsayer nor a madman. Or do they say: “He is a poet; we are waiting for some misfortune to befall him?” Say (to them): “Wait if you will; I too am waiting along with you!” Do their minds prompt them to say this? Or is it merely that they are wicked man?” Do they say: “He (Muhammad) has invented it (Quran) himself?” Indeed, they have no faith. Let them produce a speech like it, if what they say be true! (Tur,v,29-34). We see in these verses Quran chose a a way of dialogue with the disbelievers and Quran did not avoid to say their claims in its original text because their answers were ready. That’s why some Islamic constitutional scholars say it is not a problem in an Islamic state talking of disbelievers on the public opinion with their arguments because Islam (will) response them with strong evidences. The Prophet Muhammad solved a lot of problems with dialogue, there is a “mubahala” event in Madina period that a verse describes this: “And those who dispute with you concerning him (Jesus), after the knowledge which has come to you, say (to them): “Come! Let us summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, then we will pray humbly and invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie.” (Al-i Imran, v,61) This is known as the verse of “mubahala”. According to some interpreters of Quran, a group of people from the Christians of Najran in Yemen came to visit the Prophet Muhammad. They stated that since Quran acknowledges the fact that Jesus Christ was born without a father, then it would be seem that Jesus was God. The Prophet invited them to take part in this procedure of mubahala. They refused to accept the proposal; instead signed a treaty with Muslims, and accepted their protection. THEY





In some cases there is another way: “And when you see those who meddle with Our (God’s) revelations, withdraw from them until they meddle with another topic...” (An’am, V,68) During the Meccan period, the believers were not allowed to fight; the idolaters took advantage of this situation, and mocked at the believers, and the revelations that were being revealed by God. Because of this, God commanded the Prophet Muhammad to leave their company. Some scholars say: although this

revelation was directed specifically to the Prophet in the first instance, its implications are applicable to all Muslims who find themselves in the company of blasphemy and evil, and yet have not the power to prevent it. On the other hand, Islam is not a passivist religion. Muslims were in a difficult position under the administration of cruel idolaters in Mecca city. Even cruels attacked to the Prophet when he was praying to his God: “Have you seen the man who forbids, A servant when he prays? Have you considered if he follows the right guidance. Or enjoins piety? Think:if he denies the truth and gives no heed, Does he not know that Allah sees all things? (Alaq,v,9-14) But even in this position God had ordered the Prophet not to obey the idolaters: “No! Never obey him!..”(Alaq,v,19) But the Prophet always chose solutions with non-military precautions. Three famous wars in Islamic history that the Prophet also entered himself Bader, Uhud and Khandak were defence wars that polytheists had attacked to Madina.Verses of the Chapter of Mumtahanah (v,7-8-9) gives a general strategy about relations with non-muslims: “It may well be that Allah will put good-will between you and those with whom you have hitherto been at odds. Allah is Mighty;and Allah is forgiving,Merciful. Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who have neither made war on your religion nor driven you from your homes.Allah loves the equitable. Allah only forbids you to make friends either those who have fought against you on account of your religion and driven you from your homes, or abetted others to do so. Those who make friends with them are cruels (wrongdoers)”. In Islamic teaching there is not also hypocracy: “Therefore,obey not the rejecters. They wish you were pliant, so that they would be pliant. Nor yield to the wretch who makes many oaths.Detracter, spreader abroad of slanders. Hinderer of the good, transgressor, malefactor. (Qalam,v,8-12) Yesterday’s enemy may be tomorrow’s friend: “Good and evil deeds are not equal. Repel evil with what is better; you will see that he with whom you had enmity has become your dearest friend. And none is granted this except those who endure with fortitude; and none is granted this save the owner of great happiness. (Fusılat;v,34-35) Indeed a lot of men (like Umar b. Hattab,Khaled b. Waled,Amr b. As)that they wanted to kill the Prophet, but in the future years of Islam they became good muslims and served Islam very much. We also have to take out new Umars new Khaleds from today’s enemies of Islam. Quran expects even repentance of men who did heavy torments to muslims. “Those Who persecuted the believing men and women and never repented will suffer the punishment of Hell and the torture of burning.”(Buruj,V,10). They had burnt muslims but God wanted these cruel men’s repentance. That’s why the Prophet Muhammad forgave Abu Sufyan, Safwan b. Umayya, Wahshi that they had done very harmful attacks to muslims in the past years. The Prophet Muhammad did not establish a regular army even a regular squad for protect himself or protect the capital city. With a temporary army,they used to defend the capital city. This Islamic movements’s aim was an ethical cleanness. To worship only one God. Not any other. Quran puts general principles for ease, peace, quiet of human kind: “And We (God) have enjoined upon man concerning his parents; his mother bears him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years.Give thanks to Me (God) and to your parents..” “Turn not your cheek in scorn toward people, nor walk with insolence in the land. For Allah loves not each arrogant boaster.” “Be modest in your walking and subdue your voice..” (Luqman,v,14,18,19). Message of Quran is reposeful, restful, a source of peace of mind. The Prophet Muhammad did not do only political, judicial revolution but he

also did an ethical revolution. We know that a man came to the mosque and after praying he urinated in the mosque, although the friends of the Prophet wanted to beat but the Prophet did not permit this and gave advice to this man. (Muslim,K.Tahara,B,30,Had,98-99). The Prophet Muhammad behaved with patiently in the problem of the hypocrites. Hypocrites were opponent activities to Islam and to Islamic state that they used to say “we are muslims” but they were not muslims. In spite of their bad actions, the Prophet did not press them. On the contrary, He used his every effort to keep the hypocrites in the circle of Islamic state. Hypocrites did not see a torture or daunt from the Prophet or muslims. After Uhud war the Prophet did not punish the escaped soldiers (from hypocrites). In the future years, include in the war of Tabuk and in the wars of the period of four caliphes,this type soldiers were not punished with capital punishment or the other punishments. But morale/ethical punishments were preferred by Islamic governments. In Quran we see the advice/order of God “Be Patient” in different 19 verses. In addition to,in another 80 verses “to be patient” is advised to muslims.The concept of “Be Patient” made formed muslims in their every deeds. They were not passivists but they knew to act/behave calm. The Prophet had not got any weapon in Meccan period but he was against every oppression to slaves, women...He protected orphans,poors. Muslims also have to help Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Green Peace,Save the Children...and establish like these institutions. In the long Islamic history, muslims have seen good periods and tragical years but today they are ready to build a new Islamic civilization that will be useful for all peoples of the world. Islamic tolerance to non-muslims and Islamic patience to their muslim brothers will build a new world order in the 21th century.

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